2021 Documentary Project

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NAME: _____________________

DATE: _____________________
PD: _______ PG: _________
The Men Who Built America Documentary Project
Directions: In this project you are going to be assigned one of the men who we label as Industrialists. These men’s
brilliance assembled and organized the necessary resources to create massive empires in America in the late 1800s and
early 1900s. Most of these men started very low in life but used their minds and charisma to create huge companies that
would make them some of the richest people the world has ever seen! Your job is going to be to research one of these
men and create a documentary style presentation for the class. Project due 4/12 for G Day Classes and 4/13 for C Day.

Every day of this assignment involves the completion of a specific task by each member of the group. Your work in these
tasks will be graded EVERYDAY. Please make sure that you are keeping up with your contributions to the group (even if
you are not in class, you must contribute to your group or risk getting a 0 for that portion of the project.)

Day Procedures
- Find your topic and introduce yourself to your team.
- Have one person open, make a copy, and share out the Day 1 Organizer
titled “Documentary Notetaking Organizer.”
- During today’s class, each person needs to find 2 sources on their assigned
- As a group, you need to communicate about what source you are
completing because no two group members should be doing the same
Day 1: source.
3/29-3/30 - As you find sources, complete the recently shared out google doc to
compile a uniform centralized database of information about your
Doing the industrialist.
Research - After you complete notetaking on a source, complete a citation in Chicago
style (you can use noodle tools) and add that to the organizer. (You
- By the end of the day each person in the group should have found 2
sources, read them, taken notes on them, and made a citation for each of
them in noodle tools.
- The day one Organizer should be complete BEFORE DAY 2

- Have one person open, make a copy, and share out the Day 2 organizer
titled: “Documentary Outline and Script.”
- During today’s class your team will be working together to complete two
items: the Outline and the Script.
- First, you need to organize your notes that you took as individuals into a
Day 2: coherent sequence that appropriately tells the story of your industrialist.
3/31-4/1 - The outline should be a matter of copy and pasting the bits of information
that you found the previous day. Use the cells of the table to arrange your
Write the information AS A TEAM.
Outline & - As your outline comes together, have a couple members of your team
Script start to take the pieces of information in the outline and begin to write
out the script that will be read aloud as a part of the documentary.
- By the end of the day, your outline should be complete, and your script
should be about 50% complete.
- At the end of class we will watch an example of the finished product from
a previous year.
NO SCHOOL Friday 4/2 & Monday 4/5
- Start with having several of your team members continue writing the
script and completing this at some portion today. Once the script writers
finish the script, they should be jumping over to the tasks below.
- The other groups members should open, make a copy, and share out the
Day 3 organizer titled: “Documentary Images and Visuals.”
- Those group members that are not working to finish the script should be
Day 3: viewing the script and finding images and visuals that demonstrate the
4/6-4/7 information portrayed in the script.
- Copy and paste images into the slideshow and then drag and drop the
Finish the various slides to match the story being told in the script.
Script & Collect - Remember you are just talking over the images, thus no words should be
the Images typed onto the images except for needed captions.
- By the end of the day, your script should be 100% complete and your
slideshow of visuals should be 75%-100% complete.
- Finally, decide in what media format your group is going to complete the
documentary in. Are you going to record this as an iMovie or Google
Slideshow in a Meet?

- In the final day of this assignment, your group is going to be working as a

team to create the documentary.
- Two of your team members will want to finalize the order of the images to
be voiced over.
- The other group members should shoot the live footage portion of the
assignment if this has not already been completed outside of the class.
Day 4:
- Finally, depending on what media format you are going to do for your
documentary, begin piecing the final project together.
Create the - Use this time to record the documentary if you are doing a recorded meet,
Documentary or record the voice overs and place them over the images if you are doing
an iMovie.
- At the end of your documentary, please show the bibliography citations as
a part of the credits section of the documentary.
- By the end of the day, either finish the documentary or have a plan to
complete this for the next class period!

Student completed all portions of the research and was an active participant in the research process, aiding and
helping the group find all necessary parts of information: _____/10
Presentation contained an original recorded video of members of the group acting a portion of their script that
adds to the overall presentation of material: _______/ 10
Slideshow contains numerous visuals from video clips, backgrounds, graphics, images, and titles that
effectively support the information presented by the narrator: _______/10
Script is ample and informational and demonstrates the group’s thorough understanding of the assigned
industrialist, covering the four overarching subsections of each industrialist: _______/10
Acting, information, and overall presentation of information is both historically accurate and professionally
done, displaying the group’s academic maturity and attention to detail: ________/10

Total : ___________ / 50

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