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Dhiraj Kumar Jha
 Chapter 1 Installation
 Chapter 2 DCL statements (User Creation and Login/Logout)
 Chapter 3 DDL statements
 Chapter 4 DML statements
 Chapter 5 TCL Statements
 Chapter 6 Creating, Accessing and Deleting Views
 The main target of this project is to implement any RDBMS with some visual
Programming Language.
 This can be achieved by minimum of CRUD operation .
 Implementing PHP with any RDBMS is preferred because that will help to cover in-
depth knowledge of Web Tech II
 Otherwise, there are no restriction to any programming language.
 The project proposal should contain the abstract form of project title along with
description in about 2 to 3 Paragraphs.
 It should contain the group member names as well with indication of the team lead.
 Time 2 working days.
 You should defend your project title with minimum of 3 to 4 slides indicating what
you are attempting to do.
 If needed, your title will be corrected and steps to complete the project will be
discussed in more elaborated form.
 Considering the current situation, this project should not take more than 2 weeks.
 Therefore, objectives should be set such that it can be achieved within this

 These are just the references, ideas from anywhere else can be taken as well.
 You can also simulate any existing system or sub-system from a system.
 The mid term report should contain
 Cover Page
 Acknowledgements
 Table of Contents
 Introduction
 This section should contain the background scenario.
 System Analysis
 ER diagram and its explanation of relationships
 System Design
 Normalization up to BCNF
 Relational Model
 Data Dictionary
 The final report should contain
 Cover Page
 Acknowledgements
 Table of Contents
 Introduction
 This section should contain the background scenario.
 System Analysis
 ER diagram and its explanation of relationships
 System Design
 System Flowchart
 Normalization up to BCNF
 Relational Model
 Data Dictionary
 Implementation and Testing
 Programming Language Used
 IDE used
 Appendix
 Snapshots

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