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ROPES Elementary Lesson Plan

Lesson 1 Information
Student’s Name: Alexis Panepinto
Grade: 2nd Grade
Title: United States Geographic Location
Content Area(s): Social Studies and Language Arts
South Carolina Standards
Social Studies
Standard 2: Utilize the college and career skills of a geographer to apply map skills and draw conclusions
about the United States.

2.G.1 Identify the geographic location of the U. S. in relation to the rest of the world.


-Standard 4: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

4.1 Read grade-level texts with purpose and understanding.

Standard 1: Interact with others to explore ideas and concepts, communicate meaning, and develop logical
interpretations through collaborative conversations; build upon the ideas of others to clearly express one’s
own views while respecting diverse perspectives.

1.4 Participate in shared conversations with varied partners about focused grade level topics and texts in
small and large groups.

Social Studies
-Students will be able to tell where the United States is located.

-Students will be able to list information on the geographic location of the Unites States.

-Students will be able to summarize information on geography of the United States.

-Students will be able to discuss information that was learned on the location of the United States.
Estimated Time Required
50-55 minutes

ROPES Elementary Lesson Plan

List of Materials (Please remember to include copies of all instructional materials listed such as texts,
worksheets, PPTs, etc)
-National Geographic website on the United States
-Guided Notes for the United States Geography National Geographic website (attached in this document
under materials section)
-ELL United States Geography Translation Card (attached to this document under the materials section)
-USA Fact File Independent Practice Sheet https://12ee0b5a-abb3-9812-7a54-
-Exit Slip (attached in this document under materials section)
- Electronic devices (iPads and laptop) -For Google Earth and Google Maps
-Writing/coloring utensils

Instructional Procedures
 Open/focus the lesson
 Activate prior knowledge
I will ask students what they know about the geography of the United States. I will also ask them if they
know where the United States is located. Then, we will look at Google Earth and Google Maps to explore
where the United States is located in comparison to the rest of the world.
 Provide summary of lesson (Today we will...) and its importance (How does it connect with students’ lives?).
Today, we will look at the National Geographic website on the United States Geography. We will look at
the maps, facts, and data that is located on the website. As we are looking at the website, you will be given
guided notes that goes along with the website. Make sure that you pay attention to our lesson because what
we will talk about will be located on the guided notes that you will fill out. Once we finish the lesson, you
will each complete a USA Fact Tile sheet using your iPad and Google to find the information. We will then
review what we have learned by completing an inner outer circle activity and an exit slip. The importance
of these activities is to learn and introduce the geography of the United States which can then connect to
each students’ lives because they will gain knowledge on where they live and where other people that they
know live.
 Teacher Modeling/Demonstration of Learning (What are you teaching and how? Be specific.)
 Check for Understanding
 Guided Practice or Activity (student performs along with teacher guidance)
I will model with the students how guided notes work by looking at the website and the guided notes to
provide them with an example. During the lesson, I will engage in a think aloud by stopping at key
words/phrases within the guided notes and discuss examples of the geography in the United States relating
to South Carolina. At this point, the teacher will assess the students by completing a discussion on the
reading from the website. A few questions and answers will be asked to ensure that students are
comprehending/understanding the material. Students will then work along with the teacher by completing
their set of guided notes. Students may also need to write notes, highlight, or circle important information
based on what they teacher says.

ROPES Elementary Lesson Plan

 Independent Practices
Once the lesson and guided notes are completed, students will be given a USA Fact Tile Sheet. Students
will use their iPads and Google to find the information from the fact tile sheet. The teacher will walk
around as students are working to assess them by completing an observation. The teacher will write down if
students are able to take what they have learned from the lesson and what they find from internet sources
(Google) to complete their fact tile sheet. The teacher can also answer any questions that students may have
about the US and its geographic location.
 Closure of Lesson
To review information that was learned today, we are going to do an inner-outer circle activity. I will
number students off by counting them as a 1 or 2. All 1’s will be in the inner circle and 2’s will be in the
outer circle. You will discuss three things that you have learned about the location and geography of the
United States with the partner you are facing. When I say rotate, only the inner circle will move clockwise
to their new partner. (Students will then conduct and inform their partners on the three things they learned.
This can be continued for three to four rounds.) As the inner outer circle is going on, the teacher will assess
the students by completing an observation and recording notes on which students understand what was
learned today and which students need more help/guidance.

Post Unit Plan Procedures

Each student will complete an exit slip at the end of the entire lesson. Students will be asked 3 things they
have learned, 2 things they found interesting, and 1 question that they still have. Once the teacher has
collected the exit slip, the teacher will assess students by looking over it to see what students gained, do not
understand, and what they still have questions on to adapt instruction for the next day.
Intervention/Adaptation for Special Needs
 Each table group receives a translation card that has keywords from the lesson translated into native
language and has a visual representation of it. (attached to this document under the materials

Students with LD and difficulties in reading:

 Students will be given guided notes (same) during the presentation of the lesson.

Gifted and talented students:

 Students will be required to find at least three more facts about the United States on their USA fact
tile sheet.

ROPES Elementary Lesson Plan

Visually Impaired students:

 Students will be placed at the front of the classroom during the presentation part of the lesson.
Early Finishers
-Explore Google Earth to explore where the US is located.
-Use Epic on iPads to find and read books on US geography
-Read Independently

ROPES Elementary Lesson Plan

Lesson 2 Information
Student’s Name: Alexis Panepinto
Grade: 2nd
Title: United States Regions
Content Area(s): Social Studies and Language Arts
South Carolina Standards
Social Studies
Standard 2: Utilize the college and career skills of a geographer to apply map skills and draw conclusions
about the United States.

2.G.1 Identify the geographic location of the U. S. in relation to the rest of the world.

Standard 3:
Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective techniques, well-chosen
details, and well-structured event sequences.

3.1 Explore multiple texts to write narratives that recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of
events; include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings; use temporal words to signal event order;
and provide a sense of closure.
Social Studies:
-Students will be able to categorize where the different regions of the US are located.

-Students will be able to show their knowledge on the regions of the US through a pen pal activity.

Estimated Time Required

50-55 minutes
List of Materials (Please remember to include copies of all instructional materials listed such as texts,
worksheets, PPTs, etc)
-Read Aloud The Scrambled States of America
-Map of US Regions
(attached in this document under the materials section)
-Video of the “5 Regions of the US”
- Interactive Online Map

ROPES Elementary Lesson Plan

-Graphic Organizer for independent practice (attached in this document under the materials section)
-Rubric to assess the pen pal activity (attached to this document under the materials section)
-Quiz on the regions of the US with answer key (attached to this document under the materials section)
-Visual Impaired Modified Version of the quiz on the regions of the US (attached to this document under
the materials section)
-ELL US Regions Translation Card (attached to this document under the materials section)
- Electronic devices (iPads and laptop)
-Notebook Paper
-Writing/coloring utensils

Instructional Procedures
 Open/focus the lesson
 Activate prior knowledge
I will first review with students where the United States is located compared to the rest of the world. I will
then ask students what they know about regions. I will also ask them if they think the United States has
regions. Then we will watch a read aloud on the book The Scrambled States of America. We will stop at
certain points to discuss where some states on located on a map and begin a brief discussion on the regions
of the US.
 Provide summary of lesson (Today we will...) and its importance (How does it connect with students’ lives?).
Today, we will be looking at a map of the US regions. I will be showing the class how to read a map, what
the regions of the US are, and what states are classified under each region. We will then watch a video on
the 5 five regions of the US. During the video, questions will be asked. I will stop the video at those points
to have you all raise your hands to tell me the answer. Each student will then complete a graphic organizer
for independent practice based off an interactive map that will be accessed through iPads/electronic
devices. You will pick 2 regions that you would like to complete your organizer on and from those 2
regions, you will pick three states for each that is located in each of the regions. We will then review what
we have learned by writing to a pretend pen pal living in one of the five regions. Each student will then
complete a quiz on the regions of the US. The importance of these activities is to correctly identity the
regions of the US which can then be applied to the real world and which regions students and their families
live in.
 Teacher Modeling/Demonstration of Learning (What are you teaching and how? Be specific.)
 Check for Understanding
 Guided Practice or Activity (student performs along with teacher guidance)
I will demonstrate with students how to read a map using the map of the US regions. Students will then take
turns coming to the board to choose a region and the class will say states that are located in that region for
guided practice. I will provide and point to a state on the map and students would then tell me which region
that state is located in. During the video, I will engage in a think aloud and discussion by pausing the video
at certain questions and asking students to raise their hands to answer the questions. This will check for the
students’ understanding.

ROPES Elementary Lesson Plan

 Independent Practices
Once the video and map of the US regions is completed, students will use the interactive online map on the
regions of the US to pick two regions that was discussed during the lesson. Students will then choose three
states for the first region and three states for the second region. They will then come up with three facts for
each state that is chosen and record all information on their graphic organizer.
 Closure of Lesson
I will come together with the class after independent practice to review the five types of regions in the US.
Each student will pick one of the five regions of the US. They will pretend that they are writing to a pen pal
who lives in one of those states in that specific region. For example, I choose the Mid-Atlantic Region and I
chose the state of New Jersey. Write your pen pal a five-sentence paragraph on the notebook paper asking
what life is like there. The teacher will then assess students using a rubric to see how well they understand
the region that they have chosen and what they still do not understand about their chosen region.

Post Unit Plan Procedures

Each student will complete a quiz on the regions of the US. This assessment will test their ability to read a
map and answer questions on the regions. The teacher will then assess students using their quiz to figure
out what students need more help with on the regions of the US and what they get to better adapt their
instruction for the next day.
Intervention/Adaptation for Special Needs
 Each table group receives a translation card that has keywords from the lesson translated into native
language and has a visual representation of it. (attached to this document under the materials

Students with LD and difficulties in reading:

 Students will be given a graphic organizer (same) to record their facts during independent practice. I
will also show these students the rubric for their pen pal activity along with what is considered a
good example and a bad example.

Gifted and talented students:

 Students will be required to complete another pen pal activity. They can also create a drawing to
include with their pen pal writing.

Visually Impaired students:

 Students will be given their quiz with larger font. (attached to this document under the materials
Early Finishers
-Using the read aloud The Scrambled States of America, students will write four to five facts and draw a
picture that represents their facts.

ROPES Elementary Lesson Plan

-Read Independently

Lesson 3 Information
Student’s Name: Alexis Panepinto
Grade: 2nd Grade
Title: US Landforms
Content Area(s): Social Studies and Language Arts
South Carolina Standards
Social Studies
Standard 2: Utilize the college and career skills of a geographer to apply map skills and draw conclusions
about the United States.

2.G.2 Describe and compare various landforms over time within the U.S. through the use of primary and
secondary sources.


-Standard 3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective techniques,
well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.

3.1 Explore multiple texts to write narratives that recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of
events; include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings; use temporal words to signal event order;
and provide a sense of closure.
Social Studies
-Students will be able to compare the different forms of landforms.

-Students will be able to list the different forms of landforms.

-Students will be able to illustrate and pick landforms to illustrate.

-Students will be able to state facts about landforms when writing a postcard.
Estimated Time Required
50-55 minutes
List of Materials (Please remember to include copies of all instructional materials listed such as texts,

ROPES Elementary Lesson Plan

worksheets, PPTs, etc)

-My Travels Map (attached to this document under the materials section)
-Blank map of the US (attached to this document under the materials section)
-PPT on Landforms
- US Landforms Website
-Postcards Across America organizer (attached to this document under the materials section)
-ELL Landforms Translation Card (attached to this document under the materials section)
-Writing/ coloring utensils
- Electronic devices (iPads and laptop)

Instructional Procedures
 Open/focus the lesson
 Activate prior knowledge
I will ask the students what they know about landforms and landforms located in the US. Then we will
complete a My Travels Map activity. Students will draw dashes through the states they have driven
through, color the states they have lived in, draw a heart in the states where relatives live, and draw a star in
the states that they have been on vacation to. I will then select a few students to share their map.
 Provide summary of lesson (Today we will...) and its importance (How does it connect with students’ lives?).
Today, we will be going through a PowerPoint and learning about landforms in general and landforms in
the United States. Each student will be given a map and throughout the PowerPoint, we will color in
neighboring countries, oceans, and much more. Each student will then complete an independent practice
activity where you will pick one of the landforms that was discussed during the lesson and identify four of
your favorite examples. You will pretend you are on a tour of America’s landforms and collecting fictional
postcards from each of your chosen landforms. You should include a colorful drawing and brief
information about the landforms. You can use the website that will be provided to you. Students will then
complete a Quizizz assessments on their iPads/electronic devices. The importance of these activities is to be
able to correctly identify landforms which can then be applied to the real world.
 Teacher Modeling/Demonstration of Learning (What are you teaching and how? Be specific.)
 Check for Understanding
 Guided Practice or Activity (student performs along with teacher guidance)
I will demonstrate with students the concept of landforms by reading the PowerPoint and explain what each
landform is along with an example. During the lesson, I will engage in a think aloud by stopping at the
different landforms and discussing with students if they have ever been to any of the landforms that have
been discussed. We will also talk about some of the characteristics of each landforms which will check for
their understanding. Students will be given a blank map of the US and will need coloring utensils to
identify landforms in the US for guided practice during the presentation.
 Independent Practices

ROPES Elementary Lesson Plan

Once the PowerPoint and map activity are completed, students will be given the Postcards Across America
organizer. Students will pick one of the landforms that was discussed during the lesson and identify four of
your favorites. (They can use this website) For example, I have chosen the river landform and four of my
favorites is the Mississippi River, Waccamaw River, Rio Grande River, and Arkansas River. You will
pretend you are on a tour of America’s landforms and collecting fictional postcards from each of your
chosen landforms. Include a colorful drawing and brief information about the landforms. The teacher will
then assess, observe, and look over each student’s postcard to identify how well students can explain each
of their chosen landforms as well as the picture that is associated with it.
 Closure of Lesson
I will come together with the class after independent practice to review the landforms that were discussed
and have students provide examples of some landforms in the United States.

Post Unit Plan Procedures

Each student will use an electronic device to join the landforms game on Quizizz. Students will join using
the code, add their name, and begin their assessment. Once the assessment has ended, I will be able to see
their scores as well as what they got right and wrong. This form of assessment will allow the teacher to
assess what students have gained from the lesson and what can still be worked on.
Intervention/Adaptation for Special Needs
 Each table group receives a translation card that has keywords from the lesson translated into native
language and has a visual representation of it. (attached to this document under the materials

Students with LD and difficulties in reading:

 Students will have their Quizizz test read orally to them.

Gifted and talented students:

 Students will be required to write 3-4 sentences on the back of their My Travel Map activity
explaining where they have traveled in the US.

Visually Impaired students:

 Students will be placed at the front of the classroom during the presentation part of the lesson.
Early Finishers
-Students can play a landform memory game
- Students can play a landform matching game

ROPES Elementary Lesson Plan

Lesson 4 Information

Student’s Name:
Alexis Panepinto

2 Grade

Landforms Across the US

Content Area(s):
Social Studies and Language Arts

South Carolina Standards

Social Studies
Standard 2: Utilize the college and career skills of a geographer to apply map skills and draw
conclusions about the United States.

2.G.2 Describe and compare various landforms over time within the U.S. through the use of
primary and secondary sources.

Standard 1: Interact with others to explore ideas and concepts, communicate meaning, and
develop logical interpretations through collaborative conversations; build upon the ideas of
others to clearly express one’s own views while respecting diverse perspectives.

1.4 Participate in shared conversations with varied partners about focused grade level topics and
texts in small and large groups.


ROPES Elementary Lesson Plan

Social Studies
-Students will be able to recall the different forms of landforms in the US.

-Students will be able to create and list the US landforms on an anchor chart.

-Students will be able to create a video summary by using five facts.

Estimated Time Required

50-55 minutes

List of Materials (Please remember to include copies of all instructional materials listed such as
texts, worksheets, PPTs, etc)

-Sticky Notes
-Anchor Chart Paper (an example is attached in the materials section of this document)
-Video: “15 Dramatic Changes on Earth Revealed by NASA”
-Station 2: Landform Map of the United States (attached to this document under the materials
-Station 2: Map Landforms Chart (attached to this document under the materials section)
-Station 3: Primary Source Matching Landforms Chart (attached to this document under the
materials section)
-Station 3: ELL Primary Source Matching Landforms Chart (attached to this document under the
materials section)
-Construction paper, blank white paper, and notebook paper
- Electronic devices (iPads and laptop)
-Writing/coloring utensils

Instructional Procedures

 Open/focus the lesson
 Activate prior knowledge

Students will write on a sticky note what they remember from the day before on landforms. They
will then complete a think pair share with their partner. The students will then share with the
class and we will discuss what students said. During this time, the teacher will assess students by
observing them on what they say in the think pair share activity. The teacher can then adjust
instruction and stations based off what students thinking is and what they know on landforms.

ROPES Elementary Lesson Plan

 Provide summary of lesson (Today we will...) and its importance (How does it connect with
students’ lives?).

Today, we will be creating an anchor chart by defining and drawing pictures of the landforms
that we have discussed. For independent practice there will be three stations set up around the
room. Station one is watching a video that uses primary source pictures to show changes in
Earth’s landforms. After you watch the video, you will write five facts to create a summary of
the video. In the second station, you will be using the Landform Map of the United States and the
Map Landforms Chart to learn more about landforms and how to read a map. In the third station,
you will use the primary source pictures to match the landform name to the correct landform
picture. We will then review the primary sources that were used in the three stations. You will
then write five facts from a video that you will watch to create a video summary. The importance
of these activities is to learn how landforms can be shown on a map and through primary and
secondary sources as well as how landforms are changed in real life over time.

 Teacher Modeling/Demonstration of Learning (What are you teaching and how? Be specific.)
 Check for Understanding
 Guided Practice or Activity (student performs along with teacher guidance)

I will demonstrate with students the concept of landforms by creating an anchor chart that lists
the definitions of the landforms and a picture to go along with each one. During the lesson, I will
engage in a think aloud by stopping at each landform and asking the students to provide me with
an example of that landform. Students will then be given a blank sheet of paper and coloring
utensils where they will create their own anchor chart for guided practice.

 Independent Practices

Once the landforms anchor chart is completed, students will be divided up into three groups to
complete stations on landforms. Station one is watching a video that uses primary source pictures
to show changes in Earth’s landforms. After you watch the video, you will write five facts on
notebook paper to create a summary of the video. In the second station, you will be using the
Landforms Map of the United States and the Map Landforms Chart to learn more about
landforms and how to read a map. You will write the actual names of the landforms on the left
side of the chart and examples on the right side of the chart. For example, on the left side, I
would write mountains and on the right side, I would write the Rocky Mountains. In the third
station, you will use the primary source pictures to match the landform name to the correct
landform picture. (The primary sources pictures and landforms name will be cut out in mixed up
to ensure that it is valid) You will glue your matches to a piece of construction paper when you
are finished.

 Closure of Lesson

ROPES Elementary Lesson Plan

I will come together with the class after independent practice to review the three stations had
primary and secondary sources. We will talk about the different primary sources such as maps,
videos, and pictures. We will then compare different landforms around the US.
Post Unit Plan Procedures


Each student will create a 10 to 20 second video using Adobe Spark on an electronic device.
Students will choose two landforms. They will include pictures of these landforms and record
your voice giving examples and information about the two landforms. The video will and can
then be downloaded and shared to one of the class’ online platforms such as Google Classroom
or SeeSaw. The teacher will then asses students’ knowledge based off their video and the
information that is given to better adapt instruction and the needs of students.

Intervention/Adaptation for Special Needs

 Each table group receives a translation card for station 3 that has the landforms written in
English and the native language. (attached to this document under the materials section)

Students with LD and difficulties in reading:

 Students will have the directions repeated back to them and the students will repeat what
they need to complete back to the teacher. Teacher will correct any miscommunication
before students begin and check back on students while they are working.

Gifted and talented students:

 Students will be required to write at least two landforms that they have been to on the
back of their anchor chart and describe what they did at these landforms.

Visually Impaired students:

 Students will be placed at the front of the classroom during the presentation part of the

Early Finishers

ROPES Elementary Lesson Plan

-Students can play a landform memory game

- Students can play a landform matching game
- Students can explore landforms through interactive maps on landforms

Lesson 5 Information

Student’s Name:
Alexis Panepinto

2 Grade

Landforms, Regions, and the Geographic Location of the United States

Content Area(s):
Social Studies and Language Arts

South Carolina Standards

Social Studies
Standard 2: Utilize the college and career skills of a geographer to apply map skills and draw
conclusions about the United States.

2.G.2 Describe and compare various landforms over time within the U.S. through the use of
primary and secondary sources.


-Standard 3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective
techniques, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.

3.1 Explore multiple texts to write narratives that recount a well-elaborated event or short
sequence of events; include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings; use temporal
words to signal event order; and provide a sense of closure.

ROPES Elementary Lesson Plan


Social Studies
-Students will be able to identify landforms on a map and globe.

-Students will be able to draw and tell about a landform in the US of their choosing.

Estimated Time Required

50-55 minutes

List of Materials (Please remember to include copies of all instructional materials listed such as
texts, worksheets, PPTs, etc)

-Video: “Introducing Landforms Read Aloud”

-Whole Group Interactive Activity
-Notebook paper
- Google Earth/Maps
-Google Earth/Maps Graphic Organizer (attached to this document under the materials section)
-Electronic devices (iPads and computer)
-Dream Vacation Landform Writing Sheet (attached to this document under the materials
-Checklist for Dream Vacation Writing Sheet (attached to this document under the materials
- US Geographic Location and Landforms Test with answer key (attached to this document
under the materials section)
-Visually Impaired Modified Version US Geographic Location and Landforms Test (attached to
this document under the materials section)
-Writing/coloring utensils

Instructional Procedures

 Open/focus the lesson
 Activate prior knowledge

I will review with students what they know and remember about landforms. I will ask them if
they can name examples of landforms in real life and their names. (Look for the answer of Rocky

ROPES Elementary Lesson Plan

Mountains, Atlantic Ocean, etc) Then we will watch a read aloud on the book Introducing

 Provide summary of lesson (Today we will...) and its importance (How does it connect with
students’ lives?).

Today, we will play an interactive activity on the landform regions of the US as a class. This
interactive activity will also ask us some questions that you will answer. Each student will then
use Google Earth or Google Maps on your iPad (or another electronic device). You will find a
peninsula, mountain, valley, plain, island, and canyon that is located in the US and record all
information on your Google Earth/Maps graphic organizer. Then at the end, each student will
take what you have learned on landforms to choose one landform that you would like to visit and
complete the Dream Vacation Landform Writing Sheet which will be graded using a checklist.
You will also take your test on US Geographic locations and landforms test. The importance of
these activities is to build knowledge on landforms and geographic location to connect back to
where each student lives in the US.

 Teacher Modeling/Demonstration of Learning (What are you teaching and how? Be specific.)
 Check for Understanding
 Guided Practice or Activity (student performs along with teacher guidance)

I will demonstrate the concept of landforms in the US by reading and explaining the map on the
interactive activity. During the lesson, I will discuss and ask students to tell me parts of the
landforms on the map which will check for their understanding of reading maps and knowing
what certain landforms look like. Students will then be given a piece of notebook paper to
answer the three questions on the interactive activity which can be found on the website for
guided practice.

 Independent Practices

Once the interactive whole group activity is completed, students will be given a Google
Earth/Maps graphic organizer and will use an electronic device to use Google Earth and Google
Maps. Students will be required to find the following: peninsula, mountain, valley, plain, island,
and canyon. They will record all of their answers/work on the graphic organizer.

 Closure of Lesson

I will come together after independent practice to summarize landforms. Students will take what
they have learned from landforms to choose one landform that they would like to visit. They will

ROPES Elementary Lesson Plan

choose one and write about why they want to visit the landform using the Dream Vacation
Landform Writing Sheet. Students will then include a illustrate what their landform looks like.
The teacher will then assess students using a checklist to see what students write about in their
dream vacation landform writing to gain knowledge on what students know about certain
Post Unit Plan Procedures


Each student will then complete a summative assessment on the US geographic location, regions,
and landforms. The teacher will then assess students from this assessment to see how students
have progressed and gained from the beginning of the unit. The teacher can also reflect on how
well their personal teaching instruction went and what can be changed for next time.

Intervention/Adaptation for Special Needs

 Students will have the summative assessment read aloud to them. Two answer choices
will also be marked out. Students can also use their translated cards that were given to
them throughout the week if needed.

Students with LD and difficulties in reading:

 Students will have the exam read aloud to them.

Gifted and talented students:

 Students will be required to write at least two facts on their landform that they have
chosen for their Dream vacation writing.

Visually Impaired students:

 Students will be given a summative assessment with larger font. (attached to this
document under the materials section)

Early Finishers

-Students can practice and review for landforms using Quizizz

ROPES Elementary Lesson Plan

- Watch other students’ video creations from Adobe Spark and write five new things that were
learned on notebook paper.
-Use Google Earth/Maps to find any two landforms in any state and write it under the extra
column in the graphic organizer.


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