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How to detect violation of active self-promotion and advertisement?

Nowadays, the technology is very advance in this world, everything can be seen through the
internet and social media like Facebook or Instagram. The Internet has emerged as a
powerful tool for practitioners, professionals, teachers and clients alike. In IEM context, it
allow engineers to gather a wide range of information quickly, it’s also become a springboard
for providing engineering services, particularly to geographically isolated clients who would
otherwise go without. Therefore, the presence of the violation of active self-promotion and
advertisement also can be detected by the advertisements or articles that published on the
internet. If one uses self-laudatory language, the statement is unlikely providing informative
details tally with his qualification, capacity and competence, IEM can easily find out who
break the rule because every engineer had register their name in the IEM.

How to deal with it

1. Peer system within Institution of Engineers Malaysia(IEM)

- By register as a member of IEM, there are IEM rules and regulations need to
follow. They will know what they can do and cannot do. Then, the new engineer
also can communicate with the senior engineer to learn their experience to avoid
the same mistakes happen.

2. To enhance competence
- Competency means "capability." Competence is necessary for a person's own
advancement as well as the advancement of the industry as a whole. To win one's
prospects, we does not need self-laudatory language or an immoral approach if we
becomes qualified. Improving competencies allows an organization to remain
adaptable and competitive, ultimately contributing to increased productivity and
greater revenue. Daily coaching sessions are a convenient and affordable way to
develop employee competencies. Although coaching does not always teach new
skills, it does include positive feedback and guidance on how to develop existing
ones. This encourages workers to perform to their full potential, allowing them to
pursue further learning opportunities once they've established a stable base. As a
result, certified organisations such as BEM and IEM are eager to host ongoing
professional development programmes to improve the member’s competence.
3. Organise a campaign about self-promotion and advertisement
- By organise the camp about self-promotion and advertisement, IEM can share the
disadvantages of the active self-promotion and advertisement to many people.
Then, IEM can hire an expert to share the knowledge about how to self-advertise
correctly. After take part in the campaign, the participant will leave a deep
impression on the correct way of self-promotion and advertisement and avoid to
use self-laudatory language in self-promotion.

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