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Week 1/12- 1/15

This week was an interesting week because my CT wasn’t actually in class due to her
son having Covid. That meant I started my first day student teaching with a substitute and the
rest of the week with two other substitute teachers. I wasn't sure what to expect however I came
in with a positive attitude and ready to help in any way I could. The first person I met at the
school was the principal. She seemed very sweet, she guided me to Mrs.Lauderdale's room.
Throughout the week I have seen the principal quite often, I have gotten to chat with her and
she even gave me a Vieja Valley shirt to wear on fridays.Be
sure to send her one of those
Nissi Notecards that Heather made for you at Christmas! She made me feel very
welcome to the school. So far I love my placement. The students are so sweet. I have learned
kindergarteners are so forgiving, innocent and very loving. I have gotten so many beautiful art
gifts and sweet comments. I already have plenty of stories to tell because they are quite silly
and so genuine.
My first day with the students the substitute was quick to get me involved. Honestly she
seemed quite overwhelmed with the kindergarteners and loved that I was there to help. I wasn't
overwhelmed at all. The students seemed like a joy to be around. Also there is an am and pm
class making the class size a lot smaller than a typical classroom. She was confused with a few
things Mrs.Lauderdale assigned and asked if I wanted to take a look at the activity and instruct it
to the students. I quickly jump at the opportunity. Yay!!! I read a book to the students called
All You Need For A Snowman. Later I taught the ten frame math lesson in both classes.
Thankfully I had background knowledge on ten frames and was able to teach it to the students.
The first class also helped me to see what students were struggling with so that I could clarify
the misconceptions for the pm class. Glad
you have this opportunity to
observe/reflect/apply in such quick succession! I also got to read a book to the pm class
called Sneezy the Snowman. The students loved this book. I encouraged them to react to the
book with me. I also lead the self awareness circle. Students didn’t really understand what self
awareness was so it became more of a social emotional check in with the students. Overall it
was nice to be able to jump right in and establish that I am their teacher too now. I also loved
that I got to spend time with the students and start to get to know them.
Wednesday we were online with Mrs.Lauderdale the students were thrilled to see her. I
could tell they were missing her especially because the day before a student began crying
explaining that he missed Mrs. L. Thankfully I was able to reassure him and use some calming
exercises to help him but it showed me that kids were wanting their teacher back. It was a quick
online class and we didn't get much done. However, I got to observe my CT teach a little. Later I
joined the staff meeting online. I got to see first hand how teachers and the principal
communicated with each other about situations.
For the last two days of the week students had a new substitute each day.As
probably more deeply aware than I am, that is SO hard on kids--but esp. YOUNG
kids, and esp. right now with Covid! I was so excited to go back to the school and see
the students again. However I did realize that I was a bit tired. I noticed my body was still trying
to get into the new routine of waking up early, exercising, eating a good breakfast, getting ready
and packing my stuff for the day.✔ So I will say I was a little slower than I wished to be. That
morning the student had found a bee that I realized had died but was in perfect condition. The

students were all really intrigued so I used it as a teachable moment and asked the
students what bees do. Many responded with “make honey!” I also asked do you know where
they live? Students responded with “in a hive!” We talked about honey, hives, how bees have
jobs, that they collect pollen, and they sting people sometimes. Ok--well, you’ve taught your
science for the semester! This was not only an opportunity for me to talk about bees but it
allowed me to talk more with my students. This day my CT decided to have me teach the base
ten lesson because she knew I taught the students the ten frame lesson. It went really smooth
for it being on the spot lesson because she didn't tell me I was teaching it. I think because I was
teaching a lesson that built off the other lesson I did, students felt more confident. There were
two students that had a harder time that day. One of them I decided to take a walk with around
the campus to help him calm down while the substitute watched the rest of the students at their
break. This sure beats what SOMETIMES happens to STs the first week--just sitting there!
Thankfully it really helped the student and he felt in a better mood after having some
one-on-one time with me. The other student is the new student. In which I wrote a reflection for
my CT because I was noticing how this student speaks one with a few words, quickly gets
distracted and sometimes does not understand what I am saying to her. Other times I can’t
understand her. I noticed at times the substitutes would get annoyed easily with her. I don't think
they saw that she needed more support than the other students and that she is delayed.
Someone from the afterschool program was experiencing the same thing so my CT asked me to
write a reflection so that she can start on getting her support. It was nice to be a part of the
process and that I was using my knowledge from my courses last semester to understand the
behaviors of the students and noticing she needs help in language and possibly benefit from
having an IEP.Wow! Very exciting, Nissi.
Friday was quite different. The substitute didn't seem to want me to do anything.
Observing this substitute I learned a lot of things that I would not do with my students.We can
learn a LOT from counter-modeling! For example, she really didn’t listen to the students. The
substitute was reading book after book and the students were losing their focus. It was too
much for the students. They asked multiple times “are we done yet.” I felt bad because I knew
the Kindergarteners needed something different. I also noticed this substitute tried to have the
students hardly talk. I understand that students shouldn’t be talking during reading or a lesson.
However, I didn't see anything wrong with them talking when they were working on their activity
as long as they were doing what they were supposed to. The substitute was also quick to call
out students in a way that I thought singled them out. Personally, I like the idea of universal
language, at moments I think it's okay to call on students to get their attention. But I didn't like
that she would tell them I’m going to sit you next to me in the hot spot if they weren't listening.

Thanks, Nissi. Lots of good observing and problem-solving going on here! And as I said
already, you’re clearly getting LOTS of experience!

Week: 1/19-1/22
Tuesday was the day that I got to meet my CT in person for the first time. ✔I came with
the expectation that she would want me to help in the background and observe because I
haven’t really seen her teach before. It was really nice getting to see how my CT runs the
classroom and what her expectations are for the students. I got to see how she teaches and
how she manages the classroom. I observed how she quieted down students and I got
students’ attention, which was helpful because each substitute had their own way. This day went

extremely fast. The day was full of activities, dancing, and singing. She kept the students
active and engaged throughout the day. We were on a constant go go go. I loved it! I have
always realized that I love being active and constantly doing something. Kindergarten is just that
way, we have our breaks of course but there is always something to do next. At the end of the
day I was surprised because my CT let me teach a lesson she did with the AM class. It was nice

that she had confidence and trusted me to be able to teach the activity.
My CT and I had been communicating throughout the time she was quarantining. Which
I think really helped in starting a relationship with her before actually meeting with her in person.
I feel very blessed to be with Andrea. She is so sweet, genuine, and real. She is easy going,
welcoming and open. I really like that about her and I think we are a good match. She made me
feel part of the classroom, and the Vieja Valley team. I have eaten lunch with all the teachers,
went on the staff Wednesday walks, and joined a morning prayer with my CT and another
teacher. My CT hasn’t underestimated me and has quickly gotten me involved. She honestly
makes me feel like an employee and a teacher. She knew how I jumped in head first when I was
with the substitutes and kept her in the loop of everything which I think helped her see my
character.✔ On Wednesday, I got to know her more as we spent the entire day together. She
explained and showed me everything. I learned where things were located, how things work,
and how to copy/ laminate. She even got me a planner and she involved me in the planning for
the following week. We did DESA together where we talked about each student's behavior. She
listened to my thoughts and especially when it came to the new students that she didn't really
know that well yet. She had me add my name to the morning meeting, parent letters, flyers etc.
It all made me feel very included and welcomed. When I ask her questions she is always willing
to explain. It is so nice because I feel like already I have learned so much. She also has
constantly kept me in the loop about the school information and about students this week. It
shows that she trusts me and really wants me to get everything I can from student teaching and
that means a lot! I think so far we are building a great relationship and I could see her being

someone I would keep in touch with in the future.

My CT and I were getting a picture of the new student to hang in the classroom. When
we were taking her picture we noticed she wasn’t looking at the camera straight. She would turn
her head and look from the side. My CT and I thought it would be a good idea to have the nurse
do an eye exam on her. When the student got her eye exam my CT let me know that the nurse
said she has astigmatism and one of her eyes goes towards her nose. It made sense to my CT
and I because we have noticed that this student runs with her head to the side.
This week I had my first formal lesson! I felt pretty good about it. I did notice some things
that I could have changed to make the lesson go smoother. For example, enunciating more
clearly, adding some objects and going through a few more examples on the worksheet. During
the PM class I changed a few things to my lesson that I thought could help the students more. I
thought it went a lot smoother and students were feeling more confident with the material. My
teacher wanted to evaluate some students so I led the class for a little, I did the calendar, two
readings alouds, and taught the math lesson on the spot that I saw her taught to the am class.
Friday was a snow day! Back in Maine--or NY State--that means a Day Off--like a Fire
Day in CA! It was so much fun, the students were so excited. The day before we hung
snowflakes in the classroom before students came in so it could look like it was “snowing.” We
all dressed up in snow clothes. The students watched videos on snow, snowflakes, and even
how to make hot cocoa. We also had a snowball fight with scrap paper and made a snowman
craft and they did hot cocoa math. Sadly, because of covid we weren't allowed to give them hot
cocoa. My CT even brought up her puppet out so students could share about their snow day.
Overall, the students seemed to have a blast! It was a lot of fun and a great way for students to
get to learn more about snow and winter. Sounds fun. Thanks for a good report.
Yes--continue to build the relationship w/ students, families, and your CT.

Week 1/25-1/29
This week is a little bit of a blur to me because from Wednesday to Friday the students
were doing distance learning. Wednesday is a typical distance learning day, the other two days
are not usually but because of all the rain and cold weather the school thought it would be best to
have the students at home. I still went to Vieja Valley and worked alongside my CT preparing
and coming up with what we were going to do on friday because last minute we found out that
students would be doing distance learning. (!) Together we came up with a game plan and
moved something around that we had planned. Along with zoom we did some tasks in the
classroom like organizing and getting work together for some students that are quarantined. We
found out this week there were two students that were in contact with someone with covid. I
won’t deny I was a little nervous and concerned however my CT and I got tested and thankfully
are negative! So as long as the student is not positive we are allowed to continue classes and
those students will have to quarantine.✔
My CT and her husband run the daycare at Vieja Valley and quite a few of our
kindergarteners go there. So I still got to see a few of my students because they were on campus.
My CT asked me if I could assist them with their work during the distance learning. I could tell
the few days of distance learning were hard on the students because it was not their usual
routine.✔ I noticed this most on Friday. It was hard for them to stay on task and pay attention. I
notice many were in their own little world. I think it was good that I got to have some more
one-on-one time with these students because some of these students are a little more
rambunctious and sometimes a little lazy. Now not all of them but some of them would whine
about not wanting to get their stuff or try to speed through work putting no effort just to get done.
I noticed a few were testing their limits but I stood my ground, staying kind but firm.✔ I think it
was good because I not only established high expectations but that I am also their teacher.
Backtracking I really enjoyed Tuesday! I got to teach art, a passion of mine. ✔I thought
the lesson went smoothly for the most part and it looked like the students were having fun. I let
the students experiment so that they could build on their self-expression and creativity, which
many did! Their finished self portraits were all so unique and different. I loved how they came
out! I think the squares I had students draw their features on really helped students understand
the cubism style, breaking them from drawing themself as normal. I noticed a few students
hesitant to move from the normal self portrait but I saw them also push themself to try something
different with a little encouragement. Overall, it brought me so much joy to see all of them
hanging up in the classroom! I hope that I can do another art project again with them in the near
future. I hope so too.
This week we did a lot of planning for next week and even the following week. In
kindergarten you celebrate practically every holiday and event! It is so much fun though because
the students get so excited. A lot of school work correlates to the upcoming holidays or events
making the days a little more fun. Next week we have Groundhog Day and 100th Day of School.
The following week we have Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day along with Presidents
Day.Wow! So we have a lot of activities and crafts to pack in for these next two weeks. I am
pretty excited I loved doing activities and crafts for the upcoming holidays and events when I
was little (and still do). It was a joyful time and I remember having so much fun. This week and
next week I have a half takeover and a full takeover so I am hoping to create that fun and joyful
atmosphere I remember when I was little during these times. Thanks, Nissi!

Week: 2/1- 2/5

Monday even though it wasn't groundhog day we did a really cute craft to celebrate. My
CT used different material then she would have, so the craft didn't go as smooth as planned.
However, my CT worked with what she had. It was an example to me that sometimes things just
go differently then what we planned and that is fine. We can learn from the mistakes and
accidents we make. Although the craft was a little different than usually it was still so cute,
simple and the students still love it. The students were to color a groundhog, glue it onto a
popsicle stick, put the popsicle stick through a hole of a cup and tape green paper around the cup
for grass. Using the popsicle stick to move the groundhog, the groundhog could hide in the cup
(grass) or pop up out of the cup (grass). I could see myself doing this activity if I was teaching
kindergarten or even first grade Sounds nifty!
Tuesday was a joyful day with the students, it was Groundhog Day and 100th Day of
School. Monday we had prepped for the 100th Day so all the students were pretty excited. The
students got to wear their 100th day of school headbands with 100 tallies and use their 100th day
shakers with 100 noodles inside. Once all students were decked out in their 100th day gear we
paraded around the school singing “ 100th day of school, 100th day of school, we’ve been in
school a 100 days, 100 days of school.” We went by every classroom and staff/faculty offices to
sing and count to 100 for them. It was so cute to see all the students so invested in singing and
parading around. I thought all the 100th day activities we did the week before and the day of
were a great way to get students practicing count to 100 and learning groups of 10. The parade
was also a great way to build a positive school community. All the teachers took time to
celebrate and cheer with our students. It was a great example of teachers supporting teachers and

students supporting other students.

Wednesday was a distance learning day and planning day so we weren’t on long with the
students (because their attention span can’t handle a long zoom call). My teacher did have
students listen to a book called All The Colors Of The Earth by Sheila Hamanaka. It was a cute
book that celebrated the colors of children and the colors of love. I thought it was a cute book to
start with this month. I hope to buy the book because I really enjoyed it and thought it would be a
cute addition to my classroom library. I just bought you a copy on Amazon, Nissi, as your
Congratulations-on-a-wonderful-first-four-weeks present. AWW you are so sweet THANK
YOU! Wednesday we also did a long form assessment on DESSA for a student of ours. My CT
and I discussed with each other, really valuing my opinion and thoughts which was really sweet.
She should tell me how the assessment really helps you formulate words for the student’s report
card and helps you address things in a meeting in an efficient and professional way.
Thursdays was my first takeover! I loved it! I had an awesome time! At times it was
stressful but it was really good practice. I am still learning how to transition to a different subject
and determining how much time each thing should take. Of course I did a better job in PM class
because I had some practice already with AM class. ✔ I also really enjoyed my teeth lesson. I
had so much fun interacting with the students and discussing teeth. I thought the game was a
great way to get students involved and interacting with the material rather than me just telling
them the information.I thought so too. I am absolutely loving kindergarten, I didn't realize
how much I would love it. Everything is so new to the students and seeing them light up about
new things gets me so happy. Like how they got so interested in learning about floss. They are so
joyful, dramatic and funny. I could really see myself teaching kindergarten which I don't think I
would have said in the past. I thought you REQUESTED K--no? Haha no I actually
requested 2nd but now that I have worked with K, I would love to teach K- 2nd

Week: 2/8-2/11
It has been a joy knowing that I have entered a career that I get so excited to return to.

Even though I was tired on Monday I was so excited that I was getting to see my students
again! Every day is so different which I love the change of pace. There is always something to
look forward to. Monday I was surprised because my teacher didn’t exactly tell me I was
teaching anything but she knew I had seen her teach these routine lessons so she had let me

instruct at the last minute. It's so nice to know she is confident that I can instruct the class.
It has been nice taking more control of the class because it is giving me more practice with
instructing and managing the class.
Tuesday was my takeover! I did my first PE lesson and I thought it went really well. I
wanted the activity to get students moving in a joyful and fun way. I have the students play
musical hearts. I wanted it to have a Valentine's Day theme because in kindergarten holidays are
a big deal. I had taped hearts on the ground that had a number on the back of them. I had created
a code of exercises that corresponded to a number. I had students walk around the circle of hearts
with music. When music stopped I would pick a fair stick (a students name) that student would
look at their heart number and as a class we would do the exercise. The students were excited to
see who would be chosen and what exercise we would do. Some students were dancing as they
walked around the circle. We talked about the heart and exercising our hearts. The lesson brought

joy, laughter, curiosity and got students active!

Not much has changed on wednesday. Andrea is awesome! We planned out the next week
or two. We also even talked about CalTPA and my lessons which made me feel so much better
about CalTPA. Thursday was our Valentine’s Day celebration. The students were so overjoyed
about their Valentine Day cards and could not wait to pass them out. When we did let the
students pass out the Valentine cards the students were so sweet and thoughtful about their
valentines. I heard a few students get excited for each other about what they got. The students
were thankful and showed their appreciation for their other classmates by expressing how cool
their classmates' valentines were. I also witnessed the sweetest thing, one of the students didn’t
make or bring valentines and another student that made a little gift bag realized this student
wasn’t passing out cards. So the student asked if she would like to help her pass out her gift bags.

The student was thrilled to help. Watching this moment made my heart so happy, and it
just was another reminder how much I love kids. They are so pure, genuine, and lovingNot
always! But enjoy the students who ARE! Now the valentine card giving wasn’t all “unicorns
and rainbows” one student honestly was having a really hard time understanding that her
valentine cards were not for her but for everyone. She didn’t understand that her name was on

the card because it was “from her” not for her. This is the student that needs some extra
support, patience and love at times. She cried, whined and was pretty angry for most of the card
giving. Even though the card giving had its ups and downs I thought it was still a very fun and
special moment. I got to see some of my students so excited to give me a gift. Which allowed me
to have a sweet little moment with them individually where I could thank them and get excited
with them.
Thursday the kindergarteners got to see their buddies. I think it's such a good way to
build community within the school but also to give kinders a role model and the older students to
realize the little ones look up to them. We do this probably every other week and of course social
distancing. The big buddies and little buddies (Kinders) made something for each other, usually
something we have instructed the students to write or
draw etc. It's so cute because the kinders get so
excited to exchange their “presents.” This week the
big buddies made the cutest valentine headbands for
the kinders. I am definitely stealing the art project
idea! The paper headband had a Happy Valentine Day
on the front, attached to the headband were two pipe
cleaners twisted with little hearts on the top it standed
up like antennas. So cute!I hope you’re taking lots of
pictures of this sort of thing.
This is more of a side note but I made some
handmade Valentines for my kindergartens. I wasn’t
sure if they were really going to care too much because there was no little gift attached to it but
it warmed my heart when I heard a few students say “IT'S A DONUT, I love donuts!” That small
moment made it all worth sitting and working on these valentines cards for a couple hours.

Week 2/16- 2/19

Honestly, coming back to school after the four day break was a little hard for me. My

boyfriend visited me over the break. It was so nice to spend time with him, I had an
amazing weekend! We have been together now for 3 years and are long distance. ✔Saying
goodbye or see you soon can be hard so I knew that Tuesday was going to be an off day for me.
My CT was so kind and knew that it was going to be a weird day for me. Even though it was a
weird day it was nice to get back into the groove of teaching and being with the students.
However, there were times I really didn't have the energy to deal with classroom management as
I would have liked too. I felt that I let things slip a little but overall Tuesday was just a typical
day at school. The day after a special weekend can be hard for STUDENTS, as well--the
disruptions of routines.
Wednesday is our zoom day and planning day. My CT and I sent a lot of time prepping
and planning out the next two weeks. We also had a meeting with one of our student’s parents to
touch base with the parents on what we have been noticing and have observed about their child.
The meeting went really smoothly and the parents seemed to be very open to talk. ✔My CT
talked about all the things she and I wrote about the student's strengths and needs. It was really
good to hear that there were some things that the parents agreed on and saw at home and to also
talk to them about the things we see in an academic setting that they haven’t really. The meeting
was informal but also included the principal, the speech pathologist, school counselor, and
psychologist. The main thing key points from the meeting were that we need to support the
students to build better communication skills and work on her speaking skills because it is really
hard for her to communicate and talk to her peers/ teachers. We think if we work on helping her
speak sentences, and use her words to express herself both at home and at school it could help
her with building friends, communicating her feelings and herself. We talked about what we are
doing at school to help her so that the parents could do the same. Overall the meeting went pretty
well. This is good experience for you to be part of.
Thursday was my take over day! Honestly it was a bit crazy of a day. This was the first
take over day that my teacher was completely gone because she was doing assessments. The
students really didn't see much of her. In this case many students tried to push their limits and see
how far they could go with me. I had students come up trying to make deals with me to have

snack time soon. They were a bit more talkative and sometimes a little rude. I also had a
student that continued to try to do anything to disrupt a lesson. I would say even though
Thursday was crazy it was also really good. It really forced me to practice my classroom
management skills and be firm when I needed to be with some students. It also helped me to
really take more control of the classroom and learn what works and doesn’t.✔
Looking back at my lesson comments I think that I have improved on finding ways to get
students actively engaged in multiple ways with objects, visuals and movement. I also think I
have found effective ways to quickly recapture students' focus when I need to like getting them
to move or repeat things. I think I could work a little more on my closure in lessons. With
kindergarteners they are usually ready to quickly move onto the next thing. However a short,
quick sum of a closure is better than nothing. I also realize it is good to make connections and
make sure students understand the purpose and objective of the lesson. ✔

Week 2/22- 2/26

Monday was picture day! Even though it took a very small chunk of time in our day it
was very cute to see the kindergarten students all dressed up excited to get their picture taken!

I remember getting excited about picture day when I was little. I used to pick my outfit
the day before and tell my mom how I wanted my hair to look. When we took the students to
take their pictures I couldn’t stop giggling. The camera men were trying to tell the students how
to place themselves and their head because they can’t touch them. The students would put their
head down towards their chest then too far up or complete to the side, they didn't know when to
stop adjusting even when the camera men would say freeze. Then right when the camera man
thought they were in the right spot the student would be looking elsewhere with their eyes
instead at the camera. The camera men were saying anything they could to get the students to
look at them, laugh or smile. It honestly was just so cute and quite funny! It was also shocking to
me that I haven't seen all my students smile before because of the mask. Wow!
Monday and tuesday my CT was finishing up assessing students so that she could have
recent assessments to show to parents during parent conferences next week. So it helped that this
week I was doing my CalTPA lessons and handwriting. So I didn’t do a full takeover days but I
was making the transition and teaching which was nice!
Wednesday was my takeover day. My CT wanted me to do at least one distance learning
takeover. The distance learning takeover is quite a short amount of time because it's from 8:30 to
9:00 and then they have asynchronous work to do. However there was some preparation that I
had to do for Wednesday. I had to film myself doing the morning routine/ meeting and a read
aloud for my students to watch after zooming. I also sent the parent email about distance learning
on Wednesday. I also did my technology CalTPA lesson during distance learning class time so
that was a little different for the students but I was happy it was done and it went alright. Every
Wednesday we also take the daycare kindergarteners and do the asynchronous work with them.
So I learn the asynchronous work that day too! I was happy to have done a Wednesday takeover
especially because I will definitely be doing it again when it comes to my 2 week takeover.
I have a student from the afternoon class that is a little more challenging at times because
he will quickly suddenly lose control of him, becoming upset, angry or emotional over
something. I feel that lately I have had a small break through with him. I think our relationship is
getting stronger because when he has a moment of frustration he is more open to listen to me and

talk to me. I think he's starting to really see that I want to help and that I truly care about
him. I have had a few tough moments with him during my takeovers and class but I think the
private conversations have helped him see that I am willing to help him. This past week he
wanted to sit by me at the carpet making it very vocalized to his classmates. On Friday he had a
tough moment and wasn’t really listening to the encouragement of the teacher aide. Students
were to write their numbers on a calendar. What set him off was that he messed up on the order
and had to fix a few numbers. I was able to sit with him and get him to complete his assignment
by not only encouraging him but helping him by simply writing the number myself a few times
because I knew that's what he needed. He would do a few and I would do one or two to help
push him to finish. I keep repeating that I am to help you and want to help you and you got this.
He finished which was a bit surprising because and most circumstances he would completely
quit and he would finish. It made me happy that I am starting to know how to help him. I have a
few other students like this and that I am still trying to understand and build a connection with so
it gave me some hope that I have with this student. ✔

Week 3/1- 3/5

This week was a distance learning week because we had parent conferences. ✔The first
conference we had we had a person translate the conference. It was a good experience to have to
know how that looks live and what is the best way to communicate about their student most
effectively. All the parent conferences were online. Which I think made it a little easier
especially for the parents that are working full time, crazy schedules, or don’t have the ability to
get child care. My CT was very considerate of parents time making the conference 15-20 max. I
think it was a good amount of time to take about their student and address what needed to be
without taking too much time from the parent. It was really nice to see how my CT addressed the
parents in an effective, calm, and enthusiastic way! She alway did a great job with addressing
topics that need to be talked about in more detail without stressing or worrying the parents. My
CT would always welcome the parents expressing how much she loves their students, she would
sometimes talk about the students' social and emotional health in the beginning or toward the
end. She used the ESGI assessment data she took from the student to present to the parents
walking through what they are doing well in and where they need a little more help. Reminding
the parents there is still more than a quarter of school to work through the things they need more
support/ help in. The ESGI visually (pie chart) shows how the student is doing on each
kindergarten standard basis of the assessment data. My CT could show specifically what letter or
numbers or concepts the student missed or needed more work on. My CT would allow parents to
screenshot what their students need help on and she would give them the tips, tricks that we are
teaching them in school so that parents could do it at home too. My CT would also offer
resources and explain how to use them. My CT always made sure to ask if the parent had any
questions, or if they would like to talk about something and how they were doing. Many parents
were concerned about their students having play dates (which is a big deal in kindergarten
learning social skills and building friendships) because of covid they don’t know many of the
students or other parents. Many said that they wanted to have a playdate so they would ask my
CT and I about who were their kids friends, how to reach out to other parents and suggestions
where to have play dates because of covid (we suggested the school playground). Lastly my CT
would thank them for their time and tell them how much she loves their student. At times she
would even express how thankful she is for them and how great of a parent they are! You could
see a difference in parents' expressions, taking a sigh of relief and smiling knowing their
effort/work has been noticed and worth it. That’s a lot to cover all in 15-20 minutes!
I have said this multiple times but my CT is awesome! She really wants me to get a job.
She realized I only have a couple months until my program is over and she really wants me to be
prepared to apply for jobs. She is so incredibly sweet and has been checking on my progress. She
introduced me to edjoin which is so nice because I can apply to school in Santa Barbara but also
San Bernardino (my hometown). I have been able to go to her about questions and for advice
which has helped me feel so much better and less stressed about preparing and looking for a job.
This week I have a full Zoom Takeover. I actually had so much fun with the students! We
got to have conversation, and do stress free activity and watch videos on fun and interesting
topics! My CT was also entirely out of the classroom so I was nice to be able to teach how I
wanted to and have some freedom! Also it was nice to have the students come to me for help or
if they had a question. Not having my CT around and I have to figure out myself and make
decisions on the spot about my instruction or a student gives me great practice for my two week
take over!
Lastly a highlight from my week was that I eat lunch with the kids from the daycare that
many of my kindergarteners attend. Because it was a parent conference I haven’t seen the
students in person so it was a treat to spend some time with them! It was nice to be able to have
casual conversations with them about all sorts of things! I even got to play a game with them
when I wouldn’t usually on a normal school day. Because it's my CT and her husband's daycare
and not technically school I was able to be a little more relaxed and just have fun with them! It
was such a sweet time and I felt that I connected a little more with a few of my kindergarteners.

Week 3/8 - 3/12

This week was a little interesting, maybe it was also because of the
weather. I do believe that the weather really affects kids! It definitely does.
AND adults! Also because we were online the week before I could tell students
had to readjust to the school routine.✔
One of my highlights from this week was that I got to instruct a new
self-portrait with the students! It turned out so CUTE. I talked to my students
about how artists use historical events and the time they live in to create art. We
talked about how their self portrait will go into their memory book and how this
self portrait will be something they can look back on and tell a piece of history.
Students were very intrigued when I told them art can tell us about history and
how they possibly could be in history books because they are living during a
pandemic. We also talked about how artists focus on certain details when they
draw. I had them focus on their smiles because many of them are losing teeth!

I had my takeover this friday and it was a little crazy. CT forgot to tell me
that big buddies were going to visit in the morning! Soo it was a little stressful
trying to fit in the rest of our scheduled activities. My CT does like to take control
and its hard for her to step back. At first she said that she would leave me today so I
have time completely alone with the kids but she kept stepping in a little in the
morning. She noticed and made the decision to leave to work on things. I did
appreciate it because in the beginning of morning it wasn’t feeling like a take over.
These are normal--if understandably frustrating!-- issues Andrea’s not alone in this.
Unless it’s really unbearable and you want be to get involved, hang in there and
The conference I thought went well! One thing I heard was to work on building my
strong voice and going back to normal to address behavior. Another that correlates is working on
classroom management a little more. My CT also mentioned that we will be working on getting
me to do more science, social studies and visual arts (the play)!
March 15- 20th
This week was intense…all because of CALTPA...My entire past weekend and week was
dedicated to CalTPA… :( It honestly makes me sad that I had to use all that precious time sitting
inside typing away on the computer. ✔Thankfully I found a way to find a little joy, like eating
dinner outside my apartment with my roommates and having a quick dance party with
roommates before going back to writing. ✔Overall, I am VERY happy it is spring break! I felt
very burnt out because of CalTPA.
Tuesday morning was a lot of fun! The kindergarteners made leprechaun houses! My CT
believes in having the students make homes instead of traps. The idea is that the leprechaun need
new homes for their families because in Ireland it rains a lot so their houses get ruined. So as a
gesture of kindness we build homes and the leprechauns take them back to Ireland. It doesn’t
cost anything for my CT because every year she takes everything out of the homes and uses the
stuff again for the next year when students build. I really like the idea. It focuses on kindness!✔
The kindergarteners were so considerate too! One student told me “Look I left a treat for my
leprechaun. Hopefully he doesn't get a stomach ache, maybe he can share with his family.” It
made me smile! The students used shoe boxes for the house. The students got to be partners if
they didn't have their own shoe box. The students were so quick to work with a partner. It gets
students actively thinking about how they can help and allow them to be creative! One house
had a “Chandelier” ( a shamrock that was taped on the lid of the box)! :)
I wish I had more to say but this week was a wild one✔, also a bit boring, stressful, and
frustrating because of CalTPA! So glad for you and your peers that this is over, and it’s
ended happily so far for most of you! Also a bit weird because students zoomed for class
on friday along with our usual day (wednesday) because it was scheduled on the school calendar.
Overall, I am happy CalTPA is done for now and I hope/pray that we all pass so that it can be
completely over! I am also very excited to relax, have some fun and enjoy the outdoors because I
have been inside for way too long! I am looking forward to the next couple weeks though
because I will have my social studies unit and I have my two week take over so soon with my
literature/science unit!

Week 3/29 - 4/2

My takeover day this week was kinda a lot. Maybe that was because all the students are
getting back into the routine of everything. ✔I felt I had to focus on a lot of class management
that day because kids were very chatty and acting up a little. I think the weather has to do a lot
with it too. The students get so tired from the heat. Especially the afternoon students that come
from Mr. Rob's place. Those students have been playing during lunch before coming into class
and are exhausted. I noticed throughout this week having to teach outside the students get
drained so fast, and begin crying about the slightest things, or gets really frustrated/ upset
because they don’t want to do anything because they are tired. I have more students wanting to
lay down and not focus because they are tired. It's been a little difficult trying to figure out what
to do because I think a break would help but they go outside to play for a break which gets them
even more tired. Then I think maybe it's best to have them in the classroom for a little longer
because it's cooler but then they quickly begin to get sleepy and honestly lazy.
This week I got my first shot of the vaccine! I am very happy that I am a step closer to
being fully vaccinated!✔ It is an exciting feeling knowing that I am making a difference! I am
also thrilled to be able to see family and friends without so much worry because many of them
are vaccinated or getting vaccinated! Also knowing that I can start traveling again makes me
very happy!
This week I started my social studies unit! I didn't know how I felt about my lessons but
it was so nice to hear from my CT and hearing her talk to the other teachers about what I have

done and how she will be using something I made for next year! It was a nice confidence
booster knowing that she has liked some of the things from my lesson! I have also been planning
my two week take over! I have some really exciting things planned and I absolutely can't wait! I
showed my CT and she was so excited for me. She told me how much she loved what I had
planned so far and how excited she was for me to teach it all to the students! It was nice knowing
that my literature/science unit was looking good!
We still aren't sure what everything is going to look like in the next weeks to come.
✔It’s very possible that we will have all students back and I will teach 27 kindergarteners all in
one classroom during my two week take over. I am a little nervous. However I am trying my best
to relax and stay positive. I think it will be a good experience for me. Any normal school year I
would have had a lot of students and 27 kindergarteners will really prepare me for teaching an
amount of students! Thankfully I know all the students! I will get lots of practice with my
classroom management which is always a good thing and could use more of it.
I am starting my job search! It is a little crazy to think we only have a month left of the
program! I don't really have ties to anywhereI thought you had extended family involved
in schools--but maybe I’m confusing your story w/ someone else’s... and really open
to teaching anywhere. So it's been kinda fun looking at what jobs are available and thinking
where I would like to teach. However, I am a little nervous, hoping my application is good
enough, hoping I get a job, hoping I get an interview and hoping that I am what schools want. I
have been trying to remind myself that all is going to work out! I am looking forward to seeing
where I end up!


I finished my social studies unit this week! It was really cute for one of the days the
students made figures of what community helper they want to be! We added yarn hair to all of
them and they turned out really cute! I was a little disappointed in myself for forgetting to take a
picture of them. Goal of mine is to take more pictures especially because I have a lot of fun
things planned for my 2 week takeover! ✔
Towards the end of the week Andrea and I decided we wanted to do something fun with
the students. Our morning song this month is about being an everyday hero in all you do! So we
decided to make superhero caps with the kids. We found old shirts and students brought their
own old t-shirts to be cut up and made into a superhero cap! I love it! It was the cutest thing
especially when they got to play on the playground with them on! They were the simplest thing
to make and could see me making them again for my students or just even when babysitting or
with my nephews/nieces.
I am very excited for my 2 week take over still a little nervous managing 27
kindergarteners but I am hoping for the best! I'm just trying to remind myself it's going to be
okay and just have fun!

I got a summer job! I am really happy about it! I called my employer and she
seems so sweet! She looked at my resume and hired me on the spot without really asking any
questions. She saw that I had tons of teaching experience and was more than qualified. I will be
working for a preschool/childcare over the summer in Prescott, AZ. I'm looking forward to being
somewhere new! I am also excited to be closer to my boyfriend for a little before I come back to
california and teach for the 2021/2022 school year! I am happy I get to continue to work with
kids, will be full time and get to have the weekends off! It seems like a really good fit for me!

This week was the start of my takeover! It was a strange week because two of the day out
of the week were going to be distance learning. Monday was going to be a normal cohort day but
starting Thursday I was going to have all my students in one class.
Monday I did a lesson on the ocean zones. It was really fun as a class we got to talk about
each ocean zone and how deep each zone was. I had students make observations about each zone
by individually having their own ocean zone bag filled with liquids to show what each zone
looks like. Each student got to take an ocean bag home. They were all quite excited about that
part. It was hard however to manage the class as I was filling each bag by myself with no help.
Our instructional aide wasn’t there that day. I was able to manage however and it all worked out
in the end. Monday I really had to set down my expectations. I had a few students that continued
to mess around and repeatedly be disruptive and not listen. One student in particular kept testing
me limits. Everyone was supposed to be practicing reading or reading with a partner on the floor.
We have been practicing this. This student however was messing around on the carpet,
distracting his peers, and shooting “Raise your hand if….” I addressed the behavior and had to
get really serious with the students on the carpet. Later the same kid was being disruptive on the
carpet and began waving his arms toward/ touching his friend. At that point I told this student
multiple times he was not following directions so I had him sit at his chair. Later giving him the
opportunity to join on the carpet. At this point I think students realized I wasn’t going to put up

with disruptive behavior. The rest of the week has gotten better, the students I have
realized have been listening to me. I feel like I have established my authority a little more which
has really helped because now I have 27 students in my classroom. I have realized that I can’t let
things pass. When students are talking over me or disrupting peers it's important for me to
address the behavior by stopping completely what I am doing and discussing it and repeating
what we were doing to redirect. This has helped a lot!
The two days on zoom were actually quite fun! We only were to teach for an hour. I was
proud of myself because I found ways to continue my unit and talk about science. I did a science
demonstration one day on how fish breathe underwater and all the students were intrigued. The
other day we talked about turtles eating jellyfish and compared a plastic bag in a bottle that I
made. We made posters on how to save the ocean! It was so joyful and fun seeing students get
excited and wanting to participate over zoom! As a side note I had a student tell me 3 times over
zoom that he loved me and I think it was because he was just having fun learning which made
me so happy.
Thursday was the first day of having all the students together! This day we worked on
procedures. I had students practice and try again. I realized having a procedure really helps
things flow better in a classroom and helps avoid chaos. So important at all levels, but especially
the early grades, and especially THIS year. It was a very busy and packed day however it was a
lot of fun! It was so cute seeing all the students excited to meet each other and make new friends!
I gave them extra playtime so students could begin building new friendships. This day we also
did a whale blubber experiment!The same one Susie’s teacher does? That’s a fun one. Honestly I
quickly discovered what I would have done differently. With such a big class I think it would
have been better to split the group entirely so that I didn't have to rush. The worksheet I made I
also think might have been a little confusing for kindergarteners and I think if I was to do it again
I would have done the bottom of the worksheet as a class.
Friday we did leaf rubbings which was a lot of fun! There were a few students that were
so amazed. There were about half of the students that just wanted to continue to make leaf
rubbings with different leaves. The other half of students after one or two were done with the

activity. I thought overall it was fun and got students experiencing nature! It was fun to see
this with students--having done it for many years LATELY, at least, only with Teaching
4/19- 4/23
This was my last week of my takeover, at the end of the week it was a little sad to know
that I only have 2 more weeks with my students. ✔My teacher explained at the end of the week
to them that I only have two more weeks. It breaks my heart when I hear the students tell me “I
don’t want you to leave Ms.R, I love you.” I know it will be hard for me to say goodbye. I love
each of them.
This week went by pretty fast for me. It was a busy week but a super fun week! The
beginning of the week I taught the students about light pollution! I realized that this lesson
needed a few changes. The kindergarteners were understood for the most part and it was really
fun. I had them use flashlights in the light and dark and we talked about how light affects how

you see stars like the flashlights. I think a few were able to grasp the concept but I think
more review would have been helpful. Kindergarteners were quite squirmy I don't know if it was
because it was monday or possibly the lesson was a little difficult for a kindergarten to connect
the dots.
Tuesday was my favorite day of the week! I decided I wanted to have a camping day
during my takeover and it was the best decision I made! It was SO MUCH FUN! My CT and I

set tents up so that students could take turns reading in them. I had a partner reading where
they were given time to go in the tents and practiced reading together outside. I hung up my
hammock so each student could take turns swinging it. The hammock was probably the students
favorite thing. That day we learned what humans need to survive (kindergarten standard).✔ As
the lesson I had brought a bucket of things for the students to help me decide if I needed it to
live/ survive. I would then pack the item in my camping bag if I needed it. After I had students
help me decide what the most 4 important things I should “text” my friends to bring on the trip
(water, shelter, food, clothes- we said). It was so much fun to allow students to shout out NO and
YES as I tried to sway their answers like when I held a stuffed animal and said “but it's so cute
and cuddly.” I would follow up with why I should and should bring things. We also did a fun art
project and drew the outline of the mountains. However when I took them to the field I realized
the trees were overgrown so you couldn’t see the mountains how my CT thought you could. So I
had to improvise and had them imagine the mountains and draw the trees they see. We then later
watercolored our outline of the mountains and trees. They turned out so cute!
One of the days I got to talk more about the desert and how I was born in the desert and
lived there. I showed them lots of pictures I took of places I have been and of my home area. The
students were so excited and intrigued to talk about the desert. I was a little shocked how
interested they were but then I remembered that many haven't experienced the desert. Many of
them are familiar to the ocean and mountains because we are close to them but many don't know
much about deserts (to them it's exotic).
Friday was so much fun I loved the lesson you planned! Every student was so invested in
their learning and excited to contribute. You went over and beyond what I expected. Thank you
for putting together a wonderful lesson and preparing all the materials. I loved seeing each of my
students walk home with a succulent and the beautiful class pot we got to make together (a
memory from 2020-2021 kindergarten class).
Lastly I received news recently that I have an interview with Hope School District! I am

absolutely thrilled! I am hoping for the best! :)

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