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First of all, Megan Markle uses eye contact to attract people.

Her straight address eye contact shows

confidence. Thanks to this, it keeps the attention of every listener. She doesn't look at one particular
place, she tries to catch attention of everyone.

During her speech, Megan Markle seems confident.

Her back is straight and it suggests feelings of self-control

Markle used calm, authoritative gestures like a politician during her speech.

The words she used were essential to his message. Her nonverbal behaviors were very important.
Research shows nonverbal communication conveys as much as 93% of the emotional meaning behind
what is said. People respond strongly to what they see, or to the tone of voice that is used to speak the
words they hear.

I noticed Megan use of hand gestures. Research has shown that hand gestures are used more than
smiles to address a large crowd because they are more visible. Normally, hand gestures are used to
convey power and dominance.

Her finger-pinch precision gesture is one often used by politicians to show precise thought and her
raised index finger signaled calm authority.

Megan always smiled during her speech. Her smile was more natural than fake. I believe that a smile
makes communication more effective. When someone is smiling, his/her voice is somehow different and
we can feel peace and harmony in the communication situation.

Meghan Markle blushes very easily. It’s particularly noticeable on her neck and face. Blushing is
associated with increased trustworthiness and greater generosity. Those who are “blushers” maybe
have a higher level of sincerity.

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