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Activity 1 in Lesson 1 (Assessment)

1. Choose the items that best describes your general reaction to science and technology and
provide a short description why you choose that item.
For me excitement and wonder. An excitement and wonder about new technologies
that will continue to transform the world and improve human welfare. In science and technology
there is always the admiration of discovery and pursuing to effectively discover the intelligibility
of nature. Science is terribly exciting that not just come from solving a problem but comes from
achievement of understanding. We are excited and wonder what science and technology will
promote or provide for the better world that always benefit all of us. Learning science is exciting
and make’s us wonder because of new discoveries, experiments and new knowledge to
promote sustainable development to the needs of local and global community.
2. It has been stated that it is not possible to separate basic science from technology (applied
science). Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?
I agree with this statement because science and technology can’t be separated because
they have always supported and affected each other. The tools that used for scientific research
are products of technology. Therefore, science and technology have been connected
inseparably connected along their path of development. Science is the intellectual and practical
activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and
natural world through observation and experiment while technology is where we apply science
to create devices that can solve problems and do tasks so it is literally the application of
science. Technology uses science to solve problems and science uses technology to make new
discoveries. It is impossible for them to separate.
3. Look at the world. It is full of pollution, right? Look at the sky. It is gray right? Look at people.
They are getting lazier and lazier. Why is this so?
A simple answer is because of impact of modern technology. Air pollution occurs
because of technologies which emerged following the industrial revolution such us the burning
fossils, factories, power stations, mass agriculture and vehicles. It increased the amount of
greenhouse gases in the air trap thermal energy in the earth’s atmosphere and cause the global
temperature to rise. People getting lazier and lazier because technology makes them weaker
and causes many health problems, emotional problem and many other problems. Technology
also made our lives so comfortable and easy that we’ve forgotten how difficult it was for
previous generations to combat issue like communication, transportation and information
dissemination. Some causes why technology makes us lazy are online shopping, a massive
amount of entertainment without leaving the room, no more getting lost or asking for directions,
no more pursuing the bookstore, social media for quality time for friend’s restaurant food
delivery and many more.

4. Reflection
Science and Technology relates to each other for the path of development. They are
both useful to us, science is a way of helping our brain grow in finding new knowledge and helps
us defeat our curiosity of how the world develops and works today and technology makes our
life easier. People live in world with science and technology so it is important to study this kind
of subject to learn new discoveries and knowledge, experiments of natural phenomenon.
Technology is both beneficial and not beneficial. The case of being beneficial when
these technologies makes our life easier and happier but not beneficial if it results to health
problems, addiction, pollution, laziness and so on. It is important to be responsible in using
technologies to prevent harm.
I believe in saying that science and technology can solve all the world’s problem, and
historically it has been shown to make the world better and better.

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