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Principles of Management
Mam Amber Javed


Q No. 1: Discuss where the United States, Malaysia, and China stand on Hofstede’s
cultural dimensions.

As cultures shape the behavioral patterns and perceptions of its members much diversity
could be seen among employees coming from different countries various dimensions
specifying such differences could be identified within a much diverse environment. These
dimensions are helpful in cultures of various nations.

Q No. 2: What are the implications of the above differences for how business is
conducted in Malaysia and China?

In Malaysia there was a grand gesture and interaction with the guest executive. The host
engaged in socializing with individuals and developing a relationship. Similarly, in China the
executives were hosting a collection of important lunches and dinners socializing. They are
found to be more interested in their meals and drinks.

Q No. 3: How can these cultural differences explain why you were not successful? What
should you have done differently?

The first country welcomed the individual with a grand gesture and interested with them
socializing well. However, the individual mispronounced the affiliates name. The
mispronounced can be taken up as an offense by the host as they had hosted the individual
with a flashy ceremony only to be viewed by the host as an ignorant person. And in china if
he showed interest in food and drink he might have convinced them.

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