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Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery

Review Sheet

XX _______female__________

Tell how each of the following can be a Danger to a Fetus

Alcohol _______disorder, _Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
Physical, mental and behavior abnormalities_________________________________________

Tobacco______stillbirth, dangers___________________________________________
Stages of Labor: Fill in the Blank
Stage 1:
Phase 1: Effacement- cervix prepares for delivery
Phase 2: Dilation
Stage 2: Birth- forceful contractions, __espisiotomy______________- Incision made from
vagina towards anus to enlarge opening for baby
Stage 3: After Birth- _______After birth, labor begins again and amnion, placenta cord and
umbilicilar cord are forced out of body

Fertilization ___Fertiilization is zygote (male gamete combines with


Zygote __________the sex cell that eventually evolves into a baby

Blastula_____an early state of the embryo development
Embryo ______The baby is slowly being born, but it is a fetus now
Amnion Sac _____amnion sac_________________________________________________


A C-section is the same the procedure as an episiotomy __F___

A baby can be born addicted to alcohol __F____

Placenta_______removes wate
Umbilical Cord _________cord connected to
Fetus_________beginning stage of baby, developing in 9 months
Genes_______traits from mom and
Sonogram ______size and position of
Amniocentesis ___________used with
Miscarriage ______________loss of fetus_____________________________________
Ectopic Pregnancy______medical emergency_______________________________________

Describe each type of Births

Still Birth____________ Baby is born dead____________________________________

Breech Birth____________head comes out last__________________________________

Caesarian____________fetus is surgically
What happens to the mother during her second and third trimester?

Nipples darken

Naval sticks out

Muscle cramps

Stretch marks

Name two benefits to breastfeeding the child _____More intelligence, and the fact that they will also be

Doctors do what to the baby after it is born (3)

___________remove umbilical cord___________________________________________
____________clean off baby__________________________________________
__________give it tlc or give to mother and

Fraternal Twins
__2___ # of eggs ___2__#of sperm
Identical Twins
____1_ # of eggs __1___#of sperm
Combination Triplet
__2__# of eggs ___2__#of sperm

Identical Triplet
__1___ # of eggs __1___#of sperm
List early Signs of Pregnancy
__swollen belly______
____missed period_________________________________________
___tender, swollen breasts__________________________________________

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