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Shashaank Sharma

CMUNCE Position paper


As Mandy Grunwald, the head of a national consulting firm, I feel as if I hold a

vital role in this upcoming 1992 election. My consulting firm has the ability to provide
advice to either campaign which can affect the election in numerous ways. Considering
the multiple New York and national campaigns that I have played a large role in, my
main responsibility will be helping the Clinton campaign. I intend to use my prominence
within the media and my funds to do whatever I can to ensure my client succeeds in the
presidential election.
During the time leading up to the 1992 election, I will appear on several television
commercials and have many press conferences, promoting my client and defending him,
through all the criticisms. I believe that Mr. Clinton is truly the right man to lead our
country, both fiscally and socially. Mr. Bush has consistently failed the American people,
promising no new taxes. However after being elected, he’s actually done the opposite,
raising taxes along with implementing new taxes. The national debt has increased year
after year while Bush has been in office. Republican voters, is this the man you want in
office? The case he made for the gulf war was completely dishonest. In fact, he told the
American people that Iraq invaded Kuwait without warning, while the U.S ambassador
told Saddam Hussein that the U.S had no opinion in Arab-Arab conflicts. Under George
Bush, the U.S dropped around 88,500 bombs on Iraq and Iraqi-occupied Kuwait and
even dropped bombs on a civilian defense shelter, killing 408 Iraqi citizens while
knowing that it was a civilian defense shelter. The Bush administration has specifically
targeted Iraqi civilian bases in order to gain leverage over Saddam Hussein. Mr. Bush is
a war criminal and his actions clearly reflect that. Finally, Mr.Bush is a racist. There’s no
other way to put it. He specifically used a crime a man committed in Massachusetts to
show how his opponent has crime even in his home state. However, Mr. Bush
specifically highlighted the fact that Willie Horton was black. He ran a racist ad in hope
of smearing his opponent. There’s no other way to put it, he was a racist and utilized
race in his fight to win the 1988 election.
Throughout the conference I will use my power and public influence to not only
prove to the public that Bill Clinton is the right man for the job, but I also intend on
running a smear campaign in order to ensure Mr. Clinton becomes the next president. I
intend on using my power as the head as Grunwald consulting to produce several
ads/campaigns not only exposing the truth of George H.W. Bush but also Ross Perot,
the independent nominee.
Another idea I have is making a multi-stage documentary about Bill Clinton’s
presidential race, painting him in the light he deserves to be painted in. It’ll be staged
earlier in the presidential election so we have time to get it out in masses. I believe the
implementation of this idea could prove very beneficial to Mr. Clinton as the American
people will see that he’s a normal man just like the rest of them who wakes up next to
his wife, brushes his teeth and goes to work. He’s a man for the people and producing
this documentary could really be beneficial for his cause.
Throughout the weekend, as Mandy Grunwald, I plan on taking several steps to
ensure that Mr.Clinton wins the presidency.

Blakemore, E. (2018, November 02). How the Willie Horton Ad Played on Racism
and Fear. Retrieved January 15, 2021, from

Grunwald. (n.d.). Retrieved January 15, 2021, from

Hasan, M. (2018, December 01). The Ignored Legacy of George H.W. Bush: War
Crimes, Racism, and Obstruction of Justice. Retrieved January 15, 2021, from

Martin, J. (2015, February 05). Mandy Grunwald to Join Clinton Team. Retrieved
January 15, 2021, from

Norton, B. (2020, September 23). George H.W. Bush: War Criminal, CIA Spy, Oil
Tycoon, Embodiment of US Elite. Retrieved January 15, 2021, from

Smith, C. (1992, July 13). New York Magazine. Retrieved January 15, 2021, from

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