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Java Driver (/mongo-java-driver/4.1/driver/) Tutorials (/mongo-java-driver/4.1/driver/tutorials/) Aggregation

Aggregation Framework
The aggregation pipeline ( ) is a framework
for data aggregation, modeled on the concept of data processing pipelines.

The example below requires a restaurants collection in the test database. To create and populate
the collection, follow the directions in github (
Include the following import statements:

import com.mongodb.Block;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoClients;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates;
import com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators;
import com.mongodb.client.model.Projections;
import com.mongodb.client.model.Filters;

import org.bson.Document;

Include the following code which the examples in the tutorials will use to print the results of the

Block<Document> printBlock = new Block<Document>() {

public void apply(final Document document) {

Connect to a MongoDB Deployment

Connect to a MongoDB deployment and declare and define a MongoDatabase and a MongoCollection

instances. (/mongo-java-driver/4.1/../) Search docs 

For example, include the following code to connect to a standalone MongoDB deployment running on
localhost on port 27017 and define database to refer to the test database and collection to refer to
the restaurants collection.

MongoClient mongoClient = MongoClients.create();

MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("test");
MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("restaurants");

For additional information on connecting to MongoDB, see Connect to MongoDB (/mongo-java-


Perform Aggregation
To perform aggregation, pass a list of aggregation stages
( ) to the
MongoCollection.aggregate() (/mongo-java-driver/4.1/apidocs/mongodb-driver-
sync/com/mongodb/client/MongoCollection.html#aggregate(java.util.List) ) method. The Java driver
provides the Aggregates (/mongo-java-driver/4.1/apidocs/mongodb-driver-
core/com/mongodb/client/model/Aggregates.html ) helper class that contains builders for aggregation

In the following example, the aggregation pipeline

First uses a $match ( )

stage to filter for documents whose categories array field contains the element Bakery . The
example uses Aggregates.match (/mongo-java-driver/4.1/builders/aggregation/#match) to build
the $match stage.
Then, uses a $group ( )
stage to group the matching documents by the stars field, accumulating a count of documents for
each distinct value of stars . The example uses (/mongo-java-
driver/4.1/builders/aggregation/#group) to build the $group stage and Accumulators.sum
core/com/mongodb/client/model/Accumulators#sum(java.lang.String,TExpression).html ) to build
the accumulator expression
( ).
For the accumulator expressions
( ) for use within the
$group ( ) stage, the Java
 (/mongo-java-driver/4.1/../) Search docs
driver provides Accumulators (/mongo-java-driver/4.1/apidocs/mongodb-driver-

core/com/mongodb/client/model/Accumulators.html ) helper class.

Aggregates.match(Filters.eq("categories", "Bakery")),"$stars", Accumulators.sum("count", 1))

Use Aggregation Expressions

For $group accumulator expressions (
group/ ), the Java driver provides Accumulators (/mongo-java-driver/4.1/apidocs/mongodb-driver-
core/com/mongodb/client/model/Accumulators.html ) helper class. For other aggregation expressions
( ),
manually build the expression Document .

In the following example, the aggregation pipeline uses a $project

( ) stage to return only the name
field and the calculated field firstCategory whose value is the first element in the categories array.
The example uses Aggregates.project (/mongo-java-driver/4.1/builders/aggregation/#project) and
various Projections (/mongo-java-driver/4.1/apidocs/mongodb-driver-
core/com/mongodb/client/model/Projections.html ) methods to build the $project stage.

new Document("$arrayElemAt", Arrays.asList("$categories", 0))

 Write Operations (/mongo-java-driver/4.1/driver/tutorials/perform-write-operations/)

Change Streams  (/mongo-java-driver/4.1/driver/tutorials/change-streams/)
 (/mongo-java-driver/4.1/../) Search docs 

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