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BO GIAO DUC VA BAO TAO HOANG VAN VAN (Téng Chi bién) - HOANG TH! XUAN HOA (Ché bién) DANG HIEP GIANG ~ PHAN HA ~ HOANG THI HONG HAI KIEU THI THU HUONG ~ VU THI LAN ~ BAO NGQC LOC SACHIBA'IRTA'P. TAP MOT (Tdi ban Ién thitba) CONTENTS LOI NOI DAU .... UNIT 1: FAMILY LIFE ainsi as ataieneasaa UNIT 2: YOUR BODY AND YOU 000s UNIT 3: MUSIC 20 TEST YOURSELF 1..... on 7 UNIT 4: FOR A BETTER COMMUNITY ooo... cess sscscceseseseee BZ UNIT 5: INVENTIONS . TEST YOURSELF 2 ....... KEYS 52 LOINOI DAU Tigng Anh 10- Sach bai tap (Tap 1) dugc bién soan dé gitip hoc sinh cing 6 va mé rng kién thie ng6n ngtt va ki nang giao tip tiéng Anh cc em da hoc trong Tiéng Anh 10 - Séch hoc sinh (T4p 1). Sch gém 5 don vi bal tap ing val 5 don vi bai hoc trong Tiéng Anh 10 - Sach hoc sinh (Tap 1) va 2 bai tykiém tra (Test yourself) Méi don vi bal tap gém 5 phan: A. PRONUNCIATION ciing cd kha nang nhan biét cac tii c6 Am hoac trong &m khac vét cdc th con lal va gitip HS thytc hanh phat 4m lal nhting am, té hp am hoac trong 4m cdc em da hoc trong don vi bai hoc. B. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR ciing 6 nhting ti va cdu tric ngif phap hoc sinh a3 hoc va ma réng khéi tu vung alia céc em théng qua céc dang bai tap khdc nhau nhu tim nghia cla tl trong van canh, tim tir phi: hop dé dién vao ché tréng dé hoan thanh cau, gidi 6 chit (crossword puzzle), dién khép (matching), tim Idi va stiaI6i cau, vv. C. READING cling cé va phat trién ki nang doc higuctia hoc sinh thong qua cachinh thtic doc va chon dap dn ating, doc va tim ti diing dé dign vao chd tréng, doc va xac dinh ding (True) hay sai (False), doc va tra 1di cu héi, vv. D. SPEAKING cling c6 kha nang ndi hoc sinh da hoc thong qua cac hinh thtic nhin nhu doc, dién théng tin va thyc hanh néi vé hai thoai hay doan van; lam viée theo cap, sti dyng théng tin dé dung héi thoai va thyc hanh n6i theo doan hdi thoai 46, v.v. E, WRITING cling cé ki nang viét doan van ca hoc sinh vé nhting chu dé cac em da hoc voi nhting gol y cho sn. Test yourself 1 va Test yourself 2 gitip hoc sinh tukiém tra nhiing néi dung kién thie va nhiing yéu céu vé kinang céc em da hgc sau méi2 hoac 3 den vi bai hoc, déng thai lam quen véi céc dang bai kiém tra tigng Anh theo chudn quéc té. Cac bai tép trong Ting Anh 10 ~ Sach bai tap (Tap 1) da dang, phong phii, bam sat ngit phép, tit vung va chii dé trong Tiéng Anh 10 ~ Sach hoe sinh (Tap 1) Sach dug bién sogn theo hinh thiic tuang téc dé hé trg hoc sinh lién hé nhting gi minh dang thyc hanh v6 ngén cénh va tinh hudng trong khi lam bai tap va thc hanh giao tiép. Tap thé tac gia hi vong Tiéng Anh 10 - Sach bai tap (Tap 1) sé 1a mot phuong tign hé trg tét cho hgc sinh |dp 10 hoc ting Anh, Chic céc em hoc tiéng Anh thanh cong! Gée tée gid 1 Write the words below in the correct column. brother — crash trash critical traffic create brown, ‘treat crane breadwinner tradition breakfast tree ice-cream (trl Ake! Tor 2 Write /tr/, /or/, and /kr/ above the word that has the corresponding consonant cluster sound, Then, practise reading the sentences. He has bread and ice-cream for breakfast. ‘My brother plans to travel by train but he has some trouble getting the ticket. He went so crazy that he couldn't control himself and crashed into a truck. Mr Brown isa very bright and creative person. yPwnNs Treat others the way you want to be treated. | NM Detaled 1 Look at the pictures. What are the chores in the pictures? Write them down in the space below the pictures, Unt Famiyhfe 5 x a fd dQ eo £ 2 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the phrase about household chores in the box 6 below. do the cooking shop for groceries clean the house take out the trash do the laundry do the washing-up water the houseplants feed the cat 1, She often at the supermarket near her house. 2. Lanloves animals so she after each meal. 3. They every day, soitis spotlessly clean. 4. He likes to see them growing. 5. Her father sometimes Everybody in the family enjoys the meals he cooks. 6. Itdoes not take him much time to because he has a washing machine. 7. He hates after dinner and sometimes breaks a bow or a plate. 8. Nam has to every day when the trash collector comes. Circle the correct option to complete the sentence. 1, Being the breadwinner of the family, a. she works hard to provide for her children. b, she looks after the children carefully. 2. He is very friendly and enjoys being with other people. Everybody says that a. hea sociable man. b. he's an unsociable man. 3. My brothers always very critical of things about me. He often says a, good things about my activities. b. bad things about my activities. 4, She manages the home and raises the children instead of earning money from a job, She's a, the homemaker of the famil bb. the breadwinner of the family. 5. Women tend to live longer than men. They are a. unlikely to have longer life expectancy. b. likely to have longer life expectancy, Unit | Family Life 4 Fill the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1, mbusy right now. | (prepare) dinner. 2. Mal (not / study) very hard at the moment. (not / think) shelll pass the exam. 3. "What (he / do)?" "He (try) to fx the television antenna! 4. Be quiet! Your dad (listen ) to the news. 5, The houseplants (crow) very fast because he (water) them every day. 6. InViet Nam, many people. (live) in extended families. 7. ‘Where's your brother?" "He (read) upstai 8. Look! Mary (wear) a pink skirt. She (look) so pretty init. 5 Choose the correct endings for the sentences. My mother Is watching because her favourite film is on, television when she has time. at 6.30 every day. 'm having dinner now. to your sister when she doesn't listen to you? What are you doing to your sister? Don’t make her cry. at the weekend, | wear jeans because we are going out for a picnic. for the exam next week. My sister works hard but she also spends time on her hobbies. because he isn’t happy at work anymore. He's thinking of retiring early when something bad happens at work. so she can't talk to you now. She's washing her hair, twice a week. whenever I feel sad. listen to Mozart because |'m feeling happy. Unk | Fry Life 7 6 Some of the verbs in the following sentences are in incorrect form. Underline the mistakes and correct them. David isn't very good at housework, buthe's trying to share some chores when he has free time. 6 Nowadays, most British people are living in nuclear families. Today, Nam's parents are away on business, so his aunt takes care of him and his sister. g Whenever Nam’s parents ere away on business, his aunt takes care of him and his sister. Gace 1 Read the text and fill each gap with a word or phrase from the box. breadwinning —hardstuff -—care_-—stidy contribute manager —_repair In atypical family in Japan, different members have their roles and responsibilities to perform, The father is the head of the family. He takes (1) of his family by earning a living, guiding the children, and making the final decisions that affect the family. He helps the mother manage the household and is responsible for the (2)___like lifting heavy things and. repair work lke fixing plumbing and electricity, The mother is usually the (3) of the household, She takes care of the children and supervises household tasks, She also helps to earn a living and (help) make decisions affecting the family. She plans the menu, does the shopping, and prepares the family meals. She either supervises or does house cleaning, laundry, ironing and other similar tasks. Today, however, both mother and father can share roles in homemaking and (4) c The son in the family helps the father with some household activities such as doing simple home (5) ; He helps the mother in the kitchen end with other household tasks. He also assists with other activities in the home like taking care of younger brothers or sisters, watering the plants, and cleaning the house. The daughter in the family helps the mother to do some of the household tasks like grocery shopping, cooking, washing dishes, cleaning, and keeping the house (6) . She also helps in taking care of the younger brothers or sisters. She may assist brother in other household tasks like doing the laundry. In short, every member of the family should do some kind of household work, considering his or her age and health condition, and (7) to making the home a beautiful and happy place to live in, 8 Unt! PamiyLite

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