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Teacher(s) Name: Courtney King

Thematic Unit Theme/Title/Grade Level: United States Regions/ Southwest/ 3rd Grade
Weebly address:
Daily Lesson Plan Day/Title: Day 4/ Southwest Region


Learning Goal:
Students will be able to distinguish the five regions and their

What will students

accomplish be able to do
at the end of this lesson?
Be sure to set significant
(related to SSS/CCSS),
challenging and
appropriate learning

Learning Objectives:
1. The student will identify the five regions of the
United States.
2. The student will label the states in each of the five
regions of the United States.
3. The student will describe the natural resources
found in the different regions.
4. The student will gather information from print and
digital sources, and take brief notes on sources and sort
evidence into provided categories.
5. The students will be able to describe the physical
features of the United States.
6. The students will be able to identify natural and
man-made landmarks in the United States.
7. The student will use diverse resources to inspire
artistic expression and achieved varied results.
8. The student will use materials, tools, and processes
to achieve an intended result in two- and/or threedimensional artworks.

NCSS Themes
Florida Standards (FS)
Next Generation
Sunshine State
Standards (NGSSS) List
each standard. Cutting
and pasting from the
website is allowed.

NCSS theme(s):
People, Places, and Environments
Florida Standard(s):
LAFS.3.W.3.8 - Recall information from
experiences or gather information from print and digital
sources; take brief notes on sources and sort evidence into
provided categories.
LAFS.K12.W.2.4 - Produce clear and coherent
writing in which the development, organization, and style
are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
VA.3.S.1.2 - Use diverse resources to inspire
artistic expression and achieve varied results.
VA.3.S.3.1 - Use materials, tools, and processes to

achieve an intended result in two- and/or threedimensional artworks.

Next Generation Sunshine State Standards:
SS.3.G.2.2 - Identify the five regions of the United
SS.3.G.2.3 - Label the states in each of the five
regions of the United States.
How will student
learning be assessed?
Does your assessment
align with your
objectives, standards and
Informal assessment
(multiple modes):
participation rubrics,
journal entries,
notes, etc.

Unit Pre-Assessment:
Class Kahoot on Promethean Board
Unit Post-Assessment:
Class Kahoot on Promethean Board
On-going daily (progress-monitoring) Assessment:
Students properly fill in their foldable information for each day.
1. Students cannot distinguish the five regions of the
United States.
2. Students can distinguish some of the five regions
of the United States.
3. Students can distinguish with mastery the five
regions of the United States.
4. Student can distinguish with mastery and can teach
the five regions of the United States.

Design for Instruction

Student Activities &
What best practice
strategies will be
How will you
communicate student
What products will be
developed and created by
Consider Contextual
Factors (learning

1. Anticipatory set: Students will turn to a shoulder

partner and discuss what they learned from yesterdays
lesson on the midwest. (2 minutes) ESOL 2: Promote
cooperation (small groups). Now the teacher will allow a
few students to share what they learned and something
that they found interesting or cool. The teacher will also
be sure to have a map of the previous regions posted and
be prepared to add the southwest region to the map. The
students should place all previous days work in their car
2. There should be a schedule on the board for
students to know what they are doing today if they ever
have questions. ESOL 19: Establish predictable
classroom routines through the use of an outline on the
3. To begin the lesson the teacher will ask the

styles) that may be in

place in your future
What accommodations or
modifications do you
make for ESOL
and ESE (Gifted/Talented
disabilities, SLD etc.)

students if they can locate the states that are in the

southwest region. (Leave 1 minute for guesses) ESOL 22:
Give enough wait time for second language learners to
respond to questions.
4. To introduce todays activities, the teacher will
show a video of the Grand Canyon. (6minutes) The
teacher should allow students to move closer to the screen
if they cannot see well enough. UDL 2.5: Illustrate
through multiple media.
5. The teacher will ask students if they have been to
the Grand Canyon and if they have heard about it before.
UDL 3.1: Activate or supply background knowledge.
6. The teacher will go over each center. Each center
will last 15 minutes and the students will rotate from
center to center in their pre-assigned groups. The teacher
will have a timer pulled up on the promethean board so
that all students know how much time they have
remaining. The three centers for today are:
a. Online webquest: The students will
be given a worksheet to complete while using the
webquest site. Students
may work with their neighbor to complete
assignment. ESOL 32: Use student pairs for
team learning, especially for reports,
experiments and projects. UDL 5.1: Use
multiple media for communication. UDL 8.3:
Foster collaboration and community.
b. Grand Canyon Artwork: The
students will draw and color their own version of
the Grand Canyon. There will be white printer
paper and markers along with a how-to worksheet
and example. At this station, there will be a list of
fun facts for the students to read about the grand
canyon. If
they have time they can write one of the facts on
the back of their artwork. UDL 3.3: Guide
information processing, visualization, and
manipulation. UDL 5.2: Use multiple tools for

construction and composition.

c. States: Students will color in the
southwest region of their U.S. map with the color
orange. They will also label the states that are
there. If they finish this task before time is up,
students may go on the computers or to the class
library and look up facts about each state. ESOL
29 Offer a variety of reference materials at the
students instructional level for independent
use. UDL 7.1: Optimize individual choice and
autonomy. UDL: 7.2 Optimize relevance, value,
and authenticity.
ESOL 14: Simplify your speech by making it slower
and redundant. ESOL 31:Write instructions and
problems using shorter and less complex sentences.
7. During the centers, the teacher will assist students
individually as needed. If there are no students who need
help, the teacher should supervise the Grand Canyon art
8. When each group has gone to all the centers, the
students will clean up whatever center they finish at. (1
9. The students will keep the work they completed at
each station and place it in their car folders.
10. The teacher will have the students rate themselves
using their hand in front of their chest on how they feel
about the material learned today. ESOL 6: Continually
monitor students comprehension. UDL 9.3: Develop
self-assessment and reflection.
11. Students will be directed to take out their foldable
and fill in the information that they learned today. The
teacher will allow a few students to share the material they
wrote down. Students will place the foldable back in their
car along with any other assignments/projects. (5 minutes)
ESOL 48: Use group assignments, portfolios, learning
journals and non-print options as alternative

Promethean Board (IWB)


Pictures of the 4 states
White printer paper
Writing Utensils
Books about each state in class library

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