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MODULE 1 3. All cells arise only from pre-existing cells.

CHAPTER 1: THE CELL In addition to the cell theory, the gene theory,
evolution, homeostasis, and the laws of
 Cell theory thermodynamics form the basic principles that are
Cell- is the simplest unit of matter that is alive the foundations for the study of life.
All organisms are composed of the fundamental unit The generally accepted parts of modern version of
of life, the cell cell theory include:
- One of the basic organizational principles of 1. All known living things are made up of one or more
biology cells.
- One of the basic principles of biology 2. All living things arise from pre-existing cells by
Robert Hooke – first discovered the cell in 1665, division.
described in his book Micrographia. 3. The cell is the fundamental unit of structure and
fuction in all living organisms.
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek- another scientist who saw 4. The activity of an organism depends on the total
cells soon after Hooke did. activity of independent cells.
-he made use of a microscope containing improved 5. Energy flow (metabolism and biochemistry) occurs
lenses that could magnify objects almost 300-fold or within cells.
270x 6. Cells contain DNA which is found specifically in the
-found motile objects chromosome and the RNA found in the cell nucleus
and cytoplasm.
Theodor Scwann (1810D1882) and Matthias Jakob 7. All cells are basically the same in chemical
Schleiden (1804D1881)- credit for developing cell composition in organisms of similar species.
theory is usually given to these two scientists. 8. Heredity information (DNA) is passed on from cell
to cell.
Rudolf Virchow- contributed to the theory but he is 9. All cells have the same basic chemical
not credited for his attributions. composition.
10. All living organisms are composed of and depend
Matthias Jakob Schleiden- suggested that every on cells to function normally.
structural part of a plant was made up of cells or the
result of cells. He also suggested that cells were Two (2) Primary types of Cells:
made by a crystallization process either within other 1. Eukaryotic- animal cells, plant cells, and fungal
cells or from the outside. However, it is not his cells
original idea. 2. Prokaryotic cells- bacteria and archaeans.

Barthelemy Dumortier- He stated about cell theory *CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS*
years befor Schleiden. Organisms are composed of cells, and these cells
have specific structures within them that allow them
Theodor Schwann- In 1839, he stated that along with to carry out their functions. These structures are
plants, animals are composed of cells or the product called organelles. The fine detail of the cell (which
of cells in their structures. may be revealed by an electron microscope) is called
Two of the three tenets of cell theory were the cell’s ultrastructure.
1. All living organisms are composed of one or more Division of Labor- organelles perform different
cells. functions within a cell
2. The cell is the most basic unit of life.
 Cell wall- helps in protecting the plasma membrane  Vacuoles- are essentially larger vesicles, and they
and plays a vital role in supporting and protecting the are formed by the joining together of many
cell. It is thick outer layer made of cellulose that gives vesicles.
the cell its shape.
 Cell membrane- is a double layered, thin barrier,
surrounding the cell to control the entry and exit of Non Membrane-Bound Organelles
certain substances.  Ribosomes- are small spherical organelles,
 Cytoplasm- is a membrane, which protects the cell composed of two subunits, which can be
by keeping the cell organelles separate from each found on the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
other. This helps to keep the stability of the cell. (and also in the cytoplasm and in
Cytoplasm contains semi-fluid translucent substance mitochondria, and other places)
known as cytosol. Cytoplasm is the site where may  Centrioles- are microtubules found next to the
vital biochemical reactions take place. nucleus of animal cells and some protoctists
Membrane-Bound Organelles
 Nucleus- is the largest organelle in a cell.
 Nuclear membrane- is the bilayer membrane,
which protects the nucleus by surrounding and  DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ANIMAL AND PLANT
acts as a barrier between the cell nucleus and CELL
other organs of a cell. ANIMAL CELL PLANT CELL
 Nucleolus- is an important membrane found 1. Comparatively smaller 1. Usually larger in
inside the nucleus. It plays a vital role in the in size size
production of cell’s ribosome. 2. Enclosed by a thin 2. Enclosed by a rigid
 Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) – found near the plasma membrane cell wall in addition to
nucleus and made up of a number of flattened plasma membrane
3. Often changes its 3. Cannot change its
sacs called cisternae, which are continuous with
shape shape
the nuclear envelope.
4. Plastids are usually 4. Plastids are
 Golgi apparatus- is a stack of membrane-bound
absent present
flattened sacs and are responsible for the
5. Often contains many 5. Mature plant cell
modification of proteins received from the ER. small vacuoles contains large central
 Lysosomes- are membrane-bound spherical sacs, vacuole
which contain digestive enzymes used to break 6. Nucleus usually lies in 6. Nucleus lies on one
down materials. the center side of the cytoplasm
 Mitochondria- are round double-membrane- 7. Centrioles are 7. Centrioles are
bound organelles responsible for Aerobic practically present normally absent
Respiration. except for lower
 Chromosomes- is made up of DNA and stored in plant forms
the nucleus, which contains the instructions for 8. Lysosomes are always 8. Lysosomes are rare
traits and characteristics. present in animal cells
 Chloroplasts- found only in plants and some 9. Glyoxysomes are 9. Glyoxysomes are
protoctists that are responsible for absent absent
10. Plasmodesmata is 10. Plasmodesmata is
absent/ Tight juctions andabsent/ Tight juctions
 Vesicles- are membrane-bound sacs that are used
desmosomes are present and desmosomes are
to store or transport substances around the cell. absent
Lysosomes are actually vesicles. 11. Reserved food in form 11. Reserved food in
of glycogen form of starch -most prokaryotes reproduce through a process
12. Cannot synthesize all 12. Synthesize all the called BINARY FISSION.
the amino acids, co- amino acids, co-
enzymes and vitamins enzymes and
required by them vitamins required by
13. Spindle formed during 13. Spindle formed 1. Cells are too small to be seen without
cell division is aphiastral during cell division is
(has an ester in each anastral (without
2. There are two primary types of cells
pole) asters on the
opposite side) 3. Prokaryotic single-celled organisms are the
14. Cytokinesis occurs by 14. Cytokinesis occurs earliest and most primitive forms of life on earth.
construction of furrowing by cell plate method 4. There are more bacterial cells in the body than
15. Animal cell lacking 15. Plant cell does human cells.
contractile vacuole not burst if placed in 5. Cells contain genetic material.
usually burst if placed in hypotonic solution 6. Cells contain structures called organelles, which
hypotonic solution due to the presence carry out specific functions.
of cell wall. 7. Different types of cells reproduce through
different methods.
BACTERIAL CELL 8. Groups of similar cells form tissues.
-known for their role in causing illnesses but there are 9. Cells have varying life spans.
also good bacteria. They are single cellular 10. Cells commit suicide.
microscopic organisms.

-Cells in the human body number in trillions and

TWO PRIMARY TYPES OF CELLS: come in all shapes and sizes. These tiny structures
are the basic unit of living organisms.
1. EUKARYOTIC CELLS -Cells form tissues, tissues form organs, organs
- are cells that contain a nucleus and organelles, form organ systems, and organ systems work
and are enclosed by a plasma membrane. together in an organism.
Organisms that have eukaryotic cells include
protists, fungi, plants and animals. DIFFERENT TYPES OF CELLS IN THE HUMAN
- More complex and much larger than prokaryotic BODY BASED ON TISSUE FORMATION
cells (10x larger in diameter than prokaryotic cells)
1. Bone cells (Osteocytes)
- Eukaryotes grow and reproduce through a
process called MITOSIS.
- They are the toughest body cell as they
are bound together by calcium and
- have no true nucleus.
-are unicellular organisms that lack organelles or 2. Cartilage cells (Chondrocytes)
other internal membrane-bound structures.
- These cells are similar to bone cells but
Generally, they have a single chromosome: a piece
of circular, double-stranded DNA located in an
the surrounding material is just loose and
area of the cell called the nucleoid. flexible compared to those of bone cells;
they are freely bendable.
o CONNECTIVE CELLS- Bone cells, blood cells
3. Nerve Cells fall under this category.
- These cells are very long and have
o GLANDULAR CELLS- These cells are
many branching at either ends. Their
secretory cells.
specialty is they never multiply in one’s
lifetime. Present all over the body. o STORAGE CELLS- These are adipose cells

4. Epithelial Cells o SUPPORTIVE CELLS- These are the cells that

- These cells are very simple cells, which form act as support to adjacent cells.
covering of other cells. They differ in shape, some
are cuboidal, others are thin and flat known as o SPECIAL TYPES OF CELLS:
squamous and the rest are tall and narrow called a. Sperms. These cells unlike others are
columnar. haploid.
b. Oocytes. Cells are haploid and present in
5. Muscle Cells adult female genital system.
- These cells are of muscle tissue mostly long, c. Stem Cells. These are basic cells or parent
large and have ability to contract and relax cells, which can differentiate into any cell
providing movements. based on the requirement.
3 types: d. Rods and Cones. These cells are in the
 Skeletal muscle cells eyes and have capacity to capture image
 Cardiac muscle cells color and light.
 Smooth muscle cells e. Ciliated cells. These cells are present as
lining of respiratory tract and esophagus.
6. Secretory Cells f. Blood cells. These are quite interesting
- These cells as the name indicates are secretory cells.
in nature. They form glands and secrete
something important. CELL MODIFICATIONS
Example of different types of cells in the
7. Adipose Cells body:
- These are fat cells and storage by nature to
store fat.
8. Blood Cells - are unique cells of the body in that they are
- These cells include RBC’s, WBC, and unspecialized and have the ability to develop into
Thrombocytes etc. They are always motile and specialized cells for specific organs or to develop
never stay in one place. into tissues


- From transporting oxygen throughout the body
to fighting infection, cells of the blood are vital to
o CONDUCTIVE CELLS- Nerve cells and - RBC, WBC and platelets
muscle cells come under this category
- Also called adipocytes, are the major cell
component of adipose tissue. Adipocytes contain
droplets of stored fat (triglycerides) that can be
used for energy.

- The skin is composed of a layer of epithelial
tissue (epidermis) that is supported by a layer of
connective tissue (dermis) and an underlying
subcutaneous layer.

- form the inner lining of cardiovascular system
and lymphatic system structures.

- Nerve cells or neurons are the basic unit of the
nervous system.

- Sex cells or gametes are reproductive cells
produced in male and female gonads.

- Cancer results from the development of
abnormal properties in normal cells that enable
them to divide uncontrollably and spread to other

*Specialized cellular modifications are

modifications that make a cell different from
another type of cell. This usually occurs in
multicellular eukaryotes, where the
opportunity for cell specialization arises.

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