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Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1980, 4 9 : 3 0 3 - - 3 1 3 303

© Elsevier/North-Holland Scientific Publishers, Ltd.



Veterans Administration Medical Center, and Department of Otolaryngology, University of Washington, Seattle,
Wash. 98108 (U.S.A.)

(Accepted for publication: December 7, 1979)

Binaural interaction (BI) is known to occur Huang 1975; Huang and Buchwald 1977;
at most levels of the auditory brain stem: Stockard and Rossiter 1977). Waves I and II
inferior colliculus {Erulkar 1959; Hind et al. almost certainly represent synchronous dis-
1963; Lehman and Hafter 1972), dorsal nu- charge of units in the VIIIth nerve and
cleus of the lateral lemniscus (Brugge et al. cochlear nuclei, respectively, ipsilateral to the
1970), superior olivary complex (Galambos et ear stimulated. Later waves presumably repre-
al. 1959; Hall 1965), and dorsal cochlear nu- sent activity at higher levels: superior olivary
cleus {Mast 1970). Psychophysical tests of BI, complex, nuclei of the lateral lemnisci, infe-
including phase audiometry (Nilsson et al. rior colliculi, and medial geniculate. The pre-
1973), localization tests (Jerger 1960a, b; cise identification of the sources of later
Matzger 1959), and the masking level differ- waves is unclear; third and higher order units
ence test (Olsen et al. 1976), are sensitive to are dispersed throughout the auditory brain
lesions affecting the brain stem in man. Simi- stem, and it is likely that multiple generators,
lar effects have been seen in behavioral studies including both the brain stem nuclei and asso-
in animals after experimental brain stem ciated fiber tracts, are involved (Achor 1976).
lesions (Masterton et al. 1967, 1968; Casseday Since BI is prominent in the unit activity
and Neff 1975). recorded from brain stem auditory units, it
A physiological test of BI has potential seemed appropriate to study this phenome-
value in the clinical evaluation of patients non in far-field surface recorded potentials,
with suspected disorders of the central audi- such as BSEP.
tory nervous system. In recent years, the Dobie and Berlin (1979) studied BI in the
brain stem evoked potential (BSEP) has been BSEP of anesthetized guinea pigs. BI was
widely used in the study of both normal and defined as any deviation from the predictions
abnormal auditory systems. BSEP appears to of a simple monaural-addition model of bin-
reflect the volume-conducted algebraic sum of aural responses. Such a model assumes two
neural activity of large numbers of neurons in independent BSEP generators (or sets of
the brain stem auditory nuclei (Buchwald and generators), one for each ear, whose outputs
do not interact. System o u t p u t under condi-
tions of binaural stimulation would then be
1 This study was supported by PHS Fellowship Grant pre~lictable by algebraic summation of the
No. NS-07058-01A1 and by a Veterans Administra- responses to monaural stimulation. In practice,
tion Research Advisory Group grant. for a given stimulus condition, responses to
2 Correspondence to: Robert A. Dobie, M.D.,
F.A.C.S., Chief, Otolaryngology, VA Medical Center,
binaural, right, and left stimulation are
4435 Beacon Avenue South, Seattle, Wash. 98108, recorded. The left and right monaurally
U.S.A. evoked responses are added together to yield
304 R.A. D O B I E , S.J. N O R T O N


I i1~ IV V



DN I llO pV
1 msec
Fig. 1. B i n a u r a l i n t e r a c t i o n in g u i n e a pig BSEP. L e f t : r e s p o n s e s f r o m m o n a u r a l (L, R) a n d b i n a u r a l (B) stimula-
t i o n . R i g h t : b i n a u r a l r e s p o n s e t h a t w o u l d be p r e d i c t e d b y s u m m a t i o n o f t h e m o n a u r a l r e s p o n s e s (P = L + R),
c o m p a r i s o n o f t h e B a n d P traces, a n d t h e d i f f e r e n c e trace (D = B - - P) r e p r e s e n t i n g derived b i n a u r a l i n t e r a c t i o n .
S t i m u l u s i n t e n s i t y = 87 dB p e S P L ; 20 clicks/sec; N = 512. C o m p a r a b l e d a t a f r o m a h u m a n s u b j e c t are s h o w n in
Fig. 3.

the model's predicted binaural response (the P about 3.5--4.0 msec) there was significant
trace), and this is compared to the obtained non-linear interaction as reflected in the am-
binaural response (the B trace). plitude of wave IV and the latency of peak
In addition, a difference trace (D) is ob- IV' (the vertex-negative peak following wave
tained by subtracting the P trace from the B IV}. Both are significantly reduced in the bin-
trace. In the absence of BI, the result will be a aural condition. The D traces were character-
straight line, D = 0. With this technique, inter- ized by a sharp negative peak followed by a
action occurring anywhere in the response positive peak with latencies roughly corre-
will be seen in the D trace; comparison of sponding to waves IV and IV', respectively.
peak amplitudes and latencies in the B and P The BI as reflected in the D trace was of a
traces could miss interactions at points other greater magnitude and complexity than that
than the wave peaks. indicated by direct comparison of wave IV
The basic paradigm is illustrated in Fig. 1. and IV' in the B and P conditions. BI was
The interaction was similar for all animals maximal for simultaneous clicks of equal
tested. There was no interaction in waves I intensity, but was present in a majority of ani-
through III. In the wave IV region {latency of mals when interaural time differences of up to

3 msec and interaural intensity difference of presumed to reflect a combination of tha-

up to 40 dB were introduced. lamic and/or cortical and myogenic activity
Using an identical paradigm, Huang and (Picton et al. 1977).
Buchwald (1978) found wave IV amplitude
decreased in the binaural response compared
to the summed monaural response in cats. Method and material
Clopton (1979) independently c o n d u c t e d a
set of experiments in the guinea pig very simi- The subjects were 16 y o u n g adults, aged
lar to Dobie and Berlin's (1979), with essen- 16--33, all with normal hearing (thresholds
tially identical findings. less than 15 dB, 250--8000 Hz, ANSI, 1969).
Binaural interaction has not been studied None had a history of neurologic or serious
previously in a comparable manner in human otologic disorder. All testing was carried out
BSEP. Several investigators have compared in a double-walled s o u n d p r o o f r o o m (IAC),
BSEP for simple monaural and binaural stimu- with the subjects reclining. Most slept at least
lation. Blegvad (1975), M~ller and Blegvad briefly during the experiment. All subjects
(1976), and Van Olphen et al. ( 1 9 7 8 ) a l l were paid for their time.
found that wave V amplitude in binaural Silver cup electrodes, filled with conductive
responses was larger than in monaural jelly, were fixed to abraded skin with collo-
responses. Van Olphen et al. (1978) stated dion. Electrode-pair resistances were always
that wave V amplitudes in binaural responses under 4000 ~2, typically 1000--2000 ~ . One
were slightly smaller than the summed peak active electrode was placed at the vertex and
amplitudes of left and right monaural the ground electrode was on the forehead.
responses b u t presented no data bearing The other active electrode for BSEP was
directly on this point. Skinner and Shimota placed in the midline nuchal region. Middle
(1972), in a study of middle-latency auditory AEP was recorded between vertex and y o k e d
evoked potentials (middle AEP, 10--50 msec), earlobe electrodes. The latter was chosen in
f o u n d that Na--Pa amplitude was larger for an a t t e m p t to minimize myogenic potentials
binaural than for monaural stimulation. Peters at the inion and in hopes that any post-auricu-
and Mendel (1974) compared middle AEP for lar myogenic activity would be attenuated at
binaural clicks to those obtained for loudness- the earlobe relative to mastoid placement.
matched monaural clicks and found no differ- Stimuli were 0.1 msec pulses at a rate of 10/
ences in the responses. None of these studies sec produced b y paired pulse generators.
compared binaural responses to summed mon- After attenuation and amplification, pulses
aural responses. were led to matched TDH-49 earphones pro-
We are aware of only one previous study of ducing rarefaction clicks. The transduced
BI (using the paradigm e m p l o y e d by Dobie pulses produced transients which were mea-
and Berlin) in human auditory evoked poten- sured using a 0.5 in. (1.27 cm) microphone in
tials. Gerken et al. (1975) compared binaural a 6 ml coupler. The oscillograms of these tran-
to summed monaural frequency-following sients and their spectra are shown in Fig. 2.
responses in humans and found no significant BSEP and middle AEP were recorded sim-
differences. ultaneously using t w o separate channels. Each
Dobie and Berlin ( 1 9 7 9 ) r e p o r t e d prelimi- consisted of a preamplifier, a second custom-
nary data showing BI in human BSEP. The built amplifier (gain = 102), and one channel
present study extends this finding in a group of a tape recorder at 3.75 in./sec (9.525 cm/
of normal human subjects. In addition, sec). For BSEP, preamplifier filter settings
because of the marked variability seen in our were 1 0 0 - 3 0 0 0 Hz, and the direct record
pilot studies of BI in human BSEP, we mea- mode of the tape deck was used. For middle
sured BI in middle AEP; these responses are AEP, the bandpass was 10--300 Hz, and the

Each subject received at least 6 blocks of

stimuli; each block lasted 4 min, with 2048
responses per block. The first 3 stimulus
blocks were right monaural, left monaural,
and binaural, in random order across subjects.
The second 3 stimulus blocks were simply a
replication b u t in reverse order. Click inten-
sity was 97 dB peSPL referred to a 3 kHz
tone (65--70 dB SL). This level will be
referred to as the high intensity level subse-
d B _:
quently. In addition, 7 subjects received an
additional 3 stimulus blocks: right, left and
.50-J I binaural at 67 dB peSPL (hereafter, the low
I I I I I f I I I
0 ,5 I0 intensity level).

FREQUENCY (KHz) Data analysis was carried o u t after off-line
averaging of the responses. For each condi-
tion, the dependent variables were the ampli-
tudes and latencies of response peaks. For
BSEP, the vertex positive peaks II through VI
and the subsequent vertex negative peaks
(arbitrarily .named II' through VI', omitting
the negative peak between IV and V which is
often absent) were measured; for middle AEP,
the peaks selected for measurement were
those conventionally labeled No, Po, Na, Pa,
and Nb (Goldstein and R o d m a n 1967). For
each set of 3 stimulus blocks, in addition to
the measurement of peaks in the raw traces, a
derived trace (P) was generated b y summing
I I the appropriate monaural responses; its peaks
O. 5 m sec were measured in the same way. For BSEP,
Fig. 2. Above: spectrum o f stimulus, as transduced by the peaks in the difference trace (D = B -- P)
TDH-49 earphone. Peak energy is at 3640 Hz. Below: were also measured. Analysis of variance was
acoustic wave form of stimulus for right and left ear- carried out for each dependent variable, i.e.,
phones; a downward deflection indicates rarefaction. the amplitudes and latencies of each response
peak. The first analysis performed compared
monaural responses, i.e., right versus left. No
FM channel was used. Filter slopes were 6 dB/ significant differences were found, and these
octave. The nominal frequency response of data will not be presented. The second anal-
the tape deck at 3.75 in./sec was 50--15,000 ysis of variance compared the B and the P
Hz for direct mode and 0--1250 Hz for FM conditions as well as any differences between
mode. Both the ongoing filtered EEG activity the first and second replication at the high
and the running averaged BSEPs were moni- intensity level. No order effects were found
tored during each experiment, b u t all data and the data from the t w o replications were
analysis was performed by reaveraging the collapsed for purposes of calculating the
data from tape off-line. For BSEP, dwell time group means and standard errors which are
was 40 #sec; for middle AEP, dwell time was plotted in the ensuing figures. N o t all peaks
280/~sec. were measurable in every trace. However,

after wave III, there were no more than two I 10

missing data points for any peak across all


Fig. 3 shows the replicated BSEP traces in

the high intensity condition for one subject.
The general similarity of the B traces to the P
traces is notable. The two D traces calculated
by subtracting the P from the B traces are
shown in the lower portion of the figure; they
are characterized by two positive and two
negative peaks. The general morphology of

.13Z - ' ~


0 251~V
I m sec

Fig. 4. Difference traces, representing derived binau-

ral interaction, for 16 normal subjects; conditions as
described for Fig. 3.

the D trace was reminiscent of that seen in
Io.25/~v guinea pig BSEP (Fig. 1), and the response
peaks have been similarly named. However,
the first negative peak (NI) occurred later in
the human response; its latency was about 6.0
msec compared to 3.5--4.0 msec in the guinea
1 I pig. Inspection of the D traces for all 16 sub-
I rn s e c jects (Fig. 4) revealed that most showed
Fig. 3. Binaural interaction in h u m a n BSEP. Sum of responses of the same general type. Although
monaural responses (P) compared to binaurally there was considerable individual variability,
evoked responses (B). Difference trace (D) calculated 28 of the 32 traces (in 15 of 16 subjects)
by subtracting P from B (note different scale for showed an identifiable N1 whose latency, for
response amplitude). Stimuli were 0.1 msee clicks at
97 dB peSPL (high-intensity condition), 10/sec, N = a given subject, always was intermediate
2048 for each of two replications for each condition. between the latencies of peaks V and V' in
'Stim Art' = stimulus artifact. the B trace.

]I ~ " .3-
.2-- ! p, '. .2-
.t- 3-
O- 0-
:l-- N2
--.P_-- ~-~-:2 -
]K' N,3-
=5- • BINAURAL g-15-
~--.6-- DtFFERENCE
117-- LOW INTEN~TY / B.5.E.P.
-18- --'8--
<9- --19--
-LO - --fO --


-12 -
-15 - ,~ 2.% 3'.0 .Io ~o ~ ~'o ~o 9:0
LATENCY (rn sec}

LATENCY tm sec)
Fig. 6. Group mean amplitudes and latencies for bin-
Fig. 5. Group mean amplitudes and latencies for bin- aural, predicted and difference traces in the low-
aurally evoked BSEP (binaural), the sum of the mon- intensity BSEP condition (N = 7).
aurally evoked responses (predicted), and the differ-
ence trace in the high-intensity condition (N -- 16).
Peak-labeling convention is as seen in Fig. 3. The p e a k N2 w a s identifiable in o n l y 20 o f 32
height of each rectangle represents twice the standard traces.
error of the mean for response amplitude; the width G r o u p data for t h e 7 subjects w h o r e c e i v e d
represents twice the S.E.M. for latency. Mean ampli- t h e l o w i n t e n s i t y clicks as well are s h o w n in
tude and latency for each response peak is at the cen- Fig. 6. There w a s a generalized decrease in
ter of the appropriate rectangle.

P e a k a m p l i t u d e s a n d l a t e n c i e s for t h e B a n d
P traces, in t h e h i g h - i n t e n s i t y c o n d i t i o n , are
s h o w n in Fig. 5. E a c h p e a k is r e p r e s e n t e d b y a
P° I o.2 v
rectangle w h o s e c e n t e r r e p r e s e n t s t h e g r o u p
m e a n for a m p l i t u d e and l a t e n c y . T h e h e i g h t
a n d w i d t h o f t h e r e c t a n g l e s represent standard
errors o f :the m e a n s f o r a m p l i t u d e s and laten-
N0 Nb
cies, r e s p e c t i v e l y . It can be seen by inspec-
t i o n , and w a s c o n f i r m e d in t h e analysis o f
variance, t h a t t h e r e w e r e n o significant differ-
e n c e s (P > 0 . 0 5 ) b e t w e e n t h e peak values for
t h e B and P traces. T h e r e is a s u g g e s t i o n o f
slightly earlier latencies in t h e B trace for all
p e a k s after p e a k IV, b u t n o n e o f t h e s e differ-
e n c e s w a s individually significant.
T h e m e a n data for t h e p e a k s in t h e D trace
are p l o t t e d in t h e s a m e figure, N o t e that t h e l l
p e a k d i f f e r e n c e s o c c u r w i t h latencies w h i c h 5 m sec
are in every case i n t e r m e d i a t e b e t w e e n t h o s e
Fig. 7. Binaural interaction in h u m a n middle-latency
o f t h e r e s p o n s e p e a k s in t h e r a w B S E P traces. auditory evoked potentials, in the high-intensity con-
P e a k s P1 and N1 w e r e e a c h identifiable in 2 8 dition. Response labeling (B, P, D) and stimulus
o f 32 D traces; p e a k P2 w a s s e e n in 2 7 , w h i l e parameters are as described for Fig. 3.

~ P

x\\ \
• B4N~U"AL

''\ ' "

' 2 / \ 1
" \\

I 0 m sec
-2o 1."
Fig. 8. Binaural interaction typical of that seen in 4 T } T I ~ I I I I I I T
~ T I i0 I ~ 2[0 ~0 I I I ~ U ]
subjects with middle-latency responses thought to be
LATENCY (m sec)
myogenic (see text). Note large amplitude (>8 pV)
and early latency (15--20 msec) of presumed myo-
Fig. 9. Group mean amplitudes and latencies for bin-
genic response.
aural, predicted and difference traces in the high-
intensity middle-latency response condition (N = 12).
Peak-labeling convention is as seen in Fig. 7.

amplitude and increase in latency as would be

expected with the 30 dB decrease in stimulus aural stimuli was in each case much larger
intensity, b u t the pattern of interaction was than the sum of the monaural responses. Both
essentially identical to that seen with the the brief latency and this unusual pattern of
more intense click. interaction suggested that the responses in
Fig. 7 shows middle AEP in the high-inten- these cases were dominated by post-auricular
sity condition for a typical subject. The ear- myogenic potentials (Thornton 1975). These
liest part of the binaural response was pre- 4 subjects were not included in the group sta-
dicted by summation of the monaural tistical calcula$ions.
responses. However, the later waves in the The group mean data for the 12 remaining
response, particularly Pa, showed considerable subjects in the high-intensity middle A E R
interaction. The amplitude and latency of P~ condition are shown in Fig. 9. Pa amplitude
were considerably reduced in the B trace com- was markedly reduced in the B trace when
pared to the P trace. compared to the P trace (F(1, 11) = 55.4, P <
This pattern was consistently seen in 12 of 0.01). In addition, the latency of Pa in the
the 16 subjects and was quite clear-cut in binaural condition was significantly reduced
each. The other 4 subjects had atypical (F(1, 11) = 5 . 1 2 , P < 0.05).
responses, both qualitatively and quantita- Fig. 10 shows the group mean data for the
tively. An example is shown in Fig. 8. These low-intensity condition. The expected
responses were characterized by an early increase in latency and decrease in response
biphasic potential which had a larger ampli- amplitude is seen, b u t the pattern of BI was
t u d e and a shorter latency than is typical for similar to that in the high-intensity condition.
the N~Pa complex in the middle AEP. In each As before, P~ amplitude is significantly
case, the positive peak of this complex had a reduced in the binaural condition (F(1, 51) =
latency less than 24 msec, while none of the 9.73, P < 0.05). However, under these stim-
other 12 subjects showed Pa latency of less ulus conditions, binaural Pa latency was not
than 28 msec. The t y p e of BI seen in this sub- different from that predicted b y monaural
group was also different; the response to bin- summation.

is not necessarily attributable to interaction at
1.5 j P~ / / ~ [] PRE~CTEO a higher site; this could represent third-order
(or higher) activity at any level central to the
1.0 :

i/il MID~)LE A.E.P.
cochlear nuclei.
Parametric differences (particularly in stim-
ulus spectrum) may also explain some of this
difference. Broad-band clicks delivered to
d_:5- TDH-49 earphones were used in both experi-
-I.0 : ments, b u t the stereotaxic ear bar system used
N No N= to couple the sound source to the guinea pig's
ear canal introduced large tube resonances at
-2.0 approximately 750 and 1500 Hz. This was a
f I l I I f I I I I I I I I [ I I I I I I I l I considerably different spectrum than that
ro 20 30 40
LATENCY (m sec) delivered to the human subjects. It is possible
that the degree of BI seen in BSEP is a func-
Fig. 10. Group mean amplitudes and latencies for bin- tion of stimulus spectrum; this hypothesis is
aural, predicted and difference traces in the low- being studied currently in our laboratory.
intensity middle-latency response condition (N = 6).
In humans, the peak measurements of bin-
aurally evoked BSEP are accurately predicted
by simple summation of monaural responses.
Discussion In the group mean data, there were no signifi-
cant differences for amplitude or latency for
BI similar to that seen in the guinea pig any of the response peaks in BSEP. The BI
(Dobie and Berlin 1979) was demonstrated in was apparent only when the D traces were
BSEP in the majority of subjects. In humans, examined. The peaks in these D traces (i.e.,
BI occurred later in the response (about the largest differences between the B and P
6 msec) and showed considerably more varia- traces) occurred invariably with latencies
bility than in the guinea pig. There are several which were intermediate between those of the
possible explanations for this. Guinea pig response peaks in the raw BSEP; this is
BSEP amplitudes are typically several pV exactly what one would expect if the interac-
compared to the sub-microvolt levels seen in tion were expressed primarily as a small
humans; this is p r e s u m a b l y because of differ- latency shift.
ences in brain and skull anatomy. Higher sig- BI was also seen in middle AEP. There was
nal-to-noise ratios in guinea pigs lead to no interaction in the early portion of this
'cleaner' responses even when fewer samples response, which presumably reflects the same
are averaged. In addition, the guinea pigs were neural activity seen in the BSEP as filtered
anesthetized, which contributed to the stabil- with a lower bandpass. However, in both the
ity of the recordings. Innate species differ- high- and low-intensity conditions, the ampli-
ences must be considered; the large difference tude of peak Pa in the B trace was consider-
in brain stem size may account for some of ably less than predicted b y summation of the
the latency difference. In addition, if binaural monaural responses. This we interpret as con-
integrative functions in man were attributable sistent with a neural response in which there
to sites which were 'higher' and more distrib- is some overlap of elements responding in the
uted along the ascending auditory pathway left and right monaural conditions.
than in the guinea pig, one might expect to For both BSEP and middle AEP, the pat-
see BI in evoked potentials showing longer terns of BI were identical in the h i g h - a n d
latencies and less coherence. Of course, the low-intensity conditions. This effectively rules
longer latency of the BI potential in humans o u t acoustic crossover as an important arti-

fact, since the low-intensity clicks were only 6 msec latency region) was observed in the
a b o u t 35--40 dB above the subjects' thresh- difference trace for the majority of subjects'
olds. BSEP, there were no significant differences
Four subjects showed middle AEPs which between binaural and predicted-binaural
were qualitatively different. These were responses in the group means for individual
believed to be primarily myogenic on the peak amplitudes and latencies.
basis of their latency and amplitude character- In middle AEP, the amplitude of peak Pa
istics. The pattern of BI seen here was also was usually much smaller in binaurally evoked
consistent with a myogenic response near responses than in the predicted-binaural
threshold: small increments in stimulus inten- response. Four subjects had middle AEP
sity (in this case, binaural versus monaural) which were felt to be predominantly myo-
resulted in large increases in response ampli- genic on the basis of short latency and large
tude. A steep growth function is characteristic amplitude; these responses demonstrated a
of the post-auricular myogenic response (Pic- reverse pattern of interaction, with binaural
t o n et al. 1977). In retrospect, a more appro- responses much larger than the monaural
priate site for the reference electrode, to sums.
avoid myogenic potentials, might have been
the anterior neck, over the larynx.
BI is an important aspect of the function of R~sum~
the auditory nervous system at brain stem and
higher levels; in human subjects, BI can be Interaction binaurale duns les potentiels
demonstrated in both BSEP and middle AEP. dvoqugs auditifs
If the problems of individual variability dis-
cussed above can be solved, tests such as these L'interaction binaurale (BI) duns les poten-
could become useful in clinical settings. tiels ~voqu~s auditifs est d~finie c o m m e toute
d~viation des predictions d'un module qui
postule deux populations ind~pendantes de
Summary neurones dont les sorties seraient, ~ distance,
simplement additives. Les r~ponses monau-
Binaural interaction (BI) in auditory rules sont additionn~es pour aboutir ~ la pr~-
evoked potentials was defined as any devia- diction du module de la r~ponse ~voqu~e de
tion from the predictions of a model which fa~on binaurale; cette trace est ensuite sous-
assumes two independent populations of neu- traite de la r~ponse binaurale r~elle pour con-
rons whose o u t p u t s are, in the far field, sim- duire au trac~ d'une difference qui est consi-
ply additive. Monaural responses are added to d~r~e representer la BI. Duns une ~tude ant~-
yield the model's prediction of binaurally rieure, une BI forte a ~t~ observ~e duns le
evoked response; this trace is then subtracted BSEP du cobaye, maximale ~ une latence
from the actual binaural response to yield a d'environ 4 msec: l'interaction est plus grande
difference trace which is considered to repre- pour des stimulus simultan~s {At = 0) d'inten-
sent BI. In a previous study, strong BI was sit~ ~gale (AI = 0).
seen in guinea pig BSEP, maximal at a b o u t Seize jeunes adultes normaux ont ~t~ enre-
4 msec latency; the interaction was greatest for gistr~s en ce qui concerne les BSEP et les
simultaneous (At = 0) stimuli of equal inten- potentiels ~voqu~s auditifs de latence moy-
sity (AI = 0). enne (AEP moyen) en r~ponse ~ des clics
Sixteen normal y o u n g adults had BSEP and binauraux et monauraux. Bien que la BI (duns
middle-latency auditory evoked potentials la zone de latence de 6 msec) soit observ~e
(middle AEP) recorded in response to binau- duns le trac~ de difference duns la majorit~
ral and monaural clicks. Although BI (in the des BSEP des sujets, il n'y a pus de difference

significative entre les r~ponses binaurales et Galambos, R., Schwartzkopf, J. and Rupert, A.
les r~ponses binaurales prddites darts les moy- Microelectrode study of the superior olivary nu-
clei. Amer. J. Physiol., 1959, 197: 527--536.
ennes de groupe en ce qui concerne les ampli-
Gerken, G.M., Moushegian, G., Stillman, R.D. and
tudes et les latences de pics individuelles. Pour Rupert, A.L. Human frequency following
les AEP moyens, l'amplitude du pic Pa est responses to monaural and binaural stimuli. Elec-
habituellement beaucoup plus petite dans les troenceph, clin. Neurophysiol., 1975, 38:
r~ponses ~voqudes de fa~on binaurale que 397--386.
Goldstein, R. and Rodman, L.B. Early components of
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