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1) Listen to the audio and answer the following questions. Use complete

Sarah's Party.mp3

 Who is having a party?

Sarah's is going to have a party.

 What is Sarah wearing?

Sarah is wearing a green skirt.

 What activities are people doing in the party?

They are listening to music dancing and talking, some people are
sitting on the couch and watching T.V.

 What is Rachel doing?

Rachel is dancing with peter.

 What are people doing in the backyard?

Horror movies in the backyard.

2) It is a sunny day and you are in the park with your family (see the picture).
You are observing your relatives’ activities and the clothes they are wearing.
Write a text reporting what you are watching. You should.
 My grandfather Breiner is taking a walk in the park with my
grandmother, he wears a white shirt and brown pants and a cane.

 My cousin Andrea is exercising on the bicycle, she is wearing a pink

shirt and a short skirt.

 My uncle Anacleto is sitting in the park watching stories on Instagram

on his phone, he is wearing a blue shirt, red shoes and black pants.

 My aunt Betulia is sitting in the park reading a book and having a

picnic, she has a red shirt and a light blue skirt and has a Japanese

 My sons Andres and Maria are playing in the sandbox in the park,
Andres has a blue shirt and black pants and some adidas, and my
daughter has a green shirt and red pants and sports tennis shoes.

 My cousin chupalita is doing yoga next to the lake, she is wearing a

purple T-shirt and blue pants.
 my uncles are enjoying a sunny afternoon, sitting looking at the lake,
they are just married; my uncle is wearing a blue shirt, a brown hat and
green pants, while my aunt is wearing a red shirt and blue pants and her
hair is brown.

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