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Rosamaria Popp

Dr. Rochelle Hooks

EDU 220- 1001

14 March 2021


I. Describe the Class

This Social Studies class (6th period) contains 25 6th-grade students. There is
one student with a 504 plan, 3 students with IEP’s, and one ELL student.

60- minute class period.

II. Subject/Skill:

Social Studies: Comparing and contrasting countries.

III. Objective(s)

The students will be able to use a variety of resources to research statistics for
a country of their choice, and use the information to create a visual board,
such as graphs/diagrams/images. Students will have 4 days to complete their
project and be ready to present to the class on the fifth day (Friday). 100% of
the students should be able to demonstrate that they know how to research and
present their findings.

IV. Procedures: For a Direct Instruction Lesson

1. State the objectives and orient student to the lesson: Present a world map
to the class.
2. Have students each pick a different country to research.
3. Distribute an instruction handout to each student on what the research
must contain: total population, number of men, number of women, number
of children, currency, capitol, language spoken, what is the country
famous for, food, clothes, etc.
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4. Make sure each student is assigned a chrome book to use in the classroom
so that they can find their research.
5. Review Prerequisites: Students will have an idea of what the country looks
like on the world map, its shape, and surrounding countries. They
understand that the purpose of this lesson is to help improve them on
world geography and to expand their minds into learning more than just
what we know in the United States. Students should know every state’s
name in the United States and its location.
6. Modeling: The instructor will provide websites/textbooks/maps, etc. to the
students for their use in researching their chosen country.
7. Students will not be given the opportunity to work in pairs or groups since
this is an individualized class assignment. They may share what they’re
learning with other students if they’d like, but they will be doing this
anyway when they present their findings to the class.
8. Students will have class time to complete their project and they will be
given the opportunity to work on it for homework.
9. Conducting Learning Probes/Guided Practice: The instructor will walk
around the room to make sure that students are staying on task and making
sure that students aren’t playing games on the chrome books.
10. The instructor will randomly ask students questions on what they have
found so far.
11. The instructor will be sure to keep a copy of the world map on the
overhead for all of the class period in case students need to refer back to it.
12. The instructor will demonstrate scratch paper, crayons, markers, tape,
glue, and poster boards so that the students can simultaneously work on
their visual boards while researching.
13. All material will be left in the classroom so that students can pick back up
where they left off the day before and we do not have to worry about
someone forgetting their project at home.
14. Independent Student Practice: On the day of presentation, each student
will be given a worksheet that corresponds to each country that was
15. Students will have 3 minutes to present their country to the class.
16. Each student will answer the questions on their worksheet about the
country that is being presented.
17. Students will have a take-home assignment where they will write a 2-page
paper on if they could live in another country, where would it be, and
why? They will also write on what their favorite thing is in the United
States and what is it that we don’t take for granted.
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V. Materials

Materials needed for the lesson: Each student needs his/her own chrome book,
markers, crayons, glue, tape, scratch paper, printer (to print images), and their
own poster board.

VI. Grouping Structures

Activity will be done in the classroom, since we have a chrome book cart,
there is no need to utilize the school library.

VII. Modifications

Since I have a small number of students who have IEP’s, 504’s, and are ELL,
I will allow them to work together and make sure that I am following their
individualized accommodations (giving them more time to work on the
assignment, working in a quiet space, working with a partner, needing one-on-
one help, etc.)

VIII. Assessment

18. Assessing student progress/culminating or closing activity: At the end, I

will review the students’ worksheets to make sure they understood what
was being presented and to see if they understood. I would review their
own individual take-home writing assignment to see if they connected it to
the purpose of the lesson.
19. Distributed Practice and Review: We will go over the world map in class
to make sure students can remember where other continents/countries are.
After reading world news in class, students will be able to locate on the
globe, the country that is being talked about on the news. Students will
understand how important it is to learn about diversity and how we can all
learn from each other, no matter our differences.

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