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Two Friends Outline

Why do Monsieurs Morissot and Sauvage risk their lives to go fishing (specifically, what values
underlie their decision?) and what exactly is ironic about what happens to them? How does de
Maupassant construct this irony? Compose a five-paragraph essay in which you venture a
coherent response to these questions, using textual evidence from the story to support your ideas.
Topic Sentence: Loyalty and friendship are qualities that are exemplified in many ways. In the
story “Two Friends” by Guy D’Maupassant, the characters of Morissot and Sauvage are willing
to risk their lives to go fishing. Fishing to the men represents a time in their lives when things
were good and peaceful. During the German invasion of Paris, Morissot and Sauvage reconnect
and decide to go fishing once more. During their excursion, they are captured, but never divulge
any secrets, even under penalty of death. Morissot and Sauvage exemplify loyalty and friendship
when they risk their lives to go fishing and refuse to comply with their captors.
1st paragraph: Loyalty and friendship, why do they decide to go fishing, also mention that they
had been drinking and this led to the decision to go fishing
2nd paragraph: How is their death ironic, meaning what happens to them after the Germans shoot
3rd paragraph: The irony is constructed in the actions of the characters, and also in the bravery
that they show in not telling the password, but dying and being tossed into a river as mere fish
food. Talk about how they had to go to that one spot, also, they saw the bombs on the mountain,
but did not leave.


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