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Ways We Can Reduce Teen Dieting

Many teenagers in Middle School and High School struggle with self-esteem, not being

accepted, comparison, and not feeling confident in their own bodies. Some of these teens have

tried different ways to improve their confidence, such as diets, exercising, following people on

social media that they want to look like, and restricting themselves from some of their favorite

foods. Yes, some of these strategies can increase your confidence and your self-esteem, however

they can also be very damaging. But there are healthier ways you can improve your self-image

that will benefit you for years to come.

On average, one in every two teenage girls and one in every four teenage boys have tried

dieting in one way or another (Dieting: Information for Teens, 2018). Diets are known for their

“quick fix”, you can start a new diet and lose weight regardless those results only last

temporarily. Diets are hard to maintain. At first you will be motivated and able to stick to your

diet plan, this will speed up your metabolism. But after a will you might become discouraged and

branch out from the foods you are supposed to eat, this will slow down your metabolism and

reverse all your hard work. According to the article “Dieting: Information for Teens”, they

shared that dieting can make you feel hungry and preoccupied with food, distracted, tired, dizzy,

cold, and sad because you’re depriving yourself of food. Not only can diets take a toll on your

mental health, they also can do more bad than good to your body. Many people who start dieting

also engage in risky behavior such as, trying diet pills, laxatives, and throwing up after meals.

Recognize that your eating habits aren’t safe, and speak to someone about your concerns. A good

solution to dieting is to meet with a nutritionist to discuss healthy recipes and ways you can
enjoy food guilt free. A nutritionist will also help plan the best menu for you and how you can

maintain your physical goals.

Many people believe that following extreme workout programs will give you the best

results. However in the long run they are hard to maintain, and will drain your energy. Exercise

is often known as something positive that will improve your lifestyle, but when it becomes rigid

or interferes with your personal life it can cause issues (Tips for Stopping Eating Disorder

Behaviors, 2020). It will take a couple tries to find the best form of exercise that works for you,

there will be some trial and error. It’s taken me over two years to find a healthy workout plan that

I can stick to. I’ve tried a lot of different forms of exercising before I found a program that I have

been able to stick to. I recommend testing out lots of different types of exercising from dance,

high intensity interval training, weight lifting, running, swimming, hiking, or anything that

interests you. Everybody has different strengths, weaknesses, energy levels, and stamina. Find a

form of exercise that works best for you, your body, and something that you will be able to

commit to.

Social media has caused lots of people to feel ashamed, ugly, insecure, and worthless.

Almost every girl that has social media can agree to comparing themselves to the posts they see

and interact with. Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and VSCO like to promote a certain body type.

This body type is extremely hard to achieve, and social media users envy this body. Social media

expects everyone to have a flat stomach, thin thighs, no stretch marks, and to be strong.

Everyone is different, unique, and beautiful in their own way! Try your best to stop comparing

yourself to social media and people you see at school, realize that you can also be beautiful. I

researched different ways to stop comparing yourself. The one that struck me the most was this

strategy, have a reality check with yourself and ask why you feel envious of this person. Make a
list of all the things that you love about yourself/body, how you can help others feel better about

themselves, and what is most important to yourself in your life (Social Media and Self-Esteem,

2020). By lifting each other up you will also lift yourself up.Also, remember that the people you

compare yourself to also have insecurities, it’s natural!

It’s easier said than done to stop comparing yourself. Sometimes you need to take a step

back from social media, and that’s okay. I have tried something new the past several months, I

have put screen limits to all social media on my phone. I have spent a significantly less amount

of time on social media, and it has really improved my self-esteem. I’ve been using the time I

usually spend on social media to form new hobbies, such as hiking, painting, and playing games

with my family. The Tender Hearts Child Therapy Center, suggests that teenagers try new things

and make new friends. This will dramatically improve your happiness and self-esteem

(Self-Esteem and Teenagers, 2019). I highly recommend that everyone should take a break from

social media and see how it benefits your life. Use the time you would spend on social media

doing something positive and that will make you happy.

If you scroll through who teenagers follow, you may find lots of celebrities, models, and

fitness gurus. These people are easy to compare yourself to. Instead of following accounts that

aren’t going to improve your confidence, follow accounts that are promoting body-positivity,

mental health, healthy and maintainable workouts, and ways you can improve your lifestyle.

Some really great instagram accounts to follow are Bodyimagepositive, Raquelbenitah,

mentalhealth.q, and allianceforeda. I suggest that you unfollow anyone immediately the second

you notice that you’re comparing yourself to them.

Being a teenager is hard, our thoughts are filled with self-doubt, comparison, and

insecurities. Everyone is different and important no matter your dress size, GPA, height, skin
color, or weight. Teenagers tend to go to extremes to ‘fit in’ and feel accepted, one of this

extremes is dieting. Dieting may seem like a simple and attainable solution to improve your

confidence. But there have been many cases where dieting has been proven to worsen your

health. By dieting you are losing necessary nutrients, vitamins, minerals, energy, and will put

your body into survival/starvation mode. Starvation mode will store your fat to give you extra

energy. Instead of battling the possible outcomes of dieting try a better approach!

I recommend you meet with a nutritionist, find an exercise plan you are passionate about and can

stick to, try to stop comparing yourself, limit your screen time, and follow uplifting social media


Work Cited

Alli Spotts-De Lazzer, M. (2020, February 12). Tips for difficult-to-break habits related to

eating disorders. Retrieved April 06, 2021, from

Claire Chamberlain Contributor Claire is a freelance writer specialising in health. (2020,

February 26). 10 ways to stop comparing yourself to others on social media. Retrieved

April 06, 2021, from


Dieting: Information for teens. (n.d.). Retrieved April 06, 2021, from
Self-Esteem and Teenagers: Teen Counseling Cape Girardeau. (2015, December 24).

Retrieved April 06, 2021, from

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