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As discussed already in the introductory chapter on Verbal Ability, vocabulary plays an important part in most of the
entrance examinations. The student has to develop a good vocabulary level by the time he goes to the exams.

In this chapter, a word list consisting of more than 3000 words is given with their meaning. The words are given in
alphabetical order and facilitate quick reference for learning the meaning of any word or revising the meaning of the
words that you have already learnt. You are advised to go through vocabulary improvement programme
systematically. Please keep in mind that this is not a comprehensive word list.

While the meanings are given for every word, a number of these words have more than one meaning and all
meanings may not have been covered for the words. It is not sufficient if you stop with the word list alone. You have
to refer to a good dictionary regularly. Even when you learn any word from this word list, make sure that you refer to
the dictionary and understand all the meanings of the word as well as the root of the word.

Refer to the introductory chapter on Verbal Ability for a suggested programme for improving your vocabulary.

Along with learning new words and their meanings, you should spend time on the remaining three chapters of this
booklet which give a list of commonly used roots of words, prefixes and suffixes used in words.

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AARONIC (adj) pertaining to priesthood;

AASVOGEL (n) S African vulture;
ABACA (n) a plantain grown in the Philippine Islands;
ABACK (adv) taken by surprise;
ABADDON (n) hell;
ABANDON (v) to give up;
ABASE (v) to degrade;
ABASH (v) to strike with shame or embarrassment;
ABATE (v) to subside; to lessen or reduce; to mitigate.;
ABBEY (n ) a convent under an abbot or abbess;
ABBOT (n) a man who is the head of an abbey of monks
ABBREVIATE (v) to shorten; to abridge;
ABDICATE (v) to renounce or give up (office or dignity);
ABDUCT (v) to kidnap;
ABERRATION (n) a deviation from the usual, normal or right course, direction or behaviour;
ABETTOR (n) one who encourages or assists (in doing bad things);
ABEYANCE (n) a state of suspension or temporary inactivity;
ABHOR (v) to detest; to loathe;
ABHORRENT inspiring disgust; repugnant, hateful, detestable
ABJECT (adj) mean; grovelling; cast away;
ABJURE (v) to renounce on oath or solemnly;
ABLUTION (n) the act of washing, the body; ceremonial washing;
ABNEGATION (n) forbearance; renunciation; self -denial;
ABOLISH (v) to put an end to;
ABOLITIONIST (n) a person who favours the abolition of a practice or institution
ABOMINABLE very bad or unpleasant, detestable, loathsome
ABOMINATE (v) to abhor; to detest;
ABORIGINE (n) an original or native inhabitant of a country;
ABORTIVE (adj/adv) futile; unsuccessful; vain;
ABRADE (v) to wear down or off;
ABRIDGE (v) to shorten; to curtail;
(n : abridgement)
ABROGATE (v) to rescind; to annul;
ABSCESS (n) a collection of pus in a cavity;
ABSCOND (v) to hide, or get out of the way;
ABSOLVE (v) to acquit without blame; to discharge (from);
ABSTAIN (v) to hold or refrain; to restrain;
ABSTEMIOUS (adj) temperate; restrained in relation to food, drink, or other pleasures;
ABSTINENCE (n) to restrain (with, from);
ABSTRACT (n/adj/v) a summary or abridgement; to draw away; to separate;
ABSTRUSE (adj) difficult to understand;
ABUT (v) to border; to end or lean (on, upon or against);
ABYSMAL (adj) unfathomable;
ABYSS (n) the depths of the sea; anything very deep;
ACCEDE (v) to agree or assent (with to);
ACCESSORY additional; present along with something more important;
ACCLIMATE (v) to accustom to a new climate or environment;
ACCLIVITY an upward slope;
ACCOLADE (n) high award, honour or praise publicly given;
ACCOMPANY (v) to go along with; to associate, join, or couple;
ACCOMPLICE (n) a person who helps another or others to commit a crime;
ACCOMPLISH perform; succeed in doing; complete
ACCOMPLISHED clever, skilled; well trained or educated
ACCORD (n/v) agreement; to give or grant;
ACCOST (v) to approach and speak (often threateningly) to; assault;
ACCOUTRE (v) to dress or equip;
ACCRETION (n) continued growth; an extraneous addition;
ACCRUE (v) to fall due; to accumulate;
ACERBITY (n) acrimony; sarcasm; bitterness;
ACIDULOUS (adj) sarcastic; caustic or sharp;
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ACKNOWLEDGE (v) to express gratitude or thanks; to admit or intimate receipt of;
(n: acknowledgement)
ACME (n) the top or highest point; the culmination or perfection in the career of anything;
ACOUSTICS (n) a device which converts electrical pulses to sound; used in hearing, auditory;
ACQUIESCENT (adj) a person who assents or makes no opposition;
ACQUIT (v) to release; to free; to prove (oneself);
(n: acquittal)
ACRID (adj) pungent;
ACRIMONIOUS (adj) bitterness of feeling or language;
ACRONYM (n) a word formed from or based on the initial letters or syllables of other words;
ACTUARIAL (adj) mathematical and statistical techniques;
ACTUATE (v) incite to, action;
ACUMEN keen insight or discernment; penetration
ADAGE (n) an old saying; a proverb;
ADAMANT (adj) unyielding; inflexible;
ADAPT (v) to make fit or suitable; to modify;
(n : adaptation)
ADDLE (adj) putrid; bad;
ADDUCE (v) to bring forward in discussion, to cite or quote;
ADEPT (n/adj) completely skilled (at or in); an expert;
ADHERE (v) to stick (to); to remain faithful (to);
(n: adherence)
ADHESIVE sticky; a substance such as glue used for sticking things together;
ADIPOSE (n/adj) of fat; fatty;
ADJUDICATE (v) act as judge in a competition, court, tribunate etc.
ADJUNCT (n) a thing joined or added, but subordinate or not essentially a part;
ADJURE (v) command; direct;
ADJUTANT (n) an officer who assists superior officers by communicating orders, conducting
ADMONISH (v) to warn; to reprove mildly;
ADNAUSEAM to the point of producing disgust;
ADOBE (n) a sun-dried brick;
ADORE (v) to worship; to love or revere intensely;
ADORN (v) to dress; to embellish; to decorate;
ADROIT (adj) dexterous; skillful; ingenious;
ADULATION (n) praise (excessive); worship;
ADULTERATE (v) to debase by mixing with something inferior or spurious;
(n: adulteration)
ADVENT (n) a coming or arrival;
ADVENTITIOUS (adj) additional; developed out of the usual order or place;
ADVERSARY (n) an opponent;
ADVERSE (adj) contrary (with to); opposed; unfavourable;
ADVERSITY (n) hardship; misfortune; poverty;
ADVERT (v) to turn one's attention; to refer;
ADVOCATE defender; attorney; lawyer; promote;
AEGIS (n) patronage; protection;
AEON (n) a vast age; eternity;
AERIALIST (n) a high-wire or trapeze artist
AESTHETE (n) a person who has or professes to have a special appreciation of beauty
AESTHETIC (adj) artistic; exquisite;
AESTHETICIAN a person versed in or devoted to aesthetics
AESTIVAL pertaining to summer
AESTIVATE (v) spend the summer or dry season in a state of torpor.
AFICIONADO a devotee of a sport or pass time
AFFABLE (adj) courteous; pleasant or friendly;
AFFECT (v) to infect or attack; to influence;
AFFIDAVIT (n) a written declaration on oath;
AFFILIATE (v/n) to attach as a member or branch; an associate;
(n: affiliation)
AFFINITY (n) attraction; liking; proclivity;
AFFIRMATION (n) assertion; declaration;
(v: affirm)
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AFFLUENCE (n) abundance; wealth;
(adj: affluent)
AFFRAY (n) a brawl, fight or fray;
AGAPE (adj) with gaping mouth; dumbfounded;
AGENDA ( (a list of) things to be done; a programme of business for discussion;
AGGLOMERATION(n) accumulation; collection; gather;
AGGRANDIZE (v) augment; increase;
AGGREGATE to amount (to); total;
AGGRAVATE increase the gravity of (an illness, offence, etc)
AGHAST (adv) stupefied with horror;
AGILE quick moving, nimble, active
AGILITY (n) nimbleness; swiftness and suppleness;
AGITATION (n) tumult; turmoil; distraction (in work);
AGNOSTIC (n) cynic; a sceptic;
AGRARIAN (adj) agricultural; relating to land;
ALACRITY (n) briskness; cheerful readiness; promptness;
ALBEIT (conj) whereas; although it be;
ALBINO (n) a person with abnormally white skin and hair and pink irises;
ALCHEMY (n) the infant stage of chemistry, aimed towards transmuting of other metals into
gold, and discovering the elixir of life;
ALGA (n) the seaweeds and related forms;
ALIAS (n/adv) otherwise known as; an assumed name;
ALIBI (n) the fact of being elsewhere; an excuse for failure;
ALIENATE (v) to estrange;
ALIMENTARY (adj) nutritive; pertaining to nourishment;
ALIMONY (n) an allowance for support made by one spouse to the other after their divorce or
legal separation;
ALLAY (v) to calm; to alleviate; to lessen or reduce;
ALLEGORY (n) symbol; symbolical narration;
ALLEVIATE (v) to lessen or reduce; to mitigate;
ALLITERATION (n) the recurrence of the same initial sound in words in close succession;
ALLUDE (v) to convey an indirect reference; to refer without explicit mention;
ALLURE (v) to entice; to bait; to seduce or attract;
ALLUVIAL (adj) soil deposited by rivers or floods with matter transported in suspension;
ALOFT (adj) on high; on the top;
ALOOF (adv) detached; some way off (from); without participation;
ALTERCATION (n) heated dispute; argument;
ALTRUISM (n) benevolence; humanitarianism; munificence;
ALTRUISTIC (adj) regard for others as a principle of action, unselfishness, regard for other people
ALUMNA (n) a former female pupil or student;
AMATEUR beginner or dilettante; a novice;
AMALGAMATE combine or unite to form one structure, organisation, etc.
AMAZON (n) a female soldier; a strong, vigorous or aggressive woman;
AMBIDEXTROUS able to use both hands equally well;
AMBIENCE (n) atmosphere; surrounding influence;
AMBIGUOUS (adj) doubtful; indistinct; having more than one possible meaning;
AMBLE (n) to move at an easy pace;
AMELIORATE (v) to make better; to improve;
AMEN (interjection) so let it be, (said at the end of a prayer);
AMENABLE (adj) agreeable; open;
AMEND (v) to alter in detail, with a view to improvement; to rectify; to correct;
AMIABLE (adj) good-natured; lovable; friendly;
AMICABLE (adj) in friendly spirit;
AMIGO a friend or comrade
AMISS (adv) astray; wrongly; faultily;
AMITY (n) friendly relation; goodwill;
AMNESIA loss of memory;
AMNESTY (n) general pardon;
AMORAL (adj) outside the domain of morality;
AMOROUS (adj) inclined to love (esp sexual); relating to love;
AMPUTATE (v) to cut off;
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AMUCK (adv) to rush about wildly, attacking anyone in one's path;
AMULET (n) a charm worn to ward off evil, disease etc.;
ANACHRONISM an error assigning a thing to an earlier or to a later age than it belongs to;
ANAEMIA (n) bloodlessness;
ANAESTHETIC a substance that produces insensibility to pain
(adj & n)
ANAESTHETIST (n) a specialist in the administration of anaesthetics
ANALGESIC (adj) producing analgesia; causing insensibility to pain;
ANALOGY (n) a resemblance of relations;
ANARCHIST an advocate of anarchism or of political disorder
ANATHEMA (n) abhorrence; abomination;
ANCILLARY (adj/n) auxiliary; supplementary; subsidiary;
ANDIRONS iron bars to support the end of logs in fire;
ANIMADVERT (v) to take cognizance; to take note; to comment critically; to consider;
ANIMATED lively; full of spirit;
ANIMOSITY (n) strong dislike; enmity;
ANNALS (n) records of events under the years in which they happened; yearbooks
ANNEAL (v) to strengthen or toughen; to heat and cool gradually to temper or toughen.
ANNIHILATE (v) to reduce to nothing; to put out of existence;
ANNOTATE (v) to make notes; to append notes;
ANNUL (v) cancel; invalidate; to make null; to abolish;
ANODYNE (n) medicine that allays pain; something that relieves mental distress;
ANOINT (v) to smear with ointment or oil;
ANOMALOUS (adj) irregular; deviating from rule;
ANONYMOUS (adj) lacking a name; lacking distinctive features or individuality;
ANTAGONISTIC (adj) opponent; hostile; unfriendly;
ANTECEDE (v) to go before in time;
ANTEDILUVIAN (adj)very old-fashioned, primitive;
ANTHROPOID (adj) manlike;
ANTIPATHY (n) aversion; dislike; negative feeling;
ANTITHESIS (n) a thesis or proposition opposing another;
APATHETIC (adj) unconcerned; unresponsive;
APERTURE (n) an opening; a hole;
APEX (n/adj) the summit; the culminating point or climax of anything;
APHASIA (n) inability to express thought in words, caused by brain disease or damage;
APHORISM (n) a brief, pithy saying; an adage;
APIARY (n) place where bees are kept;
APLOMB (n) self-possession, coolness;
APOCALYPTIC (adj) prophetic of disaster or, of the end of the world; pertaining to the Apocalypse;
APOCRYPHAL (adj) fictitious; of doubtful authority;
APOGEE (n) the sun's greatest meridional altitude; acme; pinnacle;
APOPLEXY (n) sudden loss of sensation and motion (generally the result of haemorrhage in the
APOSTATE (n) a person who has abandoned his religion, principles, etc;
APOSTLE each of the twelve chief disciples of Jesus Christ, a leader
APOTHECARY (n) a druggist or pharmacist licensed to dispense prescribed drugs;
APOTHEGM (n) a pithy saying, pointed and practical than the aphorism need be;
APOTHEOSIS (n) deification; glorification;
APPALL (v) to horrify, dismay; to weaken;
APPARITION (n) a phantom; a ghost;
APPEASE (v) to pacify; to satisfy;
APPELLATION name esp one attached to a particular person;
APPEND (v) to attach; to add;
APPOSITE (adj) to the purpose;
APPRAISE (v) to estimate the worth of;
APPREHEND (v) to lay hold of; to arrest;
APPRISE (v) notify; inform;
APPROBATION (n) an act of support or endorsement; approval;
APPROPRIATE (adj) suitable; proper; correct;
APPURTENANCES (n) an appendage or accessory;
APROPOS (prep) in reference to (with of); as per;
AQUILINE (adj) hooked like an eagle's beak;
ARABLE (adj) land fit for ploughing or crop production;
ARBITER (n) a person who has absolute control, or right to judge. (fem. arbitress);
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ARBITRARY (adj) capricious; not bound by rules; personal;
ARBITRATE (v) decide; intervene; negotiate; adjudicate;
ARBITRATOR a person appointed to settle a dispute
ARCADE (n) archway; a covered passageway lined with shops;
ARCANE (adj) secret; mysterious;
ARCHAEOLOGY (n) the study of human antiquities, discovered by excavation of material remains;
ARCHAIC (adj) antiquated; old-fashioned;
ARCHETYPE (n) the original pattern or model;
ARCHIPELAGO (n) a group of islands; a sea abounding in islands;
ARCHIVES (n) a repository of public records;
ARCHIVIST a person who maintains and is in charge of archives
ARDUOUS (adj) laborious; strenuous;
ARID (adj) dry; barren;
ARMADA a fleet of armed ships;
AROMATIC (adj) fragrant; spicy;
ARRAIGN (v) to call to account; to put on trial; indict;
ARRANT (adj) notorious; downright, unmitigated;
ARRAY (n/v) order, arrangement;
ARREARS (n) total unpaid debt; debts not paid by the due date;
ARROGATE (v) to claim as one's own; to claim proudly or unduly;
ARROYO (n) a rocky ravine; a dry watercourse;
ARTICULATE (adj) jointed; to speak distinctly;
ARTIFACTS (n) things made by human workmanship;
ARTIFICE (n) machination; tactic; stratagem;
ASCENDANCY (n) dominating influence;
ASCERTAIN (v) certify; establish; verify;
ASCETIC (adj) a person who lives a life of austerity; a strict hermit;
ASCRIBE (v) to attribute, impute or assign.
ASININE (adj) absurd; idiotic;
ASKANCE (adv) sideways; obliquely;
ASKEW (adv) aslant; awry; crooked; lopsided;
ASPERITY (n) acrimony; harshness; bitter coldness;
ASPERSION (n) calumny; slander;
ASPIRE (v) yearn; desire;
ASSAIL (v) to attack;
ASSAY (v) analyse; appraise;
ASSENT (n/v) to express agreement (with, to); approve of; consent;
ASSESSMENT (n) appraisal; judgement;
ASSIDUOUS (adj) industrious; indefatigable;
ASSIMILATE (v) digest; absorb;
ASSUAGE (v) to soften, mitigate or allay; to ease or relieve;
ASTEROID (n) one of the small planets that revolve about the sun mainly between the orbits of
Mars and Jupiter; starfish;
ASTIGMATISM (n) a defect in an eye;
ASTRAL (adj) belonging to the stars;
ASTRINGENT (adj) contracting, drawing together; caustic;
ASTUTE (adj) wily; bright; sagacious; intelligent;
ASUNDER (adv) apart; into parts;
ASYLUM (n) refuge or protection; institution for the care or relief of unfortunate(blind, mentally ill);
ATAVISM (n) the reappearance of ancestral or to a primitive, type characteristics;
ATELIER (n) a workshop, esp an artist's studio;
ATHWART (prep) transversely; wrongly;
ATONE (v) repent; do penance;
ATROCIOUS very bad or unpleasant, extremely savage or wicked
ATROCITY (n) heinous act; extremely cruel or wicked acts;
ATROPHY (v) degeneration; to waste away;
ATTACHE a person appointed to an ambassador's staff, usually with a special sphere of
ATTENUATE (v) to reduce (in strength or value);
ATTEST (v) to testify or bear witness to; to affirm by signature;
ATTRIBUTE (v) ascribe; assign;
ATTRITION (n) wearing down;
AUDACIOUS (adj) bold; daring;
AUGMENT (v) to increase;
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AUGURY (n) divination; prophecy;
AUGUST venerable; majestic;
AUSCULTATION (n) listening to internal bodily sounds;
AUSTERE (adj) sour and astringent; severely simple, without luxury;
AUTHENTICATE (v) to prove genuine; to certify the authorship of; to give legal validity to;
AUTHORITARIAN (adj) setting authority above freedom;
AUTOCRACY (n) an absolute government by one person; despotism;
AUTOMATON (n) a machine that acts by routine, without intelligence, activated by a concealed
AUTONOMOUS (adj) self-governing; independent;
AUTOPSY (n) a post-mortem examination of a corpse;
AUXILIARY (adj) supplementary; secondary;
AVARICE (n) greed for wealth; covetousness;
AVER (v) to affirm or declare positively; to declare to be true;
AVERSE (adv) disinclined; reluctant;
AVERT (v) to prevent; to turn aside;
AVIARY (n) a large cage or enclosure for keeping birds;
AVID (adj) greedy; eagerly desirous;
AVOCATION (n) a diversion or distraction from one's regular employment;
AVOW (v) to affirm; to declare;
AVUNCULAR suitable to an uncle; benign;
AWE reverence; amazement; overwhelm;
AWRY (adv) distorted; crooked;
AXIOM (n) a universally received principle;
AZURE (adj) of a faint blue; sky-coloured;

BABBLE (v) murmur; to talk incessantly;
BADGER (v) bother; harass; pester;
BADINAGE humorous or playful ridicule
BAFFLE (v) confuse; perplex;
BAGATELLE (n) a trifle, trinket; a piece of music in a light style;
BAILIWICK (n) someone's area of interest;
BAIT (n) allurement or temptation;
BALK (v) to shirk, avoid; to thwart;
BALLADEER a singer or composer of ballads
BALLISTICS ( the science of projectiles;
BALLYHOO (n) a noisy propaganda; to create loud publicity;
BALMY (adj) gentle; pleasant;
BANAL (adj) fatuous; insipid; trite;
BANDANNA (n) a silk or cotton coloured handkerchief;
BANDY (v) to toss from one to another (words with someone)
BANE (n) destructive cause; pernicious;
BANTER (n/v) humorous ridicule; to make fun of;
BARB (n) bristle; thorn;
BARBARIAN(n) an uncultured or brutish person, a lout (adj. uncivilized)
BARD (n) a strolling minstrel;
BAROQUE (adj) elaborate; flamboyant; extravagant;
BARON a member of the lowest order of the British nobility,
a similar member of a foreign nobility,
an important businessman or other powerful influential person
a person who held lands or property from the sovereign or a powerful overlord
BARRAGE (n) a continuous shower of projectiles; an artificial bar across a river;
BARRISTER a person called to the bar and entitled to practice as an advocate in the higher
BARTENDER a person serving behind the bars of a public house
BASK (v) to lie in the warmth or sunshine; indulge;
BASSOON (n) a musical instrument;
BASTION (n) a kind of tower at the angle of a fortification; a defence;
BATE (v) wait anxiously;
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BATHOS (n) a ludicrous descent from the elevated to the ordinary in writing or speech;
BAUBLE (n) a child's plaything;
BAWDY (adj) obscene; lewd; vulgar;
BEATIFIC (adj) blissful; heavenly;
BECOMING (adj) appropriate; fitting; attractive;
BEDIZEN (v) to dress gaudily;
BEDRAGGLE (v) drench; soak;
BEFUDDLE (v) confuse; baffle;
BEGRUDGE (v) to envy; to grudge;
BEHEMOTH (n) a great beast; huge or gigantic animal;
BEHOLDEN (adj) bound in gratitude; under an obligation;
BEHOOVE (v) necessary (for someone);
BELABOR (v) to assail verbally;
BELATED (adj) coming too late; out of date;
BELEAGUER (v) to lay siege to; to pester;
BELLESLETTRES polite or elegant literature;
BELLICOSE (adj) contentious; warlike;
BELLIGERENT (adj) aggressive; contentious;
BENEDICTION (n) blessings;
BENEFACTOR (n) a person who confers a benefit;
BENEFICENCE (n) kindness; charity;
BENEFICIARY (n) recipient;
BENEVOLENT (adj) kind; humane;
BENIGN (adj) kind; harmless;
BENISON (n) blessing; benediction;
BEQUEATH (v) to leave by will to another person; endow;
BERATE (v) to scold or chide severely;
BEREAVEMENT (n) loss by death of a relative or friend;
BERSERK (adj) violently frenzied;
BESEECH (v) to entreat; to ask or pray earnestly to;
BESIEGE (v) to attack and surround with the intent of capturing; to importune; to pester;
BESTIAL (adj) barbaric; unrefined; like an animal;
BESTOW (v) to give or confer;
BETENOIRE (n) a person or thing that one especially dislikes or fears;
BETROTH (adj/adv) promised in marriage (a person);
BEVEL (n) a slant or inclination of a surface;
BEVY (n) a company or flock (of ladies);
BIBLIOPHILE a person who collects or is fond of books
BICAMERAL (adj) having two chambers (a legislative body);
BIENNIAL (adj) lasting two years; happening once in two years;
BIGOTRY (n) discrimination; prejudice;
BILIOUS (adj) irritable; bad-tempered; affected by bile;
BILK (v) to elude; to cheat;
BIVOUAC (n) a makeshift camp;
BIZZARE (adj) fantastic; extravagant;
BLANDISHMENT (n) flattery; cajolery;
BLASE (adj) bored; unconcerned;
BLASPHEMOUS (adj) impious; profane;
BLATANT (adj) obtrusive; glaring; flagrant;
BLATHER (n & v) foolish chatter, (v. chatter foolishly)
BLAZON (n/v) (a) a coat of arms; (b) to make public; to display ostentatiously;
BLEAK (adj/adv) gloomy; grim;
BLIGHT any obscure force which is harmful or destructive, an unsightly or neglected
urban area
BLIGHTED (adj/adv) spoiled; ruined (by disease);
BLITHE (adj) cheerful; delighted;
BLUDGEON a short stick with a heavy striking end (n); to hit with a bludgeon (v);
BLUNDER (n/v) error; mistake;
BLURT (v) to utter suddenly or unadvisedly;
BODE (v) to foretell; to have a presentiment of;
BOGUS (adj) fake; fraud;
BOHEMIAN a socially unconventional person esp. an artist or writer
BOISTEROUS (adj) wild; noisy and exuberant;
BOLSTER (v) to support (maintenance, backing);
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BOMBASTIC (adj) pompous; flamboyant;
BONANZA (n) source of wealth;
BOOT LICKER a person who behaves obsequiously or servilely
BOORISH (adj) a rude, ill-mannered person, a clumsy person
BOUILLON (n) a strong broth;
BOUNTIFUL (adj) abundant; plentiful;
BOURGEOIS (n) working class; middle class (members);
BOWDLERISE (v) to expurgate;
BRACKISH (adj) saltish;
BRAGGADOCIO (n) a boaster; empty boasting;
BRAVADO (n) boastful threatening; a display of bravery;
BRAZEN (adj) impudent; arrogant;
BRAZIER (n) a containers or tray for hot coals;
BREACH (n/v) an act of breaking (law or contract); a gap made in fortification; breakers;
BREADWINNER a person who earns the money to support a family
BREVITY (n) shortness; conciseness;
BRIGAND a member of a robber band living by pillage and ransom usually in wild terrain
BRINDLED (adj) marked with spots or streaks;
BRISTLING (adj) making angry;
BRITTLE (adj) fragile; frail;
BROACH (v) to start to speak about; to bring about; mention;
BROCADE (n) a silky fabric with a raised design on it;
BROOCH (n) an ornamental clasp with a joined pin fitting into a hook;
BROOK (n/v) a small stream; to bear or endure;
BRUSQUE (adj) blunt and abrupt in manner;
BUCCANEER (n) to act as a buccaneer;
BUCOLIC (adj) pastoral; rustic, rural;
BUFFOON (n) a person who sets out to amuse others by jests; clown; comic;
BUGABOO (n) an object of terror;
BUGBEAR (n) cause of anxiety;
BULLION (n) gold or silver in the mass and uncoined;
BULWARK (n) any means of defence or security; the side of a ship projecting above the deck;
BUMPTIOUS (adj) aggressive; offensively self-important;
BUNCOMBE (n) bombastic speech making intended for the newspapers rather than to persuade
the audience;
BUNGLE (n/v) mismanage; to act clumsily;
BUOY (n/v) a floating secured mark, serving as a guide or as a warning;
BUOYANT (n/v) floating; weightless; cheerful and resilient;
BUREAUCRAT an official in a bureaucracy, an inflexible or insensitive administrator
BUREAUCRACY (n) a system of government or administration by officials, responsible only to their
departmental chiefs;
BURGEON (v) to grow;
BURLESQUE (n/v) mockery; a ludicrous imitation;
BURLY (adj) big and sturdy;
BURNISH (n/v) lustre; polish;
BURSAR a treasurer esp. the person in charge of the funds and other property of a college
BUSKIN (n) a high thick-soled boot worn by actors in tragedy;
BUSTLE (n/v) full of noise; be busy with;
BUSY BODY a meddlesome person, a mischief-maker
BUTTRESS (n/v) support
BUXOM (adj) plump and comely; voluptuous; shapely; well-built;

CABAL (n) a secret plot or intrigue;

CACHE (n/v) a hiding-place for treasure; to hide;
CACOPHONY (n) a harsh or disagreeable sound;
CADAVEROUS (adj) sickly-looking; gaunt or haggard;
CADENCE (n) rhythm;
CAISSON (n) an apparatus for lifting a vessel out of the water for repairs or inspection;
CAJOLE (v) to coax; beguile;
CALAMITY (n) catastrophe; a disaster;
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CALIBRE (n) character or capacity, degree of suitability or excellence;
CALLIGRAPHY (n) fine handwriting or penmanship; a characteristic style of writing;
CALLOUS (adj/adv) cold-hearted; insensitive; unsympathetic;
CALLOW (adj) inexperienced; juvenile;
CALORIFIC pertaining to, or causing heat;
CALUMNIATE (v) to accuse falsely; to slander;
CALUMNY (n) false accusation or statement; defamation;
CAMARADERIE (n) the intimacy of comradeship; good fellowship;
CAMEO (n) a gem with figure (usu a head or bust ) carved in relief;
CAMOUFLAGE (n/v) device for disguising or for deceiving an adversary; to disguise;
CANARD (n) a false rumour;
CANDOR (n) frankness and openness; sincerity; purity;
CANINE (adj) dog-like; related species of the dog family;
CANKER (n) a fungus disease in trees and shrubs; an ulcer; disease like situation causing
CANNON (n) a great gun (usually mounted on wheels);
CANNY (adj) intelligent; sharp; witty;
CANOPY (n) an over-hanging covering (such as the sky);
CANT (n) vocabulary or language peculiar to a particular group or sect;
CANTANKEROUS quarrelsome or stubborn; irascible;
CANTATA (n) musical narrative by a person, accompanied by a single instrument;
CANTER (n) an easy gallop;
CANTO (n) a division of a long poem;
CANVAS (n/adj) a coarse cloth of cotton, hemp or other material;
CANVASS (v) to campaign;
CAPACIOUS (adj) spacious; massive; large;
CAPARISON (n) rich clothing and ornaments (for covering animals);
CAPILLARY (n/adj) a thin-walled blood vessel that forms a network connecting arteries with veins; a
fine-bored tube;
CAPITOL (n) the building where Congress or a state legislature meets;
CAPITULATE (v) to draw up terms of agreement; to yield or surrender;
CAPRICE (n) a whim; an unpredictable change of mind;
CAPRICIOUS (adj) full of caprice; humorous;
CAPTION (n) a heading;
CAPTIOUS (adj) ready to find trivial faults;
CARAFE (n) a water-bottle or wine-flask for the table;
CARAT (n/adj) a unit of weight used in expressing the proportion of gold in an alloy;
CARCINOGENIC substances encouraging spread or growth of cancer in the body;
CARDINAL (adj) fundamental; chief; main;
CAREEN (v) to tilt to one side;
CARICATURE (n) burlesque; satire;
CARILLON (n) melody played on a set of bells; a set of bells for playing tunes;
CARMINE (n) bright red pigment;
CARNAGE (n) bloodshed; extensive slaughter;
CARNAL (adj) sensual; unspiritual; sexual;
CARNIVOROUS flesh-eating;
CAROUSAL (n) a noisy revel; a feast;
CARP (n) to nag about trivialities; to find fault (with, at);
CARRION (n) the dead and rotten body or flesh;
CARTE '-BLANCHE (n) a blank paper, one bearing a signature, to be filled up at the recipient's discretion;
CARTOGRAPHY (n) the skill or profession of making maps and charts;
CARYATID (n) a female figure used instead of a column to support an entablature;
CASCADE (n) a waterfall;
CASTAWAY a shipwrecked person, cast aside, rejected
CASTE (n/adj) a social class amongst Hindus in India;
CASTIGATE (v) to criticize severely; to punish or scold;
CASUALTY (n/adj) an injury or death; a misfortune; department of a hospital;
CASUIST a person who resolves problems of conscience, duty etc, often with clever but
false reasoning, sophist, quibbler
CASUISTRY (N) science concerned with moral conscience; plausible but flawed reasoning;
CATACLYSM (n) a major disaster; a débâcle;
CATALYST (n) stimulus; a person who causes or promotes change by their presence in a
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898194/95 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : V01/10
CATAPULT (v) hurl; fling; propel;
CATARACT (n) a waterfall; an opaque condition of the lens of the eye;
CATASTROPHE (n) calamity; tragedy;
CATECHISM (n) comprehensive system of teaching in the form of questions and answers;
CATEGORICAL (adj) positive; unconditional; absolute;
CATHARSIS (n) purification;
CATHARTIC ablutionary; cleansing the bowels;
CATHOLIC (n) liberal;
CAUCUS (n/v) conference; meeting; to hold meetings;
CAUSTIC (adj) substance having corroding or burning action; bitter or severe (remarks);
CAUTERIZE (v) to destroy using caustic substances;
CAVALCADE (n) a procession of people on horseback or in vehicles; a parade;
CAVIL (n/v) a trifling objection; to quibble;
CEDE (v) yield; surrender; relinquish;
CELERITY (n) alacrity; speed; rapidity of motion or thought;
CELESTIAL (adj) heavenly; divine;
CELIBATE (adj) living as a single person; abstaining from sexual relations;
CENSOR (n/v) an official who examines books, films, papers etc. with power to delete obscene
words and actions; to ban; to delete;
CENSURE (v) berate; criticise; to blame; to castigate;
CENTAUR (n) a mythical creature, half man and half horse;
CENTENARIAN a person a hundred or more years old
CENTIGRADE (adj) of a scale;
CENTRIFUGAL (adj) tending away from the centre; proceeding in development from the apex towards
the base;
CENTRIPETAL (adj) tending towards the centre; proceeding in development from the base towards
the apex;
CENTURION (n) In Roman army, an officer who had the command of a hundred men;
CEREBRAL (adj) pertaining to the brain; intellectual;
CEREMONIOUS (adj) given to ceremony; particular in observing formalities;
CESSATION (n) stopping; ceasing;
CHAFE (v) to heat; to wear by rubbing; to cause irritation;
CHAFF (n) husks from corn that has been threshed or winnowed;
CHAFFING (adj) teasing; banter;
CHAGRIN (n) embarrassment; shame; humiliation;
CHALICE (n) drinking cup or bowl;
CHAMELEON (n) an inconstant, changeable, or readily adaptable person; a lizard which can
change its colour to blend with its surroundings;
CHAMP (v) to make a snapping or munching noise with the jaws while chewing; to bite or
CHAMPION (n/v) a successful combatant; promote;
(n : championship)
CHAOTIC (adj) confused; disorganised;
CHAPERON (n/v) someone who supervises a group of children or young people (usu. For
CHARISMA (n) personal quality or gift that enables an individual to impress and influence many
of his or her fellows;
CHARLATAN (n) someone who pretends to have special knowledge or ability (esp in medicine);
an impostor; a fraud;
CHARY (adj) cautious; alert; fastidious; shy;
CHASE (v) to follow; to pursue; to decorate by engraving;
CHASM (n) a gap or opening; a void space; an abyss; a ravine;
CHASSIS (n/adj) the structural framework of a motor car to which the movable working parts and
body may be attached;
CHASTE (adj) modest; decent and pure in taste and style;
CHASTEN (v) to free from faults by punishing; to purify or refine;
CHASTISE (v) to correct; to subdue to a state of order or obedience;
CHATTEL (n) belongings; possessions;
CHAUFFEUR a person employed to drive a private or hired motor car
CHAUVINIST (n) a person with a fanatical or extravagant attachment to any group, place, cause,
CHERUBIC (adj) a sweet innocent-looking chubby faced person, esp a child;
CHIC (n/adj) style, elegance; artistic skill; smart, elegant and fashionable;
CHICANERY (n) artifice; deception; fraud;
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CHIDE (v) to rebuke; reprove by words;
CHIVALROUS (adj) courteous; courageous;
CHOLERIC irascible, angry
CHURLISH (adj) rude; surly; ungracious;
CHUTE (n) a passage or sloping trough for sending down goods, water, rubbish, etc;
CINCH (n) a saddle girth;
CIRCUMLOCUTION(n) expressing an idea in more words than are necessary;
CIRCUMSCRIBE (v) to draw a line round; to enclose within certain limits;
CIRCUMSPECT (adj cautious; prudent;
CIRCUMVENT (v) to avoid or evade; to outwit;
CITADEL (n) a fortress in (or near) a city;
CITE (v) to quote;
CLAIRVOYANT (n/adj) the power of discerning things beyond the normal range of sense or perception;
CLAMBER (v) to climb with difficulty; to ascend;
CLAMOR (n) a loud continuous outcry; uproar; persistent expression of dissatisfaction;
CLANDESTINE (adj) concealed or hidden; secret; private;
CLANGOR (n) a loud ringing noise that made by striking large pieces of metal;
CLARION (n/adj) the sound of a trumpet; a stirring summons (to duty, etc);
CLAUSTROPHOBIA (n) a pathological dread of confined spaces;
CLAVICLE (n) the collar-bone;
CLEFT (n/adj) crack; split, divided;
CLEMENCY (n) mercy; mild; gentle;
CLERIC a member of the clergy
CLICHÉ (n) banality; stereotype;
CLIENTELE (n) all the customers; clients;
CLIMACTIC (adj) pertaining to the most important or exciting scene;
CLIME (n) climate; a country, region (in poetic sense);
CLOAK an outdoor overgarment
CLOVEN (adj) split; divided;
COADJUTOR (n) an associate;
COALESCE (v) to grow together or unite into one whole; to fuse;
COAX persuade (a person) gradually or by flattery
COCKADE (n) a rosette worn on the hat as a badge;
CODA (n) a passage forming the completion of a piece, rounding it off to a satisfactory
CODDLE (n/v) to pamper; an effeminate person;
CODICIL (n) a supplement to a will;
COERCION (n) compulsion; force;
COEVAL (n) a person or thing of the same age; a contemporary;
COG (n/adj) a projection, eg. on a toothed wheel;
COGENT (adj) powerful; convincing;
COGITATE (v) contemplate; meditate; ponder;
COGNATE (adj) of the same family, kind or nature;
COGNIZANCE (n) knowledge; awareness; perception;
COGNOMEN (n) a surname;
COHERE (v) to stick together; to be consistent;
COHERENT able to speak intelligibly and articulately, having a constant phase relationship
COHESION (n) the act of sticking together;
COINCIDENT(adj/adv) agreeing; corresponding or identical without any connection;
COLANDER (n) a perforated vessel;
COLUMNIST a journalist contributing regularly to a newspaper
COLLABORATE (v) to work in association (with);
COLLAGE (n) any work or construction put together from assembled fragments;
COLLATE (v) to bring together for comparison;
COLLATERAL (n/adj) security; guarantee; secondary; corresponding;
COLLATION (n) organisation; arrangement; group; a light meal;
COLLIER (n) a coal miner; a sailor in a ship carrying coal;
COLLOQUIAL (adj) expression used in formal conversation or familiar talk; casual; informal;
COLLOQUY (n) conversation; discussion;
COLLUSION (n) conspiracy; plot;
COLOSSAL (adj) massive; gigantic;
COMATOSE (adj) affected with coma; extremely drowsy or sleeping heavily;
COMBUSTIBLE (adj) liable to catch fire and burn;
COMELY (adj) pretty; pleasing; handsome;
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COMESTIBLE (n) eatable;
COMITY (n) courteousness; civility;
COMMANDEER (v) confiscate; to take over for one's own use, without asking;
COMMANDO a party of men called out for a military service
COMMEMORATIVE (adj) serving to preserve the memory of;
COMMENSURATE (adv) equal in measure or extent; in due proportion with;
COMMISERATE (v) to feel or express sympathy or pity for;
COMMODIOUS (adj) spacious; comfortable; gigantic;
COMMUNAL (adj) pertaining to a commune or a community; owned in common, shared;
COMMUNIQUÉ (n) an official announcement or bulletin;
COMPACT (adj/n) closely packed or fitted together; concise; small; agreement; contract;
COMPATIBLE (adj) congruous; harmonious; suitable;
COMPATRIOT a fellow countryman
COMPENDIUM (n) a shortening or abridgement;
COMPENSATORY (adj) giving compensation;
COMPERE a person who introduces and links the artists in a variety show
COMPILATION (n) the act of collecting or drawing (data, list, records, speeches etc.);
COMPLACENT (adj/adv) showing satisfaction; pleased;
COMPLAISANT (adj) obliging; to please or tending to comply with the wishes of others;
COMPLEMENT (n/v) companion; counterpart; consummate;
COMPLIANCE (n) yielding; submission; assent;
COMPLIANT (adj) agreeable; flexible; submissive;
COMPLIMENT (n/v) an expression of admiration or praise; to praise; to admire;
COMPOSITOR a person who sets up type for printing
COMPROMISE (n/v) arbitration; a settlement of differences by concession on each side;
COMPUNCTION (n) regret; shame; conscience;
COMRADE a workmate, friend or companion
CONCEDE (v) to admit; to make a concession; to give up;
CONCEITED vain, proud
CONCORD (n) harmony; agreement;
CONDESCEND (v) to act graciously to inferiors;
CONDIMENT (n) a seasoning, esp salt or pepper;
CONDUIT (n) a pipe, tube or duct conveying water or covering electric wires, etc;
CONFIDANT (n) a close friend; a person confided in or entrusted with secrets;
CONFLAGRATION (n) a war or major destructive disturbance;
CONGEAL (v) to freeze;
CONGENIAL (adj) pleasant; affable; cordial;
CONGENITAL (adj) dating from the birth, not necessarily hereditary; inborn;
CONGLOMERATION (n) collection; the state of being conglomerated;
CONIFER (n) any tree or shrub bearing cones;
CONJUGAL (adj) pertaining to marriage; marital; the right of sexual relations with a spouse;
CONNOISSEUR (n) a person with a well informed knowledge and appreciation, esp of fine food and
wine or of the arts;
CONNOTATION (n) implication additional to the idea;
CONSCIENTIOUS (adj) tending to take great care or show diligence; scrupulous; meticulous;
CONSECRATE (v) to devote (time, energy etc.); to sanctify;
CONSENSUS (n) agreement in opinion; unanimity;
CONSEQUENTIAL (adj) following as a result, esp an indirect result; self-important;
CONSONANCE (n) a state of agreement or accord;
CONSORT (n/v) spouse; mate; partner; companion;
CONSPIRACY (n) a plot; a secret banding together for a purpose (usu. unlawful);
CONSTELLATION (n) stars which form a group as seen from the earth;
CONSTITUENT (n) citizen; voter;
CONSTRAINT (n) compulsion;
CONSTRUE (v) to infer; to interpret;
CONSUL (n) an agent for a foreign government appointed to attend to the interests of its
citizens and commerce;
CONSUMMATE (v) to raise to the highest point; to perfect of finish;
CONTAGION (n) transmission of an emotional state, eg. excitement;
CONTAMINATE (v) to pollute; to infect;
CONTEMPORARY living or occurring at the same time, approximately equal in age, following
modern ideas or fashion in style or design
CONTEMPT (n) scorn; abhorrence; disdain;
CONTENTIOUS (adj) quarrelsome; controversial;
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CONTEST (n/v) competition; to challenge;
CONTEXT (n) situation; circumstances;
CONTIGUOUS (adj) adjoining; touching; near next;
CONTINENCE restraint; self-control; celibacy;
CONTINGENCY (n) emergency; eventuality; a chance happening or concurrence;
CONTINGENT (adj/n) likely possible; accidental; a group of soldiers;
CONTINUOUS (adj) incessant; without interruption;
CONTORTION (n) deformation; a violent twisting;
CONTRABAND (adj) forbidden by law to be imported; illegally imported; smuggled;
CONTRAVENE (v) to oppose; to infringe;
CONTRITE (adj) full of guilt and remorse for a wrong doing or sin; action showing a sense of guilt
or sin;
CONTROVERT (v) to oppose; to argue against; to dispute;
CONTUMACIOUS (adj) opposing lawful authority; stubborn; obstinate;
CONTUMELY insolent or reproachful language or treatment, disagree
CONTUSION (n) a bruise; the state of being bruised;
CONUNDRUM (n) a riddle; any puzzling question;
CONVALESCENCE (n) gradual recovery of health and strength;
CONVENE (v) to call together; to assemble; to come together;
CONVENTIONAL (adj) customary;
CONVERGE (v) meet in one point;
CONVERSANT (adv) familiar;
CONVERSE (v/adj) to speak; reverse;
CONVEX (adj) arched; raised;
CONVEYANCE (n) means of transportation;
CONVICTION (n) belief; the state of being convinced; opinion;
CONVIVIAL (adj) jovial; social;
CONVOKE (v) to call together; to assemble;
CONVOLUTED (adj) difficult to understand; intricate;
COPIOUS (adj) abundant; plentiful; generous;
COQUETTE (n) flirting; dallying;
CORDIAL (adj) friendly; sincere; affectionate;
CORDON (n) encircled area to prevent or control passage into or out of it;
CORMORANT (adj) a member of shiny black web-footed seabirds, related to the pelicans, that feeds
on fish; a glutton;
CORNICE (n) a projecting moulding along the top of a building, window, etc;
COROLLARY (n) an easy inference; a natural result;
CORPOREAL (adj) not spiritual; having a substance;
CORPULENT (adj) heavy; plump; stout;
CORRELATION (n) the act of correlating; mutual relation;
CORROBORATE (v) to confirm; to make more certain;
CORROSIVE (adj) having the quality of eating away;
CORRUGATED (adj) wrinkled; drawn into folds;
CORSAIR (n) a privateering ship; a pirate;
CORTÈGE (n) a procession (esp funeral procession);
CORUSCATE (v) to sparkle; to throw off flashes of light;
COSMIC (adj) relating to the cosmos; universal;
COTERIE (n) a social, literary, or other exclusive circle;
COUNSELLOR a person who gives counsel, an advisor, a person trained to give guidance on
personal, social or psychological problems
COUNTENANCE (n/v) the face; expression of the face; to favour; permit or sanction;
COUNTERFEIT made in imitation, not genuine
COUNTERMAND (v) to revoke; to give a command in opposition to one already given;
COUNTERPART (n) complement; correlative; a corresponding or equivalent person or thing;
COUP (n) revolt; a stroke, clever and successful stratagem;
COUPLE (n/v) two, a pair; two people considered as partners; that which joins two things
COURIER (n) a state or diplomatic messenger;
COVENANT (adj) a mutual agreement;
COVERT (adj) concealed; secret;
COVETOUS (adj) inordinately desirous; avaricious;
COWER (v) to crouch or cringe in fear;
COY (adj) modest; shy;
COZEN (v) to cheat; to deceive;
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CRABBED (adj) ill-natured; perverse or irascible;
CRASS (adj) boorish; crude; vulgar;
CRAVEN (adj) cowardly; spiritless;
CREDENCE (n) credibility; belief; trust;
CREDENTIALS (n) certificates; evidence of competence, taken as one's entitlement to authority, etc;
CREDO (n) belief; doctrine;
CREDULITY (n) disposition to believe without sufficient evidence;
CREED (n) belief; faith;
CREPUSCULAR (adj) of or pertaining to twilight; dim, dark; active or appearing at twilight;
CRESCENDO (n) gradual increase in loudness;
CRESTFALLEN (adj) dejected or cast-down;
CRETIN a person who is deformed and mentally retarded as the result of thyroid
CREVICE (n) a narrow crack or split;
CRINGE (v) to stoop in a serile manner; to cower in fear;
CRITERION (n) a means or standard of judging; a rule;
CRONE (n) an old woman; an old ewe;
CROTCHETY (adj) short-tempered; whimsical;
CRUET (n) a small jar or bottle;
CRUX (n) essence; gist; that on which a decision turns;
CRYPT (n) grave; tomb;
CRYPTIC enigmatic, hidden; mysterious;
CUBICLE (n) part of a dormitory or other large room which is partitioned off;
CUISINE (n) the art or style or cooking; a kitchen or cooking department;
CULINARY (adj ) pertaining to the kitchen or to cookery;
CULL (v) to select; to pick out and destroy, as inferior or superfluous members of a group;
CULMINATION (n) achievement; completion;
CULPABLE (adj/adv) guilty; blameworthy;
CULVERT (n) an arched construction or channel enclosing a drain or watercourse beneath a
CUMBERSOME (adj) unwieldy; awkward; unmanageable;
CUPIDITY (n) covetousness;
CURATOR (n) a person who has the charge of anything; a person appointed by law as
CURMUDGEON (n) a miser; an avaricious, ill-natured person;
CURRY (v) to dress or treat (leather);
CURSIVE (adj) written in a running hand; flowing;
CURSORY (adj) running quickly over; superficial;
CURTAIL (v) to cut short; to abridge;
CUSTODIAN a guardian or keeper
CYNIC (n) misanthrope; pessimist;
CYNOSURE (n) anything that strongly attracts attention or admiration
CZAR (also TSAR) the title of the former emperors of Russia; a person with great authority
CZARINA (also TSARINA) the title of the former empress of Russia

DABBLER (n) take a casual or superficial interest or past, move the feet, hands, etc about in
liquid, wet partly or intermittently; moisten, stain, splash
DAFT (adj) insane; weak-minded;
DAILY (n/adj) a daily paper; everyday;
DAIS (n) a raised platform (usu. for speakers);
DALLY (v) to waste time by idleness or trifling; to dawdle, delay;
DANDY (n) a man who pays great attention to his dress;
DANK (adv/adj) unpleasantly moist; wet;
DAPPLED (adj) marked with spots or ;
DASTARD (adj) cowardly;
DAUB (n/v) stain; false pretence; to smear;
DAUNT (v/adj) to frighten; to discourage; boldly;
DAUNTLESS (adj) not to be daunted; resolute, bold;
DAWDLE (v) to waste time; to act slowly';
DEADLOCK (n) a case where matters have come to a standstill;
DEADPAN (n) an expressionless face;
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Tel : 040–27898194/95 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : V01/15
DEAN the head of a university faculty or department or of a medical school
DEARTH (n) scarcity; want; lack; shortage;
DÉBÂCLE (n) a complete break-up or collapse;
DEBASE (v) to adulterate; to lower; to make poor (of quality) or of less value;
DEBAUCH (v) to pervert; to corrupt;
DEBENTURE written acknowledgement of a debt;
DEBILITATE (v) to make weak; to impair the strength of;
DEBONAIR (adj) elegant; charming; courteous;
DEBRIS (n) wreckage; ruins;
DÉBUT (n) a beginning or first attempt; a first appearance before the public, or in society;
DEBUTANT a male performer making his first public appearance
DÉBUTANTE (n) a young woman making her first appearance in society;
DECADENCE (n) a decline from a superior state;
DECANT (v) to pour off, leaving sediment;
DECAPITATE (v) to behead;
DECELERATE to retard, slow down;
DECIDUOUS (adj) liable to be shed at a certain period;
DECIMATE (v) to take or destroy the tenth part of; to reduce very heavily;
DECIPHER (v) decode; interpret; unravel;
DECLIVITY (n) a place that slopes downwards;
DÉCOLLETÉ (adj) a low-cut dress or neckline;
DECOMPOSITION (n) state of decomposing; decay;
DECORUS (adj) decent; proper;
DECORUM (n) propriety of conduct; decency;
DECOY (v) to allure; to lure into a trap;
DECREPIT (adj) worn out by the infirmities of old age; in the last stage of decay;
DECREPITUDE (n) the state of being decrepit or worn out with age;
DECRY (v) to condemn; to criticize as worthless; to blame;
DEDUCIBLE (adj) that, which can be deduced or inferred;
DEFACTO (adj) actual, if not rightful or legally recognized; in fact, actually;
DEFALCATE (v) to embezzle money held on trust;
DEFAMATION (n) calumny; slander; libel;
DEFAULT (n) failure to fulfil a financial obligation; neglect to do what duty or law requires;
DEFEATIST (n/adj) readiness or inclinationto accept, welcome or help to bring on, defeat;
DEFECTION (n) (an act of) desertion or revolt;
DEFENDANT a person sued or accused in a court of law
DEFERENCE (n) courtesy; regard; respect;
DEFILE (v) to befoul; to spoil; to pollute or corrupt; to violate;
DEFINITIVE (adj) most authoritative; exhaustive;
DEFLECT (v) to turn aside; to deviate from a correct line or proper course;
DEFRAY (v) to pay, settle;
DEFT (adj) dexterous;
DEFUNCT (adj) no longer working; dead;
DEGRADED (adj) reduced in rank;
DEIFY (v) to worship like a god;
DEIGN (v) to condescend, stoop;
DEJURE (adj) by right; rightful;
DELECTABLE (adj) delightful; very pleasing;
DELEGATE an elected representative sent to a conference, a member of a committee
DELETE (v) to erase;
DELETERIOUS harmful or destructive; poisonous;
DELIBERATE (v) to consider, think about carefully;
DELINEATE (v) to represent by a sketch or picture; to describe;
DELINQUENT (n/adj) miscreant; hoodlum; derelict; negligent; slack;
DELIQUESCENT (adj) liquefying in the air;
DELIRIUM (n) the state of being delirious, esp through fever;
DELIRIOUS (adj) wandering in the mind; lightheaded; insane;
DELIVERANCE (n) release; liberation;
DELUDE (v) to deceive or cause to accept what is false as true; to mislead;
DELUGE (n/v) a great overflow of water; overwhelm with;
DELUSION (n) the act of deluding; a hallucination;
DELUSIVE (adj) tending to delude;
DELVE (v) investigate; explore; examine;
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DEMAGOGUE (n) leader of the people;
DEMEAN (v) to humiliate; to lower in status or dignity;
DEMEANOUR (n) behaviour; conduct;
DEMENTED (adj) out of one's mind; crazy; insane;
DEMESNE (n) a manor-house with lands adjacent to it not let out to tenants;
DEMISE (n) death;
DEMOCRAT an advocate of democracy, a member of the Democratic Party
DEMOGRAPHIC (adj) the study of population esp with reference to size, density and distribution;
DEMOLITION (n) the act of pulling down; destruction;
DEMONIAC (adj) person possessed by a demon or evil spirit;
DEMOTIC (adj) to the people;
DEMUR (v) to object; to hesitate about; to disagree;
DEMURE (adj) modest; bashful; shy;
DEMURRAGE (n) compensation for detention of railway wagons (or any other wagon);
DENIGRATE (v) malign; defame;
DENIZEN an inhabitant (human, animal or plant);
DENOTATION (n) that which a word denotes, in contradistinction to that which it connotes;
DÉNOUEMENT the outcome or result;
DENOUNCE (v) to inform against or accuse publicly; to condemn;
DEPICT (v) to describe;
DEPILATE (v) to remove the hair from;
DEPLETE (v) to reduce; to exhaust;
DEPLORE (v) to feel or express deep grief for;
DEPLOY to spread out and place strategically (any forces);
DEPORTMENT (n) behaviour; conduct; manners;
DEPOSE (v) to remove from a high office or post; to set down;
DEPOSITION (n) declaration; testimony;
DEPRAVITY (n) a corrupt state of moral character; wickedness;
DEPRECATE (v) to regret deeply; to express disapproval of; to protest against;
DEPRECATORY (adj) pertaining to deprecation;
DEPRECIATE (v) to lower the worth of; to fall in value;
DEPREDATION (n) the act of plundering; hardship;
DERANGED (adj) insane; disordered;
DERELICT (n/adj) neglectful of duty; person abandoned by society;
DERIDE (v) to laugh at; to mock;
DERISION (n) ridicule; mockery;
DERMATITIS (n) inflammation of the skin;
DERMATOLOGIST (n) person specialised in the diseases of skin;
DEROGATORY (adj) contemptuous; insulting or adversely critical;
DESCANT (v) a discourse or disquisition under several heads;
DESCRY (v) to discover by looking;
DESECRATE (v) defile; profane; contaminate;
DESICCATE (v) to preserve by drying; to dry;
DESIDERATUM (n) something desired or much wanted;
DESOLATE (v) to abandon; to lay waste; to deprive of inhabitants;
DESPERADO (n) a desperate person, reckless of danger; a wild ruffian;
DESPICABLE (adj) contemptible; disgraceful;
DESPISE (v) abhor; hate; to look down upon with contempt;
DESPOIL (v) loot; rob; plunder;
DESPONDENCY (n) lack of hope; dejection;
DESPONDENT (adj) dejected; anyone with despondency;
DESPOT an absolute ruler, a tyrant or oppressor
DESPOTISM (n) absolute power; tyranny;
DESSERT (n) a final course of a meal; pudding, sweets, fruits etc. served at the end of a meal;
DESTITUTE (n/adj) needy; pathetic; poor; forsaken;
DESUETUDE disuse; discontinuance;
DESULTORY (adj) without rational or logical connection; loose; hasty;
DETACHED (adj) aloof; unbiased; impartial;
DETAINEE a person detained in custody esp. for political reasons
DETERGENT (n) a cleansing agent; that which cleanses;
DETERMINATE (n) determined or limited; fixed;
DETERRENT (adj) frightening; hindrance;
DETONATION an explosion;
DETRACTION (n) defamation; slander; distraction;
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DETRIMENTAL injurious; harmful;
DEVIATE (v) to diverge; to go or change from the way;
DEVIOUS (adj) deceitful; out of the way; insincere;
DEVOID (adj) destitute; wanting; free;
DEVOLVE (v) to pass on; to roll down;
DEVOTEE (n) person wholly or superstitiously devoted; someone strongly and consistently
interested in something;
DEVOUT (adj) true; faithful; religious;
DEXTEROUS (adj) right-handed; skilful; adroit;
DIABOLIC (adj) extremely cruel; wicked; satanic;
DIADEM (n) a crown; a jewelled headband, or the like;
DIALECTIC (n) the art of discussing (esp in a debate);
DIAPHANOUS (adj) transparent; clear; pellucid;
DIATRIBE (n) an abusive or bitter harangue; vituperation;
DICTUM (n) an authoritative saying; order;
DIDACTIC (adj) educational; instructive; preachy;
DIFFERENTIAL (n/adj) discriminating; pertaining to difference;
DIFFIDENCE (n) shyness; insecurity;
DIFFUSE (v) to spread widely;
DIFFUSION (n) distribution; scattering abroad;
DIGRESSIVE (adj) departing from the main subject;
DILAPIDATED (adj) in ruin; in a state of disrepair;
DILATE (v) to spread out in all directions; to enlarge; to expand;
DILATORINESS given to or causing delay
DILATORY (adj) tending to delay; slow;
DILEMMA (n) quandary; predicament; confusion;
DILETTANTE (n) a dabbler in art, science or literature; an amateur;
DILIGENCE (n) industry; steady application;
DILIGENT (adj) industrious; hard-working; studious;
DILUTE (v) to attenuate; to make thinner or more liquid; to make less powerful;
DIMINUTION (n) decrease; reduction;
DIMWIT a stupid person
DINGHY (n) a small open boat propelled by oars, sails or an outboard motor;
DINT (n) effort; strength; power;
DIPLOMAT an official representing a country abroad, a tactful person
DIPSOMANIAC (n) person suffering from dipsomania;
DIRE (adj) critical; desperate; urgent;
DIRGE (n) funeral song or hymn; a slow and mournful piece of music;
DISABUSE (v) to undeceive or set right;
DISAPPROBATION (n) disapproval;
DISARRAY (n) lack of array; disorder; untidiness;
DISAVOWAL (n) the act denying; the act of disclaiming knowledge of, or connection with;
DISBAND (v) to disperse; to break up(a group, unit etc);
DISBURSE (v) to pay out;
DISCERNIBLE (adj/adv) pertaining to discern;
DISCERNING (adj) discriminating; showing acute judgment;
DISCLAIM (v) to refuse to acknowledge or be responsible for;
DISCLOSE (v) reveal; open;
DISCOMFIT (v) to defeat or rout;
DISCONCERT (v) to throw into confusion; to frustrate;
DISCONSOLATE (adj) beyond consolation; very sad or disappointed;
DISCORDANT (adj) contradictory; inconsistent; without Concord or agreement;
DISCOUNT (v) a deduction made for interest in advancing money on a bill; to disregard or
DISCREET (adj) careful; cautious;
DISCREPANCY (n) disagreement; variance of facts or sentiments;
DISCRETE (adj) discontinuous; separate;
DISCRETION (n) quality of being discreet; prudence; liberty to act at pleasure;
DISCRIMINATE (v) to distinguish;
DISCRIMINATION (n) judgement; good taste;
DISCURSIVE (adj) circuitous; proceeding from one subject to another with no formal plan;
DISDAIN (v) dislike; reject;
DISGRUNTLE (v) discontented; disappoint;
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DISHEARTENED depressed; demoralised; deprive of courage or spirits;
DISHEVELLED (adj) hanging loose; merely untidy;
DISINCLINATION (n) lack of inclination; unwillingness;
DISINGENUOUS (adj) not frank or open; crafty, devious;
DISINTER (v) to remove from a grave or from the earth; to bring out of obscurity;
DISINTERESTED (adj) not influenced by private feelings or considerations; impartial;
DISJOINTED (adj) lacking connection or continuity; incoherent;
DISMANTLE (v) to pull down; to undo the structure;
DISMEMBER (v) to divide up, break up;
DISPARAGE (v) to dishonour by comparison with what is inferior; to dishearten; belittle; abuse;
DISPARAGING (adv) speak slightingly of depreciate, bring discredit
DISPARATE (adj/adv) unlike; dissimilar;
DISPARITY (n) inequality; contrast; variation; difference;
DISPASSIONATE (adj) not affected by personal feelings; fair; impartial;
DISPERSE (v) to diffuse; to cause to vanish; to dissipate;
DISPERSION (n) scattering; state of being scattered;
DISPIRITED (adj) dejected; discouraged;
DISPORT (v) to attract; to amuse;
DISPUTATIOUS (adj) inclined to dispute; controvert;
DISQUISITION (n) a carefully or minutely argued examination of a topic;
DISSECTION (n) the act of cutting in pieces a plant or animal in order to ascertain the structure of
its parts; anatomy;
DISSEMBLE (v) to pretend; to disguise or mask; to feign;
DISSEMINATE (v) to sow or scatter abroad; to spread; to diffuse;
DISSEMINATION (n) scattering; spreading;
DISSERTATION (n) a formal discourse; a treatise;
DISSIDENCE (n) disagreement;
DISSIPATE (v) to squander; to waste; to dispel;
DISSOLUTION (n) the dispersal of an assembly; the annulment or ending of a partnership;
DISSUADE (v) discourage; to persuade not to do something; to give advice against;
DISTAFF (adj) the female side or branch of a family; the stick that holds the bunch of flax or
wool in spinning;
DIURNAL (adj) belonging to the day time; relating to day time;
DIVINATION (n) seeking to know the future or hidden things by supernatural means;
DIVULGE (v) to reveal; to disclose;
DOCILE (adj) gentle; manageable; obedient; agreeable;
DOFF (v) to take off, remove;
DOOMSTER a person who predicts disaster esp. in politics or economics
DORSAL (adj) the back side; belonging to the back;
DOTAGE (n) the childishness of old age; excessive fondness; a doting;
DOTARD a person who is feeble minded, esp. from senility
DOTE (v) to show excessive love;
DOUBLE ENTENDRE a word or phrase open to two interpretations
DOUCHE (n) a jet of water directed upon or into the body from a pipe, etc;
DOUGHTY (adj) strong; brave; able;
DOUR (adj) sullen; grim;
DOXOLOGY (n) a hymn ascribing glory to God;
DOYEN the most senior or most prominent of a particular category or body of people
DREGS (n) deposits; residue; the most worthless part of anything;
DRIVEL (n & v) silly nonsense, twaddle (v. talk childishly or idiotically)
DROLL (adj) a jester; laughable; amusing;
DROMEDARY (n) a thoroughbred camel; a one-humped Arabian camel;
DRUDGERY (n) hard or humble labour; uninteresting toil;
DUBIOUS (adj) doubtful; causing or having doubt;
DUPE (n/v) deceive; mislead; cheat; fool;
DUPLICITY (n) insincerity; doubleness, esp in conduct or intention;
DURESS (n) compulsion; force; coercion;
DYSPEPSIA (n) indigestion;
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EARTHY (adj) crude; unrefined; consisting of earth (natural);

EBB (n/v) decline; abate; subside;
EBULLIENT (adj) exuberant; lively; zealous;
ECCENTRIC (adj) erratic; weird; unconventional;
ECCENTRICITY (n) the condition of being eccentric; peculiarity of behaviour;
ECCLESIASTIC (adj) relating to the church or to the clergy;
ÉCLAT (n) applause; distinction; showy splendour;
ECLECTIC (adj) selecting or borrowing from a variety of styles, systems, theories etc; choosing
the best out of everything;
ECLIPSE (n/v) an over-shadowing; to excel; to surpass;
ECOLOGIST (n) a person with knowledge of environmental studies;
ECSTASY (n) a state of pleasure or happiness. rapture; excessive joy;
EDIFICE (n) a structure; a building;
EDIFY (v) to improve the mind of; to strengthen spiritually towards faith and holiness;
EDUCE to draw out; to extract;
EERIE (adj) strangely frightening; weird;
EFFACE (v) to destroy the surface of; to rub out or erase; to obliterate, wear away;
EFFECTUAL (adj) successful in producing the desired effect;
EFFEMINATE (adj) womanish; feminine;
EFFERVESCE (v) to boil up; to bubble and hiss; to behave or talk vivaciously;
EFFERVESCENCE (n) enthusiasm; vigour; lively; exuberant;
EFFETE (adj) exhausted; degenerate, decadent;
EFFICACY (n) the power of producing an effect; effectiveness;
EFFIGY (n) a likeness or figure of a person;
EFFLUVIUM (n) a generally unpleasant exhalation; disagreeable vapours rising from decaying
EFFRONTERY (n) impudence; shamelessness;
EFFULGENT (adj) shining; radiant; splendid;
EFFUSIVE (adj) gushing; expressing emotion in an over-demonstrative manner;
EGOISM (n) individuality; over-concern for one's own well-being; selfishness;
EGOTISM (n) thinking or speaking too much of oneself; self-exaltation;
EGREGIOUS (adj) prominent; outrageous; notorious;
EGRESS (n) the way out; door; exit; departure;
EJACULATION (n) ejection or emission;
ELABORATION (n) complication; the process of elaborating;
ELATION (n) exhilaration; joy; thrill;
ELEEMOSYNARY (adj) relating to charity or alms giving;
ELEGIAC (adj) mournful; belonging to elegy;
ELEGY (n) a poem of serious, pensive, or reflective mood; a song of mourning;
ELICIT (v) to evoke; to draw; to extract;
ELIXIR (n) a liquor once supposed to have the power of indefinitely prolonging life; anything
that invigorates;
ELLIPSIS (n) a figure of syntax by which a word or words are left out and merely implied;
ELOQUENCE (n) the power of uttering strong emotion in correct, appropriate, expressive and fluent
language; persuasive speech;
ELUCIDATE (v) to make clear; to illustrate;
ELUDE (v) to avoid; to escape;
ELUSIVE (adj) deceptive;
ELUSORY (adj) evasive; deceitful; tending to elude or cheat;
ELYSIAN (adj) delightful;
EMACIATED (adj/adv) feeble; the condition of being lean; deprived of flesh;
EMANATE (v) to flow out of or from anything;
EMANCIPATE (v) to set free; liberate; release;
EMBED (v) to enclose deeply; to place;
EMBELLISH (v) to decorate; to make graceful;
EMBEZZLE (v) misappropriate; defraud;
EMBLAZON (v) to glorify, praise or celebrate;
EMBROIL (v) to involve; to throw into confusion;
EMBRYONIC (adj) relating to anything in an imperfect or incomplete state; rudimentary;
EMEND (v) to make alterations in with a view to improving; to remove faults or blemishes
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EMERITUS (adj) honourably discharged from the performance of public duty;
EMETIC (n/adj) a medicine that causes vomiting;
EMIGRATE (v) to move from one country or state to another as a place of abode;
ÉMIGRÉ an émigré, esp. a political exile
EMINENT (adj) distinguished; conspicuous;
EMISSARY (n) someone sent out on a mission (esp on behalf of a government or state);
EMOLLIENT (n) a softening application; making supple;
EMOLUMENT (n) profit arising from employment, such as salary or fees;
EMPIRICAL (adj) known only by experience; depending on trial or experience;
EMPYREAL (adj) relating to the highest or purest region of heaven;
EMULATE (v) to try to equal or surpass;
ENAMORED OF (adv) in love with; keen on;
ENCLAVE (n) a piece of territory entirely enclosed within foreign territory; an enclosure;
ENCOMIASTIC (adj) bestowing praise;
ENCOMIUM (n) high commendation; a eulogy;
ENCOMPASS (v) to surround or enclose;
ENCROACHMENT (n) an act of encroaching; something that is taken by encroaching; infiltration;
ENCUMBER (v) to burden; to impede;
ENDEARMENT (n) something that increases affection; the act or state of endearing;
ENDEMIC (adj) prevalent among a people or in a district; confined to a particular area;
ENDEAVOUR try earnestly
ENDIVE (n) a salad plant;
ENDORSE (v) approve; support; to assign by writing on the back;
ENDUE (v) to supply or provide with;
ENERVATE (v) to weaken; to tire; fatigue;
ENGENDER (v) to produce; to bear; to generate;
ENIGMA (n) a mysterious person or situation; something very obscure;
ENJOIN (v) prohibit; ban; to forbid; to order;
ENNUI (n) boredom; a feeling of weariness or languor;
ENROUTE (adv) on the road, on the way;
ENSCONCE (v) to settle comfortably; to hide safely;
ENSEMBLE (n) group; costume; outfit;
ENTENTE (n) an understanding; a friendly agreement or relationship between states;
ENTHRALL (v) to hold spellbound;
ENTICE (v) to lead astray; tempt; attract;
ENTITY (n) being or existence; something that exists independently;
ENTOMOLOGY (n) the science of insects;
ENTOURAGE (n) convoy; staff; attendants;
ENTRANCE (n) a place of entering; a door;
ENTREAT (v) to ask earnestly; to beg for;
ENTRÉE (n) admittance; freedom of access; introduction or means of access;
ENTREPRENEUR businessman; capitalist;
ENUNCIATE (v) to pronounce distinctly; to state formally;
ENVIRON (v) to surround; to encircle;
EPHEMERAL (adj) short-lived; existing only for a day;
EPICURE (n) a person of refined and fastidious taste, esp in food, wine, etc;
EPIGRAM (n) a concise and pointed expression; an adage; saying;
EPILOGUE (n) the concluding section of a book, etc;
EPISTLE (n) a letter; message;
EPOCH (n) a point of time fixed or made remarkable by some great event from which dates
are reckoned;
EPITHET (n) an adjective or adjectival phrase expressing some quality of the person;
EPITOME (n) a typical example; a personification;
EQUABLE (adj) uniform, smooth; without wide variations or extremes; even-tempered;
EQUANIMITY (n) evenness of mind or temper;
EQUESTRIAN (adj) of or relating to horsemanship; on horse-back;
EQUILIBRIUM (n) balance; stability;
EQUINE (n/adj) horse; pertaining to the nature of the horse;
EQUIPAGE (n) something with which one is equipped; a carriage and attendants; retinue;
EQUIPOISE (n) a state of balance;
EQUITABLE (adj) showing in accordance with equity; exercised in equity; fair or just;
EQUITY (n) fairness; impartiality; justice;
EQUIVOCAL (adj) of doubtful meaning; ambiguous; capable of meaning two or more things;
EQUIVOCATE (v) to use equivocal or doubtful words in order to mislead;
ERODE (v) to wear away or eat away;
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ERRAND (n/adj) assignment;
ERRANT (n/adj) wandering; aimless; a deviant person;
ERRATIC (adj) inconsistent; irregular;
ERRONEOUS (adj) wrong; full of errors; mistaken;
ERSATZ (n/adj) artificial; a substitute;
ERUDITE (adj) learned; intellectual;
ESCAPADE (n) an exciting adventure (mischievous); an escape;
ESCHEW (v) to avoid; to refrain; to abstain; to shun;
ESOTERIC (adj) obscure; confidential; personal;
ESPOUSAL (n) the act of espousing or betrothing; a contract or mutual promise of marriage; a
formal betrothal;
ESPOUSE (v) to take upon oneself or embrace (for a cause); support;
ESTEEM (n/v) honour; respect;
ESTRANGED (adj) alienated; disaffected;
ETHEREAL (adj) heavenly; celestial; delicate;
ETHNIC (adj) concerning nations or races; racial;
ETHNOLOGY (n) the science concerned with the varieties of the human race; cultural
ETYMOLOGY (n) the science or investigation of the derivation and original signification of words;
EUGENIC (adj) pertaining to genetic improvement of a race by judicious mating and helping the
better stock to prevail;
EULOGISTIC (adj) praise worthy; full of praise;
EUOLOGY (n) praise; a speech or writing in praise;
EUPHEMISM (n) a figure of rhetoric by which an unpleasant or offensive thing is described or
referred to by a milder term;
EUPHONIOUS (adj) pleasant; agreeable; (usu. sound).
EUPHONY a pleasing, easy pronunciation, often created by modification of the original
EUTHANASIA (n) the act or practice of putting painlessly to death, esp in cases of incurable
EVINCE (v) to show clearly; to make evident;
EVISCERATE (v) to tear out the viscera or bowels of;
EVOLUTIONISTS a person who believes in evolution as explaining the origin of species
EXALT (v) glorify; honour;
EXALTED (adj) elevated or high; dignified;
EXASPERATE (v) to make very angry; to irritate;
EXCERPT (n) selected passage; extract;
EXCRUCIATING (adj) agonizing; severe; extremely painful;
EXECRATION (n) express or feel abhorrence for, curse
EXHUME (v) to take out of the ground or place of burial;
EXOFFICIO (adj) by virtue of office or position;
EXONERATE (v) to acquit; to free from the burden of blame or obligation;
EXORCISE (v) to deliver from the influence of an evil spirit; to call forth or drive away (a spirit);
EXOTIC (adj) foreign; alien; imported; unusual; wondrous;
EXPATIATE speak or write at length or in detail
EXPATRIATE (v) to send out of one's country; to banish or exile; to deprive of citizenship;
EXPEDIENT (n/adj) aid; beneficial; useful;
EXPEDITE (v) to despatch with speed and efficiency; to hasten; to send forth;
EXPEDITIOUS (adj) speedy; prompt;
EXPIATE (v) to make satisfaction or reparation for; to make complete atonement for;
EXPLOIT (n/v) a deed or achievement; to make gain out of or at the expense of;
EXPLOITATION (n) the setting-up and getting into production; the act of using for selfish purposes;
EXPONENT a person who favours or promotes an idea etc
EXPUNGE (v) to wipe out; to efface; to strike out;
EXPURGATE (v) to revise (a book, etc) by removing offensive, noxious or erroneous things;
censor; cleanse;
EXTANT (adv) still standing or existing; surviving;
EXTEMPORANEOUS spontaneous; impromptu;
EXTEMPORIZE compose or produce (music, a speech etc) without preparation, improvise
EXTENUATING (adj) palliating; mitigating; moderating;
EXTOL (v) to praise highly; to lift up;
EXTRADITE (v) to hand over for trial or punishment from one government to another;
EXTRAVAGANZA (n) carnival; pageant; an extravagant or eccentric musical, dramatic or literary
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EXTRICATE (v) disentangle; to set free;
EXTROVERT an outgoing or sociable person
EXUDE (v) to discharge through pores; to ooze out; to emit; to exhibit;

FABRICATE (v) to create with skill and hard work; to devise falsely;
FABULIST a composer of fables, a liar
FACET (n) a small surface; an aspect or view;
FACETIOUS characterized by flippant or in opportune humour, intending to be amusing
FACILE (adj) easy; simple;
FACSIMILE (n) an exact copy; an accurate reproduction;
FACTION (n/adj) a rebellious group;
FACTIOUS (adj) turbulent; discordant; quarrelsome;
FACTOTUM (n) a person employed to do all kinds of work for another;
FAIT ACCOMPLI (n) an accomplished fact, a thing already done or done in advance;
FALLIBLE (adj) capable of making mistakes; liable to error; faulty;
FALLOW (adj) left unploughed or unsown for a time; uncultivated;
FANATIC a person filled with excessive and often misguided enthusiasm for something
FASTIDIOUS (adj) meticulous; difficult to please;
FATALISM (n) lack of effort in the face of threatened difficulty or disaster;
FATUOUS (adj) foolish; ludicrous;
FAUNA (n) the assemblage of all forms of animal life of a region or period;
FAUX PAS (n) a mistake or blunder, esp an offence against accepted standards of politeness,
decorum, etc.;
FAWN (v) to try to please, or flatter, in a servile way;
FEBRILE (adj) feverish; relating to fever;
FECUND (adj) prolific; fertile; fruitful; productive;
FEEBLE (adj) weak; frail;
FEIGN (v) to pretend; to imitate;
FEINT (n) a deceptive movement in fencing, boxing, etc; a false show;
FELICITATE (v) to congratulate; to express joy or pleasure to;
FELICITOUS (adj) appropriate;
FELON (n) a person guilty of a felony; a wicked person;
FERMENT (n/v) a substance that produces fermentation; to be in excited action;
FERRET (n/v) a half-tamed albino variety of the polecat; to search out or investigate
FERVENT (adj) ardent; passionate; friendly or affectionate;
FERVID (adj) having burning desire or emotion; zealous;
FERVOR (n) zeal; enthusiasm; ardour;
FESTER (v) to rot or putrefy; to suppurate;
FETID (adj) a strong offensive smell; stinking;
FETISH (n) charm; fixation;
FETTER (n) a chain or shackle for the feet; confinement;
FIASCO (n) failure; debacle;
FIANCE a person to whom another is engaged to be married
FICKLE inconstant, changeable
FICTITIOUS imaginary, unreal, not genuine
FIDELITY (n/adj) faithfulness; honesty; accurate;
FIDUCIARY (n) a person who holds anything in trust;
FIEND (n) a devil; an addict;
FIGMENT (n) a fabrication or invention;
FILCH (v) to steal; to pilfer;
FILIAL (adj) in the relation of a child; pertaining to a son or a daughter;
FINALE (n) the end or climax;
FINESSE (n) skill or expertise; sophisticated accomplishment;
FINICKY (adv) particular about unimportant matters; fussy;
FINITE (adv) having an end or limit;
FIRMAMENT (n) the sky;
FISSION (n) a cleaving; reproduction by dividing;
FISSURE (n) a narrow opening;
FLACCID (adj) soft and weak;
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FLAGELLATE (v) to whip;
FLAGRANT (adj) conspicuous; outrageous; shameless;
FLAMBOYANT (adj) gorgeously coloured or decorated; extravagant;
FLAUNT (v) to display ostentatiously; to show off; to exhibit;
FLAY (v) to strip off the skin from; to subject to savage criticism; to frighten;
FLEDGLING (n) a bird just fledged; a very immature or inexperienced person;
FLICK (n/v) to lift (with a lash or a finger nail); within no time;
FLIPPANCY (n) pert fluency of speech;
FLOE (n/v) a field of floating ice;
FLORID (adj) flushed with red; characterized by flowery rhetoric, melodic figures;
FLOTSAM (n) goods lost by shipwreck and found floating on the sea;
FLOUNCE struggle in mud, perform a task badly or without knowledge; be out of one's depth
FLOUT (v) to reject or defy (orders etc.); to mock;
FLUX (n) act of flowing; a flow of matter; a state of flow or continuous change;
FOIBLE (n) a weakness; a penchant; a deficiency;
FOMENT (v) to foster; to incite; to provoke;
FORAGE (n/v) fodder; hunt; search;
FORAY (n/v) a raid; a venture or attempt; ravage;
FORBEAR (v) to refrain or abstain; to spare or withhold;
FOREBEAR (n) an ancestor; forefather;
FOREBODE (v) to prognosticate; to foretell;
FOREBODING (n) apprehension of coming evil; a perception beforehand;
FORENSIC (adj) of or relating to sciences or scientists connected with legal investigations;
FORFEIT (v) something to which a right is lost;
FOREGO (v) to go before or precede;
FORGO (v) to give up or relinquish; to do without;
FORTUITOUS (adj) happening by chance; fortunate;
FOSTER (v/adj) to bring up or nurse; to promote; to cherish; concerned with fostering;
FOUNDLING (n) a little child found deserted;
FRACAS (n) a noisy quarrel; uproar;
FRACTIOUS (adj) ready to quarrel; rebellious; unruly;
FRAGILE (adj) easily broken; delicate;
FRAILTY (n) weakness; infirmity;
FRANCHISE (n) the right to vote; a commercial concession by which a retailer is granted by a
company the generally exclusive right of retailing its goods or providing its
services in a specified area, with use of the company's expertise, marketing,
trademark, etc;
FRAUGHT (adv) laden; full; replete;
FRAY (v) to wear off by rubbing;
FRENZIED (adj) agitated; concerning with frenzy;
FRESCO (n) a mode of painting on walls covered with damp freshly-laid plaster;
FRISK (v) to leap playfully;
FRITTER (n/v) to squander or misuse; a fragment; a piece;
FROLICSOME (adj) merry; sportive;
FROND (n) a leaf (esp of a palm or fern);
FRONTAL (adj) of or belonging to the front;
FROWZY (adj) fusty; stuffy or offensive;
FRUGAL sparing or economical, esp. as regards food, sparingly used or supplied, meagre,
costing little
FRUGALITY (n) economy; thrift;
FUGITIVE fleeting, that runs or has run away, transient, fleeting
FULMINATE (v) to thunder or make a loud noise; to issue decrees with violence of threats;
FULSOME (adv) sickeningly obsequious; nauseating praiseful;
FURORE (n) a craze; wild excitement; wild enthusiasm;
FURTIVE (adj) clandestine; secret;
FUSILLADE (n) a simultaneous or continuous discharge of firearms; anything assaulting one in a
similar way;
FUSION (n) a close union of things;
FUSTIAN (adj) a kind of coarse, twilled cotton fabric; bombastic;
FUTILE (adj) ineffectual; useless; fruitless; vain;
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GAB talk, chatter, twaddle

GABBLE talk volubly or inarticulately, read aloud too fast, fast unintelligible talk
GADFLY (n) a blood sucking fly that distresses cattle; someone who provokes and irritates;
GAFF (n) a hook used especially for landing large fish;
GAINSAY (v) to deny; to contradict;
GAIT (n) way of walking;
GALAXY the disc-shaped system, composed of spiralling arms of stars, that contains our
solar system near its edge; a splendid assemblage;
GALL (v) irritate; annoy; provoke;
GALLEON (n) a large vessel mostly used for carrying;
GALVANIZE (v) stimulate; activate; excite;
GAMBIT (n) the sacrifice of a piece for the sake of an advantage in timing or position in a
game; a trick;
GAMBOL (v) to leap; to frisk playfully;
GAMELY (adj) playful;
GAMESTER (n) a gambler;
GAMUT (n) a range; scope; extent;
GAP (n) an unfilled space; disparity; stretch;
GAPE (v) to open the mouth wide; to stare with open mouth;
GARBLE (v) to misrepresent or falsify by suppression and selection; to jumble;
GARGANTUAN (adj) enormous; mammoth; a giant of vast appetite;
GARGOYLE (n) a spout, projecting from a roof-gutter; any grotesque figure or person;
GARISH (adj) showy; gaudy; glaring;
GARNER (v) acquire; collect; accumulate;
GARNISH (n/v) adornment; to decorate; to adorn;
GARRET (n) a room just below a sloping roof;
GARRULITY (n) loquacity;
GARRULOUS (adj) talkative; loquacious;
GASCONADE (n) a boasting talk; to boast extravagantly;
GASTRONOME (n) a lover and connoisseur of good food and wines, an epicure;
GASTRONOMY (n) the art or science of good eating;
GAUCHE (adj) awkward; clumsy; tactless;
GAUDY (adj/adv) showy; ostentatious;
GAUNT (adj/adv) skeletal; thin; haggard;
GAUNTLET (n) the iron glove of armour; a heavy glove with a long, wide cuff covering the wrist;
GAZETTE (n/adj) an official newspaper containing lists of government appointments, legal notices,
despatches, etc;
GEISHA (n) a Japanese girl trained to provide entertainment for men;
GENDARME (n) a man-at-arms; a policeman in full armour;
GENEALOGY (n) history of the descent of families; the pedigree of a particular person or family;
GENERALITY (n) a statement having general application;
GENERIC (adj) general, applicable to any member of a group or class;
GENIALITY (n) courteousness; pleasantness;
GENIE (n) a magical being who carries out a person's wishes;
GENRE (n) a literary or artistic type or style;
GENTEEL (adj) graceful in manners; polite; cultured; respectable;
GENTRY (n) the class of people next below the rank of nobility;
GENUFLECT (v) to bend the knee in worship or respect;
GENUS (n) a class of objects comprehending several subordinate species;
GERMANE (adj) appropriate; relevant;
GERMINAL (adj) pertaining to a germ or rudiment;
GERMINATE (v) to begin to grow; to cause to sprout;
GERRY MANDER (n/v) to rearrange in the interests of a particular party or candidate;
GESTATE (v) to carry in the womb during the period from conception to birth; to conceive and
develop slowly in the mind;
GESTICULATE (v) to make vigorous gestures;
GHASTLY (adj) death-like; hideous; deplorable;
GIBBER (n/v) to utter senseless or inarticulate sounds;
GIBBET (n) a gallows, esp one on which criminals were suspended after execution;
GIBE (v) to scoff; to flout, jeer;
GIBBERISH unintelligible or meaningless speech
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GIDDY (adv) unsteady; dizzy; light-headed;
GIG (n) a light two-wheeled carriage;
GINGERLY (adv) with extreme wariness and delicate gentleness;
GIST (n) the main point or pith of a matter;
GLADIATOR a man trained to fight with the sword or other weapons at ancient Roman show;
person defending or opposing a cause
GLAZE (n/adj) to cover with a layer of thin semitransparent colour; to give a glassy surface;
GLEAN (v) to collect, gather; to gather facts bit by bit;
GLIB (adj) fluent and plausible; smooth;
GLOAMING (n) twilight; dusk;
GLOAT (v) to eye with intense (usually malicious); to exult;
GLOSSARY (n) a collection or list of explanations of words;
GLOSSY (adj) smooth and shining;
GLOWER (v) to stare frowningly; to scowl;
GLUT (n/v) to gorge; to block or choke up; excess; over surplus;
GLUTINOUS (adj) gluey; sticky;
GLUTTONOUS (adj) greedy; insatiable;
GNARLED (adj) contorted; weather beaten; knotty; twisted;
GNAW (v) to bite with a scraping or nibbling movement; to distress persistently;
GNOME (n) a sprite; a goblin;
GNU (n) a large African antelope;
GOAD (n/v) sharp-pointed stick for driving oxen; to incite; to provoke;
GOBBLEDYGOOK pompous or unintelligible jargon
GO-GETTER an aggressively enterprising person
GORGE (n/v) a ravine; a gluttonous feed;
GORY (adj) bloody; ghastly; nauseating;
GOUGE (n/v) a chisel with a hollow blade for cutting grooves or holes; to scoop out;
GOURMAND (n) a person who eats greedily;
GOURMET (n) a connoisseur of good food and wines, an epicure;
GOVERNESS a woman employed to teach children in a private household
GRANARY (n) a rich grain-growing region; a storehouse for grain;
GRANDILOQUENT (adj) speaking, or expressed bombastically; pompous;
GRANDIOSE (adj) grand or imposing; bombastic; splendid;
GRANULATE (v/adj) to form or break into grains or small masses;
GRAPHIC (adj) written, descriptive or diagrammatic representation;
GRAPPLE (v) struggle; wrestle mentally;
GRATIFY (v) to please; to satisfy;
GRATIS (adj/adv) without payment; for nothing;
GRATUITOUS (adj) done or given for nothing; voluntary; uncalled for;
GRATUITY (n) a gift (usually money), separate from and additional to payment made for a
GRAVITY (n) weightiness; graveness, solemnity; urgency;
GREGARIOUS (adj) associating in flocks and herds; fond of the company of others; sociable;
GRIMACE (n/v) a distortion of the face, in fun, disgust, etc; glare; to make a face;
GRISLY (adj) ghastly; frightful;
GRIZZLY (n/adj) a set of parallel bars; of grey colour;
GROTESQUE (adj) bizzare; extravagantly formed; monstrous;
GROTTO (n) a cave; an imitation cave;
GROVEL (v) to humble oneself, behave abjectly, eg. in apologizing; to crawl;
GRUEL (n) a thin food made by boiling oatmeal in water;
GRUELLING (adj) exhausting; strenuous;
GRUESOME (adj) horrible; grisly; macabre;
GUBERNATORIAL (adj) relating to a governor;
GUFFAW (n/v) a loud boisterous laugh; to laugh vociferously;
GUILE (n) jugglery; deceit; artfulness;
GUILELESS (adj) without deceit; artless;
GULLIBLE (adj) easily deceived or tricked;
GUMPTION (n) boldness; courage; commonsense;
GUNRUNNER a person engaged in the illegal sale or importing of firearms
GUSTATORY (adj) pertaining to the sense of taste;
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HABILIMENTS (n) attire; clothing;

HACKLES (n) the hair of a dog's neck;
HACKNEYED (adj) trite; dulled by excessive use;
HADES (n) hell; the abode of the dead;
HAGGARD (adj) weary; holloweyed and gaunt, from weariness, hunger etc;
HAGGLE (v) to bargain;
HALCYON (adj) calm; peaceful; happy and free;
HALE (adj/adv) robust; sound of body;
HALLOWED (adj) holy; revered;
HALLUCINATION (n) a perception without objective reality;
HAMPER (v) to impede the progress or movement of; to curtail;
HANGAR (n) a large shed or building for aircraft, carriages, etc;
HAP (n) fortune; chance; accident;
HAPHAZARD (adj) arbitrary; random; chaotic;
HAPLESS (adj) unlucky; unhappy;
HASTEN cause to occur or be ready or be done sooner
HARANGUE (n/v) a loud, aggressive speech addressed to a crowd;
HARASS (v) to trouble constantly; to annoy persistently;
HARBINGER (n/v) a host; a forerunner, a thing which tells of the onset or coming; to precede as
HARBOR (v) a refuge or shelter;
HARPINGS (n) the foreparts of the wales at the bow;
HARRIDAN (n) a sharp-tongued, scolding or bullying old woman;
HARROW (n/v) a spiked frame for levelling soil;
HARRY (v) to plunder; to ravage; to destroy;
HAUGHTINESS (n) proudness; arrogance;
HAUGHTY arrogantly self-admiring and disdainful
HAUNCHES (n) the hip and the buttock taken together;
HAWSER (n) a large rope used in tying;
HAZARDOUS (adj) dangerous; perilous;
HAZY (adj/adv) thick with haze; ill-defined; not clear;
HECKLER (n) one who plies with embarrassing questions, shouts or jeers abusively or
disruptively at;
HEDONISM (n) a lifestyle devoted to pleasure-seeking; the pursuit of pleasure;
HEEDLESS (adj/adv) unmindful; reckless; careless;
HEGEMONY (n) supremacy; leadership; dominance;
HEGIRA (n) the flight of Mohammed from Mecca; any flight;
HEIFER (n) a young cow;
HEINOUS (adj) outrageously wicked; atrocious;
HELMSMAN a steersman
HENCHMAN a trusted supporter or attendant, a squire, a page of honour
HERALD an official messenger bringing news
HERBIVOROUS (adj) eating or living on grass or herbage;
HERESY (n) apostasy; infidelity; dissent;
HERETIC (n) the upholder of a heresy; a person whose views are at variance with those of the
HERMAPHRODITE (n) a human being, animal or plant with the organs of both sexes;
HERMETIC (adj) belonging to magic or alchemy, magical; obscure;
HERMETICALLY closed completely; made airtight by melting the glass;
HERMITAGE (n) a hermit's place or cell; a secluded abode;
HETEROGENEOUS composed of parts of different kinds;
HEW (v) to cut with blows; to fell or sever with blows;
HIBERNAL (adj) belonging to winter; wintry;
HIBERNATE (v) to be inactive; to pass the winter in a dormant state;
HIERARCHY (n) a body or organisation classified in successively subordinate grades;
HIEROGLYPHIC (n) writing that is difficult to read;
HILARIOUS (adj) extravagantly merry; very funny;
HINDMOST (adj) farthest behind;
HINDRANCE (n) barrier; encumbrance; obstacle;
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HIRELING (n) a hired servant; a mercenary; a person activated solely by material
HIRSUTE (adj) hairy; shaggy; having long, stiffish hairs;
HISTORIC (adj) famous or important in history;
HISTORICAL (adj) pertaining to history;
HISTRIONIC (adj) relating to the stage or actors; melodramatic;
HOARY (adj) white or grey with age; whitish;
HOAX (n) deceptive trick played maliciously or for a joke;
HOGSHEAD (n) a large cask;
HOLOCAUST (n) a huge slaughter or destruction of life; a disaster;
HOLSTER (n) a pistol-case, slung on a saddle or belt;
HOMAGE (n) honour; respect; tribute;
HOMESPUN (adj) spun at home;
HOMILY (n) a talk giving advice and encouragement; a plain explanatory sermon;
HOMOGENEOUS of the same kind or nature; having the constituent elements similar throughout;
HONE (v) sharpen;
HOODWINK (v) to deceive, cheat;
HORDE (n) multitude; a migratory or wandering tribe or clan;
HORTATORY (adj) inciting; encouraging;
HORTICULTURAL pertaining to the gardening;
HOSANNA in shout of adoration
HOSTELRY (n) an inn;
HOVEL (n) a small or wretched dwelling;
HOVER (v) hangover; linger; to move about nearby;
HOYDEN (n) a tomboy;
HUBBUB (n) uproar; riot; a confused sound of many voices;
HUBRIS (n) insolence; over-confidence; arrogance, such as invites disaster or ruin;
HUE (n) colour; appearance;
HUMAN (n/adj) mankind; belonging to mankind;
HUMANE (adj) merciful; kind; benevolent;
HUMDRUM (adj) monotonous; dull;
HUMID (adj) moist; rather wet;
HUMILITY (n) the state or quality of being humble; lowliness; modesty;
HUMMOCK (n) a hillock;
HUMUS (n) decomposed organic matter in the soil;
HURTLE (v) to hurl; to clash;
HUSBANDRY (n) the business of a farmer; economical management;
HUSTINGS (n) electioneering;
HUSTLE (v) to push together; to jostle; to exert pressure on;
HYBRID (n/adj) crossbreed; produced from different species, etc;
HYDROPHOBIA (n) fear of water; rabies;
HYMN (n) a song of praise (esp to God);
HYPERBOLE (n) exaggeration;
HYPERBOREAN (adj) belonging to the extreme north;
HYPERCRITICAL (adj) excessively critical;
HYPOCHONDRIAC (n) a suffer from hypochondria; melancholy;
HYPOCRITE the assumption or postulation of moral standards to which one's own behaviour
does not confirm; dissimulation, pretence.
HYPOCRITICAL (adj) deceptive; phoney; practising hypocrisy;
HYPOTHETICAL (adj) imaginary; speculative; theoretical;
HYPNOTIC a drug that produces sleep
HYPSOGRAPHY (n) the branch of geography dealing with the measurement and mapping of heights
above sea-level;
HYSTERIA (n) delirium; insanity;

ICHTHYOLOGY (n) the study of fishes;
ICON (n) an image; a figure or sculpture; anybody or anything uncritically admired;
ICONOCLAST (n) a person who attacks traditional or established beliefs, principles, ideas,
institutions, etc;
(adj iconoclastic)
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IDEATION (n) the power of the mind for forming ideas or images;
IDEOLOGY (n) way of thinking; doctrine; beliefs;
IDIOSYNCRASY (n) peculiarity of temperament; any characteristic of a person; eccentricity;
IDOL (n) an image of a god; fetish; an impostor, a sham;
IDOLATRY (n) excessive adoration of or devotion to someone or something;
IDYLL (n) a short pictorial poem, chiefly on pastoral subjects;
(adj : idyllic)
IGLOO (n) a dome-shaped hut made of blocks of hard snow; a hollow in the snow made by
a seal over its breathing hole in the ice;
IGNEOUS (adj) of fire; produced by solidification of the earth's internal molten magma;
IGNOBLE (adj) of low birth; mean or worthless; dishonourable;
IGNOMINY (n) humiliation; dishonour; shame; infamy;
(adj : ignominious)
IGNORAMUS (n) an ignorant person;
ILLICIT (adj) unlawful; forbidden; illegal;
ILLIMITABLE (adj) limitlessly infinite;
ILLUSION (n) deceptive appearance; an apparition; hallucination;
(adj : illusory)
IMBECILE (n) a foolish, unwise or stupid person; an idiot;
(n : imbecility)
IMBIBE (v) to assimilate; to absorb; to receive into the mind;
IMBROGLIO (n) an intricate or perplexing situation;
IMBRUE (v) to soak; to drench; to stain or dye;
IMBUE (v) to fill, permeate, inspire;
IMMACULATE (adj) perfectly groomed; flawless; unstained;
IMMINENT (adj) impending; forthcoming; threatening;
IMMIGRANT come as a permanent resident to a country other than one's native
IMMOLATE (n) to offer or kill as a sacrifice;
IMMUNE (adj) inoculated; protected against a disease or infection; unresponsive;
IMMURE (v) to confine; to imprison; to enclose as if within walls;
IMMUTABLE (adj) unchangeable;
IMPAIR (v) weaken; damage;
IMPALE (v) to pierce with something pointed; to fix on a sharp stake thrust through the body;
IMPALPABLE (adj) not perceivable or detectable by touch; no capable of being comprehended or
IMPASSE (v) a deadlock, stalemate; a situation from which further progress is impossible;
IMPASSIVE (adj) imperturbable; unemotional; having no sensation;
IMPEACH (v) to arraign; to disparage; to charge with an offence committed in office;
IMPECCABLE (adj) faultless; without flaw or error; ideal;
IMPECUNIOUS (adj) destitute; poverty-stricken; poor;
IMPEDE (v) to hinder; to thwart; to obstruct;
IMPEDIMENT (v) an obstacle; hindrance;
IMPENDING (adj) threatening;
IMPENITENT (adj) not repenting; a hardened sinner;
IMPERIOUS (adj) domineering, dictatorial; assuming command; haughty;
IMPERMEABLE (adj) not permitting passage, esp of fluids or gases; impervious;
IMPERTINENT (adj) audacious; bold; impudent; rude;
IMPERTURBABILITY (v) not disturbed or agitated; serene;
IMPERVIOUS (adj) not easily influenced by ideas, arguments, etc, or moved or upset;
IMPETUOUS (adj) hasty; spontaneous without due consideration;
IMPETUS (n) momentum; motivation; force;
IMPIETY (n) blasphemy; profanity; disrespect;
IMPINGE (v) infringe; invade; violate;
IMPIOUS (adj) blasphemous; disrespectful; wicked; sacrilegious; profane;
IMPLACABLE (adj) incapable of being placated or appeased; inexorable;
IMPLAUSIBLE (adj) inconceivable; incredible; unbelievable;
IMPLICATE (adj) connect with; involve; entangle;
IMPLICIT (adj) absolute; definite; unquestionable; certain;
IMPOLITIC (adj) not politic; inexpedient;
IMPONDERABLE (adj) not able to be weighed or evaluated;
IMPORT (adj) signif icance; worth;
IMPORTUNATE (adj) troublesomely persistent or demanding; pressing, insistent; annoying;
IMPORTUNE (v) to press or urge with repeated requests;
IMPOSTOR a person who assumes a false character or pretends to be someone else
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IMPOSTURE (n) fraud; deception;
IMPOTENT (adj) powerless; helpless; incapable of having sexual intercourse, owing to inability to
achieve or maintain an erection;
IMPRECATE (v) to invoke evil upon, to put a curse on;
IMPREGNABLE (adj) that cannot be captured, broken into or taken by force; strong;
IMPRIMATUR (n) a licence or permission to print a book, etc;
IMPROMPTU (adj) extemporaneous; improvised; spontaneous; unrehearsed;
IMPROPRIETY (n) mistake; error; blunder; unsuitability;
IMPROVIDENT (adj) imprudent; thoughtless; negligent;
IMPROVISE (v) to perform extempore; to bring about suddenly;
IMPRUDENT (adj) lacking foresight or discretion; incautious; reckless;
IMPUGN (v) to oppose; to attack by words or arguments; to call in question, criticize;
IMPUNITY (n) absolution; pardon;
IMPUTATION (n) the act of imputing or charging; censure; reproach;
IMPUTE (v) to ascribe; to charge; to attribute vicariously to;
INADVERTENCE (n) negligence; over-sight;
(adv : inadvertently)
INALIENABLE (adj) not capable of being transferred or removed; unchangeable;
INANE (adj) idiotic; senseless; ludicrous;
INANIMATE without life; dead; dull;
INARTICULATE dumb; speechless; incapable of clear and fluent expression;
INCANDESCENT radiant; luminous; fluorescent;
INCANTATION a formula of words sung for purposes of enchantment, a magic spell; recitation of
magic spells;
INCAPACITATE (v) to disqualify legally; to disable; to make unfit (for);
INCARCERATE (v) to imprison; to confine;
INCARNADINE (n) belonging to blood-red; blood-coloured;
INCARNATE (adj) personified; embodied;
INCARNATION (n) the act of embodying in flesh;
INCENDIARY (n) a person who inflames passions or stirs up trouble; a person who maliciously
sets fire to property;
INCENSE anger; enrage; inflame; provoke;
INCENTIVE (n) that which incites to action, a stimulus; encouragement;
INCEPTION (n) beginning; commencement; inauguration;
INCESSANT (adj) uninterrupted; continuous;
INCHOATE (adj) not established; rudimentary; only begun;
INCIDENCE (n) the frequency or range of occurrence; the falling of a ray on a surface;
INCIPIENT (adj) beginning; nascent; developing;
INCISIVE (adj) having the quality of cutting in; trenchant;
INCITE (v) instigate; arouse; motivate; stimulate;
INCLEMENT (adj) severe; stormy; violent; harsh;
INCOGNITO disguised; secretly;
INCONGRUOUS (adj) inconsistent; unsuitable;
INCONSEQUENTIAL unimportant; negligible; trivial;
INCONTINENT (adj) unrestrained; lacking control over;
INCONTROVERTIBLE indisputable; unquestionable;
INCORPOREAL having no material form or body; intangible; spiritual or metaphysical;
INCORRIGIBLE (adj) beyond correction or reform;
INCREDULITY (n) not having belief; expressing disbelief; sceptical;
INCREDULOUS (adj) suspicious; doubtful; unwilling to believe;
INCRIMINATE (v) to implicate; to involve; to charge;
INCUBATE (v) to brood eggs; to hatch; to devise;
INCUBUS (n) a nightmare; any oppressive influence;
INCULCATE (v) to instil; to teach;
INCUMBENT (n) a person who holds an office; binding; obligatory;
INCUR (n) incite; provoke; acquire; assume;
INCURSION (n) a sudden attack; invasion;
INDEFATIGABLE (adj) unflagging; untiring; determined;
INDEMNIFY (v) to compensate; to secure (with);
INDENTURE (v) contract; a written agreement between two or more parties, esp between an
apprentice and an employer;
INDICT (v) to charge with a crime formally or in writing;
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INDIGENCE (n) dearth; insufficiency; poverty; destitution;
INDIGENOUS native born; originating or produced naturally in a country, not imported;
INDIGNATION (n) righteous anger at injustice, etc; feeling caused by an unjustified slight, etc to
INDIGNITY (n) disgrace; dishonour; insult;
INDISCRIMINATE haphazard; random; unsystematic;
INDISPUTABLE (adj) beyond doubt or question;
INDISSOLUBLE (adj) that cannot be broken or dissolved; inseparable; binding permanently;
INDITE (v) to compose or write;
INDOLENCE (n) idleness; inactivity; laziness;
INDOMITABLE not to be overcome, unconquerable;
INDUBITABLY (adv) without doubt, certainly;
INDUCE (v) bring on; cause; produce;
INDUCTIVE possessive; introductory;
INDULGENT lenient; permissive; ready to gratify the wishes of others;
INEBRIETY (n) drunkenness; intoxication;
INEFFABLE (adj) inexpressible; not able to be described, indescribable;
INELUCTABLE (adj) not able to be escaped from or avoided;
INEPT (adj) foolish, silly; awkward, clumsy;
INEQUITY (n) discrimination; injustice;
INERT sluggish; static; chemically inactive;
INEXORABLE relentless; unyielding;
INFALLIBLE (adj) perfect; incapable of making a mistake; incapable of failure;
INFAMOUS (adj) notorious; nefarious; having a very bad reputation;
INFANTILE (adj) childish; undeveloped;
INFERENCE (n) conclusion; deduction;
INFERNAL (adj) hellish; fiendish; abominable;
INFIDEL (n) agnostic; atheist; unbeliever;
INFINITESIMAL (adj) minute; tiny; microscopic;
INFIRMITY (n) illness; ailment; disease;
INFLUX (n) a flowing in, esp of a large number of people or things; accession;
INFRACTION breach; violation;
INFRINGE (v) to violate; to break; to trespass;
INGENIOUS (adj) skilful; adroit; of good natural abilities;
INGÉNUE (n) an artless, naïve or inexperienced young woman;
INGENUOUS (adj) genuine; candid; frank;
INGRATE (n) an ungrateful person;
INGRATIATE (v) to commend persuasively to someone's favour; cajole; flatter;
INHERENT (adj) inborn; natural; native;
INHIBIT (v) constrain; restrain; restrict;
INIMICAL (adj) hostile; unfriendly; unfavourable;
INIMITABLE (adj) incomparable; matchless; exceptionally good or remarkable;
INIQUITOUS (adj) wicked; evil; sinful;
INITIATE (v) to begin, start; to introduce;
INKLING (n) a slight hint; an clue; an indication;
INNATE (adj) natural; inborn; native;
INNOCUOUS (adj) harmless; innocent;
INNOVATION (n) a thing introduced as a novelty; introduction;
INNUENDO (n) insinuation; an indirect reference or intimation;
INOCULATE treat a (person or animal) with vaccine containing a dead or modified disease-
causing agent, instil a person with ideas or options
INOPPORTUNE (adj) inauspicious; untimely;
INORDINATE (adj) unrestrained; excessive; immoderate;
INQUISTOR an official investigator
INSANE not of sound mind, mad
INSCRIBE write or crave on stone, metal, paper, a book etc
INSCRUTABLE (adj) that cannot be scrutinized or searched into and understood; mysterious,
INSENSATE (adj) without sensation, inanimate; having little of no good sense;
INSIDIOUS (adj) cunning and treacherous; deceitful; covert;
INSINUATE (v) to hint or indirectly suggest; to intimate;
INSIPID (adj) lacking spirit or interest; dull;
INSOLENT (adj) disrespectful and rude; unmannerly; bold; audacious;
INSOLVENT (adj) bankrupt; not able to pay one's debts; destitute;
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INSOMNIA (n) sleeplessness;
INSOUCIANT (adj) unconcerned; indifferent; heedless; apathetic;
INSTIGATE (v) to initiate, bring about; to encourage; to provoke;
INSUBORDINATE (adj) refusing to submit to authority; disobedient, rebellious;
INSULARITY (n) the state of being isolated or remaining aloof;
INSUPERABLE (adj) not capable of being overcome or surmounted;
INSURGENT (adj) rebellious; revolutionary; mutinous;
INSURRECTION (n) revolt; uprising;
INTEGRITY (n) honesty; principle; character;
INTEGUMENT (n) an external covering;
INTELLECT (n) the thinking principle; intelligence; brain;
INTELLIGENTSIA (n) the intellectual or cultured classes;
INTER (v) to bury;
INTERDICT (v) to prohibit; to forbid;
INTERIM (n) meantime; provisional; temporary;
INTERLOCUTOR a person who takes part in a dialogue or conversation
INTERLOCUTORY of an intermediate decree before a final decision;
INTERLOPER (n) a person who meddles in another's affairs, esp for profit; an intruder; a
INTERMINABLE (adj) without termination or limit; endless;
INTERMITTENT (adj) ceasing at intervals; periodic;
INTERN a recent graduate or advanced student receiving supervised training in a hospital
and acting as an assistant physician or surgeon, confine, oblige (a prisoner, alien,
etc) to reside within prescribed limits
INTERNECINE (adj) deadly; murderous;
INTERPOLATE (v) to tamper with or to corrupt by spurious insertions;
INTERSTICES (n) a small space between things closely set;
INTIMIDATION (n) the act of intimidating; the use of violence or threats; to frighten;
INTONE recite with prolonged sounds, utter with a particular tone
INTRACTABLE (adj) disobedient; unruly; stubborn;
INTRANSIGENCE (n) refusal to come to an understanding;
INTREPID (adj) brave; undaunted;
INTRINSIC (adj) genuine; inherent;
INTROSPECTION (n) the observation and analysis of the processes of one's own mind;
INTROVERT a person predominantly concerned with his or own thoughts and feelings rather
than with external things
INTUITION (n) the power of the mind by which it perceives the truth of things without reasoning
or analysis; instinct;
INUNDATE (v) flood; overwhelm;
INURED (adj) accustomed; habituated; hardened;
INVALIDATE (v) to render invalid or ineffective; to annul; to cancel;
INVECTIVE (n) a severe or reproachful accusation or denunciation; an attack with words;
abusive language;
INVEIGH (v) to rebuke; to revile; to criticise;
INVEIGLE entice; wheedle; to persuade by cajolery;
INVETERATE chronic; deep-rooted;
INVIDIOUS malicious; likely to incur or provoke ill-will or resentment; likely to excite envy;
INVINCIBLE (adj) unbeatable; that cannot be defeated or overcome; insuperable;
INVIOLABILITY (n) the quality of being inviolable;
INVOKE to call upon earnestly or solemnly; to address in prayer;
INVULNERABLE (adj) indomitable; unconquerable; that cannot be wounded;
IOTA bit; fraction;
IRASCIBLE (adj) irritable; quick-tempered;
IRATE (adj) angry; enraged;
IRIDESCENT (adj) glittering with changing colours; coloured like the rainbow;
IRKSOME (adj) burdensome; tedious; annoying;
IRONY (n) conveyance of meaning by words whose literal meaning is the opposite;
(adj : ironic)
IRRECONCILABLE (adj) incapable of being brought back to a state of friendship or agreement;
IRREFRAGABLE (adj) that cannot be refuted; unanswerable;
IRREPRESSIBLE (adj) not able or willing to be restrained, subdued;
IRRESOLUTE (adj) not firm in purpose; weak willed;
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IRREVERENT (adj) sacrilegious; disrespectful; not reverent;
IRREVOCABLE (adj) that cannot be recalled or revoked;
ITERATE repeat, state repeatedly
ITINERANT (adj) migrant; wandering;
ITINERARY (n) travel plan; a record of a journey;

JABBER chatter volubly and incoherently, utter fast and indistinctly
JADED (adj) worn-out; fatigued; exhausted; corrupt;
JANITOR a door keeper, a care taker of a building
JARGON (n) terminology of a profession; dialect;
JAUNDICED (adj) feeling or showing prejudice, distaste or jealousy;
JAUNT (n) an excursion; outing;
JAUNTY (adj) carefree; jovial; high-spirited;
JEJUNE (adj) immature, callow;
JEOPARDY (n) risk; threat; danger;
JEREMIAD (n) a tale of grief, a doleful story;
JESTER a professional joker or 'fool' at a medieval court
JETTISON (v) to abandon; to reject; to scrap;
JINGOISM (n) chauvinism; fanatism;
JOCOSE (adj) merry; full of jokes;
JOCULAR merry, fond of joking
JOSTLE (v) to force, push or bump;
JOVIAL (adj) cheerful; lively; joyous;
JUDICIOUS (adj) cautious; logical; tactful;
JUGGERNAUT (n) a relentless destroying force;
JUNCTURE (n) a critical or important point of time;
JUNKET (n) a picnic; an outing;
JUNTA (n) a government formed by a small group of military officers;
JURISDICTION area; domain; province;
JURISPRUDENCE (n) knowledge of law; the science or philosophy of law;
JURIST an expert in law, a legal writer
JUXTAPOSE to place side by side;

KEN (n) range of sight or knowledge;

KINDLE (v) to inflame (eg the passions); to provoke, incite;
KINDRED (adj) related; associated;
KINGPIN a main or large bolt in a central position; the most important person in an
KIOSK (n) a small stall to sell sweets, etc;
KITH (n) one's friends or acquaintances;
KLEPTOMANIAC (n) a person with a mania for stealing;
KNAVERY (n) dishonesty; miscreants;
KNEAD to work and press together into a mass; to massage;
KNELL (n) the sound of a bell, especially at a death or funeral;
KNOLL a round hillock; the top of a hill;

LABYRINTH (n) an arrangement of tortuous paths or alleys in which it is difficult to find the way
out; amaze;
LACERATE (v) cut; wounded; mutilated;
LACHRYMOSE (adj) tearful; weepy; pathetic;
LACKADAISICAL (adj) languid and ineffectual; indolent; lazy; lethargic;
LACKEY (n) attendant; hireling; minion;
LACKLUSTRE (adj) dull; lifeless; apathetic;
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LACONIC (adj) sententiously brief; concise;
LAGGARD (adj) a person who lags behind;
LAMBENT (adj) flickering; softly radiant, glowing;
LAMPOON (v) to attack or ridicule by personal satire;
LANGUID (adj) lethargic; spiritless; flagging;
LANK (adj) long and thin; drooping; flaccid;
LAPIDARY a cutter of stones, esp of gem-stones; an expert of gems;
LARCENY burglary; robbery; theft;
LARGESSE (n) generosity; distribution of gifts;
LASCIVIOUS (adj) lecherous; wanton; obscene; indecent;
LASSITUDE (n) exhaustion; fatigue; weariness;
LATENT (adj) hidden; concealed; dormant;
LATITUDE (n) freedom; liberty;
LAUDABLE (adj) praiseworthy; commendable; admirable;
LAUREATE a person who is honoured for outstanding creative or intellectual achievement
LAVE (v) to wash; to bathe;
LAYMAN a person without professional or specialized knowledge in a particular subject
LAX (adj) negligent; careless; derelict;
LECHEROUS (adj) lustful; sensual;
LECTERN (n) a reading-desk;
LEEWAY (n) scope; range; freedom; liberty;
LEGACY (n) reputation; inheritance; a bequest of personal property;
LEGATEE the recipient of a legacy
LEGEND (n) code; key; inscription; slogan;
LEGERDEMAIN (n) trickery; sleight-of-hand; deceit;
LEONINE (n) lion-like;
LESION (n) an injury or wound; an abnormal change in the structure of body tissue caused
by disease or injury;
LETHARGY (n) indolence; laziness; languor;
LEVITY (n) frivolity; lightness of temper or conduct; thoughtlessness;
LEWD (adj) indecent; obscene; sensual; lustful; unchaste;
LEXICOGRAPHER (n) a person who writes in a system in which each sign represents a word; a person
who writes a dictionary;
LIAISON (n) union; connection; a secret or illicit love affair;
LIBATION (n) the pouring forth of wine or other liquid in honour of a god or goddess;
LIBELOUS (adj) defamatory; maligning;
LIBERTINE (n) pleasure-seeker; individualist; debauchee;
LIBIDINOUS (n) lustful; lascivious; lewd;
LIBIDO (n) vital urge, either in general or as of sexual origin; sexual impulse;
LICENTIOUS (adj) promiscuous; indulging in excessive freedom;
LIEU (n) used chiefly in the phrase in lieu of; in place of, substitute;
LILLIPUTIAN (adj) a midget;
LIMBER (adj) agile; flexible; supple;
LIMBO (n) an uncertain or intermediate state; prison;
LIMN (v) to draw;
LIMPID (adj) clear; lucid; transparent;
LINEAGE (n) ancestry; family tree;
LINEAMENTS (n) distinguishing features especially on the face;
LINGUISTIC (adj) relating to languages or knowledge or the study of languages;
LIONIZE (v) to treat as a hero or celebrity;
LIQUIDATE (v) to clear off; to dispose off; to kill
LISSOM (adj) flexible; nimble; lithe;
LISTLESS (adj) indolent; languid; unconcerned; uninterested;
LITANY (n) a prayer of supplication;
LITERATI men of letters, the learned class
LITHE (adj) flexible; supple; limber;
LITIGANT engaged in a lawsuit
LITOTES (n) meiosis or understatement;
LIVID (adj) enraged; furious; extremely angry;
LOATH (adj) unwilling; averse; reluctant;
LOATHE (v) hate; abhor; detest; dislike intensely;
LODE (n) an open ditch; a reach of water;
LOFTY (adj) very high in position, character, manner or diction; high-minded; elevated;
LOITER (v) to linger; to dawdle;
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LOLL (v) to lie lazily about, to lounge or sprawl;
LONGEVITY (n) great length of life;
LOPE (v) to run with a long stride; to leap;
LOQUACIOUS (adj) talkative; verbose; garrulous;
LOTHARIO a seducer; a rake;
LOUT (n) an ill-mannered, aggressive or awkward man or youth; an idiot;
LUBRICITY (n) slipperiness; smoothness; instability;
LUCENT (adj) shining; bright;
LUCID (n) clear; understandable; comprehensible;
LUCRATIVE (adj) profitable; prosperous; well-paying;
LUCRE (n) riches; resources; funds; wealth;
LUDICROUS (adj) absurd; ridiculous; laughable;
LUGUBRIOUS (adj) mournful; dismal;
LULL (n) calm; quiet; soothe;
LUMINOUS (adj) giving light; shining; radiant; bright;
LUMINARY celestial body; celebrity; dignitary; notable;
LUNAR (adj) belonging to the moon; caused by the moon;
LUPINE (adj) of a wolf; like a wolf; wolfish;
LURID (adj) sensational; shocking; gruesome; horrifying;
LUSCIOUS (adj) delicious; appetizing; exceedingly sweet;
LUSTRE (n) shine; brightness; gloss;
LUSTROUS (adj) bright; shining; luminous;
LUXURIANT (adj) exuberant in growth; overabundant; profuse;

MACABRE (adj) gruesome; ghastly; grotesque;

MACERATE (v) to soften; to mortify;
MACHIAVELLIAN (adj) ruled by (esp political) expediency rather than morality; crafty, perfidious in
conduct or action;
MACHINATIONS (n) conspiracy; stratagem; scheme; plot;
MAELSTROM a particularly powerful whirlpool; a confused or disordered state of affairs;
MAESTRO a master, especially an eminent musical composer or conductor;
MAGNANIMOUS (adj) benevolent; generosity;
MAGNATE (n) an industrialist; a person of rank or wealth, or of power;
MAGNILOQUENT (adj) speaking in a grand or a pompous style; bombastic;
MAIM (v) injure; wound; lacerate; mutilate; disable;
MALADROIT (adj) incompetent; unskilful; clumsy;
MALAISE (n) despondency; uneasiness; weakness;
MALAPROPISM (n) the misapplication of words without mispronunciation;
MALCONTENT (n) a discontented or disaffected person; grumbler;
MALEDICTION (n) a curse; a calling down of evil; anathema;
MALEFACTOR (n) a criminal; an evil-doer; a lawbreaker;
MALEVOLENT (adj) wishing evil; malignant; venomous; ill disposed towards others;
MALICIOUS (adj) bearing ill-will or spite; motivated by hatred or ill-will;
MALIGN (v) defame; harm;
MALIGNANT (adj) harmful; malicious; venomous; baleful;
MALINGERER (n) a person who pretends or feigns sickness in order to avoid duty or work;
MALL (n) a public walk; a pedestrian shopping area or street;
MALLEABLE (adj) mouldable; ductile; able to be beaten, rolled, etc into a new shape;
MALODOROUS (adj) having an unpleasant or offensive smell;
MAMMON (n) riches regarded as the root of evil; possessions; wealth;
MAMMOTH (adj) huge; enormous; gigantic; massive;
MANACLE (v) handcuffed; shackled;
MANDATE (n) permission to govern according to declared policies, regarded as officially
granted by an electorate to a particular political party or leader upon the decisive
outcome of an election; command;
MANDATORY (adj) restricted; required; compulsory;
MANDARIN a small flattish deep-coloured orange with a loose skin
MANGY (adj) dirty; shabby; ragged;
MANIACAL (adj) insane; frenzied; crazed; mad;
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MANIFEST (adj) apparent; evident; obvious;
(n manifestation)
MANIFESTO (n) public written declaration of the intentions, opinions or motives of a sovereign or
of party or body;
MANIFOLD (adj) various; numerous; multiple;
MANIPULATE (v) to work with the hands; to handle or manage; to turn to one's own purpose or
MANNEQUIN a dummy figure, as used for display in shop windows, etc; a person, usually a
woman, employed to wear and display clothes;
MANUMIT (v) to release from slavery; to set free;
MARAUDER (n) outlaw; pirate; looter;
MARINER a sailor
MARITAL (adj) relating to a marriage;
MARITIME (adj) relating to seafaring or sea-trade; situated near the sea;
MARRED (adj) interfere; spoil; disfigure;
MARSUPIAL (n) a member of an order of mammals or animals whose young are born in a very
imperfect state and are usually carried in a pouch by the female;
MARTIAL (adj) belonging to the military; warlike;
MARTINET (n) a strict disciplinarian;
MARTYR a person who is put to death for refusing to renounce a faith or belief
MASOCHIST (n) pleasure, especially sexual pleasure, in being dominated or treated cruelly;
MASQUERADE (n) an assembly of people wearing masks, costumes; to disguise oneself by wearing
(v masqueraded)
MASTICATE (v) to chew; to knead mechanically, as in rubber manufacture;
MATERNAL (adj) motherly; of a mother; on the mother's side;
MATRIARCH a women who is the head of the family
MAUDLIN (adj) weakly sentimental; lachrymose; weeping;
MAUL (v) to injure by pawing or clawing; to handle roughly, batter or maltreat;
MAUNDER (v) to mutter; to grumble; to talk in a rambling, inconclusive way, to drivel;
MAUSOLEUM (n) a magnificent tomb or monument; a gloomy or spiritless place;
MAVERICK (n) eccentric; a person who does not conform, a determined individualist;
MAWKISH (adj) insipid; maudlin; sentimental; loathsome, disgusting;
MAXIM (n) a general principle, serving as a rule or guide; a pithy saying; a proverb; an
MAYHEM (n) malicious damage; maiming;
MEANDER (v) to wind about in a circuitous course; to form an intricate pattern;
MEDDLESOME (adj) intrusive; annoying; bothersome;
MEDIATE (v) to act as intermediary; to intervene; to intercede;
( n mediator)
MEDIOCRE (adj) average in quality, performance etc; rather inferior;
MEDITATION (n) the act of meditating; deep thought; serious continuous contemplation;
MEDLEY (n) a mingled and confused mass; combination; mixture;
MEGALOMANIA (n) the delusion that one is great or powerful; a passion for possessions on a
grandiose scale;
MÉLANGE (n) a mixture; a combination; a medley;
MELEE (n) a fight in which the combatabts become intermingled; a confused, noisy conflict;
an affray;
MELLIFLUOUS (adj) melodic; harmonious; smooth;
MEMENTO something kept or given as a reminder; remembrance; token;
MEMOIR a written record set down as material for history or biography;
MEMORIALIZE (v) to present a memorial to; to commemorate;
MÉNAGE (n) household; the management of a house;
MENDACIOUS (adj) inclined to be untruthful; lying;
MENDICANT (n) a beggar; a friar who depends on alms;
MENIAL (adj) pertaining toa train of servants or work of a humiliating or servile nature; servile;
MENTOR teacher; tutor; guide; a wise counsellor;
MERCANTILE (adj) relating to merchants; having to do with trade; commercial; mercenary;
MERCENARY (adj) greedy; avaricious; hired for money; sold or done for money;
MERCURIAL (adj) unpredictable; temperamental;
MERETRICIOUS (adj) flashy; gaudy; artificial;
MESMERIZE (v) to hypnotize; to fascinate; dominate the will or fix the attention of;
METAMORPHOSIS (n) change; transformation;
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METAPHOR (n) a figure of speech by which a thing is spoken of as being that which it only
METAPHYSICAL (adj) intellectual study; abstract; theoretical;
(n metaphysics)
METE (v) apportion; measure; dispense;
METEORIC (adj) remarkably rapid; transiently flashing like a meteor;
METHODICAL (adj) systematic; uniform;
METICULOUS (adj) scrupulously careful; overcareful;
METTLE (n) temperament; courage; spirit;
MEWS (n) a street or yard of stabling;
MIASMA (n) unwholesome air or atmosphere; foul vapours, eg from rotting matter;
MICROCOSM (n) an object, situation, etc contained within another and displaying all its
characteristics on a smaller scale, a miniature version;
MIEN (n) bearing; facial expression; look, manner;
MIGRANT (adj) a person or animal that migrates or is migrating;
MILIEU neighbourhood; environment; surrounding; setting;
MILITANT (adj) warlike; combative; aggressive;
MILITATE (v) to contend; to fight for a cause;
MILLENNIUM a thousand years; the thousand years after the second coming of Christ;
MILLINER a person who makes or sells women's hats
MINARET (n) a mosque tower, from which the call to prayer is given;
MINATORY (adj) threatening;
MINCING (adj) not speaking frankly or openly; speaking or walking with affected nicety; cut into
small pieces;
MINION (n) darling; favourite; assistant; a servile dependant;
MINSTREL a person who entertains patrons with singing, buffoonery, etc
MINUSCULE (adj) very small; very unimportant;
MINUTIAE (n) minute particulars or details;
MIRAGE (n) hallucination; illusion; vision;
MIRE (v) to plunge and fix in any problematical or ineluctable situation; trap;
MIRTH (n) merriness; pleasure; delight; gaiety; laughter;
MISADVENTURE (n) misfortune; mishap; bad luck;
MISALLIANCE an unsuitable alliance;
MISANTHROPE (n) a hater of mankind, someone who distrusts everyone else;
MISAPPREHENSION (n) taking in a wrong sense or understanding wrongly;
MISCEGENATION (n) inter-breeding, intermarriage or sexual intercourse between different races;
mixing of race;
MISCHANCE (n) badluck; mishap;
MISCONSTRUE to interpret wrongly; misunderstand; confuse;
MISCREANT (n) criminal; rogue; scoundrel; villain;
MISDEMEANOUR (n) bad conduct; a misdeed;
MISGIVINGS (n) doubt; suspicion; apprehension; a mistrust;
MISNOMER (n) a misnaming; a wrong or unsuitable name;
MISOGAMIST (n) one who hates marriage;
MISOGYNIST (n) one who hates women;
MISSIVE (n) that which is sent, as a letter; a messenger;
MITE (n) a small contribution proportionate to one's means; a very small amount;
MITIGATE (v) to l essen the severity, violence or evil of; to temper; to mollify, appease; to
MNEMONIC (adj) a device to help memory; the art of assisting memory;
MODE (n) system; practice; technique;
MODICUM (n) a small quantity; little;
MODISH (adj) fashionable; affectedly, foolishly or absurdly fashionable;
MODULATION (n) adjustment; change; modification;
MOGHUL (n) an influential person, a magnate;
MOLLIFY (v) to soften; to assuage; to appease; to soothe;
MOLLYCODDLE (v) to coddle; an effeminate man;
MOLT (v)
MOMENTOUS (adj) of great consequence; significant; important;
MONASTIC (adj) recluse; solitary; relating to masteries, monks, or nuns;
MONETARY (adj) relating to money; consisting of money;
MONGREL an animal, especially a dog, of a mixed breed;
MONOLITHIC (adj) of a single block of stone; massive and undifferentiated; relating to a monolith;
MONOLOGUE a soliloquy or speech by one person, or a composition intended to be spoken by
one person;
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MONOTHEISM (n) the belief in only one God;
MONOTONY (n) routine; tedious sameness or lack of variety; boredom;
MONUMENTAL (adj) enormous; massive; immense; impressive;
MOOR (n) a wide expanse of uncultivated ground; field;
MOOT (adj) arguable; debatable;
MORALITY morals; principles; standards; the doctrine of actions as right or wrong;
MORASS crisis; fix; entanglement;
MORATORIUM (n) an emergency measure authorizing the suspension of payments of debts for a
given time;
MORBID (adj) sickly; gruesome; ghastly; unwholesome;
MORDANT (adj) biting; sarcastic; caustic;
MORES ethics; ideals; principles;
MORGANATIC (adj) relating to a marriage between people of unequal rank;
MORIBUND in a stagnant or dying state; ailing; deteriorating;
MORON a very stupid or foolish person
MOROSE (adj) gloomy; sullen; melancholy;
MORTICIAN (n) an undertaker;
MORTIFY (v) humiliate; sacrifice;
MOSAIC anything composed by the piecing together of different things; the fitting together
in a design of small pieces of coloured marble, glass, etc;
MOTE (n) a particle of dust; anything very small;
MOTIF theme; concept; subject;
MOTLEY (adj) mixed; variegated; multicoloured;
MOTTLED (adj) spotted; blotchy;
MOUNTEBANK (n) a charlatan; a buffoon; a quack seller of remedies, etc;
MUDDLE (v) to confuse; to mix up, fail to distinguish between;
MUGGY humid; sultry;
MUGWUMP (n) a person of great importance, or one who thinks himself or herself to be so;
MULCT (v) to deprive; to swindle;
MULISH stubborn
MULTIFARIOUS (adj) various; multiple; diverse; many-faceted;
MULTILINGUAL (adj) of many languages; speaking several languages;
MUNDANE earthly; worldly; ordinary;
MUNIFICENT (adj) philanthropic; generous; magnificent liberality in giving;
MURKY (adj) nebulous; obscure; cloudy; foggy;
MURRAIN (n) a cattle-plague; a pestilence;
MUSE (n) to ponder; to contemplate;
MUSKY (adj) having the odour of musk;
MUSTER (v) to gather; to collect;
MUSTY (adj) deteriorated from disuse; spoiled by damp; stale; stuffy;
MUTABLE (adj) fickle, inconstant; variable; subject to change;
MUTED (adj) softened; not loud, harsh or bright;
MUTILATE (v) lacerate; to damage or spoil beyond recognition;
MUTINOUS (adj) rebellious, unsubmissive; ready or inclined to mutiny;
MYOPIC (adj) short-sighted;
MYRIAD (n) any immense number; abundance;

NADIR (n) the point of the heavens diametrically opposite to the zenith;
NAÏVE (adj) with natural or unaffected simplicity, especially in thought, manners or speech;
(n naïveté)
NAPE the back of the neck;
NARCISSIST (n) a person pined away for love of his own image; sensual gratification found in
one's own body;
NARCOTIC a substance including drowsiness, sleep, stupor, or insensibility
NASCENT (adj) budding; coming into being; beginning to develop;
NATAL connected with birth;
NATATION (n) swimming;
NAUSEATE (v) to feel nausea or disgust; to feel sick; loathe;
NAUTICAL (adj) relating to navigation, or to ships and sailors;
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NEAP (adj) of smallest range, of least difference between high and low points;
NEBULOUS (adj) unclear; ambiguous; vague; cloudy; hazy;
NECROMANCY the art of revealing future events by calling up and questioning the spirits of the
dead; enchantment; sorcery;
NEFARIOUS criminal; wicked; villainous;
NEGATION the act of saying no; denial; a negative proposition;
NEMESIS (n) punishment; adversary;
NEOLOGISM (n) a new word, phrase or doctrine;
NEOPHYTE (n) a novice in a religious order; a newly ordained priest;
NEPOTISM (n) favouritism; inequity; patronage;
NESTLE to lie or press close; to cuddle;
NETTLE (v) annoy; irritate; vex;
NEXUS (n) connection; link;
NICETY (n) a matter of delicate discrimination or adjustment; fineness;
NICHE a position in a field; a situation, place or condition appropriate for a person or
NIGGARDLY (adj) miserly; stingy;
NIGGLE (v) to trifle; to criticize in a petty way;
NIHILISH (n) belief in nothing; denial of all reality, or of all objective truth;
NIRVANA the cessation of individual existence; a blissful state;
NOCTAMBULISM a sleep walker
NOCTURNAL belonging to the night; happening, done, or active by night;
NOISOME (adj) disgusting or offensive to sight or smell; harmful to health;
NOMADIC (adj) wandering; vagabond;
NOMENCLATURE (n) a system of names; terminology;
NOMINAL (adj) formal; paltry; small;
NONAGE (n) immaturity; legal infancy, minority;
NONCOMMITTAL (adj) not committing oneself to any opinion or course of conduct; implying nothing;
NONENTITY (n) a person or thing of no importance; a thing which does not exist;
NONPLUS (v) to perplex completely, make uncertain what to say or do;
NOSEGAY (n) a bunch of fragrant flowers; a bouquet;
NOSTALGIA (n) homesickness; remembrance of old times; reminiscence of earlier time;
NOSTRUM (n) any secret, quack or patent medicine; any favourite remedy or scheme;
NOTARIZE to attest, to authenticate by a notary;
NOTORIOUS (adj) infamous; nefarious; disreputable;
NOVICE an amateur; a beginner; someone new in anything;
NOXIOUS (adj) poisonous; unwholesome; harmful;
NUANCE (n) a delicate or subtle degree or shade of difference;
NUBILE (adj) marriageable; sexually mature; sexually attractive;
NUGATORY (adj) futile; inoperative; trifling; ineffectual;
NULLIFY (n) to make null; to annul; to make void or of no force;
NUMISMATIST (n) one who has a collection of coins or medals; relating to money, coins or medals;
NUPTIAL (adj) relating to marriage; conjugal;
NURTURE (v) to educate; to bring up; to educate;
NUTRIENT (adj) nourishing; feeding;

OAF (n) a lout; an idiot; a dolt; a buffoon;
OBDURATE (adj) incalcitrant; unyielding; intractable; stubborn;
OBEISANCE (n) homage; reverence; respect;
OBESE (adj) abnormally fat; over-weight;
OBFUSCATE (v) obscure; muddle; darken; confuse;
OBITUARY an announcement of someone's death;
OBJECTIVE (adj) impartial; unprejudiced;
OBJECTIVE (n) ambition; goal; purpose;
OBJURGATE (v) to chide; to scold;
OBLATIONS anything offered in worship; an offering generally;
OBLIGATORY (adj) compulsory; binding; imposed as an obligation;
OBLIQUE (adj) not straightforward; indirect; slant; inclined;
OBLIQUITY (n) crookedness of outlook, thinking or conduct; irregularity; slanting direction;
OBLITERATE (v) to destroy; to demolish;
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OBLIVION (n) forgetfulness; a state of having forgotten;
OBLOQUY (n) disgrace; humiliation; shame;
OBNOXIOUS (adj) objectionable; offensive; revolting;
OBSCURE (adj) not easily understood; not clear or perspicuous; unknown; unfamiliar;
OBSCURE (v) to hide; to make doubtful;
OBSEQUIOUS (adj) fawning; servile;
OBSEQUY funeral rites and solemnities;
OBSESSION (n) craze; mania; the morbid persistence of an idea in the mind, against one's will;
OBSOLETE (adj) antiquated; outdated;
(n : obsolescence)
OBSTETRICIAN (n) a man or woman skilled in practising, or qualified to practise, obstetrics;
OBSTINATE (adj) unyielding; adamant; stubborn;
(n : obstinacy)
OBSTREPEROUS unruly; noisy; clamorous; making a loud noise;
OBTRUDE (n) to thrust oneself forward; unduly prominent, protruding or projecting;
(adj : obtrusive)
OBTUSE (adj) dull-witted; dumb; ignorant;
OBVIATE (v) to prevent or dispose of in advance; to forestall; to meet on the way;
OCCIDENT (n) the quarter of the sky where the sun, stars and planets set;
(adj : Occidental)
OCCLUDE (v) to stop or cover (a passage, cavity or opening); to cut or shut off;
OCCULT (adj) concealed; hidden; mysterious; supernatural;
OCULIST (n) a specialist in diseases and defects of the eye, an ophthalmologist;
(adj : ocular)
ODIOUS (adj) abhorrent; detestable; hateful; causing hatred;
(n : odium)
ODORIFEROUS (adj) emitting a smell;
ODYSSEY (n) a long wandering, or a tale of wandering;
OFFAL (n) waste or rejected parts, especially of a carcase;
OFFERTORY (n) the act of offering; the thing offered; the money collected at a religious service;
OFFICIOUS (adj) too forward in offering unwelcome or unwanted services; intermeddling;
OGLE (v) to stare greedily; to eye impertinently or lecherously;
OLFACTORY (adj) pertaining to or used in, smelling;
OLIGARCHY government by a small exclusive class; a small body of men who have the
supreme power of a state in their hands;
OMINOUS (adj) impending; threatening; portending evil;
OMNIPOTENT (adj) all-powerful; supreme; almighty;
OMNIPRESENT (adj) present everywhere at the same time;
OMNISCIENT (adj) all knowing; all-seeing;
OMNIVOROUS (adj) feeding on both animal and vegetable food; all-devouring;
ONEROUS (adj) burdensome; arduous; oppressive;
ONOMATOPOEIA (n) the formation of a word in imitation of the sound of the thing meant;
ONSLAUGHT (n) attack; assault;
ONUS (n) responsibility; burden;
OPALESCENT (adj) of milky iridescence;
OPAQUE (adj) dark; that cannot be seen through; vague;
OPIATE a drug containing opium or a substance with similar addictive or narcotic
OPPORTUNE (adj) convenient; timely; occurring at a fitting time;
OPPROBRIOUS (n) reproachful, insulting or abusive; infamous, disgraceful;
OPTIMIST (n) someone who maintains a hopeful, cheerful outlook;
OPTIMUM (adj) ideal; best; that point at which any condition is most favourable;
OPTOMETRIST (n) an ophthalmic optician; a person qualified to practise optometry;
OPULENCE (n) richness; affluence; conspicuous wealth; luxury;
OPULENT ostentatiously rich, wealthy, luxurious
OPUS (n) composition; creation; production; work;
ORACLE (n) revelator; prophet; a medium progeny of divine revelation;
ORDAIN (n) order; confer; to appoint;
ORDINANCE (n) regulation; a bye-law; that which is ordained by authority;
ORIENT (v) acclimate; accustom; familiarise; to acquaint;
ORIENTATION (n) the act of orientating; familiarising; introduction;
ORIFICE (n) a mouth-like opening;
ORISON (n) a prayer;
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OSMOSIS any process by which something is acquired by absorption
ORATOR a person making a speech
ORNATE (adj) decorated; adorned; fancy;
ORNITHOLOGIST an expert in the study of birds;
OROTUND (adj) full, round or sonorous; grandiloquent;
ORTHODOX accepted; conventional; traditional;
ORTHOGRAPHY (n) the art or practice of spelling words correctly;
OSCILLATE (v) to vary between certain limits; to fluctuate; vibrate; to swing to and fro like a
OSSIFY (v) rigid; hardened; inflexible;
OSTENSIBLE (adj) supposed; seeming, our outwardly apparent;
OSTENTATIOUS (adj) pretentious; showy;
OSTRACISE to exclude from society or from one's social group; to banish; to cast out;
OUST (v) expel; remove; dismiss;
OVERT (adj) open to view, not concealed; evident; apparent; clear;
OVERWEENING (adj) arrogant, conceited; inflated, excessive;
OVINE (adj) sheep-like; relating to sheep;
OVOID (adj) egg-shaped;

PACHYDERM (n) a thick skinned animal;
PACIFIST (n/adj) a person who is opposed to war;
PADDOCK (n) the enclosed area where horses are paraded and mounted before a race;
PAEAN (n) a song of thanksgiving or triumph;
PAGEANT (n) ceremony; extravaganza; parade; procession;
PALAEONTOLOGY (n) the study of fossils;
PALATABLE (adj/adv) appetizing; mouth-watering; delicious;
PALATIAL (adj) grand; elegant; luxurious;
PALAVER (n/v) a talk or discussion; idle copious talk;
PALETTE (n) a little board or plate on which a painter mixes colours;
PALL (n/v) melancholy; to weaken or weary;
PALLET (n) a small or poorly furnished bed; a mattress, or couch, properly a mattress of
PALLIATE (v) justify; mitigate; alleviate; reduce;
PALLID (adj) pale; tedious; dull; wan;
PALPABLE (adj) noticeable; apparent; perceptible;
PALPITATE (v) to beat rapidly; to pulsate; to pump; to throb;
PALTRY (adj) meagre, mean; petty; trifling;
PANACEA (n) a cure for all things;
PANACHE (n) plume; distinction; splendour; style;
PANDEMIC (adj) affecting a whole people, epidemic over a wide area;
PANDEMONIUM (n) any very disorderly or noisy place or assembly; tumultuous uproar;
PANDER (v) to minister to the passions; to indulge, gratify;
PANEGYRIC (n) a eulogy; laudation;
PANJANDRUM (n) an imaginary figure of great power and self-importance;
PANOPLY (n) a complete armour; a full suit of armour;
PANORAMA (n) tableau; perspective; a wide or complete view;
PANTOMIME (n/v) a play or an entertainment in mime; a situation of fuss, farce or confusion;
PAPYRUS (n) the paper-reed;
PARABLE (n) a fable or story told to illustrate some doctrine or moral point;
PARADIGM (n) an example; model;
PARADOX (n) a contradictory statement; something which is apparently absurd but is or may
be really true;
PARAGON (n) a model of perfection or supreme excellence;
PARALLELISM (n) similarity; the state or fact of being parallel; resemblance in corresponding
PARAMETER (n) limit; boundary; demarcation;
PARANOIA (n) anxiety; fear; suspicion; a form of mental disorder characterized by constant
PARANOIAC (n) a victim of paranoia;
PARAPET (n) a long wall or edge along the side of a roof; a wall to protect soldiers from the fire
of an enemy in front;
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PARAPHERNALIA (n) belongings; baggage; equipment;
PARAPHRASE (n/v) expression of the same thing in other words;
PARASITE (n) sycophant; blood-sucker;
PARCHED (adj) very dry; very thirsty;
PARE (v) to cut; to reduce; to cut off the outer surface or edge of;
PAREGORIC (n) a medicine that soothes pain;
PARIAH (n) a person of low or no cast;
PARITY (n) equality in status; parallelism;
PARLANCE (n) speaking; conversation;
PARLEY (n/v) conference; discussions; to confer;
PARODY (n/v) satirical imitation; mockery;
PAROLE (n/v) conditional release of a prisoner;
PAROXYSM (n) a fit of acute pain; any sudden violent action; a fit of passion, laughter, coughing
PARRICIDE (n) the murder of a parent or near relative;
PARRY (n/v) to keep off; to turn aside; to deflect or avert;
PARSIMONIOUS (adj) miserly; avaricious; niggardly;
PARTIAL (adj) not total or entire; relating to a part only; fractional;
PARTIALITY (n) favourism; inclination to favour to one person or party;
PARTISAN (adj) biased; prejudiced; adherence; partial;
PARTURITION (n) the act of giving birth;
PARVENU (n) someone newly risen into wealth, notice or power; an upstart;
PASSE (adj) out of date; no longer fashionable;
PASTORAL (adj) relating to rural life or country side;
PATHOLOGY (n) the study of diseases or of the changes in tissues or organs that are associated
with disease;
PATHOS (n) the quality that arouses pity; sympathy; feeling;
PATOIS (n) regional spoken dialect; jargon;
PATRIMONY (n) an inheritance from a father or from ancestors;
PATRON a person who gives financial or other support to a person
PAUCITY (n) lack; scarcity; shortage;
PAUPER a person without means, beggar
PECUNIARY (adj) relating to money; consisting of money; monetary;
PEDAGOGUE (n) a teacher; a pedant;
PEDANT (n) intellectual; scholar; a pedagogue; a person who values academic learning too
PEDESTAL (n) the support of a column, statue, vase etc;
PEDESTRIAN (n/adj) on foot; related to walking; flat or commonplace;
PAEDIATRICIAN (n) an expert in the treatment of children's diseases;
PEDIMENT (n) a triangular structure crowning the front of a building;
PEJORATIVE (adj) degrading; derogatory; disparaging;
PELL - MELL (adj/adv) helter-skelter; confusedly; headlong;
PELLUCID (adj) perfectly clear; transparent;
PENANCE (n) atonement; repentance;
PENCHANT (n) a liking or inclination;
PENDANT (n) anything hanging (mostly ornament);
PENDENT (adj) hanging; drooping;
PENITENT (adj) sorrow for past sin and feeling a desire to reform; contrite; repentant;
PENDULOUS (adj) hanging loosely; swinging freely; suspended from the top;
PENITENTIARY (n) penal and reformatory; relating to penance;
PENNANT (n) banner; a long narrow flag; a signalling or identifying flag;
PENNATE (adj) feathered; winged;
PENSIVE (adj) expressing thoughtfulness with sadness; meditative;
PENURIOUS (adj) miserly; parsimonious; stingy;
PENURY (n) poverty; want; destitution;
PERAMBULATE walk through
PERCEPTIVE capable of perceiving, sensitive, discerning
PERCUSSION (n) striking; impact;
PERDITION utter loss or ruin; hell;
PEREMPTORY (adj) final; admitting no refusal or denial;
PERFIDIOUS (adj) faithless; treacherous; unfaithful, deceitful;
PERFORCE (adv) of necessity; by force;
PERFUNCTORY (adj) done merely as a duty to be got through; acting without zeal or interest; merely
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PEREGRINATION (n) travelling about; wandering; a sojourn abroad;
PEREMPTORY (adj) final; ultimate; arrogantly commanding;
PERENNIAL (adj) growing constantly; perpetual; undying; continual;
PERFIDIOUS (adj) deceitful; unfaithful; faithless; treacherous;
PERFIDY (n) faithlessness;
PERIGEE (n) the point of the moon's, or any artificial satellite's, orbit at which it is nearest the
PERIMETER (n) boundary; the outer edge of an area;
PERIPATETIC (adj) walking about; itinerant;
PERIPHERY (n) a surrounding region; the outside of anything;
PERIPHRASIS (n) circumlocution; round-about expression;
PERIQUE (n) a strongly-flavoured tobacco;
PERITRICH (n) a bacterium bearing a ring of cilia around the body;
PERJURY (n) false swearing; dishonesty;
PERLUSTRATE (v) to traverse and inspect;
PERMEABLE (adj) allowing through the pores; penetrable; porous;
PERMEATE (v) to pass through the pores of; to penetrate; to pervade;
PERNICIOUS (adj) deadly; detrimental; destructive; highly injurious;
PERNOD (n) an alcoholic drink flavoured with aniseed;
PERORATION (n) the conclusion of a speech, a summing up; a rhetorical performance;
PERPETRATE (v) to commit; to execute;
PERPETUAL (adj) continuously blooming; never ceasing; endless;
PERQUISITE (N) an incidental benefit from one's employment; benefit apart from salary;
PERSEVERANCE (n) continued application to anything which one has begun; the act of persevering;
PERSIFLAGE (n) banter; flippancy;
PERSONABLE (adj) of good appearance, attractive; easy to get on with, likeable; friendly;
PERSONA MUTA (n) a character in an opera who neither speaks nor sings;
PERSONA NON GRATA a person who is not acceptable or disliked;
PERSPICACIOUS (adj) astute; perceptive; keen;
PERSPICUITY (n) the state of perspicuousness;
PERT (adj) open; unconcealed; impudent;
PERTINACIOUS (adj) thoroughly tenacious; holding obstinately to an opinion or a purpose;
PERTINENT (adj) related; appropriate; suitable; fitting;
PERTURB (v) upset; bother; to disturb greatly; to agitate;
PERUSAL read or study thoroughly or carefully
PERUSE (v) to read attentively or critically; to study; to examine in detail;
PERVADE (v) to pass through; to diffuse; to permeate;
PERVERSE (adj) mulish; irascible; recalcitrant; stubborn;
PESADE (n) a dressage manoeuvre in which a horse rears up on its hind legs without forward
PESSIMISM (n) a tendency to look on the dark side of things; suspicion; discouragement;
PESTILENTIAL (adj) of the nature of pestilence; destructive; pestering;
PETRIFY (v) to fix in fear, horror, amazement etc; frighten; to encrust with stony matter;
PETTLE (v) to pet;
PETTY (adj) small; of little or less importance; trivial; small-minded;
PETULANT (adv) showing impatience; irritative; peevish; surly;
PHARAOH (n) a title of the kings of ancient Egypt;
PHENOBARBITONE (n) a sedative and hypnotic drug;
PHENOMENA (n) events that may be observed; happenings; incidents;
PHIAL (n) a container for liquids;
PHILANDER (v) to flirt or have casual affairs with women;
PHILATELIST (n) the collection and study of postage stamps
PHILANTHROPIST (n) someone who tries to benefit mankind;
PHILOLOGY (n) the science of language especially of its historical development, historical
PHLEGMATIC (adj) languid; lethargic; sluggish; unemotional;
PHOBIA (n) fear; aversion; anxiety; worry;
PHYSIOGNOMY (n) the art of judging character from appearance; the general appearance of
PHYSIOLOGICAL (adj) relating to the science of processes of life in animals and plants;
PICARESQUE (adj) the tales of a rogue and vagabond life;
PIEBALD (adj) black and white in patches; heterogeneous;
PIED (adj) variegated like a magpie; of various colours;
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PILLAGE (n/v) loot; rob; to plunder;
PINION (v) to confine by holding or binding the arms;
PINNACLE (n) the highest point; summit; acme;
PIONEER an initiator of a new enterprise, an inventor etc
PIOUS (adj) religious; sanctimonious; devout; faithful;
PIQUANT (adj) pungent; spicy; appetizing; stimulating;
PIQUE (n/v) animosity or ill-feeling; a feeling of anger or vexation caused by wounded pride;
PISCATORIAL (adj) fishing; relating to fish or fishermen;
PITHY (adj) sententious and masterful; concise;
PITTANCE (n) a miserable wage; a very small portion or quantity;
PLACATE (v) pacify; assuage; to calm; to mollify;
PLACID (adj) displaying calmness of nature, not easily disturbed or angered; serene;
PLAGIARIZE (v) to steal from (the writings or ideas of another); forge; lift;
PLAINTIVE (adj) pathetic; sad; sorrowful; mournful;
PLANGENT (adj) resounding, resonant; resounding mournfully;
PLATITUDE (n) an empty remark made as if it were important; banality; flatness;
PLATONIC (adj) spiritual; idealistic; incorporeal;
PLAUDITORY (adj) applaudable; praise bestowed, enthusiastic approval;
PLAUSIBLE (adj) logical; feasible; possible;
PLEBEIAN (adj) of the common people; common;
PLEBISCITE (n) an ascertainment of general opinion on any matter; a direct vote of the whole
nation or of the people on a special point;
PLENARY (adj) full; absolute; complete; to be attended by all members or delegates;
PLENIPOTENTIARY (n) having or conferring full powers; person invested with full powers;
PLENITUDE (n) fullness; completeness; plentifulness;
PLETHORA (n) plenty; abundance; in large amounts;
PLUMB (n/adj) a heavy mass hung on a string to show a vertical line, or for some other purpose;
to hold vertically;
PODIATRIST (n) a specialist in the treatment of the disorders of the foot;
PODIUM (n) a platform; dais;
POIGNANT (adj) intense; touching; pathetic; stinging;
POLEMIC (n) argument; controversy;
POLITIC (adv) judicious; prudent; discreet;
POLITY (n) political organisation; a body of people organised under a system of government;
POLTROON (n) a despicable coward;
POLYGAMIST (n) one who marries more than one person at a time;
POLYGLOT (n/adj) related to speaking or writing many languages; one who speaks or writes many
PONDEROUS (adj) heavy; weighty; bulky;
PONTIFICATE pretend to be infallible, be pompously dogmatic
PORE (n/v) opening; orifice; a minute passage or interstice, especially the opening of a
PORPHYRY (n) a very hard, variegated rock of a purple and white colour, used in sculpture;
PORTEND (v) to warn of as something to come; to forecast; to indicate;
PORTENT (n) an evil omen; the quality of being portentous, ominousness;
PORTENTOUS (adj) ominous; prodigious; threatening;
PORTLY (adj) having a dignified bearing or mien; stout;
POSTERITY (n) succeeding generations; successors; future generations;
POSTHUMOUS (adj) born after the father's death; published after the author's or composer's death;
POST PRANDIAL (adj) after dinner;
POSTULATE (n/v) fundamental principle; hypothesis; submit;
POTABLE (adj) fit to drink;
POTENTATE (n) a powerful ruler; a monarch;
POTENTIAL (n) ability; talent; capability;
POTION (n) a draught of liquid medicine; elixir; brew;
POTPOURRI (n) a fragrant mixture of dried petals, leaves etc used to scent a room; a literary
production of uncomposed parts; a miscellany;
POULTICE (n) a hot semi-liquid mixture spread on a bandage and applied to the skin to reduce
PRACTICABLE (adj) capable of being done; carried out or accomplished, feasible;
PRACTICAL (adj) realistic; pragmatic; useful;
PRAGMATIC (adj) fundamental; basic; realistic; sensible;
PRATE (v) to talk boastfully or insolently; to talk foolishly or sententiously;
PRATTLE (v) to talk idly and volubly; to utter baby talk;
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PREAMBLE (n) an introduction; a preface; a prologue; a prelude;
PRECARIOUS (adj) unstable; uncertain; depending on chance; insecure; delicate;
PRECEDENCE (n) the act of going before in time; priority; the fact of being before in rank;
PRECEDENT (n/adj) the original of a copy; model; preceding; former; previous;
PRECEPT (n) a rule of action; an instruction in moral conduct; principle; an axiom; law;
PRECEPTOR a teacher or instructor
PRECINCT (n) a division for police or electoral purposes; a place around a building;
PRECIOSITY (n) fastidious over-refinement;
PRECIPICE (n) a high vertical or nearly vertical cliff or rock face;
PRECIPITATE (v/n/adj) to accelerate; to hurl headlong; abrupt; hasty; hurried; a substance separated
from solution or suspension, falling and settling at the bottom as a solid deposit;
PRECIPITATION (n) the amount of rainfall; impulsive action; great hurry;
PRECIPITOUS (adj) steep; sheer;
PRÉCIS (n) an abstract; a summary;
PRECISE (adj) definite; accurate; exact;
PRECISION (n) the quality of being precise; exactness; accuracy;
PRECLUDE (v) to hinder by anticipation, counteract in advance; to prevent; to stop; to curb; to
PRECOCIOUS (adj) strikingly advanced or mature in mental development, speech, social behaviour,
PRECURSOR (n) a forerunner, herald or harbinger; a predecessor;
PREDATORY (adj) killing and feeding on others;
PREDECESSOR (n) the person who preceded one in one's job or position;
PREDILECTION (n) preference or special liking; fondness; attraction;
PRE-EMINENT (adj) distinguished; notable; prominent;
PRE-EMPT (v) to secure by pre-emption; to forestall or thwart;
PREFATORY (adj) introductory; serving as a preface or introduction;
PREHENSILE (adj) capable of grasping or holding;
PRELUDE (n) preface; anything said as a way of introduction; an event that precedes and
prepares the ground for one more momentous;
PREMEDITATE (v) to plan or think out beforehand;
PREMIER the first in importance, order, or time, of earliest creation
PREMONITION (n) a feeling that something is going to happen before it actually does;
PREMONITORY (adj) conveying a warning or premonition;
PREPONDERANCE (n) excess in number; weighing more;
PREPONDERATE (v) to ponder beforehand;
PREPOSTEROUS (adj) utterly absurd; contrary to the order of nature or reason;
PREROGATIVE (n) a privilege that is exclusive to a person, group, etc; a right arising out of one's
rank, position or office;
PRESAGE (v) to portend; to forebode; to foretell;
PRESCIENCE (n) fore-knowledge; foresight;
PRESENTIMENT (n) a premonition or foreboding;
PRESTIGE (n) dignity; status; position;
PRESUMPTUOUS (adj) tending to presume; impertinently bold;
PRETENTIOUS (adj) pompous; showy, ostentatious; snobbish;
PRETERNATURAL (adj) abnormal; out of the ordinary course of nature;
PRETEXT (n) excuse; reason;
PREVAIL (v) to win through; to have a edge over; to persuade; to influence;
PREVARICATE (v) to avoid stating the truth or coming directly to the point; to lie;
PRIM (adj) formal; nicely dressed; prudish;
PRIMOGENITURE (n) the right of inheritance of the first-born child; the circumstance of being first-born;
PRIMA - DONNA (n) a person, especially a woman, who is temperamental, over-sensitive and hard to
PRIME (n/adj) adulthood; the best part; the chief minister of a state; chief; first in order of rank
or importance;
PRIMORDIAL (adj) existing from the beginning; original; rudimentary;
PRIMP (v) to tidy or smarten; to dress; to adorn;
PRISTINE (adj) original; primitive; fresh, clean; untouched; undefiled;
PRIVATION (n) destitution; poverty; the state of being deprived of something;
PRIVY (n) familiar; inmate; a lavatory, especially in its own shed or outhouse;
PROBATION (n) a preliminary time to allow suitability or unsuitability; testing;
PROBE (n/v) to examine searchingly; investigate; investigation; inspection;
PROBITY (n) honour; character;
PROBLEMATIC (adj) of the nature of a problem; complex; questionable;
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PROBOSCIS (n) a trunk or long snout; a trunk-like process such as the suctorial mouth-parts of
some insects; a nose;
PROCLIVITY (n) inclination; propensity;
PROCRASTINATE (v) to put off what should be done immediately; to defer action;
PROCTOR an officer at certain universities, appointed annually and having mainly
disciplinary functions
PROD (v) to goad; to provoke; to poke;
PRODIGAL (adj) extravagant; lavish; wasteful;
PRODIGIOUS (adj) more than usually large in size or degree;
PRODIGY (n) a person or thing that causes great wonder; a child of precocious genius or
PROFANE (n/v/adj) debase; desecrate; blasphemous;
PROFLIGATE (adj) dissolute; lascivious; prodigal; extravagant;
PROFUSION (n) the state of being profuse; extravagance; prodigality;
PROGENITOR (n) an ancestor; a forefather;
PROGENY (n) offspring; descendants;
PROGNATHOUS (adj) with a projecting jaw;
PROGNOSIS (n) a forecasting or forecast, especially of the course of a disease;
PROGNOSTICATE (v) to foretell; to indicate the coming of;
PROJECTILE (n/adj) a missile; a body projected by force;
PROLETARIAT (n) the poorest labouring class; the wage-earning class;
PROLIFIC (adj) reproductive; abundant; producing many works;
PROLIX (adj) long and wordy;
PROMENADE (n/v) a walk, ride or drive, for pleasure, show or gentle exercise;
PROMISCUOUS (adj) abandoned; careless; confusedly or indiscriminately mixed;
PROMISE (n/v) an undertaking to do or keep from doing something;
PROMONTORY (n) a high cape; a projection, ridge or eminence;
PROMULGATE (v) to announce publicly; to put into effect by proclamation; to make widely known;
PRONE (adj) liable; apt; likely;
PROPHYLACTIC guarding against disease; something that prevents disease;
PROPAGATE (v) to breed; to multiply; to spread from one to another;
PROPELLANT (n) something which propels;
PROPENSITY (n) inclination; liking;
PROPINQUITY (n) nearness;
PROPITIATE (v) appease; pacify; to render favourable;
PROPITIOUS (adj) favourable; auspicious;
PROPOUND (v) to offer for consideration;
PROPRIETY (n) appropriateness; seemliness; decency; conformity with good manners;
PROPULSIVE (adj) of a force causing forward movement;
PROROGUE (v) to postpone; to prolong;
PROSAIC (adj) relating to prose; routine; ordinary; everyday;
PROSCENIUM (n) the front part of the stage;
PROSCRIBE (v) to prohibit; to disallow; to outlaw; to ban;
PROSELYTIZE (v) to convert;
PROSELYTE (n) someone who has changed from one religion or opinion to another;
PROSPECTS (n) outlooks on the probable future; chances;
PROSPECTUS (n) synopsis; an outline of the plan; an account of the organisation; report;
PROSPER (v) thrive; succeed; progress;
PROSPEROUS (adj) affluent; rich; wealthy;
PROSODY (n) the study of versification;
PROSTRATE (v) lying or bent with one's face on the ground; lying at length, with the body
stretched out; lying at someone's mercy;
PROTAGONIST (n) the chief actor, character or combatant;
PROTEAN (adj) readily assuming different shapes; variable; inconstant;
PROTÉGÉ a pupil; a ward; someone under the protection or patronage of another person;
PROTOCOL (n) the regulations, customs, etiquette, etc to be observed by any group or on any
PROTOTYPE (n) the first or original type or model from which anything is copied; pattern;
PROTRACT (v) to postpone; to lengthen in time; to prolong;
PROTRACTED prolong or lengthen in space
PROTRUDE (v) to thrust or push out or forward; to obtrude; to extend;
PROVENANCE (n) source;
PROVENDER (n) dry food for animals such as hay or corn;
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
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PROVIDENT (adj) farsighted; thoughtful; prudent; thrifty;
PROVINCIAL (adj) relating to a province; local;
PROVISIONAL (adj) conditional; temporary; adopted on the understanding that it may be changed
PROVISO (n) any condition; clauses; a provision or condition in a deed or other writing;
PROVOKE (v) to excite with anger; to irritate; to incite;
PROXIMITY (n) very nearby; immediate nearness in place, relationship etc;
PROXY (n) representative; substitute;
PRUDE (n) a person of priggish or affected modesty; a puritan; someone who has or
pretends to have extreme propriety;
PRUDENT (adj) cautious; careful; judicious; economical;
PRUNE (v) to remove anything superfluous from; to cut; reduce;
PRURIENT (adj) having an unhealthy interest in sexual matters; arousing sexual interest;
PSEUDONYM (n) a fictitious name assumed eg.. by an author; alias;
PSYCHE (n) nature; the soul, spirit or mind;
PSYCHIATRIST (n) a person who is medically qualified to treat diseases of the mind;
PSYCHOPATHIC (adj) pertaining to psychopathy or the behaviour or condition of a psychopath;
PSYCHOSIS (n) a serious mental disorder; mental confusion and a lack of insight on the part of
the patient into his or her condition;
PTERODACTYL (n) a fossil flying reptile with large and bird-like skull, long jaws, and a flying
membrane attached to the long fourth digit of the forelimb;
PUEBLO (n) a communal habitation of the Indians of New Mexico, etc;
PUERILE (adj) childish; juvenile; pertaining to children;
PUGILIST (n) a boxer;
PUGNACIOUS (adj) given to fighting; combative; belligerent; quarrelsome;
PUISSANT (adj) powerful;
PULCHRITUDE (n) beauty;
PULMONARY (adj) of the lungs or respiratory cavity; leading to or from the lungs;
PULSATE (v) to beat, throb; to change repeatedly in force or intensity;
PUMMEL (v) to beat, pound or thump, especially with the fists;
PUNCTILIOUS (adj) scrupulous and exact; attentive to etiquette and punctilios;
PUNDIT (n) any learned person;
PUNGENCY (n) bitter; acrid; keenly touching the mind;
PUNITIVE (adj) of punishment;
PUNY (adj) trivial; petty;
PURBLIND (adj) nearly blind; dim-sighted;
PURGATORY (n) purifying; cleansing; expiatory;
PURGE (n/v) to purify; to empty the bowels frequently;
PURLOIN (v) to lift; to snatch; to steal;
PURPORT (n/v) gist; the meaning conveyed; to give out as its meaning; intention;
PURVEYOR (n) someone whose business is to provide food or meals;
PURVIEW (n) field of activity or view; range; scope;
PUSILLANIMOUS (adj) cowardly; gutless; lacking firmness or determination;
PUTATIVE (adj) reputed;
PUTREFY (v) to cause to rot; decay;
PUTRID (adj) rotten; wretchedly bad; stinking;
PYRE (n) a pile of combustible material for burning a dead body;
PYROMANIA (n) an obsessive urge to set light to things;
PYROMANIAC (n/adj) one who has obsessive urge to set light to things;

QUACK (n) a charlatan; someone who claims, and practices under the pretence of having,
knowledge and skill that he or she does not possess;
QUADRUPED (n) a four-footed animal;
QUAFF (v) to drink or drain in large draughts; to drink deeply;
QUAGMIRE (n) a difficult problematic situation;
QUAIL (v) to flinch; to fail in spirit;
QUAINT (adj) pleasantly odd; whimsical; charmingly old-fashioned;
QUALIFIED (adj) limited; restricted;
QUALMS (n) a misgiving; apprehension; reservation;
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Tel : 040–27898194/95 Fax : 040–27847334 email : website : V01/47
QUANDARY (n) dilemma; a state of perplexity; confusion;
QUARANTINE (n) a time of compulsory isolation to prevent spread of contagion or infection; any
period of enforced isolation;
QUARRY (n) a hunted animal; a hunter's heap of dead game;
QUAY (n) a landing place; a wharf for the loading or unloading of vessels; a dock;
QUEASY (adj) uneasy; feeling as if about to vomit; causing nausea;
QUELL (v) extinguish; crush; subdue;
QUERULOUS (adj) complaining;
QUIBBLE (v) argument on unimportant details; to raise irrelevant or petty objections;
QUIESCENT (adj) inactive; resting; still;
QUINTESSENCE (n) epitome; the pure concentrated essence of anything;
QUIP (n) a short, clever remark; a wisecrack; a fanciful jest or action;
QUIRK (n) a sudden turn, or flourish;
QUIXOTIC (adj) extravagantly romantic in ideals or chivalrous in action; fanciful;
QUIZZICAL (adj) mocking; amusing; comical;
QUORUM (n) a minimum number of persons necessary for transaction of business in any body;

RABBI a Jewish scholar or teacher

RABID (adj) affected with disease (esp. rabies); raging; fanatical;
RACONTEUR (n) a teller of anecdotes;
RAGAMUFFIN (n) a ragged, disreputable child;
RAILLERY (n) mockery; banter; teasing;
RAIMENT (n) clothing; apparel; attire;
RAKISH (adj) lascivious; lively;
RAMIFICATION (n) branching; situation or problem;
RAMPAGE (v) to rush about wildly; to storm;
RAMPANT (adj) prevailing; widespread; excessive; uncontrollable; epidemic;
RAMPART (n) a flat-topped defensive mound; that which defends;
RAMSHACKLE (adj) badly constructed or organised, etc; tumbledown;
RANCID (adj) rank in smell or taste, as of butter or oil that is going bad;
RANCOUR (n) animosity; bitterness; deep-seated enmity; virulence;
RANSACK (v) to search thoroughly; to plunder; to pillage; to loot;
RAPACIOUS (adj) living by taking prey; grasping; greedy for gain;
RAPPROCHEMENT (n) drawing together; establishment or renewal of cordial relations;
RAREFIED (adj) of less dense; refinable;
RASPY (adj) grating; rough; scratchy;
RATIOCINATION (n) reasoning;
RAUCOUS (adj) hoarse, harsh; loud;
(n: raucousness)
RAUNCHY (adj) coarsely or openly sexual; lewd;
RAVAGE (v) destroy; pillage;
RAVENOUS (adj) intensely hungry;
RAVISH (v) delight; overcome;
(adj : ravishing)
RAZE (v) to demolish; to lay level with the ground; to flatten;
REALM (n) kingdom; domain; province, region;
REBATE (n) discount; reduction;
REBUFF (n) snub; unexpected refusal or rejection;
REBUKE (v) to reprove sternly; to admonish;
REBUT (v) to disprove; to refute; to invalidate;
RECALCITRANT (adj) disobedient; refractory; rebellious; stubborn;
RECANT (v) to revoke a former declaration; to retract;
(n : recantation)
RECAPITULATE (v) to go over again the chief points of;
(n : recapitulation)
RECESSION (n) a slight temporary decline in a country's trade; slow down; withdrawal;
(adj : recessionary)
RECIDIVISM (n) the habit of relapsing into crime;
(adj : recidivistic)
RECIPROCAL (adj) mutual; complementary; acting in return;
(v : reciprocate)
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RECKONING (n) computation; calculation; a tavern bill;
RECLUSE (n) a religious devotee who lives shut up in a cell; a hermit; a person who lives
retired from the world;
(adj : reclusive)
RECONDITE (adj) abstruse; profound; obscure; hidden;
(n : reconditeness)
RECONNAISSANCE (n) a preliminary survey; reconnoitring;
RECONNOITER make a reconnaissance of (an area, enemy, position, etc)
RECOUP (v) to make good; to recover;
RECOURSE (n) to go to for help; access; resort; flowing back;
RECREANT (n) an apostate; a craven; a traitor;
RECRIMINATION (n) countercharge; act of accusing in return; retaliation;
(adj : recriminatory)
RECTITUDE (n) integrity; uprightness; straightness;
RECUMBENT (adj) resting against the anatomical structure from which it extends;
RECUPERATE (v) to recover;
(n : recuperation)
REDEEM buy back, save or rescue or reclaim, fulfil a promise
REDOLENT (adj) smelling; scented; fragrant; suggestive; reminiscent;
(n : redolence)
REDOUBTABLE (adj) formidable; valiant;
REDRESS (n) compensation; relief; reparation;
REDUNDANT (adj) superfluous; excessive; workers no longer needed;
(n : redundancy)
REFERENDUM (n) the principle or practice of submitting a question directly to the vote of the entire
REFRAIN1 (v) avoid doing; forbear, desist
REFRAIN2 (n) a recurring phrase or number of lines, esp. at the end of stanzas
REFRACTORY (adj) unruly; unmanageable;
(adv : refractorily)
REFULGENT (adj) radiant; beaming; glittering;
(n : refulgence)
REFURBISH (v) to renovate; to brighten up;
REGAL (adj) kingly; royal; dignified;
(adv : regally)
REGALE (v) to entertain; to treat; to amuse;
REGATTA (n) a yacht or boat race meeting;
REGENT a person appointed to administer a state because the monarch is a minor or is absent
or incapacitated
REGICIDE (n) the killing or killer of a king;
REGIMEN (n) government; administration; course of treatment, such as a prescribed
combination of diet, drugs etc;
REHASH (v) something made up of materials formerly used;
REIMBURSE (v) to repay; to pay an equivalent to for loss or expense;
(n : reimbursement)
REITERATE (v) to repeat again and again;
(n : reiteration)
REJUVENATE (v) to restore to activity; to make young again;
(n : rejuvenation)
RELEGATE (v) to consign (to a unimportant place or position); to refer for decision or action;
(n : relegation)
RELINQUISH (v) to let go; to give up;
RELISH (v) enjoy; to like the taste of;
REMINISCENCE (n) recollection; an account of something remembered; the recurrence to the mind
of the past;
(adj : reminiscent)
REMISS (adj) negligent; inattentive; careless;
(n : remissness)
REMONSTRATE (v) to make a remonstrance; to demonstrate;
(n : remonstrance)
REMORSE (n) feeling of regret and guilt for wrong-doing; compunction; pity;
(adj : remorseful)
REND (v) to tear asunder with force; to split;
RENDEZVOUS (n) a meeting by appointment; appointed meeting place;
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RENEGADE (n) a person who betrays or deserts a principle, party or religion;
RENEGE (v) to deny; to refuse; to withdraw;
REPARATION (n) compensation;
REPATRIATE return to one's own native land
REPERCUSSION (n) driving back; reverberation; reaction or consequence;
REPERTOIRE (n) a performer's or company's repertory;
REPINE (v) to feel discontent; to murmur; to grudge;
REPLENISH (v) to restock; to refill;
(n : replenishment)
REPLETE (adj) filled; filled to satiety; full;
(n : repletion)
REPLICA (n) a model; a duplicate; a facsimile;
(v : replicate)
REPOSITORY (n) a place of accumulation;
REPREHENSIBLE (adj) blameworthy; disgraceful; shameful;
(n : reprehend)
REPRIEVE (n) deferment; stay; interval of ease or relief; a suspension of a criminal sentence;
REPRIMAND (v) to reprove severely; to scold;
REPROBATE (n) rogue; villain;
REPUDIATE (v) disclaim; reject; rescind;
(n : repudiation)
REPUGNANCE (n) aversion; inconsistency;
(adj : repugnant)
REQUITE (v) to compensate for; to retaliate on;
(n : requital)
RESCIND (v) to annul; to cancel;
(adj : rescindable)
RESILIENCY (n) the quality of being resilient; recoil;
(adj : resilient)
RESONANT (adj) resounding;
(n : resonance)
RESPLENDENT (adj) shining, brilliant and splendid;
(n : resplendence)
RESTITUTION (n) repair; compensation;
RESTIVE (adj) uneasy, as if ready to break from control; restless;
(n : restiveness)
RESUSCITATE (v) to bring back to life or conscious; to revive;
RETICENT (adj) quiet; reserved or communicating sparingly or unwillingly;
(n : reticence)
RETINUE (n) a body of people accompanying and often attending an important person;
RETRACTION (n) drawing back;
(v : retract)
RETRENCH (v) to cut down expenses;
(n : retrenchment)
RETRIBUTION (n) requital; punishment;
(adj : retributive)
RETROACTIVE (adj) applying to or affecting things past; operating backward;
RETROGRADE (adj) moving or directed backward; reverting;
(v : retrogress)
RETROSPECTIVE (adj) an exhibition, etc presenting the life's work of an artist; looking back;
(n : retrospection)
REVELRY (n) revelling; partying;
REVERBERATE (v) to echo; to resound;
(adj : reverberant)
REVERE (v) to regard with a high respect; honour;
(n : reverence)
REVILE (v) to assail with bitter abuse; to use abusive language;
REVULSION (n) abhorrence; loathing; a sudden change or reversal;
RHAPSODIZE (v) to piece together; to recite in rhapsodies;
(adj : rhapsodic)
RHETORIC (n) false, showy, artificial, or declamatory expression;
(adj : rhetorical)
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RIBALD (adj) vulgar; obscene; coarse; derisive;
RIFE (adj) prevalent; common; current;
RISQUÉ (adj) audaciously bordering on the unseemly;
RISIBLE (adj) able or inclined to laugh; ludicrous;
ROSTRUM (n) a platform for public speaking, etc; a raised platform on a stage;
ROTE (n) mechanical memory, repetition or performance without regard to the meaning;
ROUTE a way or course taken in getting from a starting point to a destination
RUDIMENTARY (adj) fundamental; a first principle; an organ that never develops beyond an early
(n : rudiment)
RUEFUL (adj) sorrowful; piteous; mournful;
(n : ruefulness)
RUMINATE (v) to meditate;
(n : rumination)
RUMMAGE (v) a thorough search; an overhauling search;
RUSE (n) a trick; stratagem, artifice;
RUSTIC (adj) of a country; like that of a country people; rural;
(n : rusticity)

SACRILEGE (n) profanation or disregard of anything holy; desecration;

(adj : sacrilegious)
SACROSANCT (adj) inviolable; protected by sacred or quasi-sacred rules;
SAGA (n) a series of novels dealing with the history of a family; a long, detailed story;
SAGACIOUS (adj) clever; cunning; discerning and judicious; wise;
(n : sagacity)
SALACIOUS (adj) lustful; lecherous; arousing lustful or lecherous feelings;
(n : salaciousness)
SALIENT (n/adj) prominent; outstanding; striking;
SALLOW (adj) pale; colourless;
(n : sallowness)
SALUBRIOUS (adj) health-giving, promoting well-being; pleasant;
(n : salubrity)
SALUTARY (adj) wholesome; containing, bringing, etc a timely warning;
(n : salutariness)
SALVAGE (v) to recover; to save from danger of loss or destruction;
SANCTIMONIOUS (adj) simulating holiness;
(n : sanctimony)
SANGFROID (n) coolness, composure, self-possession;
SANGUINE (adj) optimistic; hopeful; bloody;
(n : sanguineness)
SAPID (adj) relishing, exhilarating; having a perceptible or decided taste; savoury;
SAPIENT (adj) wise; learned; sagacious;
SARCASM (n) language expressing scorn or contempt, often but not necessarily ironical;
derision; ridicule;
(adj : sarcastic)
SARDONIC (adj) heartless or bitter; mockingly scornful;
SARTORIAL (adj) of or relating to a tailor, tailoring, dress;
SATIATE (v) to satisfy to excess; to gratify;
SATIRE (n) a literary composition, essentially a criticism of folly or vice, which it holds up to
ridicule or scorn; irony;
SATURNINE (adj) gloomy; phlegmatic; grave;
SAVOIR-FAIRE (n) the faculty of knowing just what to do and how to do it; tact;
SAVOR (v) taste; distinctive quality of something;
(adj : savory)
SCANTY (adj) meagre; skimpy; lacking fullness;
SCHISM (n) a breach in the unity;
SCINTILLATE (v) to be dazzlingly impressive or animated; sparkle; to talk wittily;
SCION (n) child; offspring; heir; a young member of a family;
SCOFF (v) to jeer at; to feed quickly or greedily;
SCOURGE (n) a cause of widespread affliction; calamity;
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SCRUPULOUS (adj) careful; meticulous; captious;
SCURRILOUS (adj) characterised by vulgar or obscene humour; indecently abusive and unjustifiably
SCUTTLE (v) to make a hole in, or open the lids in order to sink; to destroy, ruin;
SECEDE (v) to withdraw;
(n : secession)
SECLUSION (n) the act of being secluded; isolation; solitude;
(adj : secluded)
SECULAR (adj) lay, not concerned with religion; pertaining to things not spiritual; carnal;
SEDATE (adj) calm; serene; dignified or staid;
(n : sedateness)
SEDENTARY (adj) sitting much and taking little exercise; inactive; requiring much sitting;
(n : sedentariness)
SEDITION (n) insurrection; public speech or actions intended to promote disorder;
(adj : seditious)
SEDULOUS (adj) painstaking; assiduous or diligent;
(n : sedulousness)
SEMANTICS (n) the area of linguistics dealing with the meaning of words;
(adj : semantic)
SEMBLANCE (n) an outward appearance; likeness; an apparition;
SENILE (adj) characteristic of or accompanying old age;
(n : senility)
SENSUOUS (adj) alive to the pleasures of sensation; pertaining to the senses without implication
of lasciviousness;
(n : sensuousness)
SENTENTIOUS (adj) abounding in maxims; full of meaning; aphoristic;
(n : sententiousness)
SEQUACIOUS (adj) ready to follow a leader or authority; compliant;
SEQUESTER (v) to confiscate; to seclude; to set apart;
SERENDIPITY (n) fortune; coincidence; luck; accident;
SERENITY (n) calm; unruffled;
(adj : serene)
SERPENTINE (adj) snakelike; winding; tortuous;
SERRATED (adj) with sharp forward-pointing teeth; notched like a saw;
(n : serration)
SERVILE (adj) fawning; grovelling; humble; menial;
(n : servility)
SEVERANCE (n) division; separation; partition;
SHACKLE (v) constraint; hamper; a prisoner's ankle-ring or wrist-ring or the chain connecting
a pair;
SHAM (v/n/adj) to feign; to pretend; false; a hoax; an imposture;
SHAMBLES (n) a butcher's market stall; a slaughter-house; a mess or muddle;
SHIBBOLETH (n) catch-phrase; trademark; a slogan;
SHIMMER (v) shine; to gleam tremulously; to glisten;
SHODDY (adj) inferior and pretentious; cheap and nasty;
(n : shoddiness)
SIBLING (n) a person who has both parents in common with oneself, a brother or sister;
SIBYLLINE (adj) of a prophetess, witch or female fortune-teller; prophetic books;
SIDEREAL (adj) of, like, or relating to the stars;
SILT (n) fine sediment deposited by a body of water;
SIMIAN (adj) of the apes; apelike;
SIMILE (n) a figure of speech in which a person or thing is described by being explicitly
likened to another;
SIMPER (v) to smile in a silly, weak or affected manner;
(adj : simpering)
SIMULATE (v) to feign; to fake; to re-create the conditions of, for the purposes of training or
(adj : simulated)
SINECURE (n) an office without work, a cushy job;
SINEQUANON (Latin) an indispensable condition;
SINEWY (adj) relating to physical strength, muscle;
SINISTER (adj) malign; corrupt; misleading; villainous;
SINUOUS (adj) bending in a supple manner; curvy; serpentine;
SKEPTIC (n) a person who tends to disbelieve; a person who doubts prevailing doctrines, esp.
in religion;
(adj : skeptical)
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SKINFLINT (n) a very niggardly person;
SKITTISH (adj) playful; lively; volatile; changeable;
(n : skittishness)
SKULDUGGERY (n) underhand malpractices;
SLANDER (n) a false or malicious report; defamation whether written or spoken;
(adj : slanderous)
SLATTERN (n) a dirty, untidy or slovenly woman;
(adj : slatternly)
SLEAZY (adj) cheap; shabby;
(n : sleaziness)
SLEIGHT (n) juggling trick; an artful trick; dexterity;
SLITHER (v) to slide, especially on the belly;
(adj : slithery)
SLOTH (n) laziness; sluggishness; lethargy;
(adj : slothful)
SLOUGH (n) a marsh; a hollow filled with mud; to cast off (esp. skin);
SLOVENLY (adj) a person carelessly or dirtily dressed; shabby;
(n : sloven)
SLUGGARD (n) a person who is habitually inactive;
SLUICE (n) a floodgate or Watergate; a structure with a gate for stopping or regulating flow
or water;
(v : sluiced)
SNIVEL (v) to whimper or cry; to utter with snivelling;
(adj : snivelling)
SOBER (adj) not drunk; temperate; restrained; quiet in colour; sombre;
(n : sobriety)
SOBRIQUET (n) a nickname; an assumed name;
SOJOURN (n/v) to stay for a day; to dwell for a time; a temporary residence;
SOLACE (n) consolation, comfort in distress; calm; cheer;
(v : solacing)
SOLECISM (n) a breach of syntax or a nonstandard grammatical usage;
SOLEMN (adj) grave; depressing; ceremonious; formal; holy; religious;
(n : solemnity)
SOLICIT (v) to make advances so as to win custom; to seek after; to extract gently;
SOLILOQUY (n) an act of talking to oneself;
SOLVENT (adj/n) able to pay all debts;
SOMBRE (adj) dark and gloomy; melancholy; serious; grave;
(n : sombreness)
SOMNAMBULIST (n) a person walking in sleep;
SONOROUS (adj) sounding loudly; sounding impressively;
SOOTHE (v) to calm, comfort; to allay, soften; to placate;
(adj : soothing)
SOPHOMORE (n) a second year student;
SOPORIFIC (n/adj) a sleep-inducing agent; drowsy; sleepy;
(adv : soporifically)
SORDID (adj) miserable; depraved; dirty; filthy; corrupt; mean;
(n : sordidness)
SPASMODIC (adj) intermittent;
SPATE (n) a flood; a sudden rush or increased quantity;
SPECIOUS (adj) plausible, but wrong or inaccurate in reality;
SPLENETIC (adj) bad-tempered, irritable or irritated; melancholy;
SPORADIC (adj) occurring here and there or now and then; scattered;
SPURIOUS (adj) not genuine; false; forged;
SPURN (v) to reject with contempt; disdainful rejection;
SQUALID (adj) dirty; filthy; dilapidated; uncared-for, unkempt; sordid and dingy;
STAID (adj) dignified; serious; often implying a dull or boring quality;
STALEMATE (n) an inglorious deadlock;
STALWART (adj) stout, strong, sturdy; determined or committed in support or partisanship;
STAMINA (n) sustained energy, staying power, whether physical, mental or emotional;
STATUS-QUO the existing condition, unchanged situation;
STATUTE (n) the act of a corporation or its founder, intended as a permanent rule or law; a
law; an act;
STENTORIAN (adj) loud, powerful, carrying;
STEREOTYPED (adj) fixed, unchangeable as opinions;
(n : stereotype)
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STILTED (adj) laboured and unnatural; stiff and pompous;
STOIC (n) uncomplaining in suffering; indifferent to pleasure or pain;
STOLID (adj) impassiveness; showing little or no interest; unemotional;
STRAIT (n) narrow part, place or passage by water;
STRIDENT (adj) loud and grating; harsh; piercing;
STRINGENT (adj) rigorous; tight; binding; difficulty in finding money;
STUPEFY (v) to stun with amazement; to make stupid or senseless; to become stupid or dull;
STUPENDOUS (adj) tremendous; massive; astounding;
STYMIE (v) baffle; confuse;
SUAVE (adj) polite, sophisticated and smoothly affable;
(n : suavity)
SUBJECTIVE (adj) individual; personal; influenced by or derived from personal taste or opinion and
lacking impartiality;
SUBJUGATE (v) conquer; crush; to bring under power or domination;
(n : subjugation)
SUBSIDIARY (adj) subordinate; axillary; tributary;
SUBSTANTIATE (v) to prove or confirm; to authenticate;
SUBTERFUGE (n) deceit; fraud; stratagem; trick;
SUCCINCT (adj) brief and precise; concise; direct;
SUCCOUR (n) aid; assistance; help; support;
SUCCUMB (v) to give way or sink under pressure, difficulty, temptation, etc; to yield;
SUFFRAGE (n) voice; the right or power to vote; a vote;
SUFFUSE (v) to spread over or through, or cover; to permeate;
SULLY (v) to soil; to tarnish; to mar or stain; to pollute or defile;
SUMPTUOUS (adj) magnificently luxurious; costly;
SUNDER (v) to separate; to part;
SUPERANNUATED retired; a pensioner; relating to retirement, pension;
SUPERCILIOUS (adj) arrogant; proud; egoistic;
SUPERFLUITY (n) the state of being superfluous; above what is enough;
(adj : superfluous)
SUPERIMPOSE (v) to set on the top of something else; to place one over another;
(n : superimposition)
SUPERNUMERARY (n) over and above the stated, usual, normal or necessary number;
(adj : supernumeraries)
SUPERSEDE (v) to replace; to set aside in favour of another, supplant;
SUPPLANT (v) to oust; to supersede; to surpass and take the place of;
SUPPLE (adj) flexible; lithe; adaptable;
SURFEIT (v) excess; overabundance; to feed or fill to satiety or disgust;
SURMISE (v) to imagine; to suspect; to guess;
SURMOUNT (v) to overcome; to surpass; to be on or go to the top of;
SURREPTITIOUS (adj) clandestine; stealthy; hidden; done by stealth or fraud;
SURROGATE (n) a substitute; a person who fills the role of another in one's emotional life;
SURVEILLANCE (n) a watch kept over someone or something, by the police; vigilant supervision;
SVELTE (adj) attractively slim; slender and graceful;
SWATHE (v) to bind round, envelop; to bandage;
SWELTER (v) to sweat copiously or feel faint or oppressed by heat; to endure great heat;
SYBARITE (n) a person devoted to luxury; pertaining to luxury;
SYCOPHANT (n) a servile flatterer; bootlicker;
SYLLOGISM (n) a clever, subtle or specious argument; a deductive reasoning;
SYLVAN (adj) of woods or woodland; wooded, tree-lined; romantically rural, Arcadian;
SYNCHRONOUS (adj) simultaneous; contemporary; keeping time together;

TABBY (n) a gossiping, interfering woman; a girl or woman;

TABLEAU (n) moment or scene in which the action is 'frozen' for dramatic effect; suddenly
created dramatic situation;
TABLOID (n) anything in a concentrated form, a summary;
TABOO general prohibition; restriction; forbidden;
TACIT unexpressed; unspoken; silent;
TACITURN uncommunicative; disinclined to speak; reticent;
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TACKY shabby; dilapidated;
TACTICS (n) system; method; approach;
TACTILE perceptible by touch; relating to the sense of touch;
TAFFY flattery, blarney;
TAINT stain or blemish; a contaminating or corrupting influence;
TALION (n) retaliation;
TALISMAN an object supposed to be induced with magical powers and able to protect, bring
good fortune, etc to the possessor; an amulet or charm;
TALON an ogee moulding; a hooked claw or finger;
TAME domesticated; gentle; obedient;
TAMPER to interfere unwarrantably or damagingly; to meddle; to have secret or corrupt
TANDEM together or in conjunction;
TANGIBLE perceptible by the touch; capable of being possessed or realized; material,
TANGLE entangle; disorder; jumble; to involve in;
TANTALIZE to entice or provoke frustratingly; to torture or tease laboriously into unnatural
TANTAMOUNT equivalent; identical; equal in value or meaning;
TANTRUM a sudden fit of childish, uncontrolled bad temper or rage;
TAPER a feeble light; a wax-candle; narrow; to become gradually smaller towards one
TAPESTRY an ornamental textile used for the covering of walls and furniture, etc, made by
passing coloured threads or wools through a fixed-warp fabric;
TAPPICE to hide; to lie low;
TARADIDDLE nonsense; a fib, a lie;
TARDY slow; sluggish; too long delayed; behindhand;
TARIFF (n) a customs duty levied on particular goods; a list or set of customs duties;
TARNISH (v) discolour; diminish the lustre of, ect by exposure to the air, etc; to dull;
TARRY (v) to linger; to delay; to wait; to loiter;
TASH (v) to blemish; to disarray; to disfigure;
TASKMASTER a person who imposes a task or burden
TATTLE (n) idle talk; chatter; gossip; blab;
TAUNT (v) to goad or provoke in a wounding way; to reproach sarcastically;
TAUTOLOGY use of words that repeat something already implied in the same statement;
TAWDRY (adj) showy without taste or worth; gaudily adorned;
TAXIDERMY the act of preparing, stuffing and mounting the skins of animals and birds so that
they present a lifelike appearance;
TECHNOPHILE an enthusi ast about new technology
TECHNOPHOBE a person who fear, dislikes, or avoids new technology
TEDIOUS (adj) tiresomely long; long-winded; montonous; boring;
TEETOTALLER a total abstainer from alcoholic drink;
TELOS aim; purpose, ultimate end;
TELLER a person employed to receive and pay out money in a bank, a person who
counts, a person who tells stories
TEMPERATE avoiding excess, self restrained, moderate
TEMERITY (n) rashness; unreasonable contempt for danger;
(adj : temerous)
TEMPEST a violent wind storm; a violent commotion or agitation;
TEMPORAL (adj) lasting for a short time; worldly;
TEMPORIZE (v) to comply with the demands of the moment, yield to circumstances; to use
delaying tactics behave so as to gain time;
TENABLE (adj) capable of being retained, kept or defended;
TENACITY determination; firmness;
TENEBROUS (adj) dark; gloomy;
TENET a doctrine; principle;
TENUOUS thin; slender; insubstantial; rarefied;
TENURE time of holding; the holding of an appointment in a university or college for an
assured length of time after a period of probation;
TEPID moderately or lukewarm; lacking enthusiasm, half-hearted;
TERMAGANT brawling, scolding woman;
TERMINATE to bring to an end; to come to an end;
TERRAIN area; region; ground; territory;
TERRESTRIAL (n/adj) of, or existing on, the earth; living or growing on land or on the ground;
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TERRIBLE (adj) dreadful; inspiring fear, terror; awful;
TERSE (adj) brief; concise; compact;
TESTATOR (n) a person who leaves a valid will at death; a will;
TESTIFY (v) to bear witness; to make a solemn declaration;
TESTY (adj) irritable;
TETHER (n) fasten; a rope or chain for confining an animal within certain limits;
THANATISM (n) belief that the soul dies with the body;
THATCH (n) a covering or covering material of straw, reeds, heather, palm-leaves etc;
THAUMATURGIST (n) one who performs magic tricks using sleight-of-hand;
THAW (n) to melt or grow liquid; to soften;
THEISM (n) belief in the existence of God with or without a belief in a special revelation;
THEOCRACY (n) the constitution of a state in which God is regarded as the sole sovereign;
THESAURUS (n) a book with systematically arranged lists of words and their synonyms, antonyms,
etc, a word-finder;
THESPIAN of or relating to tragedy or drama
THEW (n) a custom; manner;
THRENODY (n) an ode or song of lamentation, especially for the dead;
THRIFT (n) frugality; economy;
THRIVE to prosper; to be successful, flourish; to grow;
THROB palpitate; pulsate; beat;
THROE (n) pain; a pang especially a birth-pang;
THRONG (n) a crowd; mass; a great multitude;
THROTTLE (n) to choke by pressure on the windpipe; to strangle; gag;
THRUST (v) force; drive; the force produced by the engine to move the aircraft forward;
THWART (adv) obstruct; prevent;
THYROID (n) a ductless gland in the neck which secretes thyroxin;
TIARA (n) a richly jewelled semicircular head-ornament worn by women; the pope's triple
TIC (n) a convulsive twitching of certain muscles, especially of the face;
TIFF (n) a slight quarrel; an altercation;
TIMBER wood suitable for building or carpentry;
TIMBRE the quality of a sound, as opposed to pitch and loudness;
TIMID inclined to fear; lacking courage; faint-hearted;
TINGE (v) trace; tint; shade; to impart a slight modification or trace to;
TINY (adj) very small;
TINNY of or like tin, flimsy, insubstantial (of a metal object)
TIPPLE (v) to drink constantly in small quantities; to booze;
TIPTOP (n) the extreme top; the height of excellence; of the highest excellence;
TIRADE (n) a long vehement or angry harangue; vituperative;
TITAN (n) anything gigantic;
TITTER (n) a stifled laugh;
TITTLE - TATTLE petty gossip
TOADY (v) a sycophant; an obsequious flatterer;
TOCSIN (n) an alarm-bell;
TODDLE (n) to walk with short feeble steps; an aimless stroll;
TOLERATE (v) to endure with patience or forbearance; to bear; to suffer;
TOME (n) a large book or volume;
TORPID (adj) having lost the power of motion and feeling; sluggish; lethargic;
TORPOR inactivity; dullness; stupidity;
TORRENT (n) a rushing stream; a variable mountain stream;
TORTUOUS (adj) full of twistings and windings; far from straightforward; circuitous;
TOTALITARIAN (adj) a characteristic of or a form of government that includes control of everything
under one authority, and allows no opposition;
TOUCHY temperamental; sensitive; irascible;
TOURNIQUET any appliance for compressing an artery to stop bleeding; a turnstile;
TOXIC (adj) poisonous; unhealthy;
TRACTABLE (adj) obedient; submissive; easily managed or taught;
TRAGEDY (n) disaster; catastrophe; any event involving death or killing;
TRAIPSE to trail; to trudge;
TRAIT a characteristic or distinguishing feature; a quality;
TRAMMEL (n) anything that confines or hinders;
TRANQUIL calm; peaceful;
TRANSCRIBE make a copy of esp in writing
TRANSIENT of short duration, impermanent;
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TRANSIT (n) the conveyance or passage of things or people over, across or through a
TRANSLUCENT shining through; imperfectly transparent; clear; lucid;
TRANSMUTE change the form, nature, or substance
TRANSPOSE a cause to change place
TRAUMA the state or condition caused by a physical or emotional shock; an injury;
TRAVAIL labour in child birth; excessive labour; suffering;
TREACHEROUS (adj) betrayal; misleadingly inviting in appearance; not to be trusted;
TREATISE (n) a written composition especially one treating a subject formally or systematically;
TREK (v) to make a long hard journey, usually on foot; an expedition;
TRENCHANT (of a style or language etc) incisive, terse, vigorous
TREPIDATION (n) trembling; anxiety; worry; apprehension; alarmed agitation; panic;
TRITE (adj) worn-out; hackneyed; banal; stereotyped;
TRIVIAL (adj) insignificant; of little importance;
TROTH (n) faith, fidelity;
TROUBLE SHOOTER a mediator in industrial or diplomatic etc. disputes,
a person who traces and corrects faults in machinery etc.
TRUANT (n) an idler; someone who, idly or without excuse, absents himself or herself from
TRUCULENCE (n) aggression; belligerence; hostility;
TRUISM a self-evident truth; fact;
TRUMPERY (n) showy and worthless stuff; ritual foolery; rubbish;
TRUNCATE amputate; to cut short;
TRYST meetings; an appointment to meet; a cattle-fair;
TUMULT (n) a state of violent and confused emotion; violent commotion with uproar;
TURBID muddy; cloudy; disordered;
TURGID (adj) pompous; bombastic; inflated; swollen;
TURMOIL (n) unrest; tumult; disquiet;
TURNKEY (n) an under-jailer;
TURPITUDE (n) baseness; depravity;
TUSSLE (n) a sharp struggle;
TUTELAGE (n) tuition; guardianship; state of being under a guardian;
TWADDLE (n) a senseless or tedious uninteresting talk;
TWEAK (n) to twitch or pinch; to pull or twist with sudden jerks;
TWEED (n) a rough woollen cloth much used for men's suits; a predominantly upper-class,
outdoor type;
TWERP a silly or contemptible person;
TWILIGHT (n) the faint light after sunset and before sunrise; a period of decay following a
period of success;
TWINGE (n) to affect with a momentary pain; a pinch; a sudden short shooting pain;
TWIRL (v) to spin; to whirl; to twist; to coil; to turn;
TWIT (n/v) to upbraid; to taunt; a reproach; a fool;
TWITTER a tremulous chirping;
TYCOON a business magnate;
TYKE a rough mannered person, child; a dog;
TYPHOON a violent cyclonic storm; a whirlwind;
TYPOGRAPHY the art or style of printing, or of using type effectively;
TYRANT (n) a ruler who uses power arbitrarily and oppressively; an absolute ruler; an
TYRO a beginner; a novice;

UBIQUITOUS (adj) to be found everywhere;

UKASE (n) any arbitrary decree from any source;
ULTERIOR (adj) beyond what is stated or apparent; concealed; undisclosed;
ULTIMATUM (n) a last offer or demand; a last word;
UMBRAGE (n) offence; suspicion of injury;
UNANIMITY (n) agreement without anyone's dissenting;
UNASSUAGED (adj) unabated; undiminished;
UNASSUMING (adj) making no assumption; unpretentious, modest;
UNBRIDLED (adj) not bridled; unrestrained;
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UNCANNY (adj) weird, supernatural; much greater than one would expect from an ordinary
human being;
UNCONSCIONABLE unscrupulous; outrageous, inordinate;
UNCOUTH (adj) ungraceful; uncultured in manners or language; unknown; rude;
UNCTION (n) ointment; warmth of address; that which is anointing;
UNCTUOUS (adj) offensively suave and smug; full of unction;
UNDERMINE (v) to weaken gradually or insidiously;
UNDULATE (v) to move like or in waves; to vibrate;
UNEARTH (v) discover; expose; to bring out of obscurity, bring to light;
UNEARTHLY (adj) weird, ghostly; unconscionable; absurd;
UNEQUIVOCAL (adj) explicit; clear and emphatic; straightforward;
UNERRING (adj) making no error, infallible; faultless;
UNFALTERING (adj) steady; without stumbling;
UNFLEDGED (adj) undeveloped or inexperienced; of early youth;
UNGAINLY (adj) awkward; clumsy;
UNGUENT (n) ointment; lotion; balm;
UNILATERAL (adj) one-sided; on one side;
UNIMPEACHABLE ) blameless; free from fault;
UNINHIBITED (adj) unreserved; unrestricted;
UNIQUE (adj) found solely in, belong solely to; rare; individual; distinctive;
UNISON (n) a sound of the same pitch; complete agreement;
UNKEMPT (adj) uncombed; messy; scruffy;
UNMITIGATED (adj) not mitigated; unqualified;
UNOBTRUSIVE (adj) inconspicuous; modest;
UNPRECEDENTED) of which there has been no previous instance;
UNRULY (adj) unmanageable; turbulent;
UNSAVORY (adj) offensive; disagreeable; disreputable;
UNSCATHED (adj) not harmed or injured;
UNSEEMLY (adj) inappropriate; ill-looking;
UNSULLIED (adj) without a spot or tarnish; unpolluted;
UNTENABLE (adj) not tenable; not defensible;
UNTOWARD (adj) unlucky; unfitting; unfavourable; unexpected; inconvenient;
UNWITTING (adj) unaware; without knowing; unintentional;
UNWONTED (adj) unusual; unaccustomed;
UPBRAID (v) scold; criticise; to reproach or chide; to adduce in reproach;
UPSHOT the conclusion of an argument; the general affect; the outcome, final result;
UPSTART a person who has risen suddenly to prominence
URBANE (adj) pertaining to or influenced by a city; courteous; smooth-mannered;
URBANITE a dweller in a city or town
URCHIN (n) a mischievous child; a child;
URSINE (adj) bear like; of a bear;
USURER a person who practices the act of lending money at interest
USURP (v) seize; to take possession of by force, without right, or unjustly;
USURY (n) the taking of interest on a loan; interest;
UTOPIA (n) any real or imaginary state or place believed to be ideal, perfect, excellent;
UXORIOUS (adj) excessively or submissively fond of a wife;

VACILLATE (v) to hesitate; to waver; to be unsteady;

VACUOUS (adj) blank; expressionless; empty;
VAGABOND (n) a person who wanders without settled habitation; an idle wanderer;
VAGARY (n) a digression or rambling; a caprice;
VAGRANT (adj) nomadic; wandering;
VAINGLORIOUS (adj) boastful; proud; given to, or proceeding from, vainglory;
VALEDICTORY (adj) saying farewell; of or for a leave-taking;
VALET a man's personal attendant who looks after his clothes
VALIDATE (v) to certify; to confirm, substantiate, verify;
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VALOUR (n) courage; bravery; intrepidity;
VAMPIRE (n) a dead person that leaves the grave to drink the blood of the living;
VANDAL a person who willfully or maliciously destroys or damages property etc
VANGUARD (n) the foremost of an army, etc; the forefront; those who lead the way or anticipate
VANTAGE (n) advantage; opportunity;
VAPID (adj) insipid; dull; flat; boring;
VARIEGATED (adj) diversified with colours in patches; multicoloured;
VASSAL (n) a person holding land from a feudal superior in return for homage and loyalty;
VAUNTED (adj) of boasted;
VEER (v) to change the direction; to change course especially away from the wind; to
VEGETATE (v) to live an inactive, almost purely physical, or dull life; idle;
VEHEMENT (adj) marked by, or evincing, an urgency and forcefulness born of strong conviction;
forceful; intense;
VELLUM (n) a fine kind of parchment; a manuscript, etc printed or written on vellum;
VENDETTA (n) a blood-feud; any similarly prolonged, violent, etc feud or quarrel;
VENAL (adj) corrupt; open to bribery;
VENEER (n) layer; covering; to disguise with superficial refinement;
VENERABLE (adj) aged-looking; worthy of reverence; respected; honourable;
(v : venerate)
VENIAL (adj) pardonable; excusable; permissible;
VENISON (n) deer's flesh as food;
VENT (n) express; verbalise; discharge; emit;
VENTRAL (v) on the upper side; on the side normally turned towards the ground;
VENTRILOQUIST (n) one who has the art of speaking so as to give the illusion that the sound comes
from some other source;
VENTUROUS (adj) adventurous; daring;
VENTURESOME (adj) inclined or willing to take risks; involving the taking of risk;
VENUE (n) a meeting-place; the chosen location for a concert, etc;
VERACIOUS (adj) truthful;
VERBALIZE (v) to put in words; to use too many words, be prolix;
VERBATIM (adv) by word of mouth; word for word, using exactly the same words;
VERBIAGE (n) superfluity of words, verbosity; prolixity;
VERBOSE (adj) containing more words than are desirable; wordy;
VERDANT (adj) green; grassy; flourishing;
VERGE (n) edge; point;
VERDIGRIS (n) the green coating of basic cupric carbonate that forms in the atmosphere on
copper, brass, or bronze;
VERISIMILITUDE (n) the quality of seeming real or true, an appearance of truth or reality;
VERITY (n) something that exists, a reality; authenticity; truth;
VERMICULAR (adj) like a worm; caused by intestinal worms;
VERNAL (adj) fresh and youthful; happening or appearing in spring;
VERNACULAR (n) of the jargon or idiom of a particular group; indigenous, native, spoken by the
people of the country or of one's own country;
VERSATILE (adj) capable of many uses; all-purpose;
VERTEX (n) the point opposite to the base; the top or summit;
VERTIGINOUS (adj) producing dizziness; giddy; relating to vertigo;
VERVE (n) enthusiasm; spirit, energy;
VESTIGE (n) a surviving trace of what has almost disappeared;
VETERAN a person who has grown old in or had long experience of esp. military service or
an occupation
VEX (n) annoy; irritate; disturb; harass;
VIABLE (adj) capable of surviving; possible;
VIANDS (n) an article of food; food;
VICARIOUS (adj) not experienced personally but imagined through the experience of others;
VICISSITUDE (n) change of fortune; mutation;
VICTUALS (n) food;
VIE (v) to put forward in competition; to stake;
VIGILANCE (n) security; guard; watchfulness; alertness;
VIGNETTE (n) a character sketch, a word-picture;
VILIFY (v) to disparage; to defame;
VINDICATE (v) to acquit; to clear from criticism; to clear;
VINDICTIVE (adj) revengeful; spiteful;
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VIRAGO (n) a violent or bad-tempered woman;
VIRILE (adj) manly; masculine;
VIRTUAL (adj) effective; in effect, though not in fact;
VIRTUOSO (n) master; expert; an artist of the highest technical skill;
VIRULENT (adj) deadly; hostile; malicious; extremely infectious; highly poisonous or malignant;
VISAGE (n) features; face; an outward appearance;
VISCERAL (adj) having to do with the more earthy feelings and emotions; instinctive or intuitive,
not cerebral or rational;
VISCID (adj) semi-fluid; sticky; glutinous; clammy and covered with a sticky secretion;
VISIONARY (adj) fanciful, not real; chimerical; idealistic;
VITIATE (v) to make ineffectual, invalid or inconclusive; to spoil;
VITREOUS (adj) glassy; pertaining to, consisting of or like glass; glass-green in colour;
VITRIOLIC (adj) expressing intense ill-will; biting scathing;
VITUPERATE revile, abuse
VIVACIOUS (adj) lively, full of vitality;
VIVISECTION (n) merciless and minute examination or criticism; the act or practice of making
surgical operations on living animals for the purposes of physiological research or
VIXEN a female fox; a bad-tempered woman;
VOCIFEROUS (adj) noisy; boisterous; making a loud outcry;
VOGUE (n) fashion; style; trend;
VOLATILE (adj) unstable; explosive; inflammatory;
VOLITION (n) decision; the act of willing or choosing; will; choice;
VOLUBLE (adj) fluent in speech; talkative, verbose; wordy;
VOLUMINOUS (adj) abundant; bulky; sizable; huge; massive;
VOLUPTUOUS (adj) shapely and sexually attractive; seductive; provocative; sensual;
VORACIOUS (adj) enthusiastic; insatiable; hungry; starving;
VOTARY (n) a devoted worshipper or adherent;
VOUCHSAFE (v) grant; allow; permit;
VULNERABLE (adj) open to successful attack; capable of being persuaded or tempted;
VULPINE (adj) cunning; pertaining to or like a fox;
VYING (v) to put forward in competition or emulation; to stake;

WADDLE walk with short steps and a swaying motion

WAFFLE (v) to talk or write in an imprecise and wordy manner, to go on and on, to talk or write
WAFT (v) to float; to sail; to pass through the air;
WAGGISH (adj) amusing or mischievous;
WAIF (n) a neglected ownerless child; a homeless wanderer;
WAIVE (v) to forgo; to evade; to give up voluntarily;
WALLOW (v) to live in filth or vice; to immerse or indulge oneself in emotion etc;
WAN (adj) pale and sickly; faint; gloomy;
WANE (v) decline; diminish; abate;
WANGLE (v) to manipulate or falsify;
WANTON (adj) thoughtlessly cruel; rudely; merciless;
WARBLE (v) to sing sweetly; to make or be produced as a sweet quavering sound;
WARRANT (v) to justify, be adequate grounds for;
WARRANTY (n) an undertaking or assurance expressed or implied in certain contracts; a
WARREN (n) a densely populated slum dwelling or district; a maze of narrow passages;
WARY (adj) cautious; alert; watchful;
WASTREL (n) spendthrift; idler; a profligate;
WAX (v) to grow or increase;
WAYFARER a traveller
WAYLAY (n) to attack or seize on the way; to lie in ambush for;
WEAN (v) to reconcile to doing without any accustomed thing, eschewing a former habit;
WEATHER (v) survive; overcome;
WELT (n) a lash; a blow; beat;
WELTER (n) a state of turmoil, agitation or confusion; to roll or tumble about; to be or lie
soaked, eg.. in blood;
WET BLANKET a gloomy person preventing the enjoyment of others
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WHEEDLE (v) to obtain by coaxing; to entice by soft words, flatter, cajole;
WHELP (n) the cub of a tiger, lion or wolf; a puppy;
WHET (v) something that sharpens the appetite; to make keen; to excite;
WHIMSICAL (adj) fanciful; full of whims;
WHINNY (v) to neigh;
WHIT (n) the smallest particle imaginable; the least bit;
WHIZZ-KID a brilliant or highly successful young person
WHORL (n) a group of similar members arising from the same level on a stem, and forming a
circle around it;
WILY (adj) deceptive; cunning; crafty;
WINCE (v) to register acute embarrassment; to shrink;
WINDFALL (n) a sum of money that comes to one unexpectedly or suddenly, or any other piece
of good fortune;
WINNOW (v) to separate;
WINSOME (adj) cheerful; pleasant; attractive; charming;
WITHER (v) diminish; decay, waste;
WITLESS (adj) lacking wit, wisdom or sense; stupid, unintelligent;
WITTICISM (n) a witty remark; a sentence or phrase affectedly witty;
WIZARDRY (n) sorcery; magic;
WIZENED (adj) dried up; thin; shrivelled, wrinkled;
WONT (n) habit; accustom;
WORLDLY (adj) earthly; devoted to this life and its enjoyments;
WRAITH (n) a spectre; an apparition;
WRANGLE (v) a noisy dispute;
WRATH (n) anger; rage; rancour;
WREAK (v) to bring about or cause; to inflict;
WRENCH (v) to pull with a twisting or wringing action; to force or wrest violently; to sprain;
WREST (v) to take away or extract;
WRITHE (v) to move the body sinuously; to twist and contort oneself in agony;
WRY (adj) amusing; ironic; witty;

XENOPHOBIA (n) fear or hatred of foreigners and foreign things;

YAMMER lament, wail, or grumble, voluble talk

YAK a trivial or unduly persistent conversation
YAHOO a coarse person, a lout, a hooligan, an exclamation of excitement
YEN (n) an intense desire, longing or urge;
YEOMAN any small farmer or countryman above the grade of labourer; a remarkable
YOKE (n) a period of work; slavery; bondage;
YORE (n) time long ago or long past;

ZANY (adj) crazy; silly; amusing; funny; comical;

ZEAL (n) enthusiasm; intensity; vigour;
(adj : zealous)
ZEALOT (n) enthusiast; fanatic;
ZEN Japanese branch of Buddhism which holds that the truth is not in scriptures but in
a person's own heart if they will only strive to find it by meditation and self-
ZENITH (n) the greatest height; summit; pinnacle; acme;
ZEPHYR (n) a soft, gentle breeze;
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In this chapter, some of the most commonly used prefixes are given. Corresponding to the prefix in the first column,
its meaning is given in the second column. Given in the third column are words (and their meanings) that contain the
corresponding prefix given in the first column.

ab, abs from, away from ABDUCT lead away, kidnap

ABJURE renounce
ABJECT degraded
ABROGATE abolish
ABSTAIN to keep from
ABSCOND run away
ABNORMAL away from normal

ad, ac, af, ag, an, ap, ar, to, forward ADIT entrance
as, at ADJURE request earnestly
ADMIT allow entrance
ACCORD agreement, harmony
ACCRETION addition
ACCRUE to add
AGGREGATION collection
ARRAIGNMENT indictment
ASSUMPTION arrogance, the taking
for granted
ATTENDANCE presence, the persons

ambi, amphi both AMBIDEXTROUS skilled with both hands

of double meaning
AMBIGUOUS having two conflicting
leading double lives

an, a without AGNOSTIC without belief in god

AMORPHOUS without any shape
AMORAL without moral sense
ANARCHY lack of government
ANAEMIA lack of blood
APATHY without feeling
ATYPICAL not typical

ante before ANTECEDENT preceding event or word

ANTEDILUVIAN before the wedding

anti against, opposite ANTAGONIZE oppose

ANTIBIOTIC substance working
against organisms
ANTIDOTE substance against a
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ANTISEPTIC against infection
ANTITHETICAL exactly opposite

apo away, from, off APOSTATE one who stands away

from or forsakes faith
APOGEE farthest point away from
the earth

arch chief, first ARCHETYPE original

ARCHBISHOP chief bishop
ARCHAEOLOGY study of first or ancient

be over, thoroughly BEDAUB smear over

BEFUDDLE confuse thoroughly
BEGUILE deceive, charm

bene well BENEVOLENCE good will

bi two BICAMERAL composed of two houses

every two years
BIENNIAL two-wheeled vehicle
BICYCLE being married to two
BIGAMY people at the same time
two additional eyes


cata down CATASTROPHE disaster

CATARACT waterfall
CATAPULT hurl (throw down)

circum around CIRCUMNAVIGATE sail around

CIRCUMSPECT cautious (looking around)
limit (place a circle
round about way of
CIRCUMLOCUTION saying things

com, co, col, con, cor with, together COMMERCE trade with
COEDITOR joint editor
COLLATERAL subordinate, connected
CONCURRENCE happening at the same
living, dining together,
CONVIVIAL hence joyous festive

contra, contro against CONTRAVENE conflict with

COUNTERPOISE a weight set against
COUNTERMAND order against

de down, away DEBASE lower in value

DECADENCE deterioration
DECANT pour off
DEMOLISH destruction, tear down
DETER move away
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demi partly, half DEMIGOD partly divine being

di two DICHOTOMY division into two parts

DILEMMA choice between two bad

dia across DIAGONAL across a figure

DIAMETER distance across a
DIAGRAM outline drawing
DIAPHANOUS which can be seen
through or across

dis, dif not, apart DISCORD lack of harmony

DIFFER disagree (carry apart)
DISPARITY condition of
inequality; difference
DISSOLUTION breaking up of an
DISSENSION not going together,
disagreement in
DIFFIDENT not to be trusted

dys faulty, bad DYSLEXIA faulty ability to read

DYSPEPSIA indigestion
DYSTROPHY wasting of muscles

en, em in within ENCAUSTIC burnt in, having the

colour fixed by heat

epi on, upon EPITAPH an inscription as on a


eu well EUPHONY on agreeable sound

EUPHORIA a sense of well-being
EUPEPTIC having good digestion
EUGENICS the science of race
EULOGY praise

ex, e out EXPEL drive out

EXTIRPATE root out
EJECT throw out

extra, extro beyond, outside EXTRACURRICULAR beyond the curriculum

EXTRATERRITORIAL beyond a nation's
EXTROVERT person interested
chiefly in external
objects and actions

hyper above; excessively HYPERBOLE exaggeration

HYPERCRITIC one who is
excessively critic
HYPEREMESIS excess vomiting
HYPERTENSION high blood pressure
HYPERVENTILATE breathe at an
excessive rate

hypo beneath, lower HYPOGLYCAEMIA low blood sugar

HYPOCRISY concealment of true
character or belief
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HYPOTHESIS proposition assumed
for the sake of

in, il, im, ir not INARTICULATE not clear or distinct

INCORRIGIBLE which cannot be
INEFFICIENT not efficient
ILLEGIBLE not readable
ILLICIT not lawful
ILLOGICAL not logical
IMPECCABLE not capable of
shining; flawless
IMMORTAL without death
IGNOBLE not worthy
INOPPORTUNE not timely ; poorly
IMPOTENT not effective; weak
IMPLACABLE not capable of being
INCONGRUITY without harmony;
IRREVOCABLE not able to be called
IRREPRESSIBLE not capable of being
held back
IRREMEDIABLE not capable of being
IRREFRAGABLE not to be disproved

in, il, im, ir in, on, upon INVITE call in

ILLUSTRATION something that makes
IMPRESSION effect upon mind or
IRRADIATE shine upon
IMBIBE take into, absorb into
INSCRIPTION that which written upon
something like stone

inter between, among INTERVENE come between

INTERNATIONAL between nations
INTERJECTION a statement thrown in

intra, intro within INTRAMURAL within a school

INTROVERT person who turns
within himself

macro large, long MACROBIOTIC tending to prolong life

MACROCOSM the great world

mega great, million MEGALOMANIA delusions of grandeur

MEGATON explosive force of a
million tons of TNT

meta involving change METAMORPHOSIS change of form

METEMPSYCHOSIS the passing of soul
after death into some
other body
METAPLASIA tissue transformation
as of cartilage into

micro small MICROCOSM miniature universe

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MICROBE minute organism
MICROSCOPIC extremely small

mis bad, improper MISDEMEANOUR minor crime; bad

MISCHANCE unfortunate accident
MISNOMER wrong name

mis hatred MISANTHROPE person hates man kind

mono one MONARCHY government by one
MONOTHEISM belief in one god
MONOLITH a pillar or column of a
single stone
MONOLOGUE a composition intended
to be spoken by single
sole power or privilege
MONOPOLY of dealing in anything
the rule or custom of
marriage to one wife or
MONOGAMY husband at a time
the worship of one god
without excluding the
MONOLATRY belief in others
having a single set of

multi many MULTIFARIOUS having many parts

MULTILINGUAL pertaining to many

neo new NEOLOGISM newly coined word

NEOPHYTE beginner; novice
NEONATAL pertaining to the newly

non not NONCOMMITTAL undecided

NONENTITY person of no

ob, oc, of, op against OBLOQUY infamy; disgrace

OBTRUDE push into prominence
OCCLUDE close; block out
OFFEND insult
OPPONENT someone who
struggles against; foe

olig few OLIGARCHY government by a few

omni all OMNIVOROUS eating everything

OMNIPOTENT all powerful
OMNISCIENT knowing everything

pan all, every PANACEA cure-all

PANORAMA unobstructed view in all
PANDEMIC incident to a whole
PANDEMONIUM everything in very
disorderly manner
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para beyond, related PARALLEL similar
PARAPHRASE restate; translate

per, pel through, completely PERMEABLE allowing passage

PERVADE spread throughout
PEREGRINATION travelling about
PELLUCID completely or perfectly

peri around, near PERIPATETIC walking around from

place to place
PERIPHRASTIC stated in a roundabout

poly many POLYGAMIST person with several

POLYGLOT speaking several
POLYCHROME many coloured
POLYARCHY a government by many
POLYGENESIS multiple origin
especially of man kind

post after POSTERITY generations that follow

after death
POSTHUMOUS a part added to a letter
POST SCRIPT after signature
after dinner

pre, pro before PREAMBLE introductory statement

PREMONITION an event preceding and
PRELUDE leading to another of
greater importance
before birth
a forecasting
PRENATAL a speech before play
PROGNOSIS to bring or draw
PROLOGUE forward; to protrude

prim first PRIMORDIAL existing at the dawn of time

state of being the first born
PRIMOGENITURE belonging to first ages
belonging to the beginning
PRIMEVAL or to the first times
pro forward, in favour of PROPULSIVE driving forward
PROPONENT supporter

proto first PROTOTYPE first of its kind

pseudo false PSEUDONYM pen name

re again, back REITERATE repeat

REIMBURSE pay back

retro backward RETROSPECT looking back; a backward


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RETROACTIVE effective as of a past date
backward movement

se away, side SECEDE withdraw

SECLUDE shut away
SEDUCE lead astray

semi half, partly SEMIANNUAL every six months

SEMICONSCIOUS partly conscious

sub, suc, suf, sug, sup, under, less SUBWAY underground road
sus SUBJUGATE bring under control
SUCCUMB yield; cease to resist
SUFFUSE spread through
SUPPRESS put down by force
SUBCUTANEOUS under the skin

super, sur, supra over, above SUPERNATURAL above natural things

SURTAX additional tax
SUPEREROGATORY doing more than is required

syn, sym, syl, sys with, together SYNCHRONIZE time together

SYNTHESIZE combine together
SYMPATHIZE pity ; identify with
SYLLOGISM explanation of how ideas
SYNDROME symptoms occurring
together or happening
SYMPOSIUM meeting or a conference
where many people
come together

tele far TELEMETRY measurement from a

TELEGRAPHIC communicated over

trans across TRANSPOSE reverse, move across

TRANSMIGRATION the passing of the soul
into another body
a doze or stupor, as if
TRANCE passing beyond life

tri three TRIAD a group of three

TRIPTYCH three pictures or carvings
on folding panels placed
side by side
a net of three layers
TRAMMEL which can enmesh the

ultra beyond, excessive ULTRAMODERN excessively modern

ULTRACRITICAL exceedingly critical

un not UNFEIGNED not pretended; real

UNKEMPT not combed; dishevelled
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not knowing;
UNWITTING unintentional

under below UNDERGIRD strengthen underneath

someone inferior

uni one UNISON oneness of pitch;

complete accord
UNICYCLE one-wheeled vehicle
UNIQUE one of its kind

vice in place of VICARIOUS acting as a substitute

VICEROY governor acting in place
of a king

with away, against WITHHOLD hold back; keep

WITHSTAND stand up against;
WITHDRAW take back

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In this chapter, some of the most commonly used suffixes are given. Corresponding to the suffix in the first column, its
meaning is given in the second column. Given in the third column are words (and their meanings) that contain the
corresponding suffix given in the first column.

able, ible capable of (adjective POTABLE which can be drunk

suffix) PORTABLE able to be carried
INTERMINABLE not able to be limited
LEGIBLE able to be read

ac, ic like, pertaining to (adj. CARDIAC pertaining to the heart

suffix) AQUATIC pertaining to the water
DRAMATIC pertaining to the

aclous, iclous full of (adj. suffix) AUDACIOUS full of dareness

PERSPICACIOUS full of mental
AVARICIOUS full of greed

al pertaining to (adj or MANIACAL insane

noun suffix) LOGICAL pertaining to logic

ant, ent full of (adj. or noun ELOQUENT pertaining to fluid,

suffix) effective speech

ary like, connected with DICTIONARY book connected with

(adj. or noun suffix) words
HONORARY with honour
LUMINARY celestial body

ate to make (verb suffix) CONSECRATE to make holy

ENERVATE to make weary
MITIGATE to make less severe

ation that which is (noun EXASPERATION


cy state of being (noun DEMOCRACY government ruled by

suffix) the people
OBSTINACY stubbornness
ACCURACY correctness

eer, er, or person who (noun MUTINEER person who rebels

suffix) LECHER person who lusts
CENSOR person who deletes
improper remarks

escent becoming (adj. suffix) EVANESCENT tending to vanish

PUBESCENT arriving at puberty
fic making, doing (adj. TERRIFIC arousing great fear
suffix) SOPORIFIC causing sleep

fy to make (verb suffix) PETRIFY turn to stone

BEAUTIFY make beautiful

iferous producing, bearing PESTIFEROUS carrying disease

(adj. suffix) VOCIFEROUS bearing a loud voice

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il, ile pertaining to, capable PUERILE pertaining to a boy or
of (adj. suffix) child
DUCTILE capable of being
CIVIL hammered

ism doctrine, belief (noun MONOTHEISM belief in one god

suffix) FANATICISM excessive zeal;
extreme belief

ist dealer, door (noun FASCIST one who believes in a

suffix) fascist state

ity state of being (noun ANNUITY yearly grant

suffix) CREDULITY state of being unduly
willing to believe

ive like (adj. suffix) EXPENSIVE costly

QUANTITATIVE concerned with
EFFUSIVE gushing

ize, ise make (verb suffix) VICTIMIZE make a victim of

RATIONALIZE make rational
HARMONIZE make harmonious
ENFRANCHISE make free or set free

oid resembling, like (adj. OVOID like an egg

suffix) ANTHROPOID resembling man
SPHEROID resembling a sphere

ose full of (adj. suffix) VERBOSE full of words

osis condition (noun suffix) PSYCHOSIS diseased mental

NEUROSIS nervous condition
HYPNOSIS condition of induced

ous full of (adj. suffix) NAUSEOUS full of nausea


tude state of (noun suffix) FORTITUDE state of strength

BEATITUDE state of blessedness
CERTITUDE state of sureness

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In this chapter, some of the most commonly used Roots are given. Corresponding to the Root in the first column, its
meaning is given in the second column. Given in the third column are words (and their meanings) that contain the
corresponding Root given in the first column.

ac, acr sharp ACRIMONIOUS bitter, caustic

ACERBITY bitterness of temper
ACIDULATE to make somewhat acid or

aev, ev age, era PRIMEVAL of the first age

COEVAL of the same age or era
MEDIEVAL or of the middle ages

agog leader DEMAGOGUE false leader of people

PEDAGOGUE teacher (leader of children)

agaro to discuss or speak PANEGYRIC formal praise

ali another ALIAS assumed (another) name

estrange (turn away from
ALIENATE another)

alt high ALTITUDE height

ALTIMETER instrument for measuring

alter other ALTRUISTIC unselfish, considering others

ALTER EGO a second self

am love AMOROUS loving, especially sexually

AMITY friendly

anim mind, soul ANIMADVERT cast criticism upon

UNANIMOUS of one mind
MAGNANIMITY greatness of mind or spirit
ann, enn year ANNUITY yearly remittance
BIENNIAL every two years
PERENNIAL present all years; praising for
several years

anthrop man ANTHROPOLOGY study of man

MISANTHROPE hater of mankind
PHILANTHROPY love of mankind; charity

apt fit APTITUDE skill

APT suitable

aqua water AQUEDUCT passageway for conducting

AQUA FORTIS nitric acid (strong water)
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arch ruler, first ARCHAEOLOGY study of antiquities (study of
first things)
MONARCH sole ruler
ANARCHY lack of government

aster star ASTRONOMY study of the stars

ASTERIK star-like type character (*)
catastrophe (contrary star)

aud, audit hear AUDIBLE able to be heard

AUDITORIUM place where people may be
AUDIENCE hearers

auto self
AUTOCRACY rule by one person (self)
vehicle that moves by itself
AUTOMOBILE story of one's own life
the power or right of self
AUTONOMY a self moving machine


belli war BELLICOSE inclined to fight

BELLIGERENT inclined to wage war
REBELLIOUS resisting authority

ben, bon good BENEFACTOR one who does good deeds

charity (wishing good)
BENEVOLENCE something extra above
regular pay
biblio book BIBLIOGRAPHY list of books
BIBLIOPHILE lover of books
BIBLE The Book

bio life BIOGRAPHY writing about a person's life

study of living things
BIOLOGY student of the chemistry of
BIOCHEMIST living things

breve short BREVITY briefness

BREVILOQUENT marked by brevity of speech

bucolics a herdsman BUCOLIC pertaining to the tending

cattle, rustic, countrified
cad, cas to fall DECADENT deteriorating
CADENCE intonation, musical
CASCADE waterfall

cap, capt, cept, cip to take CAPTURE seize

PRECEPT wise saying (originally a

capit, capt head DECAPITATE remove (cut off) someone's


carn flesh CARNIVOROUS flesh-eating

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CARNAGE destruction of life
CARNAL fleshly

ced, cess to yield, to go RECEDE go back, withdraw

ANTECEDENT that which goes before
go forward

cele swift CELERITY swiftness

DECELERATE reduce swiftness
ACCELERATE increase swiftness

cent one hundred CENTURY one hundred years

CENTENNIAL hundredth anniversary
CENTIPEDE many-footed, wingless

chron time CHRONOLOGY time-table of events

ANACHRONISM a thing out of time sequence
register events in order of

clan secret CLANDESTINE secret, something done in a

sly manner

cid, cis to cut, to kill INCISION a cut (surgical)

HOMICIDE killing of a man
FRATRICIDE killing of a brother
INFANTICIDE killing of an infant
PESTICIDE that which kills pests
UXORICIDE killing of wife
SORORICIDE killing of a sister

cit, citat to call, to start INCITE stir up, start up

EXCITE stir up
RECITATION a recalling (or repeating)

civi citizen CIVILIZATION society of citizens, culture

member of community
CIVILIAN courteous

clam, clamat to cry out CLAMOROUS loud

ACCLAMATION shouted approval
claud, claus, clos, clud to close CLAUSTROPHOBIA fear of closed places

clavis key ENCLAVE territory locked within a

foreign country
CONCLAVE meeting held in a closed

cognosc, cognit to learn AGNOSTIC lacking knowledge, skeptical

travelling in assumed name
INCOGNITO knowledge


compl to fill COMPLEMENT that which completes

COMPLY fulfil
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cord heart ACCORD agreement (from the heart)
CORDIAL lack of harmony

corpor body INCORPORATE organize into a body

CORPOREAL pertaining to the body,
CORPSE dead body

cracy rule THEOCRACY that constitution of state in

which god is regarded as
sole sovereign
government by old men.
GERONTOCRACY government by the wealthy
a system of government by
PLUTOCRACY officials, responsible only to
their departmental chief
BUREAUCRACY government by women
mob rule
government by the worst
a form of government in
which property is the quality



cred, credit to believe INCREDULOUS not believing, skeptical


culpa fault, blame EXCULPATE free from blame

CULPABLE which can be punished
one who is at fault

cur to care CURATOR person who has the care of

SINECURE position without responsibility

curr, curs to run EXCURSION journey

PRECURSOR forerunner

da, dat to give DATA facts, statistics

MANDATE command
DATE given time

deb, debit to owe DEBT something owed

dem people DEMOCRACY rule of the people
DEMAGOGUE (false) leader of the people
widespread (among the
EPIDEMIC people)

derm skin EPIDERMIS skin

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PACHYDERM thick-skinned quadruped
study of skin and its

detergere to rub or DETERGENT a cleansing agent

wipe away TERCE that which is smooth or

di, diurn day DIARY a daily record of activities,

feelings etc.
DIURNAL pertaining to daytime

dic, dict to say ABDICATE renounce

DICTION speech

doc, doct to teach DOCILE obedient; easily taught

DOCUMENT something that provides
DOCTOR learned person (originally

domin to rule DOMINATE have power over

DOMAIN land under rule
DOMINANT prevailing

dour hard, severe, sour OBDURATE hard to move; obstinate

(in appearance) under threat or coercion
DURESS morally hardened or callous


dubit doubt INDUBITABLY doubtlessly

duc, duct to lead VIADUCT arched roadway

AQUEDUCT artificial waterway

dynam power, strength DYNAMIC powerful

DYNAMITE powerful explosive
DYNAMO engine making electrical

ego I EGOIST person who is self-interested

selfish person
EGOTIST revolving about self

erg, urg work ENERGY power

ERGATOCRACY rule of the workers

err to wander ERROR mistake

ERRATIC not reliable, wandering
wandering knight

eu good, well, beautiful EUPEPTIC having good digestion

EUPHEMISM substitution of pleasant way
of saying something blunt

fac, fic, fec, fect to make, to do FACTORY place where things are made
manufactured story
FICTION cause to change
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fall, fals to deceive FALLACIOUS misleading

INFALLIBLE not prone to error, perfect

fer, lat to bring, to bear TRANSLATE bring from one language to

CONIFER bearing cones, as pine trees

fiat, fac, fig, fy, fact, fect to do or make FACTIOUS making trouble, causing
FACTITIOUS made up or artificial,
SURFEIT overdoing, an excess
FETISH blind or unreasoning
affection; something
regarded with irrational
FEASIBLE reverence
MALFEASANCE practicable, workable
wrong doing especially
official misconduct
INDEFEASIBLE which cannot be defeated or

fid belief, faith INFIDEL nonbeliever, heathen

CONFIDENCE assurance, belief

fin end, limit CONFINE keep within limits

FINITE having definite limits

flect, flex bend FLEXIBLE able to bend

DEFLECT bend away, turn aside
GENUFLECT to bend knees in prayer

fort strong FORTUITOUS strength, firmness of mind


fort luck, chance FORTUITOUS accidental, occurring by

FORTUNATE chance lucky

frag, fract break FRAGILE easily broken

INFRACTION breaking of a rule
FRACTIOUS unruly, tending to break rules
to deflect, to break

fugere flee FUGITIVE someone who flees

REFUGE shelter, home for someone

fus pour EFFUSIVE gushing, pouring out

DIFFUSE widespread (poured in many

gam marriage MONOGAMY marriage to one person

marriage to two people at the
BIGAMY same time
having many wives or
husbands at the same time
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gen, gener class, race GENUS group of animals with similar

GENERIC characteristic of a class
class organized by sex

gen to give birth to GENE unit or factor of heredity

existing from birth
CONGENITAL study of the family tree
GENEALOGY born in or caused by the

grad, gress go, step DIGRESS to astray (from the main

REGRESS go backwards
GRADUAL step by step, by degrees

graph, gram writing EPIGRAM pithy statement

TELEGRAM instantaneous message over
great distance
shorthand (writing narrowly)

greg flock, herd GREGARIOUS tending to group together as

in a herd
EGREGIOUS conspicuously bad; shocking

helio sun HELIOTROPE flower that faces the sun

instrument that uses the
HELIOGRAPH sun's rays to send signals

hemera day EPHEMERAL short lived

icon image, a statue ICONOCLAST one who attacks cherished

beliefs or one who does not
respect conventional ideas

it, itiner journey, road EXIT way out

ITINERARY plan of journey

jac, jact, jec to throw PROJECTILE missile; something thrown

TRAJECTORY path taken by thrown object
casting or throwing out

jur, jurat to swear PERJURE testify falsely

JURY group of men and women
sworn to seek the truth
solemn urging

labor, laborat to work COLLABORATE work together with others


leg, lect, lig to choose, to read ELECTION choice

LEGIBLE able to read
ELIGIBLE able to be selected

leg law LEGISLATURE law-making body

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LEGAL lawful

liber, libr Book LIBRETTO the "book" of a musical play

slander (originally found in a
LIBEL little book)

liber free LIBERATION the fact of setting free

LIBERAL generous (giving freely);

log word, study ENTOMOLOGY study of insects

ETYMOLOGY study of word parts and
MONOLOGUE speech by one person

loqu, locut to talk SOLILOQUY speech by one individual


luc light ELUCIDATE enlighten

LUCID clear
TRANSLUCENT allowing some light to pass

magn great MAGNIFY enlarge

MAGNANIMITY generosity, greatness of soul

mal bad MALEVOLENT wishing evil

MALEFACTOR evil-doer
MALIGNANT disposed to do harm

man hand MANUSCRIPT written by hand

EMANCIPATE free (let go from the hand)

mar sea MARITIME connected with seafaring

undersea craft

mater, matr mother MATERNAL pertaining to motherhood

female ruler of a family,
MATRIARCH group, or state
descended on the mother's

mendicus poor man MENDICANT beggar

mens measure MENSURATION the act of finding by

measurement and
calculation, the length, area,
volume of bodies
that which cannot be
mit, miss to send MISSILE projectile
TRANSMIT send across

mime an actor who mimics or MIMESIS imitation

imitates PANTOMIME acting that is unaccompanied
by words

mob, mot, mov move MOBILIZE cause to move

MOTILITY ability to move
IMMOVABLE not able to be moved
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mon, monit to warn ADMONISH warn
PREMONITION foreboding
MONITOR watcher (warner)

mori, mort to die MORTUARY funeral parlour

IMMORTAL not dying

morph shape, form ANTHROPOMORPHIC in the shape of man

mut change IMMUTABLE not able to be changed

undergo a great change
MUTATE changeableness,

nat born INNATE from birth


nav ship CIRCUMNAVIGATE sail around the world

NAVAL pertaining to ships

neg deny NEGATION denial

RENEGE deny, go back on one's word
turncoat, traitor

nomen name NOMENCLATURE act of naming, terminology

in name only (as opposed to
NOMINAL actual)
surname, distinguishing

nov new NOVICE beginner

RENOVATE make new again
NOVELTY newness

oikos dwelling ECOLOGY a study of plants or animals

or of people and institutions
in relation to environment
general, universal
study of house hold
ECUMENIC management

onoma, onyma name ANONYMOUS unnamed

HOMONYM a word having the same
sound and perhaps the same
spelling as another but
different meaning and origin
the formation of a word in
limitation of the sound of the
ONOMATOPOEIA thing meant
a play upon words
derived from the name of a
father or an ancestor
PARONOMASIA a fictitious name assumed
PATRONYMIC a word from the same root or
having the same sound as

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oper to work COOPERATION working together

pac peace PACIFY make peaceful

PACIFIC peaceful
PACIFIST person opposed to war

para contrary to PARADOX that which is contrary to

receive opinion

pass feel DISPASSIONATE free of emotion

IMPASSIONED emotion-filled
IMPASSIVE showing no feeling

pater, patr father PATRIOTISM love of one's country

PATRIARCH male ruler of a family, group
or state
PATERNITY fatherhood

path disease, feeling PATHOLOGY study of diseased tissue

lacking feeling; indifferent
APATHETIC hostile feeling

ped, pod foot IMPEDIMENT stumbling-block; hindrance
four-footed animal
QUADRUPED the support of a column,
PEDESTAL statue etc.
on foot, of walking (second
PEDESTRIAN meaning - uninspired)
an instrument for counting
paces and so approximately
PEDOMETER measuring distance walked
a platform, dais


ped child PEDAGOGUE teacher of children

PAEDIATRICIAN children's doctor

pel, puls to drive COMPULSION a forcing to do

EXPEL drive out, banish

pet, petit to seek PETITION request

APPETITE craving, desire
COMPETITIVE with others

phil to love PHILANTHROPIST benefactor, lover of humanity

lover of everything English
ANGLOPHILE one involved in brief love
PHILANDERER a lover of wisdom
one who loves collecting

phoebe fear ASTRAPHOBIA fear of celestial space

BALLISTROPHOBIA fear of missiles
CLAUSTROPHOBIA fear of closed place
ERGOPHOBIA fear of work
NYCTOPHOBIA fear of night
OCHLOPHOBIA fear of mob
PANOPHOBIA a form of melancholia
marked by groundless fears
fear of light
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PHOTOPHOBIA fear of food
SITOPHOBIA fear of strangers
XENOPHOBIA fear of hair

pleos full PLENARY fully attended

PLENIPOTENTIARY having full powers
PLETHORA over abundance
PLENITUDE fullness; completeness
PLEONASM a redundancy of words
PLENUM empty
DEPLETE superfluous use of words
EXPLETIVES fill again
filled with
pon, posit to place POSTPONE place after
POSITIVE definite, unquestioned

port, portat to carry PORTABLE able to be carried

EXPORT carry out (of country)

poten able, powerful OMNIPOTENT all-powerful

POTENTATE powerful person
IMPOTENT powerless

psych mind PSYCHOLOGY study of the mind

PSYCHOSIS mental disorder
PSYCHOPATH mentally ill person

put, putat to trim, to calculate PUTATIVE supposed (calculated)

COMPUTATION calculation
AMPUTATE cut off

pyr fire, heat, fever ANTIPYRETIC medicine used against fever

the art of making fireworks
PYROTECHNICS formed of pure light or fire
pertaining to the highest and
EMPYREAN purest region of heaven
pertaining to listing of
minerals by flame
the science of artillery


quer, ques, quir, quis to ask INQUIRY investigation

QUERY question

robor strength CORROBORATION conformation

reg, rect rule REGICIDE murder of a ruler

REGENT ruler
INSURRECTION rebellion; overthrow of a

rid, ris to laugh DERISION scorn

RISIBILITY inclination to laughter
RIDICULOUS deserving to be laughed at

rog, rogat to ask INTERROGATE question


rupt to break INTERRUPT break into

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BANKRUPT insolvent
RUPTURE a break

sacr holy SACRILEGIOUS impious, violating something

SACRAMENT religious act

sci to know OMNISCIENT knowing all


scop watch, see PERISCOPE device for seeing around

MICROSCOPE device for seeing small

scrib, script to write TRANSCRIBE make a written copy

CIRCUMSCRIBE write around, limit

sect cut DISSECT cut apart

BISECT cut into two pieces

ced, sess to sit SEDENTARY inactive (sitting)

SESSION meeting

sent, sens to think, to feel CONSENT agree

RESENT show indignation

sequi, secut, seque to follow CONSECUTIVE following in order

SEQUEL that which follows
NON SEQUITUR something that does not
follow logically

solv, solut to loosen ABSOLVE free from blame

DISSOLUTE morally lax
ABSOLUTE complete (not loosened)

somn sleep INSOMNIA inability to sleep

SOMNAMBULIST sleepwalker

soph wisdom SOPHISTICATED worldly wise

spec, spect to look at SPECTATOR observer

CIRCUMSPECT cautious (looking around)

spir breathe SPIRITED full of life (breath)

string, strict bind STRINGENT strict

CONSTRICT become tight
STRICTURE limit, something that

stru, struct build CONSTRUCTIVE helping to build

CONSTRUE analyze (how something is
suit (sal, sil, sault) jump or leap RESILIENT capable of gaining its original
EXULTANT rejoicing, triumphant
(jumping out of one's skin
with joy)
SALIENT that which leaps at you i.e.
SOMERSAULT to leap or jump while turning
the heels over
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DESULTORY jumping from one thing to
another without rational or
logical connection
jumping towards
ASSAULT (i.e. attack)

tang, tact, ting to touch TANGENT Touching

CONTINGENT depending upon

tempor time CONTEMPORARY at same time

TEMPORAL pertaining to time

ten, tent to hold TENABLE able to be held

TENURE holding of office
RETENTIVE holding; having good

term end INTERMINABLE endless


terr land TERRESTRIAL pertaining to earth

SUBTERRANEAN underground

therm heat THERMOSTAT instrument that regulates

DIATHERMY sending heat through body

tome a slice, a piece EPITOME embodiment (after cutting off

cut off non-essential material or
surgical cutting
ECTOMY eg. appendectomy

tors, tort twist DISTORT twist out of true shape or

TORSION act of twisting
TORTUOUS twisting
RETORT to twist back a reply, to
answer sharply or wittily
to twist together or upon
CONTORT itself
to twist out by force; to gain
EXTORT by violence or compulsion
a nose twister, so named
because of its pungent odour

tract drag, pull DISTRACT pull (one's attention) away

stubborn, unable to be

trud, trus push, shove INTRUDE push one's way in

PROTRUSION something sticking out

turb trouble IMPERTURBABLE that cannot be disturbed or

troubled; calm and serene
disordered, troubled, muddy,
TURBID thick

urb city URBAN pertaining to a city

polished, sophisticated,
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URBANE pertaining to a city dweller
outside of a city


vac empty VACUOUS lacking content, empty-

EVACUATE compel to empty an area

vad, vas go INVADE enter in a hostile fashion

not frank; eluding

veni, vent, ven to come INTERVENE come between


ver true VERACIOUS truthful

VERIFY check the truth
VERITY truth; most often used in
plural and with eternal
appearance of truth
VERISIMILITUDE a true saying; therefore a
VERDICT presumably first judgement
made on the basis of verified
verb word VERBOSE wordy
VERBIAGE excessive use of words
word for word

vers, vert turn VERTIGO turning dizzy

REVERT turn back (to an earlier state)

via way VIADUCT roadway (arched)

TRIVIAL trifling (small talk at

vid, vis to see EVIDENCE things seen

VISTA view

vinc, vict, vanq to conquer INVINCIBLE unconquerable


viv, vit alive VIVISECTION operating on living animals

full of life
VIVACIOUS liveliness

voc, vocat to call AVOCATION calling, minor occupation

calling or rousing the anger
calling in prayer

vol wish MALEVOLENT wishing someone ill

VOLUNTARY of one's own will

volv, volut to roll CONVOLUTION coiled state

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