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Tong Style
To my wife Mo Chiaen-Yun, whose love, support, and encouragement
enabled this book to come to fruition.

Tong Style


The Acupuncture of Master Tong Ching-Chang
and its Applications in Obstetrics & Gynecology.
Compiled, Collated, and Translated by:
James H. Maher, D.C., O.M.D., Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM), Dipl. T. Ac. (ITARA)
Foreword by:
Robert Chu, M.S.O.M., L. Ac., Q.M.E., Ph.D.
Author of:
Essential Master Tung's Acupuncture, A quick clinical reference for Acupuncturists
Copyright@ 2005: No portion of this publication, except for brief review, may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.

ISBN 0-9759096-7-3

Disclaimer: This book is intended as an educational reference for licensed healthcare practitioners only.
Because professional training and expertise are essential for the safe and effective practice of
acupuncture, this manual is not intended for use by the laity. All treatment suggestions made within this
text must be employed by qualified practitioners only. All non-practitioner readers should consult with
their health care provider regarding suggestions made within this manual. Great care has been taken to
ensure the accuracy of the information contained within this reference and is presented for educational
purposes only. The staff and authors of MCY, LC recognize that clinicians accessing this information
will have varying levels of training and expertise; consequently, we accept no responsibility for the
results obtained by the application of the information contained within this text. Nor are the staff and
authors of MCY, LC liable for the safety and suitability of the treatment suggestions, either alone or in
combination with others. Neither the author of this reference, nor MCY, LC can be held responsible for
errors of fact, translation, or omission, nor for any consequences arising from the use or misuse of the
information contained herein. The use of acupuncture during pregnancy or while nursing must only be
performed by those qualified to provide such services.


Acknowledgements vi
Foreword vii
Introduction ix
Table of Contents XIV
Prof. Dr. Ching-Chang Tung xix
Part 1: Gynecology
Section 1: Menstrual Disorders 1
Section 11: Disorders of the Reproductive Organs 107
Chapter 1: External Genitalia 107
Chapter 2: Uterus 143
Chapter 3: Fallopian Tubes and Ovaries 253
Chapter 4: Vaginal Discharge 305
Section Ill: Disorders of the Breast 339
Section IV: Climacterium and Menopause 381
Section V: Miscellaneous 391

Part IT: Obstetrics

Section 1: Disorders of Pregnancy 445
Section IT: Postpartum Disorders 487

Point Index 523

Bibliography 531


This book, as with all worthwhile endeavors, would not have been possible without the inspiration,
input, and assistance of many individuals.
Yeshua, my redeemer and the 'boss of me'.
Prof. Dr. Ching-Chang Tung for being the genius that he was.
Drs. So Tin-Yao, Ted Kaptchuk, Andrew Gamble, and all the 'old' professors of the New England
School of Acupuncture for helping me get my acupuncture 'feet wet' way back in the early 1980's.
Drs. Hsiao Hung-Hsun, Hwang Wei-San, Chang Yung-Hsien, and He Ch'ao-Hsi my Taiwanese
professors at the Tainan Provincial and China Medical Teaching Hospitals who taught me to demand more
of myself for my patients than I ever thought possible.
Drs. Lai Chin-Hsiung, Hu Ping-Ch'uan, Li Kuo-Cheng, Young Wei-Chieh, and Meng Chieh for
being so selfless and sharing their expertise with 'old hundred names'.
Drs. Wangden Carson, Palden Carson, and Miriam Lee for first introducing the Tung Style of
Acupuncture into the English speaking acupuncture community.
Drs. C.K. Lo, Chairman, S.K. Tsui, Vice-Chairman and Z.R. Sun, Clinical Director of the
International Acupuncture Society, Hong Kong/Shen Zhen, PRC for instilling in me the desire to translate
Chinese works into English for the benefit of all.
Drs. Paul Jaskoviak, John Chambers, and the Hon. Judge Charles J. Rogers for going to bat for me
in the 'bottom of the ninth' when I was behind one to nothing.
Drs. Edward R. Maher, Sr., James E. Bailey, and Laurence Altshuler for being physicians cut from
a superior mold.
My mother Mary Prances Maher, my sister Michaela F. Maher, and my brothers Dr. Edward R.
Maher, Jr. and Maj. Joseph M. Maher for all their support these many long years.
My patients over the last 20+ years for teaching me the things only a patient can teach a physician.
My daughter Meng Kai-Ru (Carolyn) for her painstaking efforts in producing the artwork and
Finally, Mo Chiaen-Yun (Jennifer) my wife, Meng Kai-Ru (Carolyn) my daughter, and Meng Kai-
Jie (J.J.) my son for all their love, caring, and support without which my life means naught.


It is with great pleasure and high regard that I write this foreword for Dr. lames Maher's new book
on Advanced Tung Style Acupuncture: Obstetrics and Genecology. It is truly a great text and wonderful
resource for those who already practice the Acupuncture of Master Tung and want to learn its application
in gynecology and obstetrics.
I have personally met Dr. Maher when he attended my seminar on "Master Tung's Acupuncture"
given at the American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in Houston, TX on October 25,
2003. He introduced himself during a break and spoke with me regarding Tung's Acupuncture in
Mandarin Chinese! Later he began to speak to me in Taiwanese, I was truly impressed with his gift of
language and dialects! After the seminar, Dr. Maher kept in touch with me, and he recently released his
first book called Advanced Tung Style Acupuncture: The Dao Ma Needling Technique of Master Tung
Ching-Chang, which is also a classic in that subject matter in English.
In this book, as in his previous work, Dr. Maher gathers and researches all the written literature in
Chinese on Master Tung's Acupuncture and lists all the treatment protocols in the treatment of OB/GYN
Since the majority of all patients are female, this book is indispensable and should be on every
Acupuncturist's bookshelf. Master Tung Ching-Chang was the greatest Acupuncturist in the last
generation and literally had over 100 patients per day in which he saw in his small clinic.
Master Tung arrived in Taiwan after the Communists took over in China in 1949 along with
Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang party and began a successful practice in Taipei, Taiwan. He was an
Acupuncture practitioner in Taiwan for 26 years, and through out that time, he allegedly treated over
400,000 patients, with about a fourth of them treated at no charge. For these humanitarian deeds, Master
Tung was decorated with an award of "Representative of Fine People and Fine Deeds" in Taiwan.
So great was Master Tung's reputation, that he was asked to visit Cambodia between 1971 and
1974 to treat Cambodian President Long Nuo, who suffered from hemiplegia.
Master Tung was also decorated by President Chiang Kai-shek with an "Honor Certificate in the
field of Chinese Medicine", which is an amazing accomplishment because initially the Nationalist Party
was not responsive to Chinese Medicine.
Master Tung's Acupuncture is truly a living treasure and storehouse of Chinese Medicine,
untouched by modem TCM, and a glimpse into the family systems of Chinese Medicine as taught in
previous generations. It is itself a conglomerate of classical acupuncture and bloodletting methods, flexibly
applied, and proven clinically with practical, quick, nd dramatic results. It is also the foundation f the
Acupuncture system that I call "Optimal Acupuncture".
Master Tung's Acupuncture is now a written legacy spurred on by writers like my own teacher,
Young Wei-chieh, Lee Kuo Zhen, Lai Chin Hung, and others. In English, the work has been presented by
Palden Carson and Wangden Carson, as well as Miriam Lee and fortunately, Dr. Maher has joined that
field of celebrated writers on Tung's Acupuncture. Dr. Maher has unselfishly shared all the known
protocols for treating OB/GYN problems in a quick, easy to read and use format for the practicing

The decision for Dr. Maher to share in English a work of this breadth and depth, is to show his
compassionate nature and of caring for ending suffering of fellow beings. In my own ITARA
(International Tung's Acupuncture Research Association) we seek to preserve, educate, research, and pass
on the legacy of Master Tung's work through seminars, private trainings, and other mediums. I personally
recommend Dr. Maher's work at my seminars and to all my students.
As students and practitioners of Master Tung's Acupuncture, we can extend our knowledge of
Chinese culture, history, Chinese Medical principles and practice to benefit mankind. Since much of the
work available does not approach the Master Tung's Acupuncture in a practical manner, Advanced Tung
Style Acupuncture: Obstetrics and Gvnecology lays down a frrm foundation in application for one to use
clinically on a daily basis. It is hoped that the reader can use these points here and achieve amazing results in
his or her practice, as these are the same points I use in my own practice daily with amazing results!

Robert Chu, MSOM, L.Ac., QME, Ph.D.

Pasadena, CA
September 22, 2005

Author of:
Essential Master Tong's Acupuncture, A quick clinical reference for Acupuncturists
President and Founder of International Tung's Acupuncture Research Association


It is 9:00 o'clock Monday morning and your phone rings. It's your first call at the busy, prestigious
medical center where you have finally landed that coveted staff position - only after having attempted to
do so for the last three years! On the other end of the line is one of the OBGYN residents who relates that
the chief of OBGYN services would like you to take a look at a patient. The resident states that the
patient, Lynn XYZ, is being sent over to with the diagnosis of 'essential dysmenorrhea', and that the chief
would like you to see what you could do for her this morning. The resident further relates that the patient
is, in fact, the only daughter of the chief of OBGYN services, and that her dysmenorrhea is all but
debilitating; everyone on the OBGYN service has tried to help her but to no avail. You make a mental note
to use that Tung acupuncture prescription which has worked so well for you, ever since you took your
introductory Tung class way back in Chinese medical school. This is one of your favorite prescriptions
because it has yet to fail you- regardless of the TCM diagnosis; it consists of Mu Fu (66.02) and Fu Ke
You begin your caseload which, unbeknownst to you, was filled to the breaking point by the end of
last week (thanks to some savvy advertising by the medical center's chief administrator). When Lynn XYZ
arrives at 10:45, virtually doubled over in pain, your ward is overflowing with patients, and many are even
sitting on chairs in the hallway! You recall that she's been sent over by the medical centers' OBGYN
service, and you really want to make a favorable impression on the chief. It was the chief, after all, who
was the toughest 'nut to crack' in you quest for the staff position. Due to the heavy turnout, however, you
only have time for a quick, to-the-point interview and a brief look at her tongue; all while simultaneously
taking her pulses. You think to yourself, "Oh, am I ever glad I have my trusty Mu Fu (66.02) and Fu Ke
(11.24) dysmenorrhea prescription!" You apply your needles, De2 Qi4, cover her with a sheet, and set the
timer for 20 minutes to remind you when you need to return and re-manipulate her needles.
When you return to manipulate her needles, you ask how she's feeling (expecting her to say that
her discomfort has diminished considerably). "Oh, not much different, that I can tell," she replies.
"Strange, what's up with that?" you think to yourself as you work the needles. After strongly manipulating
the needles, you tell her that it might take a little more time only because she's had it for so long. You reset
the timer for another 20 minutes and make your way out to see the next patient.
You return to Lynn's table to check on how she's doing just as your assistant is removing the last
of the needles. "Well, how do you feel?" you ask, again expecting that surely she must be feeling some
relief; after all, this prescription has ALWAYS worked for you in the past!
"It still feels like I've been punched in the gut!" she moans, much to your chagrin. You tell her you
want to see her again tomorrow morning and vow to yourself that you'll check out Dr. Miriam's book to
see if you've missed anything.
When you return home later that afternoon, you grab your dog-eared copy of Dr. Miriam' s book
off the shelf, flip to the 'Treatment Formulary' in the back of the book, and look up 'dysmenorrhea'. Yup,
there they are, Mu Fu (66.02) and Fu Ke (11.24), the only points listed under 'dysmenorrhea' -the very
points you used unsuccessfully this morning on Lynn XYZ! Now what? You flip to the index of the book,
hoping beyond all hope to find some other suggested points under a 'dysmenorrhea' listing, but much to
your disappointment, there's nothing, nada, zilch! Now, what do you do?!?

Enter the book you are holding in your hands! The reference text you are reading was written with
the intent of filling a need outlined in the aforementioned scenario; namely, providing an additional source
of prescriptions for the busy Tung-Style acupuncturist.

What this book is:

This, my second volume in the Advanced Tung Style Acupuncture Series, is solely concerned with
the application of Master Tung's Acupuncture in obstetrics and gynecology. It is entitled 'Advanced Tung
Style Acupuncture' because it, like the first in this series, implies that the user has already had a course in
Master Tung's Acupuncture (e.g., that presented by Drs. Wei-Chieh Young, Palden Carson, Robert Chu,
Esther Su, Richard Tan, Miriam Lee, Susan Johnson, etc.). This text is not intended for use by the tyro, but
rather as a reference by those who already have a working knowledge of Master Tung' s Acupuncture.
This text presents 522 pages of over 400 prescriptions culled from the Chinese language Tung
Acupuncture literature in my personal library- more than 15 different sources were referenced (several
currently out of print). From these Chinese language sources, I have compiled, collated, and translated all
the OB/GYN prescriptions proffered by the 'experts' and applied accompanying diagrams for each
disorder/disease to facilitate their application. Included are author-specific point locations, needling
instructions, contraindications and, when available, clinical comments, herbal suggestions, lifestyle
modifications, etc. all derived from the author(s) own personal clinical experiences with Master Tung's

What this book is not:

This text is NOT an introductory text in the acupuncture of Master Tung Ching-Chang! Nor is it a
primer on the TCM theories governing obstetrics and gynecology - there are an ample number of texts on
the market concerning both these topics.

How the book is arranged:

The main body of the text is divided into 2 parts - Part I: Gynecology and Part II: Obstetrics, which
are further sub-divided as follows:

Part 1: Gynecology (subdivided into 4 Sections).

Section I: Menstrual Disorders.
Section II: Disorders of the Reproductive Organs (4 Chapters).
Chapter 1: External Genitalia.
Chapter 2: Uterus.
Chapter 3: Fallopian Tubes and Ovaries.
Chapter 4: Vaginal Discharge.
Section ill: Disorders of the Breast.
Section IV: Climacterium and Menopause.
Section V: Miscellaneous.

Part II: Obstetrics.

Section I: Disorders of Pregnancy.
Section II: Postpartum Disorders.

Individual Disorder/Disease Entries:

Located at the center of the top of the page is the name of the disorder/disease followed by a set of
parentheses; e.g., 'Mamrnillitis (HCL-1)' [from Part I, Section 3, Disorders of the Breast, p. 357]. Within
the parentheses is a series of letters and perhaps a number. The letters represent the author(s) and the
number represents the prescription number. In the example above, the 'HCL' represents the authors Hung
Li-Yueh, Chou Han-Luan, and Lin Yu-Shan and the '1' represents a first prescription presented by them
for mammillitis. These numbers have NOTHING to do with 'superiority' of the prescription (personally, I
prefer to use the least number of points to get the job done), and merely reflect how prolific the author(s) is
Under the disorder/disease name will be the points suggested by the author(s), which are to be used
in the 'first step'. In our example, Drs. Hunf' Chou, and Lin suggest DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four
Horses' with Shuang 1 Long2 Yi 1 and Shuang Long2 Er4 . The author(s) specific locations for the suggested
points are then presented and THESE are the locations that should be used for THIS prescription. One
should also employ the author(s) recommended needling technique(s) as well. ONE SHOULD
DISORDER OR DISEASE! Subsequent to the 'first step', there may or may not be a 'second step', which
would be listed next.
Subsequent to the 'steps' outlined above, 'point specific diagram(s)' illustrating the author(s)
specific point location(s) is/are provided. In our 'Mamrnillitis (HCL-1)' example, 'step two' is to 'let' the
Heart-Lung Region on the back (consult the Dao Ma text for more details on 'letting'). The corresponding
anatomical diagrams illustrating these suggested point locations then follow. The desired consequence of
this text is simply to provide the busy acupuncturist with the ability (once he/she has become facile with
the various point locations) to look up a given disorder, consult the accompanying diagram(s), and go treat
the patient! I sincerely hope that these steps may all be accomplished merely in the matter of moments!

A word on locating DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles':

The verbiage describing the location of these five points is rather complex. To facilitate locating
these points, simply follow the steps outlined below:

Step 1: Locate the ulnar digit line on the proximal phalanx of the thumb.

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT thumb.


Step 2: Locate the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease (DISC) and the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin
crease (DMSC) along the ulnar digit line.


Step 3: Divide the proximal phalanx, between the dorsal interphalangeal and the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin creases along the ulnar digit line, into thirds.

Step 4: Divide each resultant third (from Step 3) in half.


Each resulting hash mark along the ulnar digit line, between the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease
and the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease, represents the location of one of the five points
comprising DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'.


The following legend helps to identify the appropriate point locations with the author(s) suggesting the
point prescription. The transliteration is not the Pinyin used in the PRC, rather it is a system commonly
employed on Taiwan, ROC by the Far Eastern Dictionary Company.

* CCC = !Il~ IJ.lP.J.ll, J!Hf~Jt Ch'en T'ing, Ch'en Nai-Li, and Chou Ting-Wen.

• CKS = IJ.l ~ ~. IJ'J!f~, I¥Iflll.3i: Ch'en Hsiao-Ching, K'uang Yu-Chen, and ,S_u Shan-Yu .

• HPC = NJPHI: Hufing-Ch'uan.

D HCL = #tJti~, ~~-.~»M&: Hung Li-Yueh, Chou Han-Luan, and Lin Yu-Shan.

0 LCH =-~~it: Lai Chin-Hsuing.

LKC = *lilit: Li Kuo-Cheng.

HSH = lfiYJt, filfi!J.3i, JltJH\jift Hsiao Yu-Ling, ,S_u Shan-Yu, and Huang Jui-Hsuing.

*MC= ~fm: Meng Chieh.

• PRC State Administration of TCM locations.

When one notes multiple authors listed under a given disease/disorder heading, it merely reflects
that both (or several) authors (groups) have suggested the same prescription for that malady. By way of
example, 'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (CCC-5; HCL; MC) on p. 320 was suggested by three different
authors (groups) namely, CCC = Rl~, IJ.lP.Jtz:, ~W~X: Ch'en T'ing, Ch'en Nai-Li, and Chou Ting-Wen,
HCL = #tll~, RiJ~W, ~»M&: Hung Li-Yueh, Chou Han-Luan, and Lin Yu-Shan, and MC= ~fm:
Meng Chieh. Unless the point locations differed amongst the various authors, only one entry was made
and all author(s) (groups) were cited as suggesting that prescription.

Irregular Menstruation (CCC-3) 46

PART 1 GYNECOLOGY: Irregular Menstruation (CCC-4) 47
Irregular Menstruation (CKS-1) 48
Irregular Menstruation (CKS-2) 50
Irregular Menstruation (HPC-1) 51
Irregular Menstruation (HPC-2) 52
SECT. 1 Menstrual Disorders. Irregular Menstruation (HCL-1) 53
Amenorrhea (CKS-1) 1 Irregular Menstruation (HCL-2) 54
Amenorrhea (CKS-2) 2 Irregular Menstruation (HCL-3; LKC) 55
Amenorrhea (HPC) 4 Irregular Menstruation (HCL-4) 56
Amenorrhea (HCL) 5 Irregular Menstruation (HCL-5) 57
Amenorrhea (LCH) 5 Irregular Menstruation (LCH-1) 58
Amenorrhea (LKC) 6 Irregular Menstruation (LCH-2) 59
Dysmenorrhea (CCC-1; HCL) 7 Irregular Menstruation (LKC-1) 60
Dysmenorrhea (CCC-2) 8 Irregular Menstruation (LKC-2) 61
Dysmenorrhea (CCC-3) 9 Irregular Menstruation (LKC-3) 62
Dysmenorrhea (CCC-4) 10 Irregular Menstruation (LKC-4) 63
Dysmenorrhea (CKS-1) 11 Irregular Menstruation (LKC-5) 64
Dysmenorrhea (CKS-2) 12 Irregular Menstruation (LKC-6) 65
Dysmenorrhea (CKS-3) 14 Irregular Menstruation (HSH) 66
Dysmenorrhea (HPC-1) 16 Menstrual Acne (CKS) 68
Dysmenorrhea (HPC-2) 17 Menstrual Cervicalgia (CKS-1) 70
Dysmenorrhea (HCL-1) 18 Menstrual Cervicalgia (CKS-2) 72
Dysmenorrhea (HCL-2; LKC) 19 Menstrual Diarrhea (CKS) 74
Dysmenorrhea (HCL-3) 20 Menstrual Freckles (CKS) 76
Dysmenorrhea (HCL-4) 21 Menstrual Freckles (HSH) 78
Dysmenorrhea (HCL-5; LKC) 22 Menstrual Headache (CKS-1) 80
Dysmenorrhea (HCL-6) 23 Menstrual Headache (CKS-2) 81
Dysmenorrhea (LCH) 24 Menstrual Headache (CKS-3) 82
Dysmenorrhea (LKC-1) 25 Menstrual Headache (HSH) 83
Dysmenorrhea (LKC-2) 26 Menstrual Low Back Pain (CKS; HSH) 84
Dysmenorrhea (LKC-3) 27 Menstrual Low Back Pain (HPC) 86
Dysmenorrhea (LKC-4) 28 Menstrual Low Back Pain (LKC-1) 87
Dysmenorrhea (LKC-5) 30 Menstrual Low Back Pain (LKC-2) 88
Dysmenorrhea (LKC-6) 30 Menstrual Low Back Pain (LKC-3) 89
Dysmenorrhea (LKC-7; HCL) 31 Menstrual Low Abdm. Heat/Distention (CKS) 90
Dysmenorrhea (MC-1) 32 Menstrual Sacrococcygodynia (CKS) 91
Dysmenorrhea (MC-2) 33 Menstrual Sciatica (HSH) 92
Hypermenorrhea (CKS-1) 34 Oligomenorrhea (MC) 93
Hypermenorrhea (CKS-2) 36 Premenstrual Breast Distention (CKS) 94
Hypermenorrhea (HCL-1) 37 Premenstrual Syndrome (CKS-1) 96
Hypermenorrhea (HCL-2) 38 Premenstrual Syndrome (CKS-2) 98
Hypermenorrhea (MC) 39 Premenstrual Syndrome (MC) 100
Hypomenorrhea (CKS-1) 40 Prolonged Menstrual Cycle (CKS-1) 101
Hypomenorrhea (CKS-2) 42 Prolonged Menstrual Cycle (CKS-2) 102
Hypomenorrhea (HCL-1) 43 Regulate Menses (LCH) 103
Hypomenorrhea (HCL-2) 44 Vicarious Menstruation (CKS) 104
Irregular Menstruation (CCC-1) 45
Irregular Menstruation (CCC-2) 45

SECT. 2 Disorders Reproductive Organs. Cervicitis (CKS-1) 154

Cervicitis (CKS-2) 156
Diseases of Uterus- General (LKC) 157
Chapter 1 The External Genitalia: Endometritis (CKS-1) 158
Flatus Vaginalis (CKS; HCL) 107 Endometritis (CKS-2) 160
Intercourse Induced Vaginodynia (CKS) 108 Endometritis (MC) 162
Pudendal Swelling (CCC-1) 110 Functional Uterine Bleeding (HPC) 163
Pudendal Swelling (CCC-2) 110 Hysteralgia (CCC) 164
Pudendal Swelling (HCL) 111 Hysteralgia (HCL) 165
Pudendal Swelling (LCH) 111 Hysteralgia (LCH) 166
Pudendal Swelling (LKC) 112 Hysteralgia (MC) 167
Pudendal Swelling (MC) 113 Intrauterine 'Heat' (CKS) 168
Pudendal Swelling and Pain (CKS) 114 Intrauterine 'Heat' (CCC) 170
Vaginal Cancer (CKS) 116 Low Back Pain- Cervical CA (HPC) 171
Vaginal Pruritus (CCC-1) 118 Low Back Pain- Uterine Leiomyoma (HPC) 172
Vaginal Pruritus (CCC-2) 119 Low Back Pain - Uterine Prolapse (HPC) 173
Vaginal Pruritus (CKS) 120 Metritis (CCC-1) 174
Vaginal Pruritus (HCL) 122 Metritis (CCC-2) 175
Vaginal Pruritus (LCH) 123 Metritis (HCL-1; CCC) 175
Vaginal Pruritus (LKC-1) 124 Metritis (HCL-2) 176
Vaginal Pruritus (LKC-2) 125 Metritis (HCL-3) 178
Vaginitis (CCC) 126 Metritis (HCL-4) 178
Vaginitis (CKS) 127 Metritis (HCL-5) 179
Vaginitis (HPC) 128 Metritis (HCL-6) 179
Vaginitis (HCL-1) 129 Metritis (HCL-7) 180
Vaginitis (HCL-2) 130 Metritis (HCL-8) 182
Vaginitis (LCH) 131 Metritis (LCH) 183
Vaginitis (MC) 132 Metritis (LKC-1) 184
Vaginitis (LKC) 134 Metritis (LKC-2) 185
Vaginodynia (CCC-1) 135 Metritis (LKC-3) 186
Vaginodynia (CCC-2) 136 Metritis (LKC-4) 187
Vaginodynia (LCH) 137 Metritis (LKC-5) 188
Vaginodynia (LKC-1) 138 Metritis (LKC-6) 190
Vaginodynia (LKC-2) 139 Metritis (LKC-7) 192
Venereal Disease (HCL) Not Specified 140 Metritis (LKC-8) 193
Vulvitis (MC) 142 Metritis (MC) 194
Metrorrhagia (CCC) 196
Chapter 2 The Uterus: Metrorrhagia (CKS) 197
Anteverted Uterus (CCC) 143 Metrorrhagia (LCH) 198
Anteverted Uterus (LCH) 143 Metrorrhagia (LKC) 199
Anteverted Uterus (CKS) 144 Prolapse of the Uterus (CKS) 200
Anteverted Uterus (HCL; LKC) 145 Retroverted Uterus (CCC) 202
Cervical Cancer (CKS) 146 Retroverted Uterus (CKS) 203
Cervical Carcinoma (HPC) 148 Retroverted Uterus (HCL) 204
Cervical Carcinoma of Uterus (HCL) 149 Retroverted Uterus (LCH) 205
Cervical Dysplasia (CKS) 150 Retroverted Uterus (LKC) 206
Cervical Dysplasia (HPC) 152 Tumor of Uterine Cervix (LKC) 207
Cervical Dysplasia (HCL) 153 Uterine CA (MC-1) 208
Uterine CA (MC-2) 209

Uterine Cancer (CKS) 210 Oophoritis (LKC-4) 269

Uterine CA (HPC) 212 Oophoritis (LKC-5) 270
Uterine Carcinoma (LKC-1) 214 Oophoritis (LKC-6) 271
Uterine Carcinoma (LKC-2) 215 Oophoritis (LKC-7) 272
Uterine Carcinoma (LKC-3) 216 Oophoritis (LKC-8) 274
Uterine Carcinoma (LKC-4) 217 Oophoritis (LKC-9) 275
Uterine Carcinoma (LKC-5) 218 Oophoritis (LKC-10) 276
Uterine Carcinoma (LKC-6) 219 Oophoritis (LKC-11) 277
Uterine Carcinoma (LKC-7) 221 Oophoritis (LKC-12) 278
Uterine Carcinoma (LKC-8) 222 Ovarian Cancer (CKS) 280
Uterine Corpus Carcinoma (CCC-1) 224 Ovarian Cyst(s)(CKS-1) 282
Uterine Corpus Carcinoma (CCC-2) 225 Ovarian Cyst(s) (CKS-2) 283
Uterine Corpus Carcinoma (HCL-1) 226 Ovarian Cyst (HPC) 284
Uterine Corpus Carcinoma (HCL-2) 227 Ovarian Cyst(s) (HCL) 285
Uterine Corpus Carcinoma (HCL-3) 228 Ovulatory Hemorrhage (HPC) 286
Uterine Disorders (MC) (General) 230 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (CKS-1) 287
Uterine Distention (LCH) 231 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (CKS-2) 288
Uterine Distention and 'Heat' (HCL) 231 Salpingemphraxis (CKS) 290
Uterine Distention (LKC) 232 Salpingemphraxis (HCL-1; LKC) 292
Uterine Leiomyoma (CCC-1) 234 Salpingemphraxis (HCL-2; LKC; CCC) 294
Uterine Leiomyoma (CCC-2) 235 Salpingemphraxis (LCH) 295
Uterine Leiomyoma (CKS) 236 Salpingemphraxis (LKC-1) 296
Uterine Leiomyoma (HCL-1) 238 Salpingemphraxis (LKC-2) 297
Uterine Leiomyoma (HCL-2) 240 Salpingemphraxis (LKC-3) 298
Uterine Leiomyoma (HCL-3) 242 Salpingemphraxis (LKC-4) 299
Uterine Leiomyoma (HCL-4) 243 Salpingemphraxis (LKC-5) 300
Uterine Leiomyoma (LCH) 244 Salpingemphraxis (MC) 301
Uterine Leiomyoma (LKC) 246 Salpingitis - Acute (HPC-1) 302
Uterine Leiomyoma (HPC) 248 Salpingitis (HPC-2) 303
Uterine Leiomyoma (MC) 249
Uterismus (MC) 250 Chapter 4 Vaginal Discharge:
Uterovaginal Tuberculosis (HPC) 251
Abnormal Vaginal Discharge (LCH) 305
Uterovaginal Ulcer (HPC) 252
Abnormal Vaginal Discharge (CKS Group 1) 306
Abnormal Vaginal Discharge (CKS Group 2) 308
Chapter 3 Fallopian Tubes + Ovaries: Leukorrhea (MC) 310
Fallopian Tube (Ovarian) Induced Pain (MC) 253 Leukorrhea (HPC) [2° Bacterial Vaginitis] 311
Fallopian Tube Neoplasm (CKS) 254 Leukorrhea (HPC) [2° Candidiasis] 312
Low Back Pain- 2° to Ovarian Cysts (HPC) 256 Leukorrhea (HPC) [2° Endometriosis] 313
Oophoritis (CCC) 257 Leukorrhea (HPC) [2° Gonococcal] 314
Oophoritis (CKS) 258 Leukorrhea (HPC) [2° Inflam. Cerv. Canal] 315
Oophoritis (HCL-1) 260 Leukorrhea (HPC)[2°Trichomon. Vaginitis] 316
Oophoritis (HCL-2) 262 'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (CCC-1) 317
Oophoritis (HCL-3) 263 'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (CCC-2) 317
Oophoritis (HCL-4) 264 'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (CCC-3) 318
Oophoritis (HCL-5; CCC) 265 'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (CCC-4) 319
Oophoritis (LKC-1) 266 'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (CCC-5; MC) 320
Oophoritis (LKC-2) 267 'Red-White' Vaginal Discharge (HCL-1) 321
Oophoritis (LKC-3) 268 'Red-White' Vaginal Discharge (HCL-2) 322

'Red-White' Vaginal Discharge (HCL-3;LKC)323 'Stiff Neck'- Climacteric (CKS) 386

'Red-White' Vaginal Discharge (LCH) 324 Postmenopausal Osteoporosis(Vrtbral)(CKS) 388
'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (LKC-1) 326 Emotional Concomitants - Menopause (CKS) 390
'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (LKC-2) 328
'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (LKC-3) 329 SECT. 5 Miscellaneous.
'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (LKC-4) 330
Abdominal Mass - Palpable: Colon CA (HPC)391
'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (LKC-5;HCL)331 Abdm. Mass -Palpable: Leiomyoma (HPC) 392
'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (LKC-6;HCL)332
Abdm. Mass - Palpable: Ovarian CA (HPC) 393
'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (LKC-7) 333 Abdm. Mass - Palpable: Ovarian Cyst (HPC) 394
'Red-White' Vaginal Discharge (MC) 334 Acne (HPC) 395
Vaginal Discharge (HSH) 336
Anemia (CKS-1) [General] 396
Anemia (CKS-2) [2° to Menstruation] 397
SECT. 3 Disorders of the Breast. Anemia (HSH-1) 398
Breast Lump (LCH) (Non-specific) 339 Anemia (HSH-2) 400
Breast Neoplasm (MC) (Non-specific) 340 Anemia (HSH-3) 401
Carbuncle of the Breast (CCC) 341 Anorgasmia (CKS) [Kidney-Yang2 Vacuity] 402
Carbuncle of the Breast (HCL) 342 Anorgasmia (LCH) 403
Carcinoma of the Breast (CKS) 344 Bromidrosis (HPC) 404
Carcinoma of the Breast (HCL) 346 Emaciation (HPC) [Abnrml. Elevated BMR] 405
Carcinoma of the Breast (LKC) 348 Emaciation (HPC) [2° to Disease Entity] 406
Carcinoma of the Breast (LCH) 350 Endometriosis (HPC) 407
Fibrocystic Disease of the Breast (LCH) 351 Enlarged Pores (CKS) 408
Fibrocystic Disease of the Breast (CKS) 352 Erythema Nodosum (HPC) 410
Fibrocystic Disease of the Breast (HCL) 354 Erythema: Palmar- 2° Liver pathology (HPC) 411
Mammillitis (CCC) 356 Female 'Kidney-Depletion' (LKC-1) 412
Mammillitis (HCL-1) 357 Female 'Kidney-Depletion' (LKC-2) 413
Mammillitis (HCL-2) 358 Frigidity (CKS) 414
Mammillitis (LKC-1) 360 Frigidity (LCH) 416
Mammillitis (LKC-2) 361 Frigidity (LKC) 417
Mammillitis (LKC-3) 362 Furunculosis: Facial (HPC) 418
Mastalgia (LKC-1) 363 Hemangioma (HPC) 419
Mastalgia (LKC-2) 364 Hydroa (HPC) 420
Mastitis (CCC-1) 366 Insomnia (HSH) 421
Mastitis (CCC-2) 367 Lentigines (CKS) (Cosmetic induced lentigo) 422
Mastitis (HCL-1) 368 Lentigines (HPC-1) ('Liver Spots') 424
Mastitis (HCL-2) 370 Lentigines (HPC-2) ('Liver Spots') 425
Mastitis (HCL-3) 372 Lentigines (LCH) 426
Mastitis (MC) 373 Low Back Pain- 2° to Endometriosis (HPC) 427
Mastoncus (CCC) 374 Lupus Erythematosus (HPC) 428
Mastoncus (LCH) 375 Night Sweats (HPC) 429
Nipple Adenoma (HCL) 376 Obesity: Morbid (HPC) 430
Suppression of Lactation (CKS; LKC) 377 Obesity: Simple (HPC) 431
Mammillitis (CKS) 378 Purpura (HPC) 432
Rash: Drug/Allergic (HPC) 433
Thyroid Carcinoma (CKS) 434
SECT. 4 Climacterium & Menopause.
Thyromegaly (CKS) 436
Menopausal Syndrome (CKS) (General) 381
Thyromegaly (LCH) 438
Migraine- Climacteric (CKS) 382
Varicose Veins (CKS) 439
Palpitations- Climacteric (CKS) 384

Venereal Disease (HCL) (Not Specified) 440 SECT. 2 Postpartum Disorders.

Visibly Distended Abdomen (HPC) 442 Agalactorrhea (CKS-1) 487
Agalactorrhea (CKS-2) 488
'Postpartum Blood Dizziness' (CKS) 490
PART 2 OBSTETRICS: Postpartum Cystitis (CKS)
Postpartum Enuresis (CKS)
Postpartum Frequent Micturition (CKS) 496
Postpartum Low Back Pain (CKS) 498
Postpartum Sacrococcygodynia (CKS) 500
Postpartum Vulvovaginitis (CKS) 502
SECT. 1 Disorders of Pregnancy.
Postpartum Urinary Retention (CKS) 504
Breech Presentation (CKS) 445
Postpartum Uterus Failure (CKS) 506
Breech Presentation (MC) 445
Puerperal Mastitis (CKS) 507
Dystocia (CCC) 446
Puerperal Metritis (CKS) 508
Dystocia [Maternal/Fetal] (CKS) 447
Puerperal 'Wind' Syndrome (CKS) 510
Dystocia [Placental] (CKS) 448
Puerperal 'Wind' Syndrome (CCC) 512
Dystocia (HCL) 450
Puerperal 'Wind' Syndrome (HCL) 513
Dystocia (LCH) 451
Puerperal 'Wind' Syndrome (LCH) 514
Dystocia (MC) 451
Puerperal 'Wind' Syndrome (LKC) 515
Dystocia (LKC-1) 452
Retained Lochia (CKS) 516
Dystocia (LKC-2) 453
Retained Placenta (CKS) 518
Eclampsia (CKS) 454
Retained Placenta (HCL) 520
Gestational Freckles (CKS) 456
Retained Placenta (LCH) 521
Habitual Spontaneous Abortion (CKS-1) 458
Retained Placenta (LKC) 522
Habitual Spontaneous Abortion (CKS-2) 460
Habitual Spontaneous Abortion (HCL; CKS) 461
Infertility (CCC-1) 462
Infertility (CCC-2) 463
Infertility (CKS-1) [2° to Repletion] 464
Infertility (CKS-2) [2° to Vacuity] 466
Infertility (HCL) 468
Infertility (LCH) 469
Infertility (LKC) 470
Infertility (MC-1) 4 71
Infertility (MC-2) 472
Labor Pain (HCL) 473
Morning Sickness (CKS) 474
Morning Sickness (LCH) 475
Nausea of Pregnancy (CKS) 476
Nausea of Pregnancy (LCH) 477
Preeclampsia (CKS) [Toxemia of Pregnancy] 478
Preeclampsia (MC) 479
Prevent Miscarriage (LCH) 480
Prevent Miscarriage (LKC-1) 481
Prevent Miscarriage (LKC-2) 482
'Quiet the Fetus' (LCH) 483
'Quiet the Fetus' (LKC) 484
Vomiting of Pregnancy (CKS) 485
Vomiting of Pregnancy (LCH) 486

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1916 ~ 1975
Section 1:

Amenorrhea (CKS-1)
[The following should be used in cases of amenorrhea due to 'Blood Stagnation'.]

1. 'Let' the 'Sciatic Region' (CKS):

• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
1. S2/S 3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
ii. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iii. S3/S4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iv. S4 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. SJS 5 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).

Sciatic Region
Amenorrhea (CKS-2)
1. DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow', DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors', Ling2 Gu3, DMG
11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (CKS):
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren 2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• Lini Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
1. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point is located by coursing 8 cun proximal to the superior edge
of the patella and 1 cun medial to the median (midsagittal) plane of the anterior
thi~h. Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Jie Mei4 Er4 : This point is located 2.5 cun immediately superior to Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1
on the proximal aspect of the anterior thigh. Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels and
Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Jie3 Mei 4 San1: This point is located 2.5 cun immediately superior to Jie3 Mei4 Er4
on the proximal aspect of the anterior thigh. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and
Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}

~J~ ,\


DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Amenorrhea (HPC)
1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Hu's) and Fu4 Ke 1 - treat every other day until
the clinical picture improves (HPC):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Hu's):
1. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge
of the patella. Therefore, Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3 cun
medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
iii. Jie3 Mei4 San1 (Hu's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit
(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun -Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFT. {Uterine Reaction Area}

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Amenorrhea (HCL)

1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (HCL):

• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun
proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six
Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane)
of the anterior thigh, 7 cun proximal to the center of the
superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately
proximal to Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1• Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six
Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane
(midsagittal plane) at a point 10.5 cun proximal to the
center of the superior edge of the patella.)
111. Jie3 Mei 4 San : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately
proximal to Jie 3 Mei4 Er4 • Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six
Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane
(midsagittal plane) at a point 13 cun proximal to the
center of the superior edge of the patella.)

Amenorrhea (LCH)

1. Lin~ Gu 3 (LCH):
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - the point communicates with
the palmar point Zhong4 Xian 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.0 cun; i.e., needle through to connect with
Zhong4 Xian 1. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}
Amenorrhea (LKC)
1. 'Let' San1 Jiang\ then needle Ling2 Gu3 and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (LKC):
• San1 Jiang 1: This group of points includes: 6 midline points, one each at the Ld~
interspinous space, ~/L3 interspinous space, L]i~ interspinous space, LJL5 interspinous
space, Ls/S 1 interspinous space, and S 1/S 2 interspinous space. There are also 6 bilaterally
paired sets of points with each set located 3.0 cun lateral to either side of the
aforementioned midline points for a grand total of 18 points.
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'
Dysmenorrhea (CCC-1; HCL)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' with Men2 Jin 1 (CCC + HCL):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure section~ the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Men2 Jin 1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Dysmenorrhea (CCC-2)
1. DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles' (CCC):
• DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles':
i. Si4 Hua1 Shang4 : This point is located 3.0 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral and adherent to the anterior tibial crest at the level of ST-36WH0
'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Lung Branch, and Heart Branch
Reaction Areas} _
ii. Si Hua Zhong : This point is located 4.5 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Shang4; i.e., 7.5
4 1 1

cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Heart Branch, Lung
Branch, and Six Bowels Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Si4 Hua1 Xia4 : This point is located 5.0 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Zhong 1; i.e., 12.5 cun
distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Six Bowels
Auxiliary, Lung Auxiliary, and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

DMG 77-02 '4 Flowers 3 Needles'

Dysmenorrhea (CCC-3)
1. DMG 11-02 'Finger Three Yellow' (CCC):
• DMG 11-02 'Finger Three Yellow':
i. Zhong 1 Huani: This point is located in the center of anterior Digit Line D on the
anterior surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb. To determine the exact center
of. anterior Digit Line D on the proximal phalanx, bisect the distance from the
anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior interphalangeal skin crease
along the course of said line. Needle 0.1 to 0.2 cun. {Liver Branch Reaction Area}
n. Shang4 Huani: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Zhong 1
Huang2 to the anterior interphalangeal skin crease along the course of anterior Digit
Line D. Needle 0.1 to 0.2 cun. {Liver Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Xia4 Huang2 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Zhong 1 Huang2
to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of anterior Digit
Line D. Needle 0.1 to 0.2 cun. {Liver Branch Reaction Area}

)., . :->..,.., .. ~.,

S ang4 Huang2 *

DMG 11-02 'Finger 3 Yellow'

Dysmenorrhea (CCC-4)
1. DMG 22-06 'Control Three Needles' (CCC):
• DMG 22-06 'Control Three Needles':
i. Zhong4 Kui2 : This point is located in the depression at the junction of the shaft and
the head of the second metacarpal bone. Commencing at the base of the second
metacarpal bone in the first dorsal interosseous space, slide distally along its radial
shaft until you encounter the junction of the shaft and the head of this metacarpal.
Needle, closely adherent to the 2nd metacarpal bone, 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Heart Branch
and Lung Branch Reaction Areas} (This point is in the same location as LI-3 WHO as
per O'Connor and Bensky.)
n. Linf Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand in an area known as the
'Hu Kou3 '; i.e., the region between the first and second metacarpal bones. The
point is found at the articulation of the bases of the first and second metacarpal
bones, proximal to LI-4WH0 . Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Lung Branch, Heart, and
Kidney Reaction Areas}
iii. Da4 Bai2 : This point may be found by first locating Ling2 Gu3 and Zhong4 Kui 2 ;
bisect the distance between these two points to locate Da4 Bai2 , the point lies 1.0
cun distal to Ling2 Gu3 • Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}

DMG 22-06 'Control 3 Needles'

Dysmenorrhea (CKS-1)
[The patient should refrain from eating/drinking ice-cold foodstuffs/beverages.]

1. Linlf Gu3, Si4 Hua1 Shang\ Men2 Jin1, DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', and Ren2
Huanlf (CKS):
• Linlf Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Si4 Hua 1 Shang4 : This point is located 3 cun distal to the lateral eye of the knee,
immediately lateral (closely adherent) to the tibia. Needle 2 to 3 cun. {Six Bowels, Lung
Branch, and Heart Branch Reaction Areas}
• Men2 Jin1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel; i.e., Ren2
Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch Reaction

DMG 11-15 'Gynecolo

Dysmenorrhea (CKS-2)
[Secondary to 'Heart-Spleen Vacuity']
[The patient should refrain from eating/drinking ice-cold products.]
1. Lin~ Gu 3, Si4 Hua1 Shang\ Men2 Jin\ DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 33-03
'Heart Spirit Three Needles', Ren2 Huan~, and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles'
• Lin~ Gu 3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Si4 Hua 1 Shang4 : This point is located 3 cun distal to the lateral eye of the knee,
immediately lateral (closely adherent) to the tibia. Needle 2 to 3 cun. {Six Bowels, Lung
Branch, and Heart Branch Reaction Areas}
• Men2 Jin 1 : This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Ren2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel; i.e., Ren2
Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 • Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch Reaction
• DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles':
i. Xin 1 Ling2 Yi : This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 1.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
ii. Xin 1 Lin~ Er4 : This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 2.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Xin 1 Lin~ San 1: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 3.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1 : This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun rroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei4 Er4 •
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie 3
Mei4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)

Ton iS

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit 3 Needles'

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'
Dysmenorrhea (CKS-3)
[Secondary to 'Spleen-Kidney Vacuity']

[The patient should refrain from eating/drinking ice-cold products.]

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Lin~ Gu3, DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three
Needles', and DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 : This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie 3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun rroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 El.
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie 3
Mei4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WHo, on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang 2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
111. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
Dysmenorrhea (CKS-3)
[Secondary to 'Spleen-Kidney Vacuity']


DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3Needles'

Dysmenorrhea (HPC-1)
1. Fu4 Ke\ Ling2 Gu3, and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Hu's)- treat daily during
symptomatic period; one week after the MC ceases treat daily for one week and the
dysmenorrhea should be relieved (HPC):
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit
(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun -Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFT. {Uterine Reaction Area}
• Lini Gu3 : This point is found on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpals - this point communicates with the
palmar point Zhong4 Xian 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.0 cun; i.e., needle through to connect with
Zhong4 Xian 1. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Hu's):
1. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie 3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er 4 (Hu's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3
Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
m. Jie3 Mei4 San1 (Hu's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Dysmenorrhea (HPC-2)

1. Lin~ Go 3, Ren2 Hoan~, Fo4 Ke 1, and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's)
• Lin~ Go 3 : This point is found on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpals - this point communicates with the
palmar point Zhong4 Xian 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.0 cun; i.e., needle through to connect with
Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}
• Ren2 Hoan~: This point is located 3 cun proximal to the medial malleolus along the
medial border of the tibia. Needle 0.6 to 1.2 cun. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY.
{Kidney Branch Reaction Area}
• Fo4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit
(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun- Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFT. {Uterine Reaction Area}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's):
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1 (Ho's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
iii. Jie3 Mei4 San1 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
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DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Dysmenorrhea (HCL-1)
1. 88-04 'Thigh Three Springs', Linl( Gu3, and Men2 Jin 1 (HCL):
• DMG 88-04 'Thigh Three Springs':
i. Xia4 Quan2 : This point is located 2.5 cun proximal to the center (anterior to
posterior center) of the lateral surface/face of the knee joint (femorotibial joint).
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Lung and Facial Motor Reaction Areas} (The point may be
located by coursing 2.5 cun proximal to the transverse popliteal crease on the
midline (coronal plane) of the lateral thigh.)
ii. Zhong1 Quan2 : This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Xia4 Quan2 • Needle 1.0 to
2.0 cun. {Lung and Facial Motor Reaction Areas} (The point is located on the
midline (coronal plane) of the lateral thigh 4.5 cun proximal to the transverse
popliteal crease.)
iii. Shang4 Quan2 : This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Zhong 1 Quan2 • Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun. {Lung and Facial Motor Reaction Areas} (The point is located on the
midline (coronal plane) of the lateral thigh 6.5 cun proximal to the transverse
popliteal crease.)
• Linl( Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Men2 Jin1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}

DMG 88-04 'Thigh 3 Springs'

Dysmenorrhea (HCL-2; LKC)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' and DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow' (HCL +
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming 2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming 2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

Dysmenorrhea (HCL-3)
1. Linlf Gu 3, Men2 Jin\ and Si4 Hua 1 Shang4 (HCL):
• Linlf Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Men2 Jin 1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• Si4 Hua 1 Shang4 : This point is located 3.0 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral and adherent to the anterior tibial crest at the level of ST-36WH0 . Needle
2 to 3 cun. {Six Bowels, Lung Branch, and Heart Branch Reaction Areas}
Dysmenorrhea (HCL-4)

1. Men2 Jin\ Shui3 Qu\ and Huo3 Zhu3 (HCL):

• Men2 Jin 1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• Shui3 Qu 1: This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Lung
Branch and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
• Huo3 Zhu3: This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 1.0 cun
Organ Branch Reaction Area}
Dysmenorrhea (HCL-5; LKC)
1. DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles', DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Men2 Jin\
ST-25WH0 , and CV-3WH0 (HCL + LKC):
• DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles':
1. Si 4 Hua1 Shang4 : This point is located 3.0 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral and adherent to the anterior tibial crest at the level of ST-36WH0 .
'Let' with a prismatic needle or needle 2.0 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels, Lung Branch, and
Heart Branch Reaction Areas}
11. Si 4 Hua 1 Zhong 1: This point is located 4.5 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Shang4 ; i.e., 7.5 cun
distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the anterior
tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle or needle 2.0 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels, Heart
Branch, Lung Branch, and Six Bowels Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (The point is located
at a level 0.5 cun proximal to ST-38WH0 .)
111. Si 4 Hua1 Xia4 : This point is located 5.0 cun distal to Si 4 Hua 1 Zhong 1; i.e., 12.5 cun
distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the anterior
tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle or needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Six Bowels, Six
Bowels Auxiliary, Lung Auxiliary, and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Men2 Jin1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately distal to
the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot (the point is in a depression immediately distal
to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals). Needle 0.5 cun. {Duodenum,
Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• ST-25WH0 : On the middle abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the centre of the umbilicus. Needle straight
insertion, 0.5 to 1.0 cun.
• CV-3WH0 (RN 3): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 4 cun below (inferior to)
the centre of the · ·cu~ cture perpendicularly, 0.5 to 1.0 cun. 1

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Si4 Hua 1 Sha gt,,' - '

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

• cv-3wuo
DMG 77-02 '4 Flowers 3 Needles'
Dysmenorrhea (HCL-6)
1. DMG 11-02 'Finger Three Yellow' and DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This' (HCL):
• DMG 11-02 'Finger Three Yellow':
i. Zhong1 Huan~: This point is located in the center of anterior Digit Line D on the
anterior surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb. To determine the exact center
of anterior Digit Line D on the proximal phalanx, bisect the distance from the
anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior interphalangeal skin crease
along the course of said line. Needle 0.1 to 0.2 cun. {Liver Branch Reaction Area}
ii. Shang4 Huanlf: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Zhong 1
Huang2 to the anterior interphalangeal skin crease along the course of anterior Digit
Line D. Needle 0.1 to 0.2 cun. {Liver Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Xia4 Huang2 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Zhong 1 Huang2
to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of anterior Digit
Line D. Needle 0.1 to 0.2 cun. {Liver Branch Reaction Area}
• DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This':
1. Qi2 Men2 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to the center of the dorsal wrist crease and 1.0 cun lateral (i.e., radial).
Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung
Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas} (The point is 1.0 cun lateral (i.e., radial) to
TB-5WH0 . TB-5WH0 is located 2 units above (proximal to) the transverse crease on
the dorsal surface of the wrist, between the ulna and radius.)
n. Qi2 Jiao3: This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi 2 Men2. Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
iii. Qi2 Zheng4 This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qe Jiao3 • Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-02 'Finger 3 Yellow'

DMG 33-10 'Hold 3 This'

Dysmenorrhea (LCH)
1. Lin~ Gu 3, Mu 4 Fu\ and 88-04 'Thigh Three Springs' (LCH):
• Lin~ Gu 3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - the point communicates with
the palmar point Zhong4 Xian 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.0 cun; i.e., needle through to connect with
Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}
• Mu 4 Fu4 : This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the center of the median plane on the
dorsum of the middle phalanx on the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.2 to 0.4 cun close to the
bone (use a very fine needle to minimize patient discomfort). {Heart Auxiliary Reaction
• DMG 88-04 'Thigh Three Springs':
i. Xia4 Quan2 : This point is located 2.5 cun proximal to the center (anterior to
posterior center) of the lateral surface/face of the knee joint (femorotibial joint).
Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Lung and Facial Motor Reaction Areas} (The point may be
located by coursing 2.5 cun proximal to the transverse popliteal crease on the
midline (coronal plane) of the lateral thigh.)
ii. Zhong1 Quan2 : This point is located 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Xia4 Quan2•
Needle 0.3 to 0.8 cun. {Lung and Facial Motor Reaction Areas} (The point is
located on the midline (coronal plane) of the lateral thigh 4.5 cun proximal to the
transverse popliteal crease.)
iii. Shanf4 Quan2 : This point is located 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Zhong 1
Quan . Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Lung and Facial Motor Reaction Areas} (The point
is located on the midline (coronal plane) of the lateral thigh 6.5 cun proximal to the
transverse popliteal crease.)


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DMG 88-04 'Thigh 3 Springs'

Dysmenorrhea (LKC-1)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Men2 Jin\ and Ren2 Huani (LKC):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Men2 Jin 1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel; i.e., Ren2
Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch Reaction


DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'
\ (
Dysmenorrhea (LKC-2)
1. DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles', Men2 Jin\ and Linl( Gu3 (LKC):
• DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles':
i. Si4 Hua1 Shang4 : This point is located 3.0 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral and adherent to the anterior tibial crest at the level of ST-36WH0 .
'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Lung Branch, and Heart Branch
Reaction Areas}
ii. Si4 Hua1 Zhong1: This point is located 4.5 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Shang4 ; i.e., 7.5
cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Heart Branch, Lung
Branch, and Six Bowels Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Si4 Hua1 Xia4 : This point is located 5.0 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Zhong 1; i.e., 12.5 cun
distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Six Bowels
Auxiliary, Lung Auxiliary, and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Men2 Jin 1 : This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• Linl( Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}

DMG 77-02 '4 Flowers 3 Needles'

Dysmenorrhea (LKC-3)
1. DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles', Men2 Jin\ CV-4WH0 , and Linlf Gu3 (LKC):
• DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles':
i. Si4 Hua1 Shang4 : This point is located 3.0 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral and adherent to the anterior tibial crest at the level of ST-36WH0
'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Lung Branch, and Heart Branch
Reaction Areas}
ii. Si4 Hua1 Zhong1: This point is located 4.5 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Shang4 ; i.e., 7.5
cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Heart Branch, Lung
Branch, and Six Bowels Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Si4 Hua1 Xia4 : This point is located 5.0 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Zhong 1; i.e., 12.5 cun
distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Six Bowels
Auxiliary, Lung Auxiliary, and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Men2 Jin1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• CV-4WH0 (RN 4): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 3 cun below (inferior
to) the centre of the umbilicus. Puncture perpendicularly 0.8 to 1.2 cun.
• Linlf Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}



DMG 77-02 '4 Flowers
3 Needles'
Dysmenorrhea (LKC-4)
1. 'Let' Fu3 Chao2 Er4 She San\ then needle Men2 Jin 1, DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three
Needles', and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (LKC):
• Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San 1: This is a collective of 23 points and is located as follows:
i. Midline Points (Conception Vessel): Superior to the umbilicus 1.0 and 2.0 cun.
Inferior to the umbilicus 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 cun respectively, for a total of 7
midline points.
ii. Lateral Line 1 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 1.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
m. Lateral Line 2 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 2.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
• Men2 Jin 1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles':
1. Si 4 Hua 1 Shang4 : This point is located 3.0 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral and adherent to the anterior tibial crest at the level of ST-36w"0 .
'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Lung Branch, and Heart Branch
Reaction Areas}
ii. Si 4 Hua1 Zhong 1: This point is located 4.5 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Shang4 ; i.e., 7.5
cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Heart Branch, Lung
Branch, and Six Bowels Auxiliary Reaction Areas} .
4 1 4 4
111. Si Hua Xia : This point is located 5.0 cun distal to Si Hua Zhong 1; i.e., 12.5 cun

distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Six Bowels
Auxiliary, Lung Auxiliary, and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
Dysmenorrhea (LKC-4)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 77-02 '4 Flowers 3 Needles'

Dysmenorrhea (LKC-5)

1. DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles' and Men2 Jin 1 (LKC):
• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
i. Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal
interphalangeal skin crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd
digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun - CONTRAINDICATED
and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Fu4 Lin~ Yi 1: This point is located on the lateral end of the
proximal interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the
2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction
m. Fu4 Ling2 Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the
proximal interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd
digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun - CONTRAINDICATED IN
Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Men2 Jin 1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones,
immediately distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot;
i.e., the point is in a d:J'ression immediately distal to the articulation of the
bases of the 2nd and 3 metatarsals. Needle 0.5 cun. {Duodenum, Stomach
Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}

Dysmenorrhea (LKC-6)
1. Frequently Moxa Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San1 (LKC):
• Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San1: This is a collective of 23 points and is located as follows:
1. Midline Points (Conception Vessel): Superior to the umbilicus 1.0 and 2.0 cun. Inferior
to the umbilicus 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 cun respectively, for a total of 7 midline
ii. Lateral Line 1 Points: These bilaterally paired points are
located on two lines, each located 1.0 cun lateral to either side
of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of points is located
1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the
level of the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior
to the umbilicus, and the fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior
to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
iii. Lateral Line 2 Points: These bilaterally paired points are
tt t

located on two lines, each located 2.0 cun lateral to either side ,_ _
of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of points is located 1.0 cun superior to the
umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0
cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the
umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
Dysmenorrhea (LKC-7; HCL)
1. Mu 4 Fu4, Men1 Jin 1, DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles', Lin~ Gu3, and Da4 Bai1
(LKC + HCL):
• Mu 4 Fu4 : This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the exact center of the dorsum of the 2nd
phalanx of the 2nd toe. To determine the exact center of the dorsal surface of the middle
phalanx, bisect the distance from the dorsal proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
dorsal distal interphalangeal skin crease along the median plane of the phalanx. Needle 0.2
to 0.4 cun keeping the needle close to the bone- use a very thin needle (36 gauge). {Heart
Auxiliary and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Men1 Jin1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles':
i. Si4 Hua1 Shang4 : This point is located 3.0 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral and adherent to the anterior tibial crest at the level of ST-36w"0 .
'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Lung Branch, and Heart Branch
Reaction Areas}
ii. Si4 Hua1 Zhong1: This point is located 4.5 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Shang4 ; i.e., 7.5
cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Heart Branch, Lung
Branch, and Six Bowels Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Si4 Hua1 Xia4: This point is located 5.0 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Zhong 1; i.e., 12.5 cun
distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Six Bowels
Auxiliary, Lung Auxiliary, and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Da4 Bai1 : This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Ling2 Gu3• Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Lung
Branch Reaction Area}

DMG 77-02 '4 Flowers 3 Needles'

Dysmenorrhea (MC-1)
1. Huan2 Chao2, Feng4 Chao2, and Fu4 Ke1 (MC):
• Huan2 Chao2: This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, 0.3
cun ulnar to the dorsal median plane. Divide the proximal phalanx, from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar
Line, into thirds - the proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds
and the distal point is located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 cun-
the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFT. {Uterine Reaction Area}

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT 4th digit. Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit.
Dysmenorrhea (MC-2)

1. Mu4 Fu4, Men2 Jin\ and Fu4 Ke 1 (MC):

• Mu4 Fu4 : This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the center of the median plane on the
dorsum of the middle phalanx on the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.2 to 0.4 cun close to the
bone (use a very fine needle to minimize patient discomfort). {Heart Auxiliary Reaction
• Men2 Jin 1: This point is located on the dorsum of the foot in the depression found
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones.
Needle 0.5 cun. BILATERAL NEEDLING PROHIBITED. {Stomach Branch and Duodenum
Reaction Areas}
• Fu4 Ke1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, 0.3
cun ulnar to the dorsal median plane. Divide the proximal phalanx, from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar
Line, into thirds - the proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds
and the distal point is located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 cun -
the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf. {Uterine Reaction Area}
Hypermenorrhea (CKS-1)
[This prescription is intended for use during the menstrual period to reduce the duration and the
volume of the menses.]

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' and DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles'
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles':
i. Xin1 Ling2 Yi : This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 1.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
ii. Xin 1 Lin~ Er4: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 2.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Xin 1 Lin~ San 1: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 3.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}

2. Moxa CV-6wHo, CV-4WH0 , SP-1wHo, and LV-1WH0 (CKS):

• CV-6WH0 (RN 6): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 1.5 cun below
(inferior to) the centre of the umbilicus.
• CV-4WH0 (RN 4): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 3 cun below (inferior
to) the centre of the umbilicus.
• SP-1 WHO: On the medial side of the distal segment of the great toe, 0.1 cun from the corner
of the toenail.
• LV-1wHo: On the lateral side of the distal segment of the great toe, 0.1 cun from the corner
of the toenail.
Hypermenorrhea (CKS-1)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit 3 Needles'

CV~4WHO ""


RIGHT Great Toe

Hypermenorrhea (CKS-2)
[This prescription is NOT intended for use while the patient is menstruating. Needling DMG 77-12
'Lower Three Emperors' during menstruation will prolong, as well as increase the volume of, the
menses. Therefore, DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' is generally used in a salutary capacity
between menstruations to 'Correct' (tiao2 zheng3 ; i.e., adjust, regulate, tune-up, etc.) the body and
address the underlying disharmony that gave rise to the hypermenorrhea.]

1. DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' (CKS):

• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huani: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
n. Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6wHo. Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huani: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di 4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Hypermenorrhea (HCL-1)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (HCL):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Hypermenorrhea (HCL-2)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' and DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow' (HCL):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

Hypermenorrhea (MC)
1. Linlf Gu3, Qi2 Jiao3, Liu4 Wan2, and Fu4 Ke 1 (MC):
• Linlf Gu 3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - the point communicates with
the palmar point Zhong4 Xian 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.0 cun; i.e., needle through to connect with
Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}
• Qi 2 Jiao3 : This point is located along the lateral border of the radius bone, 2.0 cun proximal
to Qi2 Men2. Needle obliquely from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to ulnar) parallel to the
skin 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch Reaction Area} (Qi2 Men2 is located along the lateral
border of the radius bone, 2.0 cun proximal to the distal transverse wrist crease. Qi2 Jiao3 is,
therefore, found on the Hand Yang2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel 4.0 cun proximal to the
distal transverse wrist crease.)
• Liu4 Wan2 : This point is found on the dorsum of the foot between the 4th and 5th metatarsal
bones, 0.5 cun proximal to the metatarsophalangeal joints. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun.
PHLEGM, OR PHYSICALLY WEAK. {Lung Branch and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, 0.3
cun ulnar to the dorsal median plane. Divide the proximal phalanx, from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar
Line, into thirds - the proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds
and the distal point is located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 cun -
the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFT.

Hypomenorrhea (CKS-1)
1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow', and DMG 77-
12 'Lower Three Emperors', and DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles' (CKS):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point is located by coursing 8 cun proximal to the superior edge
of the patella and 1 cun medial to the median (midsagittal) plane of the anterior
thi~h. Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Jie Mei 4 Er4 : This point is located 2.5 cun immediately superior to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1
on the proximal aspect of the anterior thigh. Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels and
Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Jie3 Mei 4 San1 : This point is located 2.5 cun immediately superior to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4
on the proximal aspect of the anterior thigh. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and
Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huang2: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
m. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang 2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles':
i. Xin1 Ling2 Yi : This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 1.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
ii. Xin 1 Lin~ Er4: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 2.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Xin 1 Linlf San1: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 3.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}

2. If secondary to 'Blood Vacuity', one must supplement with Iron and a Blood Tonic, such as
Si4 Wu 4 Tang1 (CKS).


DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors' DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit 3 Needles'

Hypomenorrhea (CKS-2)

1. Lin~ Gu 3, Wan4 Shun4 Yi\ and Wan4 Shun4 Er4 (CKS):

• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Wan 4 Shun4 Yi 1 : This point is located 1.5 cun distal to the anterior distal transverse wrist
crease, anterior to the 5th metacarpal bone, at the junction of the 'red and white skin'.
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney Branch Reaction Area}
• Wan4 Shun4 Er4 : This point is located 2.5 cun distal to the anterior distal transverse wrist
crease, anterior to the 5th metacarpal bone, at the junction of the 'red and white skin'.
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney Branch Reaction Area}

2. If secondary to 'Blood Vacuity', one must supplement with Iron and a Blood Tonic, such as
Si4 Wu 4 Tang1 (CKS).
Hypomenorrhea (HCL-1)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (HCL):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Hypomenorrhea (HCL-2)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' and DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow' (HCL):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming 2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming 2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction


Tian Huang2
DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles' I
DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'
Irregular Menstruation (CCC-1)
1. DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles' (CCC):
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of anterior Digit Line A, along
the demarcation of the anterior and posterior surfaces, on the proximal phalanx of
the ring finger. To determine the exact center of anterior Digit Line A on the
proximal phalanx, bisect the distance from the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin
crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of said
line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 San1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
anterior Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction
iii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of anterior
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

Irregular Menstruation (CCC-2)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (CCC):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Irregular Menstruation (CCC-3)
1. DMG 22-06 'Control Three Needles' (CCC):
• DMG 22-06 'Control Three Needles':
i. Zhong4 Kui 2 : This point is located in the depression at the junction of the shaft and
the head of the second metacarpal bone. Commencing at the base of the second
metacarpal in the first dorsal interosseous space, slide distally along its radial shaft
until you encounter the junction of the shaft and the head of this metacarpal. Needle,
closely adherent to the 2nd metacarpal bone, 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Heart Branch and Lung
Branch Reaction Areas} (This point is in the same location as LI-3 WHO as per
O'Connor and Bensky.)
ii. Linf Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand in an area known as the
'Hu Kou 3 '; i.e., the region between the first and second metacarpal bones. The
point is found at the articulation of the bases of the first and second metacarpal
bones, proximal to LI-4WH0 . Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Lung Branch, Heart, and
Kidney Reaction Areas}
iii. Da4 Bai2 : This point may be found by first locating Ling2 Gu3 and Zhong4 Kue;
bisect the distance between these two points to locate Da4 Bai2 , the point lies 1.0
cun distal to Ling2 Gu 3 . Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}

I ,, ';

DMG 22-06 'Control 3 Needles'

Irregular Menstruation (CCC-4)
1. DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' (CCC):
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of the
gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel.
Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch Reaction Areas} (Ren2
Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6 WHO.)
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4 cun proximal to Ren2 Huang2 • Needle 1.0 to 2.0
cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 lies 7.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1
Spleen Channel.)

Tian 1

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Irregular Menstruation (CKS-1)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow', DMG 77-12
'Lower Three Emperors', and CV-4WH0 (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Mini( Huanl(: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huanl(: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming 2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huanl(: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming 2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huanl(: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang 2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huanl(: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di 4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• CV-4WH0 (RN 4): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 3 cun below (inferior
to) the centre of the umbilicus; Moxa in this case.

NOTE: Needling DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' during menstruation will prolong, as well
as increase the volume of, the menses. Therefore, it is not needled while the patient is
menstruating and is generally used in a salutary capacity between menstruations (CKS).
Irregular Menstruation (CKS-1)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'




DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Irregular Menstruation (CKS-2)
1. 'Let' the 'Sciatic Region' (CKS):
• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
i. S2/S3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
ii. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
111. SJIS 4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iv. S4 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. SJS 5 Interspinous Space Level- two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).

Sciatic Region
Irregular Menstruation (HPC-1)
1. Lin~ Gu3, DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's), and Fu4 Ke 1 - when the MC
ceases, treat daily until approximately one week before the next MC should commence
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is found on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpals - this point communicates with the
palmar point Zhong4 Xian 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.0 cun; i.e., needle through to connect with
Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's):
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Ho's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
m. Jie3 Mei4 San1 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
• Fu Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit
(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun - Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf. {Uterine Reaction Area}

Ton 1S an 1

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Irregular Menstruation (HPC-2)
1. Linlf Go3, Ren2 Hoang2, Fo4 Ke 1, and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's)
• Linlf Go3 : This point is found on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpals - this point communicates with the
palmar point Zhong4 Xian 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.0 cun; i.e., needle through to connect with
Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}
• Ren2 Hoanlf: This point is located 3 cun proximal to the medial malleolus along the
medial border of the tibia. Needle 0.6 to 1.2 cun. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY.
{Kidney Branch Reaction Area}
• Fo4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit
(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun - Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFT. {Uterine Reaction Area}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's):
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Ho's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie 3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
n. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
iii. Jie3 Mei 4 San1 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction

(~~::~:~ .:'

Jie3 ~ei4 Yi1

Tongf"sh$t 1
DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'
Irregular Menstruation (HCL-1)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (HCL):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}


DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Irregular Menstruation (HCL-2)

1. DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles' (HCL):

• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
i. Huo3 Bao 1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Fu4 Lin~ Yi1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Fu4 Lin~ Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
Irregular Menstruation (HCL-3; LKC)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' and DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow' (HCL +
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

Irregular Menstruation (HCL-4)
1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (HCL):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie 3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Irregular Menstruation (HCL-5)
1. Huan2 Chao2, DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three
Needles' (HCL):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th
digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx. (The point is at the center of
Digit Line A on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact
center of the middle phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.) Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Irregular Menstruation (LCH-1)
1. Huan2 Chao2, Feng4 Chao2, Ling2 Gu3, and Mu4 Fu4 (LCH):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2: This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - the point communicates with
the palmar point Zhong4 Xian 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.0 cun; i.e., needle through to connect with
Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}
• Mu 4 Fu4: This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the center of the median plane on the
dorsum of the middle phalanx on the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.2 to 0.4 cun close to the
bone (use a very fine needle to minimize patient discomfort). {Heart Auxiliary Reaction

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger) Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)
Irregular Menstruation (LCH-2)
1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' and DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This' (LCH):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
1. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point is located on the anterior thigh, 1 cun medial and 1 cun
proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch
Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the median plane of the anterior thigh,
7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
m. Jie3 Mei4 San1: This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
NOTE: Dr. Lai writes that DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' is often used
bilaterally for a total of 6 points.
• DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This':
1. Qi 2 Men2 : This point is located along the lateral border of the radius bone, 2.0 cun
proximal to the distal transverse wrist crease. Needle obliquely from lateral to
medial (i.e., radial to ulnar) parallel to the skin 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch
Reaction Area} (This point is on the Hand Yang2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel 2.0
cun proximal to the distal transverse wrist crease.)
ii. Qi2 Jiao3: This point is located along the lateral border of the radius bone, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Men2 • Needle obliquely from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to ulnar)
parallel to the skin 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch Reaction Area} (This point is on
the Hand Yang2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel 4.0 cun proximal to the distal
transverse wrist crease.)
iii. Qi2 Zheng4 : This point is located along the lateral border of the radius bone, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Jiao3 • Needle obliquely from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to ulnar)
parallel to the skin 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch Reaction Area} (This point is on
the Hand Yang2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel 6.0 cun proximal to the distal
transverse wrist crease.)

Qf-zhen 4 8

Qt Jiao

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles' 33-10 'Hold 3 This'

Irregular Menstruation (LKC-1)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Men2 Jin\ and Ren2 Huan~ (LKC):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Men2 Jin1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• Ren 2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel; i.e., Ren 2
Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch Reaction

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Irregular Menstruation (LKC-2)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Huan2 Chao2, Men2 Jin1, and Lin~ Gu3 (LKC):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Huan 2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the second phalanx of
the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the middle phalanx along Digit
Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and
Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Men2 Jin1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG ll-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Irregular Menstruation (LKC-3)
1. 'Let' DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles', then needle Mu 4 Fu4 and Hua 1 Gu3 Si4
• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
i. Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot; 'let' -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Fu4 Lin,C Yi 1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot; 'let' -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Fu4 Lin,C Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot; 'let' -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Mu4 Fu 4 : This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the exact center of the dorsum of the 2nd
phalanx of the 2nd toe. To determine the exact center of the dorsal surface of the middle
phalanx, bisect the distance from the dorsal proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
dorsal distal interphalangeal skin crease along the median plane of the phalanx. Needle 0.2
to 0.4 cun keeping the needle close to the bone. {Heart Auxiliary and Six Bowels Reaction
• Hua1 Gu3 Si4: This point is located on the plantar surface of the foot between the 4th and 5th
metatarsal bones, 1.5 cun proximal to the interdigital web between the 4th and 5th digits.
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Lung and Kidney Reaction Areas} (This point communicates
dorsally with Liu4 Wan2 .)

DMG 55-01 'Gyoecology

Spirit 3 Needles'
Irregular Menstruation (LKC-4)
1. DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow' with DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' -long term
acupuncture (LKC):
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
111. Tian 1 Huang2 : This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

Tia 1 Huang2

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

Irregular Menstruation (LKC-4)
1. DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles', Men2 Jin 1, CV-4wu0 , and Lin~ Gu3 (LKC):
• DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles':
i. Si4 Hua 1 Shang4 : This point is located 3.0 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral and adherent to the anterior tibial crest at the level of ST-36WH0 .
'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Lung Branch, and Heart Branch
Reaction Areas}
ii. Si 4 Hua1 Zhong1 : This point is located 4.5 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Shang4 ; i.e., 7.5
cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Heart Branch, Lung
Branch, and Six Bowels Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
m. Si4 Hua1 Xia4 : This point is located 5.0 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Zhong 1; i.e., 12.5 cun
distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Six Bowels
Auxiliary, Lung Auxiliary, and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Men Jin 1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• CV-4wuo (RN 4): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 3 cun below (inferior
to) the centre of the umbilicus. Puncture perpendicularly 0.8 to 1.2 cun.
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}


DMG 77-02 '4 Flowers 3 Needles'

Irregular Menstruation (LKC-5)
1. Frequently Moxa Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San1 (LKC):
• Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San 1: This is a collective of 23 points and is located as follows:
i. Midline Points (Conception Vessel): Superior to the umbilicus 1.0 and 2.0 cun.
Inferior to the umbilicus 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 cun respectively, for a total of 7
midline points.
ii. Lateral Line 1 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 1.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
iii. Lateral Line 2 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 2.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
Irregular Menstruation (HSH)
1. Needle DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow', DMG
77-12 'Lower Three Emperors', then Moxa CV-4wuo (HSH):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WHO' on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6wHo. Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
m. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2•
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di 4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• CV-4WH0 (RN 4): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 3 cun below (inferior
to) the centre of the umbilicus; Moxa in this case.

2. 'Let' the 'Sciatic Region' (HSH):

• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
i. S2/S 3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
ii. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iii. S3/S 4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
1v. S4 Midspinous Process Level- one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. SJS 5 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).

1. Do not needle DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' during the patient's period because it
will prolong and increase the volume of the flow.
2. The primary emphasis in treating menstrual irregularities is to strengthen the function of the
Liver and Kidney. The authors advise against retaining the needles for longer than 30

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'


DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors' Sciatic Region

Menstrual Acne (CKS)

1. Needle affected areas 0.3 to 0.5 cun with 36 Gauge needles (CKS):

2. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Ren2 Huang2, Ling2 Gu3 , DMG 77-05 'Three
Weights Three Needles', and LI-11WH0 (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Ren2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel; i.e., Ren2
Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6w"0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun - insert the needle
adjacent to the tibia. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung
Branch Reaction Areas}
• Lin~ Gu 3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• LI-11WH0 : With the elbow flexed, at the lateral end of the cubital crease, at the midpoint of
the line connecting LU-5 and the external humeral condyle. Puncture perpendicularly 0.8 to
1.5 cun.
Menstrual Acne (CKS)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Menstrual Cervicalgia (CKS-1)
[This prescription is intended to address the underlying etiology; i.e., the hormonal
disharmony/menstrual irregularity that gives rise to a sore, achy type of menstrual neck pain.]

1. When the menstrual period has concluded, regulate the menses with DMG 88-10 'Three
Sisters Three Needles', DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow', and DMG 77-12 'Lower Three
Emperors' (CKS):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
1. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 : This point is located by coursing 8 cun proximal to the superior edge
of the patella and 1 cun medial to the median (midsagittal) plane of the anterior
thijh. Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Jie Mei4 Er4: This point is located 2.5 cun immediately superior to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1
on the proximal aspect of the anterior thigh. Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels and
Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Jie3 Mei 4 San1: This point is located 2.5 cun immediately superior to Jie 3 Mei 4 Er4
on the proximal aspect of the anterior thigh. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and
Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huang2 : This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di 4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
Menstrual Cervicalgia (CKS-1)

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Menstrual Cervicalgia (CKS-2)
[This prescription is for addressing the sore, achy type of neck pain which may occur during the
period as a consequence of menstrual tension.]

1. During the menstrual period, treat the cervicalgia with Wan4 Shun4 Er\ Shen4 Guan\ and
DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles'. (Instruct the patient in proper cervical range of
motion exercises and have her perform said with needles in place; patient should also be
encouraged to perform said ROM's periodically throughout the day during the treatment
period) (CKS):
• Wan 4 Shun4 Er4 : This point is located 2.5 cun distal to the anterior distal transverse wrist
crease, anterior to the 5th metacarpal bone, at the junction of the 'red and white skin'.
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney Branch Reaction Area}
• Shen4 Guan 1: This point is located 1.5 cun distal to Tian 1 Huang2 on the medial side of the
proximal leg. Needle 0.5 to 2.0 cun. {Six Bowel Reaction Area} (Tian 1 Huang2 is located
1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect of the proximal leg, between the medial
border of the tibia and the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle, ergo, Shen4 Guan 1 is
located 2.5 cun distal to Sp-9WHO)
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
Menstrual Cervicalgia (CKS-2)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Menstrual Diarrhea (CKS)
1. Si4 Hua1 Fu4, Si4 Hua1 Xia4, Fu3 Chan~, DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', and DMG
77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' (CKS):
• Si4 Hua 1 Fu4 : This point is located 10 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral (i.e. closely adherent) to the anterior tibial crest, one cun distal to ST-
39WH0. Needle 1.0 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels, Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Six Bowels
Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Si4 Hua 1 Xia4 : This point is located 2.5 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Fu4 • Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun.
{Six Bowels, Six Bowels Auxiliary, Lung Auxiliary, and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction
Areas} (Ergo, Si4 Hua 1 Xia4 is located 12.5 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral (i.e. closely adherent) to the anterior tibial crest.)
• Fu3 Chan~: This point is located 1.5 cun distal to Si 4 Hua 1 Xia4 • Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun.
{Six Bowels, Lung Auxiliary, Kidney, Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Fu 3 Chang2
is located 14 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral (i.e. closely
adherent) to the anterior tibial crest.)
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9 WHo, on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
n. Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang 2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)

2. Moxa CV-4wuo and CV-3 wuo to 'Expel' and 'Eliminate' 'Lower Burner' 'Cold-Qi' (CKS):
• CV-4wuo (RN 4): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 3 cun below (inferior
to) the centre of the umbilicus.
• CV-3wuo (RN 3): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 4 cun below (inferior to)
the centre of the umbilicus.
Menstrual Diarrhea (CKS)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

• .i'
..... • .

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Menstrual Freckles (CKS)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow', DMG 88-03
'Thigh Team of Four Horses', Lin~ Gu3, DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles', and
DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
m. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming 2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses':
i. Si4 Ma3 Xia4 : This point is located 5.5 cun proximal to the superolateral angle of
the patella. Needle 1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
(To locate this point, commence at the center of the superior edge of the patella,
course laterally 1.0 cun to arrive at the superolateral angle of the patella, and then
proceed proximally 5.5 cun to arrive at Si4 Ma3 Xia4 .) .
ii. Si Ma Zhong : This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si Ma Xia4 • Needle 1.0
4 3 1 4 3

to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}

111. Si 4 Ma3 Shang4: This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si 4 Ma3 Zhong 1• Needle
1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles':
i. Xin1 Ling2 Yi : This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 1.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
ii. Xin 1 Lin~ Er4: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 2.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Xin1 Lini San1: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 3.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huani: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huani: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai 4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang 2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huani: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)

2. 'Let' the 'Occipital Region' of the lower extremity (CKS):

• 'Occipital Region': The 'Occipital Region' is located on the posterior aspect of the distal
thigh and proximal leg.

3. Needle or 'let' facial freckles with a 36 gauge needle (CKS):


. I
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DMG 11-15
'Occipital Region' DMG77-12 DMG88-03
Menstrual Freckles (HSH)
1. DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow', DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 77-12
'Lower Three Emperors', DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses', and Ling2 Gu3 (HSH):
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Ming2 Huang2: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren 2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses':
i. Si4 Ma3 Xia4: This point is located 5.5 cun proximal to the superolateral angle of
the patella. Needle 1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
(To locate this point, commence at the center of the superior edge of the patella,
course laterally 1.0 cun to arrive at the superolateral angle of the patella, and then
proceed proximally 5.5 cun to arrive at Si4 Ma3 Xia4 .)
n. Si 4 Ma3 Zhong1 : This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Xia4 • Needle 1.0
to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Si4 Ma3 Shang4 : This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1• Needle
1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}

2. 'Let' the 'Occipital Region' of the lower extremity (HSH):

• 'Occipital Region': The 'Occipital Region' is located on the posterior aspect of the distal
thigh and proximal leg.

3. Needle or 'Let' the affected area(s) (HSH):

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors' DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow' of4 Horses'

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

'Occipital Region'
Menstrual Headache (CKS-1)

1. Lin~ Gu3 and Da4 Bai2 (CKS):

• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Da4 Bai2 : This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Ling2 Gu 3. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Lung
Branch Reaction Area}

2. One may 'let' the affected area of the head (CKS).

3. The patient should refrain from washing her hair during her period; if washing of the hair is
absolutely necessary, the patient should use a hair dryer to dry her hair. Do NOT air dry or
blow dry with cold air (CKS).

4. The patient should refrain from tobacco and alcohol (CKS).

Menstrual Headache (CKS-2)
[With Concomitant Dysmenorrhea]

1. Linlf Gu\ Si4 Hua1 Shang4, DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', and Da4 Bai2 (CKS):
• Linl( Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Si4 Hua1 Shang4 : This point is located 3 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral (closely adherent to) to the tibia. Needle 2 to 3 cun. {Six Bowels, Lung
Branch, and Heart Branch Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Da4 Bai2 : This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Ling2 Gu3 • Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Lung
Branch Reaction Area}

2. One may 'let' the affected area of the head (CKS).

3. The patient should refrain from washing her hair during her period; if washing of the hair is
absolutely necessary, the patient should use a hair dryer to dry her hair. Do NOT air dry or
blow dry with cold air (CKS).

4. The patient should refrain from tobacco and alcohol (CKS).

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Menstrual Headache (CKS-3)
[With Concomitant Oligomenorrhea]

1. Ren2 Huan~ and Huo3 Bao1 (CKS):

• Ren2 Huang2: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel; i.e., Ren2
Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch Reaction
• Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin crease on
the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Heart and Liver
Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

2. One may 'let' the affected area of the head (CKS).

3. The patient should refrain from washing her hair during her period; if washing of the hair is
absolutely necessary, the patient should use a hair dryer to dry her hair. Do NOT air dry or
blow dry with cold air (CKS).

4. The patient should refrain from tobacco and alcohol (CKS).


\\ !

Menstrual Headache (HSH)
1. Si4 Hua1 Shang4, Men2 Jin 1, Lin~ Gu3, and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (HSH):
• Si4 Hua1 Shang4 : This point is located 3 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral (closely adherent to) to the tibia. Needle 2 to 3 cun. {Six Bowels, Lung
Branch, and Heart Branch Reaction Areas}
• Men2 Jin 1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane)
on the proximal aspect of the anterior thigh, 8 cun proximal to the level center of the
superior edge of the patella. Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch
Reaction Areas} (Locate the point by coursing 8 cun proximal to the center of the
superior edge of the patella, then medially 1 cun.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found by coursing 10.5 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge
ofthe patella, then medially 1 cun.)
iii. Jie3 Mei 4 San1: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 •
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found by coursing 13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of
the patella, then medially 1 cun.)

2. 'Let' the affected region of the head (HSH):

·4 y·l
* IJ I

Menstrual Low Back Pain (CKS; HSH)
1. Fen 1 Bai2, Xia4 Bai2, Wan4 Shun4 Yi 1 needled through to Ling2 Gu3, Fen 1 Shui3, San 1 He2, and
DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (CKS + HSH):
• Fen 1 Bae: This point is located on the dorsum of the hand between the 2nd and 3rd
metacarpal bones, 1.5 cun proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joints. Needle 0.3 to 0.8
cun. {Heart and Lung Confluent and Kidney Reaction Areas} (Fen 1 Bai2 is located in the
depression immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metacarpal
bones on the dorsum ofthe hand.)
• Xia4 Bai2 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand between the 4th and 5th
metacarpal bones, 1.5 cun proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joints. Needle 0.3 to 0.8
cun. {Liver and Kidney Confluent Reaction Area} (Xia4 Bai2 is located in the depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones on the
dorsum of the hand.)
• Wan 4 Shun4 Yi 1: This point is located 1.5 cun distal to the anterior distal transverse wrist
crease, anterior to the 5th metacarpal bone, at the junction of the 'red and white skin'.
Needle through to Ling2 Gu3 in this case. {Kidney Branch Reaction Area} (Ling2 Gu 3 is
located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the
1st and 2nd metacarpal bones.)
• Fen 1 Shue: This three point set is uniformly located on Digit Line B on the 1st phalanx of
the 5th digit of the hand. The middle point is located at the midpoint of Digit Line B; i.e.,
one half the distance from the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior
proximal interphalangeal skin crease, along the course of said line. Bisect the distance from
the middle point to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along Digit Line B to
locate the proximal point, and bisect the distance from the middle point to the anterior
proximal interphalangeal skin crease along Digit Line B to locate the distal point. Needle
0.1 to 0.2 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• San 1 He2 : This three point set is uniformly located on the palm of the hand between the 4th
and 5th metacarpal bones/proximal phalanges. The middle point is located midway between
the interdigital web and the distal transverse palmar crease; the proximal point is located
midway between the middle point and the distal transverse palmar crease; and the distal
point is located midway between the middle point and the interdigital web between the 4th
and 5th digits. Needle 0.2 to 0.4 cun or 'let'. {Six Bowel Reaction Area}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
Menstrual Low Back Pain (CKS; HSH)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Menstrual Low Back Pain (HPC)
1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's), Fu4 Ke 1, Tong1 Shen\ and Shen4 Guan1 -
treat every other day until resolved (HPC):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's):
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Ho's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie 3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
n. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3
Mei4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
iii. Jie3 Mei4 San1 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit
(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun - Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf. {Uterine Reaction Area}
• Tong1 Shen4 : This point is located in the depression found at the superomedial angle of the
patella. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• Shen4 Guan 1 : This point lies 1.5 cun immediately distal to Tian 1 Huang2• Needle 0.5 to 1.0
cun. (Tian 1 Huang 2 is located in the depression found immediately distal to the medial tibial
condyle, and lies 2.5 cun distal to the articular surface of the medial tibial condyle.) {Six
Bowels Reaction Area}

Jie3 Mei
\ I
Tian 1 Huang2 ~ I

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Menstrual Low Back Pain (LKC-1)
1. Lin~ Gu\ Wan4 Shun4 Yi\ and Xia4 Bae (LKC):
• Lin~ Gu 3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Wan4 Shun4 Yi 1: This point is located 1.5 cun distal to the anterior distal transverse wrist
crease, anterior to the 5th metacarpal bone, at the junction of the 'red and white skin'.
Needle through to Ling2 Gu3 in this case. {Kidney Branch Reaction Area}
• Xia4 Bai2 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand between the 4th and 5th
metacarpal bones, 1.5 cun proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joints. Needle 0.3 to 0.8
cun. {Liver and Kidney Confluent Reaction Area} (Xia4 Bai2 is located in the depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones on the
dorsum of the hand.)
Menstrual Low Back Pain (LKC-2)
1. Shui3 Jin 1, Shoe Tong\ and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (LKC):
• Shui3 Jin 1: This point is located 0.5 cun obliquely medial to Shui 3 Tong 1• Needle
perpendicularly 0.2 to 0.3 cun or obliquely from medial to lateral up to 0.5 cun. {Kidney
Reaction Area} (To locate this point, proceed to a point 0.5 cun medial to Shue Tong 1 and
0.5 cun directly inferior to the extraorallabial-cutaneous junction of the inferior lip.)
• Shui3 Tong1: This point is located 0.5 cun directly inferior to the extraorallabial-cutaneous
junction at the corner of the mouth. Needle perpendicularly 0.2 to 0.3 cun or obliquely from
medial to lateral up to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Menstrual Low Back Pain (LKC-3)
1. DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' and Tong1 Bei4 (LKC):
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huanlf: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai 4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huanlf: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2.
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di 4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• Tong1 Bei4 : This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Tong 1 Shen4 is located in the depression found at the
superomedial angle of the patella.)

2. Moxa San 1 Jiang 1 and BL-23WH0 (LKC):

• San1 Jiang 1: This group of points includes: 6 midline points, one each at the Ltf~
interspinous space, ~/L 3 interspinous space, L3~ interspinous space, L~s interspinous
space, L5/S 1 interspinous space, and St!S2 interspinous space. There are also 6 bilaterally
paired sets of points with each set located 3.0 cun lateral to either side of the
aforementioned midline points for a grand total of 18 points.
• BL-23WH0 : On the low back, below (inferior to) the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar
vertebra, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline.


Menstrual Lower Abdominal Heat and Distention (CKS)
[Sense of]

1. Lini Gu3, Gu3 Guan\ and Mu4 Guan1 (CKS):

• Lini Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Gu3 Guan 1: This point is located at the base of the palm of the hand, 0.5 cun distal and 0.5
cun lateral to the center of the anterior distal transverse wrist crease (i.e., PC-7WH0 ). Needle
0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney and Lung Branch Reaction Areas} Gu3 Guan 1 is located at the
medial to lateral level of the interdigital web between the index and middle finger, 0.5 cun
distal to the anterior distal transverse crease of the wrist.
• Mu 4 Guan 1 : This point is located at the base of the palm of the hand, 0.5 cun distal and 0.5
cun medial to the center of the anterior distal transverse wrist crease (i.e., PC-7WH0 ). Needle
0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney, Liver, and Gallbladder Reaction Areas} Mu4 Guan 1 is located at
the medial to lateral level of the interdigital web between the ring and fifth fingers, 0.5 cun
distal to the anterior distal transverse crease of the wrist.

2. 'Let' along the Foot Yang2 Mini Stomach Channel from the knee to the ankle and in the
area distal to the medial malleolus (CKS).

3. 'Let' PC-9WH0 and LV-3wuo (CKS).

• PC-9WH0 : At the centre of the tip of the middle finger.
• LV -3WHO: On the instep of the foot, in the depression of the posterior end of the 1st
interosseous metatarsal space.


Menstrual Sacrococcygodynia (CKS)
[This treatment may be used for any sacralgia, coccygodynia, or sacrococcygodynia occurring
during menstruation.]

1. 'Let' the 'Sciatic Region' (CKS):

• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
1. S2/S3 Interspinous Space Level - two
finger widths on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
ii. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one
finger width on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
iii. S3/S 4 Interspinous Space Level - two
finger widths on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
iv. S4 Midspinous Process Level - one
finger width on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
v. SJS 5 Interspinous Space Level- two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).

2. Wan4 Shun4 Yi 1 needled through to Ling2 Gu3 and Xin 1 Men2 (CKS):
• Wan4 Shun4 Yi 1: This point is located 1.5 cun distal to the anterior distal transverse wrist
crease, anterior to the 5th metacarpal bone, at the junction of the 'red and white skin'.
Needle through to Ling2 Gu3 in this case. {Kidney Branch Reaction Area} (Ling2 Gu3 is
located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the
1st and 2nd metacarpal bones.)
• Xin 1 Men2 : This point is found with th~alm of the hand placed on the chest and is located
in a depression 1.5 cun distal to SI-8 °.
Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Heart Organ Branch
Reaction Area}
• Apply 'Guiding the Movement of Qi' Technique: Have the patient perform ROM
exercises at the lumbosacral spine with the needles in place to enhance the effect of the
acupuncture and speed healing.
Menstrual Sciatica (HSH)
1. Wan4 Shun4 Yi 1 needled through to Ling2 Gu3, Zheng4 Jin\ Zheng4 Zong1 (HSH):
• Wan4 Shun4 Yi 1: This point is located 1.5 cun distal to the distal transverse wrist crease,
immediately anterior to the 5th metacarpal bone. Needle through to Ling2 Gu 3 in this case.
{Kidney Branch Reaction Area} (Ling2 Gu3 is located on the dorsum of the hand,
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones.)
• Zheng4 Jin 1: This point lies in the center (i.e., medial-to-lateral center) of the tendo
calcaneus (Achilles tendon), on the posterior aspect of the distalleg, 3.5 cun proximal to the
plantar surface of the heel. Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun (insert through the tendon to the tibia for
best results) {General Vertebral and General Brain Reaction Areas}
• Zheng4 Zong1: This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Zheng4 Jin 1• Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun
(insert through the tendon to the tibia for best results) {General Vertebral and General Brain
Reaction Areas}

2. 'Let' 'Sciatic Region' (HSH):

• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
i. S2/S 3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
ii. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iii. S3/S4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
tv. S4 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. SJS 5 Interspinous Space Level- two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).

Sciatic Region
Oligomenorrhea (MC)

1. Fu4 Ke 1, Ling2 Gu3, Huo3 Fu3 Hai3 and Qi2 Jiao3 (MC):
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, 0.3
cun ulnar to the dorsal median plane. Divide the proximal phalanx, from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar
Line, into thirds - the proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds
and the distal point is located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 cun-
the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFT.
• Lin~ Gu 3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - the point communicates with
the palmar point Zhong4 Xian 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.0 cun; i.e., needle through to connect with
Zhong4 Xian 1. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}
• Huo3 Fu3 Hai3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the antebrachium, 2.0 cun proximal
to Huo 3 Shan 1• Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun- angle the needle towards the Hand Tai4 Yin 1 Lung
Channel. {Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (Huo3 Shan 1 is located on the
dorsum of the antebrachium between the ulna and radius bones, 6.5 cun proximal to the
dorsal distal transverse wrist crease.)
• Qi2 Jiao3 : This point is located along the lateral border of the radius bone, 2.0 cun proximal
to Qi2 Men2 • Needle obliquely from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to ulnar) parallel to the
skin 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch Reaction Area} (Qi2 Men2 is located along the lateral
border of the radius bone, 2.0 cun proximal to the distal transverse wrist crease. Qi2 Jiao 3 is,
therefore, found on the Hand Yang2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel 4.0 cun proximal to the
distal transverse wrist crease.)
Premenstrual Breast Distention (CKS)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecolo§y Three Needles', DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', Jian 1
Feng1, and Jian 1 Zhong - the patient should also reduce her salt intake and increase her physical
activity/exercise (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point is located by coursing 8 cun proximal to the superior edge
of the patella and 1 cun medial to the median (midsagittal) plane of the anterior
thi~h. Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Jie Mei 4 Er4 : This point is located 2.5 cun immediately superior to Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1
on the proximal aspect of the anterior thigh. Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels and
Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Jie3 Mei 4 San1 : This point is located 2.5 cun immediately superior to Jie3 Mei4 Er4
on the proximal aspect of the anterior thigh. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and
Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
• Jian 1 Feng1: This point is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel, on
the proximal brachium, 0.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 . Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun or
from superior to inferior 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Jian 1 Zhong1: This point is located 2.0 cun immediately distal to Jian 1 Feng 1• Needle 1.0 to
2.0 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area} (Jian 1 Zhong 1 is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming2
Large Intestine Channel, on the proximal brachium, 2.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 .)

2. 'Let' the Heart-Lung Region on the back (CKS):

• Heart-Lung Region: 5 points, bilaterally paired for a total of 10 points.
T 3 (MSP) 2 fingers T3 (MSP)
T3/T4 (ISS) 1 finger T3/T4 (ISS)
T4 (MSP) 2 fingers T4 (MSP)
TJT5 (ISS) 1 finger TJT5 (ISS)
T 5 (MSP) 2 fingers T5 (MSP)
Where 'ISS' is the interspinous space and 'MSP' is the midpoint of the spinous process.

NOTE: The patient should strive to reduce salt consumption and increase her physical
activity/exercise in order to reduce water retention.
Premenstrual Breast Distention (CKS)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'


' /
Heart-Lung Region
Premenstrual Syndrome (CKS-1)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Zheng4 Hui4, Zhen4 Jing4, and DMG 33-03 'Heart
Spirit Three Needles' (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Zheng4 Hui4 : This point is located 0.5 cun posterior to the center of the vertex of the head,
on the sagittal suture. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {General Brain Reaction Area} (This point is
located on the Governing Vessel, 0.5 cun posterior to GV-20WH0 .)
• Zhen4 Jing4 : This point is located 0.5 cun superior to a point midway between the two
eyebrows. Needle perpendicularly 0.1 to 0.2 cun or subcutaneously from superior to
inferior 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Brain and Heart Reaction Areas}
• DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles':
i. Xin 1 Ling2 Yi : This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 1.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
n. Xin1 Lin~ Er4 : This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 2.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Xin1 Lin~ San 1: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 3.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}

2. For Insomnia add Ren2 Huang2 (CKS):

• Ren 2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel; i.e., Ren2
Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch Reaction
Premenstrual Syndrome (CKS-1)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Zhen4 Jing4


DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit 3 Needles'

Premenstrual Syndrome (CKS-2)
1. DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors', Si4 Hua1 Shang4, Lin,f Gu3 , Huo3 Bao1, and DMG 88-
10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (CKS):
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan,f: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0, on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huan,f: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
m. Di4 Huan,f: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang 2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• Si4 Hua1 Shang4 : This point is located 3 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral (i.e. closely adherent) to the anterior tibial crest at the level of ST-
36WH0. Needle 2.0 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels, Lung Branch, and Heart Branch Reaction
• Lin,f Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin crease on
the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Heart and Liver
Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1 : This point is located by coursing 8 cun proximal to the superior edge
of the patella and 1 cun medial to the median (midsagittal) plane of the anterior
thijh. Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Jie Mei 4 Er4 : This point is located 2.5 cun immediately superior to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1
on the proximal aspect of the anterior thigh. Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels and
Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Jie3 Mei 4 San1 : This point is located 2.5 cun immediately superior to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4
on the proximal aspect of the anterior thigh. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and
Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
Premenstrual Syndrome (CKS-2)

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Premenstrual Syndrome (MC)
1. Huan2 Chao2, Feng4 Chao2, and Fu4 Ke1 (MC):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, 0.3
cun ulnar to the dorsal median plane. Divide the proximal phalanx, from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar
Line, into thirds - the proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds
and the distal point is located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 cun -
the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFT.

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT 4th digit. Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit.
Prolonged Menstrual Cycle (CKS-1)
[>36 Days/Cycle]
[The following prescription is indicated for the 'common' or 'simple' prolonged menstrual cycle. It
is considered an adventitious event and, in most cases, is as a consequence of excessive taxation,
fatigue, work or home-life pressure, or invasion by 'Wind-Cold'.]

1. Moxa the 'Sciatic Region' (CKS):

• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
i. S2/S 3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
ii. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iii. S3/S 4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
iv. S4 Midspinous Process Level- one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. SJS 5 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).

'Sciatic Region'
Prolonged Menstrual Cycle (CKS-2)
[>36 Days/Cycle]

[The following prescription is indicated for the 'habitual' prolonged menstrual cycle. It is chronic,
frequently anovulatory, and without treatment may give rise to amenorrhea and infertility.]

1. Lin~ Gu\ Si4 Hua1 Shang4, Ren2 Huan~, and Men2 Jin 1 (CKS):
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Si 4 Hua1 Shang4 : This point is located 3 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral (i.e. closely adherent) to the anterior tibial crest at the level of ST-
36WH0. Needle 2.0 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels, Lung Branch, and Heart Branch Reaction
• Ren2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel; i.e., Ren2
Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0. Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun - insert the needle
adjacent to the tibia. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung
Branch Reaction Areas}
• Men2 Jin1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}


\ I
Regulate Menses (LCH)
1. DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow' (LCH):
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Mini Huang2 : This point is located in the exact center of the coronal plane on the
medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {General Liver and General Heart
Reaction Areas; shallow needling accesses the Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Area,
mid-level needling accesses the Liver Reaction Area, and deep needling accesses
the Heart Reaction Area}
ii. Qi2 Huang2 : This point is located 3 cun immediately distal to Ming 2 Huang2 .
Needle 1.5 to 2.0 cun. {General Gallbladder, Heart Branch, and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huani: This point is located 3 cun immediately proximal to Ming2 Huang2 .
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {General Liver and General Heart Reaction Areas; shallow
needling accesses the Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Area, mid-level needling accesses
the Liver Reaction Area, and deep needling accesses the Heart Reaction Area}


DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

Vicarious Menstruation (CKS)
['Inverted Menstruation']

1. Jian 1 Zhong\ Jian4 Zhong\ Ren2 Huan~, Ling2 Gu3, Huo3 Ying4, and DMG 88-10 'Three
Sisters Three Needles' (CKS):
• Jian 1 Zhong1: This point is located 2.0 cun immediately distal to Jian 1 Feng 1. Needle 1.0 to
2.0 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area} (Jian 1 Zhong 1 is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming2
Large Intestine Channel, on the proximal brachium, 2.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 .)
• Jian 4 Zhong1 : This point is located 2.0 cun immediately distal to Jian 1 Zhong 1. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area} (Jian 4 Zhong 1 is located on the Hand Yang2
Ming2 Large Intestine Channel on the proximal brachium 4.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 .)
• Ren2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel; i.e., Ren2
Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun - insert the needle
adjacent to the tibia. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung
Branch Reaction Areas}
• Lin~ Gu 3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Huo3 Ying4 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot between the first and second
metatarsal bones, 0.5 cun proximal to the metatarsophalangeal joints. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun
perpendicular or oblique insertion, CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY, MOXA ALSO
PROHIBITED. {Liver Auxiliary and Heart Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1: This point is located by coursing 8 cun proximal to the superior edge
of the patella and 1 cun medial to the median (midsagittal) plane of the anterior
thi~h. Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Jie Mei4 Er4 : This point is located 2.5 cun immediately superior to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1
on the proximal aspect of the anterior thigh. Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels and
Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Jie3 Mei 4 San1 : This point is located 2.5 cun immediately superior to Jie 3 Mei 4 Er4
on the proximal aspect of the anterior thigh. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and
Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}

2. For Epistaxis, 'let' Zheng4 Hui4 in addition to the above (CKS):

• Zheng4 Hui4: This point is located 0.5 cun posterior to the center of the vertex of the head,
on the sagittal suture. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {General Brain Reaction Area} (This point is
located on the Governing Vessel, 0.5 cun posterior to GV-20WH0 .)

3. For periocular hemorrhaging, add Zhu 1 Yuan2 (CKS):

• Zhu 1 Yuan2: This two point set is found on the thumb at the extremes of the anterior
interphalangeal skin crease. The lateral point is located on Anterior Digit Line A at the
interphalangeal skin crease, and the medial point is located on Anterior Digit Line E at the
interphalangeal skin crease. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Lung, Kidney, and Eye Reaction
Vicarious Menstruation (CKS)
['Inverted Menstruation']


DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Section 2 Disorders Reproductive Orga11s:

.Chapter 1

Flatus Vaginalis (CKS; HCL)
1. DMG 11-15 'G~ecology Three Needles', DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', CV-
2wu0, and CV-1 ° (CKS + HCL):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points; Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1 : This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1;
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun yroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 ;
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• CV-2WHO (RN 2): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, at the midpoint of
the upper (superior) border of the pubic symphysis. Needle 1.0 unit.
• CV-1WH0 (RN 1): On the perineum, at the midpoint between the posterior commissure of
the large labia (labia majora) and anus. Needle 0.5 to 1.0 unit.


DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' Jie3 M "4 Yi 1 • j l

Ton I; sJan 1

CV-2WIIO DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles'
Coital Vaginodynia (CKS)
['Insufficiency of Kidney and Liver']

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow', and DMG 77-12
'Lower Three Emperors' (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
n. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WHo, on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)

2. Moxa CV-4wuo and CV-3 wuo (CKS):

• CV-4WH0 (RN 4): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 3 cun below (inferior to)
the centre of the umbilicus.
• CV-3WHO (RN 3): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 4 cun below (inferior to) the
centre of the umbilicus.
Coital Vaginodynia (CKS)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles'


DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow'

DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors'

Pudendal Swelling (CCC-1)
1. DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles' (CCC):
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of anterior Digit Line A, along
the demarcation of the anterior and posterior surfaces, on the proximal phalanx of
the ring finger. To determine the exact center of anterior Digit Line A on the
proximal phalanx, bisect the distance from the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin
crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of said
line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
anterior Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction
iii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of anterior
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

Pudendal Swelling (CCC-2)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (CCC):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Pudendal Swelling (HCL)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (HCL):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Pudendal Swelling (LCH)

1. Huan2 Chao2 and Feng4 Chao2 (LCH):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)

Ulnar to radial view of 4th digit (ring finger) Radial to ulnar view of 4th digit (ring finger)
Pudendal Swelling (LKC)
1. Huan 2 Chao2, DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three
Needles' (LKC):
• Huan 2 Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th
digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx (i.e. at the center of Digit Line A
on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the
middle phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.
Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
n. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
m. Feng4 Chao2 San 1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Pudendal Swelling (MC)
1. Huan2 Chao2, Feng4 Chao2, and Fu4 Ke 1 (MC):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2: This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, 0.3
cun ulnar to the dorsal median plane. Divide the proximal phalanx, from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar
Line, into thirds - the proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds
and the distal point is located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 cun-
the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf.

Ulnar to radial view of 4th digit (ring finger) Radial to ulnar view of 4th digit (ring finger)
Pudendal Swelling and Pain (CKS)
[Postpartum or 2° to Bacterial or Mycotic Infection]

1. 'Let' the 'Sciatic Region' (CKS):

• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
i. S2/S 3 Interspinous Space Level- two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
n. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iii. S3/S 4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iv. S4 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. SJS 5 Interspinous Space Level- two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).

2. Huan2 Chao2, DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', Yun2 Bai2, Hai3 Bao4, and DMG 88-
10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (CKS):
• Huan2 Chao2: This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the second phalanx of
the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the middle phalanx along Digit
Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and
Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Feng4 Chao2 San1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• Yun Bai2 : This point is found on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium. It is
located by coursing 2.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion process and the
greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH0 ], then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle perpendicularly
1.0 to 2.0 cun or obliquely from superior to inferior 2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung
Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Hai3 Bao4 : This point is located on the medial side of the foot at the midpoint (i.e., plantar
-dorsal midpoint) of the interphalangeal joint on the medial side of the great toe. Needle
0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 : This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1.
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun rroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 •
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)

Radial to ulnar view of 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

Sciatic Region

Tong Sh 1

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Vaginal Cancer (CKS)
1. Yun2 Bai2, Li3 Bai2, Huan2 Chao2, DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', and DMG 77-05
'Three Weights Three Needles' (CKS):
• Yun 2 Bai2 : This point is found on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium. It is
located by coursing 2.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion process and the
greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH0 ], then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle perpendicularly
1.0 to 2.0 cun or obliquely from superior to inferior 2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung
Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Le Bai2 : This point is located by coursing 4.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion
process and the greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH0 ], then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle
perpendicularly 0.5 to 1.5 cun or obliquely from superior to inferior 1.5 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney
Auxiliary and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Huan2 Chao2: This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the second phalanx of
the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the middle phalanx along Digit
Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and
Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
n. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4•
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
Vaginal Cancer (CKS)

Radial to ulnar view of the 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Vaginal Pruritus (CCC-1)
1. DMG 44-02 'Brachial Three Ancestors' (CCC):
• DMG 44-02 'Brachial Three Ancestors':
i. Ren2 Zong1: This point is located in the furrow formed by the long head of the
biceps brachii muscle anteriorly and the brachialis muscle (humerus) posteriorly, 3.5
cun proximal to the transverse cubital crease. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Lung
Auxiliary, Heart Branch, and Liver Auxiliary} (This point is on the Hand Tai4 Yin 1
Lung Channel 3.5 cun proximal to the transverse cubital crease, and should be
located with the palm on the chest.)
n. Di4 Zong1: This point lies 3.0 cun proximal to Ren2 Zong 1, in the furrow formed by
the long head of the biceps brachii muscle anteriorly and the brachialis muscle
(humerus) posteriorly. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Tian1 Zong1 : This point is located 3 cun superior to Di4 Zong 1• Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Six Bowels Reaction Area} (Tian 1 Zong 1 lies 9.5 cun superior to the
transverse cubital crease along the course of the lateral border of the long head of
the biceps brachii muscle (@ the level of the anterior axillary fold.)

DMG 44-02 'Brachial3 Ancestors'

Vaginal Pruritus (CCC-2)

1. DMG 44-07 'Shoulder Anterior Oblique Three Needles' (CCC):

• DMG 44-07 'Shoulder Anterior Oblique Three Needles':
i. Jian 1 Feng 1: This point is located 0.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 . Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun.
{Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Yun2 Bai2: This point is located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal
brachium, 2 cun immediately anterior to, and on the same transverse plane as, Jian 1
Zhong 1• Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
(Jian 1 Zhong 1 is located on the lateral aspect of the proximal brachium, 2.5 cun
immediately distal to LI-15WH0 on the Hand Yang 2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel.)
iii. Shen2 Jian 1: This point is located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal
brachium at the midpoint of a line connecting Jian 1 Feng 1 with Yun2 Bai . Needle
perpendicularly 0.3 to 0.5 cun or obliquely from superior to inferior 0.5 to 1.0 cun.
{Lung Branch and Heart Branch Reaction Areas}

DMG 44-07 'Shoulder Anterior Oblique 3 Needles'

Vaginal Pruritus (CKS)
1. DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow', DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors', Shou3 Jie3 Yi\
Shou3 Jie3 Er\ Ling2 Gu3, Tian1 Zong1, Yun2 Bai2, Li3 Bai2, LI-llwuo, and CV-3wuo (CKS):
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
m. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WHo, on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2•
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• Shou Jie3 Yi 1: This point is located by instructing the patient to make a fist with the palm

supinated. The Joint is found where the tip of the 5th digit touches the palm of the hand
between the 4 and 5th metacarpal bones. In general, the point will be on the distal
transverse palmar crease 1.0 cun proximal to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease.
Needle (36 Gauge!) 0.2 to 0.8 cun. {Five Viscera Sensory Afferent (GVA ?) Reaction
• Shou3 Jie3 Er4: This point is located on the palm of the hand between the 4th and 5th
metacarpal bones, 0.5 cun proximal to Shou3 Jie3 Yi 1• Needle (36 Gauge!) 0.2 to 0.8 cun.
{Five Viscera Sensory Afferent (GV A?) Reaction Areas}
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Tian1 Zong1: This point is located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium, on
the Hand Tai4 Yin2 Lung Channel, 9.5 cun proximal to the transverse cubital crease along
the course of the lateral border of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle. Needle 1.0 to
1.5 cun. {Six Bowels Reaction Area}
• Yun 2 Bai2 : This point is found on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium. It is
located by coursing 2.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion process and the
greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH0 ], then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun.
{Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Li3 Bai2: This point is located by coursing 4.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion
process and the greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH~' then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney Auxiliary and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• LI-11 WHO: With the elbow flexed, at the lateral end of the cubital crease, at the midpoint of
the line connecting LU-5 and the external humeral condyle. Puncture perpendicularly 0.8 to
1.5 cun.
• CV-3WH0 (RN 3): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 4 cun below (inferior to)
the centre of the umbilicus. Puncture perpendicularly , 0.5 to 1.0 cun.

Tian 1

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'


Vaginal Pruritus (HCL)
1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', Tian1 Zong\ and Yun 2 Bai2 (HCL):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun froximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
111. Jie3 Mei San1 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• Tian Zong1 : This point is located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium, on
the Hand Tai4 Yin2 Lung Channel, 9.5 cun proximal to the transverse cubital crease along
the course of the lateral border of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle. Needle 1.0 to
1.5 cun. {Six Bowels Reaction Area}
• Yun2 Bai2 : This point is found on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium 2 cun
anterior to Jian 1 Zhong 1• Yun2 Bai 2 is located by coursing 2.5 cun distal to the space
between the acromion process and the greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH0 ], then 2.0
cun anterior!(- Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
(Jian 1 Zhong is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel, on the proximal
brachium, 2.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 .)

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Vaginal Pruritus (LCH)
1. Tian 1 Zong 1 and Yun1 Bai1 (LCH):
• Tian 1 Zong1: This point lies on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium, in the
'groove' between the biceps brachii muscle and the humerus bone, 9.0 cun proximal to the
level of the transverse cubital crease (locate this point with the palm of the hand placed on
the chest). Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Six Bowels Reaction Area}
• Yun1 Bai1: This point is located with the arm hanging naturally down by the side, and lies
2.0 cun obliquely anterodistal (towards the chest) from the point Bei 1 Mian4• Needle 0.3 to
0.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (Bei 1 Mian4 lies in the center of
a depression found immediately lateral to the acromion process with the arm abducted to
Vaginal Pruritus (LKC-1)
1. Tian1 Zong1, DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', and DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four
Horses' (LKC):
• Tian1 Zong1: This point is located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium, on
the Hand Tai4 Yin 2 Lung Channel, 9.5 cun proximal to the transverse cubital crease along
the course of the lateral border of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle. Needle 1.0 to
1.5 cun. {Six Bowels Reaction Area}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses':
i. Si4 Ma3 Xia4 : This point is located 5.5 cun proximal to the superolateral angle of
the patella. Needle 1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
(To locate this point, commence at the center of the superior edge of the patella,
course laterally 1.0 cun to arrive at the superolateral angle of the patella, and then
proceed proximally 5.5 cun to arrive at Si4 Ma3 Xia4 .)
ii. Si 4 Ma3 Zhong1: This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Xia4• Needle 1.0
to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Si4 Ma3 Shang4: This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1• Needle
1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of 4 Horses'

Vaginal Pruritus (LKC-2)
1. Yun1 Bai1, Li3 Bai1, Hai3 Bao\ and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (LKC):
• Yun1 Bai1 : This point is found on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium. It is
located by coursing 2.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion process and the
greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH0 ], then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun.
{Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Li3 Bai1 : This point is located by coursing 4.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion
process and the greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH~. then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney Auxiliary and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Hai3 Bao4: This point is located on the medial side of the foot at the midpoint (i.e., plantar
-dorsal midpoint) of the interphalangeal joint on the medial side of the great toe. Needle
0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Vaginitis (CCC)
1. DMG 44-07 'Shoulder Anterior Oblique Three Needles' (CCC):
• DMG 44-07 'Shoulder Anterior Oblique Three Needles':
i. Jian 1 Feng1 : This point is located 0.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 . Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun.
{Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
u. Yun2 Bai2 : This point is located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal
brachium, 2 cun immediately anterior to, and on the same transverse plane as, Jian 1
Zhong 1• Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
(Jian 1 Zhong 1 is located on the lateral aspect of the proximal brachium, 2.5 cun
immediately distal to LI-15WH0 on the Hand Yang 2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel.)
iii. Shen2 Jian 1: This point is located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal
brachium at the midpoint of a line connecting Jian 1 Feng 1 with Yun2 Bai . Needle
perpendicularly 0.3 to 0.5 cun or obliquely from superior to inferior 0.5 to 1.0 cun.
{Lung Branch and Heart Branch Reaction Areas}

DMG 44-07 'Shoulder Anterior Oblique 3 Needles'

Vaginitis (CKS)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Yun2 Bai2, Li3 Bai2, Hai3 Bao4, Tian 1 Zong\ and
Huan2 Chao2 (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Yun2 Bai 2 : This point is found on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium. It is
located by coursing 2.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion process and the
greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH'1, then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle perpendicularly
1.0 to 2.0 cun or obliquely from superior to inferior 2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung
Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Li3 Bai2 : This point is located by coursing 4.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion
process and the greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH0 ], then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney Auxiliary and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Hai3 Bao4: This point is located on the medial side of the foot at the midpoint (i.e., plantar
-dorsal midpoint) of the interphalangeal joint on the medial side of the great toe. Needle
0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area}
• Tian1 Zong1: This point is located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium, on
the Hand Tai4 Yin2 Lung Channel, 9.5 cun proximal to the transverse cubital crease along
the course of the lateral border of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle. Needle 1.0 to
1.5 cun. {Six Bowels Reaction Area}
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the second phalanx of
the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the middle phalanx along Digit
Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and
Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}


DMG 11-15
Vaginitis (HPC)
1. Yun 2 Bai2, Li3 Bai2, Fu4 Ke 1, Ma3 Jin 1 Shui3, and Ma3 Kuai 4 Shui3 (HPC):
• Yun2 Bai2 : This point is found 2 cun obliquely anterior and distal to Bei 1 Mian4 . Needle 0.3
to 0.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Branch Reaction Areas} (Bei 1 Mian4 is found
in the large depression immediately lateral (distal) to the acromion process of the scapula
when the arm is abducted to 90°.)
• Le Bai2 : This point is located 2 cun distal and slightly dorsal to Yun2 Bae. Needle 0.3 to
0.5 cun. {Kidney Auxiliary and Lung Branch Reaction Areas}
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit
(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun -Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf. {Uterine Reaction Area}
• Ma3 Jin 1 Shui3 : This point is found on the face in the depression located along the inferior
border of the zygomatic bone at the medial-to-laterallevel of the lateral canthus. Needle 0.1
to 0.3 cun. {Kidney and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Ma3 Kuai4 Shui3 : This point is 0.4 cun immediately inferior to Ma3 Jin 1 Shue. Needle 0.1
to 0.3 cun. {Kidney and Bladder Reaction Areas}

Li --ae •
Vaginitis (HCL-1)
1. Hai3 Bao4, Yun2 Bai2, Li3 Bai2, and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (HCL):
• Hae Bao4 : This point is located on the medial side of the foot at the midpoint (i.e., plantar
-dorsal midpoint) of the interphalangeal joint on the medial side of the great toe. Needle
0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area}
• Yun2 Bai2 : This point is found on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium 2 cun
anterior to Jian 1 Zhong 1. Yun2 Bai 2 is located by coursing 2.5 cun distal to the space
between the acromion process and the greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH0 ], then 2.0
cun anterior!(" Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
(Jian 1 Zhong is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel, on the proximal
brachium, 2.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 .)
• Le Bai2 : This point is located by coursing 4.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion
process and the greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH~. then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney Auxiliary and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Vaginitis (HCL-2)

1. Huan2 Chao2, DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three
Needles' (HCL):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th
digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx. (The point is at the center of
Digit Line A on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact
center of the middle phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.) Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
1. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Feng4 Chao2 San1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles' DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Vaginitis (LCH)
1. Hae Bao4, Yun2 Bai2, and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (LCH):
• Hai3 Bao4: This point is found on the medial side of the great toe in the center (i.e. plantar-
to-dorsum center) of the interphalangeal joint of the hallux (great toe). Needle 0.1 to 0.3
cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area}
• Yun2 Bai2: This point is located with the arm hanging naturally down by the side, and lies
2.0 cun obliquely anterodistal (towards the chest) from the point Bei 1 Mian4 • Needle 0.3 to
0.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (Bei 1 Mian4 lies in the center of
a depression found immediately lateral to the acromion process with the arm abducted to
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point is located on the anterior thigh, 1 cun medial and 1 cun
proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch
Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the median plane of the anterior thigh,
7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4: This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
m. Jie3 Mei4 San1: This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Er4•
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
NOTE: Dr. Lai writes that DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' is often used
bilaterally for a total of 6 points.

Hai3 Bao4


DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Vaginitis (MC)

1. Yun2 Bai2, Fu4 Ke\ DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', Tian1 Zong\ and Hai 3 Bao4
• Yun2 Bai2 : This point is located with the ann hanging naturally down by the side, and lies
2.0 cun obliquely anterodistal (towards the chest) from the point Bei 1 Mian4 . (Bei 1 Mian4
lies in the center of a depression found immediately lateral to the acromion process with the
ann abducted to 90°.) Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Reaction
Areas} Alternately, one may locate this point by proceeding 1 cun anterior and 1 cun
proximal to Jian 1 Zhong1. (Jian 1 Zhong 1 is found with the ann hanging loosely down by the
side and is located in the center of the deltoid muscle, 3 cun distal to the space between the
acromion process and the humerus.)
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, 0.3
cun ulnar to the dorsal median plane. Divide the proximal phalanx, from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar
Line, into thirds - the proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds
and the distal point is located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 cun-
the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFT. {Uterine Reaction Area}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1: This point is located on the anterior thigh, 1 cun medial and 1 cun
proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch
Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the median plane of the anterior thigh,
7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4: This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Jie3 Mei 4 San1: This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 •
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
• Tian1 Zong1: This point lies on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium, in the
'groove' between the biceps brachii muscle and the humerus bone, 9.0 cun proximal to the
level of the transverse cubital crease (locate this point with the palm of the hand placed on
the chest). Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Six Bowels Reaction Area}
• Hae Bao4 : This point is located on the medial side of the great toe in the center (i.e., the
plantar-to-dorsum center) ofthe interphalangeal joint ofthe hallux (great toe). Needle 0.1 to
0.3 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area}
Vaginitis (MC)


DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Vaginitis (LKC)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Yun2 Bai2 and Li3 Bae (LKC):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Yun2 Bai2 : This point is found on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium. It is
located by coursing 2.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion process and the
greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH0 ], then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle perpendicularly
1.0 to 2.0 cun or obliquely, from superior to inferior, 2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung
Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Li3 Bai2 : This point is located by coursing 4.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion
process and the greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH~, then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney Auxiliary and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Vaginodynia (CCC-1)
1. DMG 44-02 'Brachial Three Ancestors' (CCC):
• DMG 44-02 'Brachial Three Ancestors':
i. Ren2 Zong1: This point is located in the furrow formed by the long head of the
biceps brachii muscle anteriorly and the brachialis muscle (humerus) posteriorly, 3.5
cun proximal to the transverse cubital crease. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Lung
Auxiliary, Heart Branch, and Liver Auxiliary} (This point is on the Hand Tai4 Yin 1
Lung Channel 3.5 cun proximal to the transverse cubital crease, and should be
located with the palm on the chest.)
ii. Di4 Zong1 : This point lies 3.0 cun proximal to Ren2 Zong 1, in the furrow formed by
the long head of the biceps brachii muscle anteriorly and the brachialis muscle
(humerus) posteriorly. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area}
111. Tian 1 Zong1 : This point is located 3 cun superior to Di 4 Zong 1• Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Six Bowels Reaction Area} (Tian 1 Zong 1 lies 9.5 cun superior to the
transverse cubital crease along the course of the lateral border of the long head
biceps brachii muscle (@ the level of the anterior axillary fold.)

DMG 44-02 'Brachial3 Ancestors'

Vaginodynia (CCC-2)
1. DMG 44-07 'Shoulder Anterior Oblique Three Needles' (CCC):
• DMG 44-07 'Shoulder Anterior Oblique Three Needles':
i. Jian 1 Feng1: This point is located 0.5 cun distal to LI-15wHo. Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun.
{Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
n. Yun2 Bai2 : This point is located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal
brachium, 2 cun immediately anterior to, and on the same transverse plane as, Jian 1
Zhong 1• Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
(Jian 1 Zhong 1 is located on the lateral aspect of the proximal brachium, 2.5 cun
immediately distal to LI-15WH0 on the Hand Yang 2 Ming 2 Large Intestine Channel.)
iii. Shen2 Jian 1: This point is located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal
brachium at the midpoint of a line connecting Jian 1 Feng 1 with Yun2 Bai . Needle
perpendicularly 0.3 to 0.5 cun or obliquely from superior to inferior 0.5 to 1.0 cun.
{Lung Branch and Heart Branch Reaction Areas}

DMG 44-07 'Shoulder Anterior Oblique 3 Needles'

Vaginodynia (LCH)

1. Tian 1 Zong1 and Yun1 Bai1 (LCH):

• Tian1 Zong1: This point lies on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium, in the
'groove' between the biceps brachii muscle and the humerus bone, 9.0 cun proximal to the
level of the transverse cubital crease (locate this point with the palm of the hand placed on
the chest). Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Six Bowels Reaction Area}
• Yun1 Bai1: This point is located with the arm hanging naturally down by the side, and lies
2.0 cun obliquely anterodistal (towards the chest) from the point Bei 1 Mian4 • Needle 0.3 to
0.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (Bei 1 Mian4 lies in the center of
a depression found immediately lateral to the acromion process with the arm abducted to

. ~

,\ I.

Vaginodynia (LKC-1)

1. Tian1 Zong 1, DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', and DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four
Horses' (LKC):
• Tian1 Zong 1: This point is located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium, on
the Hand Tai4 Yin2 Lung Channel, 9.5 cun proximal to the transverse cubital crease along
the course of the lateral border of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle. Needle 1.0 to
1.5 cun. {Six Bowels Reaction Area}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses':
1. Si 4 Ma3 Xia4 : This point is located 5.5 cun proximal to the superolateral angle of
the patella. Needle 1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
(To locate this point, commence at the center of the superior edge of the patella,
course laterally 1.0 cun to arrive at the superolateral angle of the patella, and then
proceed proximally 5.5 cun to arrive at Si4 Ma3 Xia4.)
11. Si4 Ma3 Zhong1 : This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Xia4 • Needle 1.0
to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
111. Si4 Ma3 Shang4 : This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si 4 Ma3 Zhong 1• Needle
1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 DMG 88-03

Vaginodynia (LKC-2)
1. Yun1 Bai1, Li3 Bai1, Hai3 Bao4, and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (LKC):
• Yun1 Bai1 : This point is found on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium. It is
located by coursing 2.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion process and the
greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH0 ], then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun.
{Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Le Bai1 : This point is located by coursing 4.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion
process and the greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH0 ], then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney Auxiliary and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Hai3 Bao4 : This point is located on the medial side of the foot at the midpoint (i.e., plantar
-dorsal midpoint) of the interphalangeal joint on the medial side of the great toe. Needle
0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Venereal Disease (HCL)
(Not Specified)

1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', DMG 1111-02 'Three Branches Three Needles',
88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses', and 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow' (one may also add Gan3
Mao4 Yi 1 and Gan3 Mao4 Er4) (HCL):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1.
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 El is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun rroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• DMG 1111-02 'Three Branches Three Needles':
1. Fen 1 Zhi 1 Shang4 : This point is located inferior to the 'fork' formed between the
axillary border of the scapula and the humerus. It lies in proximity to the posterior
axillary fold, directly inferior to the posterior aspect of the acromion process, 1 cun
inferior to the most caudal aspect of the glenohumeral articulation. Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Endocrine and Liver Reaction Areas}
ii. Fen1 Zhi1 Xia4 : This point is located 1.5 cun immediately inferior to Fen 1 Zhi 1
Shang4 • Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Endocrine, Lung Branch, and Breast Reaction
iii. Fen1 Zhi1 Zhong1: This point is located 0.6 cun immediately medial to Fen 1 Zhi 1
Xia4 • Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Endocrine, Lung Branch, and Breast Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses':
i. Si4 Ma3 Xia4 : This point is located 0.5 cun proximal and 1.0 cun lateral to Tong 1
Guan 1 (Tong 1 Guan 1 is located on the midsagittal plane of the thigh, 5.0 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella). Needle 1.0 to 3.0 cun.
{General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas} (To locate Si4 Ma3 Xia4
commence at the center of the superior edge of the patella, course laterally 1.0 cun
to arrive at the superolateral angle of the patella, then proceed proximally 5.5 cun to
arrive at Si4 Ma3 Xia4 .)
ii. Si4 Ma3 Zhong1 : This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Xia4 . Needle 1.0
to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Si4 Ma3 Shang4: This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1• Needle
1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Mini Huani: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
11. Qi2 Huanlf: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
111. Tian 1 Huanlf: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming 2 Huang 2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• Gan3 Mao4 Yi1: This point lies 1.0 cun immediately medial to Jie3 Mei4 Er4 • Needle 1.0 to
2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Branch Reaction Areas} (Jie3 Mei4 Er4 is found 1 cun
medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point 10.5 cun proximal to the center of
the superior edge of the patella.)
• Gan3 Mao 4 Er4: This point lies 1.0 cun immediately medial to Jie3 Mei4 San 1• Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Branch Reaction Areas}(Jie3 Mei4 San 1 is found 1 cun
medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point 13 cun proximal to the center of
the superior edge of the patella.)

Fen 1 Zhi 1 S
Fen1 Zhi 1

DMG 1111-02 '3 Branches 3 Needles'

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'



DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of 4 Horses'

DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow'
Vulvitis (MC)

1. Huan2 Chao2, Feng4 Chao2, and Fu4 Ke1 (MC):

• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, 0.3
cun ulnar to the dorsal median plane. Divide the proximal phalanx, from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar
Line, into thirds - the proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds
and the distal point is located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 cun-
the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf.

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT 4th digit. Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit.
Anteverted Uterus (CCC)
1. DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles' (CCC):
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
1. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of anterior Digit Line A, along the
demarcation of the anterior and posterior surfaces, on the proximal phalanx of the ring
finger. To determine the exact center of anterior Digit Line A on the proximal phalanx,
bisect the distance from the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior
proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3
cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of anterior
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2 Er4
to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of anterior Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

Anteverted Uterus (LCH)

1. Huan2 Chao2 and Feng4 Chao2 (LCH):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT 4th digit Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit
Anteverted Uterus (CKS)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles'
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five
points are uniformly located on the Ulnar Digit Line of
the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb.
Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb along said
line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease
to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds;
then, further divide each resultant third in half. This
procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into sixths -
commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding distally, each
sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points) 0.2 to 0.3 cun.
{Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun \J ) \
proximal to Tong Shan • Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six
1 1 /
Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 ~'"- •• ·..
is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the
anterior thigh, 7 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella.) /
3 4 4
ii. Jie Mei Er : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately • /
proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1• Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six

• J
Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie 3 1
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane I
(midsagittal plane) at a point 10.5 cun proximal to the
center of the superior edge of the patella.) - ·
iii. Jie3 Mei4 San 1: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately
proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Er4 • Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six
Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3 (. ' 1

4 1
Mei San is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)

2. Moxa the 'Sciatic Region' (CKS):

• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
i. S2/S 3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths
on either side of the Governing Vessel (2 points).
ii. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on
either side of the Governing Vessel (2 points).
m. S3/S 4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths
on either side of the Governing Vessel (2 points).
IV. s4 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on
either side of the Governing Vessel (2 points).
v. SJS 5 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths
on either side of the Governing Vessel (2 points).
Anteverted Uterus (HCL; LKC)
1. Huan2 Chao2, DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three
Needles' (HCL + LKC):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th
digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx. (The point is at the center of
Digit Line A on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact
center of the middle phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.) Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles' DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Cervical Cancer (CKS)
(NOT a radical cure)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', DMG
77-06 'Lateral Three Passes' (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
1. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1.
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun rroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
i. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
ii. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex of the lateral malleolus along the line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 San1 : This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula along the line
extending from the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun.
{Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}

2. 'Let' the 'Sciatic Region' (CKS):

• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
i. S2/S 3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
ii. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
111.SiS 4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iv. S4 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. S,JS 5 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Sciatic Region

DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes'

Cervical Carcinoma (HPC)
(NOT a radical cure- adjunctive therapy only)

1. Yun 2 Bai 2, Li3 Bai2, Fu4 Ke 1, and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Hu's) (HPC):
• Yun2 Bai2 : This point is found 2 cun obliquely anterior and distal to Bei 1 Mian4 . Needle 0.3
to 0.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Branch Reaction Areas} (Bei 1 Mian4 is found
in the large depression immediately lateral (distal) to the acromion process of the scapula
when the arm is abducted to 90°.)
• Le Bai2 : This point is located 2 cun distal and slightly dorsal to Yun 2 Bai2 . Needle 0.3 to
0.5 cun. {Kidney Auxiliary and Lung Branch Reaction Areas}
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit
(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun -Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf. {Uterine Reaction Area}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Hu's):
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 (Hu's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
iii. Jie3 Mei4 San1 (Hu's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction

-· /1
Jie 3 Mei 4 S n'i--.'/

Jie3 Mei 4 Er •

Cervical Carcinoma of Uterus (HCL)
(NOT a radical cure)

1. DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This' (HCL):

• DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This':
i. Qi2 Men 2 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to the center of the dorsal wrist crease and 1.0 cun lateral (i.e., radial).
Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung
Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas} (The point is 1.0 cun lateral (i.e., radial) to
TB-5WH0 . TB-5WH0 is located 2 units above (proximal to) the transverse crease on
the dorsal surface of the wrist, between the ulna and radius.)
ii. Qi2 Jiao3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Men 2 . Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
m. Qi2 Zheng4 This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Jiao3 • Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 33-10 'Hold 3 This'

Cervical Dysplasia (CKS)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', and
DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes' (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun rroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
i. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4: This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
u. Wai 4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex of the lateral malleolus along the line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Wai 4 San1 Guan 1 San1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula along the line
extending from the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun.
{Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}

2. 'Let' the 'Sciatic Region' (CKS):

• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
i. S2/S 3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
ii. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iii. S3/S 4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
IV. S4 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. S,JS 5 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).

Ton S

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Sciatic Region

DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes'

Cervical Dysplasia (HPC)

1. Tong 1 Shen4, Tong1 Bei\ Yun1 Bai1, and Fu4 Ke 1 - treat every other day; the more severe the
dysplasia, the longer the treatment period to ameliorate the situation (HPC):
• Tong 1 Shen4 : This point is located in the depression found at the superomedial angle of the
patella. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• Tong1 Bei 4: This point lies 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4• Needle 0.5 to 1.0
cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• Yun1 Bai1 : This point is found 2 cun obliquely anterior and distal to Bei 1 Mian4 . Needle 0.3
to 0.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Branch Reaction Areas} (Bei 1 Mian4 is found
in the large depression immediately lateral (distal) to the acromion process of the scapula
when the arm is abducted to 90°.)
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit
(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun - Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf. {Uterine Reaction Area}

Cervical Dysplasia (HCL)
1. DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes' and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (HCL):
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
i. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 Er4: This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
n. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1 : This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex of the lateral malleolus along the line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
m. Wai 4 San1 Guan 1 San1 : This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula along the line
extending from the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun.
{Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes'

Cervicitis (CKS-1)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', Gu3
Guan\ Mu 4 Guan\ DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', and DMG 77-12 'Lower
Three Emperors' (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• Gu3 Guan1: This point is located at the base of the palm of the hand, 0.5 cun distal and 0.5
cun lateral to the center of the anterior distal transverse wrist crease (i.e., PC-7WH0 ). Needle
0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney and Lung Branch Reaction Areas} Gu 3 Guan 1 is located at the
medial to lateral level of the interdigital web between the index and middle finger, 0.5 cun
distal to the anterior distal transverse crease of the wrist.
• Mu4 Guan1: This point is located at the base of the palm of the hand, 0.5 cun distal and 0.5
cun medial to the center of the anterior distal transverse wrist crease (i.e., PC-7WH0 ). Needle
0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney, Liver, and Gallbladder Reaction Areas} Mu4 Guan 1 is located at
the medial to lateral level of the interdigital web between the ring and fifth fingers, 0.5 cun
distal to the anterior distal transverse crease of the wrist.
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun rroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Er4 •
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie 3
Mei4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huang2: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
n. Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren 2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 • Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huang2 : This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)

Radial to ulnar view 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles'

DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' PC-7WHO

DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors'

Cervicitis (CKS-2)
1. 'Let' the 'Sciatic Region' and the 'Occipital Region' of the lower extremity (CKS):
• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
i. S2/S 3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
ii. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iii. S3/S 4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iv. S4 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. SJS 5 Interspinous Space Level- two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
• Occipital Region: The 'Occipital Region' is located on the posterior aspect of the distal
thigh and proximal leg.

Sciatic Region

Occipital Region
Diseases of Uterus - General (LKC)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecolofy Three Needles', DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', Huan2
Chao2, Men2 Jin\ Shui Qu 1, and Huo 3 Zhu3 (LKC):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five
points are uniformly located on the Ulnar Digit Line of
the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide
the proximal phalanx of the thumb along said line, from
the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal
interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further
divide each resultant third in half. This procedure
sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into sixths - commencing
from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding distally, each sixth
represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points) 0.2 to 0.3 cun.
{Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin
crease along the course of Digit Line A.
Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and
Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Feng4 Chao2 San1 : To locate this point,
simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit
Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction
• Huan Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th

digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx (i.e. at the center of Digit Line A
on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and
Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Men2 Jin 1 : This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones,
immediately distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e.,
the point is in a depression immediately distal to the articulation of the bases
of the 2nd and 3ro metatarsals. Needle 0.5 cun. {Duodenum, Stomach
Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• Shui3 Qu 1 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately
distal to the articulation of the bases of the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones.
Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
• Huo3 Zhu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately
distal to the articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones.
Endometritis (CKS-1)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This', Huo3 Zhu3, Huo3
Ying4, DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', and Shui3 Xiang4 (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This':
1. Qi2 Men2 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 1.0 cun
lateral (i.e., radial) to TB-5WH0 . Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e.,
radial to ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas} (TB-5WHO
is located 2 units above (proximal to) the transverse crease on the dorsal surface of
the wrist, between the ulna and radius.)
ii. Qi2 Jiao 3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Men2• Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
iii. Qi2 Zheng4 This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Jiao 3 . Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Huo Zhu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 1.0 cun
Branch Reaction Area} (This point is described as being 0.5 cun proximal to LV-3WH0 .)
• Huo3 Ying4 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot between the first and second
metatarsal bones, 0.5 cun proximal to the metatarsophalangeal joints. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun
perpendicular or oblique insertion, CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY, MOXA ALSO
PROHIBITED. {Liver Auxiliary and Heart Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
1. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 : This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1.
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1.
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
111. Jie3 Mei San1: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 El.
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• Shui Xiang4 : This point is located by coursing 0.5 cun distal to Kl-3 WHO then 0.5 cun

posteriorly. Needle 0.5 cun. {Kidney Branch and Brain Reaction Areas}
Endometritis (CKS-1)


DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 33-10 'Hold 3 This'

Huo3 Zhu3

Huo3 Ying4

• •

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Endometritis (CKS-2)
1. DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This', DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Men2 Jin 1, and
DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles' (CKS):
• DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This':
i. Qi2 Men 2 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 1.0 cun
lateral (i.e., radial) to TB-5WH0 . Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e.,
radial to ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas} (TB-5wHo
is located 2 units above (proximal to) the transverse crease on the dorsal surface of
the wrist, between the ulna and radius.)
ii. Qi2 Jiao3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Men2 • Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
iii. Qi2 Zheng4 This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi 2 Jiao3 • Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Men2 Jin1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Ye
Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
n. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
m. San1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
Endometritis (CKS-2)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 33-10 'Hold 3 This'

San1 Zhong4

Er4 Zhong4

Yi1 Zhong4

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Endometritis (MC)
1. Huan2 Chao2, Feng4 Chao2, DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', and Shui3 Jing 1 (MC):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2: This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
1. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point is located on the anterior thigh, 1 cun medial and 1 cun
proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch
Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the median plane of the anterior thigh,
7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 : This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
111. Jie3 Mei 4 San 1: This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Er4 •
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
NOTE: DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' is often used bilaterally for a
total of 6 points.
• Shui Jing1: This point lies 2.0 cun immediately distal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus. Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Uterus Reaction Area}
/' ;'

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DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Functional Uterine Bleeding (HPC)

1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's), Ren2 Huan~, and Di4 Huanlf - treat as
soon as symptoms manifest and one may expect to bring the bleeding under control within 2
to 4 treatments (HPC):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's):
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Ho's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
iii. Jie3 Mei4 San1 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
• Ren Huan~: This point is located 3 cun proximal to the medial malleolus along the
medial border of the tibia. Needle 0.6 to 1.2 cun. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY.
{Kidney Branch Reaction Area}
• Di4 Huan~: This point is located 7 cun proximal to the medial malleolus along the medial
border of the tibia. Needle inferior to superior at a 45° angle 1.0 to 1.8 cun.



\ (

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Hysteralgia (CCC)
1. DMG 22-02 'Palm Three Passes' (CCC):
• DMG 22-02 'Palm Three Passes':
i. Zhong1 Guan 1: This point is located 0.5 cun distal to the center of the anterior
distal transverse crease of the wrist. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney and Lung
Branch Reaction Areas} (To locate the point, measure 0.5 cun distal to PC-7WH0 .)
ii. Gu3 Guan 1: This point is located 0.5 cun radial to Zhong 1 Guan 1• Needle 0.3 to 0.5
cun. {Kidney and Lung Branch Reaction Areas}
111. Mu 4 Guan 1: This point is located 0.5 cun ulnar to Zhong 1 Guan 1. Needle 0.2 to 0.5
cun. {Kidney, Liver, and Gallbladder Reaction Areas}


DMG 22-02 'Palm 3 Passes'

Hysteralgia (HCL)
1. Gu 3 Guan 1, Mu 4 Guan 1, and San1 He2 (HCL):
• Gu 3 Guan 1: This point is found by coursing 0.5 cun distal to the center of the anterior distal
transverse wrist crease then 0.5 cun laterally (radial). The point is 0.5 cun distal to the
anterior distal transverse wrist crease on a line drawn proximally from the interdigital web
between the second (index) and third (middle) fingers (adducted). Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun.
{Kidney and Lung Branch Reaction Areas}
• Mu4 Guan 1: This point is found by coursing 0.5 cun distal to the center of the anterior
distal transverse wrist crease then 0.5 cun medially (ulnar). The point is 0.5 cun distal to the
anterior distal transverse wrist crease on a line drawn proximally from the interdigital web
between the fourth (ring) and fifth (pinky) fingers. Needle 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney, Liver,
and Gallbladder Reaction Areas}
• San 1 He 2 : This three point set is uniformly located on the palm of the hand between the 4th
and 5th metacarpal bones/proximal phalanges. The middle point is located midway between
the interdigital web and the distal transverse palmar crease; the proximal point is located
midway between the middle point and the distal transverse palmar crease; and the distal
point is located midway between the middle point and the interdigital web between the 4th
and 5th digits. Needle 0.2 to 0.4 cun or 'let'. {Six Bowel Reaction Area}

Hysteralgia (LCH)
1. Huan 2 Chao2, Feng4 Chao2, and DMG 88-01 'Passing Through the Kidney Three Needles'
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2: This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)
• DMG 88-01 'Passin_r Through the Kidney Three Needles':
i. Tong1 Shen : This point is located in the depression found at the superomedial
angle of the patella. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
n. Tong1 Wei4 : This point is located 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4 •
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
iii. Tong 1 Bei4 : This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4 .
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 88-01 'Passing Through the Kidney 3 Needles'

Hysteralgia (M C)

1. Huan 2 Chao2 , Feng4 Chao2, and Fu4 Ke 1 (MC):

• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, 0.3
cun ulnar to the dorsal median plane. Divide the proximal phalanx, from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar
Line, into thirds - the proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds
and the distal point is located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 cun -
the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf. {Uterine Reaction Area}

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT 41h digit. Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit.
Intrauterine 'Heat' (CKS)
[Sense of]

1. Gu3 Guan\ Mu 4 Guan\ and DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' (CKS):
• Gu3 Guan1: This point is located at the base of the palm of the hand, 0.5 cun distal and 0.5
cun lateral to the center of the anterior distal transverse wrist crease (i.e., PC-7WH0 ). Needle
0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney and Lung Branch Reaction Areas} Gu3 Guan 1 is located at the
medial to lateral level of the interdigital web between the index and middle finger, 0.5 cun
distal to the anterior distal transverse crease of the wrist.
• Mu4 Guan1: This point is located at the base of the palm of the hand, 0.5 cun distal and 0.5
cun medial to the center of the anterior distal transverse wrist crease (i.e., PC-7WH0 ). Needle
0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney, Liver, and Gallbladder Reaction Areas} Mu4 Guan 1 is located at
the medial to lateral level of the interdigital web between the ring and fifth fingers, 0.5 cun
distal to the anterior distal transverse crease of the wrist.
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huanlf: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren 2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang 2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huanlf: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)

2. 'Let' the 'Sciatic Region' (CKS):

• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
1. Sz/S3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
ii. S 3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iii. S3/S 4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
1v. S4 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. SJSs Interspinous Space Level- two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
Intrauterine 'Heat' (CKS)
[Sense of]


DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Sciatic Region
'Intra-uterine Heat' (CCC)
[Sense of 'beat' within the uterus]

1. DMG 22-02 'Palm Three Passes' (CCC):

• DMG 22-02 'Palm Three Passes':
1. Zhong 1 Guan 1: This point is located 0.5 cun distal to the center of the anterior
distal transverse crease of the wrist. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney and Lung
Branch Reaction Areas} (To locate the point, measure 0.5 cun distal to PC-7WH0 .)
n. Gu3 Guan 1: This point is located 0.5 cun radial to Zhong 1 Guan 1• Needle 0.3 to 0.5
cun. {Kidney and Lung Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Mu 4 Guan 1: This point is located 0.5 cun ulnar to Zhong 1 Guan 1• Needle 0.2 to 0.5
cun. {Kidney, Liver, and Gallbladder Reaction Areas}


DMG 22-02 'Palm 3 Passes'

Low Back Pain - 2° Cervical CA (HPC)

1. DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes', Tong1 Shen\ and Shen4 Guan1 - treat every other day;
considered palliative only (HPC):
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
1. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4: This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of
the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
ii. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1 : This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of the lateral malleolus. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
iii. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 San1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula. Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
• Tong Shen4: This point is located in the depression found at the superomedial angle of the

patella. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}

• Shen4 Guan 1 : This point lies 1.5 cun immediately distal to Tian 1 Huang2• Needle 0.5 to 1.0
cun. (Tian 1 Huang2 is located in the depression found immediately distal to the medial tibial
condyle, and lies 2.5 cun distal to the articular surface of the medial tibial condyle.) {Six
Bowels Reaction Area}

DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes'

Low Back Pain - 2° to Uterine Leiomyoma (HPC)

1. DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes', Tong 1 Shen\ and Shen4 Guan1 - treat every other day
until resolved (HPC):
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
i. Wai 4 San1 Guan 1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of
the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
ii. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 Yi 1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of the lateral malleolus. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
iii. Wai 4 San1 Guan 1 San1 : This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula. Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
• Tong Shen4 : This point is located in the depression found at the superomedial angle of the

patella. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}

• Shen4 Guan1: This point lies 1.5 cun immediately distal to Tian 1 Huang2 • Needle 0.5 to 1.0
cun. (Tian 1 Huang2 is located in the depression found immediately distal to the medial tibial
condyle, and lies 2.5 cun distal to the articular surface of the medial tibial condyle.) {Six
Bowels Reaction Area}


l r-

She 4 Guan1 ·

DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes'

Low Back Pain - 2° to Uterine Prolapse (HPC)
1. ST-36WH0 , Fu4 Ke\ Tong1 Shen\ and Shen4 Guan 1 - treat every other day until clinical
picture improves (HPC):
• ST-36WH0 : On the anteriolateral side of the leg, 3 cun below (distal to) ST-35, one finger
breadth (middle finger) from the anterior crest of the tibia. Puncture perpendicularly 1.0 to
1.0 cun.
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit
(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun -Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf. {Uterine Reaction Area}
• Tong 1 Shen4 : This point is located in the depression found at the superomedial angle of the
patella. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• Shen4 Guan 1: This point lies 1.5 cun immediately distal to Tian 1 Huang2. Needle 0.5 to 1.0
cun. (Tian 1 Huang2 is located in the depression found immediately distal to the medial tibial
condyle, and lies 2.5 cun distal to the articular surface of the medial tibial condyle.) {Six
Bowels Reaction Area}

/"",~I /
/ j . (

Metritis (CCC-1)

1. DMG 44-07 'Shoulder Anterior Oblique Three Needles' (CCC):

• DMG 44-07 'Shoulder Anterior Oblique Three Needles':
i. Jian 1 Feng1: This point is located 0.5 cun distal to LI-15w"0 . Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun.
{Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
n. Yun2 Bai2 : This point is located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal
brachium, 2 cun immediately anterior to, and on the same transverse plane as, Jian 1
Zhong 1• Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
(Jian 1 Zhong 1 is located on the lateral aspect of the proximal brachium, 2.5 cun
immediately distal to LI-15WH0 on the Hand Yang 2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel.)
iii. Shen2 Jian 1: This point is located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal
brachium at the midpoint of a line connecting Jian 1 Feng 1 with Yun2 Bai . Needle
perpendicularly 0.3 to 0.5 cun or obliquely from superior to inferior 0.5 to 1.0 cun.
{Lung Branch and Heart Branch Reaction Areas}

DMG 44-07 'Shoulder Anterior Oblique 3 Needles'

Metritis (CCC-2)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (CCC):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Metritis (HCL-1; CCC)

1. DMG 88-01 'Passing Through the Kidney Three Needles'
• DMG 88-01 'Passing Through the Kidney Three
1. Tong 1 Shen4 : This point is located in the
depression found immediately proximal and medial
to the superomedial angle of the patella. To locate
the point, draw a transverse line tangent to the
superior margin of the patella and a vertical line
tangent to the medial margin of the patella - where
the two lines intersect is the location of the point.
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
ii. Tong1 Wei4 : This point is located 2.0 cun
immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4• Needle 0.5
to 1.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
iii. Tong1 Bei4 : This point is located 4.0 cun
immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4 • Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}

Metritis (HCL-2)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles', DMG
33-10 'Hold Three This', and Men2 Jin 1 (HCL):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San 1 Zhong4: This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This':
i. Qi2 Men2 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to the center of the dorsal wrist crease and 1.0 cun lateral (i.e., radial).
Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung
Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas} (The point is 1.0 cun lateral (i.e., radial) to
TB-5WH0 . TB-5wHo is located 2 units above (proximal to) the transverse crease on
the dorsal surface of the wrist, between the ulna and radius.)
ii. Qi2 Jiao3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Men 2• Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
iii. Qi2 Zheng4 This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Jiao3 • Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Men2 Jin 1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
Metritis (HCL-2)


DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 33-10 'Hold 3 This'

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Metritis (HCL-3)

1. DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles' (HCL):

• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
i. Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle
Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
11. Fu 4 Linlf Yi 1: This point is located on the lateral end of the
proximal interphalangeal skin crease on the plantar surface of
the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction
ill. Fu 4 Linlf Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the
proximal interphalangeal skin crease on the plantar surface of
the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

Metritis (HCL-4)

1. DMG 11-02 'Finger Three Yellow' (HCL):

• DMG 11-02 'Finger Three Yellow':
i. Zhong1 Huanlf: This point is located in the center of anterior
Digit Line D on the anterior surface of the proximal phalanx of
the thumb. To determine the exact center of anterior Digit Line
D on the proximal phalanx, bisect the distance from the
anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior
interphalangeal skin crease along the course of said line.
Needle 0.1 to 0.2 cun. {Liver Branch Reaction Area}
11. Shang4 Huanlf: To locate this point, simply bisect the
distance from Zhong 1 Huang2 to the anterior interphalangeal
skin crease along the course of anterior Digit Line D. Needle
0.1 to 0.2 cun. {Liver Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Xia4 Huanlf: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance .,.-\:.., ,.
from Zhong 1 Huang2 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin
crease along the course of anterior Digit Line D. Needle 0.1 to 0.2 cun. {Liver
Branch Reaction Area}
Metritis (HCL-5)
1. Men2 Jin\ Shui3 Qu 1, and Huo3 Zhu 3 (HCL):
• Men2 Jin1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately distal to
the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot (the point is in a depression immediately distal
to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals). Needle 0.5 cun. {Duodenum,
Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• Shue Qu 1: This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Lung
Branch and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
• Huo3 Zhu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 1.0 cun
Organ Branch Reaction Area}

Metritis (HCL-6)
1. Gu3 Guan 1 and Mu 4 Guan 1 (HCL):
• Gu3 Guan 1: This point is found by proceeding
0.5 cun distal to the center of the anterior distal
transverse wrist crease then 0.5 cun laterally
(radial). The point is 0.5 cun distal to the
anterior distal transverse wrist crease on a line
drawn proximally from the interdigital web
between the second (index) and third (middle)
fingers (adducted). Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun.
{Kidney and Lung Branch Reaction Areas}
• Mu 4 Guan1 : This point is found by proceeding
0.5 cun distal to the center of the anterior distal
transverse wrist crease then 0.5 cun medially
(ulnar). The point is 0.5 cun distal to the anterior
a a
distal transverse wrist crease on a line drawn
proximally from the interdigital web between
the fourth (ring) and fifth (pinky) fingers. Needle 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney, Liver, and
Gallbladder Reaction Areas}
Metritis (H CL-7)

1. 'Let' any spider nevi, telangiectasiae, hemangiaomae, petechiae, ecchymoses, etc. in the area
of Shui3 Jing1 (HCL):
• Shui3 Jing1: This point lies 2.0 cun immediately inferior to the apex of the medial
malleolus. {Uterus Reaction Area}

2. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Ling2 Gu3, DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three
Needles', and 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles' (HCL):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4: This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
i. Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
n. Fu4 Lin~ Yi1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Fu4 Lin~ Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
Metritis (HCL-7)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit 3 Needles'

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Metritis (HCL-8)
1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (HCL):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 : This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun yroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
m. Jie3 Mei San1 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Metritis (LCH)
1. Huan2 Chao2, Feng4 Chao2, Huo3 Ying\ Huo3 Zhu3, Mu4 Fu\ and Shui3 Jing 1 (LCH):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2: This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)
• Huo3 Ying4 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot between the first and second
metatarsal bones, 0.5 cun proximal to the level of the metatarsophalangeal joints. Needle
0.3 to 0.5 cun perpendicular or oblique insertion, CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY,
MOXA ALSO PROHIBITED. {Liver Auxiliary and Heart Organ Branch Reaction Areas}
• Huo3 Zhu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 0.8 cun
Branch Reaction Area} (Huo 3 Zhu3 is described as being 1.0 cun proximal to Huo3 Ying 4.)
• Mu4 Fu4 : This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the center of the median plane on the
dorsum of the middle phalanx on the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.2 to 0.4 cun close to the
bone (use a very fine needle to minimize patient discomfort). {Heart Auxiliary Reaction
• Shui3 Jing1: This point lies 2.0 cun immediately distal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus. Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Uterus Reaction Area}

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

Radial to ulna view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

j '

Metritis (LKC-1)
1. 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' and Huan2 Chao2 (LKC):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th
digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx (i.e. at the center of Digit Line A
on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the
middle phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.
Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Radial to ulna view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

Metritis (LKC-2)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Huan2 Chao2, Fu4 Lin~ Yi\ and Fu 4 Lin~ Er4
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th
digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx (i.e. at the center of Digit Line A
on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the
middle phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.
Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Fu4 Lin~ Yi 1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal interphalangeal
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Fu4 Lin~ Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the proximal interphalangeal
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulna view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Metritis (LKC-3)
1. DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles' and Huan2 Chao2 (LKC):
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
n. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
m. Feng4 Chao2 San1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• Huan 2 Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th
digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx (i.e. at the center of Digit Line A
on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the
middle phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.
Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulna view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

Metritis (LKC-4)
1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' and Mu 4 Fu4 (LKC):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
n. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• Mu Fu : This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the exact center of the dorsum of the 2nd
4 4

phalanx of the 2nd toe. To determine the exact center of the dorsal surface of the middle
phalanx, bisect the distance from the dorsal proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
dorsal distal interphalangeal skin crease along the median plane of the phalanx. Needle 0.2
to 0.4 cun keeping the needle close to the bone. {Heart Auxiliary and Six Bowels Reaction

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Metritis (LKC-5)

1. 'Let' San 1 Jiang1 and Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San 1 then needle Huo3 Zhu3, Huo3 Ying\ and Mu4
Fu4 (LKC):
• San 1 Jiang1: This group of points includes: 6 midline points, one each at the Ltl~
interspinous space, ~/L3 interspinous space, LJIL. interspinous space, LJLs interspinous
space, L5/S 1 interspinous space, and StfS 2 interspinous space. There are also 6 bilaterally
paired sets of points with each set located 3.0 cun lateral to either side of the
aforementioned midline points for a grand total of 18 points.
• Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San1: This is a collective of 23 points and is located as follows:
i. Midline Points (Conception Vessel): Superior to the umbilicus 1.0 and 2.0 cun.
Inferior to the umbilicus 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 cun respectively, for a total of 7
midline points.
ii. Lateral Line 1 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 1.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
iii. Lateral Line 2 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 2.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
• Huo3 Zhu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 1.0 cun
Branch Reaction Area} (This point is described as being 0.5 cun proximal to LV-3WH0 .)
• Huo3 Ying4 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot between the 1st and 2nd
metatarsal bones, 0.5 cun proximal to the metatarsophalangeal joints. Needle 0.3 cun
Auxili~ and Heart Reaction Areas} (This point is described as being 0.5 cun proximal to
LV-2WH .)
• Mu 4 Fu4 : This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the exact center of the dorsum of the 2nd
phalanx of the 2nd toe. To determine the exact center of the dorsal surface of the middle
phalanx, bisect the distance from the dorsal proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
dorsal distal interphalangeal skin crease along the median plane of the phalanx. Needle 0.2
to 0.4 cun keeping the needle close to the bone. {Heart Auxiliary and Six Bowels Reaction
Metritis (LKC
Metritis (LKC-6)

1. 'Let' the veinules in the area between Shui3 Xian1 and Shui3 Jing 1 then needle DMG 11-15
'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles', and Ling2 Gu3
• Shui3 Xian1: This point lies on the medial side of the foot, 2.0 cun directly inferior to KI-
3WHO. {Kidney Branch and Brain Reaction Areas}
• Shui3 Jing1: This point lies 2.0 cun immediately inferior to the apex of the medial
malleolus. {Uterus Reaction Area}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• Lini Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
Metritis (LKC-6)

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Metritis (LKC-7)
1. Men2 Jin\ DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This', and DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles'
• Men2 Jin 1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This':
1. Qi2 Men2 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 1.0 cun
lateral (i.e., radial) to TB-5WH0 . Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e.,
radial to ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas} (TB-5wno
is located 2 units above (proximal to) the transverse crease on the dorsal surface of
the wrist, between the ulna and radius.)
ii. Qi2 Jiao3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Men 2 • Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
iii. Qi2 Zheng4 : This Roint is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0
cun proximal to Qi Jiao3 • Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial
to ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4: This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior
to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle
1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and
Spleen Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung
Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung
Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}

DMG 33-10 'Hold 3 This'

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'
Metritis (LKC-8)
1. 'Let' Fu3 Chao2 Er4 She San1 then needle subcutaneously to connect all three constituent
points of 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles' (LKC):
• Fu3 Chao2 Er4 She San 1: This is a collective of 23 points and is located as follows:
i. Midline Points (Conception Vessel): Superior to the umbilicus 1.0 and 2.0 cun.
Inferior to the umbilicus 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 cun respectively, for a total of 7
midline points.
n. Lateral Line 1 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 1.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
iii. Lateral Line 2 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 2.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
• 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles':
i. Xin 1 Ling2 Yi 1: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 1.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
ii. Xin 1 Lin~ Er4 : This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 2.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Xin1 Lin~ San1: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 3.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}

~ ·"----
Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San1

33-03 'Heart Spirit 3 Needles'

Metritis (M C)
1. Mu 4 Fu\ Huan2 Chao2, Feng4 Chao2, Men2 Jin\ and Fu4 Ke 1 (MC):
• Mu4 Fu4: This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the center of the median plane on the
dorsum of the middle phalanx on the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.2 to 0.4 cun close to the
bone (use a very fine needle to minimize patient discomfort). {Heart Auxiliary Reaction
• Huan2 Chao2: This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) ofthe hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)
• Men2 Jin1: This point is located on the dorsum of the foot in the depression found
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones.
Needle 0.5 cun. BILATERAL NEEDLING PROHIBITED. {Stomach Branch and Duodenum
Reaction Areas}
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, 0.3
cun ulnar to the dorsal median plane. Divide the proximal phalanx, from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar
Line, into thirds - the proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds
and the distal point is located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 cun -
the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf. {Uterine Reaction Area}
Metritis (MC)

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT 4th digit. Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit.
Metrorrhagia (CCC)
1. DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles' (CCC):
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4: This point is located at the center of anterior Digit Line A, along
the demarcation of the anterior and posterior surfaces, on the proximal phalanx of
the ring finger. To determine the exact center of anterior Digit Line A on the
proximal phalanx, bisect the distance from the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin
crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of said
line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
anterior Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction
iii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of anterior
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

Metrorrhagia (CKS)
1. Needle DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' and Liu4 Wan2 then Moxa SP-1wuo (CKS):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
n. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun yroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 •
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie 3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• Liu Wan2 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot between the 4th and 5th

metatarsal bones, 0.5 cun proximal to GB-43 WHo. Needle with a 36 Gauge needle 0.3 to 0.5
EXCESSIVE PHLEGM, OR WHO ARE WEAK/FRAIL. {Lung Branch and Kidney Branch}
(GB-43WH0 is located 0.5 unit posterior to (proximal to) the web between the 4th and 5th
toes, ergo, Liu4 Wan2 is located 1.0 cun proximal to the interdigital web between said
• SP-1 wuo: On the medial side of the distal segment of the great toe, 0.1 cun from the corner
of the toenail.

Liu4 Wan2


DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles' I

RIGHT Great Toe
Metrorrhagia (LCH)

1. Huo3 Zhu3 (LCH):

• Huo3 Zhu3: This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 0.8 cun
Branch Reaction Area} (Huo3 Zhu3 is described as being 1.0 cun proximal to Huo3 Ying4 .
Huo3 Ying4 is located on the dorsum of the foot, in the interosseous space between the 1st
and 2nd metatarsal bones 0.5 cun proximal to the level of the metatarsophalangeal joints.)
Metrorrhagia (LKC)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', Tong 1
Shen\ and Tong1 Bei4 (LKC):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• Tong1 Shen4 : This point is located in the depression found immediately proximal and
medial to the superomedial angle of the patella. To locate the point, draw a transverse line
tangent to the superior margin of the patella and a vertical line tangent to the medial margin
of the patella - where the two lines intersect is the location of the point. Needle 0.5 to 1.0
cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• Tong1 Bei4 : This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4 . Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}

Radial to ulnar view of RIGHT 4th digit

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'
Prolapse of the Uterus (CKS)

1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Tong1
Shen4, and Tong1 Wei 4 (CKS):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
n. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun rroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Tong1 Shen4 : This point is located in the depression found immediately proximal and
medial to the superomedial angle of the patella. To locate the point, draw a transverse line
tangent to the superior margin of the patella and a vertical line tangent to the medial margin
of the patella - where the two lines intersect is the location of the point. Needle 0.5 to 1.0
cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• Tong1 Wei 4 : This point is located 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4 . Needle
0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}

2. Moxa Zheng4 Hui\ CV-4WH0 , CV-3 WHo, and CV-12 WHO (CKS):
• Zheng4 Hui4: This point is located 0.5 cun posterior to the center of the vertex of the head,
on the sagittal suture. {General Brain Reaction Area} (This point is located on the
Governing Vessel, 0.5 cun posterior to GV-20WH0 .)
• CV-4WH0 (RN 4): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 3 cun below (inferior
to) the centre of the umbilicus.
• CV -3WHo (RN 3): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 4 cun below (inferior to)
the centre of the umbilicus.
• CV-12WH0 (RN 12): On the upper abdomen and on the anterior midline, 4 cun above
(superior to) the centre of the umbilicus.
Prolapse of the Uterus (CKS)

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Retroverted Uterus (CCC)
1. DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles' (CCC):
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of anterior Digit Line A, along
the demarcation of the anterior and posterior surfaces, on the proximal phalanx of
the ring finger. To determine the exact center of anterior Digit Line A on the
proximal phalanx, bisect the distance from the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin
crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of said
line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
anterior Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction
iii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of anterior
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

Retroverted Uterus (CKS)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles'
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun rroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Er4 •
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie 3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)

2. Moxa CV-4wuo, CV-12wu0 , CV-6wuo, and CV-3wuo (CKS):

• CV-4wuo (RN 4): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 3 cun below (inferior
to) the centre of the umbilicus.
• CV-12wuo (RN 12): On the upper abdomen and on the anterior midline, 4 cun above
(superior to) the centre of the umbilicus.
• CV -6wuo (RN 6): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 1.5 cun below
(inferior to) the centre of the umbilicus.
• CV-3wuo (RN 3): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midli~4 c~n below in erior to)
the centre of the umbilicus. " • /)
Jie3 11~an 1 • ·,

. I
Shtn 1

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Retroverted Uterus (HCL)
1. Huan2 Chao2, DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three
Needles' (HCL):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th
digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx. (The point is at the center of
Digit Line A on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact
center of the middle phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.) Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
111. Feng4 Chao2 San 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles' DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Retroverted Uterus (LCH)
1. Huan2 Chao2 and Feng4 Chao2 (LCH):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2: This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

Retroverted Uterus (LKC)
1. DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', and
Huan2 Chao2 (LKC):
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
1. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Feng4 Chao2 San1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th
digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx (i.e. at the center of Digit Line A
on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the
middle phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.
Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles' DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Tumor of Uterine Cervix (LKC)
(NOT a radical cure)

1. DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes' and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (LKC):
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
i. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
n. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex of the lateral malleolus along the line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 San1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula along the line
extending from the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun.
{Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one ofthe five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 77-06 'Lateral 3 Passes'

Uterine CA (MC-1)
(Not a Radical Cure)

1. Huan2 Chao2 , Feng4 Chao2 , and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (MC):
• Huan 2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2: This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
1. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 : This point is located on the anterior thigh, 1 cun medial and 1 cun
proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch
Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the median plane of the anterior thigh,
7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 : This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
m. Jie3 Mei 4 San1: This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Er4 •
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
NOTE: Needle Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1, Jie 3 Mei 4 Er4 , and Jie 3 Mei 4 San 1 BILATERALLY in this

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT 4th digit.

Jie3 Mei 4 ~_,/

V ) \*, ·.
Jie 3 Mei4 4
* !
*II l
Tong Shan
Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit.

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'
Uterine CA (MC-2)
(Not a Radical Cure)

1. 'Let' along a line extending from Zhong4 Zi3 to Zhong4 Xian1 then needle Huan2 Chao2 and
Fu 4 Ke 1 (MC):
• Zhong4 ze: This point is found on the palmar surface of the thenar eminence, between the
1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, approximately 1.0 cun proximal to the Hu 3 Kou 3 (skin fold
between the 181 and 2nd metacarpals). 'Let' in this case. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}
• Zhong4 Xian 1: This point is also found on the palmar surface of the thenar eminence, 2 cun
proximal to the Hu3 Kou 3 (skin fold between the 1st and 2nd metacarpals), at the articulation
of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones opposite Ling2 Gu3 . 'Let' in this case.
{Lung Branch Reaction Area and Heart Minute Branch Reaction Areas}
• Huan 2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, 0.3
cun ulnar to the dorsal median plane. Divide the proximal phalanx, from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar
Line, into thirds - the proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds
and the distal point is located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 cun -
the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFT. {Uterine Reaction Area}

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT 4th digit.

Uterine Cancer (CKS)
(NOT a radical cure)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', and
DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles' (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong' Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
n. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4: This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}

2. 'Let' the 'Sciatic Region' -ONLY if the cancer has NOT metastasized (CKS):
• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
i. S2/S 3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
ii. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iii. S3/S 4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
tv. S4 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. SJS 5 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Sciatic Region

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Uterine CA (HPC)
(NOT a radical cure- adjunctive therapy)

1. DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes', DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors', and Fu 4 Ke 1
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
i. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of
the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
ii. Wai 4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1 : This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of the lateral malleolus. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
iii. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 San1 : This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula. Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huang2 : This point is found in the depression immediately distal to the
medial tibial condyle, and lies 2.5 cun distal to the articular surface of the medial
tibial condyle. Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart Branch
Reaction Areas}
ii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 7 cun proximal to the medial malleolus along the
medial border of the tibia. Needle inferior to superior at a 45° angle 1.0 to 1.8 cun.
iii. Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3 cun proximal to the medial malleolus along
the medial border of the tibia. Needle 0.6 to 1.2 cun. CONTRAINDICATED IN
PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch Reaction Area}
• Fu Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit

(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun -Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf. {Uterine Reaction Area}

2. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's) and Huan2 Chao2 (HPC):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's)
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1 (Ho's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
iii. Jie3 Mei4 San1 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is found at the center of Digit Line E on the middle phalanx of
the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the center of Digit Line E on the middle phalanx of
the 4th digit, divide the distance from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal
interphalangeal skin crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. BilATERAL NEEDliNG
PROHIBITED. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}


DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes' DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

Jie3 Me 4 Yi 1 •
Ton 1S

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Uterine Carcinoma (LKC-1)
(NOT a radical cure)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' and Huan2 Chao2 (LKC):

• DMG 11·15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th
digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx (i.e. at the center of Digit Line A
on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the
middle phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.
Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

Uterine Carcinoma (LKC-2)
(NOT a radical cure)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Huan2 Chao2, Fu4 Lin~ Yi 1, and Fu4 Lin~ Er4
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th
digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx (i.e. at the center of Digit Line A
on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the
middle phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.
Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Fu4 Lin~ Yi 1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal interphalangeal
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Fu 4 Lin~ Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the proximal interphalangeal
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Fu4 LiniYi 1
Uterine Carcinoma (LKC-3)
(NOT a radical cure)

1. DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles' and Huan2 Chao2 (LKC):
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
n. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Feng4 Chao2 San1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• Huan Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th

digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx (i.e. at the center of Digit Line A
on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the
middle phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.
Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

Uterine Carcinoma (LKC-4)
(NOT a radical cure)

1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' and Mu4 Fu4 (LKC):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
n. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun rroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 •
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• Mu 4 Fu4 : This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the exact center of the dorsum of the 2nd
phalanx of the 2nd toe. To determine the exact center of the dorsal surface of the middle
phalanx, bisect the distance from the dorsal proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
dorsal distal interphalangeal skin crease along the median plane of the phalanx. Needle 0.2
to 0.4 cun keeping the needle close to the bone. {Heart Auxiliary and Six Bowels Reaction

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Uterine Carcinoma (LKC-5)
(NOT a radical cure)
1. Men2 Jin\ DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This', and DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles'
• Men2 Jin 1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This':
1. Qi2 Men 2 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 1.0 cun
lateral (i.e., radial) to TB-5WH0 . Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e.,
radial to ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas} (TB-5WH0
is located 2 units above (proximal to) the transverse crease on the dorsal surface of
the wrist, between the ulna and radius.)
ii. Qi2 Jiao3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Men2 . Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
iii. Qi2 Zheng4 This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Jiao3 • Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
n. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4: This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lun Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas} \) '--__.? ,

~ I I

t ~I
I 1 f
' J I
DMG 33-10 'Hold 3 This'
DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'
Uterine Carcinoma (LKC-6)
(NOT a radical cure)

1. 'Let' Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San1 then needle subcutaneously to connect all three constituent
points of 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles' (LKC):
• Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San 1: This is a collective of 23 points and is located as follows:
i. Midline Points (Conception Vessel): Superior to the umbilicus 1.0 and 2.0 cun.
Inferior to the umbilicus 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 cun respectively, for a total of 7
midline points.
11. Lateral Line 1 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 1.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The ftrst pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
iii. Lateral Line 2 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 2.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The ftrst pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
• 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles':
i. Xin 1 LinJf Yi 1: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 1.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
11. Xin1 Linlf Er4 : This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 2.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Xin 1 Linlf San 1: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 3.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}

,.___ __ ,

33-03 'Heart Spirit 3 Needles'

Uterine Carcinoma (LKC-7)
(NOT a radical cure)

1. 'Let' San 1 Jiang1 and Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San 1 then needle Huo3 Zhu3, Huo3 Ying4, and Mu4
Fu4 (LKC):
• San 1 Jiang 1: This group of points includes: 6 midline points, one each at the L1/Lz
interspinous space, Lz/L3 interspinous space, LYI-4 interspinous space, LJL5 interspinous
space, Ls/S 1 interspinous space, and S1/S 2 interspinous space. There are also 6 bilaterally
paired sets of points with each set located 3.0 cun lateral to either side of the
aforementioned midline points for a grand total of 18 points.
• Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San 1: This is a collective of 23 points and is located as follows:
i. Midline Points (Conception Vessel): Superior to the umbilicus 1.0 and 2.0 cun.
Inferior to the umbilicus 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 cun respectively, for a total of 7
midline points.
ii. Lateral Line 1 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 1.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
iii. Lateral Line 2 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 2.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
• Huo3 Zhu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 1.0 cun
Branch Reaction Area} (This point is described as being 0.5 cun proximal to LV-3WH0 .)
• Huo3 Ying4 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot between the 1st and 2nd
metatarsal bones, 0.5 cun proximal to the metatarsophalangeal joints. Needle 0.3 cun
Auxili~ and Heart Reaction Areas} (This point is described as being 0.5 cun proximal to
LV-2WH .)
• Mu4 Fu 4 : This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the exact center of the dorsum of the 2nd
phalanx of the 2nd toe. To determine the exact center of the dorsal surface of the middle
phalanx, bisect the distance from the dorsal proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
dorsal distal interphalangeal skin crease along the median plane of the phalanx. Needle 0.2
to 0.4 cun keeping the needle close to the bone. {Heart Auxiliary and Six Bowels Reaction
Uterine Carcinoma (LKC-7)

Huo3 Zhu3

Huo3 Ying4
Uterine Carcinoma (LKC-8)
(NOT a radical cure)

1. 'Let' the veinules in the area between Shui3 Xian 1 and Shui3 Jing 1 then needle DMG 11-15
'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles', and Ling2 Gu3
• Shui3 Xian 1: This point lies on the medial side of the foot, 2.0 cun directly inferior to KI-
3WHO. {Kidney Branch and Brain Reaction Areas}
• Shui3 Jing 1: This point lies 2.0 cun immediately inferior to the apex of the medial
malleolus. {Uterus Reaction Area}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
Uterine Carcinoma (LKC-8)

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Uterine Corpus Carcinoma (CCC-1)
(NOT a radical cure)

1. DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles' (CCC):

• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of anterior Digit Line A, along
the demarcation of the anterior and posterior surfaces, on the proximal phalanx of
the ring finger. To determine the exact center of anterior Digit Line A on the
proximal phalanx, bisect the distance from the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin
crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of said
line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
anterior Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction
111. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of anterior
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

Uterine Corpus Carcinoma (CCC-2)
(NOT a radical cure)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (CCC):

• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Uterine Corpus Carcinoma (HCL-1)
(NOT a radical cure)

1. Huan2 Chao2, DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three
Needles' (HCL):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th
digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx. (The point is at the center of
Digit Line A on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact
center of the middle phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.) Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
n. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Feng4 Chao2 San1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Uterine Corpus Carcinoma (HCL-2)
(NOT a radical cure)

1. Men2 Jin\ Shui3 Qu\ and Huo3 Zhu3 (HCL):

• Men2 Jin 1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• Shui3 Qu 1: This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Lung
Branch and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
• Huo3 Zhu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 1.0 cun
Organ Branch Reaction Area}
Uterine Corpus Carcinoma (HCL-3)
(NOT a radical cure)

1. 'Let' any spider nevi, telangiectasiae, hemangiaomae, petechiae, ecchymoses, etc. in the area
of Shoe Jing 1 (HCL):
• Shoe Jing1: This point lies 2.0 cun immediately inferior to the apex of the medial
malleolus. {Uterus Reaction Area}

2. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Linlf Gu3, DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three
Needles', and 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles' (HCL):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Linlf Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
i. Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Fu4 Linlf Yi1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Fu4 Linlf Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
Uterine Corpus Carcinoma (HCL-3)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit 3 Needles'

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Uterine Disorders (MC)

1. Shui3 Qu\ Shui3 Jing\ Huan2 Chao2, Feng4 Chao2, and Fu4 Ke 1 (MC):
• Shui3 Qu 1: This point is located on the dorsum of the foot between the 4th and 5th
metatarsal bones, 1 cun proximal to Liu 4 Wan 2• Needle 0.3 to 1.0 cun. {Lung Branch and
Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Liu4 Wan2 is located on the dorsum of the foot between
the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones, 0.5 cun proximal to the metatarsophalangeal joints.)
• Shui3 Jing1: This point lies 2.0 cun immediately distal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus. Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Uterus Reaction Area}
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2: This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, 0.3
cun ulnar to the dorsal median plane. Divide the proximal phalanx, from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar
Line, into thirds - the proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds
and the distal point is located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 cun-
the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFT. {Uterine Reaction Area}

Liu4 Wan 2

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT 4th digit. Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit.
Uterine Distention (LCH)

1. Shui3 Jing 1 (LCH):

• Shui3 Jing1: This point lies 2.0 cun immediately distal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus. Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Uterus Reaction Area}

Uterine Distention and 'Heat' (HCL)

[Sense of]

1. Gu3 Guan 1 and Mu 4 Guan 1 (HCL):

• Gu3 Guan 1: This point is found by coursing 0.5 cun distal to the center of the anterior distal
transverse wrist crease then 0.5 cun laterally (radial). The point is 0.5 cun distal to the
anterior distal transverse wrist crease on a line drawn proximally from the interdigital web
between the second (index) and third (middle) fingers (adducted). Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun.
{Kidney and Lung Branch Reaction Areas}
• Mu4 Guan 1: This point is found by coursing 0.5 cun distal to the center of the anterior
distal transverse wrist crease then 0.5 cun medially (ulnar). The point is 0.5 cun distal to the
anterior distal transverse wrist crease on a line drawn proximally from the interdigital web
between the fourth (ring) and fifth (pinky) fingers. Needle 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney, Liver,
and Gallbladder Reaction Areas}
Uterine Distention (LKC)
[Sense of]

1. 'Let' Shui3 Jing1 then needle DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Ling2 Gu3, and DMG
77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles' (LKC):
• Shui3 Jing1: This point lies 2.0 cun immediately inferior to the apex of the medial
malleolus. {Uterus Reaction Area}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Lin,( Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4: This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
Uterine Distention (LKC)

San1 Zhong4

Er4 Zhong4

Yi 1 Zhong4

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Uterine Leiomyoma (CCC-1)
(aka Hysteromyoma, Uterine Fibroid)

1. DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles' with DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles'
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
1. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of anterior Digit Line A, along
the demarcation of the anterior and posterior surfaces, on the proximal phalanx of
the ring finger. To determine the exact center of anterior Digit Line A on the
proximal phalanx, bisect the distance from the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin
crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of said
line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
n. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
anterior Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction
iii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of anterior
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Uterine Leiomyoma (CCC-2)
(aka Hysteromyoma, Uterine Fibroid)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' with DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles'
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
11. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
111. San 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Uterine Leiomyoma (CKS)
(aka Hysteromyoma, Uterine Fibroid)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', and
DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles' (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie 3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}

2. 'Let' the 'Sciatic Region' and Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San1 (CKS):
• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
i. S2/S 3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
ii. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iii. S3/S 4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
tv. S4 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. SJS 5 Interspinous Space Level- two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
• Fu Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San1: This is a collective of 23 points and is located as follows:
1. Midline Points (Conception Vessel): Superior to the umbilicus 1.0 and 2.0 cun.
Inferior to the umbilicus 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 cun respectively, for a total of 7
midline points.
ii. Lateral Line 1 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 1.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
iii. Lateral Line 2 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 2.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'


Sciatic Region
Uterine Leiomyoma (HCL-1)
(aka Hysteromyoma, Uterine Fibroid)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles', DMG
33-10 'Hold Three This', and Men2 Jin 1 (HCL):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This':
i. Qi2 Men2 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to the center of the dorsal wrist crease and 1.0 cun lateral (i.e., radial).
Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung
Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas} (The point is 1.0 cun lateral (i.e., radial) to
TB-5WH0 . TB-5WH0 is located 2 units above (proximal to) the transverse crease on
the dorsal surface of the wrist, between the ulna and radius.)
n. Qi2 Jiao3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Men2 • Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
iii. Qi2 Zheng4 This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Jiao3 • Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Men2 Jin 1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
Uterine Leiomyoma (HCL-1)
(aka Hysteromyoma, Uterine Fibroid)


DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 33-10 'Hold 3 This'

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Uterine Leiomyoma (HCL-2)
(aka Hysteromyoma, Uterine Fibroid)

1. 'Let' any spider nevi, telangiectasiae, hemangiaomae, petechiae, ecchymoses, etc. in the area
of Shue Jing 1 (HCL):
• Shui3 Jing1: This point lies 2.0 cun immediately inferior to the apex of the medial
malleolus. {Uterus Reaction Area}

2. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Ling2 Gu3, DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three
Needles', and 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles' (HCL):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Linlf Gu3: This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4: This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
i. Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Fu4 Linlf Yi1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease on the plantar surface of the 2"d digit of the foot. Needle
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Fu4 Ling2 Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease on the plantar surface of the 2"d digit of the foot. Needle
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
Uterine Leiomyoma (HCL-2)
(aka Hysteromyoma, Uterine Fibroid)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit 3 Needles'

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Uterine Leiomyoma (HCL-3)
(aka Hysteromyoma, Uterine Fibroid)
1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' Men2
Jin\ Shui3 Qu1, and Huo3 Zhu3 (HCL):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
1. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 : This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1.
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun yroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Men2 Jin 1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• Shui3 Qu 1: This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Lung
Branch and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
• Huo3 Zhu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 1.0 cun
Organ Branch Reaction Area} Jie3 ' 4Un1 a

; I\
Jie3 ei4 Er4 a

Jie3 M ·4 Yit a /
I" l
DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Uterine Leiomyoma (HCL-4)
(aka Hysteromyoma, Uterine Fibroid)

1. Huan2 Chao2, DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three
Needles' (HCL):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th
digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx. (The point is at the center of
Digit Line A on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact
center of the middle phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.) Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
n. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Uterine Leiomyoma (LCH)
(aka Hysteromyoma, Uterine Fibroid)

1. Select from Huan2 Chao2, Feng4 Chao2, DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', Huo3
Ying4, Huo3 Zhu3, Shui3 Jing 1 (LCH):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1: This point is located on the anterior thigh, 1 cun medial and 1 cun
proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch
Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the median plane of the anterior thigh,
7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei4 Er4: This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
111. Jie3 Mei 4 San 1 : This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
NOTE: Dr. Lai writes that DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' is often used
bilaterally for a total of 6 points.
• Huo3 Ying4: This point is located on the dorsum of the foot between the first and second
metatarsal bones, 0.5 cun proximal to the level of the metatarsophalangeal joints. Needle
0.3 to 0.5 cun perpendicular or oblique insertion, CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY,
MOXA ALSO PROHIBITED. {Liver Auxiliary and Heart Organ Branch Reaction Areas}
• Huo3 Zhu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 0.8 cun
Branch Reaction Area} (Huo 3 Zhu3 is described as being 1.0 cun proximal to Huo3 Ying4 .)
• Shui3 Jing1: This point lies 2.0 cun immediately distal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus. Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Uterus Reaction Area}
Uterine Leiomyoma (LCH)
(aka Hysteromyoma, Uterine Fibroid)

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT 4th digit Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Uterine Leiomyoma (LKC)
(aka Hysteromyoma, Uterine Fibroid)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' and DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles'
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
111. San1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
2. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles'
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1.
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
Uterine Leiomyoma (LKC)
(aka Hysteromyoma, Uterine Fibroid)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Uterine Leiomyoma (HPC)
(aka Hysteromyoma, Uterine Fibroid)

1. DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes', Fu4 Ke\ Tong1 Shen\ and Tong1 Tian1 - treat daily;
treat until hysteromyoma is resolved (HPC):
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
1. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of
the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
11. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of the lateral malleolus. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
111. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 San1 : This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula. Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
• Fu Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit

(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun - Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFT. {Uterine Reaction Area}
• Tong1 Shen4 : This point is located in the depression found at the superomedial angle of the
patella. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• Tong1 Tian 1: This point lies on the anterior surface of the thigh, 4 cun immediately
proximal to Tong 1 Guan 1• Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {General Heart Reaction Area} (Tong 1
Tian 1 is found along the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 9 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)

DMG 77-06 'Lateral 3 Passes'

Uterine Leiomyoma (MC)
1. Huan2 Chao2, Feng4 Chao2, Shui3 Jing\ Di4 Huang2, and Fu4 Ke1 (MC):
• Huan2 Chao2: This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2: This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)
• Shui3 Jing1: This point lies 2.0 cun immediately distal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus. Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Uterus Reaction Area}
• Di4 Huani: This point is located 7 cun proximal to the medial malleolus along the medial
border of the tibia. Needle inferior to superior at a 45° angle 1.0 to 1.8 cun.
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, 0.3
cun ulnar to the dorsal median plane. Divide the proximal phalanx, from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar
Line, into thirds - the proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds
and the distal point is located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 cun -
the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf. {Uterine Reaction Area}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit.

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT 4th digit.

Uterismus (MC)
(Painful Spasmodic Contraction of the Uterus)

1. Fu4 Ke 1 (MC):
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, 0.3
cun ulnar to the dorsal median plane. Divide the proximal phalanx, from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar
Line, into thirds - the proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds
and the distal point is located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 cun -
the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFT.
• Shui3 Jing1: This point lies 2.0 cun immediately distal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus. Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Uterus Reaction Area}
Uterovaginal Tuberculosis (HPC)
1. Yun 2 Bai2, Fu 4 Ke\ and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's)- treat every other
day and the clinical picture should clearly improve within two weeks. Treat until fully
resolved (HPC):
• Yun2 Bai2 : This point is found 2 cun obliquely anterior and distal to Bei 1 Mian4 • Needle 0.3
to 0.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Branch Reaction Areas} (Bei 1 Mian4 is found
in the large depression immediately lateral (distal) to the acromion process of the scapula
when the arm is abducted to 90°.)
• Fu4 Ke1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit
(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun -Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf. {Uterine Reaction Area}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's):
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Ho's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie 3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
n. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3
Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
iii. Jie3 Mei 4 San1 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction

~~./·.• ~- ~· ''~
• .
Yun2 Bai2 • ··I\. \ \


1 Sijm 1

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'
Uterovaginal Ulcer (HPC)

1. Tong 1 Shen4, Le Bai2, and Fu4 Ke 1 (HPC):

• Tong 1 Shen4 : This point is located in the depression found at the superomedial angle of the
patella. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• Le Bae: This point is located 2 cun distal and slightly dorsal to Yun2 Bai2 • Needle 0.3 to
0.5 cun. {Kidney Auxiliary and Lung Branch Reaction Areas} (Yun2 Bai 2 is found 2 cun
obliquely anterior and distal to Bei 1 Mian4 .)
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit
(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun- Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf. {Uterine Reaction Area}
Fallopian Tube/Ovarian Induced Intrapelvic Pain (MC)
1. Shui3 Jing 1, Huan2 Chao2, and Feng4 Chao2 (MC):
• Shui3 Jing1: This point lies 2.0 cun immediately distal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus. Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Uterus Reaction Area}
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2: This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)

Ulnar to radial view of 4th digit (ring finger) Radial to ulnar view of 4th digit (ring finger)
Fallopian Tube Neoplasm (CKS)
(NOT a radical cure)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', and
DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles' combined with DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three
Passes' (alternate with DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles') (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
i. Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Fu 4 Lini Yi1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
m. Fu4 Lin~ Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
1. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
ii. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex of the lateral malleolus along the line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
m. Wai 4 San1 Guan 1 San1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai 4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula along the line
extending from the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun.
{Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4: This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
n. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles' DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

{ I
DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit 3 Needles'
Sa•' ~·•g'
Er4 Zhong4
rl I )
Yi 1 Zhong4

DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes' DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'
Low Back Pain - 2° to Ovarian Cysts (HPC)
1. Yun 2 Bai2, Tong 1 Shen\ and Shen4 Guan 1 - treat every other day until clinical picture
improves (HPC):
• Yun2 Bai2: This point is found 2 cun obliquely anterior and distal to Bei 1 Mian4 • Needle 0.3
to 0.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Branch Reaction Areas} (Bei 1 Mian4 is found
in the large depression immediately lateral (distal) to the acromion process of the scapula
when the arm is abducted to 90°.)
• Tong 1 Shen4 : This point is located in the depression found at the superomedial angle of the
patella. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• Shen4 Guan 1: This point lies 1.5 cun immediately distal to Tian 1 Huang2 • Needle 0.5 to 1.0
cun. (Tian 1 Huang2 is located in the depression found immediately distal to the medial tibial
condyle, and lies 2.5 cun distal to the articular surface of the medial tibial condyle.) {Six
Bowels Reaction Area}
Oophoritis (CCC)

1. DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', and
DMG 44-07 'Shoulder Anterior Oblique Three Needles' (CCC):
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at
the center of anterior Digit Line A, along the
demarcation of the anterior and posterior
surfaces, on the proximal phalanx of the
ring finger. To determine the exact center of
anterior Digit Line A on the proximal phalanx, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along the course of said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
anterior Digit Line A Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction
111. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao 2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of anterior
Digit Line A Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five
points are uniformly located on the Ulnar Digit Line of
the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide
the proximal phalanx of the thumb along said line, from
the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal
interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further
divide each resultant third in half. This procedure
sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into sixths - commencing
from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding distally, each sixth
represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points) 0.2 to 0.3 cun.
{Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 44-07 'Shoulder Anterior Oblique Three Needles':
i. Jian 1 Feng 1: This point is located 0.5 cun distal to
LI-15WH0 . Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and
Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
n. Yun2 Bai2 : This point is located on the anterolateral
aspect of the proximal brachium, 2 cun immediately
anterior to, and on the same transverse plane as, *
1 1
Jian Zhong • Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Six Bowels
and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (Jian 1 Zhong 1
is located on the lateral aspect of the proximal
brachium, 2.5 cun immediately distal to LI-15WH0 _
on the Hand Yang2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel.)
iii. Shen2 Jian 1: This point is located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal
brachium at the midpoint of a line connecting Jian 1 Feng 1 with Yun2 Bai . Needle
perpendicularly 0.3 to 0.5 cun or obliquely from superior to inferior 0.5 to 1.0 cun.
{Lung Branch and Heart Branch Reaction Areas}
Oophoritis (CKS)
1. Huan2 Chao2, DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', Gu3 Guan\ Mu4 Guan\ DMG 88-
10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', and DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' (CKS):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the second phalanx of
the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the middle phalanx along Digit
Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and
Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
m. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• Gu3 Guan1: This point is located at the base of the palm of the hand, 0.5 cun distal and 0.5
cun lateral to the center of the anterior distal transverse wrist crease (i.e., PC-7WH0 ). Needle
0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney and Lung Branch Reaction Areas} Gu3 Guan 1 is located at the
medial to lateral level of the interdigital web between the index and middle finger, 0.5 cun
distal to the anterior distal transverse crease of the wrist.
• Mu 4 Guan1: This point is located at the base of the palm of the hand, 0.5 cun distal and 0.5
cun medial to the center of the anterior distal transverse wrist crease (i.e., PC-7WH0 ). Needle
0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney, Liver, and Gallbladder Reaction Areas} Mu4 Guan 1 is located at
the medial to lateral level of the interdigital web between the ring and fifth fingers, 0.5 cun
distal to the anterior distal transverse crease of the wrist.
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun rroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei4 El.
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huang2: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren 2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 • Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huanlf: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'
Oophoritis (HCL-1)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles', DMG
33-10 'Hold Three This', and Men2 Jin1 (HCL):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
tbe apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This':
i. QeMen2 : This point is located on tbe dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to the center of the dorsal wrist crease and 1.0 cun lateral (i.e., radial).
Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung
Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas} (The point is 1.0 cun lateral (i.e., radial) to
TB-5WH0 . TB-5WH0 is located 2 units above (proximal to) the transverse crease on
the dorsal surface of the wrist, between the ulna and radius.)
ii. Qi2 Jiao3: This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Men2• Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
iii. Qi2 Zheng4 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Jiao3• Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Men2 Jin1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
Oophoritis (HCL-1)

San1 Zhong

Er4 Zhong4

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

DMG 33-10 'Hold 3 This'

Oophoritis (HCL-2)
1. DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles' (HCL):
• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
i. Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Fu4 Lin~ Yi 1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Fu4 Lin~ Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit 3 Needles'

Oophoritis (HCL-3)
1. DMG 11-02 'Finger Three Yellow' (HCL):
• DMG 11-02 'Finger Three Yellow':
i. Zhong1 Huani: This point is located in the center of anterior Digit Line D on the
anterior surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb. To determine the exact center
of anterior Digit Line D on the proximal phalanx, bisect the distance from the
anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior interphalangeal skin crease
along the course of said line. Needle 0.1 to 0.2 cun. {Liver Branch Reaction Area}
ii. Shang4 Huani: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Zhong 1
Huang2 to the anterior interphalangeal skin crease along the course of anterior Digit
Line D. Needle 0.1 to 0.2 cun. {Liver Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Xia4 Huani: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Zhong 1 Huang2
to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of anterior Digit
Line D. Needle 0.1 to 0.2 cun. {Liver Branch Reaction Area}

DMG 11-02 'Finger 3 Yellow'

Oophoritis (HCL-4)
1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (HCL):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun rroximal to the center of the superior edge ofthe patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)

a /

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Oophoritis (HCL-5; CCC)
1. Huan2 Chao2, DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three
Needles' (HCL + CCC):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th
digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx. (The point is at the center of
Digit Line A on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact
center of the middle phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.) Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4: This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
m. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Oophoritis (LKC-1)
1. Huan 2 Chao2 and 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (LKC):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th
digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx (i.e. at the center of Digit Line A
on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the
middle phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.
Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Oophoritis (LKC-2)
1. Linl( Gu 3, Da4 Bai1, and Ren1 Huang1 (LKC):
• Linl( Gu 3: This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Da4 Bai1: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Ling2 Gu3• Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Lung
Branch Reaction Area}
• Ren1 Huanl(: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel; i.e., Ren2
Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 • Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch Reaction
Oophoritis (LKC-3)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Huan2 Chao2, Fu4 Lin~ Yi\ and Fu 4 Lin~ Er4
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th
digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx (i.e. at the center of Digit Line A
on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the
middle phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.
Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Fu4 Lin~ Yi 1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal interphalangeal
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Fu4 Lin~ Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the proximal interphalangeal
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Oophoritis (LKC-4)
1. DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles' and Huan2 Chao2 (LKC):
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
n. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
m. Feng4 Chao2 San1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• Huan Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th
digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx (i.e. at the center of Digit Line A
on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the
middle phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.
Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4tb digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

Oophoritis (LKC-5)
1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' and Mu 4 Fu4 (LKC):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1 : This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun rroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
m. Jie3 Mei San1 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 •
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• Mu Fu4 : This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the exact center of the dorsum of the 2nd

phalanx of the 2nd toe. To determine the exact center of the dorsal surface of the middle
phalanx, bisect the distance from the dorsal proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
dorsal distal interphalangeal skin crease along the median plane of the phalanx. Needle 0.2
to 0.4 cun keeping the needle close to the bone. {Heart Auxiliary and Six Bowels Reaction

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Oophoritis (LKC-6)
1. Men2 Jin\ DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This', and DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles'
• Men2 Jin 1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This':
i. Qi2 Men 2: This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 1.0 cun
lateral (i.e., radial) to TB-5WH0 . Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e.,
radial to ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas} (TB-5WH0
is located 2 units above (proximal to) the transverse crease on the dorsal surface of
the wrist, between the ulna and radius.)
n. Qi2 Jiao3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Men2 . Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
iii. Qi2 Zheng4 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Jiao3 • Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4: This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}


DMG 33-10 'Hold 3 This' DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Oophoritis (LKC-7)
1. 'Let' San1 Jiang1 and Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San1 then needle Huo3 Zhu3, Huo3 Ying4, and Mu4
Fu4 (LKC):
• San 1 Jiang1: This group of points includes: 6 midline points, one each at the L1/Lz
interspinous space, Lz/L3 interspinous space, L31LJ. interspinous space, L~5 interspinous
space, Ls/S 1 interspinous space, and S 1/S2 interspinous space. There are also 6 bilaterally
paired sets of points with each set located 3.0 cun lateral to either side of the
aforementioned midline points for a grand total of 18 points.
• Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San1: This is a collective of 23 points and is located as follows:
i. Midline Points (Conception Vessel): Superior to the umbilicus 1.0 and 2.0 cun.
Inferior to the umbilicus 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 cun respectively, for a total of 7
midline points.
ii. Lateral Line 1 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 1.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
111. Lateral Line 2 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 2.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
• Huo3 Zhu3: This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 1.0 cun
Branch Reaction Area} (This point is described as being 0.5 cun proximal to LV-3WH0 .)
• Huo3 Ying4: This point is located on the dorsum of the foot between the 1st and 2nd
metatarsal bones, 0.5 cun proximal to the metatarsophalangeal joints. Needle 0.3 cun
Auxili~ and Heart Reaction Areas} (This point is described as being 0.5 cun proximal to
LV-2WH .)
• Mu 4 Fu4 : This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the exact center of the dorsum of the 2nd
phalanx of the 2nd toe. To determine the exact center of the dorsal surface of the middle
phalanx, bisect the distance from the dorsal proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
dorsal distal interphalangeal skin crease along the median plane of the phalanx. Needle 0.2
to 0.4 cun keeping the needle close to the bone. {Heart Auxiliary and Six Bowels Reaction
Oophoritis (LKC-7)

Huo3 Zhu3

Huo3 Ying4

Mu4 Fu4
Oophoritis (LKC-8)
1. 'Let' the veinules in the area between Shui3 Xian 1 and Shui3 Jing 1 then needle DMG 11-15
'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles', and Ling2 Gu3
• Shui3 Xian1: This point lies on the medial side of the foot, 2.0 cun directly inferior to KI-
3WH0. {Kidney Branch and Brain Reaction Areas}
• Shui3 Jing1: This point lies 2.0 cun immediately inferior to the apex of the medial
malleolus. {Uterus Reaction Area}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung...-..~
and Kidney Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Oophoritis (LKC-9)
1. DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This' (LKC):
• DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This':
i. Qi2 Men2 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 1.0 cun
lateral (i.e., radial) to TB-5WH0 . Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e.,
radial to ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas} (TB-5WH0
is located 2 units above (proximal to) the transverse crease on the dorsal surface of
the wrist, between the ulna and radius.)
ii. Qi2 Jiao3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Men2 • Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
iii. Qi2 Zheng4: This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Jiao3 . Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 33-10 'Hold 3 This'

Oophoritis (LKC-10)

1. 'Let' DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles', then needle Yun 2 Bai2 and Le Bai2
• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
i. Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot; 'let' -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
n. Fu4 Lini Yi 1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot; 'let' -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Fu4 Lini Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot; 'let' -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Yun 2 Bai2 : This point is found on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium. It is
located by coursing 2.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion process and the
greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH0 ], then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun.
{Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Li3 Bai2 : This point is located by coursing 4.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion
process and the greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH0 ], then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney Auxiliary and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit 3 Needles'

Oophoritis (LKC-11)

1. DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', Huan2 Chao2, and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three
Needles' (LKC):
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
1. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• Huan Chao2 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the second phalanx of

the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the middle phalanx along Digit
Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and
Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Oophoritis (LKC-12)

1. 'Let' Wu 3 Ling3, San 1 Jiang 1, and Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San1 (LKC):
• Wu3 Ling3 : These points are found on five rostral-caudallines located on the back and they
should be 'let' rather than needled with filiform needles. The first row of ten points is
located on the Du Mai (Governing Vessel) in the interspinous space between: T2ff 3, TJff4,
T~s, Tsff6, T~7, T1ffs, Tsff9, T9ffw, TI<Ifu, and TuffJz. The second row of 8 points
(per row) is located 3 cun lateral on either side of the Du Mai (Governing Vessel),
commences from the level of the Tzff3, and includes points at the levels of T3fT 4, T~ 5 ,
Tsff6, T~7 , T7ffs, Tsff9, and T~w. The third row of 7 points (per row) is located 6 cun
lateral on either side of the Du Mai (Governing Vessel), commences from the level of the
Tzff3, and includes points at the levels of T3!f4, T~s. Tsff6, T~1. T1ffs, and Tg!T9. (In
this case use those points on the first and second rows.)
• San 1 Jiang1: This group of points includes: 6 midline points, one each at the L 1/Lz
interspinous space, Lz/LJ interspinous space, LY1..4 interspinous space, L~5 interspinous
space, Ls/S 1 interspinous space, and SJIS 2 interspinous space. There are also 6 bilaterally
paired sets of points with each set located 3.0 cun lateral to either side of the
aforementioned midline points for a grand total of 18 points.
• Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San1: This is a collective of 23 points and is located as follows:
i. Midline Points (Conception Vessel): Superior to the umbilicus 1.0 and 2.0 cun.
Inferior to the umbilicus 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 cun respectively, for a total of 7
midline points.
ii. Lateral Line 1 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 1.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
iii. Lateral Line 2 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 2.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
Oophoritis (LKC-12)

** *
Ovarian Cancer (CKS)
(Metastatic Disease to the Ovaries)
(NOT a radical cure)

1. DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles', DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles',
DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', and DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles'
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
111. San 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
i. Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Fu4 Linl( Yi 1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Fu4 Ling2 Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4: This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}

DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit 3 Needles'

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'
Ovarian Cyst(s) (CKS-1)

1. DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', and
DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (CKS):
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at
the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To
determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the
distance from the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal
interphalangeal skin crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary
and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
11. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao 2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Feng4 Chao2 San 1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
1. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun V/" i(
proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six ~--~ • r~;
Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1
is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the •
anterior thigh, 7 cun proximal to the center of the
superior edge of the patella.) • .1 l}l
ii. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately
proximal to Jie 3 Mei4 Yi 1. Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six 1
Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane ), /
(midsagittal plane) at a point 10.5 cun proximal to the \
center of the superior edge of the patella.) ·
111. Jie3 Mei 4 San 1: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately ~,
proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 . Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six '
Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie 3 Mei4 San 1 is found 1 cun
medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point 13 cun proximal to the
center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five
points are uniformly located on the Ulnar Digit Line of the
dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the
proximal phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the
dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal
interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide
each resultant third in half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal
phalanx of the thumb into sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin
crease and proceeding distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select
three of the five points) 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
Ovarian Cyst(s) (CKS-2)

1. DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles' and DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three
Needles' (CKS):
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
i. Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Fu4 Lin~ Yi1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Fu4 Lin~ Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}


DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit 3 Needles'

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Ovarian Cyst (HPC)

1. Fu 4 Ke\ Tong1 Shen4, and DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This' (Du's)- needle every other day as
soon as symptoms manifest and treat until the cyst(s) are resolved (HPC):
• Fu4 Ke 1 : This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit
(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun -Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf. {Uterine Reaction Area}
• Tong1 Shen4 : This point is located in the depression found at the superomedial angle of the
patella. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This' (Du's):
i. Qi2 Men 2 (Du's): This point is located 2 cun proximal to the dorsal distal wrist
crease, between the ulna and radius bones, on the Hand Shao4 Yang2 Triple Burner
Channel. Needle subcutaneously from radial to ulnar 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch
Reaction Area}
n. Qi2 Jiao3 (Du's): This point is located 4 cun proximal to the dorsal distal wrist
crease, between the ulna and radius bones, on the Hand Shao4 Yang2 Triple Burner
Channel. Needle subcutaneously from radial to ulnar 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch
Reaction Area}
iii. Qi2 Zheng4 (Du's): This point is located 6 cun proximal to the dorsal distal wrist
crease, between the ulna and radius bones, on the Hand Shao4 Yang2 Triple Burner
Channel. Needle subcutaneously from radial to ulnar 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch
Reaction Area}

DMG 33-10 'Hold 3 This'

Ovarian Cyst(s) (HCL)
1. Huan2 Chao2, DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three
Needles' (HCL):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th
digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx. (The point is at the center of
Digit Line A on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact
center of the middle phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.) Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Ovulatory Hemorrhage (HPC)

1. Yun 2 Bai2 and Fu4 Ke 1 -treat daily upon cessation of MC for a period of one week, repeat the
following month and the situation should be fully resolved (HPC):
• Yun 2 Bai2 : This point is found 2 cun obliquely anterior and distal to Bei 1 Mian4 • Needle 0.3
to 0.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Branch Reaction Areas} (Bei 1 Mian4 is found
in the large depression immediately lateral (distal) to the acromion process of the scapula
when the arm is abducted to 90°.)
• Fu 4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit
(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun -Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf. {Uterine Reaction Area}
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (CKS-1)
1. 'Let' the 'Sciatic Region' and Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San1 (particularly those from the umbilicus
and inferior) (CKS):
• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
1. S2/S 3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
n. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iii. S3/S 4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iv. S4 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. SJS 5 Interspinous Space Level- two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
• Fu Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San1: This is a collective of 23 points and is located as follows:

i. Midline Points (Conception Vessel): Superior to the umbilicus 1.0 and 2.0 cun.
Inferior to the umbilicus 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 cun respectively, for a total of 7
midline points.
ii. Lateral Line 1 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 1.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
iii. Lateral Line 2 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 2.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points .


••••• •

Sciatic Region
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (CKS-2)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', Hai3
Bao\ and DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
1. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1.
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1.
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• Hai3 Bao4: This point is located on the medial side of the foot at the midpoint (i.e., plantar
-dorsal midpoint) of the interphalangeal joint on the medial side of the great toe. Needle
0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area}
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH 0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huang2: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang 2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6wHo. Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di 4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (CKS-2)


Jie3 Mei V •·.

Tong Sh 1

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Salpingemphraxis (CKS)
(Fallopian Tube Obstruction)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', ST-
29wu0, and CV-3 WHO (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
n. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun yroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• ST-29WH0 : On the lower abdomen, 4 cun below (inferior to) the centre of the umbilicus
and 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline. Puncture perpendicularly 0.5 to 1.0 cun.
• CV-3WH0 (RN 3): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 4 cun below (inferior to)
the centre ofthe umbilicus. Puncture perpendicularly, 0.5 to 1.0 cun.

2. 'Let' the 'Sciatic Region' -one may enhance the 'letting' with cupping (CKS):
• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
i. S2/S3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
ii. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iii. S3/S 4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iv. S4 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. SJS 5 Interspinous Space Level- two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
Salpingemphraxis (CKS)
(Fallopian Tube Obstruction)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'



Sciatic Region
Salpingemphraxis (HCL-1; LKC)
(Fallopian Tube Obstruction)

1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', Gan3 Mao4 Yi\ Gan3 Mao 4 Er4, DMG 11-15
'Gynecolofy Three Needles', and a 3" needle inserted horizontally (subcutaneously) at the
level of Zi Gong1 (EX-CA 1) (HCL + LKC):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun proximal to the center ofthe superior edge ofthe patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 •
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• Gan Mao4 Yi 1: This point lies 1.0 cun immediately medial to Jie3 Mei4 Er4 • Needle 1.0 to

2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Branch Reaction Areas}

• Gan3 Mao4 Er4 : This point lies 1.0 cun immediately medial to Jie3 Mei 4 San 1• Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Branch Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Zi3 Gong 1 (EX-CA 1): On the lower abdomen, 4 cun below (inferior to) the centre of the
umbilicus and 3 cun lateral to RN 3 (CV -3 WHo).

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Salpingemphraxis (HCL-1)
(Fallopian Tube Obstruction)

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Salpingemphraxis (HCL-2; LKC; CCC)
(Fallopian Tube Obstruction)

1. Huan 2 Chao2, DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three
Needles' (HCL, LKC, + CCC):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th
digit, 0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx. (The point is at the center of
Digit Line A on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact
center of the middle phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.) Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Salpingemphraxis (LCH)
(Fallopian Tube Obstruction)

1. Huan2 Chao2, Feng4 Chao2, and Mu 4 Fu4 (LCH):

• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)
• Mu4 Fu 4 : This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the center of the median plane on the
dorsum of the middle phalanx on the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.2 to 0.4 cun close to the
bone (use a very fine needle to minimize patient discomfort). {Heart Auxiliary Reaction

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT 4th digit Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit
Salpingemphraxis (LKC-1)
(Fallopian Tube Obstruction)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles'
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1 •
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun rroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)

Jie3 M i4 Yi 1 */

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Salpingemphraxis (LKC-2)
(Fallopian Tube Obstruction)

1. DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow' and Mu4 Fu4 (LKC):

• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Ming2 Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
m. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• Mu4 Fu4 : This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the exact center of the dorsum of the 2nd
phalanx of the 2nd toe. To determine the exact center of the dorsal surface of the middle
phalanx, bisect the distance from the dorsal proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
dorsal distal interphalangeal skin crease along the median plane of the phalanx. Needle 0.2
to 0.4 cun keeping the needle close to the bone. {Heart Auxiliary and Six Bowels Reaction


DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'
Salpingemphraxis (LKC-3)
(Fallopian Tube Obstruction)

1. Mu4 Huang2, Mu 4 Quan2, Qe Huan~, and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (LKC):
• Mu 4 Huan~: This point is located on the midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of
the thigh, 6 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 • Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {General Gallbladder, Liver,
and Spleen Reaction Areas} (Ming2 Huang2 is located at the exact center (proximal to
distal) ofthe midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect ofthe thigh.)
• Mu 4 Quan2: This point is located on the midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the
thigh, 4.5 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2• Needle 1.5 to 2.0 cun. {Gallbladder, Liver, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas} (Ming2 Huang2 is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of
the midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh.)
• Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline (coronal
plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder General and
Liver Branch Reaction Areas} (Ming2 Huang2 is located at the exact center (proximal to
distal) of the midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh.)
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Salpingemphraxis (LKC-4)
(Fallopian Tube Obstruction)

1. 44-05 'Shoulder Superior Transverse Three Needles' and Huan2 Chao2 (LKC):
• 44-05 'Shoulder Su~erior Transverse Three Needles':
i. Jian 1 Zhong: This point is located 2.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 . Needle 1.0 to 2.0
cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Yun2 Bai2: This point is located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal
brachium, 2 cun immediately anterior to Jian 1 Zhong 1• Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun or
obliquely from superior to inferior 1.5 to 2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
iii. Shang4 Qu1: This point is located on the posterolateral aspect of the proximal
brachium, 2 cun immediately posterior to Jian 1 Zhong 1. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun or
obliquely from superior to inferior 1.5 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney and Liver Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• Huan Chao2: This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the second phalanx of
the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the middle phalanx along Digit
Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and
Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit

44-05 'Shoulder Superior Transverse 3 Needles'

Salpingemphraxis (LKC-5)
(Fallopian Tube Obstruction)

1. 'Let' San 1 Jiang 1 and Wu 3 Ling3 (LKC):

• San 1 Jiang1: This group of points includes: 6 midline points, one each at the L 1 /~
interspinous space, ~/L3 interspinous space, Lj~ interspinous space, LJL5 interspinous
space, L5/S 1 interspinous space, and S 1/S 2 interspinous space. There are also 6 bilaterally
paired sets of points with each set located 3.0 cun lateral to either side of the
aforementioned midline points for a grand total of 18 points.
• Wu 3 Ling3 : These points are found on five rostral-caudallines located on the back and they
should be 'let' rather than needled with filiform needles. The first row of ten points is
located on the Du Mai (Governing Vessel) in the interspinous spaces between: T 2/T3, TJT4,
T~s. Ts/T6, T~1. T1/Ts, Ts/T9, T9/T10, Tillfn, and Tn/T12. The second row of 8 points
(per row) is located 3 cun lateral on either side of the Du Mai (Governing Vessel),
commences from the level of the T z/T 3, and includes points at the levels of T3/T4, T~s,
Ts/T6, T~7 , T7/Ts, Ts/T9, and T~JO. The third row of 7 points (per row) is located 6 cun
lateral on either side of the Du Mai (Governing Vessel), commences from the level of the
Tz/T3, and includes points at the levels of T3/T4, T~s. Ts/T6, T~1. T7/Ts, and Ts/T9. (In
this case, use those points on the first and second rows.)
Salpingemphraxis (MC)
(Fallopian Tube Obstruction/Impatency)

1. Fu4 Ke\ Huan2 Chao2 , Feng4 Chao2, and Mu4 Fu4 (MC):
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, 0.3
cun ulnar to the dorsal median plane. Divide the proximal phalanx, from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar
Line, into thirds - the proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds
and the distal point is located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 cun -
the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFT. {Uterine Reaction Area}
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)
• Mu4 Fu 4 : This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the center of the median plane on the
dorsum of the middle phalanx on the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.2 to 0.4 cun close to the
bone (use a very fine needle to minimize patient discomfort). {Heart Auxiliary Reaction

Ulnar to radial view of 4tb digit (ring finger) Radial to ulnar view of 4tb digit (ring finger)
Salpingitis- Acute (HPC-1)

1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's) and Fo4 Ke 1 (HPC):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's):
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1 (Ho's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
11. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3
Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
111. Jie3 Mei4 San 1 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
• Fo Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit

(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun -Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf. {Uterine Reaction Area}

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Salpingitis (HPC-2)

1. Fu4 Ke 1, Si4 Ma3 Zhong\ and Yun2 Bai2 - if one initiates treatment as soon as the symptoms
manifest, one can expect to see a complete resolution within 3 or 4 treatments (HPC):
• Fu 4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit
(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun -Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFT. {Uterine Reaction Area}
• Si4 Ma3 Zhong1: This point is located by placing the palms of the hands (elbows fully
extended) on the lateral thighs while standing erect. From where the tips of the middle
fingers touch the thighs, proceed 3.0 cun anteriorly to arrive at Si4 Ma Zhong 1• Needle
(bilaterally) 0.8 to 2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Yun2 Bai2 : This point is found 2 cun obliquely anterior and distal to Bei 1 Mian4 . Needle 0.3
to 0.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Branch Reaction Areas} (Bei 1 Mian4 is found
in the large depression immediately lateral (distal) to the acromion process of the scapula
w en the arm is abduc d to 90°.)
Abnormal Vaginal Discharge (LCH)

1. Mu 4 Fu4 (LCH):
• Mu 4 Fu 4 : This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the center of the median plane on the
dorsum of the middle phalanx on the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.2 to 0.4 cun close to the
bone (use a very fine needle to minimize patient discomfort). {Heart Auxiliary Reaction
Abnormal Vaginal Discharge (CKS Group 1)
[Alternate with Group 2 on alternate treatments]

1. DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow', Tian1 Zong\ and Hat Bao4, (CKS):
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Mini( Huanlf: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian 1 Huanl(: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming 2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• Tian1 Zong1: This point is located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium, on
the Hand Tai 4 Yin 2 Lung Channel, 9.5 cun proximal to the transverse cubital crease along
the course of the lateral border of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle. Needle 1.0 to
1.5 cun. {Six Bowels Reaction Area}
• Hai3 Bao4 : This point is located on the medial side of the foot at the midpoint (i.e., plantar
-dorsal midpoint) of the interphalangeal joint on the medial side of the great toe. Needle
0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area}

2. 'Let' the Sciatic Region of the back (CKS):

• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
i. S2/S 3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
ii. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iii. S3/S 4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iv. S4 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. SJS 5 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
Abnormal Vaginal Discharge (CKS Group 1)
[Alternate with Group 2 on alternate treatments]

DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow'

Abnormal Vaginal Discharge (CKS Group 2)
[Alternate with Group 1 on alternate treatments]

1. DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors', DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Yun2 Bai2,
and Li3 Bai2 (CKS):
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian 1 Huanlf: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 • Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
m. Di4 Huanlf: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2•
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Yun2 Bai2 : This point is found on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium. It is
located by coursing 2.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion process and the
greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH0 ], then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle perpendicularly
1.0 to 2.0 cun or obliquely from superior to inferior 2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung
Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Li3 Bai2: This point is located by coursing 4.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion
process and the greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH~. then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney Auxiliary and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

2. 'Let' the Kidney Region of the back (CKS):

• Kidney Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
1. L3 Midspinous Process Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
ii. L3/L4 Interspinous Space Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iii. L4 Midspinous Process Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iv. LJLs Interspinous Space Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. Ls Midspinous Process Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
Abnormal Vaginal Discharge (CKS Group 2)
[Alternate with Group 1 on alternate treatments]

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Kidney Region
Leukorrhea (MC)
1. Huan2 Chao2, Qi2 Men2, Tian1 Zong1, and Mu 4 Fu 4 (MC):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Qi2 Men2 : This point is located along the lateral border of the radius bone, 2.0 cun
proximal to the distal transverse wrist crease. Needle obliquely from lateral to medial (i.e.,
radial to ulnar) parallel to the skin 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch Reaction Area} (This point
is on the Hand Yang2-Ming2 Large Intestine Channel 2.0 cun proximal to the distal
transverse wrist crease.)
• Tian1 Zong1: This point lies on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium, in the
'groove' between the biceps brachii muscle and the humerus bone, 9.0 cun proximal to the
level of the transverse cubital crease (locate this point with the palm of the hand placed on
the chest). Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Six Bowels Reaction Area}
• Mu4 Fu4: This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the center of the median plane on the
dorsum of the middle phalanx on the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.2 to 0.4 cun close to the
bone (use a very fine needle to minimize patient discomfort). {Heart Auxiliary Reaction

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT 4th digit

Morbid Leukorrhea (HPC)
[2° to Bacterial Vaginitis]

1. Yon 2 Bae, Li3 Bai2, and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's) (HPC):
• Yon2 Bai2 : This point is found 2 cun obliquely anterior and distal to Bei 1 Mian4 • Needle 0.3
to 0.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Branch Reaction Areas} (Bei 1 Mian4 is found
in the large depression immediately lateral (distal) to the acromion process of the scapula
when the arm is abducted to 90°.)
• Le Bai2 : This point is located 2 cun distal and slightly dorsal to Yun2 Bai2 • Needle 0.3 to
0.5 cun. {Kidney Auxiliary and Lung Branch Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's):
1. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1 (Ho's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
iii. Jie3 Mei4 San 1 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction

un2 Bai2 • : \ . \ \

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Morbid Leukorrhea (HPC)
[2° to Candidiasis]

1. Yon 2 Bai 2 and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's) (HPC):
• Yon 2 Bai2: This point is found 2 cun obliquely anterior and distal to Bei 1 Mian4 • Needle 0.3
to 0.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Branch Reaction Areas} (Bei 1 Mian4 is found
in the large depression immediately lateral (distal) to the acromion process of the scapula
when the arm is abducted to 90°.)
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's):
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1 (Ho's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
iii. Jie3 Mei4 San1 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Morbid Leukorrhea (HPC)
[2° to Endometriosis]

1. DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This' (Ho's) and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's)
• DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This' (Ho's):
i. Qi2 Men 2 (Ho's): This point is located 2 cun proximal to the dorsal distal wrist
crease, between the ulna and radius bones, on the Hand Shao4 Yang2 Triple Burner
Channel. Needle subcutaneously from radial to ulnar 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch
Reaction Area}
ii. Qi2 Jiao3 (Ho's): This point is located 4 cun proximal to the dorsal distal wrist
crease, between the ulna and radius bones, on the Hand Shao4 Yang2 Triple Burner
Channel. Needle subcutaneously from radial to ulnar 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch
Reaction Area}
m. Qi2 Zheng4 (Ho's): This point is located 6 cun proximal to the dorsal distal wrist
crease, between the ulna and radius bones, on the Hand Shao4 Yang2 Triple Burner
Channel. Needle subcutaneously from radial to ulnar 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch
Reaction Area}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's):
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Ho's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3
Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
iii. Jie3 Mei4 San1 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction

- • \
• J
Ton 1 Shhn 1

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

DMG 33-10 'Hold 3 This'

Morbid Leukorrhea (HPC)
[2° to Gonococcal Infection [Acute] with Inflammation of the Cervical Canal]

1. Yun2 Bai2 and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's): (HPC):
• Yun 2 Bai2 : This point is found 2 cun obliquely anterior and distal to Bei 1 Mian4 • Needle 0.3
to 0.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Branch Reaction Areas} (Bei 1 Mian4 is found
in the large depression immediately lateral (distal) to the acromion process of the scapula
when the ann is abducted to 90°.)
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's):
1. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Ho's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
iii. Jie3 Mei4 San1 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3
Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Morbid Leukorrhea (HPC)
[2° to Inflammation of the Cervical Canal]

1. Yon1 Bai1 and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's) (HPC):
• Yon1 Bai1: This point is found 2 cun obliquely anterior and distal to Bei 1 Mian4 • Needle 0.3
to 0.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Branch Reaction Areas} (Bei 1 Mian4 is found
in the large depression immediately lateral (distal) to the acromion process of the scapula
when the arm is abducted to 90°.)
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's):
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1 (Ho's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
iii. Jie3 Mei4 San1 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Morbid Leukorrhea (HPC)
[2° to Trichomoniasis Vaginitis]

1. Shen4 Goan 1 and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's) (HPC):
• Shen4 Goan 1: This point lies 1.5 cun immediately distal to Tian 1 Huang 2 • Needle 0.5 to 1.0
cun. (Tian 1 Huang 2 is located in the depression found immediately distal to the medial tibial
condyle, and lies 2.5 cun distal to the articular surface of the medial tibial condyle.) {Six
Bowels Reaction Area}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's):
1. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Ho's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
111. Jie3 Mei4 San1 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3
Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (CCC-1)
1. DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles' (CCC):
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of anterior Digit Line A, along
the demarcation of the anterior and posterior surfaces, on the proximal phalanx of
the ring finger. To determine the exact center of anterior Digit Line A on the
proximal phalanx, bisect the distance from the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin
crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of said
line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
n. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
anterior Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction
iii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of anterior
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 41h digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles'

'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (CCC-2)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (CCC):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (CCC-3)
1. DMG 44-02 'Brachial Three Ancestors' (CCC):
• DMG 44-02 'Brachial Three Ancestors':
i. Ren2 Zong1: This point is located in the furrow formed by the long head of the
biceps brachii muscle anteriorly and the brachialis muscle (humerus) posteriorly, 3.5
cun proximal to the transverse cubital crease. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Lung
Auxiliary, Heart Branch, and Liver Auxiliary} (This point is on the Hand Tai4 Yin 1
Lung Channel 3.5 cun proximal to the transverse cubital crease, and should be
located with the palm on the chest.)
ii. Di4 Zong1: This point lies 3.0 cun proximal to Ren2 Zong 1, in the furrow formed by
the long head of the biceps brachii muscle anteriorly and the brachialis muscle
(humerus) posteriorly. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Tian1 Zong1: This point is located 3 cun superior to Di4 Zong 1. Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Six Bowels Reaction Area} (Tian 1 Zong 1 lies 9.5 cun superior to the
transverse cubital crease along the course of the lateral border of the long head
biceps brachii muscle (at the level of the anterior axillary fold).)

DMG 44-02 'Brachial3 Ancestors'

'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (CCC-4)
1. DMG 44-07 'Shoulder Anterior Oblique Three Needles' (CCC):
• DMG 44-07 'Shoulder Anterior Oblique Three Needles':
i. Jian 1 Feng1: This point is located 0.5 cun distal to LI-15wuo. Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun.
{Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
n. Yun2 Bai2 : This point is located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal
brachium, 2 cun immediately anterior to, and on the same transverse plane as, Jian 1
Zhong 1• Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
(Jian 1 Zhong 1 is located on the lateral aspect of the proximal brachium, 2.5 cun
immediately distal to LI-15wuo on the Hand Yang 2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel.)
m. Shen2 Jian 1: This point is located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal
brachium at the midpoint of a line connecting Jian 1 Feng 1 with Yun2 Bai . Needle
perpendicularly 0.3 to 0.5 cun or obliquely from superior to inferior 0.5 to 1.0 cun.
{Lung Branch and Heart Branch Reaction Areas}

·. \

' ' .· J

DMG 44-07 'Shoulder Anterior Oblique 3 Needles'
'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (CCC-5; HCL; MC)
1. DMG 88-01 'Passing Through the Kidney Three Needles' (CCC + HCL + MC):
• DMG 88-01 'Passin_r Through the Kidney Three Needles':
i. Tong 1 Shen : This point is found in the depression located at the superomedial
angle of the patella. To locate this point, draw a transverse line tangent to the
superior margin of the patella and a vertical line tangent to the medial margin of the
patella; the point lies in the depression at intersection of these two lines. Needle 0.5
to 1.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
n. Tong1 Wei 4: This point is located 2 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4 .
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
iii. Tong1 Bei4: This point is located 2 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Wei4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Tong 1 Bei4 is located 4 cun
proximal to Tong 1 Shen4 .)

DMG 88-01 'Passing Through the Kidney 3 Needles'

'Red-White' Vaginal Discharge (HCL-1)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Mu 4 Fu4, Yun2 Bai2, and Li3 Bai2 (HCL):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Mu4 Fu4 : This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the exact center of the dorsum on the 2nd
phalanx of the 2nd toe. To determine the exact center of the dorsal surface of the middle
phalanx, bisect the distance from the dorsal proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
dorsal distal interphalangeal skin crease along the median plane of the phalanx. Needle 0.2
to 0.4 cun keeping the needle close to the bone- use a very thin needle (36 gauge). {Heart
Auxiliary and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Yun 2 Bae: This point is found on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium 2 cun
anterior to Jian 1 Zhong 1• Yun2 Bai2 is located by coursing 2.5 cun distal to the space
between the acromion process and the greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH0 ], then 2.0
cun anteriorl(' Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
(Jian 1 Zhong is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming 2 Large Intestine Channel, on the proximal
brachium, 2.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 .)
• Li3 Bai2 : This point is located by coursing 4.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion
process and the greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH~' then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney Auxiliary and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

'Red-White' Vaginal Discharge (HCL-2)
1. DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles', Huan2 Chao2, DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three
Needles', and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (HCL):
• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
1. Huo3 Bao1 : This point is located in the center of the distal
interphalangeal skin crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit
of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun - CONTRAINDICATED IN
Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
11. Fu4 Lin~ Yi 1: This point is located on the lateral end of the
proximal interphalangeal skin crease on the plantar surface of the
2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction
iii. Fu4 Lin~ Er4: This point is located on the medial end of the
proximal interphalangeal skin crease on the plantar surface of the
2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun
and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located on the palmar surface of the second phalanx of the 4th digit,
0.5 cun lateral (radial) to the center of said phalanx. (The point is at the center of Digit Line A
on the second phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the middle
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease to the anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.) Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun.
{Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4: This point is located at the
center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To
determine the exact center of the proximal phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the
distance from the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal
interphalangeal skin crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and
Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
11. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao 2 Er4
to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line A.
Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
111. Feng4 Chao2 San 1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb - divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal ·
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal
skin crease, into thirds and then further divide each resultant
third in half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the
proximal phalanx of the thumb into sixths - commencing
from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and
proceeding distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five
points) 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
'Red-White' Vaginal Discharge (HCL-3; LKC)
1. Yun2 Bai2, DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', and DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow'
• Yun2 Bae: This point is found on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium 2 cun
anterior to Jian 1 Zhong 1• Yun2 Bai 2 is located by coursing 2.5 cun distal to the space
between the acromion process and the greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH0 ], then 2.0
cun anteriorl('- Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
(Jian 1 Zhong is located on the Hand Yang 2 Ming 2 Large Intestine Channel, on the proximal
brachium, 2.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 .)
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction

/: I


DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

-J; I J I
r:.,~ Jn f

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

'Red-White' Vaginal Discharge (LCH)
1. Select from Huan2 Chao2, Feng4 Chao2, Tian1 Zong1, DMG 88-01 'Passing Through the
Kidney Three Needles', Yun2 Bai2, DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (non-bacterial),
DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This', Mu 4 Fu4 (LCH):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)
• Tian1 Zong1: This point lies on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium, in the
'groove' between the biceps brachii muscle and the humerus bone, 9.0 cun proximal to the
level of the transverse cubital crease (locate this point with the palm of the hand placed on
the chest). Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Six Bowels Reaction Area}
• DMG 88-01 'Passinf Through the Kidney Three Needles':
i. Tong1 Shen : This point is located in the depression found at the superomedial
angle of the patella. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
ii. Tong 1 Wei 4 : This point is located 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4 .
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
iii. Tong 1 Bei4 : This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4 .
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• Yun Bai2 : This point is located with the arm hanging naturally down by the side, and lies

2.0 cun obliquely anterodistal (towards the chest) from the point Bei 1 Mian4 • Needle 0.3 to
0.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (Bei 1 Mian4 lies in the center of
a depression found immediately lateral to the acromion process with the arm abducted to
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
1. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point is located on the anterior thigh, 1 cun medial and 1 cun
proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch
Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the median plane of the anterior thigh,
7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella. Ergo, Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1
is located 8 cun proximal to the level of the transverse popliteal crease and 1 cun
medial to the median plane of the thigh.)
ii. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 : This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Jie3 Mei 4 San1: This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 •
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
NOTE: Dr. Lai writes that DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' is often used
bilaterally for a total of 6 points.
• DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This':
i. Qi2 Men2 : This point is located along the lateral border of the radius bone, 2.0 cun
proximal to the distal transverse wrist crease. Needle obliquely from lateral to
medial (i.e., radial to ulnar) parallel to the skin 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch
Reaction Area} (This point is on the Hand Yang2 -Ming2 Large Intestine Channel2.0
cun proximal to the distal transverse wrist crease.)
n. Qi2 Jiao3 : This point is located along the lateral border of the radius bone, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qe Men2 . Needle obliquely from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to ulnar)
parallel to the skin 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch Reaction Area} (This point is on
the Hand Yang2-Ming2 Large Intestine Channel 4.0 cun proximal to the distal
transverse wrist crease.)
iii.Qe Zheng4 : This point is located along the lateral border of the radius bone, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Jiao3 • Needle obliquely from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to ulnar)
parallel to the skin 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch Reaction Area} (This point is on
the Hand Yang2 -Ming2 Large Intestine Channel 6.0 cun proximal to the distal
transverse wrist crease.)
• Mu Fu4: This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the center of the median plane on the
dorsum of the middle phalanx on the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.2 to 0.4 cun close to the
bone (use a very fine needle to minimize patient discomfort). {Heart Auxiliary Reaction

DMG 88-01

'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (LKC-1)
['Kidney' Disharmony]

1. DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' and Tong1 Shen4 (LKC):

• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
u. Ren2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 • Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di 4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• Tong1 Shen4 : This point is located in the depression found immediately proximal and
medial to the superomedial angle of the patella. To locate the point, draw a transverse line
tangent to the superior margin of the patella and a vertical line tangent to the medial margin
of the patella - where the two lines intersect is the location of the point. Needle 0.5 to 1.0
cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}

2. Huan2 Chao2, Shui3 Jin\ and Shui3 Tong1 (LKC):

• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the second phalanx of
the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the middle phalanx along Digit
Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and
Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Shui3 Jin 1: This point is located 0.5 cun obliquely medial to Shui 3 Tong 1• Needle
perpendicularly 0.2 to 0.3 cun or obliquely from medial to lateral up to 0.5 cun. {Kidney
Reaction Area} (To locate this point, proceed to a point 0.5 cun medial to Shui3 Tong 1 and
0.5 cun directly inferior to the extraorallabial-cutaneous junction of the inferior lip.)
• Shui3 Tong 1: This point is located 0.5 cun directly inferior to the extraorallabial-cutaneous
junction at the corner of the mouth. Needle perpendicularly 0.2 to 0.3 cun or obliquely from
medial to lateral up to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (LKC-1)
['Kidney' Disharmony]

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (LKC-2)
['Liver' Disharmony]

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' and DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow' (LKC):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (LKC-3)
['Kidney-Liver' Disharmony 1]

1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' and DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow' (LKC):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
1. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 : This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie 3
Mei4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming 2 Huang 2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming 2 Huang 2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction

Tian Huang2
ng' tI II
' I
~ lt?t\

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles' DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (LKC-4)
['Kidney-Liver' Disharmony 2]

1. Tian1 Zong1, DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles', and Huan2 Chao2 (LKC):
• Tian 1 Zong1: This point is located on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium, on
the Hand Tai4 Yin2 Lung Channel, 9.5 cun proximal to the transverse cubital crease along
the course of the lateral border of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle. Needle 1.0 to
1.5 cun. {Six Bowels Reaction Area}
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
m. Feng4 Chao2 San1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• Huan Chao2 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the second phalanx of

the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the middle phalanx along Digit
Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and
Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (LKC-5; HCL)
['Kidney-Liver' Disharmony 3]

1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', and
DMG 1111-02 'Three Branches Three Needles' (LKC + HCL):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun
proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six o~
Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1
is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the
~--/ *.
anterior thigh, 7 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately
proximal to Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1• Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six
Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3 * * }
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane
(midsagittal plane) at a point 10.5 cun proximal to the
center of the superior edge of the patella.) I
iii. Jie3 Mei4 San 1: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately
proximal to Jie3 Mei4 Er4 • Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six
Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane
(midsagittal plane) at a point 13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of
the patella.)
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal
interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide
each resultant third in half. This procedure sections the
dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease and proceeding distally, each sixth represents
one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points) 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and
Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 1111-02 'Three Branches Three Needles':
i. Fen 1 Zhi 1 Shang4 : This point is located inferior to the 'fork' formed between the
axillary border of the scapula and the humerus. It lies in proximity to the posterior
axillary fold, directly inferior to the posterior aspect of the acromion process, 1 cun
inferior to the most caudal aspect of the
glenohumeral articulation. Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Endocrine and Liver Reaction Areas} \,
ii. Fen 1 Zhi 1 Xia4 : This point is located 1.5 )' \ (,
cun immediately inferior to Fen 1 Zhi 1 fl *
Shang4 • Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Endocrine, If\
Lunf Branch, and Breast Reaction Areas} 1
1 1
iii. Fen Zhi Zhong : This point is located 0.6 cun immediately medial to Fen 1 Zhi 1
Xia4 • Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Endocrine, Lung Branch, and Breast Reaction Areas}
'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (LKC-6; HCL)
['Lung' Disharmony]

1. DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This' (LKC + HCL):

• DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This':
i. Qi2 Men2 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 1.0 cun
lateral (i.e., radial) to TB-5WH0 . Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e.,
radial to ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas} (TB-5wHo
is located 2 units above (proximal to) the transverse crease on the dorsal surface of
the wrist, between the ulna and radius.)
ii. Qi2 Jiao3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qe Men2 • Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
iii. Qi2 Zheng4 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Jiao 3 • Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 33-10 'Hold 3 This'

'Red-White Vaginal Discharge' (LKC-7)
['Heart-Liver' Disharmony]

1. 'Let' DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles' and then needle Mu 4 Fu4, and DMG 11-
15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (LKC):
• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
i. Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot; 'Let' in this case -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
n. Fu4 Lin~ Yi 1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot; 'Let' in this
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Fu4 Lin~ Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot; 'Let' in this
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Mu4 Fu4 : This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the exact center of the dorsum of the 2nd
phalanx of the 2nd toe. To determine the exact center of the dorsal surface of the middle
phalanx, bisect the distance from the dorsal proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
dorsal distal interphalangeal skin crease along the median plane of the phalanx. Needle 0.2
to 0.4 cun keeping the needle close to the bone. {Heart Auxiliary and Six Bowels Reaction
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit 3 Needles'

'Red-White' Vaginal Discharge (MC)
1. Huan2 Chao2, Feng4 Chao2, Fu4 Ke 1 , DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', and Mu 4 Fu4
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, 0.3
cun ulnar to the dorsal median plane. Divide the proximal phalanx, from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar
Line, into thirds - the proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds
and the distal point is located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 cun-
the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf. {Uterine Reaction Area}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1: This point is located on the anterior thigh, 1 cun medial and 1 cun
proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch
Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the median plane of the anterior thigh,
7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4: This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Jie3 Mei 4 San1: This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Er4 •
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
• Mu Fu4: This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the center of the median plane on the
dorsum of the middle phalanx on the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.2 to 0.4 cun close to the
bone (use a very fine needle to minimize patient discomfort). {Heart Auxiliary Reaction

Ulnar to radial view of 4th digit (ring finger) Radial to ulnar view of 4th digit (ring finger)
'Red-White' Vaginal Discharge (MC)

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Vaginal Discharge (HSH)

1. DMG 11-15 'GJ!!ecology Three Needles', DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow', Tian 1 Zong\
Hai3 Bao4, Yun Bai2, and Li3 Bai2 (HSH):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming 2 Huang 2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming 2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• Tian 1 Zong1: This point is found in a furrow located on the anterolateral aspect of the
proximal brachium, on the Hand Tai4 Yin2 Lung Channel, and 9.5 cun proximal to the
transverse cubital crease along the course of the lateral border of the long head of the biceps
brachii muscle. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Six Bowels Reaction Area}
• Hae Bao4 : This point is located on the medial side of the foot at the midpoint (i.e., plantar
-dorsal midpoint) of the interphalangeal joint on the medial side of the great toe. Needle
0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area}
• Yun2 Bai2 : This point is found on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium. It is
located by coursing 2.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion process and the
greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH0 ], then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun.
{Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Li3 Bai2: This point is located by coursing 4.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion
process and the greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH0 ], then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney Auxiliary and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

2. 'Let' Wu3 Xing2 (HSH):

• Wu3 Xin~: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are found 1 finger breadth lateral to
either side of the Governing Vessel at the levels of the interspinous spaces at L1/ Lz. Lz/ L3,
L3/ ~. LJ Ls, and Ls/S 1 for a total of 10 points.
Vaginal Discharge (HSH)


DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

DMG 11-15 'Gyneoology 3 N...U~

Breast Lump (LCH)

1. DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles' (LCH):

• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point lies 3.0 cun proximal and 1.0 cun anterior to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun.
{Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point lies 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 • Needle
1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4 : This point lies 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Er4 Zhong4 • Needle
1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Breast Neoplasm (MC)

1. DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles - needle bilaterally for best results OR with
contralateral DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes' (see below) (MC):
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point lies 3.0 cun proximal and 1.0 cun anterior to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun.
{Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
n. Er4 Zhong4 : This point lies 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 • Needle
1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4 : This point lies 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Er4 Zhong4 • Needle
1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
2. DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes' (MC):
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
1. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of
the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
ii. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 Yi 1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of the lateral malleolus. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
iii. Wai4 San1 Guan1 San1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula. Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Lung Reaction Area}

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles' DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes'

Carbuncle of the Breast (CCC)
1. DMG 44-03 'Shoulder Center Vertical Three Needles' (CCC):
• DMG 44-03 'Shoulder Center Vertical Three Needles':
i. Jian 1 Feng1: This point is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming2 Lar~e Intestine
Channel on the proximal brachium, 0.5 cun distal to LI-15w 0 . Needle
perpendicularly 0.5 to 2.0 cun. {Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Jian 1 Zhong1: This point is located 2.0 cun immediately distal to Jian 1 Feng 1.
Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area} (Jian 1 Zhong 1
is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel, on the proximal
brachium, 2.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 )
iii. Jian4 Zhong1: This point is located 2.0 cun immediately distal to Jian 1 Zhong 1•
Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area} (Jian4 Zhong 1
is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel on the proximal
brachium 4.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 )

DMG 44-03 'Shoulder Center Vertical3 Needles'

Carbuncle of the Breast (HCL)
1. Jian 1 Feng 1 with Shuang1 Lonlf Yi\ Shuang1 Lonlf Er4 and DMG 77-05 'Three Weights
Three Needles' OR DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes' (HCL):
• Jian 1 Feng1: This point is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming 2 Large Intestine Channel on the
proximal brachium, 0.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 . Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun or
from superior to inferior 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Lonlf Yi1: This point is located 1.5 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', in a
depression found on the lateral margin of the tibia. Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun.
{Lung Branch and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Lon'2 Er4: This point is located in a depression 0.6 cun immediately distal to
Shuang 1 Long Yi 1• Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4: This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
11. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
111. San 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
i. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
ii. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1 : This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex of the lateral malleolus along the line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 San1 : This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula along the line
extending from the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun.
{Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
Carbuncle of the Breast (HCL)

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles' DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes'

Carcinoma of the Breast (CKS)
(NOT a radical cure- Adjunctive therapy only)

1. Jian 1 Fengl, Shuang1 Lon~ Yi\ Shuang1 Lon~ Er4, and DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three
Needles' (CKS):
• Jian 1 Feng 1: This point is located on the Hand Yang 2 Ming 2 Large Intestine Channel, on
the proximal brachium, 0.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 . Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun or
from superior to inferior 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Shuang 1 Lon~ Yi 1: This point is located on the anterior aspect of the proximal leg, 1.5 cun
immediately distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee'. Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and
Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Long2 Er4: This point is located on the anterior aspect of the proximal leg, 0.6
cun immediately distal to Shuang 1 Long2 Yi 1. Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and
Liver Branch Reaction Areas} (Shuang 1 Long2 Er4 is, therefore, located 2.1 cun
immediately distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee'.)
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
1. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}

2. 'Let' the Heart-Lung Region of the Back (CKS):

• Heart-Lung Region- These 10 points are found on the back as follows:
i. Midlevel of the T 3 spinous process- 2 finger widths laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
ii. Level of the T 3ff4 interspinous space- 1 finger width laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
iii. Midlevel of the T 4 spinous process - 2 finger widths laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
iv. Level of the T~5 interspinous space- 1 finger width laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
v. Midlevel of the T 5 spinous process- 2 finger widths laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
Carcinoma of the Breast (CKS)


Heart-Lung Region
DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'
Carcinoma of the Breast (HCL)
(Not a Radical Cure)

1. Jian 1 Feng1 with Shuang1 Lon~ Yi\ Shuang1 Long2 Er4 and DMG 77-05 'Three Weights
Three Needles' OR DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes' (HCL):
• Jian 1 Feng1: This point is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel on the
proximal brachium, 0.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 . Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun or
from superior to inferior 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Long2 Yi1 : This point is located 1.5 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', in a
depression found on the lateral margin of the tibia. Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun.
{Lung Branch and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Lon'2 Er4 : This point is located in a depression 0.6 cun immediately distal to
Shuang 1 Long Yi 1• Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4.
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4.
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
i. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
ii. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex of the lateral malleolus along the line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 San1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula along the line
extending from the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun.
{Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}

2. 'Let' the Heart-Lung Region on the back as well as any veinules around the knee (HCL):
• Heart-Lung Region: 5 points bilaterally paired for a total of 10 points.
T 3 (MSP) 2 fingers T 3 (MSP)
T:lf4 (ISS) 1 finger T 3ff4 (ISS)
T 4 (MSP) 2 fingers T4 (MSP)
T~ 5 (ISS) 1 finger T~5 (ISS)
T 5 (MSP) 2 fingers T5 (MSP)
Where 'ISS' is the interspinous space and 'MSP' is the midpoint ofthe spinous process.
Carcinoma of the Breast (HCL)
(Not a Radical Cure)

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles' DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes'

Heart-Lung Region
Carcinoma of the Breast (LKC)
(NOT a radical cure- adjunctive therapy only)

1. Jian 1 Feng 1, Shuang1 Long2 Yi\ Shuang1 Long2 Er4, DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three
Needles', and DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes' (LKC):
• Jian 1 Feng1: This point is located 0.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 . Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to
0.8 cun or obliquely from superior to inferior 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Loo~ Yi 1: This point is located on the anterior aspect of the proximal leg, 1.5 cun
immediately distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee'. Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and
Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Long2 Er4: This point is located on the anterior aspect of the proximal leg, 0.6
cun immediately distal to Shuang 1 Long2 Yi 1• Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and
Liver Branch Reaction Areas} (Shuang 1 Long2 Er4 is, therefore, located 2.1 cun
immediately distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee'.)
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4: This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
1. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
ii. Wai 4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex of the lateral malleolus along the line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
m. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1 San1 : This point is located by bisecting the distance from
Wai 4 San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula along the
line extending from the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of
(as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun.
{Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
Carcinoma of the Breast (LKC)

San1 Zhong4

Er4 Zhong4

Yi 1 Zhong4

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles' DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes'

Carcinoma of the Breast (LCH)
(Not a radical cure)

1. Alternate DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes' with DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three
Needles' (LCH):
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point lies 3.0 cun proximal and 1.0 cun anterior to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun.
{Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
11. Er4 Zhong4 : This point lies 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 . Needle
1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San 1 Zhong4 : This point lies 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Er4 Zhong4 • Needle
1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
1. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of
the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
ii. Wai 4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of the lateral malleolus. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
111. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 San 1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula. Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Lung Reaction Area}


DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles' DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes'

Fibrocystic Disease of the Breast (LCH)
1. DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles' (LCH):
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point lies 3.0 cun proximal and 1.0 cun anterior to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun.
{Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point lies 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 . Needle
1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4 : This point lies 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Er4 Zhong 4 • Needle
1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Fibrocystic Disease of the Breast (CKS)

1. Jian 1 Feng 1, Shuang1 Long2 Yi\ Shuang1 Loni Er\ and DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes'
• Jian 1 Feng 1: This point is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel, on
the proximal brachium, 0.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 . Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun or
from superior to inferior 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Loni Yi 1: This point is located on the anterior aspect of the proximal leg, 1.5 cun
immediately distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee'. Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and
Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Long2 Er4: This point is located on the anterior aspect of the proximal leg, 0.6
cun immediately distal to Shuang 1 Long2 Yi 1• Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and
Liver Branch Reaction Areas} (Shuang 1 Long2 Er4 is, therefore, located 2.1 cun
immediately distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee'.)
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
1. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
ii. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1 : This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex of the lateral malleolus along the line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 San1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula along the line
extending from the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun.
{Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}

2. 'Let' in the region of DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles' (i.e. along the course of the
Yani Mini Stomach Channel on the leg) (CKS):
• DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles':
1. Si 4 Hua1 Shang4 : This point is located 3 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral (i.e. closely adherent) to the anterior tibial crest at the level of
ST-36WH0 . 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Lung Branch, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Si4 Hua1 Zhong1: This point is located 4.5 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Shang4 ; i.e., 7.5
cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Heart Branch, Lung
Branch, and Six Bowels Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Si4 Hua1 Xia4 : This point is located 5.0 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Zhong 1; i.e., 12.5 cun
distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Six Bowels
Auxiliary, Lung Auxiliary, and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

3. 'Let' the Heart-Lung Region of the Back (CKS):

• Heart-Lung Region -These 10 points are found on the back as follows:
i. Midlevel of the T 3 spinous process - 2 finger widths laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
ii. Level of the TJff4 interspinous space- 1 finger width laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
iii. Midlevel of the T4 spinous process - 2 finger widths laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
iv. Level of the TJTs interspinous space- 1 finger width laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
v. Midlevel of the Ts spinous process- 2 finger widths laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).

DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes'

Heart-Lung Region

DMG 77-02 '4 Flowers 3 Needles'

Fibrocystic Disease of the Breast (HCL)

1. Jian 1 Feng 1 with Shuang1 Lon~ Yi 1, Shuang1 Lon~ Er4 and DMG 77-05 'Three Weights
Three Needles' OR DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes' (HCL):
• Jian 1 Feng1: This point is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming 2 Large Intestine Channel on the
proximal brachium, 0.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 . Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun or
from superior to inferior 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Lon~ Yi 1: This point is located 1.5 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', in a
depression found on the lateral margin of the tibia. Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun.
{Lung Branch and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Lon'2 Er4: This point is located in a depression 0.6 cun immediately distal to
Shuang 1 Long Yi 1• Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
m. San1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
i. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
ii. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1 : This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex of the lateral malleolus along the line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Wai4 San 1 Guan1 San1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula along the line
extending from the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun.
{Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
Fibrocystic Disease of the Breast (HCL)

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles' DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes'

Mammillitis (CCC)
1. DMG 44-03 'Shoulder Center Vertical Three Needles' (CCC):
• DMG 44-03 'Shoulder Center Vertical Three Needles':
1. Jian 1 Feng 1 : This point is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming2 L~e Intestine
Channel on the proximal brachium, 0.5 cun distal to LI-15 °. Needle
perpendicularly 0.5 to 2.0 cun. {Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
u. Jian 1 Zhong1: This point is located 2.0 cun immediately distal to Jian 1 Feng 1•
Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area} (Jian 1 Zhong 1
is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel, on the proximal
brachium, 2.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 )
iii. Jian4 Zhong1: This point is located 2.0 cun immediately distal to Jian 1 Zhong 1•
Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area} (Jian4 Zhong 1
is located on the Hand Y ang2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel on the proximal
brachium 4.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 )

DMG 44-03 'Shoulder Center Vertical 3 Needles'

Mammillitis (HCL-1)

1. DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses' with Shuang1 Long2 Yi 1 and Shuang1 Lon~ Er4
• DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses':
i. Si4 Ma3 Xia4: This point is located 0.5 cun proximal and 1.0 cun lateral to Tong 1
Guan 1 (Tong 1 Guan 1 is located on the midsagittal plane of the thigh, 5.0 cun
proximal to the center of the patella). Needle 1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and
Liver Branch Reaction Areas} (To locate Si4 Ma3 Xia4 commence at the center of
the superior edge of the patella, course laterally 1.0 cun to arrive at the superolateral
an,rle of the patella, then proceed proximally 5.5 cun to arrive at Si4 Ma3 Xia4.)
ii. Si Ma3 Zhong1: This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Xia4. Needle 1.0
to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
111. Si 4 Ma3 Shang4: This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1• Needle
1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Lon~ Yi1: This point is located 1.5 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', in a
depression found on the lateral margin of the tibia. Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun.
{Lung Branch and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Lon'2 Er4: This point is located in a depression 0.6 cun immediately distal to
Shuang 1 Long Yi 1• Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}

2. 'Let' the Heart-Lung Region on the back (HCL):

• Heart-Lung Region: 5 points bilaterally paired for a total of 10 points.
T3 (MSP) 2 fingers T3 (MSP)
T3ff4 (ISS) 1 finger T3ff4 (ISS)
T4 (MSP) 2 fingers T4 (MSP)
T~5 (ISS) 1 finger T~5 (ISS)
T 5 (MSP) 2 fingers T5 (MSP)
Where 'ISS' is the interspinous space and 'MSP' is the midpoint of the spinous process.
' ( . ~-~t"-J;

0 )

Heart-Lung Region

DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of 4 Horses'

Mammillitis (HCL-2)

1. Jian 1 Feng1 with Shuang1 Lon~ Yi\ Shuang1 Long2 Er4 and DMG 77-05 'Three Weights
Three Needles' OR DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes' (HCL):
• Jian 1 Feng1 : This point is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel on the
proximal brachium, 0.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 . Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun or
from superior to inferior 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Lon~ Yi1: This point is located 1.5 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', in a
depression found on the lateral margin of the tibia. Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun.
{Lung Branch and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Lon~2 Er4: This point is located in a depression 0.6 cun immediately distal to
Shuang 1 Long Yi 1• Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4: This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
11. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
111. San 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
i. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
ii. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1 : This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex of the lateral malleolus along the line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 San1 : This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula along the line
extending from the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun.
{Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
Mammillitis (HCL-2)

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles' DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes'

Mammillitis (LKC-1)
1. 'Let' any visible hemangiomae, telangectasiae, or Ashi points on the ipsilateral medial
Bladder Channel on the back from the T4 Spinous process to the T7 Spinous process inclusive

2. 'Let' DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles', any visible

hemangiomae, telangectasiae, or veinules, etc. along the course of DMG
77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles', and the ipsilateral Jing-Well
points (LKC):
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal
and 1 cun anterior to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to
anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let'
with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and
Spleen Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun
proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 • Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a
prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
iii. San 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun
proximal to Er4 Zhong4 • Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a
prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles':
i. Si4 Hua1 Shang4 : This point is located 3 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral (i.e. closely adherent) to the anterior tibial crest at the level of
ST-36WH0 • 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Lung Branch, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Si4 Hua1 Zhong1: This point is located 4.5 cun distal to Si4
Hua 1 Shang4 ; i.e., 7.5 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the
knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the anterior tibial
crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Heart
Branch, Lung Branch, and Six Bowels Auxiliary Reaction
111. Si 4 Hua 1 Xia4 : This point is located 5.0 cun distal to Si4
Hua 1 Zhong 1; i.e., 12.5 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the
knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the anterior tibial
crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Six Bowels
Auxiliary, Lung Auxiliary, and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction
Mammillitis (LKC-2)

1. Jian 1 Zhong\ Jian4 Zhong\ DMG 1111-02 'Three Branches Three Needles', and DMG 77-05
'Three Weights Three Needles' (LKC):
• Jian 1 Zhong1: This point is located 2.5 cun distal to LI-15wHo. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun.
{Heart Branch Reaction Areas}
• Jian 4 Zhong1: This point is located 2.0 cun distal to Jian 1 Zhong 1; i.e., 4.5 cun distal to LI-
15WH0. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area}
• DMG 1111-02 'Three Branches Three Needles':
i. Fen1 Zhi 1 Shang4 : This point is located inferior to the 'fork' formed between the
axillary border of the scapula and the humerus. It lies in proximity to the posterior
axillary fold, directly inferior to the posterior aspect of the acromion process, 1 cun
inferior to the most caudal aspect of the glenohumeral articulation. Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Endocrine and Liver Reaction Areas}
ii. Fen1 Zhi1 Xia4: This point is located 1.5 cun immediately inferior to Fen 1 Zhi 1
Shang4 • Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Endocrine, Lung Branch, and Breast Reaction
iii. Fen 1 Zhi 1 Zhong 1: This point is located 6fen medial to Fen 1 Zhi 1 Xia4• Needle 1.0
to 1.5 cun. {Endocrine, Lung Branch, and Breast Reaction Areas}.
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}

· Shapg4

DMG 1111-02 '3 Branches 3 Needles'

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'
Mammillitis (LKC-3)

1. Shuang1 Loo~ Vi 1, Shuang1 Loo~ Er\ Jian 1 Feng\ and DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes'
• Shuang1 Loo~ Vi 1: This point is located on the anterior aspect of the proximal leg, 1.5 cun
immediately distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee'. Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and
Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Loo~ Er4: This point is located on the anterior aspect of the proximal leg, 0.6
cun immediately distal to Shuang 1 Long2 Yi 1• Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and
Liver Branch Reaction Areas} (Shuang 1 Long2 Er4 is, therefore, located 2.1 cun
immediately distal to the lateral eye of the knee.)
• Jian 1 Feng1: This point is located 0.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 . Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to
0.8 cun or obliquely from superior to inferior 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
i. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
ii. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 Vi 1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex of the lateral malleolus along the line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 San1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai 4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula along the line
extending from the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun.
{Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}

ng1 Long 2 Yi 1
ng1 L6ng 2 Er4

DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes'

Mastalgia (LKC-1)

1. 'Let' Si4 Hua1 Zhong1 and Si4 Hua1 Fu4 and then needle DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three
Needles' (LKC):
• Si4 Hua1 Zhong1: This point is located 4.5 cun distal to Si4 Hua1 Shang4 ; i.e., 7.5 cun distal
to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the anterior tibial crest.
'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Six Bowels
Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Si4 Hua1 Fu4 : This point is located 10 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral (i.e., closely adherent) to the anterior tibial crest, one cun distal to ST-
39WH0 . Needle 1.0 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels, Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Six Bowels
Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior
to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle
1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and
Spleen Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung
Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung
Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Mastalgia (LKC-2)
1. 'Let' the Heart-Lung Region and then needle 1111-02 'Three Branches Three Needles', DMG
77-06 'Lateral Three Passes', Shuang1 Lonlf Yi 1, and Shuang1 Long2 Er4 (LKC):
• Heart-Lung Region: 5 points, bilaterally paired for a total of 10 points.
T 3 (MSP) 2 fingers T3 (MSP)
T3ff4 (ISS) 1 finger T3ff4 (ISS)
T 4 (MSP) 2 fingers T4 (MSP)
T~5 (ISS) 1 finger T~5 (ISS)
T5 (MSP) 2 fingers T5 (MSP)
Where 'ISS' is the interspinous space and 'MSP' is the midpoint of the spinous process.
• DMG 1111-02 'Three Branches Three Needles':
i. Fen1 Zhi 1 Shang4: This point is located inferior to the 'fork' formed between the
axillary border of the scapula and the humerus. It lies in proximity to the posterior
axillary fold, directly inferior to the posterior aspect of the acromion process, 1 cun
inferior to the most caudal aspect of the glenohumeral articulation. Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Endocrine and Liver Reaction Areas}
ii. Fen 1 Zhi1 Xia4: This point is located 1.5 cun immediately inferior to Fen 1 Zhi 1
Shang4 • Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Endocrine, Lung Branch, and Breast Reaction
iii. Fen 1 Zhi 1 Zhong1: This point is located 0.6 cun immediately medial to Fen 1 Zhi 1
Xia4. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Endocrine, Lung Branch, and Breast Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
i. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
ii. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex of the lateral malleolus along the line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 San1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai 4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula along the line
extending from the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun.
{Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Shuang 1 Lonlf Yi 1: This point is located on the anterior aspect of the proximal leg, 1.5 cun
immediately distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee'. Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and
Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Lonlf Er4: This point is located on the anterior aspect of the proximal leg, 0.6
cun immediately distal to Shuang 1 Long2 Yi 1• Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and
Liver Branch Reaction Areas} (Shuang1 Long2 Er4 is, therefore, located 2.1 cun
immediately distal to the lateral eye of the knee.)
Mastalgia (LKC-2)

Heart-Lung Region

DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes'

Mastitis (CCC-1)
1. DMG 44-03 'Shoulder Center Vertical Three Needles' (CCC):
• DMG 44-03 'Shoulder Center Vertical Three Needles':
i. Jian 1 Feng1 : This point is located on the Hand Y ang2 Ming2 L~e Intestine
Channel on the proximal brachium, 0.5 cun distal to LI-15 °. Needle
perpendicularly 0.5 to 2.0 cun. {Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Jian 1 Zhong1: This point is located 2.0 cun immediately distal to Jian 1 Feng 1•
Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area} (Jian 1 Zhong 1
is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel, on the proximal
brachium, 2.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 )
iii. Jian4 Zhong1: This point is located 2.0 cun immediately distal to Jian 1 Zhong 1•
Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area} (Jian4 Zhong 1
is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel on the proximal
brachium 4.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 )

DMG 44-03 'Shoulder Center Vertical3 Needles'

Mastitis (CCC-2)
1. DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses' (CCC):
• DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses':
i. Si4 Ma3 Xia4: This point is located 5.5 cun proximal to the superolateral angle of
the patella; i.e., proceed 1.0 cun lateral then 5.5 cun proximal to the center of the
superior edge of the patella. Needle perpendicularly 1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung
and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Si4 Ma3 Zhong1: This point is located 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Si4 Ma3
Xia4• Needle perpendicularly 1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas} (Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1 is located 1.0 cun lateral then 7.5 cun proximal to
the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
m. Si4 Ma3 Shang4: This point is located 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Si4 Ma3
Zhong 1• Needle pe~endicularly 1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas} (Si Ma3 Shang4 is located 1.0 cun lateral then 9.5 cun proximal to
the center of the superior edge of the patella.)

DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses'

Mastitis (HCL-1)

1. Jian 1 Feng1 with Shuang1 Loo~ Yi\ Shuang1 Loo~ Er4 and DMG 77-05 'Three Weights
Three Needles' OR DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes' (HCL):
• Jian 1 Feng1 : This point is located on the Hand Yang 2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel on the
proximal brachium, 0.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 . Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun or
from superior to inferior 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Loo~ Yi1: This point is located 1.5 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', in a
depression found on the lateral margin of the tibia. Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun.
{Lung Branch and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Lon'2 Er4 : This point is located in a depression 0.6 cun immediately distal to
Shuang 1 Long Yi 1• Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
n. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
i. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
ii. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1 : This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex of the lateral malleolus along the line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
m. Wai4 San1 Guan1 San1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula along the line
extending from the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun.
{Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
Mastitis (HCL-1)

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles' DMG 77-06 'Lateral 3 Passes'

Mastitis (HCL-2)
1. DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses' with Shuang1 Lon~ Yi\ Shuang1 Lon~ Er4, and
DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles' OR DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes' (HCL):
• DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses':
i. Si4 Ma3 Xia4 : This point is located 0.5 cun proximal and 1.0 cun lateral to Tong 1
Guan 1 (Tong 1 Guan 1 is located on the midsagittal plane of the thigh, 5.0 cun
proximal to the center of the patella). Needle 1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and
Liver Branch Reaction Areas} (To locate Si4 Ma3 Xia4 commence at the center of
the superior edge of the patella, course laterally 1.0 cun to arrive at the superolateral
an,rle of the patella, then proceed proximally 5.5 cun to arrive at Si4 Ma3 Xia4 .)
ii. Si Ma3 Zhong1 : This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Xia4 • Needle 1.0
to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Si 4 Ma3 Shang4 : This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1• Needle
1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Lon~ Yi1: This point is located 1.5 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', in a
depression found on the lateral margin of the tibia. Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun.
{Lung Branch and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Lon'2 Er4: This point is located in a depression 0.6 cun immediately distal to
Shuang 1 Long Yi 1• Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi1 Zhong4: This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4: This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
1. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
ii. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex of the lateral malleolus along the line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 San1 : This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula along the line
extending from the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun.
{Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
Mastitis (HCL-2)

Shuang1 Lo
Shuang1 Lo


DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses'

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles' DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes'

Mastitis (HCL-3)
1. 'Let' the Heart-Lung Region on the back (HCL):
• Heart-Lung Region: 5 points bilaterally paired for a total of 10 points.
T3 (MSP) 2 fingers T3 (MSP)
T:lf4 (ISS) 1 finger T3!f4 (ISS)
T4 (MSP) 2 fingers T4 (MSP)
T~5 (ISS) 1 finger T~5 (ISS)
T 5 (MSP) 2 fingers T5 (MSP)
Where 'ISS' is the interspinous space and 'MSP' is the midpoint of the spinous process.

Heart-Lung Region
Mastitis (MC)

1. DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles - needle bilaterally for best results OR with
contralateral DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes' (see below) (MC):
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point lies 3.0 cun proximal and 1.0 cun anterior to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun.
{Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point lies 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 . Needle
1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
m. San1 Zhong4 : This point lies 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Er4 Zhong4 • Needle
1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
2. DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes' (MC):
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
i. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of
the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
ii. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of the lateral malleolus. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
iii. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 San1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula. Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Lung Reaction Area}

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles' DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes'

Mastoncus (CCC)
(Swelling or Tumor of Breast)

1. DMG 44-03 'Shoulder Center Vertical Three Needles' (CCC):

• DMG 44-03 'Shoulder Center Vertical Three Needles':
i. Jian 1 Feng1: This point is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming2 L~e Intestine
Channel on the proximal brachium, 0.5 cun distal to LI-15 °. Needle
perpendicularly 0.5 to 2.0 cun. {Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Jian 1 Zhong1: This point is located 2.0 cun immediately distal to Jian 1 Feng 1•
Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area} (Jian 1 Zhong 1
is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel, on the proximal
brachium, 2.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 )
iii. Jian4 Zhong1: This point is located 2.0 cun immediately distal to Jian 1 Zhong 1.
Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area} (Jian4 Zhong 1
is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel on the proximal
brachium 4.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 )

DMG 44-03 'Shoulder Center Vertical3 Needles'

Mastoncus (LCH)
(Swelling or Tumor of Breast)

1. DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles' (LCH):

• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point lies 3.0 cun proximal and 1.0 cun anterior to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun.
{Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point lies 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 . Needle
1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4 : This point lies 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Er4 Zhong 4 • Needle
1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Nipple Adenoma (HCL)

1. DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles' with Jian 1 Zhong\ Jian4 Zhong1 and Fen1 Zhi1
Shang4 (HCL):
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San 1 Zhong4: This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• Jian Zhong1: This point is located 2.0 cun immediately distal to Jian 1 Feng 1• Needle 1.0 to
2.0 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area} (Jian 1 Zhong 1 is located on the Hand Yang2 Ming2
Large Intestine Channel, on the proximal brachium, 2.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 )
• Jian 4 Zhong1 : This point is located 2.0 cun immediately distal to Jian 1 Zhong 1• Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area} (Jian4 Zhong 1 is located on the Hand Yang2
Ming2 Large Intestine Channel on the proximal brachium 4.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 )
• Fen 1 Zhi 1 Shang4: This point is located inferior to the 'fork' formed between the axillary
border of the scapula and the humerus. It lies in proximity to the posterior axillary fold,
directly inferior to the posterior aspect of the acromion process, 1 cun inferior to the most
caudal aspect of the glenohumeral articulation. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Endocrine and Liver
Reaction Areas}

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Suppression of Lactation (CKS; LKC)
(Post Weaning)

1. DMG 11-16 'Finger Team of Four Horses', GB-41WH0 , and DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four
Horses' (CKS + LKC):
• DMG 11-16 'Finger Team of Four Horses':
i. Zhi3 Si4 Ma3 Er4 : This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
Ulnar Digit Line on the dorsal surface of the middle phalanx of the index finger. To
determine the midpoint of said line on the middle phalanx, simply bisect the
distance from the dorsal proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the dorsal distal
interphalangeal skin crease. Needle 0.1 to 0.2 cun. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}
ii. Zhi3 Si4 Ma3 Yi 1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Zhi 3 Si4 Ma3
Er4 to the dorsal proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of the Ulnar
Digit Line. Needle 0.1 to 0.2 cun. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Zhi3 Si4 Ma3 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Zhi 3 Si4
Ma3 Er4 to the dorsal distal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of the Ulnar
Digit Line. Needle 0.1 to 0.2 cun. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}
• GB-41WH0 : This point is located in the hollow just in front of (distal to) the union of the 4th
and 5th metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 units.
• DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses':
i. Si4 Ma3 Xia4 : This point is located 5.5 cun proximal to the superolateral angle of
the patella. Needle 1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
(To locate this point commence at the center of the superior edge of the patella,
course laterally 1.0 cun to arrive at the superolateral angle of the patella, and then
proceed proximally 5.5 cun to arrive at Si4 Ma3 Xia4 .)
ii. Si4 Ma3 Zhong1: This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Xia4 . Needle 1.0
to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
111. Si4 Ma3 Shang4: This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1• Needle
1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}

~~M3 Si4 Ma3 San 1

3 Si4 Ma3 Er4 3 1 1
Zhong /
Si4 Ma3 Yi1
GB-41WHO a 3 Xia4 ~

I {

DMG 11-16 'Finger Team of 4 Horses'

DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of 4 Horses'
Mammillitis (CKS)
(a.k.a. Thelitis)

1. Jian 1 Feng\ Shuang1 Lon~ Yi\ Shuang1 Long2 Er\ DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four
Horses', and DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles' (CKS):
• Jian 1 Feng1: This point is located on the Hand Yang 2 Ming2 Large Intestine Channel, on
the proximal brachium, 0.5 cun distal to LI-15WH0 . Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 0.8 cun or
from superior to inferior 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Long2 Yi 1: This point is located on the anterior aspect of the proximal leg, 1.5 cun
immediately distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee'. Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and
Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Long2 Er4: This point is located on the anterior aspect of the proximal leg, 0.6
cun immediately distal to Shuang 1 Long2 Yi 1• Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and
Liver Branch Reaction Areas} (Shuang 1 Long2 Er4 is, therefore, located 2.1 cun
immediately distal to the lateral eye of the knee.)
• DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses':
i. Si4 Ma3 Xia4 : This point is located 5.5 cun proximal to the superolateral angle of
the patella. Needle 1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
(To locate this point commence at the center of the superior edge of the patella,
course laterally 1.0 cun to arrive at the superolateral angle of the patella, and then
proceed proximally 5.5 cun to arrive at Si4 Ma3 Xia4 .)
ii. Si 4 Ma3 Zhong1: This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Xia4. Needle 1.0
to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Si4 Ma3 Shang4: This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1• Needle
1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
11. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4: This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}

2. 'Let' the Heart-Lung Region of the Back as well as in the region of DMG 77-02 'Four
Flowers Three Needles' (i.e. along the course of the Yang2 Min~ Stomach Channel on the
leg) (CKS):
• Heart-Lung Region:- These 10 points are found on the back as follows:
1. Midlevel of the T 3 spinous process - 2 finger widths laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
11. Level of the T:lf4 interspinous space- 1 finger width laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
iii. Midlevel of the T 4 spinous process- 2 finger widths laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
iv. Level of the T.JT5 interspinous space- 1 finger width laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
1.Midlevel of the Ts spinous process - 2 finger widths laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
• DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles':
i. Si4 Hua1 Shang4 : This point is located 3.0 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral (i.e. closely adherent) to the anterior tibial crest at the level of
ST-36WH0 . 'Let' with prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Lung Branch, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Si4 Hua1 Zhong1: This point is located 4.5 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Shang4 ; i.e. 7.5
cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Heart Branch, Lung
Branch, and Six Bowels Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Si4 Hua1 Xia4 : This point is located 5.0 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Zhong 1; i.e., 12.5 cun
distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Six Bowels Auxiliary,
Lung Auxiliary, and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of 4 Horses'


Heart-Lung Region
DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'
DMG 77-02 '4 Flowers 3 Needles'
Menopausal Syndrome (CKS)

1. DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow' and DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' (CKS):
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Mini Huani: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
11. Qi2 Huani: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huani: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang 2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huani: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
11. Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huani: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)

Tian 1

Tian Huang2

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'
DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'
Migraine - Climacteric (CKS)
1. DMG 88-07 'Ufper Three Yellow', DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors', Wan4 Shun4 Yi\
Wan4 Shun4 Er , and TB-SWH0 (CKS):
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
11. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming 2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian 1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming 2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian 1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WHo, on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
11. Ren2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6wHo. Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2.
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di 4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• Wan Shun4 Yi 1: This point is located 1.5 cun distal to the anterior distal transverse wrist

crease, anterior to the 5th metacarpal bone, at the junction of the 'red and white skin'.
Needle through to Ling2 Gu3 in this case. {Kidney Branch Reaction Area} (Ling2 Gu3 is
located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the
1st and 2nd metacarpal bones.)
• Wan4 Shun4 Er4: This point is located 2.5 cun distal to the anterior distal transverse wrist
crease, anterior to the 5th metacarpal bone, at the junction of the 'red and white skin'.
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney Branch Reaction Area}
• TB-5 WHO: This point lies 2.0 units above (proximal to) the transverse crease on the dorsal
surface of the wrist, between the ulna and radius. Needle through to connect with PC-6 WHo.
Migraine - Climacteric (CKS)

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Wan4 Shun4 Er4

Wan4 Shun4 Yi1

Palpitations- Climacteric (CKS)
1. DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow', DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors', DMG 11-15
'Gynecology Three Needles', Wan4 Shun4 Yi\ Wan 4 Shun4 Er4, DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit
Three Needles', Shui3 Xiang\ and Zhen4 Jing4 (CKS):
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Ming2 Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qe Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming 2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 • Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Wan4 Shun4 Yi 1 : This point is located 1.5 cun distal to the anterior distal transverse wrist
crease, anterior to the 5th metacarpal bone, at the junction of the 'red and white skin'.
Needle through to Ling2 Gu3 in this case. {Kidney Branch Reaction Area} (Ling2 Gu 3 is
located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the
1st and 2"d metacarpal bones.)
• Wan4 Shun4 Er4 : This point is located 2.5 cun distal to the anterior distal transverse wrist
crease, anterior to the 5th metacarpal bone, at the junction of the 'red and white skin'.
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney Branch Reaction Area}
• DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles':
i. Xin1 Ling2 Yi : This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 1.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
n. Xin 1 Linl( Er4 : This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 2.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Xin 1 Linl( San1: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 3.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
• Shui3 Xiang4: This point is located by coursing 0.5 cun distal to KI-3 WHO then 0.5 cun
posteriorly. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Branch and Brain Reaction Areas}
• Zhen4 Jing4 : This point is located 0.5 cun superior to a point midway between the two
eyebrows. Needle perpendicularly 0.1 to 0.2 cun or subcutaneously from superior to
in£ ·, ~.2 t~_ O cun. {Brain and Heart Reaction Areas}
. ·,
v_.--- c1··~

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3Yellow'
DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors' DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit 3 Needles'

Zhen4 Jing4
DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles' ~~~
'Stiff Neck' - Climacteric (CKS)

1. DMG 88-07 'Ufper Three Yellow', DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors', Wan 4 Shun4 Yi 1,
Wan4 Shun4 Er , and GB-34WH0 (CKS):
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qe Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang 2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian 1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming 2 Huang 2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian 1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huang2: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6wHo. Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
111. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang 2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• Wan Shun4 Yi 1: This point is located 1.5 cun distal to the anterior distal transverse wrist

crease, anterior to the 5th metacarpal bone, at the junction of the 'red and white skin'.
Needle through to Ling2 Gu3 in this case. {Kidney Branch Reaction Area} (Ling2 Gu3 is
located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the
1st and 2nd metacarpal bones.)
• Wan4 Shun4 Er4: This point is located 2.5 cun distal to the anterior distal transverse wrist
crease, anterior to the 5th metacarpal bone, at the junction of the 'red and white skin'.
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney Branch Reaction Area}
• GB-34WH0 : This point is located with the leg (lower extremity) bent at the knee, and is
located in the hollow anterior to and slightly below (distal to) the head of the fibula. Needle
1 to 3 units.
'Stift'Neck'. Climacteric (CKS)


. 2
H-i l
M mg

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Wan 4 Shun4 Er4

Wan4 Shun4 Yi1
Postmenopausal Osteoporosis of the Vertebral Column (CKS)
1. DMG 44-01 'Straight Spine Three Needles', DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow', DMG 77-12
'Lower Three Emperors', and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (CKS):
• DMG 44-01 'Straight Spine Three Needles':
i. Zheng4 Ji3 Yi 1: This point is located along the lateral supracondylar ridge of the
humerus, 2.0 cun proximal to the anterior transverse cubital crease. Needle
perpendicularly 0.5 to 1.0 cun or obliquely from distal to proximal 1.0 to 1.5 cun.
{Liver Auxili~, Heart Auxiliary, and Vertebral Reaction Areas}
ii. Zheng4 Ji 3 Er : This point is located along the lateral supracondylar ridge of the
humerus, 2.0 cun proximal to Zheng4 Ji 3 Yi 1; i.e., 4 cun proximal to the anterior
transverse cubital crease. Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 1.0 cun or obliquely from
distal to proximal 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Liver Auxiliary, Heart Auxiliary, and Vertebral
Reaction Areas}
iii. Zheng4 Ji3 San1: This point is located along the lateral supracondylar ridge of the
humerus, 2.0 cun proximal to Zheng4 1e Er4 ; i.e., 6 cun proximal to the anterior
transverse cubital crease. Needle perpendicularly 0.5 to 1.0 cun or obliquely from
distal to proximal 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Liver Auxiliary, Heart Auxiliary, and Vertebral
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Ming2 Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
u. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming 2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 • Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren 2 Huang2•
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 44-01 'Straight Spine 3 Needles'

'1 ~
----"!' ------

··---------·· l '

I j

Tian Huang2


Qi2 ang2
DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'
DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'
MentaVEmotional Concomitants of Menopause (CKS)
1. Zhen4 Jing4, Wan4 Shun4 Er4, DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles', and Shui3 Xiang4
• Zhen4 Jing4 : This point is located 0.5 cun superior to a point midway between the two
eyebrows. Needle perpendicularly 0.1 to 0.2 cun or subcutaneously from superior to
inferior 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Brain and Heart Reaction Areas}
• Wan4 Shun4 Er4: This point is located 2.5 cun distal to the anterior distal transverse wrist
crease, anterior to the 5th metacarpal bone, at the junction of the 'red and white skin'.
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney Branch Reaction Area}
• DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles':
i. Xin 1 Ling2 Yi : This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 1.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
ii. Xin 1 Lin~ Er4: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 2.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Xin 1 Lin~ San 1: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 3.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
• Shui3 Xiang4 : This point is located by coursing 0.5 cun distal to KI-3 WHO then 0.5 cun
posteriorly. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Branch and Brain Reaction Areas}

Zhen4 Jing4

~~~ -

DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit 3 Needles'

Abdominal Mass - Palpable: Colon CA (HPC)
1. DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes', Si4 Ma3 Zhong1, and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three
Needles' (Ho's): -treat daily (HPC):
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
i. Wai4 San1 Goan 1 Er4: This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of
the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
ii. Wai 4 San1 Goan1 Yi 1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of the lateral malleolus. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
m. Wai4 San1 Goan1 San1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula. Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
• Si Ma3 Zhong1: This point is located by placing the palms of the hands (elbows fully

extended) on the lateral thighs while standing erect. From where the tps of the middle
fingers touch the thighs, proceed 3.0 cun anteriorly to arrive at Si4 Ma Zhong 1• Needle
(bilaterally) 0.8 to 2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's):
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Ho's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
n. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction

iii. ;;:~a~ei4 San 1

(Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun '))\ "\)~~ _
immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle ~
1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch ,\ \ _
t. J

\ \ 1.

• lt

• l
Ton S~ 1

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

DMG 77:06 'Lateral3 Passes'
Abdominal Mass -Palpable: Uterine Leiomyoma (HPC)
1. DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes' and Yun2 Bai2 - treat daily and within two weeks one
should note a clear improvement in the clinical picture; continue until the hysteromyoma is
completely resolved (HPC):
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
i. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of
the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
ii. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of the lateral malleolus. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
iii. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 San1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula. Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
• Yun Bai2 : This point is found 2 cun obliquely anterior and distal to Bei 1 Mian4 • Needle 0.3

to 0.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Branch Reaction Areas} (Bei 1 Mian4 is found
in the large depression immediately lateral (distal) to the acromion process of the scapula
when the arm is abducted to 90°.)

DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes'

Abdominal Mass -Palpable: Ovarian CA (HPC)
1. DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes' and Fu4 Ke 1 - treat daily until the clinical picture
improves (HPC):
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
1. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of
the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
n. Wai 4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of the lateral malleolus. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
iii. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 San1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula. Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit
(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun - Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf. {Uterine Reaction Area}

DMG 77-06 'Latera13 Passes'

Abdominal Mass - Palpable: Ovarian Cyst (HPC)
1. DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes', Fu4 Ke\ and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles'
(Ho's)- treat daily and within two weeks small cysts should be resolved; large cysts require
longer treatment (HPC):
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
1. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of
the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
11. Wai4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1 : This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of the lateral malleolus. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
iii. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 San1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula. Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit
(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun -Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFT. {Uterine Reaction Area}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's):
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1 (Ho's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
11. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3
Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
_,__..,........,, Ar as}
""!L Jje Mei4 San1 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
·-- Mei Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
· Area }
San 1

Tong Sh~Jn 1

'""" '·
DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes'
l \
DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'
Acne (HPC)
1. DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses' (Hu's), Qi 1 Li3, Shen4 Guan\ and Huo3 Ying4 -
treat twice per week (HPC):
• DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses' (Hu's):
i. Si4 Ma3 Shang4 : This point is located 2 cun immediately
proximal to Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1• Needle (bilaterally) 0.8 to
2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction
Areas} (Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1 is located by placing the palms
of the hands (elbows fully extended) on the lateral thighs
while standing erect. From where the tips of the middle
fingers touch the thighs, proceed 3.0 cun anteriorly to
arrive at Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1)
ii. Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1: This point is located by placing the •I
ph~lmhs ~he
ofhit?e handds. (elbows fuFlly extehnded)hon lafterhal , \\
t 1g s w 1e stan mg erect. rom w ere t e tips o t e ' \;
middle fingers touch the thighs, proceed 3.0 cun ~~ j \
(! \ \'
anteriorly to arrive at Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1• Needle
(bilaterally) 0.8 to 2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver
Branch Reaction Areas}
~\ __
4 3 4
iii. Si Ma Xia : This point is located 2 cun immediately distal to Si Ma3 Zhong 1•

Needle (bilaterally) 0.8 to 2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver

Branch Reaction Areas} (Si 4 Ma3 Zhong 1 is located by
placing the palms of the hands (elbows fully extended) on the
lateral thighs while standing erect. From where the tips of the
middle fingers touch the thighs, proceed 3.0 cun anteriorly to
arrive at Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1)
• Qi Le: This point is found along the coronal plane of the lateral
thigh, 7 cun proximal to the transverse popliteal crease. Needle 0.8
to 1.0 cun, Dr. Hu recommends retaining the needle for 30 minutes.
{Lung Branch Reaction Area}
• Shen4 Guan 1: This point lies 1.5 cun immediately distal to Tian 1
Huang2 . Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. (Tian 1 Huang2 is located in the depression
found immediately distal to the medial tibial condyle, and lies 2.5 cun
distal to the articular surface of the medial tibial condyle.) {Six Bowels
Reaction Area}
• Huo3 Yinp4 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot between the
1st and 2° metatarsal bones, 0.5 cun proximal to the metatarsophalangeal
joints. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. NEEDLE AND MOXA
Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

2. 'Let' in the affected area to release the accumulated/trapped blood and pus -
treat twice per week (HPC):
Anemia (CKS-1)

1. Moxa Huo3 Fu3 Hai3 and ST-36wuo, then needle Tu3 Chang1 Yi 1 and Tu3 Chang1 Er4 (CKS):
• Huo3 Fu3 Hai3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the antebrachium between the ulna
and radius bones, 2.5 cun distal to the level of the transverse cubital crease - locate the
point with the palm of the hand placed on the chest; Moxa in this case. {Lung Branch and
Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is located 0.5 cun distal, then 0.5 cun medial
(i.e. ulnar) to LI-10WH0 .)
• ST-36wu0 : This point is located on the lower leg, 3 units below (distal to) the lateral 'eye'
of the knee, approximately 1 finger width lateral to the tibia.
• Tu3 Chang1 Yi 1: This point is located 2.0 cun medial to Tong 1 Shen4 . Needle 1.5 to 2.0
cun. {Spleen, Liver, and Gallbladder Reaction Areas} (Tong 1Shen4 is located in the
depression found immediately proximal and medial to the superomedial angle of the
patella. To locate the point, draw a transverse line tangent to the superior margin of the
patella and a vertical line tangent to the medial margin of the patella - where the two lines
intersect is the location of the point.)
• Tu3 Chang1 Er4: This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Tu3 Chang 1 Yi 1• Needle 1.5 to
2.0 cun. {Spleen, Liver, and Gallbladder Reaction Areas}

(Note: Patient should supplement with Iron, Vitamin B12, and Folic Acid)


--I'u3 Chang1 Er4 •

-Tu3 Chang1 Yi 1
Anemia (CKS-2)
[2° to Menstruation]

1. In cases where the anemia is menstrual, needle Shui3 Jin 1, Shui3 Tong\ Shen2 Er3 Shang4,
Shen2 Er3 Zhong\ Tu3 Chang1 Yi\ and Tu3 Chang1 Er4 (CKS):
• Shui3 Jin 1: This point is located 0.5 cun obliquely medial to Shui 3 Tong 1• Needle
perpendicularly 0.2 to 0.3 cun or obliquely from medial to lateral up to 0.5 cun. {Kidney
Reaction Area} (To locate this point, proceed to a point 0.5 cun medial to Shui3 Tong 1 and
0.5 cun directly inferior to the extraorallabial-cutaneous junction of the inferior lip.)
• Shui3 Tong1: This point is located 0.5 cun directly inferior to the extraorallabial-cutaneous
junction at the corner of the mouth. Needle perpendicularly 0.2 to 0.3 cun or obliquely from
medial to lateral up to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• Shen2 Er3 Shang4 : This point is located at the level of the superior extremity of the 'groove
for lowering blood pressure'; the medial-lateral location is l/3rd the distance from the
attachment of the auricle on the skull to the margin of the helix. Needle obliquely from
superior to inferior 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Lung and Liver Reaction Areas}
• Shen2 Er3 Zhong1: This point is located 0.2 cun medial to the center of the dorsal surface
of the auricle. Needle obliquely from superior to inferior 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Lung and Liver
Reaction Areas}
• Tu3 Chang1 Yi 1: This point is located 2.0 cun medial to Tong 1 Shen4 • Needle 1.5 to 2.0
cun. {Spleen, Liver, and Gallbladder Reaction Areas} (Tong 1Shen4 is located in the
depression found immediately proximal and medial to the superomedial angle of the
patella. To locate the point, draw a transverse line tangent to the superior margin of the
patella and a vertical line tangent to the medial margin of the patella - where the two lines
intersect is the location of the point.)
• Tu3 Chang1 Er4: This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Tu3 Chang 1 Yi 1• Needle 1.5 to
2.0 cun. {Spleen, Liver, and Gallbladder Reaction Areas}

(Note: Patient should supplement with Iron, Vitamin B12, and Folic Acid)

Tu3 Chang1 Er4 •

Tu3 Chang1 Yi 1
Anemia (HSH-1)
[Note: Patient should supplement with Iron, Vitamin B12, and Folic Acid]
[Needles should not be retained for more than 30 minutes.]

1. Huo3 Fu3 Hai3, DMG 88-06 'Thigh Spleen Three Needles', DMG 99-01 'Spirit Ear Three
Needles', Shue Jin\ and Shue Tong1 - these points 'Regulate' and 'Supplement' the body
• Huo3 Fu3 Hai3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the antebrachium between the ulna
and radius bones, 2.5 cun distal to the level of the transverse cubital crease - locate the
point with the palm of the hand placed on the chest; Moxa in this case. {Lung Branch and
Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is located 0.5 cun distal, then 0.5 cun medial
(i.e. ulnar) to LI-10WH0 .) NOTE: Needle 10 minutes then Moxa the point.
• DMG 88-06 'Thigh Spleen Three Needles':
i. Tu3 Chang1 Yi 1: This point is located 2.0 cun medial to Tong 1 Shen4. Needle 1.5 to
2.0 cun. {Spleen, Liver, and Gallbladder Reaction Areas} (Tong 1Shen4 is located in
the depression found immediately proximal and medial to the superomedial angle of
the patella. To locate the point, draw a transverse line tangent to the superior margin
of the patella and a vertical line tangent to the medial margin of the patella - where
the two lines intersect is the location of the point.)
ii. Tu3 Chang1 Er4 : This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Tu3 Chang 1 Yi 1• Needle
1.5 to 2.0 cun. {Spleen, Liver, and Gallbladder Reaction Areas}
iii. Tu3 Chang1 San :This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Tu3 Chang 1 Er4 • Needle
1.5 to 2.0 cun. {Spleen, Liver, and Gallbladder Reaction Areas}
iv. Tu3 Chang1 Si4 : This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Tu 3 Chang 1 San 1• Needle
1.5 to 2.0 cun. {Spleen, Liver, and Gallbladder Reaction Areas}
v. Tu3 Chang1 Wu :This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Tu3 Chang 1 Si4 . Needle
1.5 to 2.0 cun. {Spleen, Liver, and Gallbladder Reaction Areas}
NOTE: Choose three out of the five to apply the Dao3 Ma3 Needling Technique.
• DMG 99-01 'Spirit Ear Three Needles':
i. Shen2 Er3 Shang4 : This point is located at the level of the superior extremity of the
'groove for lowering blood pressure'; the medial-lateral location is 1/3rd the distance
from the attachment of the auricle on the skull to the margin of the helix. Needle
obliquely from superior to inferior 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Lung and Liver Reaction Areas}
ii. Shen2 Er3 Zhong1: This point is located 0.2 cun medial to the center of the dorsal
surface of the auricle. Needle obliquely from superior to inferior 0.1 to 0.3 cun.
{Lun§ and Liver Reaction Areas}
iii. Shen Er3 Xia4: This point is located at the level of the inferior extremity of the
'groove for lowering blood pressure'; the medial-lateral location is 1/3rd the distance
from the attachment of the auricle on the skull to the margin of the helix. Needle
obliquely from superior to inferior 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Lung and Liver Reaction Areas}
• Shui3 Jin1: This point is located 0.5 cun obliquely medial to Shui 3 Tong 1• Needle
perpendicularly 0.2 to 0.3 cun or obliquely from medial to lateral up to 0.5 cun. {Kidney
Reaction Area} (To locate this point, proceed to a point 0.5 cun medial to Shui3 Tong 1 and
0.5 cun directly inferior to the extraorallabial-cutaneous junction of the inferior lip.)
• Shui3 Tong1: This point is located 0.5 cun directly inferior to the extraorallabial-cutaneous
junction at the corner of the mouth. Needle perpendicularly 0.2 to 0.3 cun or obliquely from
medial to lateral up to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
Anemia (HSH-1)


DMG 88-06 'Thigh Spleen 3 Needles'

DMG 99-01 'Spirit Ear 3 Needles'

Anemia (HSH-2)
[Note: Patient should supplement with Iron, Vitamin B 12, and Folic Acid]
[Needles should not be retained for more than 30 minutes.]

1. DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow' and Tian 1 Huanlf - these points 'Correct Liver Kidney
Function' (HSH):
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Mini( Huanl(: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii.Qe Huanl(: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huanl(: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• Tian1 Huanl(: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect of the
proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of the
gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart Branch
Reaction Areas}

Tian Huang2

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

Anemia (HSH-3)
[Note: Patient should supplement with Iron, Vitamin B12, and Folic Acid]
[Needles should not be retained for more than 30 minutes.]

1. DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles' - stimulate the Stomach to absorb nutrients
• DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles':
i. Si 4 Hua1 Shang4 : This point is located 3 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral (i.e. closely adherent) to the anterior tibial crest at the level of
ST-36WH0 . 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Lung Branch, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Si4 Hua1 Zhong1: This point is located 4.5 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Shang4 ; i.e., 7.5
cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Heart Branch, Lung
Branch, and Six Bowels Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Si4 Hua1 Xia4 : This point is located 5.0 cun distal to Si4 Hua1 Zhong 1; i.e., 12.5 cun
distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Six Bowels
Auxiliary, Lung Auxiliary, and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}


I ' •
Si4 Hua 1 Sh n~4

DMG 77-02 '4 Flowers 3 Needles'

Anorgasmia (CKS)
[Kidney-Yang2 Vacuity]

1. Moxa CV-4WH0 and CV-3 WHO (CKS):

• CV-4WH0 : This point is located 3 units directly below (inferior
to) the navel.
• CV-3 WHO: This point is located 4 units directly below (inferior
to) the navel.

2. Needle, then apply moxa to needles at DMG 77-12 'Lower Three
Emperors' (CKS):

• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian 1 Huang2 : This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-
9WHO, on the medial aspect of the proximal leg, between
the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of the
gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney,
Six Bowels, and Heart Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren 2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the
medial malleolus on the Foot Tai 4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 .
Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun. CONTRAINDICATED IN
PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately
proximal to Ren2 Huang2 • Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney
Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun proximal
to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the
medial malleolus.)

3. DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This':

• DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This':
1. Qi2 Men2 : This point is located on the dorsum
of the distal antebrachium, 1.0 cun lateral (i.e., --
radial) to TB-5WH0 . Needle obliquely 15° from
lateral to medial (i.e., radial to ulnar) 1.5 cun.
{Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
(TB-5WH0 is located 2 units above (proximal to)
the transverse crease on the dorsal surface of the
wrist, between the ulna and radius.)
ii. Qi2 Jiao3 : This point is located on the dorsum
of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun proximal to
Qe Men2 . Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to
medial (i.e., radial to ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung
Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
iii. Qi2 Zheng4 : This point is located on the dorsum
of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun proximal to
Qi2 Jiao3 . Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to
medial (i.e., radial to ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
Anorgasmia (LCH)
1. 33-10 'Hold Three This'- should see results within 5 or 6 treatments (LCH):
• 33-10 'Hold Three This':
1. Qe Men2 : This point is located along the lateral border of the radius bone, 2.0 cun
proximal to the distal transverse wrist crease. Needle obliquely from lateral to
medial (i.e., radial to ulnar) parallel to the skin 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch
Reaction Area} (This point is on the Hand Yang2-Ming2 Large Intestine Channel2.0
cun proximal to the distal transverse wrist crease.)
ii. Qi2 Jiao3 : This point is located along the lateral border of the radius bone, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Men2 • Needle obliquely from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to ulnar)
parallel to the skin 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch Reaction Area} (This point is on
the Hand Yang2-Ming2 Large Intestine Channel 4.0 cun proximal to the distal
transverse wrist crease.)
iii. Qi2 Zheng4 : This point is located along the lateral border of the radius bone, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Jiao 3 • Needle obliquely from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to ulnar)
parallel to the skin 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch Reaction Area} (This point is on
the Hand Yang2-Ming2 Large Intestine Channel 6.0 cun proximal to the distal
transverse wrist crease.)

33-10 'Hold 3 This'

Bromidrosis (HPC)
1. Tong 1 Shen4, Tong1 Wei 4, Tian 1 Huan~, Di4 Huan~, Tong1 Guan\ and Tong 1 Shan 1 -treat
every other day until resolved (HPC):
• Tong 1 Shen4 : This point is located in the depression found at the superomedial angle of the
patella. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• Tong 1 Wei 4 : This point is located 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4 • Needle
0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Tong 1 Shen4 is located in the depression found at
the superomedial angle of the patella)
• Tian 1 Huan~: This point is found in the depression immediately distal to the medial tibial
condyle, and lies 2.5 cun distal to the articular surface of the medial tibial condyle. Needle
0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart Branch Reaction Areas}
• Di4 Huan~: This point is located 7 cun proximal to the medial malleolus along the medial
border of the tibia. Needle inferior to superior at a 45° angle 1.0 to 1.8 cun.
• Tong 1 Guan 1: This point is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior
thigh, 5 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun.
{General Heart Reaction Area}
• Tong 1 Shan 1: This point is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior
thigh, 2 cun proximal to Tong 1 Guan 1; i.e., 7 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge
of the patella. Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {General Heart Reaction Area}

\ I

I 1 Shan 1

Emaciation (HPC)
[2° to Abnormally Elevated Basal Metabolic Rate]

1. Ming2 Huang2, Qi2 Huan~, Huo3 Zhi1, ST-36WH0 , and Gan1 Men2 (HPC):
• Min~ Huan~: This point is located in the exact center of the coronal plane on the medial
aspect of the thigh. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {General Liver and General Heart Reaction
Areas; shallow needling accesses the Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Area, mid-level needling
accesses the Liver Reaction Area, and deep needling accesses the Heart Reaction Area}
• Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3 cun immediately distal to Ming2 Huang2• Needle 1.5 to
2.0 cun. {General Gallbladder, Heart Branch and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Huo3 Zhi1: This point lies 1.5 cun immediately proximal to Qi2 Huang2; i.e., the point lies
midway between Ming2 Huang2 and Qi2 Huang2 . Needle 1.5 to 2.0 cun. {Liver,
Gallbladder, and Heart Branch Reaction Areas} (Ming2 Huang2 is located in the exact
center of the coronal plane on the medial aspect of the thigh and Qi 2 Huang2 is located 3
cun immediately distal to Ming2 Huang2)
• ST -36WH0 : On the lower leg, 3 units below (distal to) the lateral 'eye' of the knee,
approximately 1 finger width lateral to the tibia. Needle 1 to 2 units.
• Gan 1 Men2 : This point is found on the Hand Tai4 Yang2 Small Intestine Channel, 6 cun
proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease (6 cun proximal to the level of the
most proximal aspect of the pisiform bone) in the groove between the ulna bone and the
flexor carpi ulnaris muscle. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Liver Branch Reaction Area} (Place the
patient's palm on the epigastrium when locating the point.)

Emaciation (HPC)
[2° to Disease Entity]

1. Ming2 Huang2, Qi2 Huang2, Gan 1 Men2, ST-36wu0 , and LI-4WHO (HPC):
• Min~ Huan~: This point is located in the exact center of the coronal plane on the medial
aspect of the thigh. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {General Liver and General Heart Reaction
Areas; shallow needling accesses the Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Area, mid-level needling
accesses the Liver Reaction Area, and deep needling accesses the Heart Reaction Area}
• Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3 cun immediately distal to Ming2 Huang 2. Needle 1.5 to
2.0 cun. {General Gallbladder, Heart Branch and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Gan 1 Men2 : This point is found on the Hand Tai4 Yang2 Small Intestine Channel, 6 cun
proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease (6 cun proximal to the level of the
most proximal aspect of the pisiform bone) in the groove between the ulna bone and the
flexor carpi ulnaris muscle. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Liver Branch Reaction Area} (Place the
patient's palm on the epigastrium when locating the point.)
• ST-36WH0 : On the lower leg, 3 units below (distal to) the lateral 'eye' of the knee,
approximately 1 finger width lateral to the tibia. Needle 1 to 2 units.
• LI-4WH0 : With the thumb and index finger extended and stretched apart, this point can be
found slightly to the index finger side of the area between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones.
Needle straight insertion, 0.5 to 1.0 unit. NEEDLING THIS POINT ON PREGNANT

Ming2 uang2 /

Endometriosis (HPC)
1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Hu's) and Fu4 Ke1 (HPC):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Hu's)
1. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 (Hu's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
iii. Jie3 Mei4 San1 (Hu's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
• Fu Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit

(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun -Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf. {Uterine Reaction Area}

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Enlarged Pores (CKS)
1. DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow', DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors', LI-4w80 , and LI-
11 WHO- retain needles for 20 to 30 minutes (CKS):
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Ming2 Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming 2 Huang 2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
n. Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai 4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 • Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
m. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang 2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• LI-4WH0 : With the thumb and index finger extended and stretched apart, this point can be
found slightly to the index finger side of the area between the 1st and 2"d metacarpal bones.
Needle straight insertion, 0.5 to 1.0 unit. NEEDLING THIS POINT ON PREGNANT
• LI-11 WHO: With the arm flexed at the elbow, this point can be found midway between the
end of the transverse crease of the elbow and the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. Needle
1.5 to 2.5 units toward hand.

2. Needle the affected pores with a 36 gauge, half inch needle. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun (CKS).
Enlarged Pores (CKS)

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

Erythema Nodosum (HPC)
1. Si4 Ma3 Zhong1, Si4 Ma3 Shang\ Qi1 Li\ and Zhong1 Jiu3 Li3 - treat thrice per week and
within two weeks there should be a marked improvement in the clinical picture (HPC):
• Si4 Ma3 Zhong1: This point is located by placing the palms of the hands (elbows fully
extended) on the lateral thighs while standing erect. From where the tips of the middle
fingers touch the thighs, proceed 3.0 cun anteriorly to arrive at Si4 Ma Zhong 1• Needle
(bilaterally) 0.8 to 2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Si4 Ma3 Shang4 : This point is located 2 cun immediately proximal to Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1•
Needle (bilaterally) 0.8 to 2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas} (Si 4
Ma3 Zhong 1 is located by placing the palms of the hands (elbows fully extended) on the
lateral thighs while standing erect. From where the tips of the middle fingers touch the
thighs, proceed 3.0 cun anteriorly to arrive at Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1)
• Qi 1 Le: This point is found along the coronal plane of the lateral thigh, 7 cun proximal to
the transverse popliteal crease. Needle 0.8 to 1.0 cun, Dr. Hu recommends retaining the
needle for 30 minutes. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}
• Zhong1 Jiu3 Li3 : This point is located in the center of the midline (coronal plane) of the
lateral thigh, 9 cun proximal to the transverse popliteal crease). Needle 0.8 to 1.5 cun.
{Lung Branch and Limb Resiliency Reaction Areas}

2. Lightly 'let' over the nodules to release the 'Malign Blood' (HPC):
Erythema: Palmar - 2° to Liver pathology (HPC)
1. DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow' and Si4 Ma3 Zhong1 (HPC):
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Minlf Huanlf: This point is located in the exact center of the coronal plane on the
medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {General Liver and General Heart
Reaction Areas; shallow needling accesses the Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Area,
mid-level needling accesses the Liver Reaction Area, and deep needling accesses
the Heart Reaction Area}
ii. Qi2 Huanlf: This point is located 3 cun immediately distal to Ming 2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.5 to 2.0 cun. {General Gallbladder, Heart Branch and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huanlf: This point is located 3 cun immediately proximal to Ming 2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {General Liver and General Heart Reaction Areas; shallow
needling accesses the Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Area, mid-level needling accesses
the Liver Reaction Area, and deep needling accesses the Heart Reaction Area}
• Si Ma3 Zhong1: This point is located by placing the palms of the hands (elbows fully
extended) on the lateral thighs while standing erect. From where the tps of the middle
fingers touch the thighs, proceed 3.0 cun anteriorly to arrive at Si4 Ma Zhong 1• Needle
(bilaterally) 0.8 to 2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}

~ 1
I ;

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

Female 'Kidney-Depletion' (LKC-1)
1. DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (LKC):
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 • Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
m. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di 4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

Tian 1

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Female 'Kidney-Depletion' (LKC-2)
1. Shen4 Guan\ Shue Jin\ Shui3 Tong\ and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (LKC):
• Shen4 Guan 1: This point is located 1.5 cun distal to Tian 1 Huang2 on the medial side of the
proximal leg. Needle 0.5 to 2.0 cun. {Six Bowel Reaction Area} (Tian 1 Huang2 is located
1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect of the proximal leg, between the medial
border of the tibia and the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle, ergo, Shen4 Guan 1 is
located 2.5 cun distal to Sp-9WHO)
• Shui3 Jin 1: This point is located 0.5 cun obliquely medial to Shui 3 Tong 1• Needle
perpendicularly 0.2 to 0.3 cun or obliquely from medial to lateral up to 0.5 cun. {Kidney
Reaction Area} (To locate this point, proceed to a point 0.5 cun medial to Shui3 Tong 1 and
0.5 cun directly inferior to the extraorallabial-cutaneous junction of the inferior lip.)
• Shui3 Tong1: This point is located 0.5 cun directly inferior to the extraorallabial-cutaneous
junction at the corner of the mouth. Needle perpendicularly 0.2 to 0.3 cun or obliquely from
medial to lateral up to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

r\ )

! '{

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Frigidity (CKS)
(Combine acupuncture with psychotherapy to address any underlying psychological components)

1. DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow', DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', and DMG 33-10
'Hold Three This' (CKS):
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This':
i. Qi2 Men2 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 1.0 cun
lateral (i.e., radial) to TB-5WH0 . Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e.,
radial to ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas} (TB-5WH0
is located 2 units above (proximal to) the transverse crease on the dorsal surface of
the wrist, between the ulna and radius.)
ii. Qi2 Jiao3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi 2 Men2 • Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
iii. Qi2 Zheng4: This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Jiao3 • Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
Frigidity (CKS)

' \;r---

Tian H~

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow' DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 33-10 'Hold 3 This'

Frigidity (LCH)

1. 33-10 'Hold Three This' (LCH):

• 33-10 'Hold Three This':
i. Qi2 Men 2 : This point is located along the lateral border of the radius bone, 2.0 cun
proximal to the distal transverse wrist crease. Needle obliquely from lateral to
medial (i.e., radial to ulnar) parallel to the skin 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch
Reaction Area} (This point is on the Hand Yang2-Ming2 Large Intestine Channel 2.0
cun proximal to the distal transverse wrist crease.)
ii. Qi2 Jiao3 : This point is located along the lateral border of the radius bone, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Men2 . Needle obliquely from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to ulnar)
parallel to the skin 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch Reaction Area} (This point is on
the Hand Yang2-Ming2 Large Intestine Channel 4.0 cun proximal to the distal
transverse wrist crease.)
iii. Qi2 Zheng4 : This point is located along the lateral border of the radius bone, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Jiao3 • Needle obliquely from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to ulnar)
parallel to the skin 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Lung Branch Reaction Area} (This point is on
the Hand Yang2-Ming2 Large Intestine Channel 6.0 cun proximal to the distal
transverse wrist crease.)

33-10 'Hold 3 This'

Frigidity (LKC)
1. DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This' (LKC):
• DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This':
i. Qi2 Men 2 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 1.0 cun
lateral (i.e., radial) to TB-5WH0 . Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e.,
radial to ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas} (TB-5WH0
is located 2 units above (proximal to) the transverse crease on the dorsal surface of
the wrist, between the ulna and radius.)
n. Qi2 Jiao3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Men2 • Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
iii. Qi2 Zheng4 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Jiao3 . Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}


DMG 33-10 'Hold 3 This'

Furunculosis: Facial (HPC)

1. Fen 1 Zhi 1 Shang4, Fen 1 Zhi 1 Xia\ Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1, and LI-4WH0 - treat daily (HPC):
• Fen 1 Zhi 1 Shang4 : This point is located inferior to the 'fork' formed between the axillary
border of the scapula and the humerus. It lies in proximity to the posterior axillary fold
directly inferior to the posterior aspect of the acromion process, 1.0 cun inferior to the most
caudal aspect of the glenohumeral articulation. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Endocrine Reaction
• Fen 1 Zhi 1 Xia4 : This point lies 1.5 cun inferior, then 0.5 cun medial, to Fen 1 Zhi 1 Shang4 .
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Endocrine, Lung Branch, and Breast Reaction Areas}
• Si4 Ma3 Zhong1: This point is located by placing the palms of the hands (elbows fully
extended) on the lateral thighs while standing erect. From where the tips of the middle
fingers touch the thighs, proceed 3.0 cun anteriorly to arrive at Si4 Ma Zhong 1• Needle
(bilaterally) 0.8 to 2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• LI-4WH0 : With the thumb and index finger extended and stretched apart, this point can be
found slightly to the index finger side of the area between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones.
Needle straight insertion, 0.5 to 1.0 unit. NEEDliNG THIS POINT ON PREGNANT

2. Lightly 'let' in the area surrounding the furuncle to reduce the inflammation and pain
Hemangioma (HPC)
1. Si 4 Ma3 Shang4, Si4 Ma3 Zhong1, and Qi1 Le (HPC):
• Si4 Ma3 Zhong1: This point is located by placing the palms of the hands (elbows fully
extended) on the lateral thighs while standing erect. From where the tps of the middle
fingers touch the thighs, proceed 3.0 cun anteriorly to arrive at Si Ma Zhong 1• Needle

(bilaterally) 0.8 to 2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Si4 Ma3 Shang4 : This point is located 2 cun immediately proximal to Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1•
Needle (bilaterally) 0.8 to 2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas} (Si 4
Ma3 Zhong 1 is located by placing the palms of the hands (elbows fully extended) on the
lateral thighs while standing erect. From where the tips of the middle fingers touch the
thighs, proceed 3.0 cun anteriorly to arrive at Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1)
• Qi 1 Le: This point is found along the coronal plane of the lateral thigh, 7 cun proximal to
the transverse palatial crease. Needle 0.8 to 1.0 cun, Dr. Hu recommends retaining the
needle for 30 minutes. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}

2. Lightly 'let' over the hemangioma (HPC):

l.·I Qil L

~l~ r-7
Hydroa (HPC)

1. DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow', Si4 Ma3 Shang4, Si4 Ma3 Zhong\ and Qi 1 Li3 - one should
note a decrease in bullae/vesicles after three or four treatments, and after one week the
symptoms should be markedly improved (HPC):
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Minlf Huanlf: This point is located in the
exact center of the coronal plane on the
medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 1.5 to 2.5
cun. {General Liver and General Heart
Reaction Areas; shallow needling accesses the
Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Area, mid-level
needling accesses the Liver Reaction Area,
and deep needling accesses the Heart Reaction
n. Qf Huanlf: This point is located 3 cun
immediately distal to Ming2 Huang2• Needle
1.5 to 2.0 cun. {General Gallbladder, Heart
Branch and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
m. Tian 1 Huanlf: This point is located 3 cun
immediately proximal to Ming 2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {General Liver and
General Heart Reaction Areas; shallow
needling accesses the Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Area, mid-level needling accesses
the Liver Reaction Area, and deep needling
accesses the Heart Reaction Area}
• Si Ma Shang4 : This point is located 2 cun immediately
4 3

proximal to Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1. Needle (bilaterally) 0.8 to

2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction
Areas} (Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1 is located by placing the palms
of the hands (elbows fully extended) on the lateral thighs
while standing erect. From where the tips of the middle
fingers touch the thighs, proceed 3.0 cun anteriorly to
arrive at Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1)
• Si4 Ma3 Zhong1: This point is located by placing the
palms of the hands (elbows fully extended) on the lateral
thighs while standing erect. From where the tips of the
middle fingers touch the thighs, proceed 3.0 cun
anteriorly to arrive at Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1• Needle
(bilaterally) 0.8 to 2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver
Branch Reaction Areas}
• Qi 1 Li3 : This point is found along the coronal plane of
the lateral thigh, 7 cun proximal to the transverse
popliteal crease. Needle 0.8 to 1.0 cun, Dr. Hu
recommends retaining the needle for 30 minutes. {Lung
Branch Reaction Area}

2. 'Let' the bullae/vesicles to drain off the fluid (HPC).

Insomnia (HSH)
1. DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles' and Zhen4 Jing4 (HSH):
• DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles':
i. Xin 1 Ling2 Yi : This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 1.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
ii. Xin 1 Lin~ Er4 : This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 2.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Xin 1 Lin~ San 1: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 3.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
• Zhen Jing4 : This point is located 0.5 cun superior to a point midway between the two
eyebrows. Needle perpendicularly 0.1 to 0.2 cun or subcutaneously from superior to
inferior 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Brain and Heart Reaction Areas}

DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit 3 Needles'

Lentigines (CKS)
(Cosmetics induced lentigo)

1. DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow', DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors', and DMG 1111-02
'Three Branches Three Needles' (CKS):
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WHo, on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
u. Ren2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 • Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• DMG 1111-02 'Three Branches Three Needles':
1. Fen 1 Zhi 1 Shang4: This point is located inferior to the 'fork' formed between the
axillary border of the scapula and the humerus. It lies in proximity to the posterior
axillary fold, directly inferior to the posterior aspect of the acromion process, 1 cun
inferior to the most caudal aspect of the glenohumeral articulation. Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Endocrine and Liver Reaction Areas}
ii. Fen1 Zhi1 Xia4 : This point is located 1.5 cun immediately inferior to Fen 1 Zhi 1
Shang4 • Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Endocrine, Lung Branch, and Breast Reaction
iii. Fen1 Zhi1 Zhong1: This point is located 0.6 cun immediately medial to Fen 1 Zhi 1
Xia4 . Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Endocrine, Lung Branch, and Breast Reaction Areas}

2. 'Let' the 'Occipital Region' and in the region of DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles'
(i.e. along the course of the Yang2 Ming2 Stomach Channel on the leg) (CKS):
• 'Occipital Region': The 'Occipital Region' is located on the posterior aspect of the distal
thigh and proximal leg.
• DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles':
i. Si4 Hua1 Shang4 : This point is located 3 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral (i.e. closely adherent) to the anterior tibial crest at the level of
ST-36WH0 . 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Lung Branch, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Si4 Hua1 Zhong 1: This point is located 4.5 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Shang4 ; i.e., 7.5
cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Heart Branch, Lung
Branch, and Six Bowels Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Si4 Hua1 Xia4 : This point is located 5.0 cun distal to Si4 Hua1 Zhong 1; i.e., 12.5 cun
distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Six Bowels
Auxiliary, Lung Auxiliary, and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

~~ ..

' )

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

Occipital Region

x.-·'li'L.R Sha!g4 •

i' Zh\og' 0~Feo'

DMG 1111-02 '3 Branches 3 Needles'

DMG 77-02 '4 Flowers 3 Needles'

Lentigines (HPC-1)
('Liver Spots')

1. Si4 Ma3 Zhong\ Si4 Ma3 Shang4, Qi 1 Li3, and Zhong1 Jiu 3 Li3• Also, lightly 'let' in the affected
area - treat twice per week and within three weeks there should be a clear improvement
• Si4 Ma3 Zhong1: This point is located by placing the palms of the hands (elbows fully
extended) on the lateral thighs while standing erect. From where the tips of the middle
fingers touch the thighs, proceed 3.0 cun anteriorly to arrive at Si4 Ma Zhong 1• Needle
(bilaterally) 0.8 to 2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Si4 Ma3 Shang4 : This point is located 2 cun immediately proximal to Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1•
Needle (bilaterally) 0.8 to 2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas} (Si 4
Ma3 Zhong 1 is located by placing the palms of the hands (elbows fully extended) on the
lateral thighs while standing erect. From where the tips of the middle fingers touch the
thighs, proceed 3.0 cun anteriorly to arrive at Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1)
• Qi 1 Li3 : This point is found along the coronal plane of the lateral thigh, 7 cun proximal to
the transverse popliteal crease. Needle 0.8 to 1.0 cun, Dr. Hu recommends retaining the
needle for 30 minutes. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}
• Zhong1 Jiu3 Li3 : This point is located in the center of the midline (coronal plane) of the
lateral thigh, 9 cun proximal to the transverse popliteal crease. Needle 0.8 to 1.5 cun. {Lung
Branch and Limb Resiliency Reaction Areas}
Lentigines (HPC-2)
('Liver Spots')

1. Ming2 Huan~, Qi2 Huan~, DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's), and Si4 Ma3
Zhong1• Also, lightly 'let' in the affected area - treat twice per week and within three weeks
there should be a clear improvement (HPC):
• Min~ Huan~: This point is located in the exact center of the coronal plane on the medial
aspect of the thigh. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {General Liver and General Heart Reaction
Areas; shallow needling accesses the Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Area, mid-level needling
accesses the Liver Reaction Area, and deep needling accesses the Heart Reaction Area}
• Qi2 Huang2: This point is located 3 cun immediately distal to Ming2 Huang2. Needle 1.5 to
2.0 cun. {General Gallbladder, Heart Branch and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Ho's):
1. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Ho's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong' Shan 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
m. Jie3 Mei4 San1 (Ho's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
• Si Ma3 Zhong1: This point is located by placing the palms of the hands (elbows fully
extended) on the lateral thighs while standing erect. From where the tips of the middle
fingers touch the thighs, proceed 3.0 cun anteriorly to arrive at Si4 Ma Zhong 1• Needle
(bilaterally) 0.8 to 2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}

""~· // '~ -
'-~ Jiefei4)1 an1 --=

• Jie3 ~ei Er4

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Lentigines (LCH)
1. DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow' (LCH):
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Minlf Huang2 : This point is located in the exact center of the coronal plane on the
medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {General Liver and General Heart
Reaction Areas; shallow needling accesses the Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Area,
mid-level needling accesses the Liver Reaction Area, and deep needling accesses
the Heart Reaction Area}
n. Qi2 Huang2: This point is located 3 cun immediately distal to Ming 2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.5 to 2.0 cun. {General Gallbladder, Heart Branch, and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
m. Tian 1 Huanlf: This point is located 3 cun immediately proximal to Ming 2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {General Liver and General Heart Reaction Areas; shallow
needling accesses the Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Area, mid-level needling accesses
the Liver Reaction Area, and deep needling accesses the Heart Reaction Area}

Tian Huang2

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

Low Back Pain - 2° to Endometriosis (HPC)

1. Fu 4 Ke 1, Yun1 Bai1, Tong1 Shen4, and Shen4 Guan1 - treat every other day until clinical
picture improves (HPC):
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit
(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun -Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFT. {Uterine Reaction Area}
• Yun1 Bai1 : This point is found 2 cun obliquely anterior and distal to Bei 1 Mian4 . Needle 0.3
to 0.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Auxiliary Branch Reaction Areas} (Bei 1 Mian4 is found
in the large depression immediately lateral (distal) to the acromion process of the scapula
when the arm is abducted to 90°.)
• Tong1 Shen4: This point is located in the depression found at the superomedial angle of the
patella. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• Shen4 Guan1 : This point lies 1.5 cun immediately distal to Tian 1 Huang2. Needle 0.5 to 1.0
cun. (Tian 1 Huang2 is located in the depression found immediately distal to the medial tibial
condyle, and lies 2.5 cun distal to the articular surface of the medial tibial condyle.) {Six
Bowels Reaction Area}

\ l

... ~J ··--.Ji<

\;, '
if \ i
Lupus Erythematosus (HPC)
1. Ming2 Huan~, Qi2 Huan~, Si4 Ma3 Zhong1, Si4 Ma3 Shang\ Qi 1 Li3, and Zhong 1 Jiu 3 Li3 -
initiate treatment immediately upon the onset of symptomatology and within two weeks there
should be a marked improvement in the clinical picture (HPC):
• Min~ Huan~: This point is located in the exact center of the coronal plane on the medial
aspect of the thigh. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {General Liver and General Heart Reaction
Areas; shallow needling accesses the Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Area, mid-level needling
accesses the Liver Reaction Area, and deep needling accesses the Heart Reaction Area}
• Qe Huan~: This point is located 3 cun immediately distal to Ming2 Huang2 • Needle 1.5 to
2.0 cun. {General Gallbladder, Heart Branch and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Si4 Ma3 Zhong1: This point is located by placing the palms of the hands (elbows fully
extended) on the lateral thighs while standing erect. From where the tips of the middle
fingers touch the thighs, proceed 3.0 cun anteriorly to arrive at Si4 Ma Zhong 1• Needle
(bilaterally) 0.8 to 2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Si4 Ma3 Shang4: This point is located 2 cun immediately proximal to Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1•
Needle (bilaterally) 0.8 to 2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas} (Si 4
Ma3 Zhong 1 is located by placing the palms of the hands (elbows fully extended) on the
lateral thighs while standing erect. From where the tips of the middle fingers touch the
thighs, proceed 3.0 cun anteriorly to arrive at Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1)
• Qi 1 Le: This point is found along the coronal plane of the lateral thigh, 7 cun proximal to
the transverse popliteal crease. Needle 0.8 to 1.0 cun, Dr. Hu recommends retaining the
needle for 30 minutes. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}
• Zhong1 Jiu3 Li3 : This point is located in the center of the midline (coronal plane) of the
lateral thigh, 9 cun proximal to the transverse popliteal crease. Needle 0.8 to 1.5 cun. {Lung
Branch and Limb Resiliency Reaction Areas}

Mmi wmi

Night Sweats (HPC)

1. Zhi3 Han4, Mini( Huanl(, Si4 Ma3 Zhong\ and Shen4 Guan1 -treat every other day and
within two weeks the condition should be fully resolved (HPC):
• Zhi3 Han4 : This point lies on the dorsum of the hand between the 3rd and 4th metacarpal
bones, 1.5 cun proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joints - have the patient make a fist to
facilitate locating this point. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Liver and Spleen Minute Interlocking
Reaction Areas}
• Mini( Huanl(: This point is located in the exact center of the coronal plane on the medial
aspect of the thigh. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {General Liver and General Heart Reaction
Areas; shallow needling accesses the Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Area, mid-level needling
accesses the Liver Reaction Area, and deep needling accesses the Heart Reaction Area}
• Si4 Ma3 Zhong1: This point is located by placing the palms of the hands (elbows fully
extended) on the lateral thighs while standing erect. From where the tips of the middle
fingers touch the thighs, proceed 3.0 cun anteriorly to arrive at Si4 Ma Zhong 1• Needle
(bilaterally) 0.8 to 2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Shen4 Guan 1: This point lies 1.5 cun immediately distal to Tian 1 Huang2 • Needle 0.5 to 1.0
cun. (Tian 1 Huang2 is located in the depression found immediately distal to the medial tibial
condyle, and lies 2.5 cun distal to the articular surface of the medial tibial condyle.) {Six
Bowels Reaction Area}

-~-- I

Min Huang2
Obesity: Morbid (HPC)
1. Shen4 Guan\ Ren2 Huang2, Tong1 Guan\ ST-36WH0 - this requires long term treatment
(three months as a course of treatment). Treat every other day for one month, give the
patient a week off, and then continue treating every other day for another month. Upon
completion of the second month, give the patient another week off and then continue
treatment (every other day) for one more month (HPC):
• Shen4 Guan1: This point lies 1.5 cun immediately distal to Tian 1 Huang2. Needle 0.5 to 1.0
cun. (Tian 1 Huang 2 is located in the depression found immediately distal to the medial tibial
condyle, and lies 2.5 cun distal to the articular surface of the medial tibial condyle.) {Six
Bowels Reaction Area}
• Ren2 Huan~: This point is located 3 cun proximal to the medial malleolus along the
medial border of the tibia. Needle 0.6 to 1.2 cun. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY.
{Kidney Branch Reaction Area}
• Tong 1 Guan 1: This point is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior
thigh, 5 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun.
{General Heart Reaction Area}
• ST-36WH0 : On the lower leg, 3 units below (distal to) the lateral 'eye' of the knee,
approximately 1 finger width lateral to the tibia. Needle 1 to 2 units.

Obesity: Simple (HPC)

The following points help to reduce food intake as well as to increase metabolic rate to burn calories;
treat twice per week. Dr. Hu recommends that tomatoes and eggs be used as the main sources of calories
during the treatment period and in this fashion one can expect to lose 5 to 7 Kg (11 to 15.4lbs).

1. Auriculotherapy - Hunger Point and Ear Shen Men (HPC):

• Hunger Point: This point is located inferior to the External Nose Point on the tragus.
• Ear Shen Men: This point is located at the 'apex' of the triangular fossa, at the bifurcation
of the antihelix into Superior and Inferior Crura.

2. Body Acupuncture- ST-36WH0 , Min~ Huan~, and ST-34wHo (HPC):

• ST-36WH0 : On the lower leg, 3 units below (distal to) the lateral 'eye' of the knee,
approximately 1 finger width lateral to the tibia. Needle 1 to 2 units.
• Ming2 Huan~: This point is located in the exact center of the coronal plane on the medial
aspect of the thigh. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {General Liver and General Heart Reaction
Areas; shallow needling accesses the Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Area, mid-level needling
accesses the Liver Reaction Area, and deep needling accesses the Heart Reaction Area}
• ST-34WH0 : On the thigh, 2 units above (proximal to) the lateral, superior margin of the
kneecap. Needle 1 to 1.5 units, causing local distension and soreness possibly extending to
the knee.

Min Huang2
Purpura (HPC)

1. Fen 1 Zhi 1 Shang\ Fen 1 Zhi 1 Xia\ Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1, and Qi 1 Li3 - treat daily and within two
weeks there should be a marked improvement in the clinical picture (HPC):
• Fen 1 Zhi 1 Shang4 : This point is located inferior to the 'fork' formed between the axillary
border of the scapula and the humerus. It lies in proximity to the posterior axillary fold
directly inferior to the posterior aspect of the acromion process, 1.0 cun inferior to the most
caudal aspect of the glenohumeral articulation. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Endocrine Reaction
• Fen 1 Zhi 1 Xia4 : This point lies 1.5 cun inferior, then 0.5 cun medial, to Fen 1 Zhi 1 Shang4 .
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Endocrine, Lung Branch, and Breast Reaction Areas}
• Si4 Ma3 Zhong1: This point is located by placing the palms of the hands (elbows fully
extended) on the lateral thighs while standing erect. From where the tips of the middle
fingers touch the thighs, proceed 3.0 cun anteriorly to arrive at Si4 Ma Zhong 1• Needle
(bilaterally) 0.8 to 2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Qi 1 Li3 : This point is found along the coronal plane of the lateral thigh, 7 cun proximal to
the transverse popliteal crease. Needle 0.8 to 1.0 cun, Dr. Hu recommends retaining the
needle for 30 minutes. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}

Rash: Drug/Allergic (HPC)

1. Fen 1 Zhi 1 Shang\ Fen1 Zhi 1 Xia\ Qi2 Huan~, Si4 Ma3 Zhong1, and Zhong1 Jiu3 Li3 - treat
daily; in mild cases there should be complete resolution within a few visits (HPC):
• Fen 1 Zhi 1 Shang4: This point is located inferior to the 'fork' formed between the axillary
border of the scapula and the humerus. It lies in proximity to the posterior axillary fold
directly inferior to the posterior aspect of the acromion process, 1.0 cun inferior to the most
caudal aspect of the glenohumeral articulation. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Endocrine Reaction
• Fen 1 Zhi1 Xia4: This point lies 1.5 cun inferior, then 0.5 cun medial, to Fen 1 Zhi 1 Shang4 .
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Endocrine, Lung Branch, and Breast Reaction Areas}
• Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3 cun immediately distal to Ming2 Huang2 . Needle 1.5 to
2.0 cun. {General Gallbladder, Heart Branch and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Si4 Ma3 Zhong1: This point is located by placing the palms of the hands (elbows fully
extended) on the lateral thighs while standing erect. From where the tips of the middle
fingers touch the thighs, proceed 3.0 cun anteriorly to arrive at Si4 Ma Zhong 1. Needle
(bilaterally) 0.8 to 2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Zhong1 Jiu3 Li3: This point is located in the center of the midline (coronal plane) of the
lateral thigh, 9 cun proximal to the transverse popliteal crease. Needle 0.8 to 1.5 cun. {Lung
Branch and Limb Resiliency Reaction Areas}

; ;1~--­
---~ I
Thyroid Carcinoma (CKS)
(NOT a radical cure; dire situation once metastasis has occurred)

1. DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses', DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes', Si4 Hua1
Shang\ and Xin1 Ling2 Yi 1 (CKS):
• DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses':
i. Si4 Ma3 Xia4 : This point is located 5.5 cun proximal to the superolateral angle of
the patella. Needle 1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
(To locate this point, commence at the center of the superior edge of the patella,
course laterally 1.0 cun to arrive at the superolateral angle of the patella, and then
proceed proximally 5.5 cun to arrive at Si4 Ma3 Xia4 .)
ii. Si4 Ma3 Zhong1 : This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Xia4• Needle 1.0
to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Si4 Ma3 Shang4: This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1• Needle
1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
i. Wai 4 San1 Guan1 Er4 : This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
ii. Wai 4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1 : This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex ofthe lateral malleolus along the line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as viewed from posterior
to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 San1 : This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula along the line
extending from the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun.
{Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Si 4 Hua1 Shang4 : This point is located 3 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral (i.e. closely adherent) to the anterior tibial crest at the level of ST-
36WH0. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Lung Branch, and Heart Branch
Reaction Areas}
• Xin 1 Lin~ Yi1: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 1.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease. Needle
0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}

2. 'Let' DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles' and Shi2 Ba1 Xing1 (CKS):
• DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles':
i. Si4 Hua1 Shang4 : This point is located 3 cun distal to the lateral eye of the knee,
immediately lateral (closely adherent to) to the tibia. Needle 2 to 3 cun. {Six
Bowels, Lung Branch, and Heart Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Si4 Hua1 Zhong1 : This point is located 4.5 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Shang4 ; i.e., 7.5
cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Heart Branch, Lung
Branch, and Six Bowels Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Si4 Hua1 Xia1: This point is located 5.0 cun distal to Si4 Hua1 Zhong 1; i.e., 12.5 cun
distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Six Bowels
Auxiliary, Lung Auxiliary, and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Shi2 Ba1 Xing1: These 18 points are located as follows:
i. Midline Points: The midline points are found on the Governing Vessel. Begin
immediately inferior to the C2 spinous process and caudal to each subsequent
vertebral spinous process down to C7 spinous process for a total of 6 points.
ii. Lateral Points: The lateral points are located 1 cun lateral on either side of each of
the aforementioned midline points for a total of 12 lateral points.

DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of 4 Horses'

DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes'

DMG 77-02 '4 Flowers 4 Needles'

Thyromegaly (CKS)

1. DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses', DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles', Si4
Hua1 Shang\ and Xin1 Linlf Yi 1 (CKS):
• DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses':
i. Si4 Ma3 Xia4 : This point is located 5.5 cun proximal to the superolateral angle of
the patella. Needle 1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
(To locate this point, commence at the center of the superior edge of the patella,
course laterally 1.0 cun to arrive at the superolateral angle of the patella, and then
proceed proximally 5.5 cun to arrive at Si4 Ma3 Xia4 .)
ii. Si4 Ma3 Zhong1 : This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Xia4• Needle 1.0
to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Si4 Ma3 Shang4: This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1• Needle
1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 3 cun proximal and 1 cun anterior to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen
Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
iii. San1 Zhong4 : This point is located by coursing 2 cun proximal to Er4 Zhong4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch,
and Spleen Reaction Areas}
• Si4 Hua1 Shang4 : This point is located 3 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral (i.e. closely adherent) to the anterior tibial crest at the level of ST-
36WH0 . 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Lung Branch, and Heart Branch
Reaction Areas}
• Xin 1 Linlf Yi 1: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 1.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease. Needle
0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}

2. 'Let' Shi2 Ba1 Xing1 as well as the anterior neck (CKS):

• Shi2 Ba1 Xing1: These 18 points are located as follows:
ii. Midline Points: The midline points are found on the Governing Vessel. Begin
immediately inferior to the C2 spinous process and caudal to each subsequent
vertebral spinous process down to C7 spinous process for a total of 6 points.
m. Lateral Points: The lateral points are located 1 cun lateral on either side of each
of the aforementioned midline points for a total of 12 lateral points.
Thyromegaly (CKS)

San1 Zhong4

Er4 Zhong4

Yi1 Zhong4

DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of 4 Horses' DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Thyromegaly (LCH)
1. DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles' (LCH):
• DMG 77-05 'Three Weights Three Needles':
i. Yi 1 Zhong4 : This point lies 3.0 cun proximal and 1.0 cun anterior to the apex of (as
viewed from posterior to anterior) the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun.
{Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
ii. Er4 Zhong4 : This point lies 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Yi 1 Zhong4 • Needle
1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}
m. San1 Zhong4 : This point lies 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Er4 Zhong4• Needle
1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Heart Branch, Lung Branch, and Spleen Reaction Areas}

DMG 77-05 '3 Weights 3 Needles'

Varicose Veins (CKS)
1. 'Let' the affected areas (CKS):
• 'Let' the deepest, darkest colored 'floating' varicosities.
• Puncture at a 90° angle and then again at a 45° angle - avoid penetrating too deeply in order
to minimize bruising.
• Stronger patients should sit or even stand to enhance the 'letting'.
• Weaker, hypotensive, or anemic patients should be treated lying down to avoid any
negative consequences, such as a syncopal event.
Venereal Disease (HCL)
(Not Specified)

1. DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', DMG 1111-02 'Three Branches Three Needles',
88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses', and 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow' (one may also add Gan3
Mao 4 Yi 1 and Gan3 Mao 4 Er4) (HCL):
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun rroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
111. Jie3 Mei San1 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• DMG 1111-02 'Three Branches Three Needles':
i. Fen1 Zhi1 Shang4 : This point is located inferior to the 'fork' formed between the
axillary border of the scapula and the humerus. It lies in proximity to the posterior
axillary fold, directly inferior to the posterior aspect of the acromion process, 1 cun
inferior to the most caudal aspect of the glenohumeral articulation. Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Endocrine and Liver Reaction Areas}
n. Fen1 Zhi1 Xia4 : This point is located 1.5 cun immediately inferior to Fen 1 Zhi 1
Shang4 • Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Endocrine, Lung Branch, and Breast Reaction
iii. Fen1 Zhi1 Zhong 1: This point is located 0.6 cun immediately medial to Fen 1 Zhi 1
Xia4 • Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Endocrine, Lung Branch, and Breast Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses':
i. Si4 Ma3 Xia4: This point is located 0.5 cun proximal and 1.0 cun lateral to Tong 1
Guan 1 (Tong 1 Guan 1 is located on the midsagittal plane of the thigh, 5.0 cun
proximal to the center of the patella). Needle 1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and
Liver Branch Reaction Areas} (To locate Si4 Ma3 Xia4 commence at the center of
the superior edge of the patella, course laterally 1.0 cun to arrive at the superolateral
anfle of the patella, then proceed proximally 5.5 cun to arrive at Si4 Ma3 Xia4 .)
ii. Si Ma3 Zhong1: This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Xia4 • Needle 1.0
to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Si4 Ma3 Shang4 : This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1• Needle
1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Ming2 Huang2 : This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
n. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan,f: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• Gan3 Mao4 Yi 1 : This point lies 1.0 cun immediately medial to Jie 3 Mei 4 Er4 • Needle 1.0 to
2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Branch Reaction Areas} (Jie3 Mei4 Er4 is found 1 cun
medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point 10.5 cun proximal to the center of
the superior edge of the patella.)
• Gan3 Mao4 Er4 : This point lies 1.0 cun immediately medial to Jie3 Mei4 San 1• Needle 1.0
to 2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung Branch Reaction Areas}(Jie3 Mei4 San 1 is found 1 cun
medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point 13 cun proximal to the center of
the superior edge of the patella.) /,1;/ 1 ,~ ' _

3 Zhong1

DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of 4 Horses'

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

DMG 1111-02 '3 Branches 3 Needles'

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

Visibly Distended Abdomen (HPC)
(2° to Ovarian Cyst, Hysteromyoma, Tubercular Peritonitis, or Ascites)

1. Fu4 Ke\ DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes', DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles'
(Hu's), Ming2 Huan~, Si4 Ma3 Zhong1, Tong1 Shen4, and Shen4 Guan1 - treat daily for two
weeks then rest one week; continue in this fashion until symptoms improve (HPC):
• Fu4 Ke1 : This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the 1st digit
(thumb) on the Ulnar Line; i.e., 0.3 cun ulnar to the Posterior Midsagittal Line of the
thumb. Divide the proximal phalanx of the thumb, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal
skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar Line, into thirds - the
proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds and the distal point is
located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun- Dr. Hu advises
that needling the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFT. {Uterine Reaction Area}
• DMG 77-06 'Lateral Three Passes':
i. Wai 4 San1 Guan1 Er4: This point lies at the midpoint of a line extending from the
proximal extremity of the head of the fibula to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of
the lateral malleolus. Needle 1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
ii. Wai 4 San1 Guan1 Yi 1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the apex (as viewed from P to A) of the lateral malleolus. Needle
1.0 to 1.5 cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
iii. Wai4 San1 Guan 1 San1: This point is located by bisecting the distance from Wai4
San 1 Guan 1 Er4 to the proximal extremity of the head of the fibula. Needle 1.0 to 1.5
cun. {Lung Reaction Area}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (Hu's)
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's): This point is found on the anteromedial thigh. It is located by
coursing 1 cun proximal and 3 cun medial to Tong 1 Shan 1. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun.
{Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1 Shan 1 is found on the
median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella. Therefore, Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's) is located 8 cun proximal and 3
cun medial to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Yi 1 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
iii. Jie3 Mei4 San1 (Hu's): This point is located 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 (Hu's). Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction
• Min~ Huan~: This point is located in the exact center of the coronal plane on the medial
aspect of the thigh. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {General Liver and General Heart Reaction
Areas; shallow needling accesses the Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Area, mid-level needling
accesses the Liver Reaction Area, and deep needling accesses the Heart Reaction Area}
• Si4 Ma3 Zhong1: This point is located by placing the palms of the hands (elbows fully
extended) on the lateral thighs while standing erect. From where the tips of the middle
fingers touch the thighs, proceed 3.0 cun anteriorly to arrive at Si4 Ma Zhong 1• Needle
(bilaterally) 0.8 to 2.5 cun. {General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
• Tong1 Shen4 : This point is located in the depression found at the superomedial angle of the
patella. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• Shen4 Guan1 : This point lies 1.5 cun immediately distal to Tian 1 Huang2 • Needle 0.5 to 1.0
cun. (Tian 1 Huang2 is located in the depression found immediately distal to the medial tibial
condyle, and lies 2.5 cun distal to the articular surface of the medial tibial condyle.) {Six
Bowels Reaction Area}

DMG 77-06 'Lateral3 Passes'

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Breech Presentation (CKS)

1. Needle DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' and Moxa BL-67WH0 (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five
points are uniformly located on the Ulnar Digit Line of
the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide
the proximal phalanx of the thumb along said line, from
the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal
interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further
divide each resultant third in half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the
proximal phalanx of the thumb into sixths - commencing from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding distally, each sixth represents one of the
five points. Needle (select three of the five points) 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels
Reaction Areas}
• BL-67WH0 : On the lateral side of the distal segment of the little toe, 0.1
cun from the corner of the toenail.

Do NOT use in patients who habitually miscarry or suffer from preeclampsia
Do NOT use in patients where breech presentation is secondary to uterine
deformity, contracted pelvis, neoplasm, etc.

Breech Presentation (MC)

1. Huo3 Zhu3 and Huo3 Ying4 (MC):

• Huo3 Zhu 3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately
distal to the articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones.
(Huo3 Zhu3 is described as being 1.0 cun proximal to Huo3 Ying4 .)
• Huo3 Ying4 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot between the
first and second metatarsal bones, 0.5 cun proximal to the level of the
metatarsophalangeal joints. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun perpendicular or oblique
PROHIBITED. {Liver Auxiliary and Heart Organ Branch Reaction
Dystocia (CCC)

1. DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles' (CCC):

• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
i. Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Fu4 Lin~ Yi 1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Fu4 Lin~ Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit 3 Needles'

Dystocia [Maternal/Fetal] (CKS)

1. Lin~ Gu3, Ren2 Huan~, DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles' -strong stimulation
on these points can induce uterine contractions and thereby induce labor (CKS):
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and znd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Ren2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel; i.e., Ren2
Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch Reaction
• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
i. Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin
crease on the plantar surface of the znd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Fu4 Lin~ Yi 1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the znd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3
to 0.5 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY,
MOXA ALSO CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
m. Fu4 Lin~ Er4: This point is located on the medial end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the znd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3
to 0.5 cun or 'let' with a prismatic needle. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY,
MOXA ALSO CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit 3 Needles'

Dystocia [Placental] (CKS)

1. Lini Gu3, Ren 2 Huang2, and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (CKS):
• Lini Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Ren 2 Huani: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai 4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel; i.e., Ren2
Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 • Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch Reaction
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1: This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun rroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 .
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)

2. 'Let' DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles' (CKS):

• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
i. Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
11. Fu4 Lini Yi 1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
111. Fu4 Lini Er4: This point is located on the medial end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

Dystocia (Placental) (CKS)

DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit 3 Needles'

Ton 1S an 1

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Dystocia (HCL)

1. Lin~ Gu3, DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles', and Huo3 Zhu3 (HCL):
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
i. Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
n. Fu4 Lin~ Yi1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Fu4 Lin~ Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Huo3 Zhu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 1.0 cun
Organ Branch Reaction Area}

DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit 3 Needles'

Dystocia (LCH)
1. Ling2 Gu3, Huo3 Bao 1 ('let'), and Huo 3 Zhu 3 (LCH):
• Ling2 Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - the point communicates with the
palmar point Zhong4 Xian 1• Needle 1.5 to 2.0 cun; i.e., needle through to connect with Zhong4
Xian 1, CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch Reaction Area}
• Huo3 Bao 1: This point is found on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot in the center of
the distal interphalangeal skin crease. 'Let'. MOXA PROHIBITED, NEEDLING PROHIBITED
IN PREGNANCY {Heart and Liver Reaction Areas}
• Huo 3 Zhu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 0.8 cun
Branch Reaction Area} (Huo 3 Zhu3 is described as being 1.0 cun proximal to Huo3 Ying4. Huo3
Ying4 is located on the dorsum of the foot, in the interosseous space between the 1st and 2nd
metatarsal bones 0.5 cun proximal to the level of the metatarsophalangeal joints.)

Dystocia (MC)
1. Huo 3 Bao 1 (MC):
• Huo3 Bao1: This point is found on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot in the
center of the distal interphalangeal skin crease. 'Let' in this case. MOXA PROHIBITED,
Dystocia (LKC-1)

1. Lini Gu3, Da4 Bai2, and Ren2 Huang2 (LKC):

• Lini Gu 3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Da4 Bai2 : This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Ling2 Gu3• Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Lung
Branch Reaction Area}
• Ren2 Huani: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel; i.e., Ren2
Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch Reaction

n, I

Dystocia (LKC-2)

1. 'Let' DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles' and then needle Ling2 Gu3 and Huo3
Zhu3 (LKC):
• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
i. Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Fu4 Lin~ Yi1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Fu4 Lin~ Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Huo3 Zhu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 1.0 cun
Organ Branch Reaction Area}

DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit 3 Needles'

Eclampsia (CKS)

1. Shou3 Jie3 Yi\ Shou3 Jie3 Er\ Zhen 4 Jing4, and DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles'
• Shou3 Jie3 Yi 1: This point is located by instructing the patient to make a fist with the palm
supinated. The point is found where the tip of the 5th digit touches the palm of the hand
between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones. In general, the point will be on the distal
transverse palmar crease 1.0 cun proximal to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease.
Needle (36 Gauge!) 0.2 to 0.8 cun. {Five Viscera Sensory Afferent (GVA?) Reaction
• Shou3 Jie3 Er4: This point is located on the palm of the hand between the 4th and 5th
metacarpal bones, 0.5 cun proximal to Shou3 Jie3 Yi 1. Needle (36 Gauge!) 0.2 to 0.8 cun.
{Five Viscera Sensory Afferent (GV A?) Reaction Areas}
• Zhen4 Jing4: This point lies on the Governing Vessel, 0.5 cun superior to a point located
midway between the medial extremities of the eyebrows. Needle perpendicularly 0.1 to 0.2
cun, or from superior to inferior 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Brain and Heart Reaction Areas} (Zhen4
Jing4 is located 0.5 cun superior to EX-HN-3 Yin4 Tang2 .)
• DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles':
i. Xin 1 Lin~ Yi : This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 1.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
ii. Xin 1 Lin~ Er4: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 2.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Xin 1 Lin~ San1: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 3.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}

In cases where the mother's life is imminently at risk, add Huo3 Ying4 and Huo3 Zhu3 (CKS):
• Huo3 Ying4: This point is located on the dorsum of the foot between the first and second
metatarsal bones, 0.5 cun proximal to the metatarsophalangeal joints. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun
perpendicular or oblique insertion, CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY, MOXA ALSO
PROHIBITED. {Liver Auxiliary and Heart Reaction Areas}
• Huo3 Zhu3: This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 1.0 cun
Organ Branch Reaction Area}
Eclampsia (CKS)

DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit 3 Needles'

Gestational Freckles (CKS)
1. DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow', DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors', and DMG 11-15
'Gynecology Three Needles'- patient should also reduce exposure to sunlight (CKS):
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Ming2 Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang 2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huang2 : This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming 2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
n. Ren 2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6w"0 • Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

2. Select appropriate local points on the face (CKS):

Gestational Freckles (CKS)


DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Habitual Spontaneous Abortion (CKS-1)
[Multiple Miscarriages]

The techniques below should be performed in the patient who has yet to become pregnant. In the patient
who has already become pregnant, follow the protocol for 'Quiet the Fetus' (CKS)

1. Moxa CV-12wHo, BL-20 WHo, BL-23 WHo, GV-4 wHo, CV-4 WHO (CKS):
• CV-12WH0 (RN 12): On the upper abdomen and on the anterior midline, 4 cun above
(superior to) the centre of the umbilicus.
• BL-20WH0 : On the back, below (inferior to) the spinous process of the 11th thoracic
vertebra, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline.
• BL-23WH0 : On the low back, below (inferior to) the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar
vertebra, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline.
• GV -4 WHO (DU 4): On the low back and on the posterior midline, in the depression below
(inferior to) the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebra.
• CV-4WH0 (RN 4): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 3 cun below (inferior
to) the centre of the umbilicus.

2. Needle DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' and DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow'
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Mini( Huanl(: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huanl(: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huanl(: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang 2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
Habitual Spontaneous Abortion (CKS-1)


\~\- - \, ----------

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DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

Habitual Spontaneous Abortion (CKS-2)
"Quiet the Fetus"
(Euphemism for Miscarriage Prevention)

This protocol should be used in the pregnant patient who has suffered habitual abortion BEFORE any
hemorrhaging occurs. The technique is not effective once bleeding occurs (CKS).

1. Select ONLY ONE point per treatment from among DMG 88-01 'Passing Through the
Kidney Three Needles' (CKS):
• DMG 88-01 'Passing Through the Kidney Three Needles':
i. Tong1 Shen4 : This point is located in the depression found immediately proximal
and medial to the superomedial angle of the patella. To locate the point, draw a
transverse line tangent to the superior margin of the patella and a vertical line
tangent to the medial margin of the patella - where the two lines intersect is the
location of the point. Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
ii. Tong1 Bei4 : This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
iii. Tong1 Wei 4 : This point is located 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4 .
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}

DMG 88-01 'Passing Through the Kidney 3 Needles'

Habitual Spontaneous Abortion (HCL; CKS)
1. Select ONE point per treatment from DMG 88-01 'Passing Through the Kidney Three
Needles', treat (daily) for 2 weeks, and the patient should be able to carry her fetus to full
term (HCL + CKS):
• DMG 88-01 'Passing Through the Kidney Three Needles':
i. Tong1 Shen4: This point is found in the depression located at the superomedial angle
of the patella. To locate this point, draw a transverse line tangent to the superior
margin of the patella and a vertical line tangent to the medial margin of the patella -
the point lies in the depression at intersection of these two lines. Needle 0.5 to 1.0
cun. {Kidne; Reaction Area}
ii. Tong 1 Wei : This point is located 2 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4 .
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
m. Tong 1 Bei4 : This point is located 2 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Wei 4 . Needle
1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Tong 1 Bei4 is located 4 cun proximal to
Tong 1 Shen4 .)

DMG 88-01 'Passing Through the Kidney 3 Needles'

Infertility (CCC-1)
1. DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles' with DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' (CCC):
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of anterior Digit Line A, along
the demarcation of the anterior and posterior surfaces, on the proximal phalanx of
the ring finger. To determine the exact center of anterior Digit Line A on the
proximal phalanx, bisect the distance from the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin
crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of said
line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
anterior Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction
iii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1 : To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of anterior
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
n. Ren 2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)


Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

Tian 1

\ I
DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'
DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'
Infertility (CCC-2)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' with DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' (CCC):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huanlf: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huanlf: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 • Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
m. Di4 Huanl(: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang 2 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)


h\ /
\ '

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Infertility (CKS-1)
[2° to Repletion]

1. 'Let' the Occipital Region, the Sciatic Region, and DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles'.
Needle DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors', DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', and
Ling2 Gu3 (CKS):
• Occipital Region: The 'Occipital Region' is located on the posterior aspect of the distal
thigh and proximal leg.
• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
1. S2/S 3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
ii. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iii. SJIS 4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iv. S4 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. SJSs Interspinous Space Level- two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
• DMG 77-02 'Four Flowers Three Needles':
i. Si 4 Hua1 Shang4 : This point is located 3 cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee',
immediately lateral (i.e., closely adherent) to the anterior tibial crest at the level of
ST-36WH0 . 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Lung Branch, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Si4 Hua1 Zhong 1: This point is located 4.5 cun distal to Si4 Hua 1 Shang4 ; i.e., 7.5
cun distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Heart Branch, Lung
Branch, and Six Bowels Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Si4 Hua1 Xia4 : This point is located 5.0 cun distal to Si4 Hua1 Zhong 1; i.e., 12.5 cun
distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee', immediately lateral and adherent to the
anterior tibial crest. 'Let' with a prismatic needle. {Six Bowels, Six Bowels
Auxiliary, Lung Auxiliary, and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian 1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH 0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6w"0 • Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Linlf Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}

Occipital Region

DMG 77-02 '4 Flowers 3 Needles' DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Infertility (CKS-2)
[2° to Vacuity]

1. Moxa Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San1 and Needle DMG 88-01 'Passing Through the Kidney Three
Needles', DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', and DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three
Needles' (CKS):
• Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San1: This is a collective of 23 points and is located as follows:
i. Midline Points (Conception Vessel): Superior to the umbilicus 1.0 and 2.0 cun.
Inferior to the umbilicus 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 cun respectively, for a total of 7
midline points.
11. Lateral Line 1 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 1.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The ftrst pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
iii. Lateral Line 2 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 2.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The ftrst pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
• DMG 88-01 'Passing Through the Kidney Three Needles':
i. Tong1 Shen4 : This point is located in the depression found immediately proximal
and medial to the superomedial angle of the patella. To locate the point, draw a
transverse line tangent to the superior margin of the patella and a vertical line
tangent to the medial margin of the patella - where the two lines intersect is the
location of the point. Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
ii. Tong1 Bei4 : This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
111. Tong 1 Wei 4 : This point is located 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4 •
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These ftve points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the ftve points. Needle (select three of the ftve points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring ftnger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
11. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}



DMG 88-01 'Passing Through

the Kidney 3 Needles'

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles' Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

Infertility (HCL)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (HCL):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Infertility (LCH)
1. Feng4 Chao2 with Fu4 Ke1 (LCH):
• Feng4 Chao2: This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, 0.3
cun ulnar to the dorsal median plane. Divide the proximal phalanx, from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar
Line, into thirds - the proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds
and the distal point is located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 cun -
Dr. Lai indicates that the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFT. {Uterine Reaction

Radial to ulnar view of RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

Infertility (LKC)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' and Huan2 Chao2 (LKC):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the second phalanx of
the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the middle phalanx along Digit
Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and
Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

Infertility (MC-1)
1. Fu4 Ke\ Huan2 Chao2, and Feng4 Chao2 (MC):
• Fu4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, 0.3
cun ulnar to the dorsal median plane. Divide the proximal phalanx, from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar
Line, into thirds - the proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds
and the distal point is located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 cun -
the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFT.
• Huan2 Chao2: This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) ofthe hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)

Ulnar to radial view of 4th digit (ring finger) Radial to ulnar view of 4th digit (ring finger)
Infertility (MC-2)
1. Fu4 Ke\ Mu 4 Fu4, Huan2 Chao2, and Feng4 Chao2 (MC):
• Fu 4 Ke 1: This 2 point set is found on the dorsum of the proximal phalanx of the thumb, 0.3
cun ulnar to the dorsal median plane. Divide the proximal phalanx, from the dorsal
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease along the Ulnar
Line, into thirds - the proximal point is located at the demarcation of the 1st and 2nd thirds
and the distal point is located at the demarcation of the 2nd and final thirds. Needle 0.2 cun-
the RIGHT side is more effective than the LEFf.
• Mu 4 Fu4 : This point is located 0.3 cun lateral to the center of the median plane on the
dorsum of the middle phalanx on the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.2 to 0.4 cun close to the
bone (use a very fine needle to minimize patient discomfort). {Heart Auxiliary Reaction
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)

Ulnar to radial view of 4th digit (ring finger) Radial to ulnar view of 4th digit (ring finger)
Labor Pain (HCL)
1. Men2 Jin 1, Shui3 Qu 1, and Huo3 Zhu3 (HCL):
• Men2 Jin 1: This point is located between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, immediately
distal to the dorsal venous arch on the dorsum of the foot; i.e., the point is in a depression
immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals. Needle 0.5
cun. {Duodenum, Stomach Branch, and Uterus Reaction Areas}
• Shui3 Qu 1: This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Lung
Branch and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
• Huo3 Zhu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 1.0 cun
Organ Branch Reaction Area}
Morning Sickness (CKS)
1. DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles', Zhen4 Jing\ Tong1 Guan1, and Tong1 Shan1 (CKS):
• DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles':
i. Xin 1 Ling2 Yi : This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 1.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
n. Xin 1 Lin~ Er4 : This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 2.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Xin 1 Lin~ San 1: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 3.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
• Zhen Jing4: This point lies on the Governing Vessel, 0.5 cun superior to a point located
midway between the medial extremities of the eyebrows. Needle perpendicularly 0.1 to 0.2
cun, or from superior to inferior 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Brain and Heart Reaction Areas} (Zhen4
Jing4 is located 0.5 cun superior to EX-HN-3 Yin4 Tang2.)
• Tong1 Guan1: This point lies on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh,
5 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun.
{Heart General Reaction Area}
• Tong1 Shan1: This point lies on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh,
7 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun.
{Heart General Reaction Area} (Tong 1 Shan 1 lies 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1
Guan 1.)

Zhen4 Jing4
,......... """' J f

uan 1
/• }

DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit 3 Needles'
Morning Sickness (LCH)
1. Tong 1 Guan1, Tong 1 Shan 1, and Tong1 Tian1 (LCH):
• Tong 1 Guan1: This point lies on the median plane of the anterior thigh, 5.0 cun proximal to
the center of the superior edge of the patella. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {General Heart
Reaction Area}
• Tong1 Shan1: This point lies on the median plane of the anterior thigh, 2.0 cun proximal to
Tong 1 Guan 1• Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {General Heart Reaction Area} (Ergo, Tong 1 Shan 1
lies on the median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella.)
• Tong 1 Tian 1: This point lies on the median plane of the anterior thigh, 4.0 cun proximal to
Tong 1 Guan 1• Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {General Heart Reaction Area} (Ergo, Tong 1 Tian 1 lies
on the median plane of the anterior thigh, 9.0 cun proximal to the level of the center of the
superior edge of the patella.)
Nausea of Pregnancy (CKS)
1. DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles', Zhen4 Jing\ Tong1 Guan1, and Tong1 Shan1 (CKS):
• DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles':
i. Xin 1 Lin~ Yi : This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 1.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
ii. Xin 1 Linl( Er4: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 2.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
m. Xin 1 Lin~ San 1: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 3.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
• Zhen Jing4 : This point lies on the Governing Vessel, 0.5 cun superior to a point located

midway between the medial extremities of the eyebrows. Needle perpendicularly 0.1 to 0.2
cun, or from superior to inferior 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Brain and Heart Reaction Areas} (Zhen4
Jing4 is located 0.5 cun superior to EX-HN-3 Yin4 Tang2 .)
• Tong1 Guan 1: This point lies on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh,
5 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun.
{Heart General Reaction Area}
• Tong1 Shan1: This point lies on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh,
7 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun.
{Heart General Reaction Area} (Tong 1 Shan 1 lies 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1
Guan 1.)

Zhen4 Jing4


DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit 3 Needles'

Nausea of Pregnancy (LCH)

1. Tong 1 Guan\ Tong 1 Shan 1, and Tong1 Tian 1 (LCH):

• Tong 1 Guan1: This point lies on the median plane of the anterior thigh, 5.0 cun proximal to
the center of the superior edge of the patella. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {General Heart
Reaction Area}
• Tong1 Shan1: This point lies on the median plane of the anterior thigh, 2.0 cun proximal to
Tong 1 Guan 1• Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {General Heart Reaction Area} (Ergo, Tong 1 Shan 1
lies on the median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella.)
• Tong 1 Tian 1: This point lies on the median plane of the anterior thigh, 4.0 cun proximal to
Tong 1 Guan 1• Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {General Heart Reaction Area} (Ergo, Tong 1 Tian 1 lies
on the median plane of the anterior thigh, 9.0 cun proximal to the level of the center of the
superior edge of the patella.)
Preeclampsia (CKS)
[Toxemia of Pregnancy]

1. DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow' and DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' (CKS):
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
u. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
m. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huang2: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren 2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren 2 Huang2 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)

. l/\
Tian Huang2 )

I, {
' ............. ,..--.,. J --

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Preeclampsia (MC)
1. Shui3 Xiang4 and Shui3 Xian 1 (MC):
• Shui3 Xiang4 : This point is located 2 cun immediately posterior to the apex of (as viewed
from P to A) the medial malleolus. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun or penetrate through the anterior
margin of the tendon (Achilles). {Kidney Branch and Brain Reaction Areas}
• Shui3 Xian 1: This point lies on the medial side of the foot, 2.0 cun immediately distal to
Shui 3 Xiang4 • Needle 0.5 cun. {Kidney Branch and Brain Reaction Areas}
Prevent Miscarriage (LCH)
1. Huan2 Chao2, Feng4 Chao2, and DMG 88-01 'Passing Through the Kidney Three Needles'
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2: This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)
• DMG 88-01 'Passing Through the Kidney Three Needles' - select only ONE of these
i. Tong1 Shen4 : This point is located in the depression found at the superomedial
angle of the patella. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
ii. Tong1 Wei 4: This point is located 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4 .
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
iii. Tong1 Bei4: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4 .
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

Tong Bei4 e

DMG 88-01 'Passing Through

the Kidney 3 Needles'
Prevent Miscarriage (LKC-1)
1. Tong 1 Shen\ Tong1 Wei 4, and Tong1 Guan1 (Select one point per treatment) (LKC):
• Tong1 Shen4 : This point is located in the depression found immediately proximal and
medial to the superomedial angle of the patella. To locate the point, draw a transverse line
tangent to the superior margin of the patella and a vertical line tangent to the medial margin
of the patella - where the two lines intersect is the location of the point. Needle 0.5 to 1.0
cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• Tong 1 Wei 4 : This point is located 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4 . Needle
0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• Tong1 Guan 1: This point lies on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh,
5 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun.
{Heart General Reaction Area}

2. Frequently needling DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' with Huan2 Chao2 also
prevents miscarriage (LKC):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the second phalanx of
the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the middle phalanx along Digit
Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the
anterior distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver and
Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

Prevent Miscarriage (LKC-2)
1. Frequently Moxa Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San1 (LKC):
• Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San 1: This is a collective of 23 points and is located as follows:
i. Midline Points (Conception Vessel): Superior to the umbilicus 1.0 and 2.0 cun.
Inferior to the umbilicus 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 cun respectively, for a total of 7
midline points.
ii. Lateral Line 1 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 1.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
iii. Lateral Line 2 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 2.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
'Quiet the Fetus' (LCH)
1. Huan2 Chao2 and Feng4 Chao2 (LCH):
• Huan2 Chao2 : This point is located at the center of the ulnar border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney
Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is found in the center of Digit Line E on the middle
phalanx of the ring finger - to determine the center of Digit Line E, divide the distance
from the proximal interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along
said line.)
• Feng4 Chao2: This point is located at the center of the radial border on the middle phalanx
of the 4th digit (ring finger) of the hand. Needle 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {No Reaction Areas listed}
(This point is found at the center of Digit Line A on the middle phalanx of the ring finger -
to determine the center of Digit Line A, divide the distance from the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease to the distal interphalangeal skin crease along said line.)

Ulnar to radial view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

'Quiet the Fetus' (LKC)
1. DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles' (LKC):
• DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest Three Needles':
i. Feng4 Chao2 Er4 : This point is located at the center of Digit Line A on the proximal
phalanx of the 4th digit (ring finger). To determine the exact center of the proximal
phalanx along Digit Line A, bisect the distance from the anterior
metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin
crease along said line. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}
ii. Feng4 Chao2 Yi 1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4 Chao2
Er4 to the anterior metacarpophalangeal skin crease along the course of Digit Line
A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Feng4 Chao2 San1: To locate this point, simply bisect the distance from Feng4
Chao2 Er4 to the anterior proximal interphalangeal skin crease along the course of
Digit Line A. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Liver Auxiliary and Kidney Auxiliary
Reaction Areas}

Radial to ulnar view of the RIGHT 4th digit (ring finger)

DMG 11-13 'Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

Vomiting of Pregnancy (CKS)
1. DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles', Zhen4 Jing\ Tong1 Guan\ and Tong1 Shan1 (CKS):
• DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles':
i. Xin 1 Ling2 Yi : This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 1.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
n. Xin 1 Lin~ Er4: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 2.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Xin 1 Lin~ San 1: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 3.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
• Zhen Jing4 : This point lies on the Governing Vessel, 0.5 cun superior to a point located

midway between the medial extremities of the eyebrows. Needle perpendicularly 0.1 to 0.2
cun, or from superior to inferior 0.2 to 0.5 cun. {Brain and Heart Reaction Areas} (Zhen4
Jing4 is located 0.5 cun superior to EX-HN-3 Yin4 Tang2)
• Tong 1 Guan 1: This point lies on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh,
5 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun.
{Heart General Reaction Area}
• Tong1 Shan1: This point lies on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh,
7 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun.
{Heart General Reaction Area} (Tong 1 Shan 1 lies 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1
Guan 1.)

Zhen4 Jing4


DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit 3 Needles'

Vomiting of Pregnancy (LCH)

1. Tong 1 Guan 1, Tong 1 Shan 1, and Tong1 Tian 1 (LCH):

• Tong1 Guan 1: This point lies on the median plane of the anterior thigh, 5.0 cun proximal to
the center of the superior edge of the patella. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {General Heart
Reaction Area}
• Tong 1 Shan1: This point lies on the median plane of the anterior thigh, 2.0 cun proximal to
Tong 1 Guan 1• Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {General Heart Reaction Area} (Ergo, Tong 1 Shan 1
lies on the median plane of the anterior thigh, 7.0 cun proximal to the center of the superior
edge of the patella.)
• Tong1 Tian 1: This point lies on the median plane of the anterior thigh, 4.0 cun proximal to
Tong 1 Guan 1• Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {General Heart Reaction Area} (Ergo, Tong 1 Tian 1 lies
on the median plane of the anterior thigh, 9.0 cun proximal to the level of the center of the
superior edge of the patella.)
Agalactorrhea (CKS-1)
[Due to Qi Depression]

1. Needle DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', SI-1wHo, Ling2 Gu3, and follow by 'letting'
the Liver Region on the back, as well as any veins, telangiectasiae, spider angiomas, etc. in
the vicinity of the breasts (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• SI-1 WHO: On the ulnar side of the distal segment of the little finger (5th digit), 0.1 cun from
the corner of the nail. Puncture subcutaneously 0.1 cun.
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Liver Region on the back - These 10 points are found on the back as follows:
i. Level of the T7ff8 interspinous space - 2 finger widths laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
ii. Midpoint level of the T 8 spinous process - 1 finger width laterally on either side of
the Governing Vessel (2 points).
m. Level of the Tsff9 interspinous space- 2 finger widths laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
1v. Midpoint level of the T 9 spinous process - 1 finger width laterally on either side of
the Governing Vessel (2 points).
v. Level of the T~ 10 interspinous space- 2 finger widths laterally on either side of
the Governing Vessel (2 points).

0 . SI-lWHO

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Liver Region
Dorsum RIGHT 5th Digit
Agalactorrhea (CKS-2)
[Due to Spleen, Stomach, Qi and Blood Insufficiency]

1. Needle DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', SI-lwno, Lin~ Gu3, Tong1 Shen\ and Tong1
Wei 4, follow with Moxa to CV-17wuo and Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San 1 (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• SI-1 WHO: On the ulnar side of the distal segment of the little finger (5th digit), 0.1 cun from
the corner of the nail. Puncture subcutaneously 0.1 cun.
• Lini Gu 3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1• CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Tong 1 Shen4 : This point is located in the depression found immediately proximal and
medial to the superomedial angle of the patella. To locate the point, draw a transverse line
tangent to the superior margin of the patella and a vertical line tangent to the medial margin
of the patella - where the two lines intersect is the location of the point. Needle 0.5 to 1.0
cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• Tong 1 Wei 4 : This point is located 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4 . Needle
0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
• CV-17WH0 : On the chest and on the anterior midline, on the level of the 4th intercostal
space, at the midpoint of the line connecting both nipples.
• Fu3 Chao2 Er 4 Shi2 San1 : This is a collective of 23 points and is located as follows:
1. Midline Points (Conception Vessel): Superior to the umbilicus 1.0 and 2.0 cun.
Inferior to the umbilicus 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 cun respectively, for a total of 7
midline points.
n. Lateral Line 1 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 1.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
iii. Lateral Line 2 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 2.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
Agalactorrhea (CKS-2)
[Due to Spleen, Stomach, Qi and Blood Insufficiency]

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Dorsum RIGHT Stb Digit


•• /

I .,._
'Postpartum Blood Dizziness' (CKS)
['Blood Vacuity Qi Desertion']
1. Shen2 El Shang4, Shen2 Er3 Zhong1, DMG 88-06 Thigh Spleen Three Needles', and Si 4 Hua1
Shang4 as principal points (CKS):
• Shen2 Er3 Shang4 : This point is located at the level of the superior extremity of the 'groove
for lowering blood pressure'; the medial-lateral location is l/3rd the distance from the
attachment of the auricle on the skull to the margin of the helix. Needle obliquely from
superior to inferior 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Lung and Liver Reaction Areas}
• Shen2 Er3 Zhong1: This point is located 0.2 cun medial to the center of the dorsal surface
of the auricle. Needle obliquely from superior to inferior 0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Lung and Liver
Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-06 Thigh Spleen Three Needles':
i. Tu3 Chang1 Yi 1 : This point is located 2.0 cun medial to Tong 1 Shen4 • Needle 1.5 to
2.0 cun. {Spleen, Liver, and Gallbladder Reaction Areas} (Tong 1Shen4 is located in
the depression found immediately proximal and medial to the superomedial angle of
the patella. To locate the point, draw a transverse line tangent to the superior margin
of the patella and a vertical line tangent to the medial margin of the patella - where
the two lines intersect is the location of the point.)
ii. Tu3 Chang1 Er4 : This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Tu3 Chang 1 Yi 1• Needle
1.5 to 2.0 cun. {Spleen, Liver, and Gallbladder Reaction Areas}
iii. Tu3 Chang1 San :This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Tu3 Chang 1 Er4• Needle
1.5 to 2.0 cun. {Spleen, Liver, and Gallbladder Reaction Areas}
iv. Tu3 Chang1 Si4 : This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Tu 3 Chang 1 San 1• Needle
1.5 to 2.0 cun. {Spleen, Liver, and Gallbladder Reaction Areas}
v. Tu3 Chang1 Wu :This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to Tu3 Chang 1 Si4• Needle
1.5 to 2.0 cun. {Spleen, Liver, and Gallbladder Reaction Areas}
• Si Hua1 Shang4 : This point is located 3 cun distal to the lateral eye of the knee,
immediately lateral (closely adherent to) to the tibia. Needle 2 to 3 cun. {Six Bowels, Lung
Branch, and Heart Branch Reaction Areas}

2. DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow', DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors', and DMG 33-03
'Heart Spirit Three Needles' as adjutant points dependant upon accompanying
symptomatology (CKS):
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Ming2 Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming 2 Huang 2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun. {Gall Bladder
General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WHo, on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6wHo. Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit Three Needles':
i. Xin 1 Ling2 Yi : This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 1.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
ii. Xin 1 Lin~ Er4: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 2.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}
iii. Xin 1 Lin~ San 1: This point lies on the anterior surface of the antebrachium in the
interosseous space between the ulna and radius bones; i.e., on the Hand Jue 2 Yin 1
Pericardium Channel, 3.5 cun proximal to the anterior distal transverse wrist crease.
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Heart Organ Branch Reaction Area}

3. Moxa: Huo3 Fu3 Hai3, CV-4WH0 , and CV-6WH0 (CKS):

• Huo3 Fu 3 Hai3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the antebrachium between the ulna
and radius bones, 2.5 cun distal to the level of the transverse cubital crease - locate the
point with the palm of the hand placed on the chest; Moxa in this case. {Lung Branch and
Heart Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (This point is located 0.5 cun distal, then 0.5 cun medial
(i.e. ulnar) to LI-10WH0 .)
• CV-4WH0 (RN 4): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 3 cun below (inferior
to) the centre of the umbilicus. Moxa in this case.
• CV -6WH0 (RN 6): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 1.5 cun below
(inferior to) the centre of the umbilicus.


'Postpartum Blood Dizziness' (CKS)
['Blood Vacuity Qi Desertion']

DMG 88-06 Thigh Spleen 3 Needles'

.-<, -
l \

Tian Huang2
Mini I
Qi2 ng2
DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow' DMG 33-03 'Heart Spirit 3 Needles'
DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'
Postpartum Cystitis (CKS)
1. DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This' and DMG 88-01 'Passing Through the Kidney Three Needles'
• DMG 33-10 'Hold Three This':
i. Qi2 Men 2 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 1.0 cun
lateral (i.e., radial) to TB-5w"0 . Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e.,
radial to ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas} (TB-5wHo
is located 2 units above (proximal to) the transverse crease on the dorsal surface of
the wrist, between the ulna and radius.)
n. Qi2 Jiao3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Men 2 • Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
iii. Qi2 Zheng4 : This point is located on the dorsum of the distal antebrachium, 2.0 cun
proximal to Qi2 Jiao3• Needle obliquely 15° from lateral to medial (i.e., radial to
ulnar) 1.5 cun. {Lung Branch and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-01 'Passing Through the Kidney Three Needles':
i. Tong1 Shen4 : This point is located in the depression found immediately proximal
and medial to the superomedial angle of the patella. To locate the point, draw a
transverse line tangent to the superior margin of the patella and a vertical line
tangent to the medial margin of the patella - where the two lines intersect is the
location of the point. Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
ii. Tong 1 Wei4 : This point is located 2.0 cun immediately proximal to Tong 1 Shen4 •
Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area}
iii. Tong1 Bei4 : This point is located 4.0 cun immediately rroximal to Tong 1 Shen4 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Tong Bei4 is located 2.0 cun
immediately proximal to Tong 1 Wei 4 .)

[NOTE: The patient should increase her water intake and refrain from sexual intercourse at this
time (CKS)]

. / - (j\ j

- ei' \

DMG 88-01 'Passing Through Kidney 3 Needles'
DMG 33-10 'Hold 3 This'
Postpartum Enuresis (CKS)
1. Moxa CV-4w80, CV-6WH0 , and the 'Sciatic Region' (CKS):
• CV-4WH0 (RN 4): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 3 cun below (inferior
to) the centre of the umbilicus.
• CV -6WH0 (RN 6): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 1.5 cun below
(inferior to) the centre of the umbilicus.
• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
i. S2/S3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
ii. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iii. S3/S 4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iv. S4 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. SJS 5 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).

2. Ma3 Kuai 4 Shui3, DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors', and Hua1 Gu3 Si4 (CKS):
• Ma3 Kuai4 Shui3 : This point lies 0.4 cun inferior to Ma3 Jin 1 Shui3. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun.
{Kidney and Bladder Reaction Areas} (Ma3 Jin 1 Shue is located 0.4 cun lateral to SI-
18WH0. SI-18wHo is found at the medial-to-lateral level of the outer canthus and at the
superior-to-inferior level of the inferior border of the Zygomatic bone.)
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• Hua Gu3 Si4 : This point is located on the plantar surface of the foot between the 4th and 5th
metatarsal bones, 1.5 cun proximal to the interdigital web between the 4th and 5th digits.
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Lung and Kidney Reaction Areas} (This point communicates
dorsally with Liu4 Wan 2 .)
Postpartum Enuresis (CKS)


Sciatic Region

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Postpartum Frequent Micturition (CKS)
1. Moxa CV-4wuo, CV-6wu0 , and the 'Sciatic Region' (CKS):
• CV-4wuo (RN 4): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 3 cun below (inferior
to) the centre of the umbilicus.
• CV -6wuo (RN 6): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 1.5 cun below
(inferior to) the centre of the umbilicus.
• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
1. S2/S 3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
ii. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iii. S3/S 4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iv. S4 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. SJSs Interspinous Space Level- two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).

2. Ma3 Kuai4 Shui3, DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors', and Hua1 Gu3 Si4 (CKS):
• Ma3 Kuai 4 Shui3: This point lies 0.4 cun inferior to Ma3 Jin 1 Shui3• Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun.
{Kidney and Bladder Reaction Areas} (Ma3 Jin 1 Shui 3 is located 0.4 cun lateral to SI-
18WH0. SI-18WH0 is found at the medial-to-lateral level of the outer canthus and at the
superior-to-inferior level of the inferior border of the Zygomatic bone.)
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH 0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6wHo. Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• Hua1 Gu3 Si4: This point is located on the plantar surface of the foot between the 4th and 5th
metatarsal bones, 1.5 cun proximal to the interdigital web between the 4th and 5th digits.
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Lung and Kidney Reaction Areas} (This point communicates
dorsally with Liu4 Wan2 .)
Postpartum Frequent Micturition (CKS)



Sciatic Region

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Postpartum Low Back Pain (CKS)
1. Needle DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' and Wan4 Shun4 Yi\ then follow with moxa to
CV-4WH0 , CV-3 WHo, BL-23WH0 , GV-4IDI0 , and ST-36WH0 (CKS):
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 • Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
m. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di 4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• Wan 4 Shun4 Yi 1 : This point is located 1.5 cun distal to the anterior distal transverse wrist
crease, anterior to the 5th metacarpal bone, at the junction of the 'red and white skin'.
Needle 0.5 to 2.5 cun. {Kidney Branch Reaction Area}
• CV-4WH0 (RN 4): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 3 cun below (inferior
to) the centre of the umbilicus.
• CV -3WHO (RN 3): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 4 cun below (inferior to)
the centre of the umbilicus.
• BL-23WH0 : On the low back, below (inferior to) the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar
vertebra, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline.
• GV-4 wuo (DU 4): On the low back and on the posterior midline, in the depression below
(inferior to) the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebra.
• ST-36WH0 : On the anteriolateral side of the leg, 3 cun below (distal to) ST-35, one finger
breadth (middle finger) from the ant ·or~ tibia.


DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Postpartum Low Back Pain (CKS)


"""- • ;

Postpartum Sacrococcygodynia (CKS)
1. Moxa Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San\ the 'Sciatic Region', CV-3WH0 , CV-4wuo, and ST-36WH0 , then
needle DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors', Wan4 Shun4 Yi\ and Xin 1 Men2, finally 'let'
the 'A Shi' Points on the dorsum of the sacrum and coccyx (CKS):
• Fu3 Chao2 Er4 Shi2 San1: This is a collective of 23 points and is located as follows:
1. Midline Points (Conception Vessel): Superior to the umbilicus 1.0 and 2.0 cun.
Inferior to the umbilicus 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 cun respectively, for a total of 7
midline points.
n. Lateral Line 1 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 1.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
iii. Lateral Line 2 Points: These bilaterally paired points are located on two lines, each
located 2.0 cun lateral to either side of the Conception Vessel. The first pair of
points is located 1.0 cun superior to the umbilicus, the second pair is at the level of
the umbilicus, the third pair is located 1.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus, and the
fourth pair is located 2.0 cun inferior to the umbilicus for a total of 8 points.
• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
i. S2/S 3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
ii. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iii. S3/S4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
IV. S4 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. SJS 5 Interspinous Space Level- two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
• CV -3wuo (RN 3): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 4 cun below (inferior to)
the centre of the umbilicus.
• CV-4WH0 (RN 4): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 3 cun below (inferior
to) the centre of the umbilicus.
• ST-36WH0 : On the anteriolateral side of the leg, 3 cun below (distal to) ST-35, one finger
breadth (middle finger) from the anterior crest of the tibia.
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren 2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6w80 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• Wan4 Shun4 Yi1: This point is located 1.5 cun distal to the anterior distal transverse wrist
crease, anterior to the 5th metacarpal bone, at the junction of the 'red and white skin'.
Needle 0.5 to 2.5 cun. {Kidney Branch Reaction Area}
• Xin1 Men2: This point is found with th~alm of the hand placed on the chest and is located
in a depression 1.5 cun distal to SI-8 °.Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Heart Organ Branch
Reaction Area}



•• '


''"CV-3WHO '

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Postpartum Vulvovaginitis (CKS)
1. Yun1 Bai1, Li3 Bai1, DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors', Liu4 Kuai4, Qi 1 Kuai4 (CKS):
• Yun1 Bai1: This point is found on the anterolateral aspect of the proximal brachium. It is
located by coursing 2.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion process and the
greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH0 ], then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle perpendicularly
1.0 to 2.0 cun or obliquely, from superior to inferior, 2.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Lung
Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Li3 Bai1 : This point is located by coursing 4.5 cun distal to the space between the acromion
process and the greater tubercle of the humerus [LI-15WH0 ], then 2.0 cun anteriorly. Needle
perpendicularly 0.5 to 1.5 cun or obliquely, from superior to inferior 1.5 to 2.0 cun.
{Kidney Auxiliary and Lung Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian 1 Huanlf: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0 , on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huang1 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huanlf: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• Liu Kuai 4 : This point is located on the face, 1.4 cun lateral to the center of the philtrum.

Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Endocrine Reaction Area} To locate the center of the philtrum,
bisect the distance from the extraoral labial-cutaneous junction to the base of the nose
between the nostrils.
• Qi 1 Kuai4 : This point is located on the face, 1.0 cun lateral to the commissure of the lips at
the angle of the mouth. Needle perpendicularly 0.2 to 0.3 cun or obliquely, from inferior to
superior, 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Endocrine Reaction Area}
Postpartum Vulvovaginitis (CKS)


DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Postpartum Urinary Retention (CKS)
1. DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors', Ma3 Kuai 4 Shui3, Shue Qu 1, and Huo3 Zhu3 (CKS):
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian 1 Huanlf: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WH0, on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren 2 Huang2 : This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huanlf: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 •
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• Ma Kuai 4 Shui3 : This point lies 0.4 cun inferior to Ma3 Jin 1 Shui 3. Needle 0.2 to 0.3 cun.

{Kidney and Bladder Reaction Areas} (Ma3 Jin 1 Shui 3 is located 0.4 cun lateral to SI-
18WH0. SI-18WH0 is found at the medial-to-lateral level of the outer canthus and at the
superior-to-inferior level of the inferior border of the Zygomatic bone.)
• Shui3 Qu 1: This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 4th and 5th metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Lung
Branch and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
• Huo3 Zhu3: This point is located on the dorsum of the foot, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metatarsal bones. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun
Organ Branch Reaction Area}

2. 'Let' the 'Sciatic Region' (CKS):

• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
i. S2/S 3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
ii. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iii. S3/S 4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iv. S4 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. SJS 5 Interspinous Space Level- two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).

3. While the needles are in place, the patient should lightly press on CV-6WH0 and CV-3wuo
• CV -6WH0 (RN 6): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 1.5 cun below
(inferior to) the centre of the umbilicus.
• CV -3wuo (RN 3): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 4 cun below (inferior to)
the centre of the umbilicus.
Postpartum Urinary Retention (CKS)

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'


Sciatic Region
Postpartum Uterus Failure to Return to Normal Size (CKS)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', and
DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five
points are uniformly located on the Ulnar Digit Line of the
dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the \
proximal phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the
dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to the dorsal
interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide
each resultant third in half. This procedure sections the
dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into sixths - commencing from the
dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding distally, each sixth represents one
of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points) 0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six
Bowels Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles': \J

i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1: This point is located by coursing 8 cun
proximal to the superior edge of the patella and 1 cun
medial to the median (midsagittal) plane of the anterior
thigh. Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney • r

Branch Reaction Areas} I

n. Jie3 Mei4 Er4 : This point is located 2.5 cun immediately
superior to Jie 3 Mei Yi 1 on the proximal aspect of the ·;. I
anterior thigh. Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels and f
Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
m. Jie3 Mei4 San 1: This point is located 2.5 cun immediately I
superior to Jie 3 Mei4 Er4 on the proximal aspect of the
anterior thigh. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and
Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (~,\
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian 1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp- i~\
9WH0, on the medial aspect of the proximal leg, between \ I
the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of the
gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six
Bowels, and Heart Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the
apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial
malleolus on the Foot Tai Yin 1 Spleen Channel; i.e., Ren2
Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0. Needle 0.6
{Kidney Branch and Lung Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately
proximal to Ren2 Huang2 . Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney
Reaction Area} (Di 4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun proximal to
the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the
medial malleolus.)
Puerperal Mastitis (CKS)
1. Shuang1 Loo~ Yi 1, Shuang1 Long2 Er4, and DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses' (CKS):
• Shuang1 Loo~ Yi 1: This point is located on the anterior aspect
of the proximal leg, 1.5 cun immediately distal to the lateral 'eye
of the knee'. Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and Liver
Branch Reaction Areas}
• Shuang1 Loo~ Er4 : This point is located on the anterior aspect
of the proximal leg, 0.6 cun immediately distal to Shuang 1 Long2
Yi 1• Needle 0.5 to 0.8 cun. {Lung Branch and Liver Branch
Reaction Areas} (Shuang 1 Long2 Er4 is, therefore, located 2.1
cun immediately distal to the lateral 'eye of the knee'.)
• DMG 88-03 'Thigh Team of Four Horses':
i. Si4 Ma3 Xia4 : This point is located 5.5 cun proximal to the
superolateral angle of the patella. Needle 1.0 to 3.0 cun.
{General Lung and Liver Branch Reaction Areas} (To
locate this point, commence at the center of the superior
edge of the patella, course laterally 1.0 cun to arrive at the
superolateral angle of the patella, and then proceed
proximally 5.5 cun to arrive at Si4 Ma3 Xia4 .)
n. Si4 Ma3 Zhong1 : This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to
Si4 Ma3 Xia4 • Needle 1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and
Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Si4 Ma3 Shang4 : This point is located 2.0 cun proximal to
Si4 Ma3 Zhong 1• Needle 1.0 to 3.0 cun. {General Lung and
Liver Branch Reaction Areas}

2. 'Let' the Heart-Lung Region of the Back (CKS):

• Heart-Lung Region on the back- These 10 points are found on the back as follows:
i. Midlevel of the T 3 spinous process - 2 finger widths laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
ii. Level of the T:lf4 interspinous space- 1 finger width laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
iii. Midlevel of the T4 spinous process - 2
finger widths laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
tv. Level of the T.{1'5 interspinous space - 1 .• I
finger width laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
··r \
v. Midlevel of the T5 spinous process - 2 \\.
finger widths laterally on either side of the
Governing Vessel (2 points).
Puerperal Metritis (CKS)
1. 'Let' the 'Sciatic Region' (CKS):
• Sciatic Region: These 5 sets of bilaterally paired points are located as follows:
1. S2/S 3 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
n. S3 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
m. S3/S 4 Interspinous Space Level - two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
iv. S4 Midspinous Process Level - one finger width on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).
v. SJS 5 Interspinous Space Level- two finger widths on either side of the Governing
Vessel (2 points).

2. Wan4 Shun4 Yi 1 needled through to Ling2 Gu3, DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors', DMG
88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (CKS):
• Wan4 Shun4 Yi 1 : This point is located 1.5 cun distal to the anterior distal transverse wrist
crease, anterior to the 5th metacarpal bone, at the junction of the 'red and white skin'.
Needle through to Ling2 Gu3 in this case. {Kidney Branch Reaction Area} (Ling2 Gu3 is
located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the articulation of the bases of the
1st and 2nd metacarpal bones.)
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9 WHo, on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2 .
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di 4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
1. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 : This point is located by coursing 8 cun proximal to the superior edge
of the patella and 1 cun medial to the median (midsagittal) plane of the anterior
thi~h. Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Jie Mei4 Er4 : This point is located 2.5 cun immediately superior to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1
on the proximal aspect of the anterior thigh. Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowels and
Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
m. Jie3 Mei 4 San1 : This point is located 2.5 cun immediately superior to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4
on the proximal aspect of the anterior thigh. Needle 1.5 to 2.5 cun. {Six Bowels and
Kidney Branch Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'
Puerperal 'Wind' Syndrome (CKS)

1. DMG 11-15 'Glnecology Three Needles', Shui3 Xiang4, DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow',
Wan4 Shun4 Er, and DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors' (CKS):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Shui3 Xiang4 : This point is located by coursing 0.5 cun distal to KI-3WH0 then 0.5 cun
posteriorly. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Branch and Brain Reaction Areas}
• DMG 88-07 'Upper Three Yellow':
i. Min~ Huan~: This point is located at the exact center (proximal to distal) of the
midline (coronal plane) on the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 1.0 to 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
ii. Qi2 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun distal to Ming 2 Huang2 on the midline
(coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 1.0 to 3.0 cun. {Gall
Bladder General and Liver Branch Reaction Areas}
iii. Tian 1 Huan~: This point is located 3.0 cun proximal to Ming 2 Huang2 on the
midline (coronal plane) of the medial aspect of the thigh. Needle 1.0 to 3.0 cun.
{Superficially the Heart, mid-level the Liver, and deep the Kidney General Reaction
• Wan4 Shun4 Er4 : This point is located 2.5 cun distal to the anterior distal transverse wrist
crease, anterior to the 5th metacarpal bone, at the junction of the 'red and white skin'.
Needle 0.5 to 1.0 cun. {Kidney Branch Reaction Area}
• DMG 77-12 'Lower Three Emperors':
i. Tian 1 Huan~: This point is located 1.0 cun distal to Sp-9WHo, on the medial aspect
of the proximal leg, between the medial border of the tibia and the medial head of
the gastrocnemius muscle. Needle 0.5 to 1.5 cun. {Kidney, Six Bowels, and Heart
Branch Reaction Areas}
ii. Ren2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel;
i.e., Ren2 Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch
Reaction Areas}
iii. Di4 Huan~: This point is located 4.0 cun immediately proximal to Ren2 Huang2.
Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun. {Kidney Reaction Area} (Di4 Huang2 is located 7.5 cun
proximal to the apex of (as viewed from posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus.)
Puerperal 'Wind' Syndrome (CKS)


DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow' DMG 77-12 'Lower 3 Emperors'

Puerperal 'Wind' Syndrome (CCC)

1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (CCC):

• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles'

Puerperal 'Wind' Syndrome (HCL)
1. DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles', Shui3 Xiang4, and Shoe Xian 1 (HCL):
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Shui3 Xiang4 : This point is located by coursing 0.5 cun distal to KI-3 WHO then 0.5 cun
posteriorly. Needle 0.5 cun. {Kidney Branch and Brain Reaction Areas}
• Shui3 Xian 1: This point lies on the medial side of the foot, 2.0 cun directly inferior to KI-
3WHO. {Kidney Branch and Brain Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

.lw WH
Shm.3 x·1ang4 · ; · '·
a.\.//' ..,

Sbw•JGao' ((•~,
\'·· •• ~·····-
Puerperal 'Wind' Syndrome (LCH)

1. Shui3 Xiang4 and Shoe Xian1 (LCH):

• Shui3 Xiang4 : This point is located in the depression immediately anterior to the Achilles
tendon at the level of the apex of the medial malleolus- the point lies 2.0 cun immediately
posterior to the apex of the medial malleolus. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun or one may pierce
through to the lateral surface. {Kidney Branch and Brain Reaction Areas}
• Shui3 Xian 1: This point lies on the medial side of the foot, 2.0 cun immediately distal to
Shui 3 Xiang4 • Needle 0.5 cun. {Kidney Branch and Brain Reaction Areas}
Puerperal 'Wind' Syndrome (LKC)
1. Shui3 Xiang 4, Shui3 Xian\ and DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles' (LKC):
• Shui3 Xiang4 : This point is located by coursing 0.5 cun distal to Kl-3 WHO then 0.5 cun
posteriorly. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Branch and Brain Reaction Areas}
• Shui3 Xian 1: This point lies on the medial side of the foot, 2.0 cun immediately distal to
KI-3WH0 . Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Kidney Branch and Brain Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

Retained Lochia (CKS)
1. Ren 2 Huang2, Hai3 Bao\ DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles', and CV-3 WHO (CKS):
• Ren2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel; i.e., Ren2
Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch Reaction
• Hae Bao4 : This point is located on the medial side of the foot at the midpoint (i.e., plantar
-dorsal midpoint) of the interphalangeal joint on the medial side of the great toe. Needle
0.1 to 0.3 cun. {Heart Branch Reaction Area}
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1 : This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1.
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
ii. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie 3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie 3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun rroximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
iii. Jie3 Mei San1 : This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei4 Er4 •
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
• CV-3WH0 (RN 3): On the lower abdomen and on the anterior midline, 4 cun below (inferior to)
the centre of the umbilicus. Puncture perpendicularly , 0.5 to 1.0 cun.

[NOTE: Every effort should be made to maintain and protect the patient's body warmth during
the postpartum period. Because the body is very weak during this period, and because the
defenses are down, External Wind Cold can easily invade and penetrate the unprotected patient
Retained Lochia (CKS)


• ....

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Retained Placenta (CKS)
1. Ling2 Gu3, Ren2 Huan~, and DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles' (CKS):
• Lin~ Gu3 : This point is located on the dorsum of the hand, immediately distal to the
articulation of the bases of the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones - have the patient make a loose
fist to facilitate locating the point. Needle 1.0 to 2.0 cun; i.e., one may needle through to
connect with Zhong4 Xian 1. CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Lung Branch, Heart,
and Kidney Reaction Areas}
• Ren2 Huan~: This point is located 3.5 cun proximal to the apex of (as viewed from
posterior to anterior) the medial malleolus on the Foot Tai4 Yin 1 Spleen Channel; i.e., Ren2
Huang2 is located 0.5 cun proximal to Sp-6WH0 . Needle 0.6 to 1.5 cun.
CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY. {Kidney Branch and Lung Branch Reaction
• DMG 88-10 'Three Sisters Three Needles':
i. Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1 : This point lies 1 cun medial and 1 cun proximal to Tong 1 Shan 1.
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Tong 1
Shan 1 is found on the median plane (midsagittal plane) of the anterior thigh, 7 cun
proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
11. Jie3 Mei 4 Er4: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Yi 1•
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 Er4 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
10.5 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)
111. Jie3 Mei San1: This point lies 2.5 cun immediately proximal to Jie3 Mei 4 Er4 •
Needle 1.5 to 3.0 cun. {Six Bowel and Kidney Branch Reaction Areas} (Ergo, Jie3
Mei 4 San 1 is found 1 cun medial to the median plane (midsagittal plane) at a point
13 cun proximal to the center of the superior edge of the patella.)

2. 'Let' DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles' (CKS):

• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
1. Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Fu4 Lin~ Yi1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Fu4 Lin~ Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
Retained Placenta (CKS)

DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit 3 Needles'

DMG 88-10 '3 Sisters 3 Needles'

Retained Placenta (HCL)
1. DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles' and Huo3 Ying4 (HCL):
• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
i. Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
n. Fu4 Lin~ Yi 1: This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
iii. Fu4 Ling2 Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the proximal
interphalangeal skin crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot. Needle
CONTRAINDICATED. {Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• Huo Ying4 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot between the 1st and 2nd

metatarsal bones, 0.5 cun proximal to the metatarsophalangeal joints. Needle 0.3 to 0.5 cun
Auxili~ and Heart Reaction Areas} (This point is described as being 0.5 cun proximal to
LV-2WH .)

DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit 3 Needles'

Retained Placenta (LCH)

1. Huo3 Bao 1 ('let') and Huo3 Ying4 (LCH):

• Huo3 Bao1: This point is found on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot in the
center of the distal interphalangeal skin crease. 'Let'. MOXA PROHIBITED, NEEDliNG
PROHIBITED IN PREGNANCY {Heart and Liver Reaction Areas}
• Huo3 Ying4 : This point is located on the dorsum of the foot between the ftrst and second
metatarsal bones, 0.5 cun proximal to the level of the metatarsophalangeal joints. Needle
0.3 to 0.5 cun perpendicular or oblique insertion, CONTRAINDICATED IN PREGNANCY,
MOXA ALSO PROHIBITED. {Liver Auxiliary and Heart Organ Branch Reaction Areas}
Retained Placenta (LKC)
1. 'Let' DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles' then needle DMG 11-15 'Gynecology
Three Needles' and Huo3 Ying4 (LKC):
• DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit Three Needles':
i. Huo3 Bao1: This point is located in the center of the distal interphalangeal skin
crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot; 'let' -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
ii. Fu4 Lin~ Yi1 : This point is located on the lateral end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot; 'let' -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
m. Fu4 Lin~ Er4 : This point is located on the medial end of the proximal
interphalangeal crease on the plantar surface of the 2nd digit of the foot; 'let' -
{Heart and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas}
• DMG 11-15 'Gynecology Three Needles': These five points are uniformly located on the
Ulnar Digit Line of the dorsal surface on the 1st phalanx of the thumb. Divide the proximal
phalanx of the thumb along said line, from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease to
the dorsal interphalangeal skin crease, into thirds; then, further divide each resultant third in
half. This procedure sections the dorsal surface of the proximal phalanx of the thumb into
sixths - commencing from the dorsal metacarpophalangeal skin crease and proceeding
distally, each sixth represents one of the five points. Needle (select three of the five points)
0.2 to 0.3 cun. {Uterus and Six Bowels Reaction Areas}
• Huo3 Ying4: This point lies on the dorsum of the foot between the 1st and 2nd metatarsal
bones, 0.5 cun proximal to the metatarsophalangeal joints. Needle perpendicularly or
obliquely 0.3 to 0.5 cun. {Heart Organ and Liver Auxiliary Reaction Areas} (Huo3 Ying4
lies 0.5 cun proximal to LV-2WH0 .)

DMG 11-15 'Gynecology 3 Needles'

DMG 55-01 'Gynecology Spirit 3 Needles'


DMG 11-13 ‘ Phoenix Nest 3 Needles'

Point Index: CCC: 45 , 110, 143 , 196 , 202 , 224 , 234 , 257 ,
265 , 294 , 317 , 462.
CKS: 114, 154, 254 , 258 , 280, 282, 466.
BL_20 WHO HC L: 57 , 130, 145 , 204 , 226 , 243 , 265 , 285 ,
CKS: 458. 294 , 322.
BL_23 WHO LKC: 112, 145 , 157 , 186, 199, 206 , 216 , 269 ,
CKS: 458 , 498. 277 , 294 , 330 , 484.
LKC: 89. DMG 11-15 ‘ Gynecology 3 Needles'
BL_67 WHO CCC: 7 , 45 , 110, 175 , 225 , 235 , 257 , 265 , 294 ,
CKS: 445. 317 , 463 , 512.
CV-I 阳O CKS: 2, 11 , 12, 14, 34 , 48 , 68 , 72 , 74 , 76 , 81 ,
CKS: 107. 84 , 94 , 96 , 107 , 108 , 116 , 127 , 144, 146,
HCL: 107. 150, 154, 158, 160, 2∞, 203 , 210, 236 ,
CV_2 WHO 254 , 280 , 282 , 288 , 290 , 308 , 384 , 388 ,
CKS: 107. 414 , 445 , 456 , 458 , 464 , 466 , 487 , 488 ,
HCL: 107. 506 , 508 , 510.
CV-3阳O HCL: 7, 19 , 22 , 37 , 38 , 43 , 44 , 53 , 55 , 57 , 107 ,
CKS: 74, 108, 121 , 2∞, 203 , 290, 402, 498 , 111 , 129, 130, 145 , 153, 176, 180, 204,
500 , 504 , 516. 226 , 228 , 238 , 240, 242 , 243 , 260 , 265 ,
HCL: 22. 285 , 292 , 294 , 321 , 322 , 323 , 331 , 468 ,
LKC: 22. 513.
CV-4 阳O HSH: 66 , 78 , 84, 336.
CKS: 34, 48 , 74, 108, 2∞, 203 , 402, 491 , 494 , LKC: 6, 19, 22 , 25 , 28 , 55 , 60, 61 , 63 , 88 , 112,
496, 498 , 5∞- 124, 125, 134, 138, 139 , 145 , 157, 184,
HSH: 66. 185 , 190, 199 , 206 , 207 , 214 , 215 , 222 ,
LKC: 27 , 64. n2 , M~~6 , 2~ , TI~TI7 ,~~~~
CV_6 WHO 296 , 298 , 323 , 328 , 331 , 333 , 412 , 413 ,
CKS: 34, 203 , 491 , 494, 496, 504. 470, 481 , 515.
CV-12阳O DMG 11-16 ‘ Finger Team of Four Horses'
CKS: 2∞, 203 , 458. CKS: 377.
CV_17 WHO LKC: 377.
CKS: 488. DMG 22-02 ‘ Palm 币rree Passes'
Da4 Bai 2 [大白穴: 22.04] CCC: 164, 170.
CCC: 10, 46. DMG22-06 ‘ Control3 Needles'
CKS: 80 , 8 1. CCC: 10, 46.
HCL: 3 1. DMG 33-03 ‘ Heart Spirit 3 Needles'
LKC: 31 , 267 , 452. CKS: 12 , 34 , 40, 76 , 96 , 384, 390, 454, 474 ,
Di 4 Huang2 [地皇穴: 77.19] 476, 485.
CCC: 47 , 462 , 463. LKC: 193 , 219.
CKS: 2, 14, 36 , 40, 48 , 70, 74 , 77 , 98 , 108 , HSH: 42 1.
DMG33- 1O‘ Holdηlree 白白'
120, 155 , 168 , 259 , 288 , 308 , 381 , 382,
384 , 386, 388 , 402 , 408 , 422 , 456, 464, CKS: 158 , 160, 402 , 414 , 493.
478 , 491 , 494 , 496 , 498 , 5∞, 502, 504, HCL: 23 , 149, 176, 238 , 260, 331 , 332.
506 , 508 , 510. HPC: 284, 302, 3 13.
HPC: 163 , 212 , 404. LCH: 59 , 324 , 403 , 416.
HSH: 66 , 78. LKC: 192, 218 , 271 , 275 , 331 , 332 , 417.
LKC: 89, 326, 412. DMG44-01 ‘ Straight Spine 3 Needles'
MC: 249. CKS: 388.
m4 Zong I [地宗穴: 44.ωl DMG44-02 ‘ Brachial 3 Ancestors'
CCC: 118, 135 , 318.
CCC: 118, 135 , 318.
DMG44-03 ‘ Shoulder Center Vertical 3 Ndls'
DMG 11-02 ‘ Finger 咀lfee Yellow'
CCC: 341 , 356 , 366 , 374.
CCC: 9.
DMG44-05 ‘ Shoulder Sup. Transverse 3 Ndls'
HCL: 23 , 178, 263.
LKC: 299.
DMG 1111-02 ‘τhree Branches 3 Needles'
DMG44-07 ‘ Shoulder Anterior Oblique 3 Ndls'
CKS: 422.
CCC: 119, 126, 136 , 174, 257 , 319.
HCL: 140, 331 , 440.
LKC: 331 , 361 , 364.

DMG55-01 ‘ Gynecology Spirit 3 Needles' DMG 88-07 'Upper 3 Yellow'

CCC: 446. CKS: 2, 40, 48 , 70, 76, 108, 120, 306, 381 ,
CKS: 254, 280, 283 , 447 , 448 , 518. 382, 384, 386, 388, 408 , 414, 422, 456,
HCL: 54, 178, 180, 228 , 240, 262 , 322, 450, 458 , 478 , 490, 510.
520. HCL: 19, 38 , 44, 55 , 140, 323 , 440.
LKC: 30, 62 , 276 , 333 , 453 , 522. HPC: 411 , 420.
DMG 77-02 ‘ Four Flowers 3 Needles' HSH: 66 , 78 , 336, 400.
CCC: 8. LCH: 103 , 426.
CKS: 352, 378 , 422 , 434 , 464. LKC: 19, 55 , 63 , 297 , 323 , 328 , 329.
HCL: 22, 3 1. DMG 88-10 ‘ 3 Sisters 3 Needles'
HSH: 40 1. CKS: 2, 12, 14, 40, 70 , 94 , 98 , 104, 107 , 108 ,
LKC: 22, 26 , 27 , 28 , 31 , 64, 360. 114, 144, 146, 150, 154, 158, 197, 2∞,
DMG77-05 咽町回 Weights 3 Needles' 203 , 210, 236 , 258 , 282, 288 , 290, 448 ,
CCC: 234, 235. 506 , 508 , 516 , 518.
CKS: 68 , 116, 160, 210 , 236 , 255 , 280 , 283 , HCL: 5, 56 , 107 , 122 , 140, 182 , 242 , 264 , 292 ,
344 , 378 , 436. 440.
HCL: 176 , 180, 228 , 238 , 240 , 260, 342 , 346, HPC: 4, 16, 17, 51 , 52 , 86 , 148 , 163 , 212 , 251 ,
354, 358 , 368 , 370, 376. 311 , 312, 313 , 314, 315 , 316 , 391 , 394,
LCH: 339 , 350, 351 , 375 , 438. 407, 425, 442.
LKC: 190, 192, 218 , 222, 232 , 246 , 271 , 274 , HSH: 83.
348 , 360, 361 , 363. LCH: 59, 131 , 244 , 324.
MC: 340, 373. LKC: 187, 217, 246 , 270, 292 , 296 , 329.
DMG77-06 ‘LateralηlTee Passes' MC: 132, 162, 208 , 334.
CKS: 146, 150, 254 , 352, 434. DMG99-01 ‘ Spirit E缸 3 Needles'
HCL: 153 , 342 , 346 , 354, 358 , 368 , 370. HSH: 398 ,
HPC: 171 , 172, 212 , 248 , 391 , 392 , 393 , 394, Er4 Zhong4 [二重穴: 77.06]
442. CCC: 234, 235.
LCH: 350. CKS: 68 , 116, 160, 210 , 236 , 255 , 280, 283 ,
LKC: 207 , 348 , 362, 364. 344, 378 , 436.
MC: 340, 373. HCL: 176, 180, 228 , 238 , 240, 260, 342, 346,
DMG 77-12 'lρwer 咀lTee Emperors' 354, 358 , 368 , 370, 376.
CCC: 47 , 462, 463. LCH: 339, 350, 351 , 375 , 438.
CKS: 2, 14, 36, 40, 48, 70, 72, 77 , 98, 120, LKC: 190, 192, 218 , 222, 232 , 246 , 271 , 274,
155 , 168, 258 , 288 , 308, 381 , 382, 384, 348, 360, 361 , 363.
386 , 388 , 402 , 408 , 422 , 456 , 464 , 478 , MC: 340, 373.
490 , 494 , 496 , 498 , 502 , 504 , 506 , 508 , Fen 1 Bae [分自穴:NA]
510. CKS: 84.
HPC: 212. HSH: 84.
HSH: 66, 78. Fen 1 Shui 3 [分水穴 :NA]
LKC: 89 , 326, 412. CKS: 84.
DMG88-01 ‘ Passing Through Ki dney 3 Ndls' HSH: 84.
CCC: 175, 320. Fen 1 Zhi 1 Shang4 [分枝上穴: DT.Ol]
CKS: 460, 461 , 466, 493.
CKS: 422.
HCL: 175 , 320, 46 1.
HCL: 140, 331 , 376 , 440.
LCH: 166, 324, 480.
HPC: 418 , 432 , 433.
MC: 320.
LKC: 331 , 361 , 364.
DMG 88-03 ‘Thigh Team of 4 Horses'
Fen 1 Zhi 1 Xia4 [分枝下穴: DT.Ol]
CCC: 367.
CKS: 76 , 377, 378 , 434 , 436, 507. CKS: 422.
HCL: 140, 357 , 370, 440. HCL: 140, 331 , 440.
HPC: 395. HPC: 418 , 432 , 433.
HSH: 78. LKC: 331 , 361 , 364.
LKC: 124, 138 , 377. Fen 1 Zh i 1 Zhong 1 [分枝中穴:NA]
DMG 88-04 ‘Thigh Thrl臼 Springs' CKS: 422.
HCL: 18. HCL: 140, 331 , 440.
LCH: 24. LKC: 331 , 361 , 364.
DMG88-06 丁bigh Spleen 3 Needles'
CKS: 490.
HSH: 398.

Feng4 Chao 2 [凰巢穴 :NA] GB_41 WHO

LCH: 58 , 111 , 143, 166, 183, 205 , 244, 295 , CKS: 377 , 386.
324, 469 , 480, 483. LKC: 377.
MC: 32 , 1∞, 113 , 142, 162, 167, 194, 208 , Gan 3 Mao4 Er4 [感冒二穴: 88.08]
230, 249 , 253 , 301 , 334 , 471 , 472. HCL: 141 , 292 , 44 1.
Feng4 Chao 2Er4 [凰巢二穴:NA] LKC: 292.
CCC: 45 , 110, 143 , 196, 202 , 224 , 234 , 257 , Gan3 Mao4 Yi 1 [感冒一穴: 88β7]
265 , 294 , 317 , 462. HCL: 141 , 292 , 44 1.
CKS: 114, 154, 254 , 258 , 280, 282 , 466. LKC: 292.
HCL: 57 , 130, 145 , 204 , 226 , 243 , 265 , 285 , Gan 1 Men 2 [肝阿穴 :33 .1 1]
294, 322. HPC: 405 , 406.
LKC: 112, 145 , 157, 186, 199, 206, 216 , 269 , G旷 Guan 1 [骨阔穴 :NA]
277 , 294 , 330, 484. CCC: 164, 170.
Feng4 Chao 2 San 1 [凰巢三穴 :NA] CKS: 90 , 154, 168 , 258.
CCC: 45 , 110, 143 , 196, 202 , 224 , 234 , 257 , HCL: 165 , 179 , 23 1.
265 , 294 , 317 , 462. GV_4 WHO
CKS: 114, 154 , 254 , 258 , 281 , 282 , 467 , CKS: 458 , 498.
HCL: 57 , 130, 145 , 204 , 226 , 243 , 265 , 285 , Hai3 Bao4 [海豹穴: 66.01]
294 , 322. CKS: 114, 127 , 288 , 306 , 516.
LKC: 112, 145 , 157 , 186, 199, 206 , 216 , 269 , LCH: 13 1.
277 , 294, 330, 484. LKC: 125 , 139, 276.
Feng4 Chao 2 Yi 1 [鼠巢一穴 :NA] HSH: 336.
CCC: 45 , 110, 143 , 196, 202 , 224, 234, 257, HPC: 129.
265 , 294 , 317 , 462. MC: 132.
CKS: 114, 154, 254 , 258 , 280, 282 , 466. Heart-Lung Region
HCL: 57 , 130, 145 , 204 , 226 , 243 , 265 , 285 , CKS: 94 , 344, 352 , 378 , 507.
294 , 322. HCL: 346 , 357 , 372.
LKC: 112, 145 , 157 , 186, 199, 206 , 216 , 269 , LKC: 364.
277 , 294 , 330 , 484. Hua 1 Gu 3 Si 4 [花骨四穴: 55.05]
Fu3 Chang 2 [腑腾穴: 77 .1 2] CKS: 494 , 496.
CKS: 74. LKC: 62.
Fu3 Chao2Er4 She San 1 [腑巢二十三穴: VT.05] Hu四2 Chao2 [渥巢穴: 11.06]
CKS: 237 , 287 , 466 , 488 , 5∞. CCC: 265 , 294.
LKC: 28 , 30, 65 , 188 , 193 , 219 , 220, 272 , 278 , CKS: 114, 116, 127 , 258.
482. HCL: 57 , 130, 145 , 204 , 226 , 243 , 265 , 285 ,
Fu4 Ke 1 [捕科穴: 11.24] 294 , 322.
HPC: 4 , 16, 17 , 51 , 52 , 86 , 128 , 148 , 152, 173 , HPC: 213.
212 , 248 , 251 , 252 , 284 , 286 , 302 , 303 , LCH: 58 , 111 , 143 , 166, 183 , 205 , 244 , 295 ,
393 , 394 , 407 , 427 , 442. 324 , 480 , 483.
LCH: 469. LKC: 61 , 112 , 145 , 157 , 184, 185 , 186, 206,
MC: 32 , 33 , 39, 93 , 1 ∞, 113, 132, 142, 167, 214, 215 , 216 , 266, 268 , 269 , 277 , 294 ,
194, 209, 230, 249, 250, 301 , 334, 471 , 299 , 326, 330, 470, 481.
472. MC: 32 , 1 ∞, 113 , 142, 162, 167, 194, 208 ,
Fu 4 Ling 2 Er4 [孀噩二穴: NA] 209 , 230 , 249 , 253 , 301 , 310, 334 , 471 ,
CCC: 446. 472.
CKS: 254 , 280 , 283 , 447 , 448 , 518. Huo 3 Bao 1 [火包穴: 55.01]
HCL: 54 , 178 , 180, 228 , 240 , 262 , 322 , 450, CCC: 446.
520. CKS: 82 , 98 , 254 , 280, 283 , 447 , 448 , 518.
LKC: 30, 62 , 185 , 215 , 268 , 276 , 333 , 453 , HCL: 54 , 178, 180, 228 , 240, 262 , 322 , 450,
522. 520.
Fu 4 Li ng 2 Yi 1 [孀噩一穴:NA] LCH: 451 , 52 1.
CCC: 446. LKC: 30, 62 , 333 , 453 , 522.
CKS: 254, 280, 283 , 447 , 448 , 518. MC: 45 1.
HCL: 54 , 178 , 180, 228 , 240 , 262 , 322 , 450, Huo 3 Fu3 Hai 3 [火腑海穴: 33.07]
520. CKS: 396 , 49 1.
LKC: 30 , 62 , 185 , 215 , 268 , 276 , 333 , 453 , HSH: 398.
522. MC: 93.

Huo 3 Ying4 [火硬穴: 66.03] MC: 132 , 162 , 208 , 334.

CKS: 104, 158 , 454. Jie3 Mei4 Yi 1 [姐妹一穴: 88.04]
HCL: 520. CKS: 2 , 12, 14, 40 , 70 , 94 , 98 , 104, 107 , 114,
HPC: 395. 144, 146 , 150, 154, 158 , 197 , 2∞, 203 ,
LCH: 183 , 188 , 244 , 521 , 522. 210, 236 , 258 , 282, 288 , 290, 448 , 506 ,
LKC: 188 , 220 , 272. 508 , 516 , 518.
MC: 445. HCL: 5 , 56 , 107 , 122 , 140, 182 , 242 , 264 , 292 ,
Huo 3 Zhi 1 [火枝穴: 88.15] 331 , 440.
HPC: 405. HPC: 4 , 16, 17 , 51 , 52 , 86 , 148 , 163 , 212 , 251 ,
Huo 3 Zhu 3 [火主穴: 66.04] 302 , 311 , 312 , 313 , 314 , 315 , 316 , 391 ,
CKS: 158 , 454 , 504. 394 , 407 , 425 , 442.
HCL: 21 , 179, 227 , 242 , 450, 473. HSH: 83.
LCH: 183 , 198 , 244 , 45 1. LCH: 59 , 131 , 244 , 324.
LKC: 157 , 188 , 220 , 272 , 453. LKC: 187 , 217 , 246 , 270 , 292 , 296 , 329 , 33 1.
MC: 445. MC: 132, 162, 208 , 334.
Jian 1 Feng 1 [肩峰穴 :NA] Kidney R巳gion
CKS: 308.
CCC: 119, 126, 136, 174, 257 , 319 , 341 , 356 ,
366 , 374.
CKS: 408.
CKS: 94 , 344 , 352 , 378.
HCL: 342 , 346 , 354 , 358 , 368. HPC: 406 , 418.
LKC: 348 , 362.
CKS: 68 , 121 , 408.
Jian 1 Zhong 1 [肩中穴: 44.侃]
Li 3 Bai2 [李白穴: 44.12]
CCC: 341 , 356 , 366 , 374.
CKS: 116, 121 , 127 , 308 , 502.
CKS: 94 , 104.
HCL: 32 1.
HCL: 376.
HPC: 128 , 129, 148 , 252 , 31 1.
LKC: 299 , 36 1.
HSH: 336.
Jian 4 Zh ong 1 [建中穴 :NA]
LKC: 125 , 134, 139 , 276.
CCC: 341 , 356 , 366 , 374.
Ling 2 Gu 3 [噩骨穴: 22.05]
CKS: 104.
CCC: 10, 46.
HCL: 376.
LKC: 36 1. CKS: 2, 11 , 12 , 14, 42 , 68 , 76 , 80 , 81 , 90, 98 ,
102, 104, 120, 447 , 448 , 465 , 487 , 488 ,
Jie3 Mei4 Er4 [姐妹二穴: 88.05]
CKS: 2 , 13 , 14, 40, 70, 94 , 98 , 104, 107 , 115 ,
HCL: 18 , 20 , 31 , 180, 228 , 240, 450.
144, 146, 150, 154, 158 , 197 , 2∞, 203 ,
HPC: 16, 17 , 51 , 52.
210, 236 , 258 , 282, 288 , 290, 448 , 506 ,
HSH: 78 , 83.
508 , 516 , 518.
LCH: 5 , 24 , 58 , 45 1.
HCL: 5 , 56 , 107 , 122, 140, 182 , 242 , 264 , 292 ,
LKC: 6 , 26 , 27 , 31 , 61 , 64 , 87 , 190, 222 , 232 ,
331 , 440.
267 , 274 , 452 , 453.
HPC: 4 , 16, 17 , 51 , 52 , 86 , 148 , 163 , 212 , 251 ,
MC: 39 , 93.
302 , 311 , 312 , 313 , 314 , 315 , 316 , 391 ,
Li u4 Kuai4 [六快穴: 1010.16]
394 , 407 , 425 , 442.
CKS: 502.
HSH: 83.
LCH: 59 , 131 , 244 , 324. Liu 4 Wan 2 [六完穴: 66.08]
LKC: 187 , 217 , 246 , 270 , 292 , 296 , 329 , 33 1. CKS: 197.
MC: 132, 162, 208 , 334. MC: 39.
Jie 3 Mei4 San 1 [姐妹三穴: 88.06] Liver Region
CKS: 487.
CKS: 3, 13 , 14, 40, 70, 94, 98 , 104, 107 , 115 ,
144, 146, 150, 154, 158 , 197 , 2∞, 203 ,
CKS: 34.
210, 236 , 258 , 282, 288 , 290, 448 , 506 ,
508 , 516 , 518.
CKS: 90.
HCL: 5 , 56 , 107 , 122, 140, 182, 242 , 264 , 292 ,
Ma3 Jin 1 Shui3 [属金穴: 1010.13]
331 , 440.
HPC: 4 , 16, 17 , 51 , 52 , 86 , 148 , 163 , 212 , 251 , HPC: 128.
302 , 311 , 312 , 313 , 314 , 315 , 316 , 391 , Ma3 Kuai 4 Shui 3 [属快穴: 1010.1 4]
394 , 407 , 425 , 442. CKS: 494 , 496 , 504.
HSH: 83. HPC: 128.
LCH: 59 , 131 , 244 , 324.
LKC: 187 , 217 , 246 , 270 , 292 , 296 , 329 , 33 1.

Men 2 Jin 1 [阿金穴: 66.05] QeMen 2 [其同穴: 33.01]

CCC: 7. CKS: 158, 160, 402, 414, 493.
CKS: 11 , 12, 102, 160. HCL: 23 , 149, 176, 238 , 260, 332.
HCL: 7, 18 , 20, 21 , 22, 31 , 176, 179, 227 , 238 , HPC: 284, 313.
242 , 260 , 473. LCH: 59 , 324, 403 , 416.
HSH: 83. LKC: 192, 218 , 271 , 275 , 332, 417.
LKC: 22 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 30, 31 , 60 , 61 , 64 , MC: 310.
157 , 192, 218 , 27 1. Qe Zheng4 [其正穴: 33.03]
MC: 33 , 194. CKS: 158 , 160, 402 , 414 , 493.
Ming 2 Huang2 [明黄穴: 88.1 2] HCL: 23 , 149, 176 , 238 , 260, 332.
CKS: 2, 40, 48 , 70, 76 , 108 , 120, 306, 381 , HPC: 284, 313.
382, 384, 386, 388, 408 , 414, 422 , 456, LCH: 59 , 325, 403 , 416.
458 , 478 , 490, 510. LKC: 192, 218 , 271 , 275 , 332, 417.
HCL: 19, 38 , 44, 55 , 140, 323 , 440. Ren 2 Huang2 [人皇穴: 77.21]
HPC: 405 , 406 , 411 , 420, 425 , 428 , 429 , 431 , CCC: 47 , 462 , 463.
442. CKS: 2, 11 , 12, 14, 36, 40, 48 , 68 , 70 , 74 , 77 ,
HSH: 66 , 78 , 336 , 400. 82 , 96 , 98 , 102, 104, 108, 120, 155 , 168 ,
LCH: 103 , 426. 259 , 288 , 308 , 381 , 382, 384, 38~ 388 ,
LKC: 19, 55 , 63 , 297 , 323 , 328 , 329. 402 , 408 , 422 , 447 , 448 , 456 , 464 , 478 ,
Mu 4 Fu 4 [木捕穴: 66.02] 491 , 494 , 496 , 498 , 5∞, 502 , 504 , 506 ,
HCL: 31 , 32 1. 508 , 510, 516 , 518.
LCH: 24, 58 , 183 , 295 , 305, 325. HPC: 17, 52 , 163 , 212, 430.
LKC: 31 , 62, 187, 188, 217 , 220, 270, 272, HSH: 66 , 78.
297 , 333. LKC: 25 , 60, 89 , 267 , 326, 412 , 452.
MC: 33 , 194, 301 , 310, 334, 472. Ren 2 Zo ng 1 [人宗穴: 44.08]
Mu4 Guan 1 [木回穴 :NA] CCC: 118, 135 , 318.
CCC: 164, 170. San 1 He2 [三河穴 :NA]
CKS: 90, 154, 168 , 258. CKS: 84.
HCL: 165 , 179 , 23 1. HCL: 165.
Mu 4 Huang 2 [木黄穴 :NA] HSH: 84.
LKC: 298. San 1 Jiang 1 [三江穴: DT.15]
Mu4 Quan 2 [木圭穴:NA] LKC: 6, 89, 188, 220, 272, 278, 3∞-
LKC: 298. San 1 Zhong4 [三重穴:77β7]
Occipital Region CCC: 234 , 235.
CKS: 77 , 156, 422 , 464. CKS: 68 , 116, 160, 210, 236 , 255 , 280 , 283 ,
HSH: 79. 344, 378 , 378 , 436.
PC_9WHO HCL: 176, 180, 228 , 238 , 240, 260, 342, 346,
CKS: 90. 354, 358, 368 , 370, 376.
Qi 2 Huang 2 [其黄穴: 88.14] LCH: 339, 350, 351 , 375 , 438.
CKS: 2, 40 , 48 , 70 , 76 , 108 , 120, 306, 381 , LKC: 190, 192, 218 , 222, 232 , 246 , 271 , 274 ,
382, 384, 386, 388 , 408 , 422, 456 , 458 , 348 , 360, 361 , 363.
478 , 490, 510. MC: 340, 373.
HCL: 19, 38, 44, 55 , 141 , 323, 440. Sciatic Region
HPC: 405 , 406 , 411 , 420, 425 , 428 , 433. CKS: 1, 50 , 91 , 101 , 114, 144, 146 , 150, 156,
HSH: 66 , 78 , 336, 4∞. 168 , 210 , 236 , 287 , 290, 306, 464 , 494 ,
LCH: 103 , 426. 496 , 5 ∞, 504 , 508.
LKC: 19 , 55 , 63 , 297 , 298 , 323 , 328 , 329 , 414. HSH: 66 , 92.
Qi 2 Jiao 3 [其角穴: 33.02] Shang4 Huang 2 [上黄穴:NA]
CKS: 158 , 160 , 40哇, 414 , 493. CCC: 9.
HCL: 23 , 149, 176 , 238 , 260, 332. HCL: 23 , 178 , 263.
HPC: 284 , 313. Shang4 Qu 1 [上曲穴: 44.14]
LCH: 59, 403 , 416. LKC: 299.
LKC: 192, 218 , 271 , 275 , 325 , 332, 417. Shang4 Quan 2 [上泉穴: 88.22]
MC: 39, 93. HCL: 18.
Qi 1 Kuai4 [七快穴: 1010.17] LCH: 24.
CKS: 502.
Qi 1 Le [七里穴: A. Ol]
HPC: 395 , 410 , 419 , 420 , 424 , 428 , 432.

Shen 2 Er3 Shang4 [神耳上穴: NA] SI_I WHO

CKS: 397 , 490. CKS: 487 , 488.
HSH: 398. Si4 Hua1 Fu4 [四花副穴: 77.10]
Shen 2 Er3 Xi a4 [神耳下穴 :NA] CKS: 74 , 363.
HSH: 398. Si4 Hua 1 Shang4 [四花上穴: 77.08]
Shen 2 Er3 Zhong 1 [神耳中穴: NA] CCC: 8.
CKS: 397 , 490. CKS: 11 , 12, 81 , 98 , 102 , 352 , 379 , 422 , 434,
HSH: 398. 436 , 464 , 490.
Shen4 Guan 1 [胃嗣穴 :77.18] HCL: 20, 22 , 3 1.
HPC: 86 , 171 , 172 , 173 , 256 , 316, 395 , 427 , HSH: 83 , 40 1.
429 , 430, 442. LKC: 22 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 31 , 64 , 360.
LKC: 413. Si4 Hua 1 Xi a4 [四花下穴 :77.11]
Shen 2 Jian 1 [神肩穴 :NA] CCC: 8.
CCC: 119, 126, 136, 174, 257 , 319. CKS: 74 , 379, 423 , 435 , 464.
Shi 2 Ba 1 Xi ng 1 [十八星穴 :NA] HCL: 22 , 3 1.
HSH: 40 1.
CKS: 435 , 436.
LKC: 22 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 31 , 64 , 360.
Shou 3Jie3 Er4 [手解二穴 :NA]
Si 4 Hua 1 Zhong 1 [四花中穴: 77.09]
CKS: 120, 454.
CCC: 8.
Shou 3Jie 3 Yi 1 [于解一穴: 22.10]
CKS: 352, 379, 423 , 434 , 464.
CKS: 120, 454. HCL: 22 , 3 1.
Shuang 1 Lo ng 2 Er4 [赞撞二穴 :NA] HSH: 40 1.
CKS: 344 , 352, 378 , 507. LKC: 22 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 31 , 64, 360, 363.
HCL: 342, 346, 354, 357, 358 , 368 , 370. Si4 ~a3 Shanl [四属上穴: 88.1 8]
LKC: 348 , 362, 364.
CCC: 367.
Shuang 1 Long 2 Yi 1 [赞蘸一穴: NA] CKS: 76 , 377, 378 , 434 , 436 , 507.
CKS: 344, 352, 378 , 507. HC L: 140, 357 , 370, 440.
HCL: 342, 346, 354, 357 , 358 , 368 , 370. HPC: 395 , 410, 419 , 420 , 424 , 428.
LKC: 348 , 362 , 364. HSH: 78.
Shui 3Jin 1 [水金穴: 1010.20] LKC: 124, 137 , 377.
CKS: 397. Si4 ~a3 Xi a4 [四属下穴: 88.19]
HSH: 398. CCC: 367.
LKC: 88 , 326 , 4 13. CKS: 76 , 352, 377 , 378 , 434 , 436 , 507.
Shui 3 Jing 1 [水晶穴: 66.13] HCL: 140, 357 , 370, 440.
HCL: 180, 228 , 240. HPC: 395.
LCH: 183 , 231 , 244. HSH: 78.
LKC: 190, 222 , 232 , 274. LKC: 124, 137 , 377.
~C: 162, 230 , 249 , 250 , 253. Si4 ~a3 Zhong 1 [四属中穴: 88.17]
Shui 3 Tong 1 [水通穴: 1010.19] CCC: 367.
CKS: 397. CKS: 76 , 377 , 378 , 434 , 436 , 507.
HSH: 398. HCL: 140, 303 , 357 , 370, 440.
LKC: 88 , 326 , 413. HPC: 391 , 395 , 410 , 411 , 418 , 419 , 420, 424 ,
Shui 3 Qu 1 [水曲穴: 66.09] 425 , 428 , 429 , 432 , 433 , 442.
CKS: 504. HSH: 78.
HCL: 21 , 179, 227 , 242 , 473. LKC: 124, 137 , 377.
LKC: 157. SP_I WHO
~C: 230. CKS: 34 , 197.
Shui3 Xi an 1 [水仙穴: 66.15] ST-25阳O
HCL: 5 13. HCL: 22.
LCH: 514. LKC: 22.
LKC: 190, 222 , 274 , 515. ST-29阳O
~C: 479. CKS: 290.
Shue Xiang4 [水相穴: 66.14] ST-34阳O

CKS: 158 , 385 , 390, 510. HPC: 43 1.

HCL: 513.
LCH: 514. CKS: 396, 498 , 5∞.
LKC: 515. HPC: 173 , 405 , 406 , 430, 43 1.
~C: 479.

TB_5 WHO CCC: 175 , 320.

CKS: 382. CKS: 2∞, 460 , 461 , 466 , 488 , 493.
Tian 1 Huang 2 [天皇穴: 77. 17] HCL: 175 , 320 , 46 1.
CCC: 47 , 462, 463. HPC: 404.
CKS: 2, 14, 36 , 40, 48 , 70, 74 , 77 , 98 , 108 , LCH: 166, 324 , 480.
120, 308 , 381 , 382 , 384 , 386 , 388 , 388 , LKC: 48 1.
402 , 408 , 422 , 456 , 464 , 478 , 491 , 494, MC: 320.
496 , 498 , 502 , 504 , 506 , 508 , 510. Tu 3 Chang 1 Er4 [士昌二穴: NA]
HPC: 212 , 404 , 44 1. CKS: 396 , 397 , 490.
HSH: 66 , 78 , 4∞. HSH: 398.
LKC: 89 , 326, 412. Tu 3 Chang 1 San 1 [土昌三穴 :NA]
Tian 1 Huang2 (88-07) [天黄穴: 88 .1 3] CKS: 490.
CKS: 2, 40, 48 , 70 , 76 , 108, 120, 155 , 168 , HSH: 398.
258 , 288 , 306 , 381 , 382 , 384 , 386 , 408 , 币)3 Chang 1 Si4 [士昌四穴 :NA]
414 , 422 , 456 , 458 , 478 , 490, 500 , 510. CKS: 490.
HCL: 19, 38 , 44, 55 , 141 , 323. HSH: 398.
HPC: 411 , 420. Tu 3 Chang 1 Wu 3 [土昌五穴:NA]
HSH: 66 , 78 , 336 , 4∞- CKS: 490.
LCH: 103 , 426. HSH: 398.
LKC: 19 , 55 , 63 , 297 , 323 , 328 , 329. Tu 3 Chang 1 Yi 1 [土昌一穴:NA]
Tian 1 Zong 1 [天宗穴: 44.10] CKS: 396 , 397 , 490.
CCC: 118 , 135 , 318. HSH: 398.
CKS: 120, 127 , 306. Wai 4 San 1 Guan 1 Er4 [外三四二穴: 77.27]
HCL: 122. CKS: 146, 150, 254 , 352 , 434.
HSH: 336. HCL: 153 , 342 , 346 , 354 , 358 , 368 , 370.
LCH: 123 , 137 , 324. HPC: 171 , 172, 212 , 248 , 391 , 392 , 393 , 394 ,
LKC: 124, 138 , 330. 442.
MC: 132, 310. LCH: 350.
Tong 1 Bei4 [通背穴: 88.11] LKC: 207 , 348 , 362 , 364.
CCC: 175 , 320. MC: 340, 373.
CKS: 460 , 461 , 466 , 493. Wai 4 San 1 Guan 1 San 1 [外三回三穴: 77.27]
HCL: 175 , 320, 46 1. CKS: 146 , 150, 255 , 352 , 434.
HPC: 152. HCL: 153 , 342 , 346 , 354 , 358 , 368 , 370.
LCH: 166, 324 , 480. HPC: 171 , 172, 212 , 248 , 391 , 392 , 393 , 394 ,
LKC: 89 , 199. 442.
MC: 320. LCH: 350.
Tong 1 Guan 1 [通嗣穴: 88.01] LKC: 207 , 348 , 362 , 364.
CKS: 474 , 476 , 485. MC: 340, 373.
HPC: 404 , 430. Wai 4 San 1 Guan 1 Yi' [外三四一穴: 77.27]
LCH: 475 , 477 , 486. CKS: 146, 150, 254 , 352, 434.
LKC: 48 1. HCL: 153 , 342 , 346 , 354 , 358 , 368 , 370.
Tong 1 Shan 1 [通山穴: 88.02] HPC: 171 , 172, 212 , 248 , 391 , 392 , 393 , 394 ,
CKS: 474 , 476 , 485. 442.
HPC: 404. LCH: 350.
LCH: 475 , 477 , 486. LKC: 207 , 348 , 362 , 364.
Tong 1 Shen4 [通霄穴: 88.09] MC: 340, 373.
CCC: 175 , 320. Wan 4 Shun4 Er4 [腕顺二穴: 22.09]
CKS: 2∞, 460, 461 , 466 , 488 , 493. CKS: 42 , 72 , 84 , 382 , 384 , 386 , 390, 510.
HCL: 175 , 320, 46 1. HSH: 84.
HPC: 86 , 152, 171 , 172; 173 , 248 , 252 , 256 , Wan 4 Shun4 Yi 1 [腕隔一穴: 22.08]
284 , 404 , 427 , 442. CKS: 42 , 72 , 91 , 382 , 384 , 386, 498 , 501 , 508.
LKC: 199 , 326 , 48 1. HSH: 92.
LCH: 166, 324 , 480. LKC: 87.
MC: 320. Wu 3 Li ng 3 [五锚穴: DT.04]
Tong 1 Tian 1 [通天穴: 88.03]
LKC: 278 , 3∞-
HPC: 248. Wu 3 Xing 2 [五形穴 :NA]
LCH: 475 , 477 , 486.
HSH: 336.
Tong 1 Wei 4 [通胃穴: 88.10]

Xi a4 B旷[下白穴: 22.07] Zheng4 Ji 3 Yi 1 [正脊一穴 :NA]

CKS: 84. CKS: 388.
HSH: 84. Zheng4 Zong 1 [正宗穴: 77.02]
LKC: 87. HSH: 92.
Xia4 Huang 2 [下黄穴 :NA] Zhe Han4 [止汗穴 :NA]
CCC: 9. HPC: 429.
HCL: 23 , 178, 263. Zhe Si4 Ma3 Er4 [f旨四属二穴: 11.07]
Xi a4 Quan 2 [下泉穴: 88.20] CKS: 377.
HCL: 18. LKC: 377.
LCH: 24. Zhi 3 Si4 Ma3 San 1 [指四属兰穴: 11.07]
Xin 1 Li ng2 Er4 [心重二穴 :NA] CKS: 377.
CKS: 12, 34 , 40 , 76 , 96 , 385 , 390, 454 , 474 , LKC: 377.
476 , 485. Zhe Si4 Ma3 Yi 1 [指四属一穴: 11.07]
HSH: 421. CKS: 377.
LKC: 193 , 219. LKC: 377.
Xin 1 Li ng 2 San 1 [心重兰穴: NA] Zhong 1 Guan 1 [中回穴: NA]
CKS: 12, 34 , 41 , 77 , 96 , 385 , 390, 454 , 474 , CCC: 164, 170.
476 , 485. Zhong 1 Huanl [中黄穴 :NA]
HSH: 421. CCC: 9.
LKC: 193 , 219. HCL: 23 , 178, 263.
Xin 1 Li ng 2 Yi 1 [心噩一穴 :NA] Zhong 1 Jiu 3 Li 3 [中九里穴: 88.25]
CKS: 12, 34 , 40, 76 , 96 , 384 , 390, 434 , 436 , HPC: 410, 424 , 428 , 433.
454 , 474 , 476 , 485. Zhong4 Kui 2 [重魁穴 :NA]
HSH: 42 1.
CCC: 10, 46.
LKC: 193 , 219.
Zhong 1 Quan 2 [中泉穴: 88.21]
Xin 1 Men 2 [心同穴: 33 .1 2]
HCL: 18.
CKS: 91 , 50 1.
LCH: 24.
Yi 1 Zhong 4 [一重穴: 77.05]
Zhong4 Xi an 1 [重仙穴: 22.02]
CCC: 234, 235.
MC: 209.
CKS: 68 , 116, 160, 210, 236 , 255 , 280, 283 ,
Zhong4 Ze [重子穴: 22.01]
344, 378 , 436.
MC: 209.
HCL: 176 , 180, 228 , 238 , 240 , 260 , 342 , 346 ,
354 , 358 , 368 , 370 , 376. Zhu 1 Yuan 2 [珠圄穴 :NA]
LCH: 339 , 350, 351 , 375 , 438. CKS: 104.
LKC: 190, 192 , 218 , 222 , 232 , 246 , 271 , 274 , Zi 3 Gong 1 [子富穴:NA]
348 , 360 , 361 , 363. HCL: 292.
MC: 340, 373. LKC: 292.
Yun 2 Bae [雪白穴 :44.1 1]
CCC: 119, 126, 136 , 174, 257 , 319.
CKS: 114, 116, 121 , 127 , 308 , 502.
HCL: 122 , 321 , 323.
HPC: 128 , 129, 148 , 152, 251 , 256 , 286 , 303 ,
311 , 312 , 314 , 315 , 392 , 427.
HSH: 336.
LCH: 123 , 131 , 137 , 324.
LKC: 125 , 134, 139 , 276 , 299 , 323.
MC: 132.
Zhen 4 Jing4 [镇静穴: 1010.08]
CKS: 96 , 385 , 390, 421 , 454, 474 , 476 , 485.
Zheng4 Hui4 [正啻穴: 1010.01]
CKS: 96 , 104, 200.
Zheng 4 Jin 1 [正筋穴: 77.01]
HSH: 92.
Zhen旷 Je Er4 [正香二穴 :NA]
CKS: 388.
Zhen旷 Ji 3 San 1 [正脊三穴:NA]
CKS: 388.

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