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Muslim Unity 

1. Islam-a religion of peace and unity.

2. Divine orders for unity.
3. Advantages of Muslim unity in the past and present.
4. Factors behind Muslim disunity.
5. Falling away from Islam.
6. Leaving off Islamic restrictions.
7. Disadvantages of disunity.
8. Loss of prestige.
9. Loss of Muslim unity.
10. Need for Muslim unity.
11. To bring peace in the world.
12. To improve the prestige of Islam.
Islam means mankind’s complete submission to the will of Allah Almighty alone. It is a religion
of peace, unity, brotherhood, justice, truth, and purity. Being a religion of peace and unity, it
has come to unite the world and delivers humanity from exploitations, oppression, and
injustice. The Holy Quran enjoins unity among Muslims considering all of them one nation.

Muslims achieved glory and success with deep faith in Allah and His last prophet (PBUH). The
early Muslims spread Islam with love and humanity. They contributed to all realms of knowledge
with unity in their ranks. They became the rulers, the guides, the leaders, and the trendsetters.
The whole of humanity admitted and admired their greatness and glory. With unity in their ranks,
they can again make this hollow, derailed, and inhumane wasteland an earthy paradise of
peace, progress, and prosperity.
 ” And hold fast the rope of Allah and not be divided” (The Holy Quran)
It is painful to admit that the Muslims Ummah is totally disunited these days. Muslims lack unity,
discipline, and harmony in their ranks. They are falling away from  Islam. Their pleasure in
scholastic quibbles, their negligence to seek knowledge,  their denial of free thought, their
distrust on reason, sectarian dissensions, racial and tribal allegiances, political instability,
disunity, and corruption have always contributed to their downfall. Internal troubles, externals
wars and conspiracies against them intensify their disunity and put them in a quagmire.

The Muslim Ummah, in spite of its rich resources, lags in every walk of life. Muslims possess no
veto power. They dance to the tunes of other countries. They seem totally helpless. Other
nations are exploiting and humiliating them. They are the victims of the so-called war against
terrorism. They are considered fanatics, fundamentalists, and criminals. They are watching
Israeli and Indians atrocities on the Muslims as silent spectators. There is no doubt that their
honor, character, identity, ideology, and even survival are at stake due to their disunity.
” The believers in their mutual love, mercy, and compassion, are like one body: If one
organ complained, the rest of the body develops a fever” [The Holy Prophet (PBUH)]

Unity of the Muslims Ummah is essential to maintain tit freedom, progress, stability, survival and
to regains its past glory and prestige. All obstacles that stand in the way of Muslim unity should
be studied and removes. Muslims must have their own financial institutions, defense production
units, welfare organizations, characters, etc. Muslims are not directed against any party but they
will bring peace, progress, and stability in this distributed world. With unity in their ranks.
Muslims will not only become a great nation but also remove exploitation, injustice, ignorance,
cruelty, darkness, and hopelessness from the world. Their unity will raise their status in the
customs of nations.
Muslim Unity 

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