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Works Cited

Nowak, Raphaël. “Music Listening Activities in the Digital Age: An Act of Cultural
Participation through Adequate Music.” Leonardo Music Journal, vol. 26, 2016, pp. 20–
23., doi:10.1162/lmj_a_00961.

"Music Listening Activities in the Digital Age" is an article written by Raphaël Nowak in 2016.
This source is credible because it is not a simple one-page article; It is written with deep details
and extensive explanatory paragraphs. The article is well structured: it has its respective
introductory and concluding paragraph, an abstract, and a list of 21 references, notes, and
documented data to provide strong support for each author's argument. This article will be useful
for my essay because it is related to my topic to be discussed. I plan to write statements against
Nowak's views on so-called "adequate music," the digital age of music, and different aspects of
cultural influences on music.

Koh, Byungwan, et al. “Digitization of Music: Consumer Adoption Amidst Piracy,

Unbundling, and Rebundling.” MIS Quarterly, vol. 43, no. 1, 1 Mar. 2019, pp. 23–45.,

"Digitization of Music: Consumer Adoption Amidst Piracy, Unbundling, and Rebundling" is a

credible article because it is an extensive research article by some professors specialized in their
field from the University of Texas at Dallas and the University of Maryland, and a professor at
the Korea University. The article is deeply detailed, elaborated, and structured: it has an
introductory paragraph and conclusion, contains several keyword segments with their respective
glossaries of words, calculations and mathematical equations explained in-depth, and a long list
of references, research, and documented data. This research article has a vast number of pages of
multiple sub-topics related to the digitization of music. This article will be useful because I will
be citing some of the research results, information, and data to support my arguments and
validate my essay with studies and research.

Eunsea. “How Did Digital Recording and Digital Distribution Affect the Music
Industry?” Medium, Medium, 7 Apr. 2019,

"How Did Digital Recording and Distribution Affect the Music Industry?" It is an article made
by Eunsea, who is a girl from Korea that graduated from USC Thornton School of Music with a
master's degree in Music Industry. This article can be considered credible because it is well
structured and effectively organized. This article also has a Works Cited where it can be
observed that Eunsea used other sources from famous websites such as the Wall Street Journal,
BBC News, and Financial Times. When reading the article, you can see that the author knows
about the topic and exposes her arguments in-depth but easy to understand. This article will be
useful to me because I can use it to show young people's views about their past experiences and
if they felt the technological changes in music. I will also cite some sentences that the author
wrote related to music streamers and how they hire people to generate their own editorial

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