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One Hand Clapping Troubleshooting/FAQ


Problem: Notes not being detected properly. Calibration issues.

Fix: The detected vocal range is set by the calibrated note. The lowest note you
sing creates an octave above that note,
which is the range you are allowed to sing in. If you feel uncomfortable with the
range at which you are set, you
can recalibrate in the pause menu by pressing ESC, selecting "Recalibrate" and
holding a comfortable note for the duration
of the meter fill-up. Make sure you calibrate to a note that is neither too low nor
too high. Also please make sure to plug
in headphones, as the in-game audio played aloud on speakers can create feedback
with the microphone. Other calibration
issues (notably those experienced during the orbit puzzle) might be solved by
muting all audio while singing.

Problem: Microphone keeps on getting cut off in-game.

Fix: You can raise the microphone sensitivity in the game's pause menu. If that is
not enough, you may need to
raise the microphone volume externally by increasing the gain on your microphone or
changing it in system settings. On
Windows, this is under Sound>Recording>Microphone>Levels. On Mac, it's under System
Preference>Sound>Input>Input Volume.
Please avoid unplugging your microphone while the game is running, as this will
break the input. You must close the game
out before changing your input device.

Problem: Game crashes/freezes on initial startup or loading screen.

Fix: One Hand Clapping can sometimes take a while to load. If it does not outright
crash, please wait patiently for the game to respond.
If there is a crash with an error, please fill out the Google Form above with the
crash error and the error log, and we'll do our
best to patch the issue in a future build.

Problem: There is an echo/delay in the in-game microphone playback.

Fix: Alt-tabbing or pausing and unpausing once should fix this problem.

Question: Why is the game called One Hand Clapping?

Answer: The title comes from the Zen Buddhist koan �What is the sound of one hand
clapping?� Koans are questions monks
ask their students to test their understanding of Zen. Despite how illogical koans
might sound, the monks still expect
their students to provide an answer. Simply the capability to deeply consider such
a question sets the human race apart
as mindful and self-aware. In this way, koans are a representation of
consciousness. When faced with a puzzle that one
must solve through singing, it is not �correct answer� that is of main importance.
Everyone has their own vocal range,
singing style, self-confidence, and mind; thus, every solution to a puzzle in One
Hand Clapping is entirely unique.
What makes each experience interesting is the subjective process of reaching an
objective goal.

Thank you so much for downloading the game. If you have any additional questions,
please do not hesitate to message us
directly through the contact form on our website

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