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Utaite Quotes Round 5.5
Amatsuki: Today, I’m staying in a hotel room with Hashiyan san and Kony chan. I need to prepare to end Kony
chan’s life the moment he starts to snore
Amatsuki: This is what Kony chan gave me and Hashiyan san, check it out (picture of earplug)

Amatsuki: the wiiU has no memory space for Mario Kart DLC, Amatsuki found dead (^0^) Why is it so full…
Fan: Buy an external HDD
Amatsuki: It’s so expensive I laughed, I think I’ll cry now
Amatsuki: I found a 4G USB I wasn’t using and plugged it in, it’s working somehow. The wiiU itself has so little
memory space it made me laugh

Amatsuki: I tightened my belt as far as it can go and my pants are still slipping down this is dangerous

Amatsuki: I was thinking that I have a pretty flexible mindset, and I’m very attentive, so I’m always getting dragged
around by other people and I reached
Amatsuki: The character limit

Amatsuki: Yesterday I managed to lose both my bad luck and my wallet v(’ q ` )v It’s dangerouus what do I do I
can’t find it
AmatsukI: I’ve lost my wallet so much, I don’t feel it anymore I’m feeling really anxious, and I’m seriously thinking
that just letting all material things go might be better nooo ʅ( ՞ਊ՞)ʃ≡  ≡ʅ( ՞ਊ՞)ʃuhhhuuuuuhuhuuhu
-> Uratanuki: Losing wallets is what utaites are supposed to do
–> Amatsuki: Is that for real then considering how much I lose my wallets I must be a really successful utaite
Amatsuki: Anyway, I need to live on my 1000 yen that was in my pocket until I find my wallet I’ll try hard
Maybe if I tap it it’ll double itself
Tap my pockets and two Noguchis~
Tap my pockets and four Noguchis~
(Noguchi Hideo is on japanese 1000 yen bills, about 10USD)
Amatsuki: I missed my station while I was tweeting goodbye
Amatsuki: I found my wallet I found my wallet I found my wallet walleeeeeeeeeeet it was at the police station (´;ω;
Amatsuki: I’ve been using this wallet for four years and I’ve gotten it back after I lost it ten times!!! Thank you
stranger that returned my wallet!!! You probably can’t read this but anyway!!!
Amatsuki: Got my wallet back…! A car ran it over and the credit cards are in pieces but my money is still in here,
(´;ω;`) Thanku thanku

Fan: Mafukun are you getting married?!

Mafumafu: I don’t even have a girlfriend, let alone getting married, what the heck wwwwwwwwwwww

Mafumafu: I know this isn’t really something to laugh over, but sometimes I sleep and get encased in this sense of
anxiety and I end up waking up crying wonder what this is at that moment it feels like I can’t hear very well and I’m
in a dark place
Mafumafu: last time Urata san came over to sleep that happened and I popped up yelling “Uwaaaaaaaaaa!!!” and
Urata san told me “It’s okay. It’s okay.” and I remember being very reassured by that
Mafumafu: is what I told him and he told me he can’t remember that
Mafumafu: “Sleeping is closing your eyes. Removing yourself from the world full of things you don’t want to see.
For just this moment, let’s return to nothingness” Can I send this artistic sentence and postpone my deadline (three
days left)

Mafumafu: Um hey I just starting updating the computer without giving it a lot of thought and it’s not ending
tomorrow’s the deadline is it okay brother Uhuh it’s fine we can work through the night you know the usual but
what if the update doesn’t end well then we’re screwed but it’s okay
Mafumafu: You don’t have to be afraid you don’t I’m afraid

Mafumafu: Long ago when I didn’t know much about spam mail I used to answer seriously with “I don’t know why
I won. Maybe you sent to the wrong address” to mails like “Congradulations! You won ooo!!!” 
Mafumafu: and I even bragged that to my friends like “I’m getting a lot of mail these days”

Mafumafu: @Soraru: If I can change the song I’m going to write for you now, I’m going to change it to a weird
song about tentacle fetishes.
Mafumafu: I brought up the tentacles to annoy Soraru san, but now they’re saying I like tentacles and I bought my
computer to play ero games, I’m crying so this is how rumors are made I want to become a clam

 Apr 25, 2015 11:27 pm

 343 Notes


Utaite Quotes Round 5

Itou Kashitarou: To be honest, I’ve never done a love confession!
un:c : Okay then!!! Let’s practice!!! First, commit hara-kiri! (suicide by disembowlment)

Pokota: I’m Pokota♪

Kogeinu: I’m Kogeinu ♪
And the two combined…
a crossbred mutt ♪
Kogeinu: Wait… when did we mate…

KK: My concentration when I turn the tap in microscopical degrees to set the perfect water temperature is second to
no one.

Soraru: Today is my birthday! I’m turning 21.

Soraru: Aaah I’m so sorry… I was lying… I have over a hundred congratulating mentions….

KK: I dreamt of getting superpowers and jumping from one roof to another and singing musical-ish songs. Good

Soraru: The COF is fighting amongst themselves…! They’re on the brink of falling apart….!
Itou Kashitarou: After the live, I got a lot of hand written letters, so I’ll read them before I go to bed!
Itou Kashitarou: Oh
Itou Kashitarou: They’re all for Amatsuki
Itou Kashitarou: So this is how it is!! Everyone likes Amatsuki better than me!! Okay!!!

Mafumafu: I’m working as Amatsuki kun eats steak I’m working as Amatsuki kun eats steak I’m working as
Amatsuki kun eats steak I’m working as Amatsuki kun eats steak I’m working as Amatsuki kun eats steak

Rib: The river after it rains is pretty smelly, what a shame

Soraru: Rib is also sm…. nothing…

Glutamine: There’s a hole in my wallet…. shock

Mafumafu: What do you wanna eat?

Mafumafu: Hmm-, I want this parfait!
Mafumafu: Isn’t that to big?
Mafumafu: Let’s eat half each ♡
Mafumafu: Okay, okay, Uh, don’t stick to me so much.

Fan: Die
Gero: I’m telling the police!!!!!!!

Soraru: I guess to an elementary school kid 25 year olds would be ojisans

Kogeinu: Shut up

Gero: Pikachu sama is god

Itou Kashitarou: No, wait, I need underwear!

Soraru: I don’t think you need them, right?
Itou Kashitarou: S, Soraru san, you can’t reveal your secret hobby here!

Soraru: I forgot my keys so now I’m climbing up the walls, but I’ve been working out and I think I got faster.

S!N: I paid 500K to Rairu for him to say “S!N is a good person” on air.
Rairu: Thanks for the money

Kony on Valentines day: I want money and power and beauty more than chocolate!

Soraru: I got tricked by Rib and walked the other way starting from Shinjuku station, dammit

Kony: The incoded video that amatsuki sent over was titled “Stop it! Please don’t kill Kony!!!”
(Upload comment of Please don’t kill the love song)

Fan: Do you have a girlfriend?

un:c: I have lots of girlfriends! In my computer.
Soraru: It seems like Last Note has announced that they are a two-person unit, so Soraru is actually a three person
halyosy: Actually I am a four person unit too (Ha Ru Yo Shi in japanese), Ru kun from Halyosy and Ru kun from
Soraru and Ru kun from Glutamine(Gu Ru Ta Min in japanese) are all the same Ru kun.

 Mar 19, 2015 2:31 pm

 492 Notes

 KK

Utaite Quotes Round 4

Itou Kashitarou: I came back after talking about children at the Children Association at Saitama. On the way back I
found a plant market and went in. I mean, I like plants, it’s only natural that I would want to look around! I went in
and used the restroom first. And when I came out, someone shouted at me “You punk, what are you doing here!” so
I answered “to buy, plants…” and then he said “You don’t look like it! Well, okay then!” and he went away. I
bought the plant, but now that I think of it, wasn’t it rude of him…?
Fan: Did you carry your guitar when you went in…?
Itou Kashiarou: Oh, maybe that’s it…!! lol

Fan: Your tweets are mostly made up of “I’m hungry” “I’m going on a jog” “I wanna sing” and “I wanna eat xxx”.
Amatsuki: lack of vocabulary..

Amatsuki: It’s my graduation soon, good bye to my high school friends…

Amatsuki: Okay, I’m not a high school student and I don’t have friends
Amatsuki: So next month I become an elementary school student huh can I make like a hundred friends?

Mafumafu: [Live show] [Mafunama] Mafumafu is chased by his tax paying deadline so he’s going to play his
tambourine ( ‘ω'o[I will really read all the comments this time]o started.
(*Apparently Mafu’s tambourine cost him around $40~50)

Amatsuki: End of rehearsal, ate udon with Taruto-san and everyone else, and came to Komeda and Eating
Shironowaru! Getting faaaaaaaaat
Amatsuki: I, I really worked hard at the rehearsal… (shaking voice) and I’m going to the gym after this…. (shaking

Amatsuki: Is it true that people with verified twitter acounts can shoot laser beams from their eyes?’

Mafumafu: I did think there were going to be people who say “today is february 22nd, so I’ll end my sentences with
nyan♡”, but my friend did it right in front of my eyes and it made me feel really complicated nyan
(February 22nd is Cat’s day in Japan because 2=ni=nyan)
Fan: I laughed so hard here! (picture from amatsuki’s gaming live show, he’s playing Ao Oni and the monster is
right behind him as he’s trying to open a door)
Amatsuki: No seriously, 0.3 seconds before you die is not a good time to say that the door is not opening.

Soraru: Mafumafu drank beer and his face looks like a ghost
Mafumafu: It’s so bitter, I don’t know, I’m tearing up

Mafumafu: I downed a can of Redbull in one go and I fell alseep two minutes later, with the characters from
Lowcube in my dreams, I don’t think I can anymore


halyosy: I’ve given up on living in the real world, and decided to live on in the virtual world. Please say hello to the
virtual halyosy. He doesn’t come out of his room anymore.

Itou Kashitarou: I participated in the album with buzzG san’s new song and a duet with Rifu san!
Rib: Rifu…?
Itou Kashitarou: Also Ripu and Rib san are all cool!
(fu=ふ  bu=ぶ  pu=ぷ , Rib is written as ribu.)

koma'n: It’s april I want to eat all the dust on a school girl’s uniform…

Fan: The first person that Wanc followed seems to be Kashitarou san, what do you think about that?
un:c : It’s getting tamed.
(wanc is un:c’s dog’s twitter account)

Fan: I really want to jump you in an elevator!

Hashiyan: Eh?!

Soraru: [Urgently hiring] A cute girl to make me snacks

Urata: I’m uploading a new video!

Shima: I’m also uploading a new video!
Sakata: I uploaded a video this morning!
Senra: No- I didn’t upload a video today, I uploaded a picture of milk and bread instead~!

Amatsuki: Soraru san and Hashiyan san are all excited about the new boob sommelier app
Soraru: We’re having a boob sommelier competition

Suzumu on Valentine’s day: All of you going choco choco shut up your teeth rots

Fan: What is your dream?

Amatsuki: An oil tycoon.
halyosy: I can’t seem to think up happy lyrics, I want to get married.
Fan: Will marriage make… you happy…?
halyosy: Oh! I guess…
Fan: If you want to get married, you’ll need to get wedding gifts since you are a male, and if you get kids you’ll
have to move to a bigger place, and you’ll be in debt… and all kinds of other costs…
halyosy: Uwaaaaaaaa stop it!! Stop showing me what reality is like!!
Fan: Halyosy san!!! You need to face up to the reality!!!

Rib: Uoooo! I participated! (video of halyosy’s connecting *vocaloid version*)

Soraru: No that’s vocaloid loooooooooool

Fan: You’re a cute little punk

Hashiyan: Thx

Fan: What kind of sex toys do you have?

Hashiyan: I have a blindfold, handcuffs, and a gag. I like to use them on others.

Fan: When was your first love

Hashiyan: When I was in kindergarten

Fan: If I gave you a hundred thousand dollars to spend all in one day what would you do?
Hashiyan: Buy a washing machine and a fridge! and an oven!

Fan: When was your big turning point in your life?

Hashiyan: When I was born

 Mar 5, 2015 8:21 pm

 456 Notes


Utaite Quotes Round 3

un:c at 8:03 AM : Going to sleep ( ՞‫ٹ‬՞)
un:c at 7:57 PM : Wait. It’s night?

KK: I’ve learned not to fear the crows around dumpsters, and their sounds don’t bother me anymore.
Eve: Can you talk to them?
KK: Caw~
Eve: hahahah…… (dammit, I gotta do something about this bastard fast)
(* parody of Light’s line in Death Note)

Mafumafu: Soraru san resembles a snowman for some reason.

Soraru: I don’t know….
Mafumauf: You know, with the muffler and all!

Mafumafu: I’ve lost interest in women after I met Soraru san.

Interveiwer: What do you think about Touyu san?

Amatsuki: Going out to eat with him makes me happy. We can stroke our bellies and be happy.

Fan: What do you want to do if you can become a magical boy(mahoushounen)?

Kogeinu: I want to fight with my followers.

Samuraiman: It’s okay….. I practiced handle steering for one hour yesterday in the bathroom with my bowl, today’s
driving will be fine!

Itou Kashitarou: I can’t forgive you… Amatsuki-!! Buy me ramen!!

Itou Kashitarou: I know now. My attacks are meaningless to you, Amatsuki. I’ll act more mature.
Amatsuki: Eh wat

(At three in the morning on twitter)

Han: Haa….. I want your ass so hard….
TMDC: No… not that…..
Han: Ha….. no… accept me…
TMDC: Ah hyung….. (=neesan in japanese, kinda means brother)

Amatsuki: Kogeinu san, your name can also be read as Kogeken, so why don’t you write your name as コゲ犬
(kanji)-こげいぬ(kana)- too?
(* Amatsuki writes his name as Amatsuki(kanji)-amatsuki(kana)-, because his name can also be read in many other
ways such as tengetsu. the kana between the hyphens dictate how to read the kanji.)
Kogeinu: Somebody take him to the hospital

Fan: Work lol

Glutamine: No lol

Amatsuki: This is our first collab!

un:c: I like health and sex ed.
Amatsuki: I liked how we shouted together at the end!
un:c : I like health and sex ed.
Amatsuki: Please enjoy!
un:c: health and sex ed
Amatsuki: I don’t care anymore….
(Lost one’s weeping upload comment)
Soraru: Amatsuki offered to bath together and I refused, and I think he got grumpy.
Amatsuki: This is not what it sounds like
(* In asia it’s okay for same-sex people to bath together, See the Conan show korean spa clip for an idea…)

Soraru: Anyone who is cute, kind, good with kids, committed, hard-working and good at cooking and cute is good,
so will said person go out with me

Yuuto: A 31 year old man sings the song of an 18 year old boy w
(Lost Time Memory upload comment)

Itou Kashitarou: I thought the only reason I would appear on the news would be when I do something illegal and
become a convict, but then I realized that I would never have the guts to do so.
(After the info for his one man live came up on yahoo news)

DC: My followers are decreasing, but I’m hoping that all the people that are left are pretty girls. One can dream.
Fan: I’m a guy.
DC: Uh, sorry…

S!N: Hashiyan san, I’m not familiar with baseball, so maybe I could go watch a game with a high school girl.
Hashiyan: Police officer, come get this guy.

Underbar: For some reason Animal Crossing is getting popular. I’ve gotten it a while ago. I paid off my debts and
played a little while, but nobody visited me so I got lonely and sold it off.

Akatin: While I was asking Mafumafu to work on my songs, I touched his bu- no, it’s nothing.

Fan: Dasoku san! I left my house keys at my house by mistake! What do I do?
Dasoku: Move

Itou Kashitarou: Hashiyan san, did you have a good night? I didn’t, because Amatsuki was talking in his sleep all
Amatsuki: Idiiiooot Idiiiioooooot! I’m hungry, let’s go eat
Aho no Sakata: I'mhungryI'mhungryI'mhungryI'mhungry
(Saint Smiley 2GS members on their trip together, via twitter)

Itou Kashitarou: The world is much more kinder than I thought! I’ve been hiding my eyes and crouching, but the
world is nothing to be afraid of….? Wait…. I’m Mary? (Kagerou Project reference)

Soraru: Can I pay my delusion tax and become a pretty girl with big boobs
(Delusion Tax upload comment)

Fan: Can I go to your live performance alone?

Itou Kashitarou: I was alone most of my life anyways! Please come!
Michan: Like this, goodbyes always come
suddenly…….Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Help meeeeeeeee
(Tweet after he dropped his phone into water)

Fan: Have you ever been hurt because of love?

Itou Kashitarou: Never. I’ve never fallen in love in the first place.
Itou Kashitarou: Kekekeke.

luz: When I met up with Mafu kun and Uratan, they had the same hats and I went Eh (lets imagination go wild).
Mafumafu: Not only hats, but our shoes were the same color too.

Amatsuki: I had some time so I went to Mafu kun’s house with Kony to give him a birthday cake! It’s not his
birthday or anything by the way!
Mafumafu: Seriously what the heck, the bell was ringing so I got the door and I got my birthday celebrated.

Itou Kashitarou: I read that putting salt in your bath helps you relax. So I put in this. (picture of “Magic salt
Spice&herb) The basil clogged my pipes.
Itou Kashitarou: Oh well, happy lunar new year for the chinese people out there! Everyone, have a year full of
happiness! Even though my bath is full of basil…
Itou Kashitarou: I’m staring closely at the floating basil…. They won’t flow!!
Itou kashitarou: Well, at least I could tell everyone not to use magic salt in your bath….
Hashiyan: Everyone is telling me not to put edible salt in my bath, but nobody does that, not even in comedy shows.

Itou Kashitarou: I just updated my blog about the relation between pancakes and ramen.

 Feb 21, 2015 9:11 pm

 885 Notes


Salvage / Hashiyan rap arrange ver. (kanji)


[ A request for the kanji lyrics of Hashiyan’s ver. of osu’s Salvage.

Sorry about the wait! ]

Read More
Thank you! Sorry for being such a bother ;0;
 Feb 17, 2015 6:49 pm
 17 Notes

Utaite Quotes Round 2

Fan: Who was the utaite that was touching your butt today?
Mafumafu: It was Akatin.

Soraru: Mafu’s not coming. Should I go on and reserve the namahousou or not?
Lon: Maybe I can be Mafumafu for the day
Soraru: Let’s do this together for today then

Soraru: Good morning! I’m at a wedding today.

Ryokun: Congratulations Soraru san
Soraru: It’s not me
Kogeinu: Congratulations! Hope you’re happy!
Soraru : IT’S NOT ME

Kony: Can you hear me? Kony here. I found a song called Indulging: Metabolic Syndrome. Let us sing this friend
Yuuto: Yuuto here. I told you, this is about you. And that’s not what the title is.
(While singing Indulging: Idol syndrome)

Hashiyan: I knocked on Amatsuki’s room and Kashitarou came out from the room next door saying “What?”. wat
Amatsuki: I heard Hashiyan laughing and opened the door, what is this lol

Mafumafu: Soraru san un-blocked me…!!!!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

Hashiyan: Apparently I suck at bathing, turns out I spend much more time than average.

Itou Kashitarou: Rib san is probably the hottest(most ikeman) utaite out there.
Rib: What are you talking about…

Interviewer: What do you want to do in the future?

Amatsuki: After I do my solo live performance successfully, I want to become a power ranger!

Fan: Do you like boys or girls?

un:c: Honestly speaking, guys.

Touyu: Sorry, I ate one.

His sister: That’s fine.
Touyu: It was pretty good.
Sister: Well, it was melon.
Touyu: Wait, it wasn’t banana?
Amatsuki: When I stand here in the living room I can hear Sakata yelling “Rin Chan
kaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaayooooohooooo” from the second floor and it’s pretty funny.

Lon: I’ve never met him, but Kashitarou san appeared in my dream. We were on a beach and he was desperately
telling me “This cheesecake is awesome! Try it!” so I took it and it was seaweed.

Fan: Try this hashtag! #Tweetyourheightminus150letters

96Neko: Okay!
96Neko: #Tweetyourheightminus1
Soraru: That was funny
(96Neko’s height is 141.2cm so she has -9 letters)

Mafumafu: I see Soraru-san has blocked me, but I have made back up accounts in case this happens. Resistance is

Fan: Does Yuuto san come with the album as tokuten this time too?
Glutamine: Wherever you buy it, Yuuto san does not come with the album!

[Below is a big chunk of tweets all related to each other from various NND uploaders.]
[This one tweet started everything off…]

Fan: You really live to sing don’t you. Do you have anything of interest other than that?
Itou Kashitarou: Umm, your happiness, maybe….?

[And NND uploaders began to tease Itou with this phrase.]

Amatsuki: Umm, your happiness, maybe…?

Amatsuki: @Itou Kashitarou Your happiness, maybe?
Amatsuki: Things of interest? Umm, your happiness, maybe…?

Mafumafu: Things of interest? Umm, your happiness, maybe…?

(->Reply)Itou kashitarou: You guys are evil

Suzumu: Umm, your happiness, maybe…?

Fan: What is Suzumu-kun’s biggest thing of interest right now?
(->Reply)Suzumu: Umm, your happiness, maybe…?

Fan: What is Osamuraisan always thinking of, what do you play the guitar for?
(->Reply)Osamuraisan: Umm, your happiness, maybe…?

Fan: Sakatan, I have a question! What snack do you like the most for your live performances?
(->Reply)Aho no Sakata: Umm, your happiness, maybe…?

Fan: Who are you uploading for?

(->Reply)LeftyMonsterP: Umm, your happiness, maybe….?
Aho no Sakata:
Q. What is your favorite food?
A. Umm, your happiness, maybe….?
Q. What is your favorite drink?
A. Umm, your happiness, maybe….?
Q. Umm, your happiness, maybe….?
A. Umm, your happiness, maybe….?

Fan: What are you interested in besides singing?

(->reply) Rib: Umm, your happiness, maybe….?
Rib: Your happiness
Rib: KIMINO☆SHIAWASE(Your happiness in japanese)
Rib: While Kashitarou-san was interested in your happiness, I arrived at Fukuoka.

Fan: Underbar-san, are you interested in anything other than singing?

(->Reply) Underbar: Umm, your happiness, maybe….?

Mafumafu: [Itou Kashitarou] Your Happiness, Maybe…? [Original PV] (Parody of video upload)

Taiyaki Store: [Language Art] Problem 1. What is Itou Kashitarou interested in?
(->Reply) Soraru: Umm, money and women, maybe….?
Fan: [Language Art] Problem 1. What is Soraru interested in?
(->Reply) Soraru: Umm, your breasts, maybe….?
Fan: [Language Art] Problem 2. What is Mafumafu interested in?
(->Reply) Soraru: Umm, his own face, maybe….?

 Feb 13, 2015 12:50 am

 577 Notes

Sometimes I just watch the cof nicoradio clips and wonder why these amazingly talented people are such adorable
dorks. (btw the cat mask is itou’s but that’s actually un:c. Itou is laughing his head off in the back)

 Feb 10, 2015 9:35 am

 12 Notes

Utaite Quotes
a montage from twitter, namahousous, interviews and whatnot 

Amatsuki : “I like how Soraru reads his lines so mindlessly.”

Soraru : “There are conspiracies about how I speak like that in real life”
Amatsuki : “Are you a robot?”
Soraru : “(●ー●)I am Soramax”

Soraru : “I never thought I would cry at this age just because my Dragon Quest save file was corrupted.”

KK : “Ah, will someone please tell me something to wake me up”

Sui : “Hey, don’t you have something to apologize to me about?”
KK : “Eh? That’s scary… Sorry.”

Mafumafu : “Today is father’s day! What should I give him? Good morning everyone!”
Fan : “Wait, father’s day is tomorrow…”
Mafumafu : “Wait”

un:c : “For some reason, I was stopped and questioned by the police at the station. They took my bag and said "Is
this your bag? Can I see your wallet? Is this your wallet? Are you sure?” Do I look like a thief…?“

Zebra : "I should find hobbies that are calm. Like bungee jumping…”

Fan : “You look pretty busy, are you okay?”

Amatsuki : “I’m fine. I’m rotating between AmatsukiA, AmatsukiB, and AmatsukiC. We pay them a lot, too. We’re
still recruiting AmatsukiD.”

luz “I’m in a packed subway and a pretty girl has her face in my chest. Thank god I’m alive…. (Tears of joy)”

Kogeinu “It’s not loud, is it? Of course it’s not, it’s my voice loool”

Glutamine “Ultraohayo!!” (Ohayo means good morning)

Fan “I like short men! Go out with me!”
Hashiyan “Shut up!”

un:c “The hot bath in Kagoshima is really soft!”

Mafumafu “How does it feel?”
un:c “It feels like Mafumafu”
Mafumafu “Wow, it must be really soft!”

Kogeinu “I want to deliver some good news, what qualifies as good news?”
Soraru “Maybe getting a girlfriend”
Kogeinu “Dammit”

Soraru “Good morning! Everyone have a good day”

Sui “Soraru san, it’s still 10 pm.”

KOOL “"I don’t like thundeeeeerrrr I’m scaaaaarrrred” said un:c. He’s cute.“

Ashikubi "Nooo… Don’t go to work, I’m lonely.”

Ashikubi “You’re cute, there you go (smile)”
Ashikubi “Yeah, I’ll be a good boy now… I’ll wait at home”
Ashikubi “Thank you, I love you”

Amatsuki “I found a couple of good restaurants”

Itou Kashitarou “That’s great! Let’s go someday”
Amatsuki “I’ve learned that people who say "someday” tend not to come, so I won’t look forward to it.“
Itou Kashitarou "Just think that you got tricked and wait!”
Amatsuki “Aah, there you go, tricking people again, you sinful man”

Mafumafu “When I try to talk to people, it’s like time has stopped and nobody answers.
Wait, so I guess this is what they call magic…”

Eve “I want to follow someone who tweets only funny things, any recommendations?”
Natsushiro “That guy called Natsushiro looked really funny.”
Eve “ ”
Natsushiro “In front~ of a new~ door~ aren’t you~ feeling~ lonely~ (sings)”
*The lyrics of Sarishinohara

Mafumafu “I’m at a cafe with Amatsuki kun! … Why are they giving us two straws in a single drink…”


Soraru fact (source : utaite wiki)

 Usually, his avatars have black or dark blue hair, and blue eyes.
 He participated in the 0.5th Annual Singlink Chorus Competition 2009 (the event was only
officially made annual the following year, and this competition was renamed in retrospect) as
part of the chorus group B.L.Revolution. They sang "Iroha Uta" as their first entry, and
"magnet" in the third place runoff, eventually losing to the Orion Chorus Group. He also
participated as a solo artist in the website's 2nd General Utattemita Competition, covering
"Anata ni Hana wo, Watashi ni Uta wo" as his audition, and "Cantarella" (the mandatory song
for all male entrants) in the second round.
 He is 175.7 cm (5'9") tall and weighs 59.7 kg ( 131.616lb). [4]
 He has stated that he chose his utaite name because he likes the open sky [4]; the "sora" in
Soraru meaning "sky". In addition, his real name also contains the kanji character for "sky"
 He was inspired to become an utaite by fellow utaite Gazelle and Shachou.[4]
 His favorite VOCALOID song is Wanderlast by
 His favorite anime character is Eureka from Psalms of Planets Eureka seveN, often referring
to her as his "wife".[4]
 He likes to "troll" people on his Twitter, often using it to prank his friends.
 He likes to claim that he is only 17 years old even though he isn't.[6]
 His blood type is O.[1]
 Although many fans asked about his relationship with Lon, he always says that he has never
met her in real life before.[4] In SoraLon radio, they often pull jokes about it. On Twitter and in
namahousous, he likes to act as Lon's 'older brother' or sometimes 'father'.
 When he sings in a feminine voice, like in his "Usotsuki" cover, or edits his voice to sound
female, he is referred to as "Soraruko" by fans.
 He is quite good at the acoustic guitar, and sometimes accompanies his singing in his
 He was born in a coastal area of Miyagi prefecture, and currently lives in Yamagata
 He said that his real name is quite long (to the point where his name was cut off on a
nationwide mock exam[9]), containing 7 kanji characters altogether.[10]
 He does not like spicy food and thinks that people who like spicy food are weird and
 He is friends in real life with Remyu, kunkun and Mitea, with whom he attended college.
 Mafumafu thinks he's a tsundere, since Soraru has blocked and muted Mafumafu many
times on twitter.[12]
 He is the oldest son in his family. He has 2 younger brothers [13] and a little sister [14].
 He was born in the year of the Dragon and he is a Scorpio.
 He had up to 10 cats at once at his family's house. [15]
 His favourite sweets are cheescake and Mont Blanc, as stated in his Lazy Radio. [16]
 In his Lazy Radio question segment, he was asked whether he dyed his hair into bright
colours. His old high school would only allow black hair so he decided to keep it the same.
Upon graduating, he dyed his hair into a bright brown colour and realised that it did not suit
him at all. Shortly after, he gave up on dying his hair into bright shades. [17]
 His current avatar has white hair, red eyes, and a barcode under the left eye.
 His official mascot is a white teru teru bouzu with a drooling face ( ╹﹃╹), named Mafuteru.
He also has his "own" Twitter. It is often included in fanart of him.
 He likes cats and birds.[6]
 He likes playing the guitar and composing. [6]
 He also writes lyrics, most of his own songs and After The Rain songs are written by him.
 He likes food that contains a high water content. [6]
 He is happy when he goes to bed.[6]
 There is a running joke among his friends and on Twitter that he is narcissistic and is always
looking at himself in mirrors, earning him the nickname "Mafumen" (a portmanteau of
Mafumafu and ikemen).
 As a continuation of the mirror joke, the songs that he has produced are tagged with
"Kagami Mite ShisshinP" (鏡見て失神 P), which means "Looked in the mirror and
 In 2011, he promised that if he had 4000 watchers by the end of the year, he would dress as
a girl. True to his word, on January 28, 2012, he dressed as a girl and posted it on his blog.
 He is 178 cm (5'10")[8] tall and weighs about 60 kg.[citation needed]
 He looks up to Glutamine[9].
 In December 2011, his older brother had two children, making Mafumafu an uncle.
 Once on Twitter, he called himself big, and needing to eat less.[citation needed]
 He was performing live in different Japanese prefectures in August 2013 as guest member
of Circle of Friends.[10]
 He plays Mario Kart.[11]
 He likes red wine but it makes him sleepy.[12]
 He is allergic to cats.[13]
 Soraru commented that he is a masochist because he likes to eat spicy stuff very much.
 He loves the anime Gochiusa so much that he even has a Cocoa and Chino alarm clock.
 Mafumafu once tweeted that for every retweet and like he got on that post, he would buy x 1
yen worth of underwear. By the end, he spent 60,784 yen to buy 88 pairs. [14]
 He likes Kirby and has a lot of Kirby related goods.
 He dislikes bugs.
 His blood type is AB.
 He has composed a song for Osomatsu-san's anime, specifically the opening for its second
Mafumafu fact (source : utaite wiki)

 His current avatar has white hair, red eyes, and a barcode under the left eye.
 His official mascot is a white teru teru bouzu with a drooling face ( ╹﹃╹), named Mafuteru.
He also has his "own" Twitter. It is often included in fanart of him.
 He likes cats and birds.[6]
 He likes playing the guitar and composing. [6]
 He also writes lyrics, most of his own songs and After The Rain songs are written by him.
 He likes food that contains a high water content. [6]
 He is happy when he goes to bed.[6]
 There is a running joke among his friends and on Twitter that he is narcissistic and is always
looking at himself in mirrors, earning him the nickname "Mafumen" (a portmanteau of
Mafumafu and ikemen).
 As a continuation of the mirror joke, the songs that he has produced are tagged with
"Kagami Mite ShisshinP" (鏡見て失神 P), which means "Looked in the mirror and swoonedP".
 In 2011, he promised that if he had 4000 watchers by the end of the year, he would dress as
a girl. True to his word, on January 28, 2012, he dressed as a girl and posted it on his blog. [7]
 He is 178 cm (5'10")[8] tall and weighs about 60 kg.[citation needed]
 He looks up to Glutamine[9].
 In December 2011, his older brother had two children, making Mafumafu an uncle.
 Once on Twitter, he called himself big, and needing to eat less.[citation needed]
 He was performing live in different Japanese prefectures in August 2013 as guest member
of Circle of Friends.[10]
 He plays Mario Kart.[11]
 He likes red wine but it makes him sleepy.[12]
 He is allergic to cats.[13]
 Soraru commented that he is a masochist because he likes to eat spicy stuff very much.
 He loves the anime Gochiusa so much that he even has a Cocoa and Chino alarm clock.
 Mafumafu once tweeted that for every retweet and like he got on that post, he would buy x 1
yen worth of underwear. By the end, he spent 60,784 yen to buy 88 pairs. [14]
 He likes Kirby and has a lot of Kirby related goods.
 He dislikes bugs.
 His blood type is AB.
 He has composed a song for Osomatsu-san's anime, specifically the opening for its second

Luz fact (source : utaite wiki)

 He says that although he tries really hard at things he is interested in, he exerts very little
effort in things he has no interest in.[2]
 He has pride in the fact he has clear's autograph and has shaken hands with him. [2]
 The first thing he does when he gets home is to "dive into his bed". [2]
 He gets about 6-7 hours of sleep a night. [2]
 The things he pays attention to in a girl are voice, hair, and legs. [2]
 He likes meat, but dislikes fish.[2]
 He admires Ichijou Makoto (一条誠).[2]
 His favorite artists are Acid Black Cherry, Janne Da Arc, abingdon boys school, and KOKIA.
 His favorite manga are GANTZ (which he collects) and Great Teacher Onizuka.[2]
 His favorite magazine is Men's Spider, which he collects.[2]
 His favorite movies are Titanic and LEON.[2]
 His favorite games are Final Fantasy, the Tales series and Kingdom Hearts.[2]
 His favorite animals are dogs and cats and his favorite colors are black and white. [2]
 He likes girls who are masochists, spoiled, or perseverant, and dislikes those who are
people-pleasers, use harsh language, or act coldly. [2]
 He thinks that he was a microorganism in his past life. [2]
 He thinks his spirit animal is "Bananaman".[2]
 He gives himself candy to reward himself.[2]
 He feels happiest when he's being hugged. [2]
 The most expensive thing he has bought so far is his computer. [2]
 The thing he wants most is singing skill.[2]
 He would like to one day travel to Tokyo.[2]
 If he had to eat one thing every day for a month, it would be meat. [2]
 He resides in Fukui prefecture.[2]
 His name comes from the Spanish word for "light". [citation needed]
 The name of his first album, "tWoluz," comes from two + luz, which sounds like "truth," the
theme of the album.
 He stated in a TwitCast that he used to play the piano when we has little, however he has
forgotten how to.
 He's been seen writing English at fluent level in social media.

Ikasan fact (source : utaite wiki)

 Her videos are often tagged with "ikamen" (いかめん), which is a portmanteau of "Ikasan"
and "ikemen.
 She had a short-haired dachshund named Reina, who however died November 10, 2014[2]
 Since her name means "squid-san", sometimes she is depicted with a squid clip in her hair.
 She is 171 cm and weighs about 55 kg.[3]
 She is half-Korean and half-Japanese. [4]

Piko fact (source : utaite wiki)

 He was born in Hyogo Prefecture.[1]

 Piko's logo is ピ ω ゚コ, which is also the face for his small, white, mouse-like mascot,
affectionately known as "Pikochu" by himself and fans alike. Sekihan also has a similar
mascot named "Nyaahan".
 His artist name, Piko, is the namesake of a pet dog he has. [1]
 Piko's mother is the one who encouraged him to upload covers onto Nico Nico Douga [1], and
allegedly accepted his decision to go into music professionally much more quickly than his
father. In tribute to her, he copies her hairstyle.[citation needed]
 He made cooking videos in year 2008 and 2009 to celebrate Jegyll's birthday, Sekihan's
debut as utaite and Christmas.
 He got celebration videos from other utaite in year 2008, 2009 and 2010 to celebrate his
debut as utaite.
 His favorite colors are pink, red, black, and white.
Nqrse fact (source : utaite wiki)

 He is 170cm tall (5'7")[5].

 His bloodtype is B [6].
 He lived in Nagasaki before moving to Tokyo [7].
 He is afraid of earthquakes [8]. When living there, he has to experience even more of them
that he still can't get used to it[9].
 He had a cat named "Tada" because, he had rescued it from the earthquake. It became free
(it now has a place to live) when it was brought it to his home. [10] Though he wants to bring it
to his hometown with him, it's still living with his mother.
 He likes to drink mochaccino, and enjoys tweeting pictures of it [11]. He even
recommended Natsushiro Takaaki to try it [12].
 He loves reading girl manga [13].
 His favorite fruit is the peach [14].
 He is called "a pig" or "debu", "nqrse-chan" by his close friends.
 nqrse loves to play Splatoon and his fated enemy is Soraru. They often play together but
either sit in opposite teams or create solo fights. There are at least 2 live broadcasts in which
the duo fight against each other for more than 3 hours. On the other hand, nqrse also plays
Splatoon with Natsushiro Takaakiin team mode. Both fellows have similar tactics: both are
best as far shooters. nqrse is a serial killer in this game. [15].
 He wears glasses at home and contacts when he's going out. His eyesight is 0.2. [16].
 It appears that he gets sick often. On his Twitter, he usually posts updates on his health, and
sometimes posts videos to show that he feels ill. [17] [18] [19]
 He didn't want his avatar to be a handsome anime version of himself, so he chose to design
a girl that he thinks it's cute.

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