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What a lean consultant can do for you?

A lean consultant can help you get the result. We have expert. We have undergone more than
200 projects on lean consultation. Each client has received a 200 % plus return on investment.
Our unique approach offers you quick result. Our expert lean consultant not only gives you
advice but also handhold during execution. Our Expert lean consultant has implemented lean
practice in
1. Manufacturing industries
2. Service industries
3. Construction industries
4. Health care industries
we have a 20 expert lean consultant who had worked for different industries. Our lean
consultant had a different approach and assure you measurable results.

Our Lean consulting approach is unique. We have divided your project is 5 phases

5 step approach in lean Implementation

Step 1- Gap Analysis

In this phase, Our Lean consultant collects the Assess & understand your process & collect
require data. During this phase, our Lean consultant will also find the scope of improvement.
Step 2 – Lean Project Selection and Lean Tool Selection
In this phase, we identify the correct lean tool and define a measurable target for each project.
Our lean consultant will also prepare a Road map for implementation as well as set targets for

Step 3 – implementation phase

we map execution and each task. we make sure Our projects get completed timely and
effectively. We provide various training during this phase. we make sure implementation
generates the targeted result.

Step 4- Monitoring
we monitor the progress of each process and do correction as and when required.

Step 5- Sustaining
The lean practice must be sustained. Our lean consultant helps your creat sustainable lean
practice. we help you design procedure monitoring criteria and habit building activity that help
you sustain Lean practice.

What is Lean Manufacturing?

Lean Manufacturing describes a holistic and sustainable approach that uses less of everything
to give you more. Lean Manufacturing is a business strategy based on satisfying the customer
by delivering quality products and services that are just what the customer needs, when the
customer needs them, in the amount required, at the right price, while using the minimum of
materials, equipment, space, labour, and time.

Lean Manufacturing practices enable an organization to reduce its development cycles,

produce higher-quality products and services at lower costs, and use resources more efficiently.
Although the term Lean Manufacturing has been most directly associated with manufacturing
and production processes, Lean Manufacturing practices cover the total enterprise, embracing
all aspects of operations, including internal functions, supplier networks, and customer value

Lean Manufacturing means less of many things — less waste, shorter cycle times, fewer
suppliers, less bureaucracy. But Lean Manufacturing also means more — more employee
knowledge and empowerment, more organizational agility and capability, more productivity,
more satisfied customers, and more long-term success.

The core idea of Lean Manufacturing is actually quite simple…Relentlessly work on eliminating
waste from the manufacturing process.

• Cost Reduced
• Reduce lead time
• Waste reduction
• Improved productivity
• Reducing work in progress
• Reduce defects
• Reducing waiting Time
• Reducing change over time
• Better utilization of space and equipment


• SMED/Setup Time Reduction

• Poka-yoke

• Quality Circle

• Kaizen


How lean Manufacturing can help you?

Waste is defined as any activity that does not add value from the customer’s perspective. If you
look forward to improve any of the scene given below lean is a right thing for your company.

• Using more raw material than necessary: Not only are you buying, transporting, and
storing the extra raw material in the first place, but you then have to pay to transport and
dispose of damaged or obsolete goods.
• Spending more time to develop and produce your products and services: You’re not just
making the customer wait — you’re also consuming energy, wasting people’s time and
using facilities to store and move around materials and work. And there’s the opportunity
cost of delayed payment.
• Making mistakes: Not only are mistakes frustrating to you, your coworkers, and your
management, as well as the customer, but you have to spend more time and use more
materials doing it over.
• Overproducing and carrying excess inventory: Excess inventory directly wastes space.
Plus, it has to be handled and maintained. And what’s the sense in making more than
you’re selling?
• Using more space than necessary: Space is facility and capital cost, as well as the energy
and labor to maintain it.
• Spending more money than necessary: It doesn’t take an accountant to know that
spending more money than you should to get something done is wasteful!
• Using more equipment and tools than necessary: Not only are those extra tools and
equipment expensive, but they also have to be stored, repaired, and maintained.
• Involving more people than necessary: People are extremely valuable and expensive, and
they should be engaged in doing only what’s most important.
• Having incorrect or incomplete information or instructions: It results in mistakes, rework,
scrap, lost time, and missed deadlines — plus, it can be hazardous.

• Having people work improperly: This is the most wasteful of all. Not only is it a direct
waste of time and effort, but it’s damaging to the psyche and to morale. It’s also
potentially physically harmful and dangerous.
Inquiry Now

7 waste of Lean Manufacturing.

The following are 7 waste of Lean Manufacturing. Lean Manufacturing helps you to
eliminate 7 waste.
Waste is all around you, every day and everywhere. You waste your time waiting in line, waiting
in traffic, or waiting because of poor service. In your home, you may have experienced walking
into a room looking for something that wasn’t where it was supposed to be — wasted time and
effort. In your kitchen, you may have had to throw out science experiments from your
refrigerator — again, waste. Taiichi Ohno identified seven forms of waste. These seven forms

1. Transport – Movement of product or materials between transformational operations is

waste. The more you move, the more opportunity you have for damage or injury. Poor
layouts and disorganization are also common causes of transport wastes. Conveyors in a
Lean Manufacturing environment are not used unless there is a safety reason; even then,
they’re non-value-added. They take up floor space, cause inventory accumulation,
disconnect operators from other parts of the value stream, and interrupt process flow.
2. Waiting – Waiting in all forms is waste. In a production environment, any time an
operator’s hands are idle is a waste of that resource, whether the operator is idle due to
shortages, unbalanced workloads, need for instructions, or by design (when operators
watch machines cycle).
3. Overproduction – Producing more than the customer requires is waste. It causes other
wastes like inventory costs, manpower, and conveyance to deal with excess products,
consumption of raw materials, installation of excess capacity, and so on.
4. Defects – Any process, product, or service that fails to meet specifications is waste. Any
processing that does not transform the product is considered non-value-added. It does
not meet the criteria of done right the first time.
5. Inventory – Inventory anywhere in the value stream is non-value-added. Inventory may
be needed, but it is still non-value-added. It ties up financial resources. It is at risk of
damage, obsolescence, spoilage, and quality issues. It takes up floor space and other

resources to manage and track it. In addition, large inventories can cover up other sins in
the process like imbalances, equipment issues, or poor work practices.
6. Motion – Any movement of people’s bodies that does not add value to the process is
waste. This includes walking, bending, lifting, twisting, and reaching. It also includes any
adjustments or alignments made before the product can be transformed.
7. Excess processing – Any processing that does not add value to the product or is the result
of inadequate technology, sensitive materials, or quality prevention is waste. Examples
include in-process protective packaging, alignment processing like basting in garment
manufacturing or the removal of sprues in castings and molded part.

What is Mura?
Mura (Unevenness) Mura is variation in operation — when activities don’t go smoothly or
consistently. This is waste caused by variation in quality, cost, or delivery. Mura consists of all
the resources that are wasted when quality cannot be predicted. This is the cost of testing,
inspection, containment, rework, returns, overtime, and unscheduled travel to the customer.

What is Muri?
Muri (Overdoing) Muri is the unnecessary or unreasonable overburdening of people,
equipment, or systems by demands that exceed capacity. Muri is the Japanese word for
unreasonable, impossible, or overdoing. From a Lean perspective, muri apply to how work and
tasks are designed. One of the core tenets of Lean is respect for people. If a company is asking
its people to repeatedly do movements that are harmful, wasteful, or unnecessary, then the
company is not respecting the people and, therefore, is not respecting the foundation of Lean.
You perform ergonomic evaluations of operations to identify movements that are either
harmful or unnecessary

Where lean can be implemented?

Lean can be implemented can be done in any type of organization. We did the lean
implementation in many sectors including Manufacturing, Construction, Health care, and
service organization. Industries can be divided into 3 types of patterns.

1) Continuous flow pattern – Low variety high volume production is considered a continuous
flow pattern.
1. Ensuring continuous flow
2. Work/Capacity Balancing
3. Importance of Maintenance Management

4. Good Quality Assurance System

2) Intermittent flow pattern – Intermittent flow Characterized by mid-volume, mid-variety

products/services. Intermittent flow complexities are more than continuous flow. In
Intermittent flow capacity, balancing & flow are difficult but important. Intermittent
flow Batch Processing – Alternative methods of work organization • Intermittent flow Capacity
Estimation is hard & Production Planning & Control is complex
The issue in continuous flow pattern are,
1. Excess inventory
2. High overhead cost
3. Enormous Supervision
4. Excess coordination
5. Capacity Mapping is difficult
6. Long lead times
7. Too much paperwork
8. Poor delivery Reliability

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