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Agony in the streets

Another day is rising and the sun is breaking out to take a peek in the skies and to go behind the
clouds. Yes! It's Sunday morning, a day where I can sit and eat with my relative but I’m all alone
so maybe someday. This is a day where I can have fun and do the things that I have to finish.
What should I do today? Should I go out with my friends and play or should I study today? I
keep asking the question until I saw the news that makes my world despair. The president
declares a heart aching revelation. The Martial Law has been declared and I am now scared. I'm
away from my home and I'm all here in manila alone. What should I do? The militants are
everywhere should I prepare? Or should I wait for my relative to call and help me with the
things that are unusual for me?
Time passes by and another news came in, the classes are postponed and the electricity will be
down soon. No news, no radio, no fun, no interaction, and more. I miss having a normal life like
yesterday. A week with of being scared. The state is like a ghost place, with no noise, no people
outside their houses, no running and walking, no playing in the streets and buying goods and
foods that they need. Is this a nightmare? If is it, wake me up from this fantasy and let me be
happy like the goal that I want to achieve, A goal where I can sleep freely and no thoughts that
will bug me.
Over some time, it is getting normal and natural. I am now keeping up from the nightmare that I
had before. This is when I realized it's difficult to be alone. The day after a press has been
released the people who are against martial law are imprison and this where I knew that these
people are officials one of them is Aquino a senator that keeps standing up for the freedom to
turn the iron rule, into autonomy. Aquino got away and hide in the near states to keep himself
away from harm, and one day there's news that came to him and that's when he decided to go
back from his home the Philippines from the pacific.

As Ninoy walks on the platform, some men assist him and after that, a tragic event happens.
Ninoy has been shot in the head. A poor senator who is calling for freedom is now lying in the
ground. People are triggered by the event. They walk outside their houses and bring the guts
from their fist and shout for justice and with the saying “Suko na! Talo ka na! Marcos Layas
na!”. A people revolution in edsa has been awakened and for this moment Marcos brings down
his weapon because he realized that if he fights these people who would he rule? A country of
no one but a tool? Marcos walks downward and let's go his position and A woman is standing in
front with name carrying cory. Cory takes on the path and leads us to with new beginning.
Democracy has been release and we free to walk from our houses and meet my family. I am
now free and now spending my life with no regrets and free. I have now a grandchild and happy
living with my family. I'm alone yesterday but today I have someone to stay with me and live
my life within the day.

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