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One of the greatest speeches ever: Jeff Bezos

Let me walk you through the alley of success as I reminisce the past interviews and incentive speeches
delivered by the richest man on earth, Jeff Bezos. Jeff Bezos is the synonym for success. He is the
founder and current CEO of one of the most sought-after E-commerce Company, Amazon. While surfing
through his interviews, I came to realize how often he uses the term ‘passion’. He has used the term
passion more than ten times in a ten-minute video. He regards passion as a gift that incites purpose and
direction. It is truly invoking how he mentioned in one of his interviews, that numerous people are
ignoring their passions, not because of the obscurity associated with it, but due to the overruling of their
intellectual selves over the passion. He doesn’t deliver speeches or give interviews drizzled with fancy
words and concepts. His vision is simple and directional. He exclaims that one of his jobs as a leader of
Amazon is to encourage people to be bold. Bold is a four-letter word but it is the riskiest word present in
the dictionary, at the moment. Taking bold steps equals experimentation which is prone to failure. He
said in the interview that he had lost billions of dollars because of experimentation and bold steps
associated with it. That’s why his platforms incite bold bets. Success is a very subjective term altogether
but, according to Jeff Bezos, a few big successes could compensate for dozens of things that didn’t work
out. He adds that there will be times when you will feel drained and vulnerable, having nothing to do
but you have got to find harmony between your work life and family life. When he used the word
‘harmony’ in this interview, he knew what he was saying. After checking out the daily routine of Jeff
Bezos, I concluded that he indeed does practice harmony in his life. He divides time between work and
family warily. Then he moves to a more estimable term “adversity”. He said that everyone experiences
adversity at some point in life, which is followed by choices. He adds that one should not be proud of
their gifts but should be proud of their hard work and choices. Gifts are innate but individual choices are
the real key to greatness. His simplistic yet effective approach is refreshing. He mentions that the key to
be a great inventor is to not let your knowledge get the best of you. Good inventions only ensue when
one takes his/her domain knowledge and beginners mind together. His choice of words is
commendable. He encouraged future entrepreneurs to be persistent, relentless, stubborn, and flexible
in their respective approaches. He added that one needs to be stubborn in his/her vision and flexible
with the details of the vision. Jeff Bezos is an audacious entrepreneur. He believes in the future and
considers leaning-in the future astute. He talks about gratification associated with career choices. The
keywords used by Jeff Bezos in this interview were passion, harmony, bold, adversity, success, and
satisfaction. These six words could sum up the entire ten-minute video and his vision altogether.

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