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A critique of the literature on etiology of eating disorders

Azadeh A Rikani,1,3 Zia Choudhry,1,2,4 Adnan M Choudhry,4 Huma Ikram,5 Muhammad W Asghar,6
Dilkash Kajal,7 Abdul Waheed,8 Nusrat J Mobassarah9
Douglas Hospital Research Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H4H 1R3; 2Department of Human Genetics, McGill University, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada, H3H 1B1; 3Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 1A1; 4Division of Research & Medical
Education, International Maternal and Child Health Foundation, Montreal, QC, Canada, H7S 2N5; 5Neurochemistry Research Unit, University
of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan, 71000; 6Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2E1; 7Department of
Medical Imaging, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, K1N 6N5; 8Department of Family and Community Medicine, Pennsylvania State University,
Hershey, PA, USA, 17033; 9Institute of Integrated Cell-Material Science, Kyoto University, Yoshida Ushinomiyacho, Sakyo – ku, Japan, 606-8501


The development of eating disorders including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and atypical eating disorders that affect many young
women and even men in the productive period of their lives is complex and varied. While numbers of presumed risk factors contributing to the development of
eating disorders are increasing, previous evidence for biological, psychological, developmental, and sociocultural effects on the development of eating disorders
have not been conclusive. Despite the fact that a huge body of research has carefully examined the possible risk factors associated with the eating disorders, they
have failed not only to uncover the exact etiology of eating disorders, but also to understand the interaction between different causes of eating disorders. This
failure may be due complexities of eating disorders, limitations of the studies or combination of two factors. In this review, some risk factors including biological,
psychological, developmental, and sociocultural are discussed.

Keywords: Etiology, anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa, Co-morbidity, Binge eating disorder

Corresponding Author: Nusrat J Mobassarah, Ph.D., Institute of Integrated Cell-Material Science, Kyoto University, Yoshida Ushinomiyacho, Sakyo – ku, Japan,
606-8501, Tel.: 81-80-757539869, Fax: 81-80-757539820, E-mail:
doi : 10.5214/ans.0972.7531.200409

Introduction cise, or fasting. Atypical eating disorder lenge; consequently, rate of eating dis-
is referred to clinically significant eating orders in males may be higher than it is
Eating disorders, particularly, anorexia
disorders associated with unexplained reported. According to a 2002 survey,
nervosa and bulimia nervosa have been
weight loss, rumination, unexplained food prevalence of eating disorders is 1.5%
center of attention for clinicians and re-
intolerances or an extremely picky eating among Canadian women aged 15–24
searchers. Eating disorders are one of the
habit that does not meet the criteria of an- years.5 Another Canadian survey in 2002
significant problems in the care of adoles-
orexia nervosa, bulimia, or binge disorder.1 indicated that 28% of girls in grade nine
cents and even children. These complex
and 29% of girls in grade ten showed
disorders are believed to arise from in-
Prevalence of Eating Disorders weight loss behaviors.4
teraction of multiple risk factors. Eating
disorders are defined by disturbance in The average prevalence rates for anorexia
Impact of Eating Disorders on the
eating habits that may be either excessive nervosa and bulimia nervosa are 0.3%
Canadian Economy
or insufficient food intake. Bulimia nervo- and 1% among adolescence and young
sa, anorexia nervosa, and binge eating are people in western countries respectively. Although eating disorders mostly re-
the most common forms of eating disorder Prevalence rates of anorexia nervosa and ceive community treatment, hospital-
based on diagnostic and statistical manual bulimia nervosa increase during transition ization may be needed for severe cases.
of mental disorders (DSM-IV). As defined period from adolescence to adulthood.2 In-patient crude hospital separations for
in DSM-IV, anorexia nervosa is a constant Lifetime prevalence rates for eating disor- any diagnosed eating disorders have in-
attempt to maintain body weight below der are higher among women than men creased by 4.7% between 1994 and 1999
minimally normal weight (85%) or body (Table 1).3 A Canadian study reported that in Canada (Canadian Institute for Health
mass index <17.5 for age and height, 4% of Canadian boys in grade nine and Information, 1999). Despite decrease in
with an intense fear of weight gain even ten used anabolic steroids. Use of ana- hospitalization duration for eating dis-
though under weight, and inaccurate bolic steroid in males may be an indicator orders between 1987 and 1999 reported
perception of own body size, shape, or of body preoccupation. The estimated rate by the Center for Chronic Disease Preven-
weight. It may accompany with amenor- of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa tion and Control, Public Health Agency
rhea in girls and women after menarche. in males is between 5% and 15%.4 Men’s for Canada reported increased rates
DSM-IV also defines bulimia nervosa as reluctance to be diagnosed with eating of hospitalization for eating disorders
recurrent binge eating episodes followed disorders or to participate in the study among women in general hospitals. In
by recurrent purging, excessive exercise, or of eating disorders have been a big chal- 2005/2006, hospitalization rate for ado-
prolonged fasting at least two times per lescence girl with eating disorders were
week for three months. Excessive concern Table 1: Prevalence rates of eating disorders. 2.5 times the rate of young women and
about weight or shape is also very com- 6 times the rate of any other groups
mon in bulimia nervosa. Another type of Eating Disorders Women Men (Canadian Institute for Health Informa-
eating disorders is binge-eating disorder Anorexia nervosa (AN) 0.9% 0.3% tion, 2008). The increase in the rate of
that is characterized with recurrent binge hospitalization could be due to either
eating without purging, excessive exer- Bulimia nervosa (BN) 1.5% 0.5% increased cases of inpatient treatment or ANNALS OF NEUROSCIENCES  VOLUME 20  NUMBER 4  OCTOBER 2013


higher rate of eating disorders, or com- rate was 2.0% for bulimia nervosa.10 most common cause of death in eating
bination of two factors. Further studies A lower standardized mortality rate (the disorders is suicide.7 About 10% to 20% of
are required to clarify exact cause(s) of ratio of the observed number of deaths patients with anorexia nervosa and 25% to
increased rate of hospitalization for eat- to the expected number of deaths in a 35% of patients with bulimia nervosa have
ing disorders in Canada. In 1993 physi- matched population) for anorexia ner- a history of at least one suicide attempt.
cian billing data, hospitalization data, vosa compared to normal populations Standardized mortality rate for suicide in
and self-reported productivity losses were is reported by some studies. However, a anorexia nervosa is estimated to be up to
used to estimate mental illness cost to recent Canadian study that assessed 326 5 or even more.11 According to the statis-
Canadian economy. It was estimated that patients diagnosed with anorexia ner- tics from public health agency of Canada,
the cost of mental illnesses was $7.331 vosa for 20 years showed a higher mor- suicide is the eleventh cause of death in
billion in 1997.6 tality rate for anorexia nervosa patients Canada, and more than 3,500 suicides,
than normal populations in Canada.11,12 at a rate of about 11 per 100,000 are re-
Although eating disorders are among the
The challenges that this study faced over corded per year. Eating disorders clearly
mental illnesses that occasionally require
20 years of follow up are: disconnection contribute to suicide rates in Canada. An
hospitalization since hospitalization rate
of cases with research group because accurate suicide rate of eating disorders
is increasing, even if costs of outpatient
of moving outside the British Columbia is very difficult because of unreliability of
services are not taken into account, eat-
province; reassessment of previously di- suicide statistics in general, difficulties in
ing disorders can have a considerable im-
agnosed cases of eating disorders three uncovering the exact cause of death, and
pact on the Canadian economy. The exact
times over 20 years based on three differ- undiagnosed cases of eating disorders
estimation of economic burden of mental
ent revisions of DSM-IV that could have who commit suicide.
illness including eating disorders would
led to removal of few cases from study
be a big challenge, because of a lack of Medical Co-morbidity in Eating Disorders
after a long term follow up.
accurate data both on cost of services
Wide range of medical complications such
and productivity losses.
Psychiatric Co-morbidity in Eating as anemia, endocrine system dysfunction,
Mortality Rate in Eating Disorders Disorders electrolytes disturbances, and cardiovas-
cular diseases accompany eating disor-
Anorexia nervosa has the highest mortal- Various psychiatric co-morbidities such as ders. Severity of medical complications
ity rate of any other mental illnesses. It is depression, anxiety disorder, obsessive- depend on speed of weight loss, severity
estimated that 10% of people with an- compulsive disorder, substance abuse, of underweight, duration of eating disor-
orexia nervosa die within 10 years of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders, ders, age of patients, and the intensity of
the onset of disorder (Sullivan, 2002). and personality disorders are prominent purging (Table 2).11
One study showed the mean crude mor- in patients with eating disorders. Suicide
tality rate of 5.0% for anorexia nervosa. and suicide attempts are dangerous co- Etiology of Eating Disorders
In the surviving patients, on an average, morbidities in eating disorders. Although
Biological Factors
only 46.9% of patients had full recovery, primary cause of pre-mature death in eat-
while 33.5% improved, and 20.8% had ing disorders are medical co-morbidities, a Genetic effects: A growing body of twin
a chronic course of disease.7,8 Based on meta-analysis that combined the results of studies confirmed that there is an unde-
total sample of 196 female with buli- 42 published studies of mortality of eat- niable link between genetic factors and
mia nervosa, the mean crude mortality ing disorders determined that the second eating disorders. One of the twin study,

Table 2: Medical alterations in adolescent eating disorders.


Physical examination findings Dry skin, lanugo hair formation (only with severe Erosion of dental enamel, parotid/salivary gland en-
weight loss), acrocyanosis, alopecia, low body tem- largement, scars on the skin of the back of the hand
perature, dehydration, retardation of growth and resulting from inducing the gag reflex, dehydration
pubertal development

Cardiovascular system Bradycardia, ECG abnormalities (mostly prolonged ECG-abnormalities (cardiac arrhythmia, prolonged
QT-interval), pericardial effusion, edema (before or QT- interval)
during refeeding)

Gastrointestinal system Impaired gastric emptying, pancreatitis, constipa- Esophagitis, pancreatitis, delayed gastric emptying
tion Leukocytopenia, thrombocytopenia,

Blood thrombocytopenia, anemia Hypokalemia, hyponatremia, hypomagnesiemia

(caused by diarrhea), hypocalcemia, metabolic alka-
Hypokalemia, hyponatremia, hypomagnesiemia, hy-
losis (in case of severe purging), metabolic acidosis
pocalcemia, hypophosphatemia (during refeeding),
(in case of severe laxative abuse)
low glucose levels,
AST↑, ALT↑ (with severe fasting or beginning of
refeeding), cholesterol ↑



in which twenty- six twins with anorexia would be small in this group. Data col- body dissatisfaction are correlated with
nervosa including 13 twins (7MZ, 6DZ) lection related to pre-morbid personality worsening of disordered eating in sample
with threshold and 13 twins (7MZ, 6DZ) traits would be highly desirable. Interest- of first year college women.20 Another
with sub-threshold anorexia nervosa ingly, one experimental study showed Study disproved body image disturbance
were studied,13 neither of DZ twins met alteration of mesolimibic dopamine and as a predictive of later eating disorders af-
the criteria for diagnosis of anorexia serotonin as a result of restricted eating ter 2 years follow up of college students.21
nervosa, while 29%–50% of MZ twins coupled with excessive exercise in activi- Considering to changes in patterns of
were concordant for anorexia nervo- ty-based anorexia model.19 Based on this thinking due to developmental process,
sa. Although some of the twin studies observation, it can be concluded that ab- studies that begin to collect data in very
believe that contributions of shared en- errant eating behaviors can potentially early adolescence, and follow up patients
vironmental effects (the same family en- alter serotonin function and therefore into adulthood may be more informative.
vironment in which twins grow up), and result in persistence of functional altera-
Another useful approach is the study of
non-shared environmental effects (nega- tions of serotonin after recovery of eating
body dissatisfaction in subjects who al-
tive life events) are often small but these disorders. Neither of the studies inter-
ready recovered from eating disorders
effects were also included in the reported rogated persistence of functional altera-
(recovered study design). Regardless of
twin studies. tions of serotonin as a “scar of prolonged
the fact that eating disorders are known
aberrant eating behavior”. Although,
One of the limitations of twin study could as psychiatric disturbances with persistent
study of possible functional alterations of
be due to the short follow up period. Some residual symptoms, this type of study
serotonin due to aberrant eating behav-
cases that are not concordant may turn could define the role of body dissatisfac-
iors is costly and invasive, but it would
to be concordant later, and unaccounted tion either as an etiology or as a clinical
contribute to understanding complex re-
cases can affect heritability estimate for feature of eating disorders. Examination
lationship between functional alterations
eating disorders. Small sample size is an- of other variables that decrease or increase
of serotonin and eating disorder.
other limitation in twin studies that pro- the risk of eating disorders may overcome
hibits researchers to study wide range of Though one previous study suggested lack of unanimous agreement about role
non-shared and shared environmental heritability of functional alterations of se- of body dissatisfaction in development
effects, and probably overestimates rate rotonin by showing anomalous peripheral of eating disorders. Stice et al. opposed
of heritability. Study of larger sample size uptake of serotonin in unaffected first-de- the role of body image disturbances in
that preferentially includes different racial gree relatives of bulimia nervosa patients20 development of eating disorder because
groups would be more useful. but functional alterations of serotonin can they believe that body dissatisfaction is a
be still considered as an outcome of aber- risk factor for depression.23 Regarding this
Neurobiology rant eating behavior in patients. Further notion, concurrent depression should be
Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamin, 5HT) is studies are required to confirm heritability carefully assessed in patients with eating
believed to participate not only in appetite of abnormalities of serotonin functions in disorders when studying body dissatisfac-
regulation but also in mood regulation. eating disorders. To differentiate abnor- tion as a risk factor for eating disorders.
Altered tone or transmission of serotonin malities of serotonin due to heritability
A Canadian survey showed that 34% of
mediates anxiety reaction, problem with from those due to aberrant eating behav-
adolescent girls and 24% of adolescent
response inhibition, aggression, suicidal- iors, study of serotonin function in sus-
boys in Grades 6 to 10 thought that they
ity, heightened vigilance, and self-injury.14 pected subjects before the onset of eating
were too obese. This notion increased
Although exact cause of 5-HT dysfunction disorders may be useful.
among adolescent girls from 25% in grade
in eating disorders is unknown, but sev- 6 to 40% in grade 10, while only 15% were
eral studies presumed that alteration of Psychology Factors
actually obese (Public Health Agency of
5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptor activities, the Body image disturbance Canada, 2008). Regarding significant num-
5-HTT (5-HT transporter), and CSF 5-HIAA ber of students with body dissatisfaction,
Body cachexia, the degree of body satis-
levels can be involved in patients with eat- prospective studies are required to find out
faction and dissatisfaction is believed to
ing disorders.15 Several studies confirmed what percentage of these Canadian ado-
be an integral part of self-esteem. Indi-
persistence of alterations in serotonin ac- lescent girls and boys will develop full pic-
viduals assess their bodies by measuring
tivity,16,17 and also persistence of anxiety, ture of eating disorders later. In addition
them against ideal body type of culture.
perfectionism, and obsessive behavior18 to huge amount of budget required, this
The result of this self-assessment deter-
after recovery from anorexia nervosa and study may face another big challenge that
mines body satisfaction or dissatisfac-
bulimia nervosa. is convincing adolescent girls and espe-
tion.21 A prospective study on college
Regarding these findings, serotonin may freshman women showed that figure dis- cially boys to participate in this study. This
indirectly mediate its effects on develop- satisfaction, ineffectiveness and, public study helps health care system in Canada
ment of eating disorders through some self-consciousness were associated with to plan prevention, early diagnosis, and
personality traits that are prominent in symptoms of eating disorders.22 Since the treatment of potential future patients with
patients with eating disorders. Study of body dissatisfaction data collection was eating disorders in advance.
subtle differences in patterns of function- done after development of eating disor-
Personality traits
al alteration of serotonin in subjects with ders in this study, body dissatisfaction
pre-morbid personality traits without eat- could be a predictor for worsening of eat- Role of personality disorders in the de-
ing disorders, and in subjects with eat- ing symptoms rather than a predictor for velopment of eating disorders has been
ing disorders without these personality development of eating disorders. Striegel- the center of attention for many re-
traits may be helpful though sample size moore et al. also showed that severity of searchers. Several studies have found ANNALS OF NEUROSCIENCES  VOLUME 20  NUMBER 4  OCTOBER 2013


that personality traits such as impul- disorders has been a source of debate Singapore continues to increase among
sivity, novelty seeking, stress reactiv- among clinicians and researchers. While women who have been exposed to west-
ity, harm avoidance, perfectionism, and some studies showed strong relationship ern culture through temporary living in
other personality traits are common in between CSA and eating disorders, some western countries for education, or even
patients with eating disorders. Most of other studies strongly refuse to accept short-time vacation, or through mass me-
these studies assessed personality traits this relationship. Discrepancy between the dia.28,29 Increase in the rate of eating dis-
in their subjects during illness. Therefore, results of various studies could be due to orders in populations exposed to western
their personality traits could be a reflec- the non-uniformity in definition of CSA. Al- culture in those countries could strongly
tion of adverse effects of starvation.24 though association between different psy- support the role of western culture in the
A study shows the effect of starvation chiatric disorders with severity of trauma development of eating disorders. Study
and recurrent binge and purging on de- due to CSA is not well understood yet, but of effects of western culture in relation
velopment of anxiety, social withdrawal, different severity of CSA ranging from non- to incidence of eating disorders in non-
and irritability in previously normal peo- touching, single episode to long-term sex- western immigrant women and girls has
ple only a few weeks after restricted food ual abuse combined with physical abuse been recently given special attention.
intake (Keys et al., 1950). Numerous stud- reported by victims may affect the result of Swanson et al. studied binge eating (BED)
ies used personality inventories such as studies. The entry time of sexually abused disorder in Mexican immigrants to U.S.30
Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI) to assess subjects with eating disorders into the Although anxiety and depression may
specific cognitive and behavioral dimen- study should also be considered. If the gap not be etiology of BED, they adjusted
sions of eating disorders such as drive for between the development of eating disor- prior anxiety and depression that could
thinness, bulimia, body dissatisfaction ders and occurrence of sexual abuse is very act as non-specific markers of high risk
ineffectiveness, perfectionism, interper- short, subjects may not be recovered from for psychopathology. This study showed
sonal distrust, interceptive awareness, memories of such a horrible experience. significantly increased rate of BED in U.S
and maturity fear. Personality inventories Severity of eating disorders might also af- born Mexican with two U.S born parents.
are designed for the assessment of adult fect their sexual abuse reports. In severe This study also concluded that cultural in-
populations. Consequently use of these forms of eating disorders, CSA experience fluence underlying in the increased rate
inventories for assessment of personal- may be inaccessible to victims.26 Increase of BED occurs slowly. Most of the stud-
ity traits in majority of subjects with eat- in the rate of CSA reported between 1998 ies failed to control at least one variable
ing disorders who are typically in early and 2003 in Quebec27 (Table 3) could be a such as socioeconomic status especially
adolescent may not be appropriate.24 One warning sign for increased rate of psychi- family income, which may have a posi-
important factor that could have possible atric problems including eating disorder in tive correlation with body dissatisfaction,
effect on the accuracy of results in the Canada. A well-designed research project age differences, despite strong link be-
study of personality traits in adolescences with consideration on the subject’s ethnic tween age and eating disorders.31 Usage
is the constantly changing patterns of origins, age at the time of sexual abuse, of English language at home and religion
perception about the environment and socioeconomic class, and family dynamics could also be a potential cause of higher
oneself due to ongoing developmental could contribute to the understanding of tendency for thinking about dieting and
changes in personality. Medical and non- possible relationship between CSA eating body shape, and as an indicator of accul-
medical therapy in patients with chronic disorder with CSA. The challenges this re- turation.32,33
eating disorders could also affect post- search may face are accuracy of data, care-
morbid functions and personality traits of ful examination of other variables, lack of Another study demonstrated that as gen-
these patients. Interestingly some studies victims’ confidence to report the abuse to erations further removed from immigra-
show the changes in behavior patterns police or to child protection system, and tion experiences, influence of western
such as harm avoidance, persistence, self- clear definition of CSA. This study could culture on body ideals and standards be-
directedness, and self-transcendence af- also suffer from the problem of cost effec- comes prominent. In this study native
ter in-patient Cognitive Behavioral Ther- tiveness. Canadian born woman with one or no
apy (CBT) for eating disorders.11 Future immigrant parent already completed ac-
researches should be aware of the effects Socio-Cultural Factor culturation had higher tendency to think
of therapy on the result of study of per- about dieting than immigrant women or
Western cultural influence
sonality traits in eating disorder cases. native-born women with two immigrant
Exposure to western culture that values parents. Acculturation in this paper was de-
Developmental factors slim body for women is presumed to play fined as the adoption of Canadian values,
Childhood sexual abuse an important role in the increased eating lifestyle habits, particularly, eating habits,
disorders worldwide. Rate of eating disor- and dietary preferences. As far as develop-
Despite the fact that childhood sexual
ders in countries such as Japan, Iran, and ment of eating disorders is concerned, the
(CSA) abuse as a risk factor for eating

Table 3: Changes in incidence rates of substantiated child sexual abuse, physical abuse, and neglect cases between 1998 and 2003
in the child protection services of the United States, Canada, and two Canadian provinces.27

United States Canada Ontario Quebec

Sexual abuse  20%  30%  18%  24%
Physical abuse  22%  107%  84%  70%
Neglect  17%  78%  103%  38%



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The article complies with International Committee measured by positron emission tomog- dence that religion is a risk factor for
of Medical Journal editor’s uniform requirements raphy. Archives General psychiatry 2005; eating disorders? Eating Weight Disor-
for manuscript. 62: 1032–41. ders 2012; 13: 75–78. ANNALS OF NEUROSCIENCES  VOLUME 20  NUMBER 4  OCTOBER 2013

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