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Rosamaria “Rose” Popp

Dr. Flowers
10 July 2020

Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan Title: Slam Poetry

Concept / Topic to Teach: I will be teaching the students how to create a slam poetry based

on an interview they conducted with another student and they will create a PowerPoint to read

the slam poetry to the class.

General Goal(s): The goal is for students to learn how to create a slam poetry and to create a

PowerPoint, so they become familiar with it.

Specific Objectives: Students will: increase their listening skills, work on effective

interviewing skills & note-taking techniques, distinguish between a regular poem vs. slam

poetry, and create a 5-6 slide PowerPoint to read their slam poetry to the class.

Required Materials: Paper, pencils, interview questions to be developed by the students, and a

chrome book to use PowerPoint.

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): I will demonstrate an example of a slam poetry by showing a

video and explaining what it is. They will conduct their interviews with another students, and I

will show them how to create a PowerPoint by putting it up on the projector.


Step-By-Step Procedures: Students will first come up with interview questions to turn in to

me for approval. Once I’ve approved them, students will conduct their interviews with another

student. Then, I will teach them how to use PowerPoint and they will create a 5-6 slide

presentation of a slam poetry of the interview they completed.

Plan for Independent Practice: Students will be able to independently practice at home on

the days leading up to their PowerPoint presentations.

Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set): I hope by demonstrating to them, they have a better

understanding of what slam poetry is and by the time they present their slideshow, they will get

into the act of slam poetry.

Assessment Based on Objectives: I will be able to tell if their listening skills, interview

skills, and note-taking were good by their slam poetry PowerPoint presentation.

Possible Connections to Other Subjects: Students will be able to use their new

PowerPoint skills in other classes in the future.

Special Needs Accommodations: I have a student that cannot see, so I will have her

instructional aide assist with providing her the assignment in braille and she can hand me her

poem in braille separately and she will not present. Her interview will be with her instructional

aide and her instructional aide will translate the braille for me so I can give her a grade.

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