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Section A
1 Programmers can use a high-level language to write a computer program.

(a) Explain what is meant by the term ‘high-level language’.




............................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) A program written in a high-level language is translated into machine code. This is so that it
can be processed by a computer.

Name one type of translator that can be used.

.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(c) Describe how your answer to part (b) translates this program.







.............................................................................................................................................. [3]

(d) 1A – 16 – C5 – 22 – FF – FF is an example of a MAC address.

Identify what the first six and last six hexadecimal digits represent.

First six digits ............................................................................................................. .......



Last six digits .............................................................................................................. .......



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2 (a) Parity checks are often used to detect errors that may occur during data transmission.

The received bytes in the table below were transmitted using odd parity.

Tick (3) to show whether each byte has been corrupted during transmission or not
corrupted during transmission.

corrupted not corrupted

during during
Received byte
transmission transmission
(3) (3)




(b) Another method of error detection is Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ).

Explain how ARQ is used in error detection.










.............................................................................................................................................. [4]

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3 (a) Complete the truth table for the NOR gate.


A B Output (X)

0 0

0 1

1 0

1 1

(b) Write a logic statement that corresponds with the following logic circuit.


X = ..................................................................................................................................... [3]

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4 The processes in a chemical factory are monitored by sensors connected to a microprocessor.

(a) Identify two different sensors used in this application. Give an example of how each sensor
could be used in the chemical factory.

Sensor 1 ...................................................................................................................................

Use ...........................................................................................................................................


Sensor 2 ...................................................................................................................................

Use ...........................................................................................................................................


(b) Describe how the sensors and a microprocessor are used to monitor a process.












.............................................................................................................................................. [5]

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5 A security system uses sensors, a camera and a microprocessor to capture images of each person
entering a large shopping mall.

(a) Describe how the sensors, camera and microprocessor interact to identify certain people
entering the mall.











(b) Each image taken requires 1 MB of storage. If the camera captures an image every 5 seconds
over a 24 hour period, how much storage is required?

Give your answer in gigabytes and show all your working.





(c) The shopping mall has over 100 cameras. At the end of each day all these cameras send
their images, captured over the last 24 hours, to a central computer.

Explain why the mall uses dedicated fibre optic cable rather than transmitting the data over
the local broadband network.





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6 Five statements about serial half-duplex data transmission are shown in the table below.

Tick (3) to show whether each statement is true or false.

true false
(3 ) (3 )

Data is transmitted in one direction only, one bit at a time.

Data is transmitted in both directions, multiple bits at a time.

Data is transmitted in one direction only, multiple bits at a time.

Data is transmitted in both directions, but only one direction at a

time. Data is transmitted one bit at a time.
Data is transmitted in both directions, but only one direction at a
time. Data is transmitted multiple bits at a time.

7 The steps to print a document using a laser printer are shown in the table below.

Put each step in the correct order. The first step has been done for you.

Step Order

As the printing drum rotates, a laser scans across it; this removes the
positive charge in certain areas
The printing drum is coated in positively-charged toner; this then sticks to the
negatively-charged parts of the printing drum
The paper goes through a fuser which melts the toner so it fixes permanently
to the paper
The printer driver ensures that the data is in a format that the laser printer
can understand 1

A negatively-charged sheet of paper is then rolled over the printing drum

Data is then sent to the laser printer and stored temporarily in the printer
The toner on the printing drum is now transferred to the paper to reproduce
the required text and images

The printing drum is given a positive charge

Negatively-charged areas are then produced on the printing drum; these

match exactly with the text and images to be printed


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Section B

1. Write a program in VB 2010 that will:

a. Input the speed of 10 cars
b. Output the fastest speed and slowest speed
c. Output the average speed of all ten cars

















2. Write a program in VB 2010 which takes temperature input over a ten day period
and output the no. of days when the temperature was below 20C and the no. of
days when the temperature was 20C or above.


















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3. Write a program code in VB 2010 that will take your name & percentage as input
and display your name with grade.













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