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4 types of workplace communication, and

12 tips for improvement

There are four main types of workplace communication: verbal, body, phone and written.
During any point in the workday, you are always faced with at least one. Understanding how
to communicate within these fields can be one of the most delicate skills an employee can

Put the other person first

No matter what type of communication you’re taking, put the other person first. If that’s
verbal communication, use inclusive language that connects you and other people to the same
situation. For written communication, avoid using the word “you” and instead use sentences
that describe the general situation. Seek to level the playing field as much as possible so that
workplace communication can be collaborative instead of one-sided. 

Brett Farmiloe, Markitors

Ask meaningful questions

Our employees and our colleagues are human beings first - with families living under one
roof 24/7, hacked together office spaces, screaming kids, a family member that may be ill. If
we can give grace first and assume that whatever you perceived was the best possible version
of that thing (i.e. a short cold email was really just all the time he had available between
feeding his kids), we come from a place of seeing and being for other people, at their best and
at their worst times.

Sydney Miller, Tech Talent South

Personalise your communication to fit individual

Due to the fact that there are four types of communication in the workplace, verbal (in-
person), body language, phone conversations and written communications, understanding that
each of your employees probably reacts better to one form over the other is vital for
successful communication. Narrow down how your employees want to be communicated
with and commit to personalizing your communication style to fit their needs. 

Pete Newstrom, Arrow Lift

Write meeting minutes

Make use of diagrams in written communication and have visual meeting reminders and
meeting minutes. This is because many individuals have a strong visual modality,
including neurodiverse individuals. Companies may need to include features that allow for
the sharing of video or photos on workplace communication tools. Having visual meeting
reminders and meeting minutes can help people who struggle with verbal discussions and
explanations and who struggle with keeping up with the pace of verbal discussions. One
person can be appointed to write up meeting minutes for every important meeting and short
and concise sentences should be used in the minutes.

Kevin Lee, Journey Pure

Align, correct and realign

Whenever I communicate I always follow the same model. We align, correct, and realign.
Always focus on the positive and correct actions when necessary, but you want to make sure
you build that positive interaction with everyone you meet and make sure you are on the
same page.

Loren Howard, Prime Plus Mortgages

Learn how to react to written communication

Written communication is beneficial for outlining previously agreed-upon guidelines,
processes or a plan. But, most communication within our company is verbal because it makes
people feel heard, and it dramatically reduces the miscommunication that results from relying
on written communication alone. The moment you feel offended or frustrated by written
communication, I recommended immediately scheduling a phone call or a meeting to ask
about the intention behind the written communication and share how you received it.

Stephen Warley, Life Skills That Matter

Ask for clarity before drawing conclusions

When it comes to verbal communication, lead with curiosity. Ask for clarification and
explanation before drawing a conclusion. Remember the goal of the conversation and craft
your dialogue to remain true to the goal. Reframe questions so they are more palatable. For
example, instead of asking why something happened, ask the person to explain their thinking.
This will provide the insights you need to better understand what happened.

Diane Helbig, Helbig Enterprises

Don't overlook anyone
First, be respectful. The person you’re speaking to is considered a professional in their area
and they have been hired, just like you, for a reason. Allow them to do your job even as you
seek to do yours. Treat them with respect, speak to them as another professional. Second, be
collaborative. If you’re only communicating because you need a particular piece of
information, state that, thank the person, and move on. However, if you need to collaborate or
work for a longer time on a team together, take advantage of allowing the whole team to
shine through personal strengths. 

Antti Alatalo, SmartWatches4U

Take other perspectives into account

The best way to improve communication is to understand the nature of it. As the person
communicating, it is our responsibility to ensure what we are saying is what is received
correctly to the person being communicated with. For communication that is not context-rich,
such as written or phone conversations, our word choice or tone can convey frustration or any
number of emotions if we are not careful. That being said, self-awareness and empathy can
help us understand how what we are saying will be perceived. 

Steven Brown, DP Electric Inc

Learn behavior patterns of one another

Whenever communicating, follow body language patterns such as making direct eye contact,
striving to remember personal details and trying to understand another person’s perceptions.
Specifically for the neurodiverse workforce, written instructions in simple language and
bullet points help autistic people to understand better. While, for vision impairment
workforce, you can either use linear & logical layout with text magnified to 200% or you can
use audio content or phone conversations. 

Hima Pujara, Signity Solutions

Pay attention to tone

With the current pandemic, phone conversations are becoming the primary means of
communication for many businesses. Tone is a huge component when conversing on the
phone because you do not have any other indicators that will tell you how the person is
feeling and what type of conversation they want to have. Make sure that when you are talking
to someone on the phone that your tone is professional and friendly. Always make sure that
you are sitting straight up and projecting so that those things plus an appropriate tone will
make for a smooth phone conversation. 

Vanessa Molica, The Lash Professional

Verbal, body language, phone calls and written

For verbal communication, keeping an even volume of tone, despite how the conversation is
going, will calm employees and not send them through highs and lows in a conversation as
the volume of your voice goes up and down.  

Body language can be the difference between a productive conversation and an unfruitful
one. Make sure that your body language doesn't make the other person feel defensive or
uncomfortable. Good body language fuels a productive conversation. 

During phone conversations, tone will be the defining factor in a good versus bad phone
conversation. Because you are not face to face with the person, tone will be a huge indicator
of how the person is feeling. Make sure that your tone is professional, friendly and always
represents the company well. 

Written communication can be the trickiest because there are fewer indicators of how the
written piece should be perceived. However, little things like punctuation can make a
difference in how something is perceived. Avoid using exclamation points as they can be
taken as someone yelling or being aggressive instead of excitement. 

Kenna Hamm, Texas Adoption Centre

Resource pack: Making the workplace work for everyone

1 in 5 people have a neurodivergent condition such as dyslexia, autism

or ADHD, and each brings unique strengths to your team. But is your
working environment set up for their success?

In this resource pack, you'll find ways to help employees understand,

communicate and work to their best ability. Hear from neurodiversity
experts from Lexxic, Neurodiversity at Work, Exceptional Individuals, the UK
Civil Service Neurodiversity Network & more. They'll share actionable tips
for creating workplaces where innovation and productivity can flourish.

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