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Name: ________________________________ Per.

___ Date: _______

Holocaust Unit Reflection


Today you will begin writing a reflective essay about the Holocaust Unit that we
just completed. This information will be used in two ways – first, to assess your
expository writing skills (writing to explain) and second, to help me understand
which activities and materials were most helpful to you and which ones I may
need to change for next year.

You will be writing a five paragraph essay over the next three days – you must
create a pre-write (4-Square, bubble chart, list, etc) that lists your subtopics,
details, AND vivid descriptions. You will write a first draft that you will edit with
a partner and then you will create a final draft to turn in. Final drafts must be
double spaced, written in ink, and following proper writing mechanics (spelling,
grammar, etc.).

Possible topics for your paragraphs:

1. The most interesting/surprising
Activities from the unit: thing I learned…
Practicing Prejudice (where you drew 2. Activities that I like the
roles out of a bucket and either sat most/least…
against the wall or got extra privileges) 3. A book review of the novel Torn
Urban Dictionaries Thread
One Survivor Remembers Packet and 4. A movie review of the DVD The
video Boy in the Striped Pajamas
KWL Chart (Know, Want to Know, 5. What I would have liked to have
Learned) done/talked about/learned more
Double Journal Entries about…
Darkness Over Denmark Chapter 11 6. Suggestions for next time…
“Concentration Camps” 7. This information will help me in
YouTube Videos my life because…
Propaganda & Political Cartoons 8. It’s important to learn about
Artwork & Poetry history because…
Personal Reflection (journal entry from 9. I think it would have been fun to
the perspective of a 15 year old do ____ for a project with this
German) unit.
The Terrible Things Allegory 10. Other suggestions/ideas/criticism
(Children’s book) about the unit.
Character Webs 11. Anything else you feel is
Schindler’s Choices Interactive Website important (related to this topic
Torn Thread Novel and unit)
Note Card Summaries
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas DVD
Your topic is going to be “My reflection on the Holocaust Unit” so you could start
your essay off (first paragraph) with something similar to this (don’t copy me!!)

“I really enjoyed the Holocaust unit in Mrs. Tweedy’s class for several reasons.
First, I learned a lot of information about WWII that I didn’t know before.
Second, we read a novel as a class, Torn Thread, which I really liked. Finally, we
watched a movie called The Boy in the Striped Pajamas that had a surprising and
sad ending.”

Example of a 4-Square box filled in correctly.

The first thing about the Holocaust Unit that I enjoyed was… 2
Connector (Transition)
Learning about World War II
(Subtopic – Main Idea)

D: I had no idea how many people died during the Holocaust.

V: Over six million Jews were killed and more than 30 million
people died in the war overall.

D: I learned about the conditions in the concentration camps from

the chapter that we read out of “Darkness Over Denmark” and
from the videos we watched on YouTube.

V: The “Band of Brothers” video on YouTube was the most

fascinating to me – it was amazing to see how emaciated the
prisoners were and how awful the camp conditions were.

D: I also learned a lot from reading about Gerda and watching her
video, “One Survivor Remembers” about what life in the camps
was like.

V: At one point, she talked about being on a death march and

girls were so frostbitten that they were able to snap off
their toes like twigs!

E: Learning all of these facts about the war really helped me

understand the novel that we read in class and sympathize with
the characters in the book.

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