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Critical Jurnal Review


Supporting Lecturer :







Praise and gratitude I pray to the presence of God Almighty, for His blessings and grace,
the author can complete preparation of this task well and timely collection of his duties.
This task is made with the intent to fulfill one of the six tasks required in the college contract,
namely the critical journal review the courses of English Business Communication. The author
would like to thanks for our lecturer, MAM Rika,S.Pd.,M.Hum.Has given the author the
opportunity to complete this task.

The author realizes that in making this critical journal review there are errors, both in
language usage errors and typing errors. For that criticism and constructive suggestions are in
need of authors for improvement in writing the next paper.

Medan, 25 March 2021

Identity Jurnal

Journal 1

Culture Identity in Intercultural Business

Original Title

Years 2017

ISSN 1412- 4793

Journal Homepage 2

Author Bao Juyuan

Reviewer Septi Anggi Piona

Date 11 march 2019

Review Journal 1

Background Business communication is a core step when doing

businesses. As economy is globalized today, business
communications often meet with culture identity. Wherever
you are doing businesses, people there have their own
culture identity which affects the business communications a
lot. This paper will explain the role culture identity plays in
intercultural business communications in four major points.
Firstly, the meanings of culture identity will be introduced
by two aspects. They are distinction and respect. Secondly,
the reasons why culture identity is so important in
intercultural business communications will be discussed.
Next thepaper will talk about how to use language and
behavior to develop culture identity in intercultural business
communications. And the last part will be how culture
identity promotes intercultural business communications by
understanding and multicultural individuals. Business
communications in an intercultural environment should
consider culture identity seriously, because cultureidentity
plays a big part when communicating with business people
in other cultures and influence the outcomes.
Peopleinvolved in intercultural business communications
can also use culture identity to improve the communications
and develop their own culture identity
Conclusion According to the development of globalization, especially in
economy area, culture identity plays an important role in
intercultural business communications. Business people
should consider carefully the effects culture identity will
makeduring intercultural business communications in order
to produce effective and satisfied business communications.
Strengths The advantage of this journal is that the contents are
complete but concise and clear.

The weakness of this journal is that the coverage is less

Weakness broad than journal 1.
Identity Journal 2

Business Communication between People with Different

Original Title
Cultural Backgrounds

Journal Conference of the International Journal of Arts and Sciences

Years 2009

ISSN 1943-6114
Journal Homepage 2

Author Livia Ablonczy-Mihályka

Reviewer Septi Anggi Piona

Date 11 march 2019

Review Journal 2

Background Internationalization, trans-border trade and cross cultural

business are all terms that have been coined over the past
decade(s) to reflect the reality of the world economy.
Growth and success in today’s global economy depend on
being able to work internationally.
The business environment has inreasingly expanded outside
single nations or regions of the world to encompass many
differing countries (Sims 2007). Understanding the
globalisation of business practices is an important area and
researchers and academics have been studying the subject of
business in multicultural settings for decades. Researchers in
applied linguistics, in cultural anthropology and/or
sociology, therefore professionals working in multicultural
environment have emphasised the importance of knowledge
of different cultures and they agree that globalisation has
brought about the growing trend to communicate with
people from different cultural backgrounds (Borgulya 2007,
Bakacsi and Takács 2002). A greater understanding of
differing nations and cultures leads to more positive
interactions (Lin, 1999) and more successful business
relationships (Palazzo, 2002).
It is important to work out what words mean in a particular
and cultural context (Katan 1999). Different cultures have
differing values, perceptions and philosophies. As a result,
certain ideas may have very different connotations for
people having different cultural backgrounds. Different
cultures may have different rules and norms and favour
different means of business communication. Cultural
differences cause communication problems in every
business interaction.
The purpose of the present paper is to investigate business
communication features of people with different cultural
backgrounds. At the root of the argument is the hypothesis
that there is an altering in communication rules and norms
between these people. We communicate the way we do
because we are raised in a particular culture and learn its
language, rules, and norms.
Research purposes The purpose of the present paper is to present the results of a
survey conducted with professionals who communicate with
foreign business partners. The data were gathered by means
of a questionnaire. At the root of the argument is the
hypothesis that communication rules and norms between
people with different cultural background have altered and
different cultures have differing values, perceptions and
Research methodology Current research is based on a survey conducted in 2008 at
several multinational companies. Data were gathered by a
questionnaire entitled 'Business communication between
people with different cultural backgrounds’ (questionnaires
have been supposed to be rather efficient for gathering data
in the first part of research but in the second section of the
research interviews will be conducted with individuals to be
able to explore which questions, views or issues are worthy
of later follow-up study).
Analytical technique Kualitatif
Discussion The analysis of the survey revealed several
misunderstandings regarding the notion of culture. However,
even though we all know to which culture belong, definition
of the word has been difficult (Katan 1999:16). ‘Definition
of the culture usually turn on postulations of structures of
contents and values of groups, generally nation-sized’
(Menezes de Souza 2006: 107). For instance, Geertz (1973)
takes a semiotic approach that defines culture as having to
do with creating meaning through communication.
Culture is understood, in this context, as collectively held set
of attributes, which is dynamic and changing over time.
Cultural awareness or cultural intelligence is increasingly
being viewed as a critical skill in securing success in
multicultural environment. With more people from
culturally diverse backgrounds meeting within the business
environment, clear and effective communication is
necessary between them. Although in many cases a common
language may exist, usually English, culture can and does
still cause problems.
Conclusion The interest in the study of business communication has
grown tremendously during the past several years. The
present paper is only the first step of an ongoing research
comprising linguists, economists and experts in
communication who would like to study several aspects of
the recent phenomenon known as ‘intercultural approach to
business communication’ from a multi-disciplinary point of
view. It is true that the rich heritage of diverse cultures is a
valuable resource to be protected, and that a major
educational effort is needed to convert the diversity from a
barrier to communication into a source of mutual enrichment
and understanding (Clyne 1992). In order to communicate in
business, to obtain knowledge of practice of the strategies, it
is not enough to learn the words and the grammar; it also
involves being able to handle the language as the vehicle or
the medium of a culture. Intercultural and linguacultural
competencies (FitzGerald 2003: 170-203) should be
developed in order to communicate very effectively in
multicultural environment.
Communicative behaviour is believed to be strongly
influenced by cultural value systems (FitzGerald 2003: 21).
Samovar and Porter (1991:108) claim that ‘in the study of
human interaction, it is important to look at cultural values,
but in the study of intercultural communication it is
crucial’.In their comments the respondents highlighted that
in the 21st century globally employable graduates are
needed who do possess intercultural empathy. This is
already an urgent need in the business world where
multicultural encounters have become a common practice.
Strengths the results of this study are clearly explained.
shortcomings in this study the steps in the study are not
Weakness presented so that the reader is confused where the journal
research steps

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