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Student’s Name: Caoile, Catherine R.

Date: April 14, 2021

Year/Block/Group: 3BSN-1 Area of Assignment:
Clinical Instructor: Ma’am Carol Joy Paragas

"The Importance of Living a Purpose-Driven Life"

Summary of Journal Reviewed

Kindness came easily for my dad. It was one of his top character strengths and he expressed
it effortlessly. One of my earliest lessons on living a life with meaning came from him. His
approach to “doing good” was as practical and logical as you’d expect from an actuary. He said,
“When you have a chance to help someone, and it’s easy for you to do...just do it.”
After years of hearing this every time I saw him writing a check, explaining why he believed in
donating anonymously, or every time he advised me on how to—as he might say, “not to be an
asshole”—I internalized it. And his words have probably been the single piece of advice that
most contributed to my own sense of purpose in life.
But this post isn’t just about my dad. It’s about how each of us can imbue our lives with meaning
—and how doing so will make us healthier, wealthier, and more effective in what we set out to
Individuals with a strong sense of purpose tend to live longer, have healthier hearts, and are
more psychologically resilient.
Purpose may be simple, and it’s certainly free, but that doesn’t mean it always feels easy to
come by.
Part of this gap is due to the fact that we assume purpose is something we fall into, like a
puddle in the road. We also buy into the myth that purpose must be grand and all-consuming.
But purpose isn’t something that happens to us. It’s something we can consciously cultivate.
And very often it’s much more simple than we think. When my father reached the later stages of
dementia, so much of what defined him fell away—his brilliance, his business, his memory, and
even his home, as he eventually needed the 24/7 support of assisted living. But his strength of
kindness remained. In the end, it was kindness that defined his legacy and inspired others.

Reflection ( minimum of 200 words)

Sometimes in our life, two good opportunities await in us, but we only have to choose and
decide on one. A decision that changes our life forever. Every day we have to make a decision
either small or big ones. We always face our closet every time we get dressed up. We have to
decide which clothes to wear, what color of dress that match with green scarf or a simple blue
dress and all that. Whether we have to spend our free time reading our favorite book or just go
to bed and sleep. Or, just sit in the living room watching TV while eating marshmallows. Or,
walking in the park with a puppy to play with. We are the ones who make our life productive and
our everyday decision matter the most from smaller ones to the point that we reach into the
biggest decision we ever made.

I now understand how to have a purpose driven life. That we will be happier if we really fulfill our
mission. A mission that our Creator has prepared for us to do and that mission fulfilled in us.
Even if we stumbled down and sometimes problems defeated us, we just have to go on with
feet stepping on the ground. Even if, we have our own problems, pains and struggles, we have
to keep our hearts beating for our loves ones, our friends, our neighbors, even in our enemies
and the people around us. In short, we have to look at also that the world never twist just around
us, but also with the others too. With our minds thinking about how to do the things done.. We
recreate ourselves to inspire many and keep inspiring, especially the youth of today. Spend
here and spend there are mostly our priorities which sometimes we never aware of. While some
part of the world, many of our brothers and sisters suffered in different ways and tortures of life.

We can't simply change the world really, but if we want change, the changes should start from
our very own selves. By then we understand that life is beautiful if we know how to appreciate
little things. Why not take an inventory of the things in our lives? Maybe not with everything but
definitely, of the things at hand, the little things and the big things. Trying to see them either as a
gift that we must be grateful for, or as burdens that we must get rid of. In our closet, for instance,
we look at what we have and say, "thank you." We must be thankful and grateful all the time
that we have clothes to wear everyday. That we have comforters to keep us warm. That we
have pillows to succor our head. That we have a bed to lie down for a good sleep and we have
a roof to stay in and shield us from the heat and rain. That we have enough food to eat every
day to keep us hale and hearty. NThen we seize and fathom, in this, the meaning of
perseverance becomes a reminder that, even if we falter or fold or fail to be kind or mindful, we
can begin again. We are imparted and given a chance of another day to breathe again, make
every moment count, see some life and the opportunity to correct the wrongs of yesterday.
There is always time to be mindful and heedful.

We have an array and the realm of possibilities to choose and if we adjudicate and commit
oneself to something, may we always be cognizant of the knowledge that we have and know
how to stand on it. And that, there is always an opportunity to be kind, fortuity, generous and

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