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Tree of Life - Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

1. Innocent state
Innocent as a baby/child. You still haven’t separated yourself from others and ego hasn’t
developed enough. You are close to the kingdom of God, but more because of ignorance than
wisdom. So you are innocent, but not yet tested. Kind of like deep dreamless sleep is close to
Nirvana but in fact it’s dwelling in ignorance.

2. Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

Duality = Ego vs rest = illusion. Because of the rise of ego you make a separation between
self and the rest. At the same time you have consciousness speaking to you from within =
responsibility for actions = knowing good/evil.

3. Tree of Life
Tree of life = God/BuddhaNature/Brahman etc. When you enter and walk the spiritual path
till the end you become one with everything again. It’s a return to the innocent state, but with
wisdom. When you become one with everything you are immortal, because you true nature
has no beginning or end.

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