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Second Mst observation.

Jawaher Saeed.


Today students study about Solid, Liquid and Gas. The lesson was for grade 3 students in Al
Alyaa school. I taught this lesson in teams app/web with the grade 3 students as a online lesson.

I try to build on the students in this lesson to use their board and paper to make them use their
hands on things more than watching video and listing to the teacher. In this lesson the students
are Study about solid, liquid and gas also they are focusing with me in the time that I explain for
them the meaning of the three states of matter.

Teacher can see how much the students are responded for the lesson in anytime of the lesson ,
because most of the students are respond and showing their respondence at the middle of the
lesson after they understand what the lesson is talking about , and this what I saw in this lesson
most of the students are showed me their respondence after some practice and activity.

Students are known about states of matter , and they know about the different between each
matter. The engaging from me to the students in this lesson was more better than before because
I know them well and know their level so I can go with them on their level.

Teaching math lesson was a good experience to me and it’s for grade 3 so this was my first time
teach grade 3 students the students how learn new things on their life and the. In this lesson I
achieved the goals that I pot in the lesson plan and it was about 90% of the students will know
about the matter and the state of matter.
Enhance science lesson with the students is the easiest thing that can happen because the science
just need to understand the meaning of each matter and the difference between each matter. I
need to pot activity for the students as a homework to make sure they will study will and not
forget the things that they studied in today, because doing practice is the best way to teach
students .The implications that happen to me when I practice is positive implications, and it
make me go up and do many thing that I don’t do it before and this can show me that develop on
me and I learned well from the practice.

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