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Free people of rome spoke greek latin was its official languange since only eudcated people could only
read greek so it was translated into latin. Translation of the entire bible was made in carthage north
africa but there was a problem in terms of quality and accurancy. The church realized that a definite
program must be made ti out into good. And correct latin. Jerome a christian scholar was selected coz
he knew both greel and latin and even taught hebrew: he translaed the new testamend and started to
translate the old from the septuagist. He decided if he has no make good translation he had to make
directly from hebrew. So he went to bethlehem with the aids of the rabbis he was able to translate the
old testament from hebrew into latin.

latin vulgate- 382-404 ad. 73 book translated by jerome

Century scholar. Translated the n.t from gk. Septuagist and later the o.t firom original hebrew canon he
decided that apocryphs was secondary value.

guttenberg bible- earliest bible printed in 1455. It started 1450 and the first version of vulgate bible

John wycliffe – 1370-1384 first bible translated in english from latin vulgate completed in 1383, he died
natural death and the following year he escaped the vangeance of the church which could only dig up
his remains and publicity burned.

William tyndale – 1492 to 1536 born in uk left england in 1524 never to return he was the year
columbus discovered america. Tyndale continued his english translation but before completing the o.t.
authorities burned him.

Miles coverdale- a dsciple of tyndalewas very careful to say nothing against the church and government
and even dedicated his bible to the king and queen in flattering term. He was allowed to print his first
bible in uk.few months before tyndale was burned until king henry viii had trouble with the pope who
refused to annul his marriage. Until king broke away from rome and symphatetic. With movements
opposed to roman catholicism.

Geneva bible- 1551 was the first to use italics which was printed in low priced edition. Because of its
popularity it replaced all that came before it.

King james version- greatest bible in english known as authorized version prepared by 54 scholars for 7
years. It was only completed in 1611 ad. It was revised 1881 to 18885 the n.t. was published
simultaneeously in london and new yourkin 1881 and the o.t. in 1885

American standard version- 1901 independent work of american revisers.

rsv or revised standard version- 1946 to 1952 – the n.y. was published in 1946 and the entire bible in
1952. This is an authorized revision of amercan standard sion and legitimate descendant of tyndale’s
and king james version. When it comes to fidelity to the originality of biblical languages like greeks and
hebrews rsv ahas the edge compared to king james.
New english bible- 1961 british scholars produced this new translation into timeless led by general
director charles harold dodd a biblical scholar. Published by oxford and cambridge university press. The
n.t. appeared in 1961.

Niv or new international version- 1973-1978 translated by more than 100 scholars. The n.t appeared in
1973 and the complet bible in 1978. Actually, the translation istarted in 1965 by the christian reformed
church and the national association of evangelicals.

Good news bible- 1976 the project of the american society. The entire bible was released in 1976 as the
good news bible and bible in today’s english version known as tev

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