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JINJ-5734; No. of Pages 6

Injury, Int. J. Care Injured xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

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Syndesmosis screws: How many, what diameter, where and should

they be removed? A literature review
A.C. Peek *, C.E. Fitzgerald, C. Charalambides
Whittington Hospital, London, UK


Article history: Although screw fixation remains the most commonly used method of syndesmosis fixation, the ideal
Accepted 8 May 2014 screw size, placement, and number remain controversial. In addition, there has been debate as to
whether the screw should always be removed, and a number of studies have looked at radiological and
Keywords: functional outcomes. In addition a number of cadaveric models have been developed, but the correlation
Syndesmosis between cadaveric findings and functional outcomes remains unclear.
Screw This systematic review of the literature aims to summarise the available evidence on how many
screws should be placed, of what diameter, through how many cortices, at what level, and whether they
should be removed.
ß 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction and were found in 17% of supination external rotation type 4

injuries [5]. Isolated syndesmotic injuries, without bony injury, are
The distal tibiofibular syndesmosis is a critical structure in thought to occur mainly from forced dorsiflexion and external
maintaining the congruency of the ankle mortise, and the rotation in combination with and axial load. Because the bony
ligamentous structures account for more than 90% of the resistance injury does not always reliably reveal the underlying ligamentous
to lateral fibular displacement [1]. injury, the need for syndesmotic fixation can be evaluated
The anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (AITFL) and the intraoperatively using a number of stress tests including external
superficial portion of the posterior tibiofibular ligament both rotation of the foot and stressing the fibula with a bone hook.
hold the fibula to the tibia and the anterior tibiofibular ligaments There remain a number of controversies in the management of
also resists excessive external rotation of the talus within the these injuries, and this paper seeks to clarify the recent evidence
mortise. The deep part of the posterior tibiofibular ligament, base surrounding these. As 97% of UK consultants surveyed in 2008
also called the transverse tibiofibular ligament, extends into the use syndesmosis screws, rather than a tightrope or other device,
joint and forms part of the articulating surface of the ankle joint. we have focussed on technical points surrounding syndesmosis
The transverse tibiofibular ligament provides 33% of the screws specifically [6].
resistance to lateral displacement, and the AITFL accounts for We review the evidence surrounding screw diameter, the
35% [1]. The interosseous membrane is the final component of number of screws used, the number of cortices fixed, the position
the syndesmosis, and consists of a number of short strong of the screw relative to the joint line, and finally whether it should
attachments between the tibia and the fibula, which, though be removed.
forming a strong attachment, allow enough laxity to permit some In their survey, Monga et al. found a wide variation of practice
physiological movement between the fibula and tibia during around the UK [6]. For example, 58% of consultants placed their
normal weight bearing [2,3]. As the foot moves from plantar screws through 3 cortices, 33% through 4 cortices. Similar
flexion to dorsiflexion, the mortise widens by 1–2 mm to proportions used small and large fragment screws. Thirteen
accommodate the wider anterior part of the talar dome [3]. percent did not necessarily remove the syndesmosis screws and
Syndesmotic injuries are most commonly associated with 25% allow full or partial weight bearing with the screws in situ.
pronation external rotation injuries, and are thought to occur in A more recent extensive review of current practice in the
80% of Weber type C injuries [4]. They also occur Weber B injuries Netherlands found similar disparities. Similarly to UK practice,
greater than 90% used screw fixation in this injury. Although
there was variability in the fixation methods, few surgeons used
* Corresponding author at: 7 Compton Terrace, UK. Tel.: +44 07870568590. more than one screw and over 88% routinely removed the
E-mail address: (A.C. Peek). syndesmosis screw [7].
0020–1383/ß 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Peek AC, et al. Syndesmosis screws: How many, what diameter, where and should they be removed? A
literature review. Injury (2014),
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JINJ-5734; No. of Pages 6

2 A.C. Peek et al. / Injury, Int. J. Care Injured xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

Methods comparing two 3.5 mm or 4.5 mm tri- or quadricortical screws

could find no differences in fibula displacement [10].
We performed literature searches using Embase, Pubmed/ Because there is physiologically some movement at the
Medline and the Cochrane library. We included English language tibiofibular syndesmosis, it is not known whether the stiffer
papers published between January 1980 and January 2014 when construct achieved by a 4.5 mm screw is in fact clinically desirable.
the searches were carried out. We searched using the key terms In a retrospective analysis of 51 ankles treated by a variety of
syndesmo* AND screw* in the title or abstract. This generated 286 configurations, neither screw diameter nor the number of screws
unique references and the abstracts were then screened manually placed influenced the outcome [11]. However, in this study the
to identify the papers of relevance. A total of 58 articles, including majority of cases (68%) had been treated with a single 3.5 mm
review articles and meta-analyses, were reviewed in full by ACP cortical screw, and the remainder with a variety of screw sizes and
and CEF. Further references of relevance from these papers were numbers. Thus there was no direct clinical comparison between a
then also obtained. Both cadaveric and in vivo studies were single 4.5 mm screw and two 3.5 mm screws.
included. Where letters and correspondence was sent in to In a large retrospective study of 137 patients Stuart et al. [12]
comment on an article, this was also reviewed (Diagram 1). found a decreased likelihood of screw breakage as screw diameter
increased, from 0% with 4.5 mm screws to 9.5% with 4 mm screws
Screw diameter and 12.9% with 3.5 mm screws. A similar effect was found with
regards to screw loosening. There was no analysis of screw number
A saw bone model evaluating shear stresses following in relation to screw size. However neither result was statistically
syndesmotic fixation found a higher shear resistance using a significant on review of the data and there was no association
single 4.5 mm screw when compared to a single 3.5 mm screw [8]. between screw breakage and loss of syndesmotic reduction. Most
In this model the load to failure was the endpoint. However, a screw breakages occurred between 3 and 6 months, leading them
cadaveric study comparing syndesmotic widening, axial and to conclude screw breakage most probably occurred once the
torsional loads to failure and stiffness between a single 4.5 mm syndesmosis had healed. Loss of reduction was however seen in
screw and two 3.5 mm screw could find no statistically significant several patients with screw loosening, although numbers were too
difference between the two groups [9]. Another cadaveric study small for significant analysis.

Embase and medline search

Syndesmo* AND screw* in tle, English language

285 references

All abstracts reviewed

Not directly relevant

228 papers

57 Full papers reviewed


20 reviews and meta-analyses

Addional papers idenfied from references

Diagram 1. Flow diagram of literature review.

Please cite this article in press as: Peek AC, et al. Syndesmosis screws: How many, what diameter, where and should they be removed? A
literature review. Injury (2014),
G Model
JINJ-5734; No. of Pages 6

A.C. Peek et al. / Injury, Int. J. Care Injured xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 3

In a similarly sized retrospective study [13] (106 patients) however there was trend towards an increase in loss of
aimed primarily at determining whether the syndesmosis screw syndesmotic reduction in the quadricortical group (p = 0.06).
should be removed or not, there was no functional or radiographic However the groups were uneven, with only 17/137 patients
differences between patients receiving small or large fragment receiving quadricortical screws [12].
screws, however the relative risks of screw breakage and loosening A retrospective study of 46 patients compared a single
with small fragment screw was 2.5 and 3, respectively. It should be quadricortical or tricortical screw (size not specified) followed
noted that only 11/106 patients were treated with large fragment by routine removal at 3–7 months in particular in relation to the
screws. formation of tibio-fibular synostosis [23]. There was a statistically
In a large retrospective audit over 7 years, 68 cases were significant increase in the rate of MRI detected obliteration of the
reviewed with the endpoints including failure to anatomically syndesmosis in the quadricortical group however, there was no
reduce the syndesmosis, or early loss of fixation. A number of difference in functional outcome.
variables were analysed for correlation, including size and number A prospective randomised study comparing tri- or quadricor-
of the screws and the number of cortices. 42% of fractures were tical screws in 127 patients two 3.5 mm screws no significant
fixed either using 2 two tricortical 3.5 mm screws or one tricortical difference was found in screw breakage, screw loosening, loss of
4.5 mm screws. No correlation was found between these variables reduction or need for the removal of hardware [24]. In the
and re-operation or loss of fixation [14]. tricortical group there was loss of reduction in three patients, all of
whom had been non-compliant with non-weight bearing instruc-
Number of screws tions. No loss of reduction was seen in the quadricortical group.
Functional outcomes were not reported.
Few studies directly compare one screw to two, and the A meta-analysis [25] including those patients mentioned above
discussion with regards to the number of screws to be and the long term follow up published by Wikeroy et al. [18] and
recommended cannot be taken in isolation from the controversy Hoiness et al. [17] concluded that early functional outcome scores
regarding screw diameter. were higher in the tricortical group however other variables
Xenos et al. published a cadaveric study [15], using radiographic including number of screws and removal were not controlled for
measurements, which compared a single 4.5 mm screw to two. A specifically.
single screw was found to fail under less force than 2 screws (6.2 In addition a study of 52 patients evaluating whether to keep or
vs. 11 Nm). remove the syndesmosis screw used both tri- and quadricortical
A retrospective radiographic analysis of 86 ankle fixations fixation and no functional difference was found between the
comparing a single 4.5 mm screw with two 4.5 mm screws found groups, or any difference between the rates of screw breakage [26].
no difference in the radiographic parameters of the syndesmosis at Finally there is a case report of tibialis posterior rupture due to a
12 weeks [16]. Clinical outcomes were not reported. prominent quadricortical screw [27].
In a prospective randomised study [17], with subsequent 8 year Thus overall it can be said that there is no clear evidence to
follow up data [18], no difference was found between a single favour either tricortical or quadricortical fixation either from
4.5 mm quadricortical screw with planned removal at 2 months biomechanical studies, and there is no evidence of functional
and two 3.5 mm tricortical screws which were not routinely difference between the two groups. As there can be complications
removed. Radiological and functional outcomes were studied. The associated with quadricortical fixation (synostosis, tendon rup-
study benefits from a long follow up period and the comparison of ture), it would seem logical to favour tricortical fixation.
two commonly practiced clinical scenarios, even if each variable is
not assessed independently. Obesity, a posterior malleolar Position of the screw
fragment, and a difference in syndesmotic width of greater than
1.5 mm between the injured and uninjured legs (as measured on The screw(s) may be placed either through the syndesmosis
CT) were all predictors of a poorer functional outcome. (within 2 cm of the tibial plafond) or above the syndesmosis (2–
Thus although there is biomechanical evidence that a single 5 cm from the tibial plafond).
screw fails under a lesser load, there is no difference found in A cadaveric study carried out on 17 pairs of legs found a
radiographic parameters between one screw and two, and in significantly less syndesmotic widening with a trans-syndesmotic
addition, there is no functional difference between two small screw [28].
fragment screws and one large fragment screw. A retrospective study comparing supra- and trans-syndesmotic
Finaly Gardner et al. [19] compared 2 quadricortical screws screw placement, with other variables unchanged found no
with a locked plate and 2 screws in a cadaveric model of difference in range of movement, clinical or radiological param-
Maisoneuve type fractures and found a greater torque to failure in eters. The authors do acknowledge however that the study was
external rotation with the plate. There was no difference in underpowered with 19 patients in each group [29].
syndesmotic widening found. Stuart et al.s’ previously mentioned retrospective analysis also
found no difference between the two groups [12].
Number of cortices
Removal of the screw
Three cadaveric studies [10,20,21] have compared tricortical
with quadricortical fixation in simulated cadaver fixations, under In a cadaveric study of 8 ankles, with the syndesmotic ligaments
loads designed to mimic weight bearing. No difference was found. left intact to simulate a healed ligament, range of movement under
A cadaveric study [22] compared neutral tricortical with load was studied before and after a single quadricortical 4.5 mm
quadricortical lag screws (inserted after over drilling the fibula screw 3 cm above the syndesmosis. No difference was found in
cortices) and found that while they both achieved reduction of the plantar or dorsiflexion but there was significantly less talar
syndesmosis there was greater compression of the syndesmosis rotation [30].
using the quadricortical lag screws. There are a number of clinical studies comparing removal or
Four clinical studies were found, including the previously retention of the syndesmosis screw.
mentioned retrospective study by Stuart et al. They found no In a retrospective study in a centre where syndesmotic screws
difference in the rate of screw loosening or screw breakage, were removed only if dorsiflexion was less than 108 or is they were

Please cite this article in press as: Peek AC, et al. Syndesmosis screws: How many, what diameter, where and should they be removed? A
literature review. Injury (2014),
G Model
JINJ-5734; No. of Pages 6

4 A.C. Peek et al. / Injury, Int. J. Care Injured xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

symptomatic, 76 patients were reviewed 1 year postoperatively A smaller study by Bell et al. reviewed Weber C type fractures in
[13]. Comparing intact with removed screws, functional outcomes 30 patients and found no differences in functional scores between
were significantly better in those whose screw had been removed. 23 patients who had their screw removed between 6 and 12 weeks
However there was no difference in functional outcomes between and seven in whom the screw was left in situ [31]. However they
those with non-functioning (broken or loose) screws and those concluded screws should be removed in an attempt to prevent
whose screw had been removed. screw breakage (which occurred in 2/7 patients), making the
In a second study with a similar methodology 52 patients were argument that a broken screw is more difficult to remove should
recruited at a minimum of 1 year postoperatively. Those with this become necessary.
broken screws left in situ had the best functional outcome scores Miller et al. carried out a prospective study of 25 patients, in
and there was no difference found between those with intact or which they stabilised the syndesmosis with a locked plate and
removed screws [26]. screw construct through 4 cortices [32]. Despite all patients being

Number of Cortices

Cadaveric RCT with 2x 3.5mm screws

No difference No difference

Retrospective Xray review

Single 4.5mm vs two 4.5mm
No difference
Retrospective study
No correlation with loss of syndesmotic reduction

Sawbone model
Greater load to failure
with 4.5mm screws
Number of screws

Cadaveric Cadaveric Size of screws

Greater load to failure with 2 screws No difference

Retrospective studies
No statistically significant difference

2x 3.5 tricortical left in situ vs

1x 4.5 quadricortical removed

Prospective randomized trial

2 small fragment left in situ vs
Single large fragment removed
No difference

Routine removal or not?

Several studies comparing functional outcomes

No difference between broken/loose and removed screws
Contradictory results comparing intact and removed screws

Less talar rotation with screw in situ
No difference in dorsiflexion

Position of screw

Cadaveric Retrospective studies

Less widening with trans-syndesmotic screw No difference

Diagram 2. Summary of evidence available.

Please cite this article in press as: Peek AC, et al. Syndesmosis screws: How many, what diameter, where and should they be removed? A
literature review. Injury (2014),
G Model
JINJ-5734; No. of Pages 6

A.C. Peek et al. / Injury, Int. J. Care Injured xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 5

allowed to weight bear with this construct in situ, only one screw There is no functional evidence that a more rigid fixation of the
broke and two loosened. All implants were routinely removed at syndesmosis, (with more cortices, a larger or more screws)
the 4 month mark. Range of movement and functional scores improves outcome or indeed prevents loss of reduction of
improved significantly following removal of the syndesmotic the syndesmosis, however a power analysis published in associa-
fixation device. Authors therefore concluded that the above tion with Stuart et al.s’ paper suggests very large patient number
construct should be routinely removed in the postoperative period. would be required to demonstrate this [12]. However, it can be
In contrast a retrospective review of 52 patients treated with a noted that there is no functional evidence to favour screw
more minimal construct (single 3.5 mm tricortical screw) found no removal other than in the more rigid plate and two quadricortical
functional difference when comparing patients who underwent screw construct described by Miller et al. [32]. In addition there is
screw removal or whose screw had broken at 6, 12 and 16+ weeks. a documented complication rate following screw removal. 87%
In addition no difference was found between those with broken of Dutch surgeons removed syndesmosis screws, most between 6
or removed screws. More patients showed recurrence of syndes- and 8 weeks, and most were single screws [7]. Risk of breakage
motic widening in the groups in whom the screws were removed was sited by a 41% of orthopaedic surgeons for screw removal [7].
earlier but this was not statistically significant nor was it Despite the prevalence of this regime, there is no evidence to
associated with worse functional scores [33]. support it.
Finally a retrospective study following up 63 patients a It is notable that despite the prevalence of the injury, most
minimum of 10 months post operatively found no significant studies are small, the largest study involved 236 ankles, but most
difference between those whose screw was retained compared had around 50 patients. Thus lack of evidence of difference may
to those whose screw was removed as part of routine practice [34]. simply represent a type 2 error.
In this series the fixation methods varied, according to the There are multiple additional variables that we have not
surgeons preference. They concluded that routine removal was considered in this review, in particular the post-operative regime
unnecessary in the absence of symptoms relating to the screw and weight bearing allowed.
and commented on the financial cost of removal. The integrity of This literature review does not examine other types of
the screws was not commented upon. syndesmotic fixation, for example tightropes or bioabsorbable
In addition to the above, there have been a number of case screws, as these are less frequently used, but we acknowledge that
reports and case series relating to complications of syndesmotic the ongoing controversy as to the optimal mode of syndesmotic
screw removal. The largest is a retrospective case series of 76 screw fixation causes difficulties in the interpretation of trials
patients which found 9.2% rate of wound infection, 2.6% of which investigating alternatives.
required reoperation following routine removal between 6 and 8 In conclusion we suggest that tricortical fixation with a single
weeks [35]. There was a 6.6% rate of recurrent diastasis. It should 4.5 mm screw left in situ unless it is causing symptoms or reduced
be noted that prophylactic antibiotics were not used at the time of range of movement would be the least likely to subject the patient
removal in this study. There was a trend towards a lesser risk of to complications with no evidence to support any other regime has
recurrent diastasis in patients who were left with the screw in situ a better functional outcome.
for greater than 8 weeks but the sample sizes were too small to
detect significance.
A large prospective study by Van den Bekerom et al. [36] found Conflict of interest statement
just one case of recurrent syndesmosis in 236 consecutive
fixations, with routine removal between 6 and 12 weeks. The authors state that there are no conflicts of interest.
There have been reports of stress fractures of the tibia following
syndesmotic screw removal [37,38]. Acknowledgements
Clanton et al. evaluated the torsional strength of a cadaveric
construct in which the syndesmosis screw had been placed then We would like to thank Richard Peacock, Lead Clinical Librarian
removed, and compared it with the use of a 1/3 tubular plate and at the (now closed) Archway Healthcare Library for his assistance
screw construct, the plate remaining in situ after removal of the in searching for and obtaining the referenced papers.
syndesmosis screw [39]. There was no statistical difference found
between the two constructs but it was interesting to note that
Appendix A. Supplementary data
failure occurred through a tibial fracture.
Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in
the online version, at
The principle conclusions are summarised in a spider diagram
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complex due to the large number of variables involved, each of References
which may correlate with the others. For example, removal or not
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Please cite this article in press as: Peek AC, et al. Syndesmosis screws: How many, what diameter, where and should they be removed? A
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Please cite this article in press as: Peek AC, et al. Syndesmosis screws: How many, what diameter, where and should they be removed? A
literature review. Injury (2014),

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