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I. Read the following questions carefully. Choose the best answer by encircling the letter before each choice.

1. This refers to the verbal communication that occurs within one person only.
A Interpersonal Communication C International Communication
. .
B Intrapersonal Communication D Interpretative Communication
. .

2. This refers to the verbal communication that occurs within two or more persons.
A Interpersonal Communication C International Communication
. .
B Intrapersonal Communication D Interpretative Communication
. .

3. Choose an example of haptics.

A Dean holding a laptop and projector. C Sam and Dean standing alongside each
. . other.
B Luci holding Chloe’s hands. D Castiel shaking Lucy’s hands.
. .

4. Choose an example of oculetics.

A Chloe and Dan looking at each other when they C Charlotte holding her legal documents.
. heard something funny. .
B Ella laughing at Dan’s jokes. D The police knocking at a resident’s door.
. .

5. Choose an example of objectics.

A Amenadiel waving to Linda. C Miss Maze sleeping on her desk.
. .
B A Social Science teacher using a globe to teach. D Lucinda staring at his psychiatrist.
. .

6. Which of the examples best show an example of communicative competence?

A Teacher El have clearly discussed her lesson to C Mike’s capability in public speaking.
. 11-Hawkins. 11-Hawkins are able to understand .
the said lesson.
B An argument between Miss Joyce and Mr. D A debate between Max and Lucas.
. Hopper. .

7. In speaking, you should pay attention to the old KISS principle, meaning…
A Be intimate with your audience to get their C Tell everything you want to say.
. attention. .
B Keep your speech brief and specific. Go straight D Tell a story related to your topic of speech.
. to the point. .

8. Prose and poetry are the two genres of literature. But in reading, it is generally harder to read poetry. Why?
A Poets tend to use deeper and unfamiliar words C In poetry, connotations and figures of
. than those who write proses. . speech are used. You have to read between
the lines to understand.
B Prose are only for kids making it easier to read. D Poetry is obviously always longer than
. . proses.

9. Active listening is different from merely hearing because…

A Active listening is fully concentrating on what is C Active listening refers to the feedback you
. being said rather than just passively hearing the . provide to the speaker while hearing is
message of the speaker while hearing is only a focusing and concentrating on the speaker.
physical process that automatically happens.
B Hearing is fully concentrating on what is being D Hearing refers to the feedback you provide
. said rather than just passively active listening the . to the speaker while active listening is
message of the speaker while hearing is only a focusing and concentrating on the speaker.
physical process that automatically happens.

10. Which of the statement is true?

A The more noise that there is in a communication C. The more noise that there is in a
. process the lower the probability of understanding communication process the higher the
the message being sent and received. probability of understanding the message
being sent and received.
B Noise/interference is always present in a D. Feedback should always be in verbal form.
. communication process.

11. Which of the following statements is NOT true about listening skills?
A Someone’s intelligence level does not guarantee C. Listening is an important communication
. him/her as a good listener. skill to be practiced and mastered.
B Hearing is not the same as listening. D. Judging the communicator’s physical aspect
. could help you to listen better of what
he/she has to say.

For numbers 12 - 15, read Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken”.


by Robert Frost

I. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, III. And both that morning equally lay
And sorry I could not travel both In leaves no step had trodden black.
And be one traveler, long I stood Oh, I kept the first for another day!
And looked down one as far as I could Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
To where it bent in the undergrowth; I doubted if I should ever come back.

II. Then took the other, as just as fair, IV. I shall be telling this with a sigh
And having perhaps the better claim, Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
Though as for that the passing there I took the one less traveled by,
Had worn them really about the same, And that has made all the difference.

12. In the poem, the element ‘road’ is mentioned a lot. What does it symbolize?
A Travel C. Path in life
B Highway for drivers D. Politics

13. In Stanza 1, Line 1, the author said “… and sorry I could not travel both”. It means…
A He cannot marry two women. C. He cannot travel anymore.
B He lost his way. D. He cannot walk two paths in life at the same
. time.

14. Stanza 4 implies…

A He chose the path not commonly chosen by other C. It took him so long to find his way home
. people. because the road is different nowadays.
B He lost his way again. D. He asked for directions.

15. What is the prevailing theme of the poem?

A Choices you take in life C. Travel
B Romantic destinations D. Nature
II. Analyze the given communication situations. Supply the present elements of communication for each
scenario. However, if there is/are no present element/s in the given, assume what could be the possible or
potential element/s that would perfectly fit the situation.

A. Miss Iszel works at Balen National High School. Sometimes, her class is conducted under the acacia tree
beside the busy road where she delivers her daily lesson to her 67 Grade 11 students about oral

B. Victoria works as a barista at The Coffee Factory. Today, she filed a leave through a letter sent to her
superior’s office stating she would be gone for a week to visit her sick mother. Her boss didn’t get the letter
immediately because it was misplaced by a co-worker. However, Victoria’s leave was approved the next

III. Differentiate verbal and non-verbal communication using the illustrated Venn Diagram.

5. 2. 3.
6. 4.

IV. As a student, it is of vital importance that you have excellent communication skills. List down your personal
list of how you could possibly improve the stated communication skills below.

1. _____________________________________________________________________________________.
2. _____________________________________________________________________________________.
3. _____________________________________________________________________________________.
4. _____________________________________________________________________________________.
5. _____________________________________________________________________________________.
6. _____________________________________________________________________________________.
7. _____________________________________________________________________________________.
8. _____________________________________________________________________________________.
9. _____________________________________________________________________________________.

V. Answer the question in not more than five (5) sentences. (10 pts.)

Relating to your current strand and track as a senior high school student, why is it essential for you to know
and understand the nature and process of communication? Cite a concrete example to further validate your

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