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Stress Analysis Report

Analyzed File: In class activity4-20.ipt

Autodesk Inventor Version: 2021 (Build 250183000, 183)
Creation Date: 4/21/2021, 9:13 PM
Study Author: Hector

Project Info (iProperties)

Author hovar

Part Number In class activity4-20
Designer hovar
Cost $0.00
Date Created 4/20/2021

Design Status WorkInProgress

Material Titanium
Density 0.162934 lbmass/in^3
Mass 0.570269 lbmass
Area 32.5 in^2
Volume 3.5 in^3
x=4.32435 in
Center of Gravity y=2.72355 in
z=0.125 in
Note: Physical values could be different from Physical values used by FEA reported below.

Static Analysis:1
General objective and settings:
Design Objective Single Point
Study Type Static Analysis
Last Modification Date 4/21/2021, 9:12 PM
Detect and Eliminate Rigid Body Modes No

Mesh settings:
Avg. Element Size (fraction of model diameter) 0.1
Min. Element Size (fraction of avg. size) 0.2
Grading Factor 1.5
Max. Turn Angle 60 deg
Create Curved Mesh Elements No

Name Titanium
Mass Density 0.162934 lbmass/in^3
General Yield Strength 39972.4 psi
Ultimate Tensile Strength 49965.5 psi
Young's Modulus 14911.3 ksi
Stress Poisson's Ratio 0.361 ul
Shear Modulus 5478.08 ksi
Part Name(s) In class activity4-20.ipt

Operating conditions
Load Type Force
Magnitude 10000.000 lbforce
Vector X 10000.000 lbforce
Vector Y -0.000 lbforce
Vector Z 0.000 lbforce

Selected Face(s)
Fixed Constraint:1
Constraint Type Fixed Constraint

Selected Face(s)
Reaction Force and Moment on Constraints
Reaction Force Reaction Moment
Constraint Name
Magnitude Component (X,Y,Z) Magnitude Component (X,Y,Z)
-10000 lbforce 0 lbforce ft
Fixed Constraint:1 10000 lbforce 0 lbforce 0 lbforce ft 0 lbforce ft
0 lbforce 0 lbforce ft

Result Summary
Name Minimum Maximum
Volume 3.5 in^3
Mass 0.570269 lbmass
Von Mises Stress 7.75292 ksi 22.7597 ksi
1st Principal Stress 16.9187 ksi 24.7519 ksi
3rd Principal Stress -6.36269 ksi 11.2244 ksi
Displacement 0 in 0.00931061 in
Safety Factor 1.75628 ul 5.15578 ul
Stress XX 16.8391 ksi 24.2211 ksi
Stress XY -2.94984 ksi 3.93495 ksi
Stress XZ -1.09942 ksi 1.40344 ksi
Stress YY -1.62713 ksi 11.8389 ksi
Stress YZ -1.35482 ksi 1.01565 ksi
Stress ZZ -6.36133 ksi 12.2217 ksi
X Displacement 0 in 0.00929475 in
Y Displacement -0.000541525 in 0.000478425 in
Z Displacement -0.000310126 in 0.000285329 in
Equivalent Strain 0.000580407 ul 0.00138854 ul
1st Principal Strain 0.000710716 ul 0.00143109 ul
3rd Principal Strain -0.00085755 ul -0.00000596903 ul
Strain XX 0.000697346 ul 0.00142602 ul
Strain XY -0.000269241 ul 0.000359154 ul
Strain XZ -0.000100347 ul 0.000128096 ul
Strain YY -0.000561337 ul 0.00000000146289 ul
Strain YZ -0.000123658 ul 0.0000927013 ul
Strain ZZ -0.000857427 ul 0.000024085 ul

Von Mises Stress

1st Principal Stress

3rd Principal Stress
Safety Factor

Stress XX
Stress XY
Stress XZ

Stress YY
Stress YZ
Stress ZZ

X Displacement
Y Displacement
Z Displacement

Equivalent Strain
1st Principal Strain
3rd Principal Strain

Strain XX
Strain XY
Strain XZ

Strain YY
Strain YZ
Strain ZZ

C:\Users\hovar\OneDrive\Documents\ECPI University\2021\EET 192 3D Modeling\Parametric-Modeling\Chapter3\In class


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