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Multicultural Lesson Activity Template

Find or develop a multicultural activity you would teach in your classroom. Plan 30-50
minutes for the activity, depending on the age of the students.

Grade Level/Age: Grade 11; Age 17

1. Lesson Objectives:
● Subject observable objective: SWBAT summarize the differences and diversities of their
chosen culture.
● Multicultural goal: (Chapter 1 Study guide): SWBAT explain the enlightenment of the
social, political, and economic realities encountered in a culturally diverse society.

2. All Lesson Materials: Include all materials with the lesson activity assignment.
● Computer/ Laptop/Ipad
● PPT of Multicultural Education
● Exit Ticket/Discussion Question
● Videos of chosen culture found on websites
● Websites with information on chosen culture (.org, .gov, .mil, .edu)

3. Instruction- learning Process: Create a detailed outline of the multicultural activity

following the teaching design below:

● Do First: (5 minutes.)
1. Teacher will write on the board, "Why is it important to educate yourself about
and understand diverse cultures"
2. Students will write down their answers as a quick write for 2-3 minutes.
3. Teacher will have students stop writing after about 3 minutes and ask students to
share their answers.
4. Teacher will explain the importance of learning and educating oneself about
diverse cultures after students are done sharing.
5. Teacher will then explain to students that they will be starting the first part of their
research project.
● Mini-lesson: (15 minutes)
6. Teacher will project and teach multiculturalism and why it is important to learn
and educate oneself on other cultures and diversity.
7. Students will write notes on their notebooks that will be used later for their
8. Teacher will end the presentation with detailed directions on their project.
9. Teacher will explain that they will be put into 5 groups of 6 and each group will
be allowed to choose a culture that they want to research.
10. Teacher will explain that in order for their culture to be accepted, they need to
provide 3 solid reasons as to why they want to research that culture (they can use
information that they learned from the PPT presentation).
● Guided Practice: (10 minutes)
11. Students will get into their groups and discuss with one another what culture they
would like to research and come up with 3 solid reasons why they want to
research that culture.
12. Teacher will be walking around the classroom asking guiding questions and
checking for understanding.
13. Teacher will help groups that might be confused or not know which cultures they
want to choose by guiding them and helping them figure out what culture they
would like to research.
● Independent Practice: (15 min.)
14. Students will grab a laptop/computer/Ipad and work on finding credible sources
with information on their culture relating to the objectives and questions needed
to answer for their final project.
15. Students will work on the first part of their project the entire 15 minutes.
● Exit Slip: (5 minutes)
16. Teacher will write on the board an exit question: “Provide one example of a
difference between your researched culture and the American culture or your own
17. Students will hand their answer to the teacher as they leave the class.

4. All Resources: List all resources used in the multicultural lesson plan in APA format.
Example websites students would use:
● Coman, S. (n.d.). A brief history of the cultures of ASIA (ARTICLE). Khan Academy.
● Latino/a and Hispanic culture in the U.S. InterExchange. (2020, June 22).
● Native American : Immigration and relocation in U.S. history : Classroom materials at
the library of Congress : Library of Congress. The Library of Congress. (n.d.).

5. Reflection:
Evaluate your multicultural lesson activity.
● I think that my lesson plan does a great job at setting up for a much larger project that can
potentially go in to depth on multiculturalism, inclusion, discrimination, and the effects
of stereotyping, discrimination, and racism within society and how to eliminate and work
towards acceptance and understanding of diversity. I believe that with the correct
materials, the correct direction and guidance, this lesson could be a wonderful
culmination project that would help students recognize what they did not know about
other cultures, what stereotypes they might have had and any biases they might have held
against another culture.
What specific subject concepts, skills were taught?
● Students will be practicing critical thinking skills, self-reflection, research based skills,
and analytical thinking skills all throughout this project. This project is designed to have
the students thinking every step of the way. They are to be thinking about not only the
cultures that they chose to research, but also to reflect on themselves, their own cultures,
and how they think about other cultures and their own. Students will be thinking critically
about multiculturalism and its place in society as well as throughout the years.
What specific multicultural knowledge, skills were achieved?
● Students will gain knowledge on diverse cultures and customs based on their own group
and individual research as well as their cumulative presentations. They will also learn
about stereotypes and biases that lead to racism. They will learn to get rid of those
stereotypes, why they are harmful, and why they perpetuate, support, and fuel racism and
Evaluate the level of student engagement in the teaching-learning process.
● In this lesson, students are pretty much heavily engaged and in charge of their own
learning and presentation/culmination of their knowledge. With this lesson, the teacher
teaches them about multiculturalism, stereotyping, cultural biases, discrimination, and
racism as well as advancements and achievements made by diverse cultures and how they
contribute to society. Students will be in charge of researching in their groups and on
their own about their chosen culture. Students will be in charge of getting approval from
the teacher after completing each step of the culmination project. Students will be in
charge of completing the final project as well as educating and presenting to their
classmates what they have learned and how it benefited and affected them as an
List the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson plan.
● Strengths: this is a culmination assignment, so it can be spread into a whole quarter or
even semester so that students are always thinking about multiculturalism. This gets
students thinking about stereotypes and biases within their everyday lives and will
hopefully get them to speak up and out about it. The lesson is appropriate and easy to
accomplish at their grade and age level.
● Weaknesses: it might be too long of a lesson over time, and this first part of the lesson
might need to be split into two parts. There will need to be reminders and restating of
what multiculturalism is as well as periodic check-ins and reviews of the lessons and

Grading Rubric -- Multicultural Lesson Activity Assignment

Multicultural lesson activity follows the required format 10
The lesson outline provides details for the entire teaching/learning 10
Subject concepts, skills, information, etc. identified in the observable 10
objective are effectively and actively taught.
Multicultural activity clearly and actively teaches the multicultural 10
goal and objective listed for the assignment.
The “Reflection” demonstrates the student’s detailed evaluation of 5
the lesson plan. Teaching effectiveness for both subject and
multicultural content, student engagement, and the lesson strength
and weaknesses.
Assignment is free from errors in language, paragraphing and 5
Written mechanics.

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