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Early to bed and

earlg to rise, makes C T :

d rnan healthy, The importance of sleep
wealthy, and wise.

Using context clues

- B enj a,mi,nFr ankli,n,
U.S.pol itici an, i nuen lor,
uri,ter, and,sci,entist
Learning words in context
Understandingthe present perfect and
simple past

r l
A. Check(/l your answersto thesequestionsabout sleep.
| . How many hours a night do you usually sleep?
n fewer than 6 hours a night
E between 6 and 8 hours a night
n more than 8 hours a night
2. How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?
! great E okay n terrible
3. How ofbendo you feel sleepy during the day?
n often E sometimes n almost never

B. Pair work. Compareanswers.Do you have the samesleephabits?

A: I usually sleep fewer than 6 hours a night.

B: Me too.
I ReaIIy?I usually sleep more than 8 hours.

C. What do you think? Readthesestatementsand guessTrueor

False.Check(/) your guesses.Then read pages 3-4 and check
your answers.
True False
| . Scientists don't know why we need to sleep. t r n
2. It's possible to stay awake for one week. n t r
3. It's unhealthy to go without sleep. t r t r
D. Group work. Compareyour answerswith your classmates.
read pages 3-4 and checkyour answers.

2 Chapter 1 . Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

Passa e


Note: Erplnnatti,otts for u.nrds in hlue type can befoun'd' i'n the
Culture and LonguageNoteson pages 151-163.

What happens if you don't get enough sleep? Randy Gardner, a

high school student in the United States, wanted to find out. He
designedan experimentl on the effects of sleeplessness2for a school
science project. With doctors watching him carefully, Gardner stayed
awake for 264 hours and 12 minutes. That's eleven days and nights
without sleep!
What effect did sleeplessnesshave on Gardner? After 24 hours
without sleep, Gardner started having trouble reading and watching
television. The words and pictures were too blurry.3 By the third day,
1 0 he was having trouble doing things with his hands. By the fourth day,
Gardner was hallucinating. For example, when he saw a street sign,
he thought it was a person. He also imagineda he was a famous
football player. Over the next few days, Gardner'sspeechSbecameso
slurred that people couldn't understand him. He also had trouble
1 5 remembering things. By the eleventh day, Gardner couldn't pass a
counting test.6 In the middle of the test he simply stopped counting.
He couldn't remember what he was doing.
When Gardner finally went to bed, he slept for 14 hours and 45
minutes. The second night he slept for twelve hours, the third night
20 he slept for ten and one-half hours, and by the fourth night, he had
returned to his normal sleep schedule.
Even though Gardner recoveredT quickly, scientists believe that
going without sleep can be dangerous.They say that people should
not repeat Randy's experiment. Tests on white rats have shown how
25 serious sleeplessnesscan be. After a few weeks without sleep, the

I experiment a scientific test

2 effects of sleeplessness things that happenwhen you don't get
enough sleep
3 blurry difficult to see
4 imagined thought
5 speech way of talking
6 a counting test sayingnumbersin order: 1,2,3,4, etc.
7 recovered returnedtonormal

r J
rats starbedlosing their fur.8 And even though the rats ate more food
than usual, they lost weight. Eventually9the rats died.
During your lifetime, you will probably spend 25 years or more
sleeping. But why? What is the purpose of sleep? Surprisingly,
30 scientists don't know for sure.l0 Some scientists think we sleep in
order to replenishlr brain cells.Other scientiststhink that sleephelps
the body to grow and to relieve stress.l2Whateverthe reason, we
know that it is imporlant to get enough sleep.

Understandi the xt

A. True or False?Readthe statementsand check (uz)Trueor False.

True Fafse
| . Randy Gardner studied the effects of sleeping t r n
too much.

2 . During the experiment, Gardner slept for several n tr

hours every night.
3 . During the experiment, Gardner had trouble n n
speaking clearly.
4 . It took two weeks for Gardner to recover from n n
the experiment.
5 . Going without sleepis not dangerousfor white rats. N T
6 . Scientists are not sure why we need to sleep. n n
7 . In the first paragraph,the words "find out" t r t r
(Iine 2) mean learn or di,scouer.
8. In the secondparagraph(line 14) the word n tr
"slurred" means easy to understand.

Work with your classmates

to correctthe falsestatements.

6 fur hair on an animal's body

I eventually after some time
1o for sure definitely
rl replenish build new; renew
12 relieve stress to remove or get rid of negative feelings

4 Chapter 1 . Are,YouGetting Enough Sleep?

B. Consider the issues.Work with a partnerto answerthe questions
| . What are the effects of sleeplessness?List three more ideas from
the reading passage.

a You miqht have troubleseeingclearly.

o You miqht
a You miqht
o You could

2. Pair work. Think of three more possibleeffects of sleeplessness.

A: You might have trouble driving a car.
B: That's right. And you could have trouble . . .

a . You could

b . You might


3. What is your opinion of Gardner'sexperiment?Check (uz)one or

more statementsor write your own.
tr I think it was a dangerousexperiment.
n I think it was an interesting experiment.
n I don't think the experiment was very scientific.
E I would like to know more about Gardner'sexperiment.
Shareyour opinion with your partner and tell why.

Example: I think i,t was an interesting erperiment becauseI

leavneda lot about the importance of sleep.

r $
Reading Skill

Using context cfues13

You don't need to understandthe exact meaningof every new
word.Instead, you can guessthe generalmearringof new words by
Iooking at the context - the words before and after the new word,
and in the sentencesbefore and afberthe new word.
Example: Gardner stayed, awake for 264 hours. That's eleum
days and nights without sleep.
If you don't know the words "stayed awake," you can guessthe
meaningfrom the context clue "without sleep."

A. Underlinethe contextcluesthat helpyou guessthe meaningof

the boldfaced words.

|. After 24 hours without sleep, Gardner had trouble reading and
watching television. The words and pictures were too blurry.
2. By the fourth day, Gardner was hallucinating. For example,
when he saw a street sign,he thought it was a person.
3. Over the next few days, Gardner'sspeechbecameso slurred that
people couldn't understand him.

B. Usecontextcluesto guessthe generalmeaningof the boldfaced

words. Circleyour answer.
l. The price of clothing was so reasonable that we bought a lot of
things. (cheap / expensive)
2. I felt so at ease on the airplane that I was able to go to sleep.
(comfortable / uncomfortable)
3. The test was so tough that no one passedit. (easy/ difficult)
4. We went to a trattoria after work. I ordered pasta, and he had a
salad. (a place to work / aplace to eat)
5. Youwill needa very sharplcrife to slice thosepotatoes.(cut / wash)

13 clues things that help you find something or solve a problem

6 Chapter 7 . Are You Getting Enough Sleep?


Learning words in context

It's a good idea to learn a new word together with the words
around it (the context). Below are some examples of the words
that we ofben use with sleep.
go to sleep get a good night's sleep
go without sleep spend hours sleeping
get enoughsleep sleep schedule

A. Completeeach questionwith a word from the box below {More

than one answermay be possible.)

enough schedule spend to without

L What time do you usually go sleep?

2 . What time did you go sleeTtlast night?

3 . Did,you get sleeplastnight?
4 . How long canyotgo sleep?
5 . Do you ustally get sleep onweeknights?
6 . Did you more than 50 hours sleepi,nglast week?
7 . Do you have a regular or irregular sleeTt
8. Do you have the same sleeTt every day?

B. Pair work. Ask a partnerthe questionsin ActivityA.

A: What time do you usually go to sleep?

B: I usually go to sleepat 10:30.

Language Focus

Understanding the present perfect and simple Past

At the begiruringof a conversation,we often use the presentperfect
+ euerto ask a generalquestionabout someone'spast experiences.
Euermearts"at any time before now."

t l
Examplesz Haue Uou euer slept unti'Lnoon?
Haae Aou eaer gone to sleepi'n class?
(Seepage 168for a list of past participlesfor irregular verbs.)
To ask questionsabout a specific time or experiencein the past,
we use the simplepast tense.
A: Haae Aou eaergonefor 24 hours usithoutsleep?
B: Yes,afew ti,mes.
A: How did. goufeel?
B: Teryi,ble.

A. Completeeach pair of questionswith a word in parentheses.

aska partnerthe questions.

|. (sleep/slept/sleeping)
a. Have you ever for more than 12hours?
b. Why did you for so long?

2. (Have/ Did / Has)

a. you ever slept for fewer than 6 hours?
b. you feel bad the next day?

3. (gone/ go / going)
a. Have you ever without sleep for more than 24
b. Why did you without sleep?

4. (spend / spent / spending)

a. Have you ever 12hours sleeping?
b. Why did you so much time sleeping?

Find someonewho answers"Yes"to

B. Talkto differentclassmates.
each questionbelow. Then askthe follow-up question.

Example: A: Haue Aou euerslept on a waterbed'?l4

B: Yes,Ihaue.
A: Wasit comfortable?
B: No. It was uncomfortable.

14 waterbed a bed filled with water that moves when you lie on it

8 Chopter 7 . Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

Have vou ever . . .
+ Wasit comfortable?
slepton a waterbed?
+ Wereyou comfortable?
slepton an airplane?
+ Did you like it?
sleptin a tentT
+ Did your teachernotice?
had trouble goingto sleeP? + What did you do?

Discussion & iti

A. Keepa sleepschedulefor one week. Then answerthe questions
What time did Did you feel When did you
you get up in sfeepy during go to bed
the morning? the day? at night?

|. Which night did you get the least sleep?Wereyou very sleepythe
next day?
2. Which night did you sleepthe most?How did you feel the next day?
3. Did you get enough sleep during the week? Why or why not?

B. Chooseone of the questionsbelow and answerit in writing.

| . What are the effects of going without drinking water?
2. What are the effects of going without food?
3. What are the effects of eating more than you need?
4. What are the effects of running l0 kilometers?
5. What are the effects of watching television aII day?
o c )

What are the effects of going without drinking water?

After a few hours. vou will beainto feel thirstv,Your

mouth willleel dry t oo, After a few more houre, vou miahi
otart lo feel tired and dizzv. Soon vou won'l be able Lo do
anylhina.lf you ao without water for too lona.vou willdie.

experiment find out blurry

effects (of) go without dangerous
stress have (trouble) reasonable
rmagrne normal
pass(a testl

I O Chapter 7 . Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

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