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Ladiezzz and Gentle menzzz and all those freaky eight-legged and roof crawlers, those running hole

drillers and pesky blood

suckers... MIND IT I say!!!!

Forgot me??? Am the same guyzz responsible for those air conditioning ventzz in your step-in’s and panties (umm)...?
I am the man making girlzz scream “Ayoo... rat...rat... bachaooo” (an opportunity for Boyzz to show who the
MACHOOOO is). I am here there and everywhere... कब्रिस्तान मेरा निवास, Sewer मेरा आँगन, if I am in you are
out, I go nasty you go Heizy-weizy... I am Inchigh Elibhai.

Hope the Diwali fever is on and also to resume some UnFInisHed Exams... but in the mean while when you
guys were away. I found few fascinating thing ROUND IN SURAT.

Kay guys first seeing the recent Goa serial murder my friends have come up
with few self defence tactics......

Meet Mr. Chemee Chung Wyne, Black belt Dan IV, trying to show how camouflage and self defence can knock off
any of you opponents. A Chip and Chop from a possible invisible attacker.... the targets doesn’t have night vision
goggles. Well not only are the moves famous with him alone... here is another heart break kid (tree break mainly).
Even the tree’s feel the heat of the situation... thanks to RED BULL nothing seems to be impossible.
.Once my Mamma did say No CAT can go along with a DOG. I
objected it till yesterday when I caught this
happening in my room......

Lucky me I wasn’t at the receiving end...

Damn those moves... Man even Bruce
lee wasn’t that flexible...! Well the
next pit stop did remind me of the
film “the Drunken Monkey” as
then I really understood that

Hollywood movies are really

getting into people’s nerves...
rather animal nerves. Ahh the climax
scene arrives the brother’s teacher each other the last moves of Shaolin Kung FU. Aint that just like the

Okay perhaps this aint what you think it is. I think they are preparing
themselves for an Add saying “leave the Bears alone they are dangerous”.
At least Menaka Gandhi will be pleased. Apart from all these “Katharnak”
moves... a lot was happening in and around Surat....
Recently I was inspired by Obama (Now a Nobel Laureate), the way he took peace in a stride. May be this is the best reason why he was nominated

Hmmm may be even Uncle Sam is motivational

no matter what he says.

I really thing David Letterman must have a copy of this. .. I recently was on a trip to Saputara, nice
place for those who feel Surat is hot, and Gujarat is nothing but a land of grains, dry as a
raisins. And the most attractive feature apart from the “Curves and Cleavages of the NATURAL
MOUNTAONS” is the ropeways which roughly stretch for about two kilometres and it’s a pleasant
ride. Well firstly this...........
And the second was a rule... which said “the trolley will halt in the centre for one or two
minutes and the passengers will have to alight and enter!!!” well I suppose the centre is
3 km above sea level... and the last rule states “you are only authorised to enter the
trolley if you shall abide by the above rules”... that is a nice marketing strategy. Well
don’t take this as a personal
insult but for those who think
that women are the worst
drivers ... Think again!!!!

Well taking about women I

just got a postcard from my dear friend
from Indonesia and wonder what... he said the
women there are so “Cheap” that they are worth just Rs 5...
Common man where the hell can you get a women for five rupee. Crap I
don’t even get a
steak for that amount.... but
when I turned the card
around I found this...

Now I understand why women are so “CHEAP”...: D

(Nareepol tree, Indonesia... give it a search)

Well guys I suppose you guys had a nice vacation like my friend Mr. LazyShortky and I also presume you guys did exactly what he did and will keep doing...

So till the next edition, expecting more pics and fun and lots of
Hap-Hazard stuffs in your life this is Inchigh Elibhai signing out...
and before you leave please next time ensure you pets are well
treated or else you may have to wear the Hockey pads to keeps
the Balls on you Court... Adios amigo.....

Btech IV, Production Engg

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