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Mohlalefi M 201600640
Moeketsi M 201503155
Matsepe R 201503255
Phusumane T 201602515

2. Introduction
The circuit is made of the Arduino uno micro-controller, LEDs,
temperature sensor and a buzzer. Since the temperature sensor outputs
a varying voltage, we convert the voltage changes into temperature
changes through a formula given below. The set threshold to monitor
temperature is 30 degrees and turn on buzzer if more than 30 degree
else the LED is turned OFF.

3. Circuit and description

The output of the temperature sensor is a varying voltage in pin A1, so

we need to convert the output of the temperature sensor to
temperature by the formula temp= (temp*500)/1024. If the
temperature is below 30 degrees, we set pin 12 to high and the green
LED is put on, and also the pin 6 is set to LOW to turn buzzer off, pin 13
of the red LED is also set to LOW to put the red LED OFF. We read the
temperature sensor pin A1 continually and once the temperature is
higher than 30, we set pin 6 to HIGH to set buzzer ON, set pin 12 to LOW
to turn OFF green LED, set pin 13 to HIGH to turn ON red LED.
4. Flow chart


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