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Nabila Yuriska
Kelas Bahasa Inggris Dalam Keperawatan B

Program Studi Sarjana keperawatan

Fakultas Ilmu keperawatan Universitas Indonesia
In communicating we must master the aspects of language skills, such as reading as
is already discussed on reading practice 1, listening, speaking, and writing. On this
occasion, I will write how to mastering listening skills in english. According to Kamus
Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), listening is the process of listening carefully to what
people say or read. In oxford dictionary, listening is to pay attention somebody or
something that you can hear, to take notice of what somebody says to you so that you
follow their advice or believe them. The ability to speak eloquently is a key component
in communication success, but good listening is also an essential component in
communication. So thats why we must to mastering or minumum understand basic of
listening skills. According to vandergrift and tafaghodtari (2010) there is a difference in
strategy in listening skills on top down strategies listeners know the background,
situations, types, and context situations. This strategy involves listening for the main
idea, predicting, drawing inferences, and summarizing. Bottom up heard based on the
language in the message listening for specific details, recognizing cognates, and
recognizing word other patterns.

The first one, we will talk about listening the main idea is to get information on
public topics with listen in general to know the points being presented. Discovering and
understanding the main idea of information that is heard. How to find main idea when
listening to information is listen to bookmarks like the phrase "what is the purpose of
this text", listen to words that repeat, listen to phrases and the rhythms of enunciation,
and listen to words that stand out. Tips for listeing the main idea is focus and pay
attention, look at the keyword, listen sentences that are relevant or not to the topic.

Next is predicting the meaning of a message by focusing on key words and avoiding
nonessential words. In listening, we must must be able to select the words we listen to
and remember the meaning of the text. We will predict whether the word we use is
correct or not, this predictive strategy helps the student. With predictions of students or
warriors will become more active and make predictions with their previous knowledge.
Prediction is a key process in understanding spoken language (Sherin, 1987). Such
predictions are hypothesized to ensure a relationship and an understanding of the
listener. An interpretation in listening skills depends on the individual listening. If we
can hear well then we can predict well. With predictions, we can actively think about
the content or feelings expressed by the speaker. We must first n the topic discussed in
order to determine what subjects are relevant with what is presented. Startegi's
predictions help us to be good listeners.

Third, drawing inference it is an operation of logical reasoning during which one

draws a consequence from a fact or a suggestion (Bailly, 1998). We might point out
that drawing inference is a strategy in listening skills that reflect the listener's ability to
understand what is being said and to understand implied words. With skill drawing
inference, so students are asked to draw conclusions from their previous knowledge.
Their knowledge of information is heard or implied in the text (Bailey, 2000).

Next, summarizing is one strategy not only of reading skills as well but also at
listening skills. Summarizing can help about critical information and help in
understanding what is in the text. Summarizing, surely making students recognize
important information and presents the information in their own language that is easier
to understand, this will create a long-term memory, Senemoglu (2001: 569) in Naseri &
Assadi (2013:74). In summarizing the text on the listening skill the main thing you
have to do is focus on listening and note the key points in the text. Try to record key
ideas, information details, and other important parts. In summarizing it, use your own
language to make it easier to understand.

Then, listening to specific details to understanding specific listening we must clarify

what we want to hear, ignore irrelevant words, and focus on words important to get
specific information. Types of specific details is hours, dates, names, and places. There
is something you should remember when listening to specific details is read the
question, get the keyword, and decide to get specific details.

Recognizing cognates, In mastering listening skills by recognizing cognates of the

same origin, we must therefore hear and carefully understand the sentence on the
listening text. Relatives come from one or more of the same roots. It is found in the
linguistic science by which the word is inherited from the parent or can be from another
word absorbed. The thing we must note here, is that the word, whether it has two
languages but means the same, so does spelling and pronunciation.
The last is recognizing word other patterns, in mastering listening skills by
recognizing patterns, then we must listen to and carefully understand the sentences in
the listening text. Usually the writer would use a phrase over and over again or make a
pattern, which could be the intended person, object, and genesis


Guo, Jing. 2015. Inference making and linguistic skills in listening comprehension : An

observation of french students learning chinese. Vol 12, suppl.1, pp. 318-331.
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Murniyati. 2018. The effect of using summarizing strategy of intermediate EFL


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