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How to motivate yourself?

Every day we face difficulties. Unfortunately, not everyone feels the sharpness of how
the stages on the way to the goal are defined and as an experience. Many believe that
if they are faced with difficulties, it means that they will not succeed. But how to deal
with it? How to control yourself? Where does motivation come from?
Let's see, what is all the same such motivation? Motivation is a psychological
guideline of a person who pursues goals. Your motivation depends on you, your
mindset, and your inclination to set yourself right.
All of our dreams can become reality if we have the courage to pursue them. [Walt
According to psychologists, the most appropriate methods of motivation are:
1) Keep ideas to yourself
Got new ideas? No one needs to listen to them. Most likely, they will simply smile
insincerely in response to you and think to themselves, “Oh my God, what a
nonsense?”. Often people can upset you, after which there will be no motivation to do
anything. Your idea is your idea, the embodiment of it for yourself, and not for the
sake of praise.
2) Celebrate even very small victories
Celebrating a victory with champagne, even a small one, your brain begins to
associate situations in which you held the advantage with a feature, which means that
in the future you will have more desire to do something for the sake of the result.
3) Rest
Everyone needs rest. Absolutely everyone. You are not a _meme_ Rock or an
insensitive robot. If you work or do something without stopping, there will be no
motivation, you will simply burn out.
4) Concentrate
Not an important point. Concentration. We all know how to sit down to work, sit for 5
minutes and another hour on Tik Tok or Instagram. Yes, it happens, but still,
sometimes you need to pull yourself together)
5) Plan
Setting a goal is not enough, just dreaming a goal will not achieve it. When planning,
you will clearly know what you need to do, and not just sit down and not “ok, I have a
goal, I hope it will achieve itself”
6) Get inspired
The subject of inspiration can be anything, absolutely: people, paintings, nature, posts
from pinterest. Often, having met a quote, you can turn your whole world upside
down, sometimes such things can really charge you for success.
7) Learn
Confidence in one's abilities must be based on something. Feel that you lack
qualifications or you are having difficulty with something - sign up for really
interesting courses that can help you.
8) Love what you do
In my opinion the most important point. If you don’t love what you do, then
motivation will come from nowhere. Learn to do it well, but do not dive into this
business headlong, because you might get bored. Also, do not forget that if you think
that this is the work of your whole life, then it should generate income. Without
income from your business, you can also lose motivation.
9) Appreciate what you do
You tried, put your efforts and spent your time on it - you are in any case a great
I hope that these methods will help you pull yourself together and start doing what
you really like, and not put an end to yourself. Appreciate yourself and your time.

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