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Task 1

1. With the help of a diagram, explain the organisation of the computer system and
describe all system components in detail.

The definition of any system is a set of interrelated elements where each of these elements
has a specific function but collaborates with all the other elements to achieve the same
goal, in our case and as represented in the graph a computer system is a set of interrelated
software, hardware, firmware, and human resources. A typical computer system employs a
computer that uses programmable devices to capture, store and process data.

Within a computer system, we will find two main groups of components, hardware, and
software. The first is a set of physical elements, mostly of electro-electronic origin, capable
of performing a wide variety of tasks at high speed and with great precision. On the other
hand, these physical components cannot function by themselves, they need other non-
physical components to put them to work, the software helps these physical components to
function for our purpose which is the processing of data.

Within a computer system whose main objective is to process information we will see that
this information has to go through different steps, the first step is that the information can
enter the computer system, for that we will have the input devices, which allow me just that
the information enters the system, for the entry of the information to the computer system
we have several ways or elements that give the user the ability to achieve this goal as a
mouse, keyboard and camera, etc.

Once the information enters the computer system it will find the processing devices, which
are specifically the devices that are responsible for processing the information, basically,
here we will have the microprocessors and RAM. This RAM is in charge of storing short-
term information, this memory helps to process the information and to save the necessary
data for the processing of the information. Therefore, RAM is volatile (non-permanent), it
will only hold the data at the time the information is being processed.

Once the information has been processed we have the output devices that allow me to
know the result of this process, here we have peripheral units such as the monitor, the
printer, and the speakers among others.

Another important element in computer systems is the storage devices, which are those
that allow us to store information in the long term, peripheral units such as hard disk, cd,
DVD, Pendrive, etc.


As mentioned above, these components refer to the intangible elements, i.e. those that you
cannot see or touch but which are fundamental to the operation of the computer system.
The software is mainly composed of two fundamental parts, the basic software, and the
application software.

- The basic software

The basic software or operating system is a set of programs that have various functions
and are fundamental to the operation of any computer system, in other words, that part of
the software that is vital to its operation.

A computer system has a large number of elements that have to work together, the
operative system coordinates the different parts of the computer system so that it works
efficiently, the operative system is the one that orders the functioning of each element in the
computer system. Another of the functions of the operative system is to act as a mediator
between the programs and the hardware, it is the one that is in charge of relating each one
of the different devices so that they can work together. The operative system is also in
charge of managing the resources of the computer, we have a certain microprocessor, a
certain RAM that does not have an infinite capacity, the operative system is in charge of
managing these resources, that is to say, RAM and how much processing capacity is
assigned to each of the tasks that we are carrying out. Another function of the operating
system is to provide a user-friendly way of interacting with the computer system, in other
words, the operating system is responsible for providing a simple user interface.

Some examples of operating systems are Windows, Linux, macOS.

The application software

Computer applications are the programs that control and optimize the operation of the
computer, they establish a basic relationship between the user and the computer, they make
it possible for the user to use complex hardware systems in a comfortable and user-friendly
way, they perform functions that would be cumbersome or even impossible for the user.
Application software is the part of the software that serves to process information in a
customized way. In the application software, each software has its user interface, which
allows users to use the software with ease. It is made up of programs and data, such
programs allow text editing, graphical editing, numerical calculations, etc.

Another classification of application software is whether it is standard or custom-designed,

standard software is the one that comes determined in our computer system depending on
the operating system that is being managed, on the other hand, custom-designed application
software is designed for companies that have special requirements and that are tailored to
the needs of this, some, in this case, the software is adapted to the user.



As mentioned above, the hardware is the physical part of the computer system, this physical
part can be divided into different elements.

Central processing unit

The central processing unit (CPU), also known as the processor, is in charge of controlling
all the operations that are executed within the computer system to process the input
information. This is the most important part of the computer system as it is the thinker of all
tasks and processes. The central processing unit is composed of the control unit, the
arithmetic logic unit, and its memory.


The control unit, or the CU, is the thinking part of the computer system since it directs the
elements that compose it. The main task of the CU is to receive information, interpret it and
process it through the instructions that it provides to the elements that are part of it.

It brings into memory a series of instructions for executing programs and processing data.
CU also interprets and executes these instructions in an orderly fashion to be able to
process the information in the right way at the right time.

To perform all these operations, CU has small storage spaces called registers, which in turn
have other components such as :

Instruction register, which is responsible for storing the instructions that are being executed,
program counter register contains the memory address of the next instruction, controller and
decoder is responsible for interpreting the instruction, is the one that extracts the operation
code of the instruction, the sequencer is the one who generates micro commands to perform
the instruction and the clock that provides a succession of electrical impulses constantly.


The arithmetic logic unit or ALU is the part of the CPU responsible for the mathematical,
arithmetic, and logical operations of the computer system. These operations can be addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division, powering, etc. Logic operations in computer systems are
usually comparative, using algebraic Boolean models. The arithmetic logic unit is composed
of the operations circuit which performs the operations with the data from the input registers,
the input registers which contain the operands, the accumulator which stores the results of
the operations, and the status register which records the conditions of the previous


The computer system uses the memory unit to store all the programs and data used to
process information. There are two essential types of memory used by the computer.

External storage memories

They are the elements that have the power to store information, are external memory hard
drives, CD, DVD, pen drives, etc. Although some of them are inside the casing as it is the
case of the hard disk, they are called external to differentiate them from the RAM, this type
of memories are slower since they are composed of electronic and mechanical components,
this type of memories are non-volatile which means that the information stored in them will
remain at the moment of the interruption of the energy or its disconnection with the System.

Internal Memory

Within the internal memory, there are two types of memory, RAM and ROM.

RAM (Random Access Memory): this memory can store and modify information, this
memory is called the main memory or direct access memory. Among the elements that
make-up it, the address register, the exchange register, the memory selector, and the control
signals, this type of memory stores information in binary form, and the information of this
type is called a bit.

ROM (Read Only Memory): this is a read-only memory, whose information can be modified
and is used to store the initialization instructions of the computer system, in which all the
information of the hardware components of our equipment is stored. Nowadays, EPROM
(Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) type memory is used, which allows changes
to be made to the initial configuration. All these types of memory are non-volatile memory,
which means that the information contained in the memory will always remain in the memory
because they have been programmed with this information at the factory.


The input and output units are responsible for communicating the processor and the rest of
the internal components with the auxiliary components and external storage memories,
these auxiliary components help the user to interact with the computer, these can be
elements such as the mouse, keyboard, etc. these are called as peripherals and external
storage memories such as a pen drive.

2. Analyze the functional relationship between hardware, software, data and information
of a computer system by giving appropriate examples.

To analyze the functional relationship between hardware, software, data, and information in
a computer system we must first obtain the definition of each of them to have a general
understanding from its definition to its operation, the relationship, and what each of them
represents in the computer system.

Hardware: are all those physical and tangible components that are part of the computer
system. Example: motherboard, screen.

Software: is the intangible part of the computer system, i.e. all the instructions, procedures,
or routines that make the operating system work as well as the application programs that
give a result to the end-user.

Example: macOS, Windows, Word, photoshop.

Data: is a collection or series of unorganized values, which in itself has no meaning, these
can be text values, symbols, figures, or numbers among many others that do not necessarily
have a special purpose.

Example: a set of letters, numbers, symbols, or images.

Information: information is a series or collection of organized and processed values that

have a meaning and a purpose to communicate or describe.

an example of information could be the state of the weather on a rainy day, based on this
information we could make decisions such as taking an umbrella.

Given the definitions, we can analyze that all these elements are part of the transformation
cycle from data to information through a computer system composed of its two main actors
such as software and hardware.



These two elements are strictly related since the functioning of one depends on the other
and vice versa, at least software is needed for the user to be able to handle the hardware,
because, without instructions provided by the software, the hardware becomes completely
obsolete and useless, on the other hand, no software can be used if it is not supported by a
hardware device. In conclusion, hardware and software are the body and soul of the
computer system, we could represent it in the following way.


These two elements are part of a transformation process, we could say that before starting
this process we have data, which has no purpose, it doesn't tell you anything, it doesn't
mean anything by itself. When the data goes through a classification process, it is sorted,
processed, and has a clear context, which gives it meaning. Let's take the case of "3:16", if
we look at this set of numbers and symbols, we can't say with certainty what it means, but if
we process it and give it a context, it will go from being data to being information. "3:16 pm"
indicates that these numbers correspond to a specific time of day. "Jhon 3:16" indicates a
biblical quote or "pumas 3:16 all blacks" would indicate the score between the match
between the pumas of Argentina and the all blacks of New Zealand which are the national
rugby teams.


These two elements are related because software contains a set of instructions or
information which is used to perform a specific task. This is the relationship that would have
these two elements, that one is contained in the other, and in the case of a computer
system, this is part of the processing and transformation of data into information.


In terms of these two elements, we could say that the main purpose of the hardware is the
collection of data, which in conjunction with the software will help to order it, process it, and
give it a meaning.

Talking about the relationship between all the elements, data, hardware, software, and
information. We can conclude that each of these elements is part of a process that
transforms the data obtained by the hardware and the instructions contained in the software
gives us a result in the form of information. This is the main characteristic and mission of a
computer system.

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