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Samples question for chapter 6 Munday Introducing translation studies:

Here are some questions regarding chapter 5

1-what is the aim of Ressi's functional approach ?

It aimed at systematizing the assessment of translations .

2- why does Reiss's work consider to be important?

Because it moves translational theory beyond a consideration of lower linguistic levels

towards a consideration of the communicative function of translation.

3_ Reiss feels that it is more important for a metaphor to be retained in the translation of

an expressive text than in an informative TT , why?

Because in informative texts , the translation of its semantic value alone will be sufficient

4 How did Mary Snell-Hornby come up with the categorization of text type?

By borrowing the notion of prototypes

5 Translatorial action focuses very much on producing a TT that is functionally

communicative for the receiver. Explain

This mean that that the form and genre of the TT must be guided by what is functionally

appropriate in the TT culture rather than copying the ST profile .

6 What is 'translatorial text operation' and how does it work ?

It's the term Manttari uses for the production of the TT , it works by analysing the ST for

its construction and function.

7 what is the advantage of Skopos theory ?

It allows the same text to be translated in different ways depending on the purpose of the

TT and the commission given to the translator .

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