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What is Effective Workplace Communication?

by Owen E. Richason IV

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Advances in technological communication stymie an individual’s ability to connect on a personal level with co-workers and present barriers because they remove much of the

necessary information, such as body language, speaking cadence and tone. Effective workplace communication is based on interpersonal, professional relationships that are

developed through a keen awareness of courtesy, attentive listening, active participation and situation appropriate body language.
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Identifying Workplace Communication Obstacles

The most common workplace communication barriers are non-attentive listening, interrupting others, inappropriate reaction, jumping to conclusions, failure to recognize body

language synchronicity and gender differences. The first four barriers are self explanatory, not listening, acting disproportionately to a situation or information, and making a

judgment before having all the information. Most persons are aware these are negative actions in the workplace. However, the last two are more subtle. To be more effective in

your workplace communication, you must be conscious of how you are presenting yourself. For instance, body language synchronicity means having your actions match your

words and tone. In addition, recognizing and accepting that women and men communicate differently; women gesticulate more to demonstrate what they are saying and use more

words then men when communicating.

Networking And Personal Contact

Networking in your workplace is essential to effective communication. You should attempt to speak with co-workers not in your department as often as possible to learn more

about the company. This will in turn, make you more interesting and reflect to your manager or supervisor that you are professionally invested in the company. Moreover, it will

allow you to expand you’re ability to communicate outside your department’s jargon.

Attitude And Demeanor

Your attitude and demeanor should be courteous, clear and consistent. Being courteous gives others the impression that you care and have an investment in the professional

relationship. When asking a co-worker for advice or assistance, use the phrase “would you please” rather than just “please” and always show gratitude to promote rapport and

convey parity. Asking follow up questions such as “Have I explained this clearly?” instead of “Do you understand” builds trust and reflects consistency in parity and rapport. This

also helps to foster clarity, lessening miscommunication.

Active Participation
Conversations should be a fluid volley between participants—each allowing the other to make a statement, observation, or ask a question without interruption or negative reaction.

Have something interesting to say besides work related topics. You can read your local newspaper in the morning to help gain an understanding of what is occurring outside the

workplace. For conversations that are work related, read trade or industry publications to stay informed and up-to-date. Effective communication is not only about listening; it is

about being able to bring an interesting or informed opinion to the conversation.

Etiquette And Technology

According to a study conducted by the Interactive Advertising Bureau, more than 70 percent of mobile phone users use text messaging and 95 percent of text messages are opened,

while only 25 percent of email messages are opened. Moreover, co-workers will actually email one another rather than engaging in direct conversation when situated right next to

or adjacent to one another. This causes a significant obstacle in workplace communication and using less of these mediums to communicate will foster more effective


Body Language

Body language is perhaps the biggest part of effective workplace communication because of its “tells”—gestures and facial expressions tell the listener what you are thinking or

what your attitude is regardless of what you are verbalizing. If you find a new policy unfair, when your superior asks your opinion, irregardless of what words you choose to use,

your body language will reveal your true feelings. Such as shaking your head “no” when you say that you completely agree with the new policy or crossing your arms while giving

your approval; both gestures will say “I don’t like the new policy” while your lips are saying, “Fine by me”.

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